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ASSESSMENT Subjective: sumasakit ang panga ko As verbalized by the patient Objective: With facial grimace with pain score

re of 5 out of 10 >slightly irritated Slightly diaphoretic >With trismus noted with abdominal rigidity

DIAGNOSIS Acute Pain related to uncontrolled muscle spasm and involuntary muscle contraction

PLANNING After 2 hours of nursing intervention patients pain Will be relieved and controlled.

INTERVENTION Assess predisposing factors to pain Monitor vital signs Ask the patient to describe the pain Encourage to have diversional activities Adviced to have comfort measures sucha s back rub Administer analgesic Provide a quiet and non stimulating environment .

RATIONALE To know the etiology of pain Usually altered in acute pain To determine how in pain the patient is. To divert the attention of the patient while in pain To provide non pharmacological pain management to relieveepain To prevent stimulation

EVALUATION After 2 hours of nursing intervention the Patients pain score 0f 5 decreased to 2 ( moderate to mild pain) seenS patient comfortably sleeping

ASSESSMENT SUBJ: nahihirapan akong huminga as verbalized by the patient. OBJ: With difficulty vocalizing words >with trismus noted occassionally >Slighly cyanotic >with rapid and shallow breathing >Fast breathing- 35bpm >with oral mucous secretions

DIAGNOSIS ineffective Airway Clearance related to airway spasm and neuromuscular dysfunction

PLANNING After 2 hours of nursing intervention, patient will be able to maintain airway patency

INTERVENTION Position the client appropriately by elevating of head bed encourage deep breathing exercise

RATIONALE For maximum lung expansion To maximize effort and mobilized secretions

EVALUATION Goal met. Patient was able to maintain adequate airway patency as avidenced by stabilized Respiratory rate of 21 bpm

Monitor respirations and breath sounds Position the patient by elevating the bed Insert oral airway in severe cases as ordered

To assess changes and note complications

To maintain anatomic position of tongue and natural airway

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