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Film Review: 'Edward Scissorbands' {99]

'Ldward Sclssorhands' ls one of Lhe besL fllms dlrecLed by 1lm 8urLon lL achleved a huge success and
Lhe acLors playlng ln Lhe fllm galned popularlLy
Cne very unlucky day for Lhe maln characLer ln Lhe fllm eg 8oggs vlslLs an old horrlfylng house
She meeLs Ldward who seems Lo be a very nlce and decenL boy who llved ln Lhe house by hlmself
for years AfLer a shorL whlle she flnds ouL LhaL Ldward lsn'L perfecL he has sclssors lnsLead of
hands 1hls small deLall dldn'L leL hlm Lo en[oy hls llfe and geL Lo know oLher people 8uL wlLh eg's
klndness he geLs Lo llve wlLh her famlly ln a small Lyplcal Amerlcan Lown buL Ldward has a problem
Lo flnd hlmself ln Lhe socleLy 1he nelghbours look aL hlm ln a welrd way and Lhey use hlm ln a very
unLyplcal way 8uL everyLhlng changes for Ldward afLer he meeLs klm who becomes hls lnsplraLlon
and love
1hls lmage ls a beauLlful dramaLlc fanLasy whlch moves Lhe audlence Lo Lears and makes Lhem
laugh aL Lhe same Llme 1he amazlng cllmaLe of Lhe fllm owns Lo Lhe muslc wrlLLen by uanny Llfman
1he melody ls very caLchy and easy Lo remember


8eslde Lhe muslc Lhe audlence geLs amazed by Lhe exLraordlnary dark/ falryLale look of Ldward 1he
sLenography ln Lhe fllm ls beauLlful Lhe sculpLures made by Ldward old house colourful candy llke
vlllage and Lhe laboraLory are Lhe Lop crafL and a feasL for Lhe eye
!ohnny ueep who played Lhe leadlng role sLood up Lo Lhe challenge perfecLly 1he characLer of
Ldward Sclssorhands was lnsplred by 1lm 8urLons drawlng LhaL he dld as a chlld Ldward ls a sad
lonely and losL ln hlmself characLer When he vlslLs Lhe clLy for Lhe flrsL Llme he's fasclnaLed buL also
dlsorlenLaLed by Lhe Lhlngs and people he sees 8ole played by uepp ls full of meLaphors Ldward ls
losL ln Lhe world of modern Loys sLereoLypes gosslplng women and causLlc sLrangers Lvery slngle
person felL [usL llke hlm lefL ouL LhoughL of as a fool and a freak Ldward ls a symbol of lndlvldual
arLlsLs who someLlmes are senslLlve and nalve bellevlng ln good and love

'Ldward Sclssorhands' ls a movlng sLory abouL love and hardshlp Lo soclallze wlLh all Lhe people
AfLer Lhe fllm Lhe audlence remembers Lhe danclng Wlnona 8yder gloomy !ohnny uepp and Lhe
muslc 'lce uance' ln Lhe background
!aneL Maslln (1990) hLLp//movlesnyLlmescom/movle/revlew?res9C0CL2u81338l934A33731C1A966938260
llg1 hLLp//wwwLlmburLoncollecLlvecom/edwardhLml
llg2 hLLp//georgeallenconsLcom/deLoxedwardsclssorhandsfonL/
llg3 hLLp//wwwLlmburLoncollecLlvecom/edwardhLml

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