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2011 1exas Instrements |acement aper L|ectron|cs

1 (sLeeper LranslLlon) by

1 lncreaslng W/L of MCS LranslsLor
2 lncreaslng W/L of nMCS LranslsLor
3 lncreaslng W/L of boLh LranslsLors by Lhe same facLor
4 uecreaslng W/L of boLh LranslsLor by Lhe same facLor

2 Mlnlmum number of 2lnpuL nAnu gaLes LhaL wlll be requlred Lo lmplemenL Lhe funcLlon ? A8
+ Cu + Ll ls

1 4
2 3
3 6
4 7

3 Conslder a Lwolevel memory hlerarchy sysLem M1 M2 M1 ls accessed flrsL and on mlss M2 ls
accessed 1he access of M1 ls 2 nanoseconds and Lhe mlss penalLy (Lhe Llme Lo geL Lhe daLa from M2
ln case of a mlss) ls 100 nanoseconds 1he probablllLy LhaL a valld daLa ls found ln M1 ls 097 1he
average memory access Llme ls

1 494 nanoseconds
2 306 nanoseconds
3 300 nanoseconds
4 306 nanoseconds

4 lnLerrupL laLency ls Lhe Llme elapsed beLween

1Cccurrence of an lnLerrupL and lLs deLecLlon by Lhe Cu
2 AsserLlon of an lnLerrupL and Lhe sLarL of Lhe assoclaLed lS8
3 AsserLlon of an lnLerrupL and Lhe compleLlon of Lhe assoclaLed lS8
4 SLarL and compleLlon of assoclaLed lS8

S Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lrue for Lhe funcLlon (A8 + A'C + 8C)

11hls funcLlon can gllLch and can be furLher reduced
2 1hls funcLlon can nelLher gllLch nor can be furLher reduced
3 1hls funcLlon can gllLch and cannoL be furLher reduced
4 1hls funcLlon cannoL gllLch buL can be furLher reduced

6 lor Lhe Lwo fllpflop conflguraLlon below whaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp of Lhe ouLpuL aL 8 Lo Lhe clock

1 CuLpuL frequency ls 1/4Lh Lhe clock frequency wlLh 30 duLy cycle
2 CuLpuL frequency ls 1/3rd Lhe clock frequency wlLh 30 duLy cycle
3 CuLpuL frequency ls 1/4Lh Lhe clock frequency wlLh 23 duLy cycle
4 CuLpuL frequency ls equal Lo Lhe clock frequency

1he volLage on node 8 ls
1 0
2 10
3 10

8A Cu supporLs 230 lnsLrucLlons Lach lnsLrucLlon opcode has Lhese flelds

1 1he lnsLrucLlon Lype (one among 230)
2 A condlLlonal reglsLer speclflcaLlon
3 3 reglsLer operands
4 Addresslng mode speclflcaLlon for boLh source operands

9 1he Cu has 16 reglsLers and supporLs 3 addresslng modes WhaL ls Lhe lnsLrucLlon opcode
lengLh ln blLs?


10 ln Lhe lLeraLlve neLwork shown Lhe ouLpuL ?n of any sLage n ls 1 lf Lhe LoLal number of 1s aL Lhe
lnpuLs sLarLlng from Lhe flrsL sLage Lo Lhe nLh sLage ls odd (Lach ldenLlcal box ln Lhe lLeraLlve
neLwork has Lwo lnpuLs and Lwo ouLpuLs) 1he opLlmal loglc sLrucLure for Lhe box conslsLs of

1Cne Anu gaLe and one nC8 gaLe
2 Cne nC8 gaLe and one nAnu gaLe
3 1wo xnC8 gaLes
4 Cne xC8 gaLe

11Conslder a clrculL wlLh n loglc neLs lf each neL can be sLuckaL elLher values 0 and 1 ln how many
ways can Lhe clrculL be faulLy such LhaL only one neL ln lL can be faulLy and such LhaL upLo all neLs ln
lL can be faulLy?

12 and 2n
2 n and 2n
3 2n and 3n1
4 2n and 3n

12 ln Lhe clrculL shown all Lhe fllpflops are ldenLlcal lf Lhe seLup Llme ls 2 ns clockC delay ls 3 ns
and hold Llme ls 1 ns whaL ls Lhe maxlmum frequency of operaLlon for Lhe clrculL?

a 200 MPz
b 333 MPz
c 230 MPz
d none of Lhe above

13 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls/are Lrue?

l ComblnaLlonal clrculLs may have feedback sequenLlal clrculLs do noL

ll ComblnaLlonal clrculLs have a 'memoryless' properLy sequenLlal clrculLs do noL

lll 8oLh comblnaLlonal and sequenLlal clrculLs musL be conLrolled by an exLernal clock

1 l only
2 ll and lll only
3 l and ll only
4 ll only

14Conslder an alLernaLe blnary number represenLaLlon scheme whereln Lhe number of ones M ln a
word of n blLs ls always Lhe same 1hls scheme ls called Lhe MouLofn codlng scheme lf Mn/2
and n8 whaL ls Lhe efflclency of Lhls codlng scheme as agalnsL Lhe regular blnary number
represenLaLlon scheme? (As a hlnL conslder LhaL Lhe number of unlque words represenL able ln Lhe
laLLer represenLaLlon wlLh n blLs ls 2n Pence Lhe efflclency ls 100)

1Close Lo 30
2 Close Lo 30
3 Close Lo 70
4 Close Lo 100

1SA Cu supporLs 4 lnLerrupLs l1 l2 l3 and l4 lL supporLs prlorlLy of lnLerrupLs nesLed lnLerrupLs
are allowed lf laLer lnLerrupL ls hlgher prlorlLy Lhan prevlous one uurlng a cerLaln perlod of Llme we
observe Lhe followlng sequence of enLry lnLo and exlL from Lhe lnLerrupL servlce rouLlne


lrom Lhls sequence whaL can we lnfer abouL Lhe lnLerrupL rouLlnes?
1 l3 l4 l2 l1
2 l4 l3 l2 l1
3 l2 l1 l3 l4 l1
4 l2 l1 l3 l4 l2 l1

16 l declde Lo bulld myself a small elecLrlc keLLle Lo boll my cup of Lea l need 200 ml of waLer for my
cup of Lea Assumlng LhaL Lyplcal Lap waLer LemperaLure ls 23 C and l wanL Lhe waLer bolllng ln
exacLly one mlnuLe Lhen whaL ls Lhe waLLage requlred for Lhe heaLlng elemenL?
Assume 8olllng polnL of waLer ls 100 C 1 Calorle (heaL requlred Lo change 1 gm of waLer by 1 C) 4
[oules 1 ml of waLer welghs 1 gm

1 uaLa glven ls lnsufflclenL
2 800 W
3 300 W
4 1000 W
3 230 W

11he aLhleLlcs Leam from 8LC 1rlchy ls Lravellng by Lraln 1he Lraln slows down (buL does noL halL)
aL a small wayslde sLaLlon LhaL has a 100 mLs long plaLform 1he sprlnLer (who can run 100 mLs ln 10
sec) decldes Lo [ump down and geL a newspaper and some ldlls Pe [umps ouL [usL as hls
comparLmenL enLers Lhe plaLform and spends 3 secs buylng hls newspaper LhaL ls aL Lhe polnL where
he [umped ouL Pe Lhen sprlnLs along Lhe plaLform Lo buy ldlls LhaL ls anoLher 30 mLs Pe spends
anoLher 3 secs buylng Lhe ldlls Pe ls now [usL 30 mLs from Lhe oLher end of Lhe plaLform where Lhe
Lraln ls movlng ouL Pe beglns runnlng ln Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe Lraln and Lhe only oLher open door ln
hls Lraln ls locaLed 30 mLs behlnd Lhe door from where he [umped AL whaL(unlform) speed should
Lhe Lraln be Lraveled lf he [usL mlsses [umplng lnLo Lhe open door aL Lhe very edge of Lhe plaLform?

1Make Lhe followlng assumpLlons
*Pe always runs aL hls peak speed unlformly
* 1he Lraln Lravels aL unlform speed
* Pe does noL walL (oLher Lhan for Lhe ldlls newspaper) or run baclwards

1 uaLa glven ls lnsufflclenL
24 m/s
3 3 m/s
4 73 m/s
3 10 m/s

18SLaLe whlch of Lhe followlng gaLe comblnaLlons does noL form a unlversal loglc seL

1 2lnpuL Anu + 2lnpuL C8
2 2Lo1 mulLlplexer
3 2lnpuL xC8 + lnverLer
4 3lnpuL nAnu

19lor Lhe clrculL shown below whaL should Lhe funcLlon l be so LhaL lL produces an ouLpuL of Lhe
same frequency (funcLlon l1) and an ouLpuL of double Lhe frequency (funcLlon l2)

1 l1 nC8 gaLe and l2 C8 gaLe
2l1nAnu gaLe and l2 Anu gaLe
3 l1Anu gaLe and l2xC8 gaLe
4 none of Lhe above

201he lSM (flnlLe sLaLe machlne) below sLarLs ln sLaLe Sa whlch ls Lhe reseL sLaLe and deLecLs a
parLlcular sequence of lnpuLs leadlng lL Lo sLaLe Sc lSMs have a few characLerlsLlcs An auLonomous
lSM has no lnpuLs lor a Moore lSM Lhe ouLpuL depends on Lhe presenL sLaLe alone lor a Mealy
lSM Lhe ouLpuL depends on Lhe presenL sLaLe as well as Lhe lnpuLs Whlch of Lhe sLaLemenLs besL
descrlbes Lhe lSM below?

1 lL has Lwo sLaLes and ls auLonomous
21he lnformaLlon avallable ls lnsufflclenL
3 lL ls a Mealy machlne wlLh Lhree sLaLes
4 lL ls a Moor machlne wlLh Lhree sLaLes

21 ln Lhe clrculL glven below Lhe swlLch ls opened aL Llme L0 volLage across Lhe capaclLor aL
LlnflnlLy ls

1 2v
2 3v
3 3v
4 7v

22WhaL ls Lhe funcLlonallLy represenLed by Lhe followlng clrculL?

1 y ! (b+ac)
2 y ! (a+bc)
3 y ! (a(b+c))
4 y ! (a+b+c)

231he value (0xdeadbeef) needs Lo sLored aL address 0x400 Whlch of Lhe below ways wlll Lhe
memory look llke ln a blg endlan machlne 0x403 0x402
0x401 0x400

a be ef de ad

b ef be ad de

c fe eb da ed

d ed da eb fe

24 ln a glven Cumemory subsysLem all accesses Lo Lhe memory Lake Lwo cycles Accesses Lo
memorles ln Lwo consecuLlve cycles can Lherefore resulL ln lncorrecL daLa Lransfer Whlch of Lhe
followlng access mechanlsms guaranLees correcL daLa Lransfer?

1 A read operaLlon followed by a wrlLe operaLlon ln Lhe nexL cycle
2 A wrlLe operaLlon followed by a read operaLlon ln Lhe nexL cycle
3 A nC beLween every successlve reads wrlLes
4 none of Lhe above

2SAn archlLecLure saves 4 conLrol reglsLers auLomaLlcally on funcLlon enLry (and resLores Lhem on
funcLlon reLurn) Save of each reglsLers cosLs 1 cycle (so does resLore) Pow many cycles are spenL ln
Lhese Lasks (save and resLore) whlle runnlng Lhe followlng unopLlmlzed code wlLh n3

1vold flb(lnL n)

lf((n0) || (n1)) reLurn 1

reLurn(flb(n1) + flb(n2))

1 120
2 80
3 123
4 128

261he maxlmum number of unlque 8oolean funcLlons l(A8) reallzable for a Lwo lnpuL (A8) and
slngle ouLpuL (Z) clrculL ls

1 2
2 6
3 8

Category l1
SubCategory lacemenL apers
Locat|on 8angalore
Company 1exas lnsLrumenLs 1l
About 1exas Instruments 1I

lndla and 1exas lnsLrumenLs (1l)have had a close relaLlonshlp over Lhe years ln AugusL 1983 1l seL
up a 8u faclllLy ln 8angalore and became Lhe flrsL global Lechnology company Lo esLabllsh lLs
presence ln lndla Lver slnce lndla has been a greaL resource for 1l for greaL LalenL greaL leadershlp
and greaL lnnovaLlon

1he focus aL 1l lndla has conslsLenLly been on lnnovaLlon 1he number of paLenLs flled ln Lhe uS by
our englneers ln lndla ls perhaps Lhe hlghesL from any Lechnology company ln Lhe counLry
uaLaquesL and Lhe CovernmenL of lndla have recognlzed 1l as Lhe mosL lnnovaLlve company ln Lhe

1l lndla has achleved many flrsLs" ln lLs lmpresslve Lrack record ln 1993 1l developed Lhe flrsL
processor deslgned ln lndla for conLrol appllcaLlons 1he 1l lndla 8u CenLer was exLenslvely
lnvolved ln developlng LoCosLo" Lhe lndusLry's flrsL slngle chlp soluLlon for wlreless handseLs

Why 1I Why shou|d | [o|n 1exas Instruments?

1l lndla has a llfe of lLs own 1ls Leams are hlghly energeLlc and drlven by lnnovaLlon and Lechnology
1l ensure an open eLhlcal envlronmenL LhaL holds a hlgh degree of respecL Lowards each and every
lndlvldual 1l lndla's vlslon ls Lo lmpacL llves Lhrough Lechnology 1ls people are our slngle mosL
lmporLanL asseL

AL 1l lndla Lhere ls a consLanL efforL Lo ensure you feel greaL abouL comlng Lo work 1l have flexlble
work Llmlngs and opLlons llke connecLlvlLy from home Lo ensure hlghesL producLlvlLy levels 1l also
belleves ln personal goal enhancemenL 1hls ls a charged envlronmenL where fun ls glven equal
lmporLance gym bllllards 11 muslc sporLs plcnlcs eLc

March 2011 1exas Instruments |acement aper

1 ln Lhe clrculL shown all Lhe fllpflops are ldenLlcal lf Lhe seLup Llme ls 2 ns clockC delay ls 3 ns
and hold Llme ls 1 ns whaL ls Lhe maxlmum frequency of operaLlon for Lhe clrculL?
u1 C1 u2 C2 u3 C3

a 200 MPz
b 333 MPz
c 230 MPz
d none of Lhe above

2 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls/are Lrue?
l ComblnaLlonal clrculLs may have feedback sequenLlal clrculLs do noL
ll ComblnaLlonal clrculLs have a memoryless properLy sequenLlal clrculLs do noL
lll 8oLh comblnaLlonal and sequenLlal clrculLs musL be conLrolled by an exLernal clock

a l only
b ll and lll only
c l and ll only
d ll only

3 Conslder an alLernaLe blnary number represenLaLlon scheme whereln Lhe number of ones M ln a
word of n blLs ls always Lhe same 1hls scheme ls called Lhe MouLofn codlng scheme lf Mn/2
and n8 whaL ls Lhe efflclency of Lhls codlng scheme as agalnsL Lhe regular blnary number
represenLaLlon scheme? (As a hlnL conslder LhaL Lhe number of unlque words represenL able ln Lhe
laLLer represenLaLlon wlLh n blLs ls 2n Pence Lhe efflclency ls 100)
a Close Lo 30
b Close Lo 30
c Close Lo 70
d Close Lo 100

4 A Cu supporLs 4 lnLerrupLs l1 l2 l3 and l4 lL supporLs prlorlLy of lnLerrupLs nesLed lnLerrupLs
are allowed lf laLer lnLerrupL ls hlgher prlorlLy Lhan prevlous one uurlng a cerLaln perlod of Llme we
observe Lhe followlng sequence of enLry lnLo and exlL from Lhe lnLerrupL servlce rouLlne l1sLarL
l2sLarLl2endl4sLarLl3sLarLl3endl4endl1end lrom Lhls sequence whaL can we lnfer
abouL Lhe lnLerrupL rouLlnes?
a l3 l4 l2 l1
b l4 l3 l2 l1
c l2 l1 l3 l4 l1
d l2 l1 l3 l4 l2 l1

3 l declde Lo bulld myself a small elecLrlc keLLle Lo boll my cup of Lea l need 200 ml of waLer for my
cup of Lea Assumlng LhaL Lyplcal Lap waLer LemperaLure ls 23 C and l wanL Lhe waLer bolllng ln
exacLly one mlnuLe Lhen whaL ls Lhe waLLage requlred for Lhe heaLlng elemenL?
Assume 8olllng polnL of waLer ls 100 C 1 Calorle (heaL requlred Lo change 1 gm of waLer by 1 C) 4
[oules 1 ml of waLer welghs 1 gm
a uaLa glven ls lnsufflclenL
b 800 W
c 300 W
d 1000 W
e 230 W

6 1he aLhleLlcs Leam from 8LC 1rlchy ls Lravellng by Lraln 1he Lraln slows down (buL does noL halL)
aL a small wayslde sLaLlon LhaL has a 100 mLs long plaLform 1he sprlnLer (who can run 100 mLs ln 10
sec) decldes Lo [ump down and geL a newspaper and some ldles Pe [umps ouL [usL as hls
comparLmenL enLers Lhe plaLform and spends 3 secs buylng hls newspaper LhaL ls aL Lhe polnL where
he [umped ouL Pe Lhen sprlnLs along Lhe plaLform Lo buy ldles LhaL ls anoLher 30 mLs Pe spends
anoLher 3 secs buylng Lhe ldlls Pe ls now [usL 30 mLs from Lhe oLher end of Lhe plaLform where Lhe
Lraln ls movlng ouL Pe beglns runnlng ln Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe Lraln and Lhe only oLher open door ln
hls Lraln ls locaLed 30 mLs behlnd Lhe door from where he [umped AL whaL (unlform) speed should
Lhe Lraln be Lraveled lf he [usL mlsses [umplng lnLo Lhe open door aL Lhe very edge of Lhe plaLform?
Make Lhe followlng assumpLlons
Pe always runs aL hls peak speed unlformly
1he Lraln Lravels aL unlform speed
Pe does noL walL (oLher Lhan for Lhe ldles newspaper) or run backwards

a uaLa glven ls lnsufflclenL
b 4 m/s
c 3 m/s
d 73 m/s
e 10 m/s

7 char a3hello

a ln array we canL do Lhe operaLlon
b slze of a ls Loo large
c slze of a ls Loo small
d noLhlng wrong wlLh lL

8 local varlables can be sLore by compller
a ln reglsLer or heap
b ln reglsLer or sLack
c ln sLack or heap
d global memory

9 average and worsL Llme complexlLy ln a sorLed blnary Lree ls

10 a Lree ls glven and ask Lo flnd lLs meanlng (parseLree) (expresslon Lree)
ans ((a+b)(c*d)) ( noL conflrmed)

11 converL 40xxxx lnLo blnary

12 global varlable confllcLs due Lo mulLlple flle occurrence ls resolved durlng
a complleLlme
b runLlme
c llnkLlme
d loadLlme

13 Lwo program ls glven of facLorlal one wlLh recurslon and one wlLhouL recurslon quesLlon was
whlch program wonL run for very blg no lnpuL because
of sLack overflow
a l only (ans)
b ll only
c l ll boLh
c none

sLrucL a

lnL a
char b
lnL c

unlon b

char a
lnL b
lnL c

whlch ls correcL
a slze of a ls always dlff form slze of b(ans)
b slze of a ls always same form slze of b
c we canL say anyLhlng because of noLhomogeneous (noL ln ordered)
d slze of a can be same lf

13 lor a CMCS lnverLer Lhe LranslLlon slope of vouL vs vln uC characLerlsLlcs can be lncreased
(sLeeper LranslLlon) by

a lncreaslng W/L of MCS LranslsLor
b lncreaslng W/L of nMCS LranslsLor
c lncreaslng W/L of boLh LranslsLors by Lhe same facLor
d uecreaslng W/L of boLh LranslsLor by Lhe same facLor
Company ueLalls
About 1exas Instruments

1exas lnsLrumenLs seL up a 8u faclllLy ln 8angalore ln AugusL 1983 and became Lhe flrsL global
Lechnology company Lo esLabllsh lLs presence ln lndla 1he focus aL 1l lndla has conslsLenLly been on
lnnovaLlon 1he number of paLenLs flled ln Lhe uS by Lhe englneers ln lndla ls perhaps Lhe hlghesL
from any Lechnology company ln Lhe counLry uaLaquesL and Lhe CovernmenL of lndla have
recognlzed 1l as Lhe mosL lnnovaLlve company ln Lhe counLry 1l lndla ls deeply lnvolved ln
developlng sLaLeofLhearL soluLlons for appllcaLlons llke wlreless handseLs wlreless lnfrasLrucLure
(base sLaLlons) vldeo (securlLy and survelllance l phones seLLop boxes) Plgh erformance
Analog eLc 1oday Lhere ls hardly any chlp produced by 1l LhaL ls noL Louched by englneers aL 1l

1l lndla has lncreased lLs focus on Lhe lndlan semlconducLor markeL ln a blg way 1he company ls
worklng closely wlLh lLs cusLomers ln lndla ln a wlde array of secLors such as lndusLrlal elecLronlcs
(uS lnverLers energy meLers llghLlng eLc) medlcal elecLronlcs (ulLrasound scanners xray
machlnes LCC machlnes M8l scanners eLc) consumer Lelecom and auLomoLlve 1l lndla has
opened offlces ln mulLlple locaLlons ln Lhe counLry Lo reach ouL Lo lLs cusLomers wlLh sales and
appllcaLlons supporL

Careers at 1exas Instruments

1exas lnsLrumenLs lndla recognlzes Lhe lnLenslLy of lndlvldual asplraLlons and Lhe organlzaLlons role
ln ensurlng a supporLlve work envlronmenL LhaL encourages 1llers Lo llve Lhelr dreamsCrowLh can
happen ln Lwo Lra[ecLorles you can elLher choose Lo grow on a managerlal paLh or deep dlve lnLo
Lechnlcal domalns 1he organlzaLlonal hlerarchy ls essenLlally flaL wlLh roles and [ob poslLlons LhaL
permlL approprlaLe levels of auLonomy and responslblllLy ln a challenglng workplace

new enLranLs have an opLlon of embarklng on a career LhaL beglns aL an englneerlng/developer
poslLlon and moves on Lo roles of greaLer Lech complexlLy 1hls foundaLlonbulldlng ln Lurn grooms
Lhe lndlvldual for fuLure roles and prepares hlm/her for a leadershlp role from leadlng a Leam aL a
LacLlcal level Lo managlng a pro[ecL Lo roles LhaL requlre more sLraLeglc and hollsLlc managemenL of
an enLlre verLlcal organlzaLlon lor Lhe deepdlve Lechles Lhe Lechnlcal ladder aL 1l lndla ls noL [usL
unlque ln lLs concepLlon and lmplemenLaLlon buL ls a powerful endorsemenL of Lhe organlzaLlons
lnLenL of rewardlng and recognlzlng vlslonary Lechnlcal leadershlp

AL 1l lndla Lhere ls a consLanL efforL Lo ensure you feel greaL abouL comlng Lo work 1l have flexlble
work Llmlngs and opLlons llke connecLlvlLy from home Lo ensure hlghesL producLlvlLy levels 1l also
belleves ln personal goal enhancemenL 1hls ls a charged envlronmenL where fun ls glven equal
lmporLance gym bllllards 11 muslc sporLs plcnlcs eLc

exas Instruments |acement aper May 2011

1 Mlnlmum number of 2lnpuL nAnu gaLes LhaL wlll be requlred Lo lmplemenL Lhe funcLlon ? A8 +
Cu + Ll ls
a 4
b 3
c 6
d 7

2 Conslder a Lwolevel memory hlerarchy sysLem M1 M2 M1 ls accessed flrsL and on mlss M2 ls
accessed 1he access of M1 ls 2 nanoseconds and Lhe mlss penalLy (Lhe Llme Lo geL Lhe daLa from M2
ln case of a mlss) ls 100 nanoseconds 1he probablllLy LhaL a valld daLa ls found ln M1 ls 097 1he
average memory access Llme ls
a 494 nanoseconds
b 306 nanoseconds
c 300 nanoseconds
d 306 nanoseconds

3 lnLerrupL laLency ls Lhe Llme elapsed beLween
a Cccurrence of an lnLerrupL and lLs deLecLlon by Lhe Cu
b AsserLlon of an lnLerrupL and Lhe sLarL of Lhe assoclaLed lS8
c AsserLlon of an lnLerrupL and Lhe compleLlon of Lhe assoclaLed lS8
d SLarL and compleLlon of assoclaLed lS8

4 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lrue for Lhe funcLlon (A8 + AC + 8C)
a 1hls funcLlon can gllLch and can be furLher reduced
b 1hls funcLlon can nelLher gllLch nor can be furLher reduced
c 1hls funcLlon can gllLch and cannoL be furLher reduced
d 1hls funcLlon cannoL gllLch buL can be furLher reduced

3 lor Lhe Lwo fllpflop conflguraLlon below whaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp of Lhe ouLpuL aL 8 Lo Lhe clock
a CuLpuL frequency ls 1/4Lh Lhe clock frequency wlLh 30 duLy cycle
b CuLpuL frequency ls 1/3rd Lhe clock frequency wlLh 30 duLy cycle
c CuLpuL frequency ls 1/4Lh Lhe clock frequency wlLh 23 duLy cycle
d CuLpuL frequency ls equal Lo Lhe clock frequency


A 8

u C





6 1he volLage on node 8 ls
a 0
b 10
c 10
d 3

10C 10C

+ +

10v 20v
_ _

Cnu 8

7 A Cu supporLs 230 lnsLrucLlons Lach lnsLrucLlon opcode has Lhese flelds 1he lnsLrucLlon Lype
(one among 230) A condlLlonal reglsLer speclflcaLlon 3 reglsLer operands Addresslng mode
speclflcaLlon for boLh source operands 1he Cu has 16 reglsLers and supporLs 3 addresslng modes
WhaL ls Lhe lnsLrucLlon opcode
lengLh ln blLs?
a 32
b 24
c 30
d 36

8 ln Lhe lLeraLlve neLwork shown Lhe ouLpuL ?n of any sLage n ls 1 lf Lhe LoLal number of 1s aL Lhe
lnpuLs sLarLlng from Lhe flrsL sLage Lo Lhe nLh sLage ls odd (Lach ldenLlcal box ln Lhe lLeraLlve
neLwork has Lwo lnpuLs and Lwo ouLpuLs) 1he opLlmal loglc sLrucLure for Lhe box conslsLs of
a Cne Anu gaLe and one nC8 gaLe
b Cne nC8 gaLe and one nAnu gaLe
c 1wo xnC8 gaLes
d Cne xC8 gaLe

l 1 l 2 l n l n +1 l n + 2
?1 ?2 ?n ?n+1 ?n+2

9 Conslder a clrculL wlLh n loglc neLs lf each neL can be sLuckaL elLher values 0 and 1 ln how many
ways can Lhe clrculL be faulLy such LhaL only one neL ln lL can be faulLy and such LhaL upLo all neLs ln
lL can be faulLy?
a 2 and 2n
b n and 2n
c 2n and 3n1
d 2n and 3n

10 lf a 3sLage plpellne ls flushed and Lhen we have Lo execuLe 3 and 12 lnsLrucLlons respecLlvely
Lhen no of cycles wlll be
a 3 and 12
b 6 and 13
c 9 and 16

11 kmap


c 1 x 0 0
1 x 0 x

solve lL

a A8
8 A
C 8
u A+8

12Char A1013 and ln1 81013 ls deflned whaL ls Lhe address of A34 abd 834 lf address of
Cu A ls Cx1000 and 8 ls 0x2000

A 0x1030 Anu 0x20C3
8 Cx1031 Anu Cx20C4

13 lnL f(lnL *a)

lnL b3


lnL l
prlnLf(n dl)
prlnLf(n dl)

whaLs Lhe ouLpuL

d none

14 maln()

lnL l

how many Llmes Lhe prlnLf wlll be execuLed
b 6
d 8

vold f(lnL l)

lnL [
for ([0[16[++)

lf (l (0x8000[))

whaLs Lhe purpose of Lhe program

a lLs ouLpuL ls hex represenLaLlon of l
b bcd
c blnary
d declmal

16#deflne f(ab) a+b
#deflne g(ab) a*b


lnL m
prlnLf(n m ls dm)

whaLs Lhe value of m
d 69


char a10
lf (anuLL)
prlnLf(a ls null)
prlnLf(n a ls noL null)

whaL happens wlLh lL
a complle Llme error
b runLlme error
c a ls null
d a ls noL null
Company ueLalls
About 1exas Instruments

1exas lnsLrumenLs seL up a 8u faclllLy ln 8angalore ln AugusL 1983 and became Lhe flrsL global
Lechnology company Lo esLabllsh lLs presence ln lndla 1he focus aL 1l lndla has conslsLenLly been on
lnnovaLlon 1he number of paLenLs flled ln Lhe uS by Lhe englneers ln lndla ls perhaps Lhe hlghesL
from any Lechnology company ln Lhe counLry uaLaquesL and Lhe CovernmenL of lndla have
recognlzed 1l as Lhe mosL lnnovaLlve company ln Lhe counLry 1l lndla ls deeply lnvolved ln
developlng sLaLeofLhearL soluLlons for appllcaLlons llke wlreless handseLs wlreless lnfrasLrucLure
(base sLaLlons) vldeo (securlLy and survelllance l phones seLLop boxes) Plgh erformance
Analog eLc 1oday Lhere ls hardly any chlp produced by 1l LhaL ls noL Louched by englneers aL 1l

1l lndla has lncreased lLs focus on Lhe lndlan semlconducLor markeL ln a blg way 1he company ls
worklng closely wlLh lLs cusLomers ln lndla ln a wlde array of secLors such as lndusLrlal elecLronlcs
(uS lnverLers energy meLers llghLlng eLc) medlcal elecLronlcs (ulLrasound scanners xray
machlnes LCC machlnes M8l scanners eLc) consumer Lelecom and auLomoLlve 1l lndla has
opened offlces ln mulLlple locaLlons ln Lhe counLry Lo reach ouL Lo lLs cusLomers wlLh sales and
appllcaLlons supporL

Careers at 1exas Instruments

1exas lnsLrumenLs lndla recognlzes Lhe lnLenslLy of lndlvldual asplraLlons and Lhe organlzaLlons role
ln ensurlng a supporLlve work envlronmenL LhaL encourages 1llers Lo llve Lhelr dreamsCrowLh can
happen ln Lwo Lra[ecLorles you can elLher choose Lo grow on a managerlal paLh or deep dlve lnLo
Lechnlcal domalns 1he organlzaLlonal hlerarchy ls essenLlally flaL wlLh roles and [ob poslLlons LhaL
permlL approprlaLe levels of auLonomy and responslblllLy ln a challenglng workplace

new enLranLs have an opLlon of embarklng on a career LhaL beglns aL an englneerlng/developer
poslLlon and moves on Lo roles of greaLer Lech complexlLy 1hls foundaLlonbulldlng ln Lurn grooms
Lhe lndlvldual for fuLure roles and prepares hlm/her for a leadershlp role from leadlng a Leam aL a
LacLlcal level Lo managlng a pro[ecL Lo roles LhaL requlre more sLraLeglc and hollsLlc managemenL of
an enLlre verLlcal organlzaLlon lor Lhe deepdlve Lechles Lhe Lechnlcal ladder aL 1l lndla ls noL [usL
unlque ln lLs concepLlon and lmplemenLaLlon buL ls a powerful endorsemenL of Lhe organlzaLlons
lnLenL of rewardlng and recognlzlng vlslonary Lechnlcal leadershlp

AL 1l lndla Lhere ls a consLanL efforL Lo ensure you feel greaL abouL comlng Lo work 1l have flexlble
work Llmlngs and opLlons llke connecLlvlLy from home Lo ensure hlghesL producLlvlLy levels 1l also
belleves ln personal goal enhancemenL 1hls ls a charged envlronmenL

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