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Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77

DOI 10.1007/s10464-006-9060-5


Toward a Science of Transdisciplinary Action Research

Daniel Stokols

Published online: 22 June 2006

C Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006

Abstract This paper offers a conceptual framework for Overview

establishing a science of transdisciplinary action research.
Lewin’s (1951) concept of action research highlights the Nearly 60 years ago, Kurt Lewin (1946) exhorted fellow
scientific and societal value of translating psychological re- psychologists to embrace his vision of “action research” by
search into community problem-solving strategies. Implicit working collaboratively with community practitioners to an-
in Lewin’s formulation is the importance of achieving effec- alyze and ameliorate societal problems. During and after
tive collaboration among behavioral researchers, community World War II, Lewin and his colleagues at the Center for
members and policy makers. The present analysis builds on Group Dynamics at MIT undertook several joint projects
Lewin’s analysis by outlining programmatic directions for with government officials and community leaders aimed at
the scientific study of transdisciplinary research and commu- translating psychological principles and findings into prac-
nity action. Three types of collaboration, and the contextual tical recommendations for resolving social problems such
circumstances that facilitate or hinder them, are examined: as prejudice and interracial conflict (Lewin, 1948). Lewin’s
(1) collaboration among scholars representing different dis- vision of action research profoundly influenced several areas
ciplines; (2) collaboration among researchers from multiple of psychological science and provided the foundation for es-
fields and community practitioners representing diverse pro- tablishing the Society for the Psychological Study of Social
fessional and lay perspectives; and (3) collaboration among Issues (SPSSI) and the Journal of Social Issues.
community organizations across local, state, national, and During the 1950s and 1960s, Lewin’s call for the integra-
international levels. In the present analysis, transdisciplinary tion of theoretical and applied psychology faded temporar-
action research is viewed as a topic of scientific study in ily, as psychologists focused their efforts on developing ex-
its own right to achieve a more complete understanding perimentally sound, laboratory-based strategies for studying
of prior collaborations and to identify strategies for refin- human behavior (cf., Dember, 1974; Gergen, 1973; Smith,
ing and sustaining future collaborations (and their intended 1973). One observer of these developments in the field of so-
outcomes) among researchers, community members and cial psychology was prompted to ask “Whatever happened to
organizations. action research?” (Sanford, 1970). Nonetheless, widespread
interest in action research resurfaced among psychologists
Keywords Interdisciplinary . Transdisciplinary . during the late 1960s and the 1970s as societal concerns about
Collaboration . Action research . Community coalitions . overpopulation, crowding, environmental pollution, and in-
Inter-sectoral partnerships terracial violence drew increasing attention from behavioral
scientists and stimulated new programs of applied research
D. Stokols () in the areas of environmental, developmental, commu-
Department of Planning, Policy, and Design, nity, and health psychology (Barker, 1968; Bronfenbrenner,
School of Social Ecology, 1979; Craik, 1973; Proshansky, Ittelson, & Rivlin, 1976;
University of California,
206-C Social Ecology I Building, Irvine, CA 92612
Rappaport, 1977; Stokols, 1977).
e-mail: As increasing numbers of behavioral scientists turned
their attention to the study of environmental and social

64 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77

problems, they found that the implementation of action re- representatives of community organizations situated at local,
search principles was more challenging than they had antic- state, national, and international levels are integrating their
ipated (cf., Sewell, 1989; Susman & Evered, 1978). In many expertise drawn from multiple disciplines and professions as
instances, collaborations between researchers and commu- part of a community-wide effort to design and implement
nity members were strained by a mutual lack of understand- broad-gauged policies for improving environmental, social,
ing of each other’s goals and expectations. Often, researchers and public health outcomes (Best et al., 2003; Gray, 1996).
adopted a “hit and run” model of consultation with commu- A major premise of this article is that action research
nity groups, leading to frustration and annoyance among initiatives often require coordination among these different
community members. As Sommer (1977) noted, “A psy- types and levels of collaboration (i.e., among scholars
chologist cannot simply walk in off the street, tell other working together on scientific projects; among the members
people what they are doing wrong, walk away, and expect of community coalitions collaborating to improve conditions
them to change their behavior. Rather, one must work with within their local community; and among the representatives
people . . . to facilitate the change process (p. 200).” of organizations, agencies, and institutions spanning local,
Similarly, Sanford (1970) suggested that the behavioral regional, and national levels who coordinate their efforts
sciences have been too rooted in a “science-engineering to implement and evaluate major public health policies
model” in which discoveries are first made (e.g., in laboratory and programs). These different forms of transdisciplinary
settings) and later applied to the analysis of community prob- collaboration have been studied separately, but they have
lems. As Weisman (1983) observed, the science-engineering not been linked together as interrelated processes within
model does not promote the kind of sustained collabora- a more comprehensive formulation of transdisciplinary
tion among scientists and community groups that leads to action research. For instance, scientific collaborations
effective research utilization in the context of community place greater emphasis on research activities whereas
problem-solving efforts. Altman (1995), Best et al. (2003), scientist-practitioner coalitions and inter-sectoral partner-
and others (e.g., Conner & Tanjasiri, 1999) contend that ships engage more directly in community action. Yet, when
the effective practice of action research—especially the de- they are linked together through the translation of research
velopment of evidence-based, sustainable community inter- findings into public policies, these diverse collaborations
ventions—depends heavily on the adoption of community- then comprise interrelated facets and sequential phases of a
partnering strategies in which researchers, lay citizens, and transdisciplinary action research cycle.
community leaders work together, often over extended peri- By developing an integrative analysis of different forms
ods, in a highly collaborative and equitable fashion. and levels of TD collaboration, important issues that have
The importance of developing strategies for effective col- been neglected in prior research can be addressed. For in-
laboration among behavioral scientists and their community stance, from the vantage point of Bronfenbrenner’s (1992)
partners was implicit in Lewin’s advocacy of action research ecological systems theory, the efforts of collaborative teams
during the 1940s. Yet, Lewin’s call for action research was working at microsystem and mesosystem levels within a
issued primarily to psychologists and did not explicitly ad- community may be influenced by macrosystem conditions,
dress the complexities and dynamics of interdisciplinary or such as levels of social capital available at community and
interprofessional collaboration. The past decade has seen regional levels (Perkins, Hughey, & Speer, 2002; Putnam,
a surge of interest and investment in large-scale interdisci- 2000), and by institutional and public policies that create
plinary research networks and centers, yet too little is known climates and milieus conducive to effective collaboration
about the circumstances that either facilitate or hinder the (Morgan et al., 2003; TD-Net, 2005) The respective similar-
processes and outcomes of these endeavors (cf. Kahn, 1993; ities and differences among various forms and levels of col-
Morgan et al., 2003; National Academy of Sciences, 2005; laboration, and the ways in which they influence each other
National Institutes of Health, 2003; Robert Wood Johnson (cf., Speer & Hughey, 1995), are identified as important top-
Foundation, 2002). ics for future study within the proposed conceptualization of
For instance, it seems plausible that the determinants of TD action research.
successful collaboration may vary according to the composi- This article extends Lewin’s conceptualization of action
tion and goals of collaborative teams. Specifically, the factors research in at least two respects. First, whereas Lewin’s
that promote effective collaboration may be different depend- vision of action research focused on the translation of
ing on whether: (1) researchers from multiple disciplines are psychological principles and findings into strategies for
collaborating on the development of interdisciplinary scien- solving particular community problems (e.g., modification
tific products (e.g., novel theories and research methods); of war-time food preferences in the United States Popula-
(2) researchers from different fields are working with com- tion), the present analysis more directly examines processes
munity members to translate scientific evidence into new for cultivating and sustaining collaboration across multiple
interventions aimed at reducing societal problems; or (3) disciplines (e.g., the behavioral, social, and biomedical

Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77 65

sciences), lay and professionally oriented community laborations, and analyses of the circumstances that enable
members, and multiple organizations and institutions—all different kinds of action research teams to meet their intended
of which are working to achieve a broad array of shared and goals; (2) methodological challenges entailed in developing
highly interrelated community goals (e.g., reduced levels reliable and valid observational, archival, survey, and inter-
of poverty, injustice, environmental pollution, physical and view protocols for measuring the processes and products of
mental illness). transdisciplinary (TD) action research teams working on sci-
Second, the present analysis calls for the establishment entific and community problems at local, state, and national
of a systematic science of transdisciplinary action research levels; (3) the compilation of “lessons learned” from mul-
as a basis for resolving existing gaps in our understanding tiple studies of action research projects and translation of
of cross-disciplinary collaboration.1 This newly emerging those lessons into practical guidelines for enhancing future
field approaches transdisciplinary (TD) action research as TD collaborations; and (4) development of new strategies
a topic of scientific study in its own right for purposes of for training future TD action researchers that can be imple-
achieving a more complete understanding of prior or ongo- mented in undergraduate, pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, and/or
ing collaborations and identifying strategies for refining and community settings.
sustaining future collaborations among researchers, commu- The next section examines conceptual issues raised by the
nity members, and organizations. In keeping with Lewin’s scientific study of action research teams and offers a brief
(1951) dictum that “there is nothing so practical as a good summary of what is currently known about TD collabora-
theory” (p. 169), a major reason for developing a science tions based on the findings from prior evaluation studies.
of TD action research is that by better understanding both These issues are discussed in relation to the scientific and
the facilitators of and impediments to effective transdisci- community problem-solving contexts of TD action research.
plinary collaboration, future initiatives can be organized in The concluding section of the paper outlines future direc-
ways that enable them to more effectively achieve their com- tions of this new field in the areas of theory development,
munity problem-solving goals. methodological innovation, derivation of practical guidelines
Thus, the present analysis builds on Lewin’s psycho- for converting research findings into community action, and
logically-oriented vision of action research by developing designing new programs for training TD action researchers
a broadly integrative, transdisciplinary model of community in the coming years.
research and action that assigns high priority to the study
of collaborative interactions and outcomes among scholars, Conceptual and empirical developments
community practitioners, multiple organizations and as they in the science of TD action research
occur within local, regional, national, and international con-
texts. The conceptualization of TD action research proposed An integrated science of TD action research does not yet
here suggests several questions and directions for future exist. Instead, a review of the relevant literature reveals dis-
study as outlined below. At the same time, this article is parate pockets of research (based largely on retrospective
not intended to provide a detailed summary of the meth- case studies rather than prospective field experiments) fo-
ods and findings from previous case studies of scientific cusing on qualitatively different kinds or phases of cross-
collaborations and community-based coalitions for health disciplinary collaboration: i.e., those involving primarily
promotion. Detailed reviews of the findings from these pre- scientific collaborations, community problem-solving coali-
viously disparate areas of research are available elsewhere tions, and inter-sectoral partnerships among government
(Butterfoss, Goodman, & Wandersman, 1996; Minkler & agencies, universities, and community organizations (cf. Alt-
Wallerstein, 2003; Stokols, Harvey, Gress, Fuqua & Phillips, man, 1995; Butterfoss, Goodman, & Wandersman, 1993;
2005; Wandersman, Goodman, & Butterfoss, 1997). Gillies, 1998; Gray, 1996, 1999; Kahn, 1993; Stokols et al.,
In sum, this paper outlines the core concerns and emerging 2003; Syme, 2000). Scientists and practitioners may work
directions of the science of TD action research. These pro- within particular organizational contexts (e.g., a research
grammatic concerns and directions include: (1) definitional center, government agency, non-profit organization) or as
and theoretical tasks such as the classification of diverse members of inter-organizational coalitions and teams (e.g.,
forms of cross-disciplinary collaboration, including multi-, spanning multiple universities and/or community interest
inter-, and transdisciplinarity (Rosenfield, 1992), compar- groups). Alternatively, collaborative partners representing
isons between place-based vs. geographically dispersed col- multiple sectors of communities, regions, and nations may
work together to develop macrosystem policies and programs
1 that encompass broader geographic areas and political juris-
The term cross-disciplinary encompasses at least three different
kinds of research collaborations: multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, dictions. The term sector is used here to denote a cluster of
and transdisciplinary (Rosenfield, 1992). The definitions of these terms organizations, agencies, and institutions operating within a
are discussed in the next section of the paper. particular political jurisdiction (e.g., municipal, state, provin-

66 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77

Organizational, Geographic, and Analytic Scope of Transdisciplinary Action Research

Organizational Scope



Local Group Community Regional National/Global

Geographical Scale
An Psychological
t ic
Sc Social/Environmental

Fig. 1 Organizational, geographic, and analytic scope of transdisciplinary action research

cial, national) that share a common focus on specific societal Important differences between scientific collaborations,
concerns—for instance, public health, transportation, hous- community problem-solving coalitions, and inter-sectoral
ing, environmental protection, and community development. partnerships—all of which are integral facets of TD action
Inter-sectoral initiatives entail coordination among two or research—pertain to their varying scale or scope. For in-
more distinct sectors. stance, the organizational, geographic, and analytic scope
A key challenge for the future is to integrate the conceptual of transdisciplinary collaboration are depicted in Fig. 1 as
and empirical knowledge gained by studying these distinct three dimensions (ranging from narrow to broad scope) on
forms of cross-disciplinary and inter-professional collabora- which scientific collaborations, community coalitions, and
tion, as each represents a major component or phase of ac- inter-sectoral partnerships can be compared. The organi-
tion research—from the achievement of scholarly advances zational scope dimension encompasses intra-organizational,
within and across disciplines, to the translation of theoreti- inter-organizational, and inter-sectoral contexts of collabo-
cal and empirical insights into community problem-solving ration. The dimension of geographic scale ranges from local
strategies and the consequent elaboration of scientific the- groups to community, regional, and national/global levels
ories based on the knowledge obtained through community of collaboration. For both the organizational and geographic
interventions. If the challenge of integrating conceptual and dimensions, the narrower levels are nested within each of
empirical knowledge about these different forms of collab- successively broader levels of collaboration. The third di-
oration is met, we would expect to see several advances mension of analytic scope encompasses biological, psycho-
in the realm of transdisciplinary action research including: logical, social/environmental, and community/policy levels
(1) the development of improved strategies for enhancing of analysis that can be brought to bear on particular scien-
collaboration among scientists and practitioners; (2) greater tific or community problems. As intellectual analyses move
sustainability of community interventions and effectiveness from molecular or cellular levels to community and pol-
of public policies that are grounded in transdisciplinary icy perspectives, a wider range of academic and professional
perspectives and implemented through collaborative efforts vantage points must be bridged to achieve a transdisciplinary
among scientists, lay citizens, and government officials; (3) approach to the problem/s at hand.2
more rapid refinements in existing behavioral and public
health theories brought about by the exchange of community- 2
The dimension of analytical scope, incorporated in Figure 1, sug-
based knowledge among scientists and practitioners (e.g., ob- gests that analyses of cross-disciplinary collaborations depend funda-
tained through systematic evaluations of public policies (cf. mentally on our understanding of what constitutes a distinct scientific
Altman, 1995; Campbell, 1969); and (4) the establishment discipline (Turner, 2000). Disciplines are organized around the study of
particular substantive phenomena—for instance, psychological, social,
of innovative educational programs for training a new gen-
environmental, and biological “facts” (cf., Durkheim, 1938; Lewin,
eration of transdisciplinary scholars and practitioners. 1936). The boundaries between specific disciplines and sub-disciplines

Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77 67

An important implication of the dimensions shown in example, in the establishment of international networks and
Fig. 1 is that the coordination constraints and challenges publications focusing on the study of transdisciplinarity as a
facing collaborative partners increase substantially as the research topic in its own right (cf., International Center for
scale and scope of their collaborations expand. Thus, sci- Transdisciplinary Research, 2005; Nicolescu, 1996; TD-Net,
entific collaborations bridging multiple research centers and 2005; Weingart & Stehr, 2000). Within the United States, fed-
disciplinary perspectives may be more difficult to sustain eral agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, the
than those based within a single organization that attempt to National Academy of Sciences, the National Science Foun-
link fewer fields. Similarly, community coalitions bridging dation and private organizations including the MacArthur,
multiple stakeholder groups and inter-sectoral partnerships Keck, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundations have invested
spanning large geographic regions are likely to face more heavily in the establishment of transdisciplinary research
daunting collaborative challenges than local coalitions com- centers focusing on a variety of societal problems (e.g.,
prised of fewer organizational partners. Another implication determinants of smoking and substance abuse, obesity and
of the model shown in Fig. 1 is that collaborative climates and physical activity). Although the research centers funded by
dynamics occurring at one level or scale may influence (or these organizations have translational components empha-
be influenced by) collaborative activities and experiences oc- sizing the application of scientific findings in developing
curring at more micro or macro levels (cf., Speer & Hughey, new treatment strategies and health promotion programs,
1995). For instance, recent studies suggest that efforts to a major goal of these centers is to foster intellectual inte-
empower individuals, organizations, and communities are gration and the creation of new knowledge at the interface
interrelated in reciprocal fashion (e.g., empowerment of em- of multiple fields. This explicit emphasis on promoting in-
ployees within a community service agency may “cascade” tegrative research bridging multiple disciplines is closely
or extend beyond the organization, resulting in higher levels related to Rosenfield’s (1992) distinction between multidis-
of citizen empowerment within the community at large; cf. ciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary forms of
Feldman & Khademian, 2003). cross-disciplinary research.
Additional conceptual and empirical issues related to According to Rosenfield, multidisiciplinarity is a process
scientific collaborations, community coalitions, and inter- in which researchers from different fields work indepen-
sectoral partnerships are examined below as part of a more dently or sequentially, each from his or her own disciplinary
integrative conceptualization of TD action research. perspective, to address a particular research topic. Interdis-
ciplinarity entails greater sharing of information and closer
Transdisciplinary scientific collaborations coordination among researchers from various fields than oc-
curs in multidisciplinary projects, yet the participants remain
In recent years, academic interest in transdisciplinary sci- anchored in their respective disciplinary models and method-
entific collaboration has grown considerably—reflected, for ologies as do the members of multidisciplinary teams. By
contrast, transdisciplinarity is a process by which researchers
work together to develop a shared conceptual framework that
are to some extent arbitrarily defined and generally agreed upon by
communities of scholars (Kuhn, 1970; Thompson Klein, 1990). For integrates and extends discipline-based concepts, theories,
instance, the boundaries separating closely related fields such as phar- and methods to address a common research topic. Trans-
macology, neuroanatomy, and molecular biology may be non-distinct disciplinary research collaborations are intended to achieve
and even overlapping. Also, some fields such as public health and urban the highest levels of intellectual integration across multiple
planning are inherently multidisciplinary in that they encompass several
different disciplines whose perspectives are combined in analyses of fields and yield shared conceptual formulations that move
complex topics such as population health and urban development. De- beyond the disciplinary perspectives represented by team
spite these definitional complexities, the concept of scientific discipline members. Thus, an essential criterion for judging the suc-
is useful in that it highlights the distinctive substantive concerns (e.g., cess of transdisciplinary research centers is the extent to
biological, psychological, social, and geographical phenomena), ana-
lytic levels (e.g., cellular, cognitive, emotional, interpersonal, organi- which they promote the development of novel conceptual
zational, and community), concepts, measures and methods associated models and empirical investigations that integrate and ex-
with particular fields of study. In contrast to unidisciplinary research, tend the concepts, theories, and methods of particular fields
transdisciplinary science involves collaboration among scholars repre- (Fuqua, Stokols, Gress, Phillips, & Harvey, 2004; Stokols
senting two or more disciplines where the collaborative products reflect
an integration of conceptual and/or methodological perspectives drawn et al., 2005).3
from two or more fields. The intellectual outcomes of unidisciplinary
research may share some of the same qualities of TDS outcomes—as 3
measured for example by the quantity, novelty, and utility of new the- A distinguishing feature of TD research centers that sets them
ories and policy recommendations. Nonetheless, it is the integrative apart from other large-scale interdisciplinary scientific initiatives (e.g.,
quality and scope of transdisciplinary research products (e.g., hypothe- PO1 and P50 centers, NCI SPORE programs) is their explicit goal
ses, theories) that set them apart from the more traditional intellectual of promoting transdisciplinary intellectual integration. Other broad-
products of unidisciplinary science. gauged scientific ventures may include researchers representing diverse

68 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77

Some scholars contend that the terms, interdisciplinary trandisciplinary scholars encounter higher levels of informa-
and transdisciplinary, are essentially interchangeable and tion overload than do the members of collaborative research
they avoid reference to transdisciplinarity altogether (cf. teams. Non-collaborative researchers, thus, may face greater
Maton, Perkins, Saegert, Altman, Guttierez, Kelly, & difficulties in their efforts to assimilate and integrate infor-
Rappaport, this issue, for a discussion of this point). The mation across multiple fields than do collaborative teams.
present analysis, however, adopts Rosenfield’s (1992) and
others’ distinction between inter- and transdisciplinarity Place-based vs. geographically distributed
as it assumes that these two forms of collaboration require transdisciplinary research
qualitatively different “terms of engagement” among collab-
orative partners. Specifically, transdisciplinarity (more than Transdisciplinary research centers also exemplify place-
multi- or interdisciplinarity) requires an ethic of resolute based collaborations rather than geographically dispersed
openness, tolerance, and respect toward perspectives research teams such as the MacArthur Foundation networks
different from one’s own (International Center for Transdis- (Kahn, 1993) and several of the Robert Wood Johnson Foun-
ciplinary Research, 2005; Russell, 2005; Stokols, 1998); and dation (2002) Active Living Research Projects. The organi-
a commitment to mutual learning and mediational processes zational dynamics and scientific products of geographically
in which contrasting values and conflicts of interest are centered vs. distributed research teams may be quite differ-
negotiated and accepted, if not entirely resolved (TD-Net, ent yet few studies have evaluated the relative effectiveness
2005). Transdisciplinary collaborations, thus, are more of these alternative collaborative arrangements (cf., Olson &
likely to force participants out of their disciplinary “comfort Olson, 2000).
zones” and require their unwavering commitment to
sustained and mutually respectful communications. An ad- Case studies of transdisciplinary
vantage of transdisciplinary collaborations is that they often scientific collaboration
lead to fundamentally new conceptualizations of scientific
and societal phenomena and transcend traditional disci- A small but growing number of case studies focusing on the
plinary boundaries that frame multi- and interdisciplinary processes and outcomes of transdisciplinary scientific col-
analyses (Fuqua et al., 2004; Klein, 1996). Disadvantages laboration have been conducted since the mid 1990s (Gray,
of transdisciplinary projects, on the other hand, include their 1999; Higginbotham, Albrecht, & Connor, 2001; Kessel,
labor intensity and the fact that their potential scientific and Rosenfield, & Anderson, 2003; Klein, 1996; Morgan et al.,
community benefits, when achieved, may not be evident for 2003; Rhoten & Parker, 2004; Stokols et al., 2003; Stokols
several years or decades (cf., Abrams, Leslie, Mermelstein, et al., 2005). These studies have assessed various transdisci-
Kobus, & Clayton, 2003; Morgan et al., 2003). plinary research centers and networks funded by both public
agencies (e.g., NIH, NSF) and private organizations (e.g.,
Collaborative and non-collaborative forms of the MacArthur and Robert Wood Johnson Foundations). In
transdisciplinary research most of the investigations, survey and interview protocols
were administered to team members as they collaborated
Transdisciplinary research centers comprise only one of on diverse scientific topics (e.g., genetic and dispositional
several different forms of transdisciplinary research. Specif- bases of nicotine addiction and tobacco use; predictors and
ically, these centers emphasize collaborative rather than processes of successful aging), often over a period of sev-
non-collaborative or solo arrangements for conducting trans- eral years. In some cases, behavioral observations of team
disciplinary research. In some instances, individual scientists members’ interactions during their research meetings were
choose to work on their own in developing an integrative gathered. Although space constraints preclude a detailed re-
conceptual model that bridges two or more fields without view of the research designs, methods, and findings of each
joining a collaborative research team (Stokols et al., 2003). investigation, it is possible to summarize here certain broad
To date, little is known about the relative advantages of these themes that have emerged from empirical assessments of
collaborative and non-collaborative forms of transdisci- transdisciplinary scientific collaboration.
plinary research, although Wilson (1996) contends that solo First, earlier studies suggest that transdisciplinary sci-
entific collaborations are highly labor intensive and often
evoke tensions and conflicts among participants (e.g., stem-
disciplines who achieve conceptually integrative products in the course
of working together. However, because TD centers are established with ming from their different disciplinary world views, inter-
the explicit mission of promoting transdisciplinary science, the evalu- personal styles, departmental affiliations) that must be con-
ative criteria applied to them necessarily include measures of whether fronted and resolved if the team as a whole is to achieve its
novel conceptual and methodological integrations actually are achieved
collaborative goals (Gray, 1999; Kahn, 1993; Klein, 1996;
by their participants.
TD-Net, 2005). In research teams comprised of biomedical,

Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77 69

behavioral, and social scientists, for example, the contrast- early stages of a project. Unrealistically high expectations
ing scientific worldviews and values held by these individ- for team cooperation and harmony, coupled with ambiguity
uals (e.g., reductionism vs. holism, experimental vs. non- about shared goals, can result in collaborative set backs and
experimental study designs) can provoke heated debates and even failures despite the best intentions of all participants at
lingering disagreements about conceptual and methodolog- the outset of their project. Thus, the members of transdis-
ical issues. If these disagreements remain unresolved, they ciplinary research teams should be prepared in advance for
can foster interpersonal tensions, fragmentation of the team the collaborative challenges they will face and must be will-
into subgroups with non-overlapping (and sometimes com- ing to devote substantial amounts of time toward cultivating
peting) agendas, and ultimately undermine the team’s abil- “common ground” at both intellectual and social levels (e.g.,
ity to meet its collaborative research goals (Higginbotham by learning to accommodate to each other’s different styles)
et al., 2001; Stokols et al., 2005). Moreover, because tensions over the course of their projects (Fuqua et al., 2004; Gray,
and conflicts appear to be endemic to large-scale transdis- 1999; Kessel et al., 2003; Klein, 1990; Rhoten, 2003).
ciplinary projects, team members’ strong commitment to The findings derived from earlier studies of scientific col-
common goals and the leadership skills of center directors laboration have important implications for future research,
(especially their ability to resolve interpersonal conflicts and practice, and training in the science of TD action research.
promote cooperation) emerge across several studies as es- Before discussing those directions for the field as a whole,
sential ingredients for collaborative success (TD-Net, 2005). conceptual and empirical developments related to two other
These team assets enable members to put their disagreements categories of collaboration—partnerships among researchers
behind them and move forward toward achieving their shared and practitioners and those involving inter-sectoral coopera-
goals (Kahn, 1993; Kessel et al., 2003). tion among community groups in the design and enactment
Second, prior evaluations of transdisciplinary science of public policies—are reviewed.
highlight certain contextual factors that strongly influence
the collaborative readiness of team members and their
prospects for success (Fuqua et al., 2004; Gray, 1985; Kessel Transdisciplinary collaborations among researchers
et al., 2003; Morgan et al., 2003; Olson & Olson, 2000; and community practitioners
Stokols et al., 2003). These factors include the presence or
absence of institutional supports for inter-departmental and Collaborations among researchers and community prac-
cross-disciplinary collaboration, the breadth of disciplines, titioners diverge from purely scientific collaborations in
departments, and institutions encompassed by a particular several respects. First, the intended outcomes of researcher-
center, the degree to which team members have worked practitioner partnerships are the translation of scientific
together informally on prior projects, the extent to which findings into community-problem solving strategies such as
members’ offices and laboratories are spatially proximal or health promotion programs and policies, and the promotion
distant from each other, and the availability or absence of of social justice and community well-being. By contrast, the
electronic linkages (e.g., center-based intranet and Internet intended outcomes of scientific collaboration are typically
sites) among participants. Rather than identifying the rela- intellectual products such as new conceptual frameworks,
tive proportion of variance in team success accounted for by methodologies, empirical studies, and peer-reviewed
each of the above factors, earlier case studies suggest that publications reporting on those achievements. Second, col-
the antecedents of collaborative readiness exert a combined laborations among researchers and community practitioners
or synergistic influence on the processes and outcomes of must bridge not only diverse scientific fields but also a
transdisciplinary science. The more contextual factors that variety of professional and lay perspectives. Third, scientific
are aligned at the outset to support the goals and activities collaborations tend to be university-centric—that is, the
of transdisciplinary research teams, the greater the prospects environmental contexts of those collaborations are usually
for achieving and sustaining effective collaboration across university or research institute offices and laboratories.
multiple fields. Collaborative activities among researchers and practitioners,
Third, empirical assessments of research teams and cen- on the other hand, tend to occur within a broader range of
ters indicate that transdisciplinary collaborations require ex- community settings including the offices of neighborhood
tensive preparation, practice, and continual refinement. All organizations, citizens’ homes, as well as the conference
too often, scientists enter into transdisciplinary projects with rooms or classrooms located at a local university. Thus, the
little awareness of the collaborative constraints and tensions principal goals, educational background, and worldviews
they are likely to encounter as they work together over several (e.g., scientific vs. pragmatic) of team members and the
months or years. Moreover, the intended outcomes or prod- environmental contexts of their collaboration diverge even
ucts of transdisciplinary collaboration may not be articulated more dramatically in partnerships involving researchers and
clearly or mutually endorsed by team members during the practitioners than in those comprised of scientists only.

70 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77

The differences between scientific collaborations and potential differences in status and power between university-
those involving both researchers and practitioners, at and community-based members of collaborative teams are
the same time, reflect certain similarities between these deemphasized, the prospects for achieving effective and
two kinds of partnerships. Most importantly, researcher- sustainable solutions to community problems are greater
practitioner collaborations have the same, if not greater, (Easterling, Gallagher, Drisko, & Johnson, 1998; Minkler,
potential for generating misunderstandings, disagreements, 1997; Minkler & Wallerstein, 2003; Schensul et al., this
and fragmentation among team members as do those in- issue). Other dimensions on which community problem-
volving researchers only. For instance, community decision- solving coalitions may vary include the clarity and complex-
makers and citizen groups typically give highest priority ity of their goals and intended outcomes and the diversity of
to the goals of empowering community members, pro- competing interests represented in the coalition. In general,
moting social justice, and enhancing public health (Sutton collaborations whose goals are ambiguous and whose mem-
& Kemp, 2004; Syme, 2000; Syme, Henderson-James, & bers span a wide array of potentially competing interests face
Ritterman, 2004; Wallerstein, 1992; Zimmerman & Perkins, greater collaborative challenges than those whose goals are
1995) whereas academicians are more strongly influenced clearly defined, perceived to be attainable, and whose par-
by the “politics of research” (Altman, 1995) associated ticipants are relatively united across a variety of community
with the quest for grant funding and publications. These interests and agendas (Florin & Wandersman, 1990; Gray,
different motives and incentives for engaging in action re- 1985; Schermerhorn, 1975).
search can provoke disagreements and resentments among Previous studies of community-based coalitions, like
university- and community-based team members. Moreover, those focusing on transdisciplinary scientific teams, suggest
the time orientations of researchers and practitioners of- that participants’ readiness for collaboration varies in
ten diverge in that scientists tend to favor long-term, de- relation to situational factors such as those noted above—
tailed analyses of community problems whereas practitioners i.e., the continuity of researchers’ and practitioners’
are more apt to decide on and implement problem-solving collaboration, the salience of status differences among them,
strategies relatively quickly even in the absence of “com- the clarity and complexity of anticipated goals and out-
plete” information about the problem at hand (Altman, 1995; comes, and the diversity of competing interests represented
Sommer, 1977). And notwithstanding the differences be- within the coalition. Moreover, assessments of community
tween university and community perspectives, the citizen coalitions as well as those of scientific teams reveal that
groups and local agencies participating in an action research transdisciplinary collaboration is commonly associated with
team sometimes champion rather different and even com- conflicts and tensions and that both kinds of partnerships
peting problem-solving agendas amongst themselves (Gray, require extensive communication and practice to ensure
1985; Sutton & Kemp, 2004). their success. For instance, Sutton and Kemp’s (2004) study
Prior studies of collaborations among researchers and of a university-community collaboration undertaken to
practitioners have identified certain dimensions on which positively transform a low-income neighborhood in Seattle
these coalitions differ (Butterfoss et al., 1993, 1996; Gillies, indicated that initial conflicts among team members offered
1998; Wandersman et al., 1997; Wandersman et al., 1996). opportunities for them to engage in constructive discussions
First, the continuity of collaboration among researchers and and enhance their levels of “cultural competence” and mu-
practitioners throughout the various phases of action re- tual understanding. Sutton and Kemp’s study underscores
search (e.g., from scientific discovery, translation of research “. . . the need for articulating explicit social justice values
findings into practice, empowerment of citizen groups) is prior to embarking on interdisciplinary reflexive discourse,
an important quality of community problem-solving teams both internally with faculty and students, and externally with
that influences their effectiveness and sustainability. To the community constituents (p. 27).” Their findings suggest that
extent that researchers and community members work to- higher levels of communication about collective goals and
gether throughout all phases of the action research cycle (i.e., potential conflicts at the outset of a collaborative project can
from defining key research questions to developing, imple- improve the team’s prospects for subsequent success.
menting, and evaluating strategies for improving community The scale and complexity of transdisciplinary collabora-
health outcomes), their prospects for collaborative success tions among researchers and practitioners increases further
are much greater than in cases where the contacts between as a larger number of government agencies and community
researchers and practitioners are intermittent rather than sus- groups join forces to implement evidence-based programs
tained over an extended period (Altman, 1995; Syme, 2000). and policies aimed at improving public health (Bracht, 1990;
Second, the salience of status differences between sci- Green, 2001; Syme, 2000). The next section examines these
entific “experts” and practitioner non-experts participating inter-sectoral partnerships among government agencies, uni-
in action research teams can vary widely. To the extent that versities, and community organizations.

Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77 71

Inter-sectoral partnerships for designing and of these collaborations. First, it is essential that efforts be
implementing public policies made to regularly involve representatives of all participating
organizations and agencies in collaborative discussions to ar-
Inter-sectoral partnerships undertaken to promote improved ticulate and endorse the major goals and intended outcomes
public health outcomes are an essential component of of the partnership (Gillies, 1998). A lack of consensus about
action research—especially during the policy design, collective goals, non-participation of key stakeholder groups,
implementation, and evaluative phases of community im- and competition among constituents for limited resources are
provement projects. The public policy goals of inter-sectoral circumstances that have been found to undermine the success
collaborations are often anchored in transdisciplinary of inter-sectoral partnerships (Altman, 1995; Gray, 1985).
conceptualizations of particular societal problems—for Second, because the translation of scientific findings into
instance, ecological analyses of the “obesity crisis” in the evidence-based public policies and subsequent evaluation of
United States that integrate economic, social, political, those policies extend over multiple years and even decades,
psychological, and urban design perspectives on the problem it is crucial that political and financial support of the partner-
(King, Stokols, Talen, Brassington, & Killingsworth, 2002; ship’s activities be secured not only at the outset but also
Rashad & Grossman, 2004). An excellent example of a over the course of the entire project (Syme, 2000). The
transdisciplinary conceptualization for developing health implementation and evaluation of California’s “Proposition
policies and programs spanning multiple community sectors 99” tax on cigarette sales, and the use of tax revenues to
(e.g., education, agriculture, religion) is Breslow’s (1996) support statewide tobacco research and smoking prevention
social ecological framework for promoting healthy lifestyles. programs exemplify a community-change effort that could
Moreover, transdisciplinary collaboration not only informs only have been sustained through longstanding political and
the design and implementation of broad-gauged public financial support (Breslow & Johnson, 1993; Siegel, 2002).
policies but also facilitates efforts to evaluate their outcomes In the absence of substantial resources to sustain collabo-
at multiple levels of analysis (ranging from assessments ration, inter-sectoral partnerships spanning diverse organi-
of individual health outcomes to epidemiologic studies of zations and institutions will inevitably falter and become
policy impacts within a specified population) as exemplified non-viable within a relatively short period.
by Breslow and Johnson’s (1993) study of the public health Third, the long-term success of inter-sectoral partnerships
impacts of California’s cigarette tax (Proposition 99). is enhanced by the presence of highly skilled leaders and
Owing to their complexity and broad scope, inter-sectoral enthusiastic program champions who are uniquely able to
partnerships pose a unique set of collaborative challenges. promote cooperation among team members and engage the
For instance, these partnerships encompass larger geo- support of others (Goodman & Steckler, 1989; Stokols, 1992;
graphic regions (e.g., municipalities, provinces, nations) and Wandersman et al., 1996). The success of large-scale part-
a broader array of organizational, institutional, and gov- nerships spanning multiple agencies, organizations, and in-
ernmental agendas than either scientific collaborations or stitutions may actually depend on the availability of multiple
university-community coalitions–both of which are typi- program champions situated within each of the participating
cally narrower in scope (cf., Ashton, Grey, & Barnard, 1986; sectors whose joint efforts keep collective goals salient and
Best et al., 2003). Moreover, opportunities for face-to-face facilitate coordination among constituent organizations and
communication among representatives of multiple commu- team members (Altman, 1995).
nity sectors are fewer than those available to members of As a recap of the preceding discussion, Table 1 offers
transdisciplinary research teams and community coalitions an overview of the varying goals and attributes of trans-
tied to particular localities (e.g., neighborhood improvement disciplinary scientific collaborations, community coalitions
projects). Thus, the members of inter-sectoral partnerships among scientists and practitioners, and inter-sectoral part-
must rely more heavily on written, telephone, and electronic nerships for policy design and implementation, and also
communications to coordinate their joint efforts. Electronic highlights “lessons learned” from prior research about cir-
communications across large distances present greater col- cumstances that either constrain or facilitate effective collab-
laborative challenges than face-to-face meetings and require oration in scientific, community, and inter-sectoral contexts.
that team members be prepared for and trained in the use
of new information technologies if they are to establish and
maintain an effective partnership (Olson & Olson, 2000). Developing a unified science of TD action research
Modeling the processes and outcomes of inter-sectoral
partnerships for community change is particularly diffi- The above sections summarized earlier studies of the pro-
cult owing to their complexity and extended timeframes. cesses and outcomes associated with three facets of TD
Nonetheless, the findings from prior case studies converge action research: i.e., scientific collaborations, community
on certain factors that facilitate or impede the effectiveness coalitions among researchers and practitioners, and large

Table 1 Factors that constrain or facilitate transdisciplinary collaboration in scientific teams, community coalitions, and inter-sectoral partnerships: Lessons learned from prior research

Collaboration types Community coalitions among Inter-sectoral partnerships for policy

key attributes Transdisciplinary scientific teams and centers scientists and practitioners design and implementation

Major Goals Production of innovative intellectual products such as Translation of scientific findings into community-based Design and implementation of broad-gauged health
new theories, empirical findings, and training interventions that promote public health and social policies spanning local, state, national, and
programs justice international levels
Factors that constrain Conflicts among alternative disciplinary views of Conflicts arising from clashes between scientific and Encompass a broader array of scientific,
collaboration science pragmatic world views organizational, and institutional agendas than purely
scientific teams or community coalitions, and thus
face greater coordination constraints
Substantial time required to establish common Perceived status differences among academic and Opportunities for face-to-face interaction are fewer
conceptual ground and informal social ties non-academic participants among the representatives of multiple sectors than
among participants based in single organizations or
community sectors
Bureaucratic impediments to cross-departmental Substantial time and resources required to coordinate Heavily dependent on electronic vs. face-to-face
collaboration participants’ activities across academic and communications due to geographic dispersion of
non-academic settings constituent groups
Unrealistic expectations and ambiguity about shared Tensions arising from competing agendas of
goals and products participating community-based organizations
Circumstances that Members’ strong commitment to achieving Maintain continuity of participation among coalition Secure political and financial support over all phases of
facilitate transdisciplinary goals and outcomes members from inception to completion of the project the project to maintain continuity and momentum of
collaboration the partnership’s public policy initiatives
Interpersonal skills of team leaders De-emphasize status differences among scientific Schedule regular face-to-face meetings among
“experts” and community practitioners representatives of all participating organizations to
articulate and endorse the partnership’s policy goals
and intended outcomes
History of prior collaboration among team members Promote clarity of shared goals and intended outcomes Minimize competition for scarce financial resources
of the coalition’s efforts among constituent agencies and organizations over
the course of the project
Spatial proximity of team members’ offices and Maintain regular communication among constituent Recruit and retain highly skilled leaders and “program
laboratories groups and their representatives to promote “cultural champions” to articulate and promote the
competence” and mutual understanding partnership’s health and social policy agendas
Schedule frequent face-to-face meetings for Make efforts to ensure that all relevant community
brain-storming of ideas stakeholder groups are represented within the
Establish electronic linkages among participants
Foster institutional supports for transdisciplinary
Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77
Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77 73

scale inter-sectoral partnerships spanning multiple organiza- in terms of the public health improvements achieved through
tions, institutions, and agencies. The findings from prior stud- those collaborations.
ies reveal certain unique features of these collaborations— In addition to evaluating the outcomes or tangible prod-
especially, their diverse goals and varying levels of complex- ucts of transdisciplinary collaboration, it is important to
ity and scope—while also highlighting important commonal- assess various interpersonal and inter-organizational pro-
ities among them—for instance, the conflict-prone nature of cesses that either facilitate or hinder a group’s efforts to
transdisciplinary and inter-organizational collaboration and produce certain “deliverables.” Whereas frequent brain-
the importance of pre-collaboration training and prepara- storming sessions and scientific retreats have been shown
tion as strategies for increasing the likelihood of longer term to be effective in facilitating collaboration and produc-
success. Moreover, certain factors such as spatial proximity tivity at transdisciplinary research centers (Fuqua et al.,
among team members, a shared history of collaboration on 2004; Stokols et al., 2003) citizen empowerment, consensus-
prior projects, clear and equitable communications about building, and technical assistance processes appear to be
collective goals and outcomes, and the presence of lead- more closely related to the success and sustainability of
ers who are able to foster a climate of cooperation, all en- community-based coalitions (Altman, 1995; Wandersman
hance participants’ readiness for collaboration and prospects et al., 1996). Thus, both formative (process-oriented) and
for success, whether they are university scientists working summative (outcomes-based) criteria (Scriven, 1991) of col-
across diverse disciplines or the representatives of multiple laborative success should be incorporated into future evalu-
community sectors coordinating their efforts on a public pol- ations of transdisciplinary partnerships and teams.
icy initiative. Future efforts to evaluate the success of collaborative
Although much has been learned about transdisciplinary teams also must distinguish between process and outcome
scientific collaborations, researcher-practitioner coalitions, measures related to the effective implementation of transdis-
and inter-sectoral partnerships, the knowledge base perti- ciplinarity, per se—e.g., whether or not a group of scientists
nent to these different facets of TD action research remains from multiple fields is able to produce transdisciplinary con-
sketchy and disjointed. A unified science of TD action re- ceptual frameworks that integrate and move beyond their
search, ideally, should provide a more integrated conceptu- respective disciplines (Rosenfield, 1992)—and those tied
alization of how the processes of scientific discovery, trans- more directly to the substantive or community-change goals
lation of research findings into community practice, and the of a particular collaboration—e.g., advancing the field of
coordination and refinement of evidence-based policies and tobacco science or promoting the positive transformation
programs fit together. Important directions for future re- of a low-income neighborhood (cf., Abrams, 1999; Sutton
search are to (1) establish a comprehensive taxonomy of & Kemp, May, 2004). A unified science of TD action re-
situational factors that influence participants’ readiness for search must address the challenges associated with develop-
collaboration and (2) a theoretical account of which vari- ing both kinds of evaluative criteria (i.e., transdisciplinarity-
ables (among several potentially relevant ones) are likely to focused as well as substantive or “mission-oriented” mea-
have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of scientific sures) for gauging the success of scientific and community
teams, researcher-practitioner coalitions, and inter-sectoral collaborations.
partnerships. A second set of methodological challenges relates to the
The development of a more integrated science of TD ac- almost exclusive reliance on retrospective case studies rather
tion research also poses several methodological challenges. than prospective experimental or quasi-experimental designs
One set of challenges relates to the fact that there has been in prior research on transdisciplinary collaborations (cf.,
little agreement across prior studies about how to measure Campbell, 1969; Stokols et al., 2005). Because any collabo-
transdisciplinary collaborative success (cf., Gillies, 1998; ration is a unique historical event embedded in a complex ar-
Gray, 1996). The lack of agreement about the most appropri- ray of contextual circumstances, it becomes difficult to exper-
ate criteria for gauging success stems partly from the unique imentally vary certain key elements of a collaboration (e.g.,
features (e.g., substantive focus, size, organizational com- spatial proximity or separation among team members and/or
plexity, intended outcomes) associated with different kinds their experiences in working together on prior projects) and
of collaboration. The success of a transdisciplinary scientific draw causal links between those variations, on the one hand,
team, for example, might be gauged by obtaining peer eval- and the quality of team processes and outcomes, on the
uations of the novelty and scientific impact of the theoretical other. The methodological constraints of conducting ran-
ideas or research findings produced by team members. The domized or quasi-experimental assessments of collaborative
effectiveness of a community coalition or inter-sectoral part- processes and outcomes are quite challenging within each
nership, on the other hand, would more likely be measured realm of transdisciplinary collaboration outlined above (i.e.,
scientific teams, community coalitions, and inter-sectoral

74 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77

partnerships).4 Moreover, the prospects for establishing specific questions or hypotheses posed by those theories.
causal links between antecedent conditions, collaborative An example of this approach is Fuqua’s (2002) and Stokols
processes and products becomes even more daunting as et al.’s (2003) prospective comparative study of multiple
the scale, complexity, and scope of intended outcomes TTURC centers along different dimensions of collaboration
increase—e.g., as the evaluative focus shifts from a small readiness, which were identified in an earlier phase of this
transdisciplinary research team to a more broadly-gauged grounded theory-based research.
multi-sectoral partnership (cf., Jackson, Altman, Howard- In addition to the conceptual and methodological issues
Pitney, & Farquhar, Fall, 1989; Lipsey, 1988). outlined above, the science of TD action research suggests
Future collaborative initiatives may offer opportunities for new directions for translating research findings about the
prospectively comparing and, perhaps intentionally varying, dynamics of transdisciplinary teams into practical guide-
the organizational strategies adopted by multiple scientific or lines for enhancing the success of future collaborations. For
community problem-solving teams that are established at the example, when developing and reviewing proposals to es-
same time, and whose mission (e.g., reduction of teen smok- tablish transdisciplinary research centers and partnerships,
ing or obesity at community levels) and anticipated duration preliminary audits of collaboration readiness could be per-
are the same. Opportunities to conduct prospective compar- formed by funding organizations and prospective team mem-
isons of multiple transdisciplinary teams, all of which were bers to identify possible constraints on teamwork and coordi-
established at the same time with identical or highly similar nation (Stokols et al., 2005). These audits might incorporate a
missions, may be presented by current and future investments checklist of potential impediments to collaboration (e.g., am-
in large-scale TD action research initiatives among federal biguity of intended outcomes, geographic separation among
agencies and private foundations (cf. National Academy of participants, lack of convenient access to electronic commu-
Sciences, 2003; National Institutes of Health, 2003; Robert nications technologies, and the absence of formal or informal
Wood Johnson Foundation, 2002). However, because oppor- agreements about data sharing and inter-organizational co-
tunities to conduct randomized or quasi experimental studies operation) that have been identified through prior studies
of transdisciplinary collaborations are quite limited, a more of transdisciplinary scientific and community-change initia-
realistic goal in many instances may be the development tives (cf., Altman, 1995; Morgan et al., 2003). Prospective
of prospective case studies that are anchored in one or more participants would be required to address these issues as part
grounded theories (Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Lincoln & Guba, of the proposal development process and funding decisions
1986) of scientific, community-based, or inter-sectoral part- could be made contingent on their efforts to resolve, at the
nerships; and that are designed to gather data pertinent to outset, any circumstances that might undermine collabora-
tive success.
The challenges of evaluating community-based coalitions for health
Moreover, as new initiatives to support transdisciplinary
promotion are discussed by Wandersman et al. (1996), Israel, Schulz, collaborations are begun, concerted efforts should be made
Parker, and Becker (1998), Butterfoss et al. (1996), Fawcett et al. (2003), to assess their effectiveness and sustainability. The cumu-
and Minkler and Wallerstein (2003). Key constraints include small lative findings from these assessments would contribute to
sample sizes and difficulties in identifying comparison groups and the
most appropriate outcome measures (e.g., of improved public health
the scientific database on TD action research. Along these
outcomes relative to comparison communities; assessments of a coali- lines, funding organizations should allocate budgetary sup-
tion’s effectiveness in accomplishing its intended goals). Within the port for systematic evaluations of transdisciplinary teams
realm of transdisciplinary scientific collaboration, prospective evalua- and centers when new grants for establishing collaborative
tions of collaborative effectiveness are difficult to achieve due to the
non-random selection of scientists into collaborative research teams.
projects are awarded. If conducted over extended periods,
Moreover, the evaluators of scientific ventures tend to be non-neutral future evaluations of transdisciplinary collaborations might
parties in that they are either participants in these collaborations who enable researchers to assess the temporal links between near-
have a vested interest in their renewal and continued support; or they term products of those initiatives (e.g., the development of
are non-participants who may bring a decidedly critical stance toward
the evaluation since they remain outside of the initiative and, therefore,
shared conceptual models or organizational strategies to fa-
do not benefit directly from its continuation. Further, few method- cilitate technical assistance and feedback among researchers
ological tools or “yardsticks” for evaluating the scientific, policy and and practitioners) and longer-term outcomes at scientific,
health outcomes of collaborative research—let alone, for discriminat- community, and societal levels (e.g., major paradigm shifts
ing between transdisciplinary and non-transdisciplinary outcomes of
those ventures—presently exist. Finally, the appropriate timeframe for
in science or improved health outcomes among community
assessing the scientific “returns on investment” or the “value-added” members).
attributable to large-scale scientific collaborations has not been estab- Finally, a unified science of TD action research would
lished. Identification of the scientific and public health benefits accruing inform the development of educational strategies for
from substantial investments in transdisciplinary scientific collabora-
tion may require a broad historical timeframe spanning multiple years
training a new generation of transdisciplinary scientists
of even decades. See Rhoten (2003) and Stokols et al. (2003) for further and community practitioners. Within university settings,
discussion of these issues. courses and research mentorship opportunities emphasizing

Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:63–77 75

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oration, Vanderbilt University, May 21-22, 2004. The helpful comments Fawcett, S. B., Boothroyd, R., Schultz, J. A., Francisco, V. T., Carson,
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