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Stress in optical waveguides.



P. K. Bachmann, W. Hermann, H. Wehr, and D. U. Wiechert

The stress properties of GeO - and F-doped optical fibers drawn in different conditions have been investigat2
ed. The results are in excellent agreement with calculated data based on a generalized theoretical model. For constant drawing forces the influence on the stress profiles was found to be independent of drawing speed

and temperature. The total observed stress is the sum of preform stress and drawing-induced stress.



In the first part of this work we investigated the stress distribution in optical fiber preforms which were prepared by the low-pressure PCVD process.' Either material system. It was found that the axial stress profile and the thermal expansivity of the individual doping regions are strongly correlated. In this paper we consider residual stress in optical fibers which were drawn from the preforms. The dependence of stress on the drawing force and drawing temperature is investigated systematically for the doping systems SiO2 /GeO2 and SiO2 /F. The experimental data are discussed on the basis of a generalized model describing mechanically induced stress in fibers with arbitrary refractive-index profiles. Comparison between theory and experiment provides additional information on the elastic and viscous properties of PCVD glasses. The material parameters deduced from the experiments allow one to calculate the axial
stress profile for any SiO 2/GeO 2 or SiO 2/F glass fiber as GeO 2-doped or F-doped quartz glass was used as the

stress component a because the relationship between the principal components of stress in cylindrically shaped samples is well known for elastic stress and
explained elsewhere. 2
A. Thermal Stress

Thermal stress is generated due to a mismatch of the thermal expansion coefficients in a fiber consisting of several different radially symmetric material components. The axial stress component azth can be ex3
pressed by



1 - v(T) [a(r, - c(T)]dT, T)


c(T) = . a(r,T)rdr.

c R

(la) well above room

In Eq. (1), T* is a virtual temperature

a function of the drawing conditions.

II. Theoretical Background

During the manufacturing process for optical fibers, the quartz material undergoes several high temperature cycles. With and without external forces, stress develops in the fibers during cooling to room temperature. Three major stress-enforcing mechanisms,
which will be briefly explained in the following can be

temperature where stress starts to develop on cooling to room temperature Troom. T* is approximated by the setting point temperature of the softest material component present in the fiber. c(r,T) is the thermal expansion coefficient at radial position r and temperature T, E(r,T) and (r,T) are Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, respectively. For the small doping concentrations used in optical fiber preparation the compositional and temperature dependences of E(r,T) and (r,T) were neglected. Furthermore, we assumed
for E and v the values given for pure silica, 4 i.e., E = 7.7 X 105 kg/cm 2 and v = 0.164.
B. Hydrostatic Pressure


We restrict our discussion to the axial

The authors are with Philips GmbH Aachen Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 1980, D-5100 Aachen, Federal Republic of Germany. Received 20 November 1986. 0003-6935/87/071175-08$02.00/0. 1987 Optical Society of America.

Stress can also be generated in temperature regions, where certain material components behave elastically but others are still fluid.5 If, for example, the fiber cladding solidifies at a temperature T higher than the setting temperature T 0 of the fiber core, the fluid core, which has no free surfaces, exerts a hydrostatic tension to the cladding on cooling.
1 April 1987 / Vol. 26, No. 7 / APPLIEDOPTICS 1175

expressed by5

This additional axial stress in the cladding can be

a2 = K[aCl - aco] (T~ci-T*.) (2)

Eqs. (5) and (6) for the final and the initial states.
Hooke's law:
k = i,f, (7)

The constant K of Eq. (2) depends on the geometrical shape and the elastic properties of fiber core and cladding. a and a denote the thermal expansion coefficients of the fluid core and of the solidified cladding, respectively.
C. Mechanically Induced Stress


1 <j <n,

and the assumption E, = E t = Ej give the following equation for the mechanicaliy induced axial stress of material component]':
af -F '7j i - 77n

_E, i


En ,AE.

Mechanically induced stress is built up during the fiber drawing process due to a radial variation of the viscoelastic properties of the fiber.6 For simplicity, we consider again a two-component system and assume that during drawing the fiber core shows a much lower viscosity than the cladding. In this case most of the drawing tension is taken up by the cladding. When the fiber core behaves more and more elastically on cooling,it tends to fix the stress in the cladding material. Consequently, stress is frozen in the fiber after removal of the drawing tension. Modern fiber designs like depressed cladding or multiple cladding index profiles are based on several differently doped radially symmetric regions. Consequently the resulting stress
distribution is more complicated than in the case of

The final observable axial stress af depends on both

the external drawing force as well as the relative vis-

cous and elastic properties of the materials. For the special case j = n one obtains
ufn =F 1 (9)



Material component n may serve as a reference when

comparing stress data of different fibers. Therefore it is sufficient to express the axial stress relative to this
value, i.e.,

two-component systems such as simple step-index fibers. We therefore extend in the followingthe analysis of mechanical stress, which was presented by Paek et al.6 for a two-component system, to the more general



case with n differently doped regions in the fiber. The basic equations for the axial stress components

In the present case weused the natural quartz material of the substrate tube as the reference material. We finally consider the simpler case n = 2. From Eq. (8)
we obtain

- = const,

(3) (4) (5)

rj -f

e' -en = const,

(A21 + A
+ A2 '0 2

AIE, + A2E2) A1E + A 2E 2 )


E' Aj , =

Ot2 F (A1 =

n E A, r = F. J=i


These equations are identical to those derived in Ref. 7 using a different approach.
Ill. Experimental

The lower index j(1 i < n) characterizes the material component, the upper index i refers to the initial situation where the fiber is still heated to the setting point temperature and the drawing force is applied. The upper index f refers to the final situation where the drawing force has been removed after cooling by room temperature. tj is the viscosity of material j evaluated at T5, the fictive temperature where the fiber behaves elastically. ef is the elastic strain, Aj is the cross-sectional area of the material componentj, and F denotes the positive drawing force. Equation (3) represents that the axial stress of each component in the initial state is proportional to its viscosity. In Eq. (4) it is assumed that the total elastic
deformation due to the drawing process is the same for


Measurement Setup

each glass component. The relationship between external force and internal stress are, finally, given in
1176 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 26, No. 7 / 1 April 1987

To meet higher spatial resolution for stress measurements in fibers compared to preforms, wemodified the setup described previously.' The beam of a He-Ne laser is focused by a cylindrical lens onto the fiber sample. Using two lenses the magnified image of the sample is projected onto the detection system consisting of a slit and a photomultiplier (see Fig. 1). The retardation profile was measured by translating the fiber and subtraction of the retardation profile obtained when the sample cell is empty. The magnification of the imaging system and the width of the hole determine the spatial resolution. With a magnification of 170X and a hole diameter of

pin hole projection lens




translation stage

cylin lens

Fig. 1. Experimental setup for determining stress

profiles in fibers.

400 um,the theoretical resolution of our setup is +1.2 ,gm. Experimentally the resolution was slightly poorer (1.5 Mm)because of the unavoidable depth of

The accuracy in the determination of the axial stress also depends on the angular resolution of the analyzer, on the length of the optical path in the sample, and on the accuracy of the Abel transformation. The error also varies with the radial position in the sample. With an angular resolution better than 0.050, the resolution limit for glass fibers with 14 0 -Amdiameter was -0.3-0.4 kg/mm2 . We checked the overall experimental accuracy with the expression

ments remained uncoated. In our study a wide variety of different refractive-index profiles was investigated. The refractive-index profiles were measured with the RNF method and agree very well with the index profiles measured on the preforms.
IV. A. Experimental Results General

$ zrdr I=rdr

Figure 2(a) shows a series of stress profiles measured on fibers which were drawn with different drawing forces from the same preform. The corresponding index profile of the multiple-step preform is depicted in Fig. 3, where the doping-induced relative-index difference
A = ndoped nWG WG


which has to vanish within the accuracy of measurement 1 ; Paztot was well below 0.05 in all the experi-


We assumed the value C = 3.4 X 10-5 mm 2/kg for the

stress-optical coefficient in all the calculations. This value was obtained from measurements of pure quartz-glass fibers and is in good agreement with the result published in Ref. 8.
B. Fiber Preparation

The investigations were made on fibers prepared by the low-pressure plasma-induced chemical vapor de1 position (PCVD) process.9 -1 The deposited SiO2 layers were either undoped or doped with GeO2 or fluo-

rine. Both Heraeus and General Electric waveguide SiO2 tubes were used as substrate materials. After the deposition step, the collapsing of the internally coated tubes was done by means of an oxyhydrogen burner at
a temperature of 2200C.

from the preforms which were investigated in Ref. 1. The drawing temperature and the drawing speed
were varied from 19000C to 21000C and 5 to 60 m/min,

The fibers were drawn

respectively, which resulted in a drawing force ranging glass material because the fibers used in our experifrom 0.05 to 1 N. This force acted exclusively on the

is plotted vs the preform radius. In each separate index step the PCVD quartz is homogeneously doped with different concentrations of GeO2 . The slightly increased index of the undoped PCVD quartz results from chlorine incorporated in the PCVD deposition step. For comparison, the stress profile measured on the preform is shown in the upper part of Fig. 2 after scaling down to match the radial extension of the fiber. Obviously, before fiber drawing the difference in axial stress Au, between GeO2-doped SiO2 and quartz-glass (WG quartz of Heraeus, for example) is positive, and the stress difference between undoped PCVD quartz and WG quartz is negative (see Ref. 1 for details). When the drawing force is increased the radial variation of the stress changes [Figs. 2(a)-(d)]. Stress in the outer cladding region, which consists of the material of the WG substrate tube, changes from compressive to tensile stress. The tensile stress in the GeO2 -doped regions decreases and partially changes to compressive stress with increasing drawing force. The stress in the WG quartz and the undoped PCVD quartz regions also changes significantly. This seems to indicate that the drawing force is essentially taken up by the substrate material at a temperature where the deposited PCVD
1 April 1987 / Vol. 26, No. 7 / APPLIEDOPTICS 1177

2 kg/mm2

10 8 ,86

refractiveindex profile preform1

preforrm I 0


202 I substrate SiO 2


fiber F-. 14N


4 2
I _



undoped PCVD 2 -SiO



. rage 1 .. al . .. 2 0
Fig. 3. Refractive-index

4 3 radius (mm)

. '....... 5 ..

profile of the preform shown in Fig. 2.

0 fiber F=.85 N

+3 +2 +1 0 - 1 0 .4 F [N] Fig. 4. Measur ed axial stress of the WG material of two different fiber sets vs drawing force. .8

10 20 30 40 50 60 radius r [pm]



Fig. 2. Axial stress profile of fibers, drawn with increasing drawing force (a)-(d); (a) is the downscaled stress profile of the corresponding preform.

'al 2i

materials are still viscous. (Later we will verify the model discussed in Sec. II by means of the experimen-

tal results.) Figure 2 also illustrates that fiber regions which are homogeneously doped, i.e., in which the refractive index has a constant value, have a radially independent constant stress level.
B. Linear Variation of Stress with Drawing Force

0 -W

undopedPCVD-SiO 2

In Fig. 4 the measured axial stress in the outer cladding of two fibers having different GeO2 doping profiles is plotted vs the drawing force which ranges from 0.05 to 0.85 N. (Curve 1 in Fig. 4 corresponds to the multiple-step fiber already shown in Fig. 3.) ObviousE

ca -5

s 7[ ]

ly the experimental stress data of the two fibers fall on straight lines. The extrapolation to zero external load results in a perfect agreement with the data obtained
from preform measurements (circles). Of course, due

0 4<'"


GeO- doped PCVD-SiO 2 2 A = 5.4%.

to the different GeO2 concentrations in the inner deposited layers of the two fibers, the a,(F = 0) value and the slope of the straight lines in Fig. 4 differ.


All dopant concentrations studied so far showed this linear relationship. Hence the difference in axial stress between the doped PCVD layers and the WG material, which is used as a reference, should also vary linearly with the drawing tension. Two examples are
shown in Fig. 5 for the material systems PCVD SiO 2 / WG SiO2 and PCVD SiO 2-GeO 2 /WG SiO2 . Again extrapolation to F = 0 gives the value measured in the
Fig. 5.



Kx\ N0 I.... i .... .5 F [N]


preform. So far the results confirm the assumption of a linear superposition of two stress generating mecha1178 OPTICS / Vol. 26, No. 7 / 1 April 1987 APPLIED

Axial stress difference between undoped PCVD SiO2 (upper ing force.

part) and GeO -doped SiO (lower part) and natural quartz vs draw2 2

nisms-thermal stress and mechanically induced stress. The slope of the function is different for the two material systems.
C. Drawing Temperature
6 -22015

In addition to the drawing tension the drawing temperature is also an important parameter. The drawing speed can be increased, for example, by increasing the temperature while keeping the external force constant. Usually quartz glass fibers are drawn at a temperature of -2000'C which is well above the setting point temperature. Moderate variations of the temperature should therefore have negligible effects on the stress profile. Two sets of fibers were drawn from the same preform; the first set with constant drawing temperature of 20650C while varying the drawing velocity VD between 15 m/min < VD < 60 m/min. The second set was drawn with a constant drawing velocity of 19.6 m/min and different drawing temperatures ranging from 19600C to 20800C. This resulted in drawing force variations between 0.15and -0.8 N for both sets. The resulting stress differences between undoped PCVD
SiO 2 and WG SiO2 are plotted vs the drawing force for different drawing temperatures (Fig. 6). Again a lin-



_ -4 a |~


\1960 -2065

D -8 U3

l . . . . . .

.5 1.0 drawing force [N]


Fig. 6.

Axial stress difference of undoped PCVD SiO 2 and natural quartz vs drawing force for different temperatures.

2 E


ear dependence of the stress on the drawing force is found. Regardless of the drawing temperature all the measurement points fall on the same line. Hence the results are virtually independent of the drawing temperature. The experimental observations are in good agreement with the theoretical considerations in Sec. II.
D. Quantitative Analysis of the Measurements


Fig. 7.

originalfiber set corresponding to Fig. 2 and (b) the fiber set after the RIT experiment.

Axial stress level of the WG SiO 2 vs drawing force for (a) the

To calculate the mechanically induced residual stress by means of the model described in Sec. II, the material specific parameters, i.e., the viscosity and Young's modulus, have to be known. On the other hand, these parameters can be deduced from the slope of the axial stress vs drawing force plot according to Eq. (10). Unfortunately this slope represents a difference between a viscosity and an elasticity term. Special efforts have therefore been taken to separate the two terms experimentally. From the preform shown in Fig. 3 a second fiber set
was drawn. However we modified the WG cross-sec-

al component. Applying additional overcladding by means of the rod-in-tube technique (RIT) the slope is given by




tional area by means of overcladding the preform with additional WG tubes. With the two fiber sets one obtains two independent slope values and two slope equations for each material component in the fibers. For the fiber drawn from the original unsleeved preform the slope is given by Eq. (9):
Zl(WG) F 1 1 (13)

71' E '

where Aorig is the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the original fiber, ARIT is the CSA of the fiber drawn from the overcladded preform, and AWG is the CSA of the overcladded tube in the modified fiber. The axial stress in natural quartz for (a) the original fiber and (b) the RIT fiber is shown in Fig. 7 vs the drawing force. With the slopes denoted in the figure,
the scaling factor (p = 0.686, and
ARIT= 5.8 X 10 -3 mm2 ,

with whr i=


E' =



one obtains
E' = 17.5 X 10-3 mm 2, Arig = 17.6 X 10-3 mm 2 ,
AW = 10.4 X 10- mm2 . 1179

where index n indicates the WG substrate tube materi-

11 =

10.9 X 10-3 mm

1 April 1987 / Vol. 26, No. 7 / APPLIEDOPTICS

These results show that E'

essentially the same as that of natural quartz glass.

AWG: (a) The elasticity of GeO2 -doped PCVD quartz is (b) During fiber drawing the viscosity of the whole

Arig, '

GeO -doped 2

8 6

y = 14

fiber is clearly dominated by the viscosity of the substrate tube material. Hence we can introduce the following assumption: and simplify the relation for the Ei and s<< -E difference in axial stress between PCVD quartz and natural quartz [see Eq. (10)]:

67 2 E

= 44 = 60




12 A%O]

= (a- aWG) =




-6 2


Stress as a function of Dopant Concentration

1. GeO2 -DopedPCVD Quartz In Fig. 8 the measured stress differences between GeO2 -doped PCVD quartz and natural quartz Auzare shown vs the dopant-induced relative-index difference A. The upper graph shows the stress difference Acrz observed in preforms.' The lower graphs depicts the observed stress differences in the fibers with F / N \
AWG mm'

Fig. 8. Axial stress difference of GeO 2 -doped PCVD SiO2 and WG quartz vs relative-index difference with different drawing stress -Y= F/AWG. The solid line corresponds to preform data.

(where F = drawing force and AWG = cross-sectional area of the WG material) as the parameter. The parameter -yis sufficient to describe the behavior reflecting the fact that the approximation

] .1



0.01 0.01 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 a I/6I 2

in Eq. (10) is valid for the dopant concentrations

disFig. 9.



cussed here. With increasing external drawing stress the residual stress difference Acr,(A)is reduced. Therefore it is possible to minimize Aoa,by properly adjusting the
drawing force. This can be important for the long-

Viscosity ratios calculated from stress measurements on five different fiber sets vs relative-index difference.

time stability of fibers. Fibers with cladding consisting of WG material exhibit increasing tensile stress in the cladding with increasing drawing force. Especially for graded-index fibers with their large GeO2 -doped core cross-sectional areas the stress differences between the core and the cladding decreased with increasing drawing force. The Acra extrapolation to y = 0 matches the stress
difference obtained in preforms over the whole A re-

Hence the viscosity decreases with increasing GeO2 doping levels as is also known from other experiments.12 The values of [q(A)/n1WG deduced from our measurements on four different fiber samples are
shown in Fig. 9 (right-hand side) in a semilogarithmic

plot. In this presentation the data for the individual samples fall on straight lines, which are slightly shifted with respect to each other. The slopes, however, are almost identical.
The upper straight line in Fig. 9 starting at [A = 0,

gion investigated. This means that the total observed stress in GeO2 -doped fibers is merely the sum of the thermoelastic stress observed in preforms and the residual mechanically induced stress. When the drawing force is increased the AcrA(A)
curve is shifted to lower values. Figure 5 shows that

Aaz decreases linearly with -y. With increasing A the

slope of Acr(y) increases slightly. According to Eq. (15) this slope is given by [fl(A)/lWG - 1], where 1(A) and 7 1WG are the viscosity of the GeO 2 -doped PCVD

layers and the waveguide tube, respectively, at the setting point temperature of the waveguide material.
1180 APPLIEDOPTICS / Vol. 26, No. 7 / 1 April 1987

1]shows the viscosity variation deduced by linear interpolation from published data for pure SiO2 3 and pure GeO2.1 Obviously the viscosity of pure PCVD silica is reduced to 30%with respect to the value for natural silica. This means that the setting point temperature is decreased '30'C. On the other hand the slope of the log[fl(A)/qwG] curve of PCVD samples is in very good agreement with the value deduced as described above. However some of the published data12 indicate that a linear interpolation between the viscosity data of pure silica and pure GeO2 may be
77 (/)/-qWG =

-12 13


A [%O] -8 -6




-12 y = 13 23


A [%M] -8 -6
l l


- I


y =a0 -=





63 \

"\ 1\
F - doped

- 8 63
N .

__ .___.___-~~~~

p-4 am~
, .0

E ,

-8 - -10 Fig. 11. Mechanically induced residual stress difference in Fdoped PCVD quartz vs relative-index difference as a function of drawing stress. The dashed lines are calculated data using E(A) =

Fig. 10. Axial stress difference of F-doped PCVD SiO 2 and WG quartz vs relative-index difference for different drawing tensions Y

= F/AWG. The solid line corresponds to preform data; the dashed

line corresponds to extrapolated data with -y = 0.


inadequate to describe the SiO2/GeO2 binary system. Therefore the solid line in Fig. 9 (right-hand side) may

only be used as an estimate. The viscosity reduction of -70% typically for PCVD quartz is found to be not correlated with the chlorine concentration in the deposit. It may be caused by a slightly modified microstructure of the deposit compared to WG material. It is known that the viscosity of synthetic quartz depends very sensitively on the thermal history and incorporation in the network, the small scatter of the PCVD data obtained here is an indication of the reproducibility of the PCVD process and the natural quartz used. Nevertheless, additional investigation is necessary to explain the viscosity reduction.

However, the difference cannot be explained in detail due to the lack of material specific data. To illustrate the influence of mechanically induced residual stress, the stress difference Aoa~mech between the measurement points and the dashed line in Fig. 10 is depicted in Fig. 11. Here the dashed lines correspond to the stress difference calculated by Eq. (10) with the approximation

Ai = AWG,

2. F-DopedPCVD Silica
shown in Fig. 10 for various A values. The measure-

The A - A relationship of fluorine-doped silica is

ments were performed on four differently doped fibers indicated by four different symbols. A systematic variation of A, with both A and y is observed. Similar to GeO2 -doped silica, the Ac(A) curve (which is when the drawing force is increased. However, since the A, values of the preform are negative for values of

and the viscosity ratio n7(A)/77WG discussed later. The model fits excellently the measured stress data for -6%o < A < 0%o. With increasing dopant concentration the measured stress difference Aazmech decreases, which is an indication of decreasing Young's modulus, because the mechanically induced residual stress given by Eq. (10) is the difference between a term proportional to the viscous term

strongly nonlinear for SiO2/F) is shifted to lower values A usually used in optical fiber technology (2%oo A < < 6%o), drawing process always enhances the stress the difference between the F-doped materials and the outer substrate quartz material. The A(Ay) data again fall on a straight line similar to the data for pure and
GeO 2 -doped SiO2 . However, for this material system

hl(A) 1



which has a nearly constant value of -1 for dopant concentrations discussed here and a term proportional to the elastic term


the extrapolation to zero external force (dashed line in Fig. 10) does not fully coincide with the experimental values obtained from preform measurements (upper
solid line in Fig. 10).

For small dopant concentrations the second term vanishes but with increasing fluorine content the stress difference Aamechdecreases by the constant F/ AWG because of the increasing value of

Either stress in the preforms generated by hydrostatic pressure during the collapsing procedure or a very surprising observed concentration-dependent hysteresis of the thermal expansion coefficient of Fdoped material' 4 may be responsible for this effect.

A decrease of Young's modulus of 10-15% at A -10%o, for example, is sufficient to explain the observed discrepancy.
1 April 1987 / Vol. 26, No. 7 / APPLIEDOPTICS 1181

Analysis of the AOlech data of F-doped SiO 2 results in the plot [(A)/flWG] vs A given in Fig. 9 (left-hand

side). Obviously the viscosity decreases stronger with the F-induced index depression than with the GeO2induced index increase (right-hand side of Fig. 9).

For fluorine-doped silica the published data are rather scarce. The upper solid line on the left-hand side corresponds to a simple connection of the data points published in Ref. 13 (open ellipse) with the starting point A = 0%o. (Without any fluorine the viscosity ratio has to be 1.) This assumption is based
on a Fulcher behavior of the viscosity of fluorinedoped silica shown in Ref. 13 (linear interpolation of the constants analogous to oxyd glasses).

found, the origin of which is not yet clarified. With the model and the measured stress profiles the viscosity and the elastic behavior of GeO2 -doped and F-doped PCVD quartz were deduced over the whole doping range usually used for optical fibers (-12%o A < 10%o). Young's modulus seems to be unchanged except for fluorine doping levels corresponding to A < -6%o. The viscosity of PCVD quartz is slightly reduced to natural quartz.
1. P. K. Bachmann, W. Hermann, H. Wehr, and D. U. Wiechert, "Stress in Optical Waveguides. 1: Preforms," Appl. Opt. 25, 1093 (1986).

In addition to the data collected on PCVD fibers we performed stress measurements with different ten(Heraeus GmbH, prepared by means of Hanau). The preform consists of deposited F-doped
SiO2 as outer cladding and a core of pure SiO 2. The sions on SiO 2/F fibers drawn from a Fluorosil preform

2. S. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticity

(McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970). 3. G. W. Scherer, "Stress-Optical Effects in Optical Waveguides," J. Non-Cryst. Solids 38/39, 201 (1980).


4. W. Primak and D. Post, "Photoelastic Constants of Vitreous Silicon and Its Elastic Coefficient at Refractive Index," J. Appl.
Phys. 30, 779 (1959). 5. G. W. Scherer and A. R. Cooper, "Thermal Stresses in CladGlass Fibers," J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 63, 346 (1980). 6. U. C. Paek and C. R. Kurkjian, "Calculation of Cooling Rate and Induced Stresses in Drawing of Optical Fibers," J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 58, 330 (1975). 7. L. Rongved, C. R. Kurkjian, and F. T. Geyling, "Mechanical

relative refractive index of the cladding is -7.6%o redeferred to the core. The value for [?1(-7.6%o)/flWG] duced from the experiment is given by the solid square with the error bars in Fig. 9. One observes an apparent

agreement between this result and the value deduced from Ref. 13 and a systematic deviation from the
PCVD data as it was also observed in the SiO 2/GeO 2

system. The reason for the parallel shift of the data

Tempering of Optical Fibers," J. Non-Cryst. Solids 42, 579

(1980). 8. P. L. Chu and T. Whitbread, "Measurement of Stresses in Optical Fiber and Preform," Appl. Opt. 21, 4241 (1982). 9. P. Geittner, D. Kuppers, and H. Lydtin, "Low-Loss Optical

for F-doped PCVD glass is not yet clear but might be the same as for GeO2 -doped PCVD glass.
V. Summary

Fibres Prepared by Plasma Activated CVD," Appl. Phys. Lett.

28, 645 (1976). 10. P. K. Bachmann, "Review on Plasma Deposition Applications: Preparation of Optical Waveguides," Pure Appl. Chem. 57,1299 (1985).

We investigated in detail the stress properties of optical fibers prepared by means of PCVD using an experimental setup with a spatial resolution of +1.5 gtm. The measured stress profiles were compared with calculated data. A generalized model for the prediction of stress properties of fibers with n different materials was used for the calculation and the agreement between experiment and theory is excellent. Our results show that homogeneously doped fiber regions exhibit constant stress values. The stress differences
between undoped PCVD SiO 2 an substrate silica were

11. P. K. Bachmann, P. Geittner, and H. Lydtin, "Progress in the PCVD Process," in Technical Digest, Conference on Optical
Fiber Communication (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1986), paper WAL. 12. Y. Y. Huang and H. Sarkar, "Relationship Between Composition, Density and Refractive Index for Germania Silica Glasses," J. Non-Cryst. Solids 27, 29 (1978). 13. S. E. Miller and A. G. Chynoweth, Optical Telecommunications (Academic, New York, 1979). 14. P. K. Bachmann, T. P. M. Meeuwsen, and D. U. Wiechert,

found to linearly increase with increasing drawing force. At constant drawing force the measured stress profiles were found to be independent of the drawing temperature and the drawing speed. The total observed stress in fibers is simply the sum of the stress observed in preforms and the mechanically induced stress during fiber drawing. For highly F-doped PCVD SiO2 a small additional stress component can be

"Thermal Expansion Coefficientsof Doped and Undoped Silica

Prepared by Means of PCVD," J. LightwaveTechn. (1987), to be

15. A Muhlich, K. Rau, and N. Treber, "Preparation of Fluorine Doped Silica Preforms by Plasma Chemical Technique," in

TechnicalDigest, Third European Conference on Optical Communications, Munich (1977), p. 10.


APPLIEDOPTICS / Vol. 26, No. 7 / 1 April 1987

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