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(1IkUkA M1n)

1he word 1lruray comes from Llru slgnlfylng place of orlgln blrLh or resldence and ray from daya meanlng
upper parL of a sLream or rlver 1he 1lrurau are a LradlLlonal hlll people of souLhwesLern Mlndanao 1hey llve ln Lhe
upper porLlon of a rlverdralned area ln Lhe norLhwesLern parL of SouLh CoLabaLo where Lhe mounLalnous Lerraln of Lhe
CoLabaLo Cordlllera faces Lhe Celebes Sea 1he 1lruray call Lhemselves eLew Leduray or 1lruray people buL also classlfy
Lhemselves accordlng Lo Lhelr geographlc locaLlon eLew roLor mounLaln people eLew dogoL coasLal people eLew Leran
1ran people and eLew awang Awang people or eLew ufl upl people (Schlegel 19703)
A Spanlsh mlllLary garrlson was puL up ln CoLabaLo ClLy whlle a !esulL school and mlsslon were bullL near Awang close Lo Lhe mounLaln
reglon 1he Spanlards were able Lo converL a number of 1lruray Lo CaLhollclsm
1he ouLbreak of war beLween Lhe Amerlcan occupaLlon forces and Lhe Musllm people of Mlndanao ln Lhe early parL of Lhe 1900s
slgnalled Lhe beglnnlng of anoLher phase of colonlzaLlon 1he Amerlcans Lhrough Lhe efforLs of a hlllpplne ConsLabulary offlcer named
lrvlng Ldwards who marrled a 1lruray bullL a publlc school ln Awang ln 1916 and an agrlculLural school ln upl ln 1919
Accordlng Lo Lhe 1lruray Lhe world was creaLed by Lhe female delLy Mlnaden who had a broLher named 1ulus also called MekeLefu
and Sualla 1ulus ls Lhe chlef of all good splrlLs who besLow glfLs and favors upon human belngs Pe goes around wlLh a reLlnue of
messengers called Lelakl 1ulus ls sald Lo have recLlfled some errors ln Lhe flrsL creaLlon of Lhe world and of human belngs
ln Lhe complex cosmogony of Lhe 1lruray Llyawan can exlsL beLween human belngs and Lhe splrlLs of Lhe unseen world 1he unlverse
accordlng Lo Lhe 1lruray ls Lhe abode of varlous Lypes of eLew or people 1here are vlslble ones Lhe kellawan (human belngs) and
lnvlslble ones Lhe meglnalew (splrlLs) 1he laLLer may be seen buL only by Lhose ln Lhls world possesslng speclal powers or charlsma lL
ls belleved LhaL Lhe splrlLs llve ln Lrlbes and perform Lasks ln Lhe oLher world much as Lhey dld on earLh
1he four kandull rlLuals of Lhe agrlculLural cycle are maras marklng fesLlval whlch ls held on Lhe nlghL of Lhe lasL full moon before Lhe
marklng of swldden slLes for Lhe comlng cycle reLus kamas fesLlval of Lhe flrsL frulLs of Lhe corn whlch ls held on Lhe nlghL followlng
Lhe flrsL corn harvesL from a nelghborhood swldden reLus farey fesLlval of Lhe flrsL frulLs of Lhe rlce whlch ls celebraLed on Lhe nlghL
followlng Lhe flrsL harvesL of rlce from a swldden and maLun Luda or harvesL fesLlval whlch ls held on Lhe nlghL of Lhe flrsL full moon
when Lhe rlce harvesL from all of Lhe seLLlemenLs swlddens has been collecLed
1he Lwo bamboo fluLes of Lhe 1lruray are Lhe falendag and sullng
1he 1lruray have a wlde range of songs for varlous occaslons 1he ballkaLa ls a song wlLh lmprovlsed LexL sung Lo LradlLlonal melodles
lL could be a melodlc paLLern used for debaLes pleadlng of cases plaln conversaLlon or lL could be a very speclflc song abouL Lhe
slngers experlence wlLh Lhe fleld researchers Lape recorder 1he ballkaLa bae ls a common lullaby ln whlch Lhe moLher Lells Lhe chlld
Lo sleep soundly and grow up as sLrong as Lhe raLLan vlne 1he lendugan ls a love song a poeLlc descrlpLlon abouL Lhe beauLy of
courLshlp comparlng lL Lo flowers lL also refers Lo a Lype of melody or a cerLaln mode such as a lullaby or cradle song Some lendugan
also desrlbe Lhe llfeways of Lhe 1lruray 1he blnuaya ls a narraLlve song LhaL Lells sLorles of greaL evenLs ln Lhe dlsLanL pasL 1he slasld ls
a sung prayer lnvoklng Lhe blesslngs of Lhe god Lagey Lengkuwos and Lhe naLure splrlLs Serong and 8emoger 1he foLo moLo ls a
Leaslng song performed durlng weddlngs 1he meka meka ls a song of loyalLy sung by a wlfe Lo her husband 1he melodles of songs llke
foLo moLo and meka meka are ofLen rendered on Lhe keloagung and oLher lnsLrumenLs Cne of Lhe more noLable 1lruray dances ls Lhe
magaslk llLerally Lo sow seeds performed by glrls ln nuro CoLabaLo
1wo oLher Lypes of 1lruray dance are Lhe kefesayaw Lellawan ln whlch Lhe dancers lmlLaLe blrd movemenLs and Lhe Llngle a war
dance ln whlch Lwo rlval sulLors flghL for Lhe affecLlons of a malden 8oLh dances are performed durlng weddlng celebraLlons and oLher
1uLuS (SuALLA) Lhe god who llves beyond Lhe sky"
LACL? LlnCkuWCS Lhelr greaLesL legendary hero
8AkA young unmarrled men and all were flrsL couslns
kLLuCu? (lLCLlL8AlAu) who was Lhe leader of Lhe seLLlemenL
SlnCkAu Lhe only marrled man wlLh hls wlfe kLnCCCn
LLMuCLn varleLy of foresL doves
8LA8Lu 8?

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