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MuscIes Fibres

The skeletal muscles contain a mixture of three fibres. The are not in equal proportions
and are genetically pre determined. Fast twitch and slow twitch fibres vary in different
muscles and in different individuals. As the fibres have distinct characteristics, this will
have an affect on performance in certain sporting activities.

For example, a marathon runner may have 80% slow twitch fibres which are designed
long periods at a low and steady intensity. However a sprinter has 80% fast twitch
fibres, which can support extremely large forces, but fatigue easily.
SIow twitch or (type 1) fibres are referred to as sIow oxidative (S.O).

Type one is suited to perform at a low intensity for a long duration, with supply of
oxygen, they are aerobic. They contract slowly and repeatedly but exert less force.
Slow Oxidative fibres are extremely resistant to fatigue. They have Large amounts of
myoglobin and many mitochondria. Slow Oxidative fibres are needed for aerobic
activities like long distance running.

Fast twitch or (type 2) fibres

Fast twitch fibers, as the name suggests, contract more more quickly than slow twitch
muscle fibres and, as a result, they produce more power and strength. Fast twitch
muscle fibres are activated during short bursts of speed and strength such as in
sprinting or bodybuilding. These muscle fibers are also designed to grow larger in
response to training unlike slow twitch muscle fibres. They are anaerobic in nature (no
oxygen supply), but they can easily be exhausted.

Fast twitch fibres are further divided into type 2a and type 2b

Type 2a fibres are referred to as fast oxidative gIycoIytic (F.O.G)

These fibres take on certain type 1 characteristics through endurance training. They
therefore have a greater resistance to fatigue, and are used in activites which are fairly
high in intensity and of relatively short duration. The amount of force produced by this
fibre is greater than a slow twitch fibre.

Type 2b are pure fast twitch fibres referred to as Fast twitch GIycoIytic (F.T.G)
These fast twitch fibres use anaerobic metabolism to create energy and are the
"classic" fast twitch muscle fibres that add to prolong before it needs rest. These fast
twitch muscle fibers excel at producing quick, powerful bursts of speed. This muscle
fibre has the highest rate of contraction(rapid firing) of all the muscle fibre types, but it
also has a much faster rate of fatigue and can't last as long before it needs to rest.

Characteristics of Muscle Fibres
Fibre Type Type Fibres Type A Fibres Type B Fibres
Contraction time Slow Fast Very Fast
Size of motor
Small Large Very Large
High High Low
Resistance to
High ntermediate Low
Activity Used for Aerobic
Long term
Short term
Oxidative capacity High High Low
Glycolytic capacity Low High High

gonist - a muscle that contracts while another relaxes. For example when bending
the elbow the biceps are the agonist.

ntagonist - a muscle that relaxes while another contracts. For example when
bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist.

Agonist are the muscles performing the movement or lets say extending and the
antagonist is the flexor muscle, which does the opposite, these pairs of muscles are
called Antagonists pairs.

Synergist - Any skeletal muscle(s) which assist(s) the prime mover muscle in its
A fixator muscle is a muscle that acts as a stabilizer of one part of the body during
movement of another part.
An example: BCEP CURL:
Agonist/Prime mover muscle: Biceps
Antagonist/Opposing muscle group: Triceps.
Synergist/Helping muscle group(assists): Brachiradialis
Fixators/Prevents unnecessary movement: Abs, Back, Shoulders and wrists
Transversus abdominis muscIe
The transversus abdominis muscle, also known as the transversalis muscle and
transverse abdominal muscle, is a muscle layer of the anterior and lateral abdominal
wall which is just deep to (layered below) the internal oblique muscle. t is thought to be
a major muscle of the functional core of the human body. Although some argue that due
to its small cross-sectional area, it cannot generate the forces required to be a prime
core stabilizer.
The MuItifidus muscIe
The multifidus muscles help to take pressure off the vertebral discs so that our body
weight can be well distributed along the spine. Additionally, the superficial muscle group
keeps our spine straight while the deep muscle group contributes significantly to the
stability of our spine.

MuscIe Contractions

Concentric contractions are those which cause the muscle to shorten as it contracts. An
example is bending the elbow from straight to fully flexed, causing a concentric
contraction of the Biceps Brachii muscle. Concentric contractions are the most common
type of muscle contraction and occur frequently in daily and sporting activities.

Eccentric contractions are the opposite of concentric and occur when the muscle
lengthens as it contracts. This is less common and usually involves the control or
deceleration of a movement being initiated by the eccentric muscles agonist.

For example, when kicking a football, the Quadriceps muscle contracts concentrically to
straighten the knee and the Hamstrings contract eccentrically to decelerate the motion
of the lower limb. This type on contraction puts a lot of strain through the muscle and is
commonly involved in muscle injuries.

An isometric contraction of a muscle generates force without changing length. An
example can be found when the muscles of the hand and forearm grip an object; the
joints of the hand do not move, but muscles generate sufficient force to prevent the
object from being dropped.

The HuxIeys SIiding FiIament Theory
This is a theory that explains how muscles contract. The functional part of the muscle is
called a sarcomere. According to this theory, the shortening of the sacomere length is
brought about by the types of filament sliding past one another. A contraction is
triggered by a nerve impulse that causes an action potential to spread across the
Here is what happens in detail. The process of a muscle contracting can be divided into
5 sections:
1. A nervous impuIse arrives at the neuromuscular junction, which causes a
release of a chemical called Acetylcholine. The presence of Acetylcholine causes
the depolarisation of the motor end plate which travels throughout the muscle by
the transverse tubules, causing Calcium (Ca+) to be released from the
sarcoplasmic reticulum.
2. n the presence of high concentrations of Ca+, the Ca+ binds to Troponin,
changing its shape and so moving Tropomyosin from the active site of the Actin.
The Myosin filaments can now attach to the Actin, forming a cross-bridge.
3. The breakdown of ATP releases energy which enables the Myosin to pull the
Actin filaments inwards and so shortening the muscle. This occurs along the
entire length of every myofibril in the muscle cell.
4. The Myosin detaches from the Actin and the cross-bridge is broken when an ATP
molecule binds to the Myosin head. When the ATP is then broken down the
Myosin head can again attach to an Actin binding site further along the Actin
filament and repeat the 'power stroke'. This repeated pulling of the Actin over the
myosin is often known as the ratchet mechanism.
5. This process of muscular contraction can last for as long as there is adequate
ATP and Ca+ stores. Once the impulse stops the Ca+ is pumped back to the
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and the Actin returns to its resting position causing the
muscle to lengthen and relax.

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