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i\qtttblit: of tbt tlbilippimrt

j18epartment of Qfbutatiou

FEB 1 82010
DepEd ORDER No. I 4 s. 2010


Undersecretaries Asststant Secretaries Bureau!Centeis!ServicelRegiona.l Directors 9chpolsDiVision/C;itySupertntendents

All Others, Concerned

GlJIDELINESON To- establish parameters guideli.nes are adopted:

OFFICIAL TRAVELS ABROAD in autbortzfng foreign travels, the following



Foreign travels. or travel abroad shall beallthorfzed

follOwing: 1. Wgh level/nii'rlistertaJ.

for attendance to the

meetings, conferences and the like where regtonal orglobalissuesamong country participants are discussed or concerns on international comm1tments With foreign bilateraipartnei'S of the Department are taken up,wllch are-also regplailycopducted;
employees for rraining
abroad wlJjch iSsO:urced

2, D:tredapplicationsof the Qrgaru.zersi.

and-educatten opportunities by-oWn rneams stich as those wsseniibated by ';

3. Invitation

conferences / meetings/ se;mi11ars/trailJings/worksbopsj by. sponsormg international organiZ<itioilsand foreigil seho9,lscfi:rectedto officials/eIPployees; to
study viSits/scholarships

4. Other relatedtravels abroad approved-on official time or officialbusir1ess whlch: include but not lirnited to invitation as reS01Jrce.orguest speaker, tn ofti:date mternaaonal sport cqmpetltiolis,. 9r \r:iSit/iIJ:spect facilities. or equtpment-offoretgn suppliers pursuant to provisions of SA No. 9184.

1, Foreign travels shall be regulated marnarmerthat will promotetbe best mtereatofthe Department and .rtsoffletals andemployees'prd!essiomu growth and WQdt productrerty, Considerations shall be made according to

a. themternal requirement of the Department; b. the.requtrements of the inviting party; c. relevance of the activity to the Department; d. promotions and maintenance of good Internatronalrelattonshtp and fulfillment of international commitments by the Department; and e. level of representations e.g. mimstertal meeting or sentor offi.cials meenng, 2. Opportunities for foreign travel shall be on equitable . basis among the employees of the Department. To ensure this. the frequency of foreign travels onofffctal. time and offlcralbuatness peryeax shall observe the guidelines below except those authorized by the5ecreta:t;y such as attendance to meetings required for being a permanent member of a Board/Body or of reason.oftndtspensabtltty or expertise andthehke:

a. Undersecretary
b. Assistant Secretary c. Director d.Below Director level

4-foreign travels 3 foreign,traYels 2 foreign travels. 1foreign travel

3~ Priority In Cl~signing. foreign, travels. shall. be given to those who are

qualified andJlave had the least travele.xcept in the foUowing("~lSe;

a. the orgamzers setspecntc requtrements as to the qualific.ations oftrre


requested an .employee/official due to Stl~t<1Rlli~a:ndl t previous 2lttangemenis;and O c. nat'ureof the actbtftv whiCh wID lead the Department to consider the su;itability of thep~cipant .based on position; actual duties and responsibilities; task delegated to him/her by the Department: expeJ."use: e:x:pectedinpu,ts/Qutputs; or follow-through acrlvtties.

4. Foreign travels shall not adversely affect. the q.elivery of setviceof office, bureau, serV:i,,and.scliools;
5. The. approval

e.m.p1oyeesQf DepEd is theqUscrettonary

regardIes$of delegates 10 besent,

the AuthoritY to Travel abroad for all Q~Cials and prerogative of the Seere~a.ry the length oftra\reland lbenumbet of persOnil(~l 01'



'OPERATING GUIDELINES' 1. The Offic.e. pf the .Secretary' (QSEC) shall clear all :irt'<-ilations to seminars lactivities/e'.rents/scholafships that Will he heldabroad except those that are sourced by officialsjemployeesin their personal capaerty. J1'1e' OSEC,througtr thecQncemed Undersecretary . shall identify and approve offfcfals/eillployees for such activities in accordance with these gene.talpoli.desandpriIiciples .. 2.

To ensure utmost Impartialtty and obJectiVit;Yin the award of contracts, offictals and employees shall not acceptinvitatiou$ toforeign.trave1.which fully funded by theforeign supplier/contractor.



__ __ .--..


All ministerial meetings. shall be attended by the Secretary unless he specifically designates an Undersecretary or an Assistant Secretary to represent .him, All other tnternattonal meetings and conferences may be attended by a duly designated Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary or by a


Bureau/Service 5.


Attendance by the representative or duly designated delegate of the Secretary in ministerial meetings and other intcrnationalcorn.rt:1ibnents will oitly be autl:tQ,rized to .have one (n or two (2) staff personnel to backstop him/her, whose functional designation and assignment are the. same.or the agenda.ofthe international meeting. An Undersecretary and ASsistant Secretary or a Director and Assistant DireytoT. n the same :?el"V'icej offl<::e/un:i.t hall Xlotaitendan international i s tneetingorconferenceat the same time 'unless otherwise authortzed.


7. The awarding of sctlQl31'ships, fellowshipandtral.nin.g:gr.;mtsshallat aU' ttmes conform to the policy ot transparency. accountability! equitable
distribution and eligibility andsha.ll be guidedbyfue existing procedures/process-set by the $chnlatship Commitfeeissued illSep~l.rate Orders, Memoranda and CircliIars .

.8. Scholarships/l:rainings

and. related activities sourced .and pursued by officials/empioyees irl thelf'perscnal <;apacity ~hottld beprougpt to the atten4onoftll,e nnmedtate supervisor or headof office before applie.aUon.
respense to such activities! be taken unless the Secretarjor des:i.gpated Undersecr.etary.hasapproved the foreign travel With c6trespondingendorserrientof his/herh~ad of. office. opportunities, nqactionshall


To ensure



10'. The .Office. 6f the Sec~etary'-Proper .shall Iuotdtor c0U;1plianpeof foreIgn


by officials and/oT personnel.

1. All.' eqtie$ts for. AuttioIify to Travel Aproad .shall besubtnittecl to proper r lineofa:uthoritiesbeforeforwarding to fuel O:f1lceof the Secretary. The request shall include the accomplishment ofthe Form shown tnAnnex A. 2. No foreign travel. shall be allowed to any offiCial or employee who has a pending administrative case. The certification of non-pending 'administrative casesballbe.Issued bytb:erespeftive Legal Oill.ces.
3. No offiCial or employee shall be sent to foreign training, confererreevor attend raternattonel-ecmmttments when they are due to retire Within one

OJ year after the said foreign travel.

4~ Allaftendance

in meetings abroad .shall be subject to availability of

5. No travel authority shall be issued if the prevtous travel has not been 'liquidated and cleared. 6. An official/employee traveling 011 a non-sponsored foreign trip on official time and official bustness shall be entitled to.a. daily allowance allowed under the United National Development Program (UNDP) DSA Index Rates.

7. The concerned offiCial/employee shall submit a report on the trainip.gJseminar/comerence/meetlng/workshop/study visit attended or inspection conductedwithtn thirty (3Q) daysafter his/her return tothe permanent Q(fidal.staf:ion. 'Thereportsnallinclude Dep'Ed'scntfcal inputs/contribution to said seminars, etc ..and/or merits/benefits gaine4 frolll the foreign travel.

8, Persoit[:te1W:J:10 files leave of absence with intention to travel abroad on

personal capacity shall likewise.sectire trav<il a.uthority. 9. These guidelines will be assessed periodically and correction TIlechanjsms shall be tnsttrutedas may be necessary tOWaR:ethem more televarl.iand responsive to the needs of DepEd.



This Order shall take-effect immediately and shall supersede, an;Icn<;i,.or I;llodify oiber pertinent prOVisions of Department Orders, Memoranda. and

Circulars inconsistent herewrth,


Reference: DepEd Memorandum: No.. 98, s.2007 Allotment: 1-(ILO..SO":97) . To be indicated in the Perpetual Index




Armex.A to DepEdOrd

in. 14, s. 2010



Name: __ Office: -----'

~_~ -'---'-


_ . --_ --'-__ _ ~

Nature of'Travel: lndusiyeDate'ofTravel: Country/Institution Estimated Cost:


to be visited: ~~ Fun,ding.Source: ~


Purpose of Travel: Expected benefits to the DepEd;

PreviPlAsSrave' Qndert<tken(prev1ou?yearand current year):




I hw? nopendingt:askjs; rhave '110 pending admitJ.IsJiqtivecase: Altreportorial' requfrements.o/m)l prevtous.ttavelshaveheen subrnitted; AllC;Clshadvgllces &: exp~nseso()fmy: previous travels have been liqui'dat:ed& cleared; There areftmdsavaildbhi fOJ' thiS-travel;

Requesting Offidal/Emplo}l;ee




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