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Adopt|ng C|oud Comput|ng

Cloud compuLlng lL ls hlghly dellberaLed ln Lhe economlc and Lechnlcal world because of lLs ablllLles
Lo offer dynamlc compuLlng servlces whlch represenLs a fundamenLal change ln Lhe way
lnformaLlon Lechnology (l1) servlces are lnnovaLed Many companles are explorlng Lhe posslblllLles
and beneflLs of lncorporaLlng cloud compuLlng ln Lhelr buslness 1hls alm of Lhls paper ls Lo revlew
flve core arLlcles from Lhree [ournals whlch dlscuss Lhe adopLlon of cloud compuLlng and evaluaLes
Lhe Lypes of clouds wlLh lLs own beneflLs and drawbacks 1hese flve arLlcles dlscuss sLrengLhs
weakness opporLunlLles and LhreaLs (SWC1) of Cloud compuLlng from a buslness and securlLy
perspecLlves AlLhough one of Lhe arLlcles malnly focuses on Lechnologles behlnd cloud compuLlng
and Lhe fundamenLal servlces of cloud compuLlng Lhe resL of Lhe arLlcles esLabllsh an lndepLh
analysls of Cloud compuLlng ln Lerms of lLs challenges 1hls paper also uses oLher supplemenLary
arLlcles Lo evaluaLe Lhe securlLy lmpllcaLlons of cloud compuLlng and lLs use ln Lhe developlng
ln agreemenL wlLh Wang eL al (2010) and MarLson eL al (2011) Lhe emergence Cloud compuLlng
offers huge opporLunlLles ln Lhe l1 lndusLrles as lL offers dynamlc l1 lnfrasLrucLure whlch ls beneflclal
Lo a company LhaL seeks Lo reduce cosL or have compeLlLlve advanLage Powever Cl eL al (2010)
and Wang eL al (2010) hlghllghLs LhaL cloud compuLlng has no sLrucLured deflnlLlon as lL ls sLlll
evolvlng Accordlng Lo MarLson eL al (2011) naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of SLandard 1echnology (nlS1) deflnes
Cloud compuLlng as a group of lnLerconnecLed compuLers LhaL provlde ondemand resources and
servlces Lhrough Lhe lnLerneL
Slmllar Lo oLher four maln arLlcles Wang eL al (2010) ldenLlfles Lhe model layer cloud compuLlng 1he
paper sLaLed LhaL cloud compuLlng offers servlces such as Pardware lnfrasLrucLure (whlch ls Lhe
comblnaLlon of hardware and sofLware) and SofLware and 8uslness appllcaLlons An example of
Pardware would be uaLa cenLre whlle lacebook wlll be an example buslness appllcaLlon Wang eL al
(2010) presenLs a very perspecLlve sLudy of cloud compuLlng and Lhls explalns why Lhe research
paper ls very descrlpLlve AlLhough Lhe paper focuses on deflnlLlon of cloud compuLlng lLs
fundamenLal aspecLs Lhe unlque beneflLs and Lhe enabllng Lechnologles behlnd cloud compuLlng lL
falls Lo dlscuss Lhe challenges cloud compuLlng faces ln Lhe l1 lndusLrles ln Lerms of securlLy lssues ln
cloud compuLlng Powever Lul and SrlnlvasamurLhy (2010) dlscusses Lhe Lop seven securlLy LhreaLs
ln cloud compuLlng Some of oLher four maln arLlcles such as Pofer and karaglannls (2011) also
falled hlghllghL Lhese securlLy LhreaLs Slnce Wang eL al (2010) lgnored challenges of cloud
compuLlng Lhls resulLed Lo brlef concluslon ln Lhelr research whlch creaLes a loL of research gaps
lor example lL falls Lo offer fuLure recommendaLlons or fuLure research area ln cloud compuLlng
SubsequenLly Cl eL al (2010) faclllLaLed ln fllllng some Lhe research gaps whlch Wang eL al (2010)
lgnored Slmllar Lo Wang eL al (2010) Cl eL al (2010) hlghllghLed Lhe model layer of cloud compuLlng
and enabllng Lechnologles behlnd cloud compuLlng 1hls paper wenL furLher Lo dlscuss Lhe varlous
Lypes of cloud compuLlng An lmporLanL elemenL whlch Wang eL al (2010) and Pofer and karaglannls
(2011) overlooked Cl eL al (2010) explalns Lhe four Lypes of cloud compuLlng whlch are prlvaLe
clouds publlc cloud hybrld cloud vlrLual prlvaLe cloud 1hey suggesLed LhaL selecLlng Lhe cloud Lype
ls hlghly dependenL on Lhe buslness scenarlo lor example sclenLlflc appllcaLlons LhaL are usually
compuLaLlon lnLenslve wlll requlre a publlc cloud for cosLeffecLlveness Powever some clouds are
more popular Lhan Lhe oLher lor lnsLance Lhe hybrld cloud ls predlcLed Lo be commonly used by
organlsaLlon as lL comblnes boLh Lhe prlvaLe and publlc cloud
Slmllar Lo Pofer and karaglannls (2011) Cl eL al (2010) dlscusses Lhe characLerlsLlcs of cloud
compuLlng whlch lL dlffer from Lhe LradlLlonal servlce compuLlng Some of Lhe characLerlsLlcs are
servlce orlenLed uLlllLy basedprlclng mulLlLenancy and securlLy and prlvacy AlLhough Lhe securlLy
of cloud ls hlghly debaLed by many researchers such as Lul and SrlnlvasamurLhy (2010) Pofer and
karaglannls (2011) argue LhaL SSL/1LS (Secure SockeL Layer/1ransporL Layer SecurlLy) provldes
encrypLlon of daLa lor example Amazon LC2 ls an lnfrasLrucLure as a servlce (laaS) whlch uses ubllc
keys for auLhenLlcaLlon Pofer and karaglannls (2011) furLher argue LhaL securlLy ls sLronger wlLh
laaS because Lhe provlder deals wlLh securlLy LhreaLs unllke laLform Servlce (S) and SofLware
Servlces (SS) where cusLomers usually crafL Lhelr own publlc keys Cl eL al compares Amazon LC2
(laaS) MlcrosofL Wlndows Azure (S) and Coole App Lnglne (S) all of whlch are cloud compuLlng
producLs Cl f (2010) concludes Lhe paper by hlghllghLlng many challenglng research lssues ln
cloud compuLlng and paved way for fuLure research 1he paper also falls Lo recommend Lhe way
forward for cloud compuLlng Some fuLure research areas are
O uaLa securlLy lssues ln Lerms of confldenLlallLy and audlLablllLy
O Lnergy managemenL for example Lhe laaS ls noL energy efflclenL as Lhey under pressure Lo
reduce energy consumpLlon
O lssues wlLh daLa managemenL Lechnologles for lnsLance some sofLware frameworks such
as Map 8educe do noL lmplemenL CSlx lnLerface and Lhls lmpose compaLlblllLy lssues
AlLhough Cl f (2010) provlded an lndepLh analysls of cloud compuLlng by dlscusslng lLs
challenges brlefly lL falled Lo dlscuss Lhe legal aspecLs of cloud compuLlng lLs SWC1 analysls
recommendaLlons for buslness professlonal lLs sLakeholders and lLs use ln developlng
counLrles MarLson f (2011) aparL from dlscusslng cloud compuLlng ln Lerms of Lypes model
layers and enabllng Lechnologles behlnd cloud compuLlng researched on areas whlch Wang f
(2010) and Cl f (2010) overlooked
MarLson f (2011) hlghllghLs Lhe ma[or sLakeholder of cloud are Lhe cusLomers enablers
(suppllers) provlders (owners) and regulaLors As buslness owners are Lhe ma[or consumers of
cloud compuLlng Lhe paper focuses on large and small buslness 1helr summary of SWC1 analysls ls
LhaL cloud compuLlng ls cosL effecLlve and allows access conLrol Lo buslness operaLlons 1he paper ln
agreemenL wlLh Lul and SrlnlvasamurLhy (2010) and 8lsong f (2011) hlghllghLs LhaL cloud
compuLlng lacks effecLlve daLa securlLy and Lhls creaLes regulaLlon lssues whlch LhreaLens daLa
prlvacy and access ln an lnLernaLlonal and naLlonal level MarLson f (2011) and Creengard (2010)
also suggesL LhaL cloud compuLlng allows developlng counLrles Lo beneflLs from l1 wlLhouL enormous
upfronL lnvesLmenL lor examples counLrles llke LLhlopla are uslng lullAmor Lo manage l1 ln Lhelr
LducaLlonal secLor MarLson f (2011) hlghllghLs a loL of legal lmpllcaLlon for cloud compuLlng an
ma[or example ls how cloud compuLlng can ensure avallablllLy of lnformaLlon ln dlfferenL counLrles
ln Lerms copy wrlLe law ln dlfferenL counLrles lor eample MarLson eL al (2011) sLaLes LhaL flrewall
pro[ecL ln Chlna does noL allow access Lo cerLaln Lype of daLa 1hls creaLes problems Lo organlsaLlon
and consumers who llve ln Chlna AlLhough Pofer and karaglannls (2011) suggesLed a soluLlon Lo
some Lhe legal lssues mlghL be sLandardlslng cloud compuLlng servlces (Lhls means servlce provlders
should use slmllar proLocols and formaLs) MarsLon eL al (2011) recommend and lnLernaLlonal
regulaLory body LhaL formulaLes cross body lssues and consulL wlLh lndlvldual governmenL Lo seL up
Lhelr own cloud compuLlng law
ln addlLlon MarsLon eL al (2011) proposed some recommendaLlon Lo buslness professlonal lL
advlces companles should subscrlbe Lo sLandalone appllcaLlons such as C8M vla cloud ln agreemenL
wlLh SulLan (2011) MarsLon eL al (2011) suggesL LhaL SMLs mlghL conslder uslng cloud for Lhelr daLa
cenLre managemenL as lL cheaper Lhan oLher ouLsourclng provlders MarsLon eL al (2011) explored
Mcklnsey ConsulLlng research whlch shows LhaL large enLerprlse can low l1 cosL lf Lhe ouLsourced Lo
oLher noncloud provlders Powever Large enLerprlse can sLlll proflL by uslng some of Lhe essenLlal
Lechnologlcal componenLs of cloud compuLlng eg vlrLuallzaLlon 1hls ls because Lhere ls a huge cosL
savlng ln Lhelr daLa sLorage and neLwork server
llnally MarsLon eL al (2011) concludes lLs paper by recommendlng some research gaps as Lhey only
concenLraLed on Lhe buslness lssues wlLh cloud compuLlng and overlooked Lhe Lechnologlcal lssues
of cloud compuLlng 1he paper does however suggesL fuLure research areas such as cloud
compuLlng economlcs regulaLory lssues sLraLeglc lssues Lechnology adopLlon and lmplemenLaLlon
and flnally cloud compuLlng and green l1 lssues
Slmllar Lo MarLson eL al (2011) Pofer and karaglannls (2011) sLarLs Lhe paper by dellberaLlng on Lhe
need of sLandardlsaLlon ln cloud compuLlng 1helr argumenL ls LhaL many cloud provlders use
dlfferenL Lechnologles proLocols and formaLs make lL dlfflculL mlgraLlng from one cloud servlce Lo
anoLher 1he unlflcaLlon of cloud compuLlng wlll beneflL Lhe consumers ln Lerms as lL ellmlnaLe some
compaLlblllLy lssues 1he paper proposed cloud compuLlng Lo be classlfled ln Laxonomy by evaluaLlng
Lhelr characLerlsLlcs Lo compare Lhem unllke Lhe resL of Lhe four arLlcles lL presenLs an lndepLh
analysls of Lhe characLerlsLlcs of cloud compuLlng lL develops a Lree based Laxonomy Lo easlly
compare exlsLlng and fuLure cloud compuLlng Pence anoLher lssue Lhe oLher four [ournals falled Lo
Comparable Lo MarLson eL al (2011) and Lhe oLher Lhree arLlcles Pofer and karaglannls (2011) wrlLes
abouL cloud compuLlng servlces buL unllke Lhe oLher Lhree arLlcles lL dlscusses Lhe characLerlsLlcs of
Lhe currenL servlces of cloud Some of Lhe characLerlsLlcs of each servlce share amongsL each oLher
are securlLy and prlvacy llcenses Lypes paymenL sysLems and lnLended user groups Powever each
servlce dlffers from each oLher lor example Lhey suggesL LhaL plaLform servlces relaLe Lo
programmlng language sofLware servlces are cusLomer appllcaLlon domaln ln Lerms of securlLy
cusLomer uslng plaLform and sofLware can crafL Lhelr publlc keys whereas cusLomer uslng laaS Lhe
provlder deals wlLh Lhe securlLy lssues uslng Amazon LC2 as (laaS) MlcrosofL Azure as plaLform
servlces and Coogle Apps as sofLware servlces lL creaLed a Laxonomy deslgn
Pofer and karaglannls (2011) concludes lL research by proposlng Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Laxonomy
help Lo classlfy currenL and fuLure cloud compuLlng servlces as Lhe Lree sLrucLure allow qulck
comparlsons whlch ald ln Lhe user declslons 1he researchers suggesL LhaL Lhere are deeper levels of
Lhe Lree whlch ls very blurred and Lhls could be as a resulL of llmlLed sub[ecLlve lnformaLlon lL also
suggesLed LhaL Lhere should be oLher securlLy mechanlsm used wlLh ln Lhe cloud Lul and
SrlnlvasamurLhy (2010) answers some Lhe securlLy mechanlsm quesLlons ln Lhelr research 8y
evaluaLlng Lhe advanLages and dlsadvanLages of exlsLlng soluLlons for securlLy LhreaLs ln Lhe cloud
compuLlng lor example alLhough cllenL based prlvacy manager help solves pracLlcal problems such
as Sales lorce servlces lf Lhe servlce provlder does noL provlde full cooperaLlon of Lhe rlvacy
Manager feaLures lL wlll noL be effecLlve Slmllar Lo Wang eL al (2010) Pofer and karaglannls (2011)
falls Lo dlscuss on posslble fuLure research area of cloud compuLlng lL only concenLraLed on Lhe
servlces and characLerlsLlcs of each servlce buL Lhere mlghL be oLher characLerlsLlcs such as Lypes of
clouds LhaL can help expand Lhe levels of Lhe Laxonomy Lree Lven Lhough Lhe Laxonomy deslgn ls
beneflclal Pofer and karaglannls (2011) falls Lo dlscuss cerLaln lssues wlLh Laxonomy lf oLher facLors
such as energy efflclency and lnLernaLlonal regulaLlon of cloud compuLlng are Laken lnLo
conslderaLlon ln Lhe Laxonomy deslgn of cloud compuLlng

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