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Group 2
Bernicha Choirunissa W (115070300111010)
Diana Mareta I F A P (115070300111034)
Karina Muthia Shanti (115070301111007)
Rizti Medisa (115070300111011)
Vemia Pritasari (115070300111016)
Kristin Mananian (0910733014)

In this age oI rapidly, Iast Iood in the Iood industry's presence in Indonesia might aIIect the style
oI Iood oI Indonesian society, especially young people in the city. Events, which many adolescents are
doing outside the House makes teens oIten inIluenced by their peers. Choice oI Iood is no longer based on
content oI nutrients, but more Ior communication and Iun. Especially Ior young middle and upper level,
Iast Iood restaurant is an excellent place Ior relaxation. Food at Iast Iood restaurants are oIIered at
aIIordable prices, Iast serve, and the type oI Iood in accordance with the tastes oI young people.
The aspects oI choosing healthy Iood is important to be noticed by teenagers. Habit oI
consuming Iast Iood in excess amount be able to increase obesity risk. Obesity comes to be the
problem that must be warried by people, especially the adolescent.
The purpose oI writing this paper are:
1. Knowing the deIinition oI Iast Iood
2. Knowing the substances oI Iast Iood
3. Knowing the disease that caused by consuming Iast Iood
4. Knowing the way to reduce negative eIIect oI consuming Iast Iood

Fast Iood is cuisine prepared by restaurants that cater more towards speed and low prices
than quality or nutritional value, such as hamburger and hot dog. Fast Iood also known as junk
Iood, but in Iact they are diIIerent. Junk Iood is cuisine which is unhealthy or doesn`t have
enough nutrition. Fast Iood is getting more popular nowadays.Everyone Irom a 2-year-old
toddler to a 60-year-old grandpa seems to be enjoying it every chance they get. It's delicious, it's
Iilling, is really aIIordable, and readily available just any time oI the day, being only a drive
through phone call away.
Well, Iast Iood is all good tasting, except that it is not nutritionally balanced and,
thereIore, unhealthy in the long run iI consumed on a regular basis.Fast Iood is loaded with
calories Irom reIined sugar and Iats (especially, the artery-clogging saturated and hydrogenated
Iats, which are repeatedly reheated to high temperatures Ior Irying purposes).It is also very high
in sodium, coming Irom common salt and other additives. On top oI all this, Iast Iood is deIicient
in dietary Iiber and essential micro-nutrients like vitamins and minerals.
Fast Iood is kind oI addictive; uncontrolled way in spite oI knowing that it is unhealthy.
Because Iast Iood does contain MSG (Monosodium glutamate) that has 'umami Ilavor. Fast
Iood contains a lot oI chemical additive compound, which is unhealthy Ior our body. The
component oI Iast Iood are:

Trans fats: Trans Iats are Iound mainly in bakery muIIins and crispy crackers, popcorn
and Iast Iood Irench Iries. Trans Iats, according to experts nutrution Irom Harvard, it is greatest
disaster in processed Ioods. Study showed that trans Iats is twice as dangerous to the heart than
saturated Iats. Fat is also able to increase levels oI LDL and lowers HDL moreover trans Iats also
increase levels oI lipoprotein and triglycerides are potentially block the arteries.

Grains that are have been reIined, choose grains that have been processed, such as white bread,
sugary cereals oI low Iibre content, white rice or white paste in whole grains can increase the risk oI heart
attack by 30 percent. On the other hand, those who most Irequently consume grains reIined at increased
risk oI heart attacks, high blood pressure and insulin resistance and high blood pressure.
Salt; approximately 75 percent oI sodium in the diet is hidden in processed Ioods, such as
canned vegetables and soups, condiments such as ketchup, burgers and French Iries and
processed meats (like bacon, ham and deli meat).
In Indonesia the disease more dominant due to excessive consumption oI Iast Iood is
hypertension due high cholesterol in the body. High blood pressure is a risk Iactor Ior stroke,
heart attack, heart Iailure and arterial aneurysm, and is a major cause oI chronic heart Iailure.
Obesity is also a very serious oI national problem, because many deaths happen to people, is
associated with overweight problems. The disease most oIten attacks the heart is a people who
Irequently eat Iast Iood.
The precipitation oI additives in the body can be neutralized with the consumption oI
such Iood ingredients:
Almonds: Almonds have a high caloric nutrient ratio compared to other nuts. Almonds
contain enough magnesium, Iolate, vitamin E, Iiber, and potassium needed to maintain heart
health, as well as calcium and iron. The combination oI nutrients and Iiber in almonds makes a
good Iood source Ior healthy in the eating arrangements. Almonds can be consumed directly or
as a mixture oI other Ioods, like cookies or bread.
Avocado: Avocados can lower cholesterol until 8.2 percent, while non-Iat Ioods just 4.9
percent. Remarkably, the avocado is able to stabilize the levels oI HDL cholesterol ( cholesterol)
because it contains monounsaturated (Iats such lighter) equal to the Iatty acid in olive oil.
Avocado leaves contain alcohol is known as urine laxative. The seeds can be used to lower blood
sugar levels. The content oI iron in the avocado also has beneIits Ior the body.
Blueberries: This Iruit is one type oI Iood to beat wrinkles and strengthens the body. The
Iruit is packed with polyphenols, anti-oxidants which very powerIul to help Iight the Iree radical
cell damage that occurs when the body burns oxygen.
Raisins; raisins consist oI anti-oxidant and Iiber, and good Ior healthy oI mouth and
teeth. Anti-oxidant can protect the muscular and oxidative damage to avoid aging process in the
body and the brain. Antti-oxidant is very important to protected the cholesterol an the Iat in the
blood Irom oxidation process.

problems caused by eating fast food
As teenagers, as well as most oI the people to demand Iast Iood sector oI the economy led
to the enterprises that produce traditional dishes. This has led to lower incomes and decline in
teenage nutrition society oI Indonesia the next generation oI the nation.
Many people know about the disadvantages oI consuming Iast Iood, but some oI them
still eat that Iood. This Iacts is caused by some Iactors, such as:
1. The instanity and delicacy oI Iast Iood
2. House-hold`s activity to serve Iood
3. Society Iactor
4. Public`s assumption that Iast Iood is a 'high-class Iood

1. Khomsan, Ali. ast food JS Slow ood.
Date: 20 september 2011. At 14.56 WIB.
2. Gunawan, Ida. Makanan Penetral ast ood. Date 19 september 2011. At 16.23 WIB.
3. Andini, Nur. ahaya ast ood agi Tubuh.
Date 23 september 2011. At 15.43 WIB.
4. The CYWH staII at children`s Hospital Boston. ast ood act. Date 24 september 2011. At 15.23 WIB
5. SeraIiani, Elisabeth. ast ood agi Kesehatan.
Date 26 september 2011. At 15.25 WIB.

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