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Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302

National systems of innovations are “x-efficient” (and x-effective)

Why some are slow learners夽
Jorge Niosi∗
Department of Management and Technology, School of Management Science,
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montreal, Que., Canada

The growing literature on national systems of innovations (NSIs) are creating a crucial new perspective on the institutional
infrastructure of the knowledge-based economy. However, this literature tends to be somewhat optimistic: it often takes for
granted that NSIs are sets of institutions facilitating learning, particularly about technology and organization. This paper
reconsiders the efficiency of NSIs. It suggests that NSIs are “x-inefficient” (and x-effective). It develops some of the major
factors explaining inefficiencies and proposes methods to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of NSIs. It offers some
examples of inefficiencies from a comparison between selected NSIs, and suggests indicators of efficiency and effectiveness.
© 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: NSIs; Benchmarking; QWERTY

1. NSIs, institutions and linkages the present definitions. As Edquist has pointed out,
the institutional set-up related to innovation, and the
Since its original formulation over a decade ago, underlying production system, are the basic charac-
the concept of national systems of innovations (NSIs) teristics of NSIs (Edquist, 1997, p. 15).
have attracted the attention of many researchers work- NSIs is thus a set of interrelated institutions; its
ing in institutional economics and innovation, as well core is made up of those institutions that produce,
as policy makers of both developed and developing diffuse and adapt new technical knowledge, be they
countries (Amable et al., 1997; Correa, 1998; Foray, industrial firms, universities, or government agencies.
1994; Freeman, 1988, 1997; Lundvall, 1998; Nel- The links between these institutions consist of flows:
son, 1988, 1992, 1993; Niosi, 1991; Saviotti, 1996). knowledge, financial, human (people being the bearers
Its usefulness in the description of the institutions of tacit knowledge and know-how), regulatory, and
devoted to innovation is beyond question. commercial.
Although no single definition has yet imposed The concept of NSIs has been expanded towards
itself, there is a semantic core that appears in most that of “systems of innovations” (SIs). There are
of the definitions used. Table 1 outlines some of clearly industrial, local, regional, national, and may
be international SIs. Which level is to be privileged, if
夽 A presentation to the DRUID Conference on National Systems
any? I have a few arguments in favor of the focus on
of Innovations, Aalborg University, Denmark.
national and regional (subnational) SIs, based on both
∗ Tel.: +1-514-987-3000/ext. 4790; fax: +1-514-987-3084. evolutionary economics and common sense on the
E-mail address: (J. Niosi). mobility of production factors. Capital easily crosses

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292 J. Niosi / Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302

Table 1
Definition of NSIs
“. . . The network of institutions in the public- and private-sectors whose activities and interactions initiate, import, modify and diffuse
new technologies” (Freeman, 1987)
“. . . The elements and relationships which interact in the production, diffusion and use of new, and economically useful knowledge
. . . and are either located within or rooted inside the borders of a nation state” (Lundvall, 1992)
“. . . The set of institutions whose interactions determine the innovative performance of national firms” (Nelson and Rosenberg, 1993)
“. . . The national system of innovation is constituted by the institutions and economic structures affecting the rate and direction of
technological change in the society” (Edquist and Lundvall, 1993)
“. . . A national system of innovation is the system of interacting private and public firms (either large or small), universities, and
government agencies aiming at the production of science and technology within national borders. Interaction among these units may be
technical, commercial, legal, social, and financial, in as much as the goal of the interaction is the development, protection, financing or
regulation of new science and technology” (Niosi et al., 1993)
“. . . The national institutions, their incentive structures and their competencies, that determine the rate and direction of technological
learning (or the volume and composition of change generating activities) in a country” (Patel and Pavitt, 1994)
“. . . That set of distinct institutions which jointly and individually contribute to the development and diffusion of new technologies and
which provides the framework within which governments form and implement policies to influence the innovation process. As such it
is a system of interconnected institutions to create, store and transfer the knowledge, skills and artifacts which define new
technologies” (Metcalfe, 1995)

national or regional boundaries. Knowledge flows less laboratories, regulation flows emanating from govern-
easily, because of the tacit character of much of it, ment agencies towards innovative organizations, and
which is embodied in human brains. Human capital knowledge flows (spillovers) among these institutions.
means tacit knowledge, which is difficult to transfer Their characteristics may assist or be detrimental to
without moving people. The less mobile factors of the smooth and efficient operation of the NSIs.
production and the most crucial for innovation are
human capital, governmental regulations, public and
semi-public institutions, and natural resources. For all 2. NSIs as “x-efficient” (and x-effective)
these factors borders and location matter. learning systems
The building blocks of NSIs are institutions and
linkages. First, “institutions are set of habits, routines, Learning, particularly interactive learning, has been
rules, norms and laws, which regulate the relations be- the leitmotif of NSIs from the start. NSIs are the learn-
tween people, and shape social interaction” (Johnson, ing systems of national economies (Lundvall, 1988,
1992, p. 26). Private firms, universities, government 1992, 1996). The conditions of making learning more
laboratories and other public agencies are referred effective or simply feasible within organizations have
here as formal institutions or organizations. long been studied by management science (Argyris,
Institutions (formal or not) provide incentives, 1992; Dodgson, 1993; Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1996).
information and resources, reduce uncertainty, and at- More recently, government learning has been also
tenuate conflicts (Edquist and Johnson, 1997, p. 55). examined: their specific organizational characteristics
This brief description allows for the possibility that may make government institutions unable to learn
some institutions involved in innovation may provide (Gick, 1997, 1998). “In bureaucracies, individuals
the wrong incentives, faulty information, or allocate may pursue long-term career plans by following con-
insufficient resources to accomplish their goals or servative attitudes; often internal controls and the
mandates; they may fuel conflicts and they may fail decision-making structures offer a hostile climate for
to reduce uncertainty. any experimental behavior” (Gick, 1998, p. 279).
Secondly, linkages and flows (which may or may Since Leibenstein (1976) wrote, we have known
not occur) include financial flows between govern- that firms are x-efficient: they are not operating opti-
ment and private organizations (such as emerging in- mally, but their level of efficiency is variable, depend-
dustrial enterprises and venture capital firms), human ing on their internal organization and accumulated
flows between universities, firms, and government knowledge. In the meantime, evolutionary economics
J. Niosi / Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302 293

and management science have shown that agents, be- firm’s efficiency and practices is well established in
ing bounded rational, do not maximize, but “satisfy”, management: it is called “benchmarking”.
usually below any optimal level of efficiency. We Neoclassical economics has already shown that
realize that governmental organizations may or may markets may be inefficient. Externalities (“spillovers”)
not learn. Like firms, NSIs are thus also x-efficient. are the most frequent type of market failures. Equi-
librium economics has also shown that governments
Definition 1. The “x-inefficiency” is the gap between can fail. Economic policies that maximize the welfare
observed performance and existing best performance of small, powerful interest groups, while reducing the
(maximum output observed in equivalent organiza- welfare of the majority, represent government failures.
tions). It is not the gap between observed performance Now we can observe that there are other types of inef-
and any optimal, theoretically determined perfor- ficiencies, related to both institutions (Section 2.2) and
mance. systems (Section 2.3) and considers the possibility of
addressing them through benchmarking (Section 3).
It is also possible to argue that NSIs and their
institutions are x-effective.
2.1. Path-dependence and lock-in
Definition 2. The x-effectiveness is the degree at
which institutions attain their organizational mis- Most of the inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of
sions. Examples of typical missions are: university national innovation systems may be related to path-
producing human capital (graduates); producing basic dependence and lock-in situations, such as char-
scientific knowledge; transferring that knowledge to acterized by evolutionary and historical economics
society. Government laboratories: conducting applied Magnusson and Ottosson (1997). In a simple way,
R&D; transferring that knowledge to society. path-dependence processes are characterized as “those
phenomena whose outcomes can only be understood
Some organs in any individual can and do perform as part of a historical process” (Rosenberg, 1994,
better than others. Some institutions can also perform p. 205). Those outcomes are not necessarily optimal.
better than others: some universities are better at pro- The central explanations of path-dependence
ducing new knowledge or graduates, some firms are include the following (Arthur, 1994; David, 1985,
better at managing new product development, some 1988, 1994).
government laboratories are more efficient in trans-
ferring technology to industry, and so on. 1 Thus, 1. Increasing returns to scale: in industries character-
institutional efficiency appears as a variable when ized by increasing returns, the first firms to enter
similar institutions are compared with one another may impose their technology, and thus dominate
with similar missions, not when a given institution is the market. New entrants will start under lower
compared to an optimum. The practice of comparing production scales and less experience thus higher
2. Networks externalities: early entrants may diffuse
1 The SIs literature takes an ambiguous stand on efficiency. In their standards (think of software or video-cassette
Lundvall’s seminal work, “we would like to propose that the most recorders) and exclude future competitors, what-
relevant performance indicators on NSIs should reflect the effi- ever the quality of their technical solutions.
ciency and effectiveness in producing, diffusing and exploiting 3. Sunk costs: existing firms may get locked-in their
economically useful knowledge. Such indicators are not well devel-
oped today” (Lundvall, 1992, p. 6). However, ideas later changed.
technology due to past investments in equipment
A recent book suggests that “neither we can argue that one country and machinery.
spends much on R&D or that its system performs well or badly. While these explanations concern mainly tech-
This is because the notion of optimality is absent from the system nology and industry, other complementary factors
of innovation approaches. Hence comparisons between an exist- should be added to explain why institutions and
ing system and an ideal system are not possible” (Edquist, 1997,
p. 20). Later, in the same book, however, institutions are eventual
organizations get locked into sub-optimal solutions.
obstacles to innovation, without further elaboration (Edquist and 4. Contracts: institutions are devices that reduce un-
Johnson, 1997, p. 55). certainty, and contracts tend to make explicit both
294 J. Niosi / Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302

expectations and performance requirements. How- bounded rationality: when people do not have ade-
ever, contracts tend to “freeze” organizations. The quate information about best practices, they stick to
cost of radically changing existing contracts may what they know thus generating path-dependence.
be particularly high. Also, feed-back effects reinforce path-dependence.
5. Human learning: organizations invest in codes Nobel Prize winner Gunnar Myrdall has shown that
of communication, human capabilities and the there are often lock-in conditions in developing coun-
like. These are sunk costs of a specific, intangible tries, based on feed-back effects (Myrdall, 1956).
type. They are unrecoverable, so that firms and These are situations where institutional inefficiency
other organizations having invested in a specific is severe and difficult to correct: vicious circles of
technological and organizational trajectory may poverty, deficient educational systems, political cor-
experience difficulties in changing it. ruption, low savings and investment, all reinforcing
6. Economic systems may display multiple equilib- each other.
ria, including multiple organizational equilibria. Finally, March (1994) suggests that lags in time may
Different types of institutions (firms, universities, be important; adaptation to best practices may take
public laboratories and policy incentives) can yield time, and there is not even the assurance that better
similar outcomes. In that case, even if each set of performances will ever take place, after the adoption
institutions serves well in different economic en- of the organization or technology, or that convergence
vironments, all may not be equally efficient. Also, will occur. Causal ambiguity reinforces the technolo-
if some types of organizations were the fittest at a gical and organizational trajectories.
given moment, they were so in regard to a partic- Williamson admits that path-dependence and his-
ular selection environment; they are not the fittest tory are significant. He underscores nevertheless that
for all. Thus, the possibility that some organiza- the maximizing behavior of agents under appropri-
tions remain “locked-in” specific characteristics ate inducements, such as changing prices or demand
that were efficient or effective in time t1 , but are patterns) may be enough to break the path-dependent
not “optimal” forever and may thus be inefficient process. “That history matters does not, however,
and/or ineffective in time t2 (Hodgson, 1996). imply that only history matters. Intentionality and
economizing explain a lot of what is going out there”
Inefficiency and ineffectiveness have several, (Williamson, 1998, p. 50). Also, some of the in-
deeper origins. According to Antonelli (1997) “path- efficiencies are remediable, others have negligible
dependence is generated by the overlapping of irre- effects, such as the choice of the VHS over the Beta
versibility, indivisibility and structural actions of video-recording systems, or the QWERTY versus
agents”. First, sunk costs of all types, both in equip- the Dvorak keyboards. Williamson accepts, though,
ment and learning, are linked to irreversibility: under that there exist large and irremediable inefficiencies,
new, more performing technologies or organizational and that they “do raise serious issues for modeling
codes, sunk costs generate unanticipated obsoles- economic organization” (Williamson, 1998, p. 51),
cence. Organizations tend to stick to their own ob- such as those that Myrdall has studied related to
solescence plans, particularly if they are uncertain chronic underdevelopment. Williamson adds that
about the gains to be realized by the abandonment of there are technological trajectories as well as organi-
existing technologies or organization, and the adop- zational path dependencies, the latter may be the most
tion of the new ones. Second, in the case of massive important.
network externalities and large equipment facilities This analysis brings us to NSIs. In different coun-
(such as those generated by millions of users of a tries, they may be composed by very dissimilar insti-
software operating system, or large electrical plants), tutions (multiple equilibria), created under different
indivisibility also contributes to path-dependent pro- historical circumstances. In a dynamic environment,
cesses. Finally, in a world of uncertainty, nobody the evolution of these institutions may lag in time, be
knows the best way of solving the problems that we frozen by contracts and past investments, and remain
face, and nobody would maximize utilities (North, maladapted to new performance requirements. Insti-
1990, p. 108). North anchors this argument on severe tutions may not be changed because decision-makers
J. Niosi / Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302 295

do not know foreign best practices, or even other • Lack of appropriate learning routines: R&D ac-
practices (bonded rationality). Also, some of the tivities, and/or retraining schemes may be absent
institutions (government laboratories, universities, from industry, reducing its absorptive capabilities
and policy-making agencies) are often “out of the (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). A common charac-
market”, they enjoy monopoly positions and are thus teristic of the three largest NSIs in Latin America
isolated from the type of maximizing behavior that (Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina) is the weak diffu-
Williamson has pinpointed. sion of R&D routines in private industry. Industrial
expenditure on R&D in these nations is usually less
than 0.1% of total gross domestic product (GDP)
2.2. Sources of institutional inefficiencies
(Dahlman and Frischtak, 1993; Mexico, 1995; Katz
and Bercovich, 1993).
Contrary to what neoclassical economics argues,
institutions are not neutral and optimal black boxes, The systematic comparison of costs within and
but x-efficient organizations. Inefficiency derives cen- between NSIs (i.e. costs of producing patents in a
trally from the fact that institutions are intimately given industry, scientific publications, or university
connected with past environments, not with any future graduates) may reveal hidden inefficiencies inside
state of the world (David, 1994). Thus, they may be NSIs or its institutions (see Table 4).
inapt to treat future states of that environment. Inef-
ficient institutions, like the QWERTY keyboard, may 2.3. Sources of institutional ineffectiveness
become locked in a specific shape linked to previous
states. Sources of institutional inefficiencies include Neoclassical economics confounds efficiency and
at least four types. effectiveness, supposing that all institutions have a
similar (profit maximizing) behavior. However, we
• Organizational inertia: flawed founding structures
know that formal organizations, even firms, have
may impede organization’s ability to adapt to a
different goals. Some firms aim at increasing profit
changing environment or to adopt current best
maximization in the short run, while others tend to
practices. Some currents of the evolutionary eco-
increase market share at the expense of short-term
nomics and management tradition have insisted on
profits. The main mission of undergraduate univer-
the importance of organizational inertia in explain-
sities is to produce first-cycle graduates, less so
ing the turnover of firms in different industries
high-level publications or patents. The mission of re-
(Hannan and Freeman, 1984; Carroll and Hannan,
search universities is more concentrated in this latter
1995). Walker (1993, p. 178) suggested that the
area. The goal of some government laboratories is
Britain’s NSIs has historically hampered by poor
to produce technical services, while others tend to
education and training, a situation that had begun
create technological novelty and spin-off niche firms.
when it did not rely on mass education for its
Only organizations with comparable missions should
early industrialization, and neglected educational
be the object of adequate benchmarking.
Institutions attain their missions at various degrees.
• Badly designed contracts and information asymme-
Sources of ineffectiveness include:
tries: employees under contracts with inadequate
time frames, incentives, or rewards may not provide • lack of appropriate internal resources devoted to
their best efforts at work. Contract theory is now a the attainment of mission. Crow and Bozeman
major current in economics and management. Based (1998) have shown that several US government
on the work of Arrow (1974) and Williamson (1975) laboratories, supposed to transfer technology to the
it has become a full-fledged chapter of the theory of private-sector, devoted insufficient resources to that
the firm and organizations (Holmstrom and Tirole, mission and thus were unable to fill it properly;
1989). Crow and Bozeman (1998) have developed • lack of appropriate system resources devoted to the
measures of bureaucratization of research and de- mission. The same can be said of NSIs. Argentina
velopment (R&D) laboratories in the US NSIs, and and Canada both show a similar total university
how it has influenced contract effectiveness. student enrollment between 800,000 and 850,000.
296 J. Niosi / Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302

Canada, however, graduates some 180,000 every for university graduates, and lack of public incen-
year against some 35,000 in Argentina. Close to tives for firms to cooperate with industry or with
50% of Canadian university students benefit from government laboratories. Edquist and Lundvall
government fellowships or loan fellowships, against (1993, pp. 290–291) pointed out the vulnerability
less than 1% of Argentinean students. of the Danish NSIs resulting from the absence of
coordinating agencies. Poor coordination among
The comparison of institutional missions within
institutions has also been mentioned to explain
and between NSIs (i.e. number of patents in a given
slow technological learning in the British NSIs
industry or scientific publications per researcher, or
(Walker, 1993, p. 180).
university graduates as a percentage of new enroll-
• Lack of information flows: such flows are essential
ment) may reveal hidden ineffectiveness in NSIs or
among complementary units, for example, between
its institutions (see Table 4).
firms and technological observatories or public
laboratories. Teubal underlined the lack of techno-
2.4. Sources of system inefficiencies logical diffusion from military to civilian industries
in Israel, as well as from foreign sources to local
Inefficiencies may affect the whole NSIs as well small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
as individual institutions. 2 Such system inefficiencies (Teubal, 1993, p. 495).
include the following five factors.
The study of flows (including knowledge spillovers,
• Inadequate system rules: these may include incom- financial flows for innovation) within and across NSIs
plete intellectual property legislation, for example, may reveal system inefficiencies and ineffectiveness.
in as patent or copyright protection, and inadequate
laws on corporate disclosure. In analyzing Brazil’s
NSIs, Dahlman and Frischtak (1993, p. 431) sug-
gested that government controls and restrictions 3. Benchmarking
on technology transfer from abroad, as well as
inadequate protection of intellectual property may Efficiency and effectiveness have to be seized not
have inhibited importation of the best technologies by exercises of Euclidean geometry but, as in biology
to that country. Similarly, also, the exclusion of and management science, through careful empirical
non-US corporations from publicly funded Ameri- analysis and comparison of institutions with similar
can technology projects, as well as the exclusion of missions, or “benchmarking”.
non-EU firms from similar European projects could
reduce mutual learning and technical progress, Definition 3. Benchmarking is the systematic obser-
Mowery (1998). vation of organizational routines and the comparison
• Lack or limited number of key institutions: this may of performance with superior units at the levels of re-
occur within the NSIs. Some of them lack research source use and efficiency and effectiveness (inputs and
universities, government laboratories, or technolo- outputs). “Benchmarking is the search for industry’s
gical observatories. In his analysis of Italy’s NSIs, best practices that lead to superior performance”
Malerba (1993, p. 250) noted among its limitations (Bogan and English, 1994, p. 4).
the low number of new high-technology firms.
The marginal importance of research universities Corporate benchmarking—the development of
and government laboratories may explain such low indicators of comparative performance—started in
numbers. the late-1970s and early-1980s in Xerox Corporation,
• Weak coordination among units: this may in- as a method to monitor competitors’ behavior and
clude badly coordinated supply of and demand adopt best practices from leading companies. The
public-sector, isolated from the pressures of compe-
2 A recent OECD paper (OECD, 1997) has called them “system tition, adopted benchmarking a decade later. In the
failures”, using the neoclassical analogy with market failures and mid-1980s and early-1990s, American municipalities,
government failures. were producing measures of efficiency, effectiveness,
J. Niosi / Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302 297

and productivity (Ammons, 1996). By the mid- and tructures (Lawrence et al., 1997). Also, in the 1990s
late-1990s several countries were also internationally public school performance was benchmarked in the
benchmarking government infrastructure. Australia’s US (Dopuch and Gupta, 1997). International public
benchmarking was in areas such as electricity, ship- policy benchmarking was proposed as a new method
ping, gas supply and railway freight. The exercise to nurture an enabling environment for both local and
had a major impact in the reform of Australian infras- foreign investment (Oberhansli, 1997).

Table 2
Share of mainstream journal articles 1994 (percent of total for all nations)a
Country Share of world articles Population (1994) Articles per
million population
US 30817 263 117
Japan 8244 125 66
UK 7924 58 137
Germany 7184 82 88
France 5653 58 97
Canada 4302 30 143
Russia 4092 147 28
Italy 3394 57 60
The Netherlands 2283 16 143
Australia 2152 18 120
Spain 2028 40 51
Sweden 1841 9 205
India 1643 936 2
Switzerland 1640 7 234
China 1339 1221 1
Israel 1074 6 179
Belgium 1059 10 106
Denmark 962 5 192
Poland 913 38 24
Taiwan 805 21 38
Finland 793 5 158
Austria 652 8 81
Brazil 646 162 4
Ukraine 578 51 11
Norway 569 4 142
South Korea 546 45 12
New Zealand 426 4 106
South Africa 415 42 10
Greece 411 10 41
Hungary 398 10 40
Argentina 352 35 10
Czechoslovakia 332 16 21
Mexico 332 94 4
Egypt 280 63 4
Turkey 243 62 4
Bulgaria 220 9 24
Hong Kong 250 6 42
Portugal 201 10 20
All other 2000
Total, world 100700
a Source: Scientific American (1995).
298 J. Niosi / Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302

“Benchmarks”, are indicators, or operating Table 3

statistics, that reveal best practices. The analysis of su- Patents granted in the US to foreign and national inventors in
perior routines needs not only these indicators, but also
verbal and graphical descriptions of these routines. Country Patents (%) Patents per
million population
Benchmarking was born in industry but was afterwards
adopted to analyze and improve the performance of US 69925 (56.3) 277
public and quasi-public entities through the develop- Japan 24190 (19.5) 195
Germany 7292 (5.9) 92
ment of new indicators of efficiency, effectiveness, France 3202 (2.6) 52
and productivity (Ammons, 1996). It remains to be UK 2904 (2.3) 50
used for analyzing the efficiency and effectiveness of Canada 2816 (2.3) 104
NSIs. Taiwanb 2597 (2.1) 130
Aggregate statistics, which are often used to com- South Korea 1965 (1.6) 46
Italy 1417 (1.1) 24
pare NSIs, may reveal some types of efficiency or Switzerland 1179 (0.9) 168
effectiveness; they may however, hide major ineffi- Sweden 970 (0.8) 107
ciencies in specific sets of institutions (for example, The Netherlands 895 (0.7) 60
universities, or government laboratories) or even in Israel 577 (0.5) 115
crucial individual institutions. It thus may be nec- Australia 568 (0.5) 33
Belgium 558 (0.5) 56
essary to desegregate statistics, and to build new Finland 468 (0.4) 94
ones, to understand some observed yet unexplained Denmark 432 (0.3) 86
x-inefficiency of the system as a whole. Austria 393 (0.3) 49
Once the comparison has been conducted, at Spain 193 (0.16) 5
both the institutional and system levels, and conclu- Brazil 67 (0.05) 0.4
Mexico 57 (0.05) 0.6
sions have been drawn, several possibilities may be Argentina 38 (0.03) 1.1
open for both public- and private-sectors managers,
a Selected countries; source: US patent office.
including: b Taiwan is a province of China.
• redesigning existing institutions, including chang-
ing contracts, incentives, rules, or routines, in order
to break inertia;
ownership and control, and regional distribution. One
• creating new institutions, such as research univer-
can assess monetary flows through the study of financ-
sities, government laboratories or technological
ing of innovative activities (both public and private),
observatories (or closing inert ones) when neces-
and technology flows by looking at citation analysis in
patents, and publications, as well as licensing (when
• reshaping flows, so as to create new flows of know-
available), technological alliances and joint R&D.
ledge, personnel, finance or coordinate other types
Personnel flows between firms, universities, and gov-
of flows when required.
ernment laboratories, as well as among firms can also
be measured to reveal flows of tacit knowledge. The
analysis of patents and publications gives an idea of
4. Benchmarking NSIs the wide differences in efficiency between NSIs which
would require some explanation (Tables 2 and 3).
There are data and theoretical background on the Niosi and Bellon (1994) argued that foreign direct in-
analysis of institutional efficiency, as well as the vestment in R&D, trade statistics in high-technology,
knowledge stocks of institutions, and on flows among international payments for technological services, and
them. Niosi et al. (1993) proposed studying institu- other available figures help one assess the openness
tions by means of ratios between basic inputs (expen- of NSIs.
ditures, personnel) and outputs (patents, publications, More recently the OECD (1997) suggested studying
internal reports, innovations, new products), as well as knowledge flows through the diffusion and adoption
analyzing their interaction via such variables as size, of industrial technology by private firms. The diffu-
J. Niosi / Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302 299

Table 4
Examples of indicators of NSIs performance
Level Indicators (benchmarks)

Effectiveness indicators University University graduates as percentage of new enrollment

University University publication per university researcher
Industry Industry patents per industrial researcher
Government policy Number of firms conducting R&D
Government policy Number of research universities
Efficiency indicators University Cost of university graduates
University Cost of university publications (publications/HERD)
Industry Cost of industry patents (total industrial patents/BERD)
Government laboratories Cost of government laboratories’ patents
Quality of output All institutions Citations to patents
All institutions Citations to publications
Industry Number of innovations
Industry Exports of technologically-intensive goods and services
Flows/synergy Personnel flows among organizations
Knowledge flows
Technology transfer
Technological alliances
Machinery diffusion
Financial flows
Venture capital for new high-technology firms
Government subsidies for R&D
Regulatory flows
Intellectual property legislation
Legislation on standards
Anti-trust and cooperative rules and laws
Human flows
University graduates supply and demand by
discipline and institution
Ratios and indexes At NSIs level GERD/GDP
Revealed technological advantages
Input/output macroeconomic ratios
Trade balances on high-technology goods and services

sion of industrial machinery—specifically advanced institutions, as well as different NSIs, have distinct
industrial equipment—is also a process of knowledge missions. Comparing research universities with un-
diffusion. Tables 4 and 5 summarizes benchmarks dergraduate higher-education institutions would lead
that have been used in the literature to highlight dif- to major errors. Similarly, mission-oriented NSIs,
ferent dimensions of NSIs, as well as a few suggested such as the UK, or the US, may have widely different
benchmarks for efficiency and effectiveness. 3 institutions than diffusion-oriented ones, such as Den-
When benchmarking differentiates from NSIs, mark or Norway. Also, NSIs that are in the frontier,
it seems important to bear in mind that different at least in specific areas of science and technology,
should display different characteristics compared to
3 These and other useful indicators are produced by both na-
catching-up nations, such as Korea or China. With
tional organizations (National Science Foundation in the US; these provisons, systematic benchmarking may lead
l’Observatoire des sciences et des techniques in France, Statistics
Canada, etc.) and international organizations (such as OECD in
to major discoveries and policy recommendations for
Paris). amelioration and development.
300 J. Niosi / Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302

Table 5
Stanford University benchmarks for comparison with other top 20, 1995a
Faculty Indicators: all figures on yearly basis
Demand for new faculty
Percentage of faculty with tenure
Retirement rates
Percentage faculty with doctorates by full- and part-time
Age distribution, age at first hiring, and age at retirement
Distribution per category of professors (full- vs. part-time, etc.)
PhDs PhD production by discipline
Time required to complete degree
PhD by citizenship
Employment of PhD by position
PhD production by tenured professor per year
Sponsored research Sponsored research volume
Sources of funds (grants vs. contracts)
Number of contracts and grants per principal investigator
Funds by university and discipline
Stanford’s share of total federal research funding
Stanford’s success rates on research proposals
Departmental data Number of freshmen and sophomore undergraduates accepted
Percentage of undergraduate courses taught by other than on-line tenured faculty
Number of undergraduate completing degrees
Undergraduate production by tenured professor and by other teachers
University Sources of funds
Overhead collected by university
a Source: Stanford University (1995).

5. Conclusion conceptual and statistical elements. The definitive

recognition of the x-efficiency of NSIs institutions,
Evolutionary economics has sometimes been crit- and the adoption of benchmarking as a tool, may help
icized for being somewhat descriptive—contrary it to go beyond description towards a more policy- and
to neoclassical economics—for not being enough management-oriented evolutionary approach to SIs.
policy-oriented, and for lacking specific applications At the basis of both inefficiency and ineffectiveness
(Krugman, 1999). However, evolutionary economics one can probably find the weight of past decisions,
and management have the necessary conceptual and path-dependent results of organizational and techno-
methodological tools to include policy dimensions. logical trajectories stemming from localized learning
In the case of the NSIs, which is centrally composed and initial conditions (Foray, 1997).
by institutions, a central concept is the idea that in- Benchmarking is already used in private organiza-
stitutions are not neutral and that they show different tions, and it has already started to be used in public
missions and efficiency levels. ones. It consists in the building of indicators of ef-
The concept of national system of innovation is ficiency and effectiveness in order to find out better
the key to explaining the behavior and the perfor- organizational routines and facilitate organizational
mance of the set of institutions on which long-term learning. The recognition of national or regional dif-
economic growth and sustainable development are ferences (both at the institutions and system levels)
based. But in order to help orient not only analysis, should not preclude systematic benchmarking of both
but also policy and managerial action in both public organizations and SIs. Benchmarking is not conducted
and private organizations, it has to incorporate new with an aim to reveal optimal performances, but to
J. Niosi / Research Policy 31 (2002) 291–302 301

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