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Web Master:

Geraldine Santos

Web Developers:
Alicia Rose Bie Edilyn Bobiles Ella Mae Mula Ma. Crizia Obea Geraldine Santos

Edilyn Bobiles Ella Mae Mula

This site is created for computer enthusiasts who want to learn more about html. This includes definitions of different topics and lessons regarding html. Aside from that, the creators also prepared fun and interactive activities for the visitors of this site. I.

OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. To give information or knowledge regarding the basic html. To show that creating websites is challenging yet fun. To give tutorials on html using interactive activities and games.


Website screen shot

III. Syntax
I. <HTML> <FRAMESET BORDER="0"> <FRAMESET ROWS=25%,75%> <FRAME SRC="banner.html"noresize> <FRAMESET COLS=15%,70%,15%> <FRAME SRC="navigation.html" noresize> <FRAME SRC="home.html" name="content"noresize> <FRAME SRC="other links.html" noresize> </FRAMESET> </FRAMESET> </HTML>

II. <html> <title>banner</title> <body background="anigif.gif"> </body> </html>

III. <html> <title>navigation</title> <head><h1><font face="dutch & harley" color="aqua">Topics</h1></font></head><br> <body background="pink.jpg">

<b><font face="berlin sans fb"color="yellow"size="3"><a href="home.html" target="content">HOME </a><br> <a href="introduction.html" target="content">Webpage,Website,<br>HTML</a><br>

<a href="element.html" target="content">Elements of a Webpage</a><br> <a href="text editor.html" target="content">Text Editors</a><br> <a href="4 basic tags.html" target="content">HTML Tags</a><br> <a href="font.html" target="content">HTML Fonts</a><br> <a href="background.html" target="content">HTML Background</a><br> <a href="marquee.html" target="content">HTML Marquee</a><br> <a href="images.html" target="content">HTML Images</a><br> <a href="sound.html" target="content">HTML Embed Sounds</a><br> <a href="videos.html" target="content">HTML Embed Videos</a><br> <a href="links.html" target="content">HTML Links</a><br> <a href="lists.html" target="content">HTML Lists</a><br> <a href="tables.html" target="content">HTML Tables</a><br> <a href="forms.html" target="content">HTML Forms</a><br> <a href="radio buttons.html" target="content">HTML Radio Buttons</a><br> <a href="checkboxes.html" target="content">HTML Check Boxes</a><br> <a href="option.html" target="content">HTML Select/Option Tag</a><br> <a href="two special button.html" target="content">HTML Special Buttons</a><br> <a href="search box.html" target="content">HTML Search Box</a><br> <a href="frameset.html" target="content">HTML Frameset</a><br> <a href="counters.html" target="content">HTML Counters</a><br> <a href="comments.html" target="content">FEEDBACK </a><br> </font></b> </body> </html>

IV. <html> <title>other links</title> <head><center><h1><font face="dutch & harley" color="navy">About Us </center></h1></font></head><br> <body background="pink.jpg"><b><font face="berlin sans fb"><center>

<img src="cia.jpg" align="center" height="50" width="50"><br> <a href="cia.html" target="content">Alicia Rose Bie</a><br><br>

<img src="edilyn.jpg" align="center" height="50" width="50"><br> <a href="edilyn.html" target="content">Edilyn Bobiles</a><br><br>

<img src="11.jpg" align="center" height="50" width="50"><br> <a href="ella.html" target="content">Ella Mae Mula</a><br><br>

<img src="13.jpg" align="center" height="50" width="50"><br> <a href="criz.html" target="content">Ma. Crizia Obea</a><br><br>

<img src="10.jpg" align="center" height="50" width="50"><br> <a href="ghe.html" target="content">Geraldine Santos</a><br><br>

</font></b> </center> </body> </html>

V. <html>

<title>home</title> <head><center><img src="0008.gif" width="500" height="100" ></center></head><hr><hr><br> <br><br><br> <body background="images7.jpeg"> <b><font face="comic sans ms" size="4"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Welcome to our website! This site is created for computer enthusiasts who want to learn more about html. This includes definitions of different topics and lessons regarding html. Aside from that, the creators also prepared fun and interactive activities for the visitors of this site.<p> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;May this site be a useful source of knowledge so that the visitors, themselves, can also create their own websites in the future.</font></b> </body> </html>

VI. <html> <title>Introduction</title> <head><center><h1><font face="showcard gothic" color="brown">Webpage, Website,HTML</center></h1></font></head><hr><hr> <body background="blue.jpg"><font face="viner hand itc" size="5"><b> <dl> <dt><font color="brown">Webpage</font> <dd><font color="purple">-->It is a document or information resource that is sustainable for the world wide web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a monitor or mobile device. There are ten <a href="element.html">elements of a webpage:</a></font> <dt><font color="brown">Website</font> <dd><font color="purple">-->It is a collection of related web pages containing images, videos, or other digital assets. A website is hosted on atleast one webserver, accesible via a network through an internet address also called URL.</font> <dt><font color="brown">HTML</font>

<dd><font color="purple">-->It is defined as Hypertext Markup Language, is a predominant markup language of webpages.<br><br> </font> </dl> </b> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="5"><a href="quizweb.html" target="content">Take a Quiz</a></font> </body> </html>

VII. <html> <title>element</title> <head><h1><center><font face="gretoon highlight" color="blue"><img src="cute6.gif" align="right" height="70" width="70">Elements of a Webpage<img src="cute6.gif" align="left" height="70" width="70"></h1></center></font></head><hr><hr> <body background="hi.jpg"> <b><font face="viner hand ITC" size="4"> <dl> <dt><font color="red">title</font> <dd>-displays the browser's title bar.It is the name assigned to the page. <dt><font color="red">heading</font> <dd>-a larger size text usually bold or italic in style showing the different sections of a page. <dt><font color="red">horizontal rule</font> <dd>-inline images that displays line across the page to separate different sections. <dt><font color="red">images</font> <dd>-graphics,icons,bullet,line photos or pictures that are not part of the html file. <dt><font color="red">image map</font>

<dd>-a type of inline images that defines hotspots.These are areas that activate functions when selected. <dt><font color="red">normal text</font> <dd>-the text that makes up tha main content of the webpage.It has many formats.It can be in paragraph form or bulleted list. <dt><font color="red">background</font> <dd>-the wallpaper of the webpage. <dt><font color="red">body</font> <dd>-contains the information of the browser's window. <dt><font color="red">animated images</font> <dd>-inline images that include motion and animation.These images are more attractive to the users. <dt><font color="red">links</font> <dd>-text,phrases, or graphics that help the user to navigate more in the webpage.<p> <img src="images element.jpg" align="center" height="900" width="600"><p> <img src="images 2.jpg" align="center" height="900" width="600"> </dl></b> </font> <font color="red" face="forte" size="5"><a href="quiz.elements.html">Take a Quiz</a></font> </body> </html>

VII. <html> <title>Text Editor</title> <head><marquee behavior="alternate"><h1><img src="133.gif"><font color="teal" face="nickelodeon">Text Editor (NOTEPAD)</font><img src="133.gif"></h1></marquee></head><hr><hr> <body background="love_25.gif"><font face="georgia" color="brown" size="5"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are several text editors that can be used in creating Html. Such editors are MicroSoft Word, Wordpad,and the most commonly used is the Notepad.</font><p>

<center><font face="nickelodeon" color="teal" size="10">Notepad</center></font> <br> <font face="georgia" color="brown" size="5"> -is a simple text editor for Microsoft Windows. It has been included in all versions of Microsoft Windows since Windows 1.0 in 1985. <br>-Notepad is a common text-only (plain text) editor. The resulting filestypically saved with the .txt extension. <br>-It has no format tags or styles, making the program suitable for editing system files that are to be used in a DOS environment. </font><hr> <center><font face="nickelodeon" color="teal" size="10">Parts Of The Notepad </font></center><br> <b><font face="georgia" color="brown" size="5"> <ul> <li> <li> <li> </ul> </b></font> <center><img src="notepad.jpg" height="500" width="700"></center><hr> Main menu bar Scroll bar Text area

<center><font face="nickelodeon" color="teal" size="10">Rules In Using Tags </font></center><br> <b><font face="georgia" color="brown" size="5"> <ul> <li>Each tag must be enclosed in < brackets >. <li>You can use small or capital letters. <li> Most tags comes in pair : the starting tag and the ending tag. </ul></b></font> <font color="red" face="forte" size="5"><a href="quiz.text.html">Take a Quiz</a></font> </body> </html>

IX. <html> <title>Four Basic Tags</title> <head><b><h1><font color="brown" face="Showcard Gothic"><marquee behavior="alternate"><img src="ciagnda.gif" Height="50" width="50">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FOUR BASIC TAGS&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="ciagnda.gif" Height="50" width="50"></b></h1></font></marquee></head><hr><hr> <body background="images (10).jpg"> <dl> <dt><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">< HTML >< /HTML ></font> <dd><font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">-the beginning and the end of the HTML document.</font> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <dt><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">< HEAD>< /HEAD ></font> <dd><font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">-used to header information. It is the beginning ang the end of the section of the document.</font> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <dt><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">< TITLE >< /TITLE ></font> <dd><font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">-indicates the beginning and the end of the title. The title is not dispaled in the body of the Webpage but on the title bar of the browser.</font> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <dt><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">< BODY >< /BODY ></font> <dd><font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">-indicates the beginning and the end of the contents of the body of the Webpage.</font> </dl><p><a href="4basictags.avi">play a video file</a> <center><font color="brown" face="Showcard Gothic"size="6">FORMATING TAGS</center></font><p> <dl> <dt><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">< br ></font> <dd><font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">-creates a line break.</font>

<dt><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">< p ></font> <dd><font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">-creates a paragraph.</font> <dt><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">< b >< /b ></font> <dd><font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">-defines a bold text.</font> <dt><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">< i >< /i ></font> <dd><font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">-italic text</font> <dt><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">< center > < /center ></font> <dd><font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">-center align</font><p> <center><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">ACTIVITY 1</center></font><p> <font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="6">Directions: Create a syntax using the data below:</font><p> <font face="bombfont trial"color="blue"size="5">TITLE:</font> <font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">Friends</font><p> <font face="bombfont trial"color="blue"size="5">HEADING:</font> <font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">What Friends Do (insert break)(24 in size)by Cristal Moonlight(18 in size)(insert 2 horizontal rule)</font><p> <font face="bombfont trial"color="blue"size="5">BODY:</font> <font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5">No matter how sad you feel(break a line)<br> A friend makes your sadness heal.(insert paragraph)<br> Just them being there is all it takes(break a line)<br> For all the hurt inside you to break.(insert paragraph)<br> Friends brighten up your days(break a line)<br> Friends chase those fears away(insert paragraph)<br> Friends help you through all the stress(break a line)<br> When a friend is around, there is no need to distress(insert paragraph)<br> Friends give you an inner strength to help you battle life's mysterious ways.(insert paragraph)<br> A friend makes you feel like you belong(break a line)<br> Even when life isolates you inside its walls.(insert paragraph)<br> A friend is unique and forever true(break a line)<br>

A firend makes you smile anytime of the day(break a line)<br> That is what friends do they always brighten up your day.<p> <center><font face="blomster"color="blue"size="7">ACTIVITY 2</center></font><p> <font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="6">Directions: Create a syntax using the poem below:</font><p> <center><font face="bombfont trial"color="blue"size="5">FRIENDS</font><p> <font face="bombfont trial"color="brown"size="5"> A friend is someone we turn to<br> when our spirits need a lift.<br> A friend is someone we treasure<br> for our friendship is a gift.<br> A friend is someone who fills our lives<br> with beauty, joy, and grace.<br> And makes the whole world we live in<br> a better and happier place.<p> -Jean Kyler McManus-</font></center><hr><hr> <font color="red" face="forte" size="5"><a href="quizintags.html">Take a Quiz</a></font><p> </body> </html>

X. <html> <title>fonts</title> <head><marquee behavior="alternate"><h1><img src="98.gif"><font color="black" face="nickelodeon">The Font Element</font><img src="98.gif"></h1></marquee></head><hr><hr> <body background="floral.jpg"><b><font face="kristen itc"> <dt><font color="blue"size="6">Font Sizes</font> <dd><font color="purple"size="4">As you have seen in the previous lessons, the font used by default is the one which is set up as the default text font in your browser. Usually this is "Times New Roman", black color

and size 3. To change the font size of the text on your webpages, you simply embed the text in the FONT element and add the SIZE attribute with a value between 1 (very small) and 7 (very big) to the opening font tag. See example below.</font><p> <font color="navy">Tags to be used:<br> < font color=desired colorface=desired font stylesize=desired size > text < /font ></font><br> <dl> <dt><font color="blue"size="6">Font Colors</font> <dd><font color="purple"size="4">To change the text color you need to add the attribute COLOR to the opening FONT tag and assign it a value for the color. The color value can be any of the following 16 color names: black, silver, white, gray, maroon, red, blue, green, yellow, purple, fuchsia, cyan, lime, olive, navy, teal, aqua.</font><p> <font color="navy">Example:<br> < font color="navy" >text< /font ></font><br> <dt><font color="blue"size="6">Different Fonts</font> <dd><font color="purple"size="4">Fonts--> To change the font style from the default (Times New Roman) to a different style, simply add the attribute FACE to the opening FONT tag. As value for the FACE attribute you can use any specific font name such as "verdana", "arial", "georgia", "bookman old style", "comic sans ms" and many more. Alternatively you may use generic font styles such as "serif", "sans-serif", "cursive", "fantasy" and "monospace". The font face values are case-insensitive, i.e. it doesn't matter whether you type "Arial" or "arial".</font><br> <font color="navy">Example:<br> < font face="monotype corsiva" >text< /font ></font></dl> </b></body> </html>

XI. <html> <title>bg</title> <body background="bg.jpg">

</body> </html>

XII. <html> <title>Marquee</title> <head><h1><b><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic" size="7"><marquee behavior="alternate" direction="right"><img src="166.gif" align="left" height="70" width="100">MARQUEE<img src="166.gif" align="right" height="70" width="100"></h1></b></font></marquee></head><hr><hr> <body background="nature8.gif"><b><font face="elephant" size="7" color="black">What is Marquee?<br></font><font face="harrington" size="5" color="navy">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The marquee tag is a non-standard HTML element which causes text to scroll up, down, left or right automatically. <br><br><font face="green piloww" size="6" color="black">Tags to be used</font><br><img src="marquee.jpg"><br> <center><font face="elephant"color="black"size="7"> MARQUEE ATTRIBUTES</center></font><p> <center><img src="marquee1.bmp" height="600" width="600"></center><p> <center><font face="elephant" size="7" color="black">ACTIVITY</center></font><p> <font face="harrington" size="6" color="navy">Directions: Create a syntax using the data below:</font><p> <font face="elephant" size="6" color="black">TITLE:</font> <font face="harrington" size="5" color="navy">Teacher</font><p> <font face="elephant" size="6" color="black">HEADING:</font> <font face="harrington" size="5" color="navy">Number One Teacher(center)(size 24)(bold)(font color is blue, face is algerian)(marquee behavior is alternate, direction is left)</font><p> <font face="elephant" size="6" color="black">BODY:</font> <font face="harrington" size="5" color="navy">(background image is teacher.jpg)(center)(font size is 20, face is verdana, color is red)<br> Thank you skillfull teacher(break a line)<br> for teaching me to be (break a line)<br>

a stronger, smarter person(break a line)<br> academically.(insert paragraph)<br> Thank you number one teacher(break a line)<br> for acting like friend,(break a line)<br> And taking time to show me,(break a line)<br> lessons hard to comprehend,(break a line)<br> Thank you for caring,(break a line)<br> and lots of the stuff(insert paragraph)<br> Thank you, My Number One Teacher.(insert horizontal rule)<br> By Joanna Fuchs</font></center></b> <p> <font color="red" face="forte" size="5"><a href="qiuzmarquee.html">Take a Quiz</a></font> </body> </html>

XIII. <html> <title>Images</title> <head><center><h1><font color="dark pink" face="gretoon highlight"><img src="94.gif" align="left" height="70"width="70">INSERTING IMAGES<img src="94.gif" align="right" height="70" width="70"></center></h1></font></head><hr><hr> <body background="56555.jpg"><h3> <dl> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">What is an image?</h2></font> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc"> In computer science an image is an exact replica of the contents of a storage device (a hard disk drive or CD-ROM for example) stored on a second storage device. </font><p> <dd><font color="red" size="5"><u>Sample picture of image:</u></font><p> <dd><img src="pooh2.jpg" align="center" height="200" width="400"><p> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">What is an animated image?</h2></font>

<dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc"> An animated GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) file is a graphic image on a Web page that moves - for example, a twirling icon or a banner with a hand that waves or letters that magically get larger. In particular, an animated GIF is a file in the Graphics Interchange Format specified as GIF89a that contains within the single file a set of images that are presented in a specified order. An animated GIF can loop endlessly (and it appears as though your document never finishes arriving) or it can present one or a few sequences and then stop the animation. </font><p> <dd><font color="red" size="5"><u>Sample picture of animated images:</u></font><p> <dd><img src="cute6.gif" align="center" height="200" width="400"><p> <hr><hr> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">Tags to be used:</h2></font> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc"> -->the tag used in image:<br><img src="hun.jpg" height="100" width="500"><br>-->this tag is empty, which means that it contains attributes only, and has no closing tag.</font> <hr><hr> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">Attributes in Inserting Images and Animated Images:</h2></font> <dd><font color="brown" face="elephant"><u><ol>SRC or SOURCE</u></ol></font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->to display an image on a page, you need to use the src attribute. Src stands for "source". The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image you want to display.</font><p> <dd>Example:<br><img src="opk.jpg" height="100" width="500"><p> <dd><font color="brown" face="elephant"><u><ol>Set the HEIGHT and WIDTH of an Image</u></ol></font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->the height and width attributes are used to specify the height and width of an image.</font><p> <dd>Example:<br><img src="yun.jpg" height="100" width="500"><p> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">How to add an Animated Images?</h2></font> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->syntax for defining an animated image (.gif ):</font><p> <dd>Example:<br><img src="juk.jpg" height="100" width="500"><p>

</dl> </h3> <font color="red" face="forte" size="5"><a href="quizonimages.html">Take a Quiz</a></font> </body> </html>

XIV. <html> <title>Embedding sounds</title> <head><h1><center><font face="circus" color="brown"><marquee behavior="alternate" direction="right"><img src="124.gif"> <img src="124.gif">Embedding sounds<img src="124.gif"><img src="124.gif"></marquee></h1></center></font></head><hr> <body background="blush.jpg"><b><font face="showcard gothic" color="blue" size="6">What is Sound?</font><br> <br><br><font face="footlight mt light" color="navy"size="5"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations.</font><p> <font face="showcard gothic" color="blue" size="6"> Tags to be used:</font><br><br> <font face="footlight mt light" color="navy" size="5"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Music is inserted onto a web page with the use of the embed tag. There are other ways to link to music, but embed is now considered the standard for inserting media. Below is an minimalist example of the embed tag using the src attribute to define the media file's location.<br><br> < embed src="name of the song.file extension > </font><br> <font face="nickelodeon" color="brown" size="6"> Attributes of Html embed </font> <font face="footlight mt light" color="navy" size="5">

<ol> <li> <li> <li> </ol> </font><hr> <font face="showcard gothic" color="blue" size="6">Example</font><br><br> <font face="footlight mt light" color="navy" size="5">< html ><br> < title >sounds < / title ><br> < body ><br> < embed src="21 guns.mp3" hidden="false autoplay="true" ><br> < / body><br> < / html ></font><br><br><br></b> <img src="sound.jpg" height="200" width="500"><br> <embed src="21 guns.wma" hidden="false" autoplay="false"> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizsound.html">Take a Quiz</font></a> </body> </html> width - the width of the media player. height - the height of the media player hidden - if this value is true then the media player will not be displayed. (Values are true/false)

XV. <html> <title>Videos</title> <head><center><font face="blomster" color="blue" size="7"><img src="floatie160.gif" height="100" width="70" align="left">Inserting Videos<img src="floatie160.gif" height="100" width="70" align="right"></center></font></head><hr><hr> <body background="texture4.png"> <h2><font face="constantia" color="red"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Videos can be embedded into your html documents (web pages) two different ways. One method is to use the < embed /> tag to

display your media file. The embed tag does not require a closing tag. In fact, it works much like the image tag. A src attribute must be defined by the correct URL (local or global) in order for the video file to be displayed correctly. </h2></font><font face="georgia" color="brown" size="6"><br><br>HTML - embed Attributes</font><br><h2><font face="constantia" color="green" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are some unique attributes available to the < embed / > tag including: volume, autostart, hidden, and loop.</h2></font><br> <font face="constantia" color="yellow" size="3"><table border="1"> <tr> <th>Attributes <th>Description </tr> <tr> <td>volume <td>set a numeric value for the loudness of your media. (0-100) </tr> <tr> <td>Autostart <td>controls the media's ability to start without prompting. Values are true or false </tr> <tr> <td>hidden <td>controls whether or not the play/stop/pause embedded object is hidden or not. Values are true or false. (Hide your embeded media if you just want background noise) </tr> <tr> <td>loop <td>A true value means the media will continuously loop, false means no looping </tr> <td>playcount

<td>Setting a playcount means the media will repeat itself x number of times instead of continuously as with the loop attribute above. (playcount="2" will repeat the video twice) </tr> <tr> <td>height <td>sets the height of the video player </tr> <tr> <td>width <td>sets the width of the video player </tr> <tr> <td>autoplay <td>If present, then the video will start playing as soon as it is ready </tr> <tr> <td>controls <td>If present, controls will be displayed, such as a play button </tr> </table></font><hr><hr><br><font face="constantia" color="green" size="6"><b>HTML- video media file types</b></font> <font face="constantia" color="blue" size="5"><h3><ul> <li> .swf files<br> - are the file types created by Macromedia's Flash program. <li>.wmv files <br>- are Microsoft's Window's Media Video file types. <li>.mov files <br>- are Apple's Quick Time Movie format. <li>.mpeg files <br>- set the standard for compression movie files created by the Moving Pictures Expert Group.</h3></font> <font face="constantia" color="green" size="6"><b><br>The < embed > Tag </b></ font><br><br>Example:<br><img src="video.jpg"><br>

<a href="embed video.">Play a video File</a> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizvideos.html">Take a Quiz</font></a> </body> </html>

XVI. <html> <title>Links</title> <head><h1><img src="114.gif"align="left"height="70"width="70"><center><font color="purple"face="blomster"><b>LINKS</b></font><img src="114.gif"align="right"height="70"width="70"></center></h1></head><hr><hr> <body background="retro.jpg"><font face="comic sans ms"><b> <dl> <dt><font color="purple"size="6">HYPERLINK</font> <dd><font color="brown"size="4">-can simply be called "link"</font> <dd><font color="brown"size="4">-is used to connect different webpages of different websites or web servers anywhere in the world. This can be done by just one click.</font> </dl><p> <center><font color="red"face="blomster"size="6">Four Types of Links</font></center><p> <dl> <dt><font color="purple"size="5">a. Links to E-mail</font> <dd><font color="brown"size="4">-this link allows the visitors to contact the web developer for comments and additional information regarding the web page.</font></dl><p> <font color="purple"size="6">TAG TO BE USED:</font><br> <img src="links1.bmp"><br> <dl> <dt><font color="purple"size="5">b. Links to other HTML documents</font>

<dd><font color="brown"size="4">-linking is very effective on the website that consists of multiple pages.</font> <dd><font color="brown"size="4">-before you can link different HTML documents, there must be different HTML documents created</font></dl><br><br> <font color="purple"size="6">TAG TO BE USED:</font><br> <img src="links2.bmp"><br> <dl> <dt><font color="purple"size="5">c. Links to other websites</font> <dd><font color="brown"size="4">-the created page will automatically link to the other website.</font></dl><br><br> <font color="purple"size="6">TAG TO BE USED:</font><br> <img src="links3.bmp"><br> <dl> <dt><font color="purple"size="5">d. Imagelink</font> <dd><font color="brown"size="4">-it is used as a linking tool in connecting to another webpage or websites</font> </dl><br><br> <font color="purple"size="6">TAG TO BE USED:</font><br> <img src="links4.bmp"><p> <font color="purple"face="blomster"size="6">ACTIVITY 1</font><br> <font face="comic sans ms"color="red"size="5">General Instruction: Create a syntax using the data below:</font><br> <font face="comic sans ms"color="purple"size="4">HEAD:</font> <font face="comic sans ms"color="brown"size="4">Different Examples of Webpages (18 in size)(font color is maroon, face is Bookman Old Style)(must be center)(marquee bahavior is scroll)(insert horizontal rule)</font><p> <font face="comic sans ms"color="purple"size="4">TITLE:</font> <font face="comic sans ms"color="brown"size="4">html link</font><p> <font face="comic sans ms"color="purple"size="4">BODY:</font>

<font face="comic sans ms"color="brown"size="4">To view the different examples of html document or webpages, just click the link below: (font color is green, face is castellar)(insert break)<br> Example A (break a line)<br> Example B (break a line)<br> Example C (break a line)</font><p> <font face="comic sans ms"color="purple"size="4">NOTE:</font> <font face="comic sans ms"color="brown"size="4">Use link to other html file<br> Example A filename is 1.html<br> Example B filename is 2.html<br> Example C filename is 3.html</font><p> <font color="purple"face="blomster"size="6">ACTIVITY 2</font><p> <font face="comic sans ms"color="purple"size="4">TITLE:</font> <font face="comic sans ms"color="brown"size="4">EXAMPLE</font><p> <font face="comic sans ms"color="purple"size="4">HEAD:</font> <font face="comic sans ms"color="brown"size="4">FEEDBACK (must be 24 in size)(font color is blue, face is castellar)(must be center)(marquee behavior of text and image is alternate, name of image are 10.gif and 22.gif)(insert horizontal rule)</font><p> <font face="comic sans ms"color="purple"size="4">BODY:</font> <font face="comic sans ms"color="brown"size="4">For your comments and suggestions, click the link below: (font color is red, face is papyrus, size is 6)(break)(use email link, this will be mailed to</font><p> <font color="purple"face="blomster"size="6">ACTIVITY 3</font><p> <font face="comic sans ms"color="purple"size="4">HEAD:</font> <font face="comic sans ms"color="brown"size="4">(Add 2 images, alignments are left and right; height is 100, width is 100; the name of images are 13.gif)YOUR FEED BACK(24 in size)(font color is green, face is comic sans)(must be center)(marquee behavior is alternate)(insert horizontal rule)</font><p> <font face="comic sans ms"color="purple"size="4">TITLE:</font> <font face="comic sans ms"color="brown"size="4">email link</font><p> <font face="comic sans ms"color="purple"size="4">BODY:</font>

<font face="comic sans ms"color="brown"size="4">(background color is yellow) For your comments and suggestions, click the link below:(break)(font color is red, face is papyrus, size is 6) Click here (use email link, this will be mailed to<p><hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizlink.html">Take a Quiz </b></font></a> </body> </html>

XVII. <html> <title>LISTS</title> <head><h1><b><font color="brown" face="gretoon"><marquee behavior="alternate" direction="right"><img src="89.gif" align="left" height="70" width="100">LISTS<img src="89.gif" align="right" height="70" width="100"></h1></b></font></marquee></head><hr><hr> <body background="1.jpg"><font face="gretoon" color="brown"size="6"> What is LIST?? </font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5"><ul> <li> <li> Lists are often used to present information in an easy to read fashion. <br> Lists can also be used to indent information. Lists can be bulleted, numbered or printed without bullets

and numbers.<br> <li> It should also be noted that in any type of list, you can still use the line break and paragraph tags and

normal text mark-up tags to emphasize text etc. </ul></font><br> <font face="gretoon" color="brown"size="6">Different types of List in HTML </font> <dl> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6"><dt>Ordered List: </font>

<font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5"><dd>It is a numbered list where the numbers are in order beginning with no. 1 <br> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6"><dt>Unordered List:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5"><dd>It is a bulleted list </font><br> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6"><dt>Definition List:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5"><dd> A definition list is a list of terms and corresponding definitions. <dd> Definition lists are typically formatted with the term on the left with the definition following on the right or on the next line. <dd>The definition text is typically indented with respect to the term. </font> </dl><hr><hr>

<center><font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">Tags </font></center> <br> <font color="indigo" face="gretoon"size="6">Ordered List</font><br> <img src="ol.jpg" height="500" width="1000"><br> </font> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">Unordered List</font><br> <img src="ul.jpg" height="500" width="1000"><br> <font color="indigo" face="gretoon"size="6">Definition List </font><br> <img src="dd.jpg" height="500" width="1000"><br> <hr>

<center><font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">TIPS </font></center><br>

<font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5">In any type of list, you can still use the line break and paragraph tags and normal text mark-up tags to emphasize text etc. <br> Ordered list are numbered list so it includes a step by step procedure.<br> Unordered lists are bulleted list so it is use or choices, for summaries <br></font><p> <center><font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="7">ACTIVITY L</center></font><p> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="6">Direction: Create an ordered list using the data below</font><p> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">TITLE:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5">Favorite Top 10 Songs</font><p> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">HEAD:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5">(must be bold, center)(24 in size)(font face is papyrus)Top 10 Favorite Songs(insert 2 line breaks)</font><p> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">BODY:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5">(background color is blue)<br> 1. Broken-Heart- Motion City Soundtrack<br> 2. If You Ever Come Back- The Script<br> 3. How to Save a Life- The Fray<br> 4. When It Rains- Paramore<br> 5. Secrets- One Republic<br> 6. Congratulations, I Hate You- Alesana<br> 7. This Photograph is Proof- Taking Back Sundays<br> 8. The World is Black- Good Charlotte<br>

9. Second Chance- Faber Drive<br> 10. Shadow of the Day- Linkin Park </font><p> <center><font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="7">ACTIVITY M</center></font><p> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="6">Direction: Create an unordered list using the data below</font><p> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">TITLE:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5">Album and Songs</font><p> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">HEAD:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5">(must be center, bold)(24 in size)(font face is goudy stout, color is violet) Album and Songs(insert 2 line breaks)</font><p> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">BODY:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5">(background color is pink)(must be center, bold)(18 in size)<br> -Feeling Sorry<br> -Turn It Off<br> -Where the Line Overlaps<br> -Careful<br> -Lookin Up<br> -Ignorance<br> -The Only Exception<br> -Playing God<br> -Brick By Boring Brick<br> -Misguided Ghost<br> -All I Wanted<br>

</font> <center><font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="7">ACTIVITY N</center></font><p> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="6">Direction: Create a definition list using the data below</font><p> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">TITLE:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5">Subjects</font><p> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">HEAD:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5">(must be center, bold)(24 in size)(font face is verdana)Subjects with Meaning(insert 2 line breaks)</font><p> <font color="brown" face="gretoon"size="6">BODY:</font> <font face="bookman old style" color="indigo" size="5">(background color is yellow)<br> English- The commonly used language<br> -Language of United States and British<br> Science- An area of knowledge that is an object of study<br> -Knowledge covering general truths<br> Mathematics- The science of numbers<br> - The operation and relation between numbers<br> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="listquiz.html">Take a Quiz</font></a> </body> </html>

XVIII. <html> <title>tables</title>

<head><h1><font face="harry p" color="green"><marquee behavior="alternate" direction="right"><img src="151.gif" align="left" height="70" width="70">Creating Tables<img src="151.gif" align="right" height="70" width="70"></h1></font></marquee></head><hr> <body background="ji.gif"><font face="harry p" color="red" size="7">What are tables?</font><br> <font face="tempus sans itc" color="purple" size="6"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The HTML table model allows authors to arrange data -- text, preformatted text, images, links, forms, form fields, other tables, etc. -- into rows and columns of cells.</font><p> <font face="harry p" color="red" size="7">Tags to be used:</font><br> <img src="tab.jpg" height="500" width="1000"><br> </font> <font face="gretoon" color="blue" size="4">Cell Spacing and Cell Padding</font><br> <font face="tempus sans itc" color="purple" size="6">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With the cell spacing and cell padding attributes, you will be able to adjust the white space on your table. Spacing defines the width of the border, while the padding represents the distance between the cell borders and the content within.</font><br> <font face="gretoon" color="blue" size="4">Cell padding</font><br> <center><table border="1" cellspacing="10"><caption>Daily Allowance</caption> <tr> <th>day</th> <th>amount</th> </tr> <tr> <td>monday</td> <td>40.00</td> </ tr> </table><br></center> <font face="gretoon" color="blue" size="4">Cell Spacing</font><br> <center><table border="1" cellpadding="10"><caption>Daily Allowance</caption>

<tr> <th>day</th> <th>amount</th> </tr> <tr> <td>monday</td> <td>40.00</td> </ tr> </table><br></center>

<font face="harry p" color="red" size="7">Example</font><br> <center> <table border="1"> <caption>Daily Allowance</caption> <tr> <th>day</th> <th>amount</th> </tr> <tr> <td>monday</td> <td>40.00</td> </ tr> </tr> <tr> <td>tuesday</td> <td>40.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td>wednesday</td>

<td>60.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td>thursday</td> <td>45.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td>friday</td> <td>55.00</td> </tr> </table> </center> <dl> <dt><font face="harry p" color="red" size="7"><center>Tips on Creating Tables</font></center><br> <dd><font face="tempus sans itc" color="purple" size="6">- - Tables can be given backgrounds using the bgcolor attribute. Also, be aware that backgrounds are not limited to the <table> tag, you can also give separate backgrounds to < td > and < tr > tags.</font> <dd><font face="tempus sans itc" color="purple" size="6">- - The < tr > tag must always be placed before the <t d > tag.</font> <dd><font face="tempus sans itc" color="purple" size="6">- - The examples above show good form for organizing the table code. It may seem a bit complicated, but if you keep everything organized it will be much easier to manage down the road.</font> <dd><font face="tempus sans itc" color="purple" size="6">- - Cell Padding and Spacing</font> <dd><font face="tempus sans itc" color="purple" size="6">- - With the cellpadding and cellspacing attributes you will be able to adjust the white space on your tables. Spacing defines the width of the border, while padding represents the distance between cell borders and thecontent within. </font> </dl></font> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quiztable.html">Take a Quiz</font></a>

</body> </html>

XIX. <html> <title>Forms</title> <head><h1><center><b><font face="harry p" color="blue"><img src="119.gif" size="align="left' height="70" width="100">All About Forms<img src="119.gif" size="align="right" height="70" width="100"></h1></center></b></font></head><hr><hr> <body background="89899.gif"><b><center><font face="matura mt script capitals"color="red"size="6">Form</center></font><br><font color="green" face="harrington" size="5">It is a container tag<br>- It holds all of the elements such as text boxes and submmit buttons, etc.<br>- It is used to pass data to a server.<br>- Used to collect and process information inputted by the user, through its controls.</font><hr><center><font color="red" face="matura mt script capitals" size="6">Adding Forms</font></center><br><br><font color="red" face="harrington" size="5"><b>The Form Input Elements</font></b><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <font color="blue" face="harrington" size="5">You can have different types of input elements in a form. Examples are checkboxes, radio buttons, simple text boxes, etc. <br><font color="indigo" face="harrington" size="5"><b>Text</b><br>- tells the browser that a single line text input box should be created.<br><font color="indigo" face="harrington" size="5"><b>Name</b></font><br>-gives a name to the field and used to identify the field on the server slide.<br><font color="indigo" face="harrington" size="5"><b>Value</b></font><br>-the text you give as value will be displayed by default in the text box.<br><b>Maxlength</b></font><font color="indigo" face="harrington" size="5"><br>-specifies the maximum number of characters the user can enter into a text box.</font><br>Example:<br><img src="forms3.jpg"><hr><font color="red" face="matura mt script capitals" size="6"><center>Form Attributes</font></center><font color="indigo" face="harrington" size="5"><b>Action</b><br>- points to the url which the form submission is sent<br><br><b>Method</b><br>- specifies how to send form data<br><br><b>Get</b><br>- the form's data is added to the URL defined in the action attribute<br><br><b>Post</b><br>- the form's data is added to the body of the form.</b><hr><hr>

<font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizform.html">Take a Quiz</font></a></body> </html>

XX. <html> <title>Radio Buttons</title> <head><center><h1><font color="brown" face="gretoon highlight"><img src="27.gif" align="left" height="70"width="70">RADIO BUTTONS<img src="27.gif" align="right" height="70"width="70"></center></h1></font></head><hr><hr> <body background="texture3.png"><h3> <dl> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">What is radio buttons?</h2></font> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->A radio button or option button is a type of graphical user interface element that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of options.</font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->Radio buttons are used when you want to let the visitor select one - and just one - option from a set of alternatives. </font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->If more options are to be allowed at the same time you should use check boxes instead. </font><p> <dd><font color="teal" size="5"><u>Sample picture of radio buttons</u></font><p> <dd><img src="radiobuttons.jpg" align="center" height="200" width="400"><br> <hr><hr> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">Tags to be used:</h2></font> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc"><img src="oink.jpg" height="100" width="500"></font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->is used to display a radio button. </font><br><hr><hr> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">different attributes used:</h2></font> <dd><font color="brown" face="algerian">TYPE </font><br>

<dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->the TYPE attribute takes the value "radio" when used to create a radio button.</font><p> <dd><font color="brown" face="algerian">NAME</font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->the author of the form assigns a value to the NAME attribute. Use the same name for all of the radio buttons in each group, this way the user is limited to exactly one option in the group. </font><p> <dd><font color="brown" face="algerian">value</font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->used the VALUE attribute to distinguish between the different radio buttons in a group. </font><p> <dd><font color="brown" face="algerian">checked</font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->the CHECKED attribute indicates which radio button should be selected when the page is first loaded. Only one radio button in each group may be checked. The CHECKED attribute does not take a value.</font><hr><hr> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">examples:</h2></font> <dd><font color="black" face="nickelodeon"><a href="example1.html">EXAMPLE 1</a></font> <dd><font color="black" face="nickelodeon"><a href="example2.html">EXAMPLE 2</a></font><hr><hr> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">tips:</h2></font> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->You should display your web page in several browsers to see how each one renders your page.</font><br><hr><hr> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">importance:</h2></font> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">a. All radio buttons within a group must share the same name. That is, the value of the name attribute should be the same. For example, all three radio buttons in the "Preferred Color" group have name="preferred color".</font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">b. All radio buttons within a group should have a different value for the value attribute. For example, if one radio button has value="red", none of the others in that group should have a value of red, as this would defeat the purpose of having the extra radio button. </font><br>

<dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">c. The "label" for each radio button is determined by the text next to the radio button (not the value attributes). The value attribute is used by the form handler.</font><p> </dl> </h3> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizradio.html">Take a Quiz</font></a> </body> </html>

XXI. <html> <head><marquee behavior="alternate" direction="left"><h1><font face="snap ITC" color="teal"><b><img src="119.gif" hieght="150" width="150">Checkboxes<img src="119.gif" hieght="150" width="150"></h1></font></b></marquee></head><hr><hr> <title>Checkboxes</title> <body background="criz.jpg"> <center><b><font face="snap ITC" color="brown"size="6">What is Checkbox?</font></b></center> <font face="georgia" color="olive"size="5"> <ul><li>Checkbox is a graphical user interface element that permits the user to make multiple selections from a number of options <li>Normally, checkboxes are shown on the screen as a square box that can contain white space. <li>A caption describing the meaning of the checkbox is normally shown adjacent to the checkbox. </ul> </font><br>

<center><b><font face="snap ITC" color="brown"size="6">Tags to be Used</font></b></center>

<center><img src="checkboxtags.jpg" hieght="400" width="500"></center><br><br>

<center><b><font face="snap ITC" color="brown"size="6">Attributes for Checkboxes</font></b></center><br>

<dl> <dt><b><u><font face="georgia" color="violet" size="5">NAME</font></u></b> <dd><font face="georgia" color="brown" size="5">The name setting adds an internal name to the field so the program that handles the form can identify the fields.</font> <dt><b><u><font face="georgia" color="violet" size="5">VALUE</font></u></b> <dd><font face="georgia" color="brown" size="5">The value setting defines what will be submitted if checked.</font> <dt><b><u><font face="georgia" color="violet" size="5">CHECKED</font></u></b> <dd><font face="georgia" color="brown" size="5">It is possible to pre check the input boxes for your viewers using the checked attribute. Simply set the checked attribute to yes or no. </font> </dl><hr>

<center><img src="cb1.jpg"></center>

<center><img src="cb2.jpg"></center><br> <hr><br>

<center><b><font face="snap ITC" color="red"size="6">Sample Output</font></b></center> <center><img src="output1.jpg"</center> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizcheck.html">Take a Quiz</font></a> </body> </html>

XXII. <html> <title>select/option</title> <head><marquee behavior="alternate"><font color="purple"face="blomster"><center><h1><u><img src="cool.gif">SELECT/OPTION TAG<img src="cool.gif"></font></center></h1></u></marquee></head><hr><hr> <body background="blush.jpg"><font face="snap itc"color="navy"size="5"> <ul> <li>The < option > tag defines an option in a select list. <li>The option element goes inside the select element. </ul><br><br> <center><font color="purple"face="blomster"size="6">ATTRIBUTES</center></font> <table border="1"> <tr> <td><font color="navy"face="blomster"size="4">Attribute</font> <td><font color="navy"face="blomster"size="4">Value</font> <td><font color="navy"face="blomster"size="4">Description</font> </tr> <tr> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">Disabled</font> <td><font color="green"face="snap itc"size="4">Disabled</font> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">Specifies that an option should be disabled</font> </tr> <tr> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">Label</font> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">text</font> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">Specifies a shorter label for an option</font> </tr>

<tr> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">Selected</font> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">Selected</font> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">Specifies that an option should be selected by default</font> </tr> <tr> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">Value</font> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">text</font> <td><font color="navy"face="snap itc"size="4">Specifies the value to be sent to a server when a form is submitted</font> </tr> </table><br><br> <center><u><font color="purple"face="blomster"size="6">EXAMPLE</center></u></font><br> <center><img src="select.bmp"></center> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizselect.html">Take a Quiz</font></a> </body> </html> XXIII. <html> <title>two special buttons</title> <head><h1><center><font face="dutch & harley" color="brown"><img src="143.gif" align="right" height="70" width="70">Two Special Buttons<br><img src="143.gif" align="left"height="70" width="70">Submit and Reset Button</h1></center></font></head> <body background="surfaces.gif"><font face="berlin sans fb demi"> <dl> <dt><hr><font color="navy" size="6">Submit</font> <dd><font color="light blue" size="5">-used to send form data to a server.The data is send to the page specified.</font>

<dt><font color="navy" size="6">Tags to be used:</font> <dd><font color="light blue" size="5">< form > < input type="submit" ><br> <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->help us to send information <dd>< form action"url" method="get"></font> </body> </html ><hr> <dt><font color="navy" size="6">Reset</font> <dd><font color="light blue" size="5">-exist to reset the field of your form.These are handy for very large forms and the user is having difficulty.</font> <dt><font color="navy" size="6">Tags to be used:</font> <dd><font color="light blue" size="5">< input type="reset" ><br> </dl></font><hr> <font color="light blue" size="5"><center> <table border="1"> <caption><font color="navy" size="6">Attributes to be used:</caption> <tr> <th><font color="red" size="5">attribute<font color="red" size="5"></th> <th><font color="red" size="5">descriptions<font color="red" size="5"></th> </tr> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>adds an internal name.</td></tr> <tr> <td>Value</td> <td>defines what is written on the button</td></tr> <tr> <td>Align</td> <td>-defines how the button is aligned<br>

-etries are(middle, button,right, left, top, button) </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Tab Index</td> <td>defines in which order the different fields should be activated when the visitor clicks the tab key.</td></tr></table></center> </font> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizspecial.html">Take a Quiz</font></a> </body> </html>

XXIV. <html> <title>Search box</title> <head><center><h1><font color="brown" face="gretoon highlight"><img src="98.gif" align="left" height="70"width="70">SEARCH BOX<img src="98.gif" align="right" height="70"width="70"></center></h1></font></head><hr><hr> <body background="texture4.png"><h3> <dl> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">What is search box?</h2></font> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->A search box or search field is a common GUI element of computer programs, especially in file and web browsers and on web sites. </font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->It is basically a type of text box, the contents of which are to be searched for in a database. </font><br> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->It is commonly coupled with a search button (sometimes indicated only by a magnifying glass symbol). </font><p>

<dd><font color="teal" size="5"><u>Sample picture of search box:</u></font><p> <dd><img src="search3.jpg" align="center" height="100" width="400"><p><hr><hr> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">Tags to be used for:</h2></font> <dd><font color="teal" face="kristen itc"><u>Google Search</font></u><p><img src="q.jpg" height="100" width="600"><p> <dd><font color="teal" face="kristen itc"><u>Yahoo Search</font></u><p><img src="p.jpg" height="100" width="600"><p> <dd><font color="teal" face="kristen itc"><u>Wikipedia Search</font></u><p><img src="search.jpg" height="100" width="600"><p> <hr><hr> <dt><h2><font color="blue" face="showcard gothic">Attributes:</h2></font> <dd><font color="red" face="elephant"><u>TYPE</u></font><p> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->tells the browser what kind of input it's looking.</font><p> <dd><font color="red" face="elephant"><u>NAME</u></font><p> <dd><font color="black" face="kristen itc">-->the name that the search box will recognize. For example, "q" is for google search, "p" for yahoo search and "search" for wikipedia search.</font><p><hr><hr> </h3> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizsearch.html">Take a Quiz</font></a> </body> </html>

XXV. <html> <title>Frameset</title> <head><marquee behavior="alternate"><h1><b><u><font color="navy"face="gretoon"><img src="163.gif">CREATING FRAMES<img src="163.gif"></font></u></b></h1></marquee></head><hr><hr> <body background="56555.jpg"><b><font color="navy"face="comic sans ms"size="4">

<ul> <li>Frames divide the browser window into parts, each of which appears as a separate HTML document. <li>Frames are used to divide the screen into two or more web pages and simultaneously display their contents in a single browser window. <li>A frame document is similar to regular HTML document. <ul></b></font><br> <center><img src="frameset.jpg"></center><br><br> <font color="navy"face="nickelodeon"size="7">ATTRIBUTES</font><br> <dl><b><font color="navy"> <dt><font face="gretoon highlight"size="5">ROWS</font> <dd><font face="comic sans ms"size="4">Defines a number and size of the horizontal frames to create.</font> <dt><font face="comic sans ms"size="5">COLS</font> <dd><font face="comic sans ms"size="4">Defines a number and size of the vertical frames to create.</b></font></dl><br><br> <font color="navy"face="nickelodeon"size="7"><center><u>< FRAME ></u></font></center><br> <dl><b><font color="navy"> <dt><font face="comic sans ms"size="5">SRC</font> <dd><font face="comic sans ms"size="4">Defines location and filename for frame contents.</font> <dt><font face="comic sans ms"size="5">NAME</font> <dd><font face="comic sans ms"size="4">Defines frame name reference by hyperlinks. <dl></b></font><br><br> <font color="navy"face="nickelodeon"size="7"><center><u>EXAMPLE OF FRAMES</u></center></font><br> <font color="navy"face="gretoon"size="5">SAMPLE SYNTAX FOR FINAL WEBSITE:</font> <br> <img src="frame1.jpg"><br><br> <img src="frame2.jpg"> </font> <hr><hr>

<font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizframes.html">Take a Quiz</font></a> </body> </html>

XXVI. <html> <title>Frameset</title> <head><marquee behavior="alternate"><h1><b><u><font color="navy"face="gretoon"><img src="163.gif">CREATING FRAMES<img src="163.gif"></font></u></b></h1></marquee></head><hr><hr> <body background="56555.jpg"><b><font color="navy"face="comic sans ms"size="4"> <ul> <li>Frames divide the browser window into parts, each of which appears as a separate HTML document. <li>Frames are used to divide the screen into two or more web pages and simultaneously display their contents in a single browser window. <li>A frame document is similar to regular HTML document. <ul></b></font><br> <center><img src="frameset.jpg"></center><br><br> <font color="navy"face="nickelodeon"size="7">ATTRIBUTES</font><br> <dl><b><font color="navy"> <dt><font face="gretoon highlight"size="5">ROWS</font> <dd><font face="comic sans ms"size="4">Defines a number and size of the horizontal frames to create.</font> <dt><font face="comic sans ms"size="5">COLS</font> <dd><font face="comic sans ms"size="4">Defines a number and size of the vertical frames to create.</b></font></dl><br><br> <font color="navy"face="nickelodeon"size="7"><center><u>< FRAME ></u></font></center><br> <dl><b><font color="navy">

<dt><font face="comic sans ms"size="5">SRC</font> <dd><font face="comic sans ms"size="4">Defines location and filename for frame contents.</font> <dt><font face="comic sans ms"size="5">NAME</font> <dd><font face="comic sans ms"size="4">Defines frame name reference by hyperlinks. <dl></b></font><br><br> <font color="navy"face="nickelodeon"size="7"><center><u>EXAMPLE OF FRAMES</u></center></font><br> <font color="navy"face="gretoon"size="5">SAMPLE SYNTAX FOR FINAL WEBSITE:</font> <br> <img src="frame1.jpg"><br><br> <img src="frame2.jpg"> </font> <hr><hr> <font face="forte" size="6"><a href="quizframes.html">Take a Quiz</font></a> </body> </html>

XXVII. <html> <title>comments</title> <head><center><h1><font face="circus" color="navy">For comments and suggestions</font><h1></center> </body></head><hr> <body background="cia.png"height="300" width="500"><font face="kristen itc" size="3"> <form action=""method="get"> Name:<input type="text" name="first name" size="25" maxlength="50"><br><br> Age:<input type="text" name="age" size="2" maxlength="2"><br><br> GENDER:<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value=Male checked > Male<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value=Female" > Female<br><br> Address:<input type="text" name="address"size="50" maxlength="60"><br><br>

E-mail:<input type="text" name="E-mail"size="50" maxlength="60"><br><br> Birthday:<select> <option>january</option> <option>february</option> <option>march</option> <option>june</option> <option>july</option> <option>august</option> <option>september</option> <option>october</option> <option>november</option> <option>december</option> </select> <select> <option>01</option> <option>02</option> <option>03</option> <option>04</option> <option>05</option> <option>06</option> <option>07</option> <option>08</option> <option>09</option> <option>10</option> <option>11</option> <option>12</option> <option>13</option> <option>14</option> <option>15</option>

<option>16</option> <option>17</option> <option>18</option> <option>19</option> <option>20</option> <option>21</option> <option>22</option> <option>23</option> <option>24</option> <option>25</option> <option>26</option> <option>27</option> <option>28</option> <option>29</option> <option>30</option> <option>31</option> </select> <select> <option>1980</option> <option>1981</option> <option>1982</option> <option>1983</option> <option>1984</option> <option>1985</option> <option>1986</option> <option>1987</option> <option>1988</option> <option>1989</option> <option>1990</option>

<option>1991</option> <option>1992</option> <option>1993</option> <option>1994</option> <option>1995</option> <option>1996</option> <option>1997</option> <option>1998</option> <option>1999</option> <option>2000</option> <option>2001</option> <option>2002</option> <option>2003</option> <option>2004</option> <option>2005</option> <option>2006</option> <option>2007</option> <option>2008</option> <option>2009</option> <option>2010</option> <option>2011</option> </select><br><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is our website a user-friendly?<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value=yes checked > yes<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value=no" >no<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value=not so" >not so<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value=maybe" >maybe<br><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is our website an educational site?<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value=yes checked > yes<br>

<input type="radio" name="group1" value=no" >no<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value=not so" >not so<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value=maybe" >maybe<br><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What part do you like most?<br> <input type="checkbox" name="group1" value="home">home<br> <input type="checkbox" name="group1" value=navigation" >navigation<br> <input type="checkbox" name="group1" value=other links" >other links<br> <input type="checkbox" name="group1" value=resources" >resources<br> <input type="checkbox" name="group1" value=contacts" >contacts<br> <input type="checkbox" name="group1" value=banner" >banner<br><br> Comments and Suggestions<br> <textarea cols="50" rows="10" wrap="hard"></textarea><br><br> <input type="submit"> <input type="reset"> </form></font></center> </body> </html>

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