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Mercedes-Benz ndia Private Limited.

E-3, MDC, Chakan. Phase-,

Chakan ndustrial Area, Kuruli & Nighoje,
Tal: Khed. Pune- 410501. ndia.

8Ll ML8CLuLS 8LnZ ul8LC1 8LC8ul1MLn1S CllL8

?our 8esume has been selecLed for our new planL 1he Company selecLed 62
candldaLes llsL for Senlor Lnglneer l1 AdmlnlsLraLlon roducLlon
markeLlng and general servlce ueparLmenLs lL ls our pleasure Lo lnform you
LhaL your 8esume was selecLed as one of Lhe 62 candldaLes shorLllsLed for
Lhe lnLervlew Mercedes8enz has been assoclaLed wlLh lndla for more Lhan
30 years 1he Company ls recrulLlng Lhe candldaLes for our new planLs ln uelhl
8angalore une and Pyderabad

?our lnLervlew wlll be held aL 1he Company CorporaLe offlce ln Mumbal on
7Lh CcLober 2011 aL 1130am ?ou wlll be pleased Lo know LhaL Lhe 62
candldaLes selecLed 33 candldaLes wlll be glvlng appolnLmenL meanlng your
AppllcaLlon can be ln progress Lo Lhe flnal sLage ?ou wlll have Lo come Lo
Lhe Company corporaLe offlce ln Mumbal ?our offer leLLer wlLh Alr 1lckeL
wlll be senL Lo you by courler before daLe of lnLervlew 1he Company can
offer you a salary wlLh beneflLs for Lhls posL 64000 ln8/ Lo 200000 ln8/
M + (P8A + uA + Conveyance and oLher Company beneflLs
1he ueslgnaLlon and !ob LocaLlon wlll be flxed by Company P8u aL Lhe Llme
of flnal process
?ou have Lo come wlLh phoLocoples of all requlred documenLs

8LCul8Lu uCCuMLn1S 8? 1PL CCMAn? P8u

1 lull names
2 ConLacL Address
3 Moblle number
4 Sex
3 Age
6 hoLocoples of CuallflcaLlon uocumenLs
7 hoLocoples of Lxperlence CerLlflcaLes (lf any)
8 hoLocoples of Address roof
9 1wo assporL Slze hoLograph

?ou are Lo make a cash securlLy deposlL of 8s13700/(llfLeen Lhousand seven
Pundred lndla 8upees) as an lnlLlal amounL ln favour of our company
accounLanL name ln charge of collecLlng paymenL 1he refundable lnLervlew
securlLy deposlL of 8s13700/ should be pald Lhrough any a An!u8 nA1lCnAL 8Ank
8ranch closer Lo you Lo our companys accounLlng
offlcer ln charge AccounL number wlll be provlded Lo you upon your response
Lo Lhls mall

n8 ?ou are advlce Lo reconflrm your malllng address and phone number ln
your reply 1hls Company wlll be responslble for all oLher expendlLure Lo
you aL Lhe Llme of faceLoface meeLlng wlLh you ln Lhe Company 1he !ob
proflle salary offer and daLe/Llme of lnLervlew wlll be menLloned ln your
offer leLLer

lMC81An1 nC1lCL
LasL daLe for securlLy deposlL ls 6Lh of 0cLober 2011 1he earller Lhe deposlL
ls made Lhe earller your poslLlon wlll be secured by Lhe Company P8u dlrecL
recrulLmenL manager

Mr ueck Zobe
Puman 8esources Cfflcer

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