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AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?

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leb 2011

lor an alrcrafL Lo operaLe rellably ln every phase of fllghL and ln all expecLed
envlronmenLs lLs fuel sysLem musL sLore and malnLaln a sufflclenL quanLlLy of fuel
and dellver lL Lo Lhe powerplanL wlLhouL lnLerrupLlon or conLamlnaLlon 1he
enLlre fuel sysLem can be dlvlded ln Lhree funcLlonal areas sLorage dellvery and
dlsLrlbuLlon 1he earllesL sysLems were very slmple lncludlng a Lank fuel llnes a
selecLor valve and a carbureLor Cver Llme powerplanL Lechnology advanced
and wlLh lncreased power came more complexlLy and more speclflc demands for
dlsLrlbuLlng fuel luel sysLems are deslgned Lo efflclenLly meeL Lhe deslgn
requlremenLs of an alrcrafL powerplanL wlLh parLlcular conslderaLlons for safeLy
AvlaLlon malnLenance Lechnlclans musL be Lhoroughly famlllar wlLh Lhe deslgn
operaLlon and malnLenance or Lhe alrcrafL fuel sysLem before lnspecLlng or
performlng malnLenance

AlrcrafL fuel sysLems have Lwo baslc secLlons alrframe and powerplanL 1he
alrframe secLlon conslsLs of all Lhe parLs assoclaLed wlLh sLorage and dellvery
lncludlng Lhe parLs from Lhe fuel Lanks Lo Lhe englne drlven pump 1he
powerplanL secLlon conslsLs of Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon parLs beglnnlng afLer Lhe englne
drlven fuel pump and concludlng aL Lhe polnL where alr and fuel are mlxed for
combusLlon (lnslde a carbureLor or ln Lhe combusLlon chamber of a cyllnder or
Lurblne englne) Whlle many componenLs ln an alrcrafL fuel sysLem are speclflc Lo
Lhe alrframe Lhe sole purpose of Lhe fuel sysLem ls Lo provlde fuel Lo Lhe
englne(s) 1hls secLlon focuses on Lhe alrframe componenLs and Lhe Lypes of fuel

AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011


AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011

11 ln18CuuC1lCn
Lvery exLra pound (kllogram) used ln Lhe alrframe and powerplanL subLracLs one
pound (kllogram) from Lhe alrcrafL's useful load lor Lhls reason avlaLlon fuels
musL have Lhe hlghesL posslble energy or heaL value per pound 1yplcal 100LL
avlaLlon gasollne (avgas) has 18720 8rlLlsh 1hermal unlLs (81u) per pound A
Lurblne fuel has abouL 18401 81us per pound Powever !eL A welghs 67 pounds
per gallon whlle a gallon of 100LL welghs 6 pounds ln oLher words [eL fuel ls
denser Lhan avgas and as a resulL [eLs A supplles 123287 81us per gallon
whereas 100LL supplles 112320 81us per gallon 1he denslLy of [eL fuel varles
more wldely Lhan Lhe denslLy of avgas wlLh varlaLlons ln LemperaLure !eL fuel
denslLy becomes an lmporLanL facLor when fuellng large [eL LransporL alrcrafL
uependlng on Lhe deslgn of an alrcrafL fuselage one of Lwo fuel dellvery sysLems
ls used 1he slmplesL form of alrcrafL fuel sysLem ls Lhe CravlLyfeed sysLem used
on many hlghwlngs carbureLed slngleenglne alrcrafL Lhe Lyplcal gravlLyfeed
sysLem has Lwo fuel Lanks a fuel selecLor valve a fuel sLralner a prlmer and a
Cn low wlng alrcrafL Lhe fuel meLerlng devlce ls hlgher Lhan Lhe fuel Lanks
1herefore a pump ls necessary Lo supply Lhe englne wlLh fuel A pressurefeed
sysLem uses a pump Lo supply fuel Lo Lhe englne All Lurblnepowered alrcrafL use
fuel pumps AddlLlonally all hlghwlng alrcrafL wlLh a reclprocaLlng englne uslng
fuelln[ecLlon or a pressure carbureLor requlre fuel pumps as well lor Lhese
alrcrafL an auxlllary pump ls necessary Lo supply Lhe englne should Lhe englne
drlven pump fall
Many mulLlenglne alrcrafL use a crossfeed sysLem Lo Lransfer fuel beLween Lanks
1hls sysLem feeds fuel Lo any englne from any Lank and provldes a means for
balanclng Lhe fuel load Lo malnLaln alrcrafL sLablllLy 1urblne alrcrafL fuel sysLems
can also lnclude provlslons for slnglepolnL refuellng
12 luLL S?S1LM lC8 A LlCP1 1Wln LnClnL Al8LAnL
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011

As schemaLlc dlagram of Lhe fuel sysLem for a llghL Lwln alrplane ls shown ln Lhe
flgure 1he fuel sysLem shown ls employed wlLh models of Lhe alrplane LhaL uLlllze
dlrecL fuel ln[ecLlon for Lhe englnes
1he fuel supply ls conLalned ln Lwo fuel bladders one locaLed ln each wlngLlp
Lank 1he LoLal fuel capaclLy of each bladder ls 31 gal (1933 L) of whlch 303 gal ls
usable 1he wlng Llp Lanks are sLreamllned alumlnum alloy shells deslgned Lo
glve adequaLe sLrucLural supporL Lo Lhe fuel bladders 1he Lanks are easlly
removed from Lhe wlng Llps Lo whlch Lhey secured by means of bolLs Lhrough Lhe
aLLachlng flLLlngs An elecLrlcally operaLed boosL pump ls lncorporaLed ln each fuel
Lank Lo furnlsh fuel pressure for prlmlng sLarLlng and emergency use ln case Lhe
englnedrlven pump should fall lrom Lhe boosL pumps fuel ls fed Lo Lhe selecLor
valves locaLed ln Lhe wlngs and Lhen Lhrough Lhe fuel sLralners and englnedrlven
pumps Lo Lhe fuelln[ecLlon unlL 1he englnedrlven fuelln[ecLlon pump assembly
lncludes a vapor separaLor and a pressure regulaLlng valve
A vaporreLurn llne ls provlded beLween Lhe fuelln[ecLlon pumps and Lhe fuel
Lanks 1hls ellmlnaLes Lhe collecLlon of vapor and resulLlng vapor lock ln Lhe pump
or fuelln[ecLlon unlL 1he vaporreLurn llnes carry some fuel ln addlLlon Lo Lhe
vapor back Lo Lhe fuel Lanks Culckdraln valves are provlded ln each wlngLlp Lank
and ln each fuel sLralner Lo faclllLaLe dralnlng of waLer or sedlmenL 1hese are
used Lo draln a small amounL of fuel durlng each prefllghL lnspecLlon Lo ensure
LhaL all waLer and sedlmenL are removed before Lhe plane ls flown
1he fuel sysLem dlagram lllusLraLes Lhe relaLlve poslLlons of all Lhe unlLs of Lhe
sysLem 1he fuel quanLlLygauge unlLs are locaLed ln each Lank and Lhey are
elecLrlcally connecLed Lo Lhe fuelquanLlLy lndlcaLors locaLed on Lhe lnsLrumenL
panel of Lhe alrplane lL can be noLed also LhaL Lhe fuelboosLer pumps ln Lhe
Lanks are elecLrlcally operaLed Lhrough swlLches LhaL are locaLed ln Lhe cockplL
1he boosLer pumps are provlded wlLh bypass arrangemenLs so LhaL Lhere wlll be a
free flow of fuel when Lhe pumps are noL operaLlon 1he olldlluLlon solenold
valves recelve fuel from Lhe maln fuel sLralner cases 1hese valves are also
operaLed by swlLches ln Lhe cockplL
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

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leb 2011

Slnce Lhls sysLem ls deslgned for operaLlon wlLh dlrecL fuelln[ecLlon unlLs Lhe fuel
pressure gauges are connecLed beLween Lhe fuel conLrols and Lhe fuel manlfolds
1hls ls Lo glve an lndlcaLlon of Lhe pressure acLually applled Lo Lhe ln[ecLlon
nozzles Lhus provldlng Lhe plloL wlLh an accuraLe measure of englne power
luLL S?S1LM lC8 A 1u88C8C Al8LAnL
1he fuel sysLem shown ln flgure ls uLlllzed ln a small Lurboprop alrcrafL 1he cenLer
Lank ls an lnLegral fuel Lank dlvlded lnLo Lhree comparLmenLs CuLboard maln
Lanks fuel flows by gravlLy lnLo Lhe cenLer maln Lank Lhrough Lhe flapper valves
luel ln Lhe ouLer Lanks musL be Lransferred Lo Lhe maln Lank before lL can be used
by Lhe englnes 1hls Lransfer ls achleved by a submerged cenLrlfugal pump ln each
ouLer Lank luel ln Lhe Llp Lanks ls Lransferred Lo Lhe maln Lank by pressurlzlng Lhe
Llp Lank wlLh englne bleed alr All Lanks are venLed Lhrough valves Lo venL exlLs on
Lhe underslde of each wlng
1wo submerged cenLrlfugal boosL pumps are locaLed ln Lhe maln cenLer fuel Lank
luel from Lhese pumps ls fed Lo a fuel manlfold Lhrough a shuLoff valve for each
englne Lhrough fuel fllLers and Lhen Lo Lhe englne pumps and Lhe englne fuel
conLrol unlLs
1hree fuelquanLlLy lndlcaLors are provlded one for Lhe maln Lank one dual
needle gauge for Lhe ouLer Lanks and one dualneedle gauge for Lhe Llp Lanks A
fuelflow lndlcaLor ls provlded for each englne
A valve ln each Llp Lank prevenLs over or underpressurlzaLlon and ls used Lo
depressurlze Lhe Lank before fuellng
13 1?LS Cl luLL 1AnkS
Loglcally an alrcrafL musL be able Lo carry enough fuel Lo enable Lhe englnes Lo
operaLe over a long perlod 1o meeL Lhls requlremenL we musL have some means
of sLorlng Lhe fuel
luel Lanks normally fall lnLo Lhree caLegorles
O 8lgld consLrucLlon Lanks
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

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leb 2011

O llexlble (bladder Lype) consLrucLlon Lanks
O lnLegral Lanks
A deLall sLudy on Lypes of fuel Lanks and Lhelr consLrucLlon lncludlng Lhe
malnLenance wlll be covered ln forLhcomlng Loplcs ln Lhls bookleL
14 1?lCAL luLL S?S1LM
A Lyplcal fuel sysLem lncludes mulLlple fuel Lanks llne fllLerlng unlLs pumps
gauges and a prlmlng sysLem SysLems LhaL are more complex lnclude dump
valves a means for Lransferrlng fuel and slnglepolnL refuellng provlslons
AlLhough Lhese componenLs are consldered alrframe componenLs fallure of any
componenL can conLrlbuLe Lo englne problems 8y galnlng a Lhorough
undersLandlng of each componenL you wlll undersLand how cerLaln componenL
fallures affecL englne operaLlon
luel Lank consLrucLlon varles slgnlflcanLly beLween Lypes of alrcrafL 1he baslc
Lypes of Lank lnclude welded (or rlveLed) meLal Lanks ln a wlng or fuselage cavlLy
composlLe Lanks ln a wlng or fuselage cavlLy weL wlngs (Lanks formed by seallng a
secLlon of Lhe alrcrafL sLrucLure) and bladder Lanks (neoprenelmpregnaLed
MalnLalnlng fuel sLorage componenLs ln an alrworLhy condlLlon ls crlLlcal
lmproperly malnLalned fuel Lanks can conLamlnaLe fuel whlch can lead Lo
damaged componenLs or resLrlcLed flow
Corroslon ln fuel sLorage sysLems ls a slgnlflcanL concern Lven when corroslon
reslsLanL maLerlals are use fuel cells and relaLed componenLs are noL corroslon
proof Any Llme LhaL waLer enLers a fuel comparLmenL corroslon can occur wlLhln
Lhe sysLem Corroded parLs mlghL fall Lo work as deslgned or release debrls and
conLamlnaLe fuel
luel sLorage comparLmenLs deLerloraLe over Llme As gaskeLs sealanL hoses and
bladders age Lhey become brlLLle and debrls from Lhelr breakdown can
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011

conLamlnaLe fuel ConLamlnanLs can lead Lo englne malfuncLlon by resLrlcLlng or
blocklng fuel flow
luel Lanks are deslgned wlLh feaLures Lo allevlaLe fuel conLamlnaLlon and lLs
correspondlng operaLlonal hazards luel Lanks are requlred Lo have a sump and
draln lnsLalled aL Lhelr lowesL polnL A sump collecLs waLer and sedlmenL and
provldes a convenlenL locaLlon Lo draln and lnspecL fuel before malnLenance or
8egulaLlon dlcLaLe LhaL fuel Lanks musL be venLed and conLaln adequaLe space for
fuel expanslon venLlng prevenLs Lank pressurlzaLlon and permlLs alr Lo dlsplace
Lhe fuel dellvered Lo Lhe englne lf a fuel venL becomes blocked (elLher parLlally or
compleLely) an area of low pressure forms ln Lhe Lank as Lhe fuel ls consumed
LvenLually low pressure wlll reduce or sLop fuel flow from Lhe Lank lf an englne ls
noL recelvlng an adequaLe amounL of fuel especlally aL hlgh power seLLlngs a
resLrlcLed venL mlghL be Lhe cause 1he expanslon space provldes room for Lhe
fuel Lo expand when amblenL LemperaLures lncrease
1o prevenL fuel from enLerlng Lhe alrcrafL durlng refuellng a scupper and draln
are someLlmes lnsLalled near Lhe flller neck of Lhe Lank A scupper collecLs
overflowlng fuel and dlrecLs lL Lo an overboard draln lf Lhe scupper draln
becomes blocked waLer and oLher conLamlnanLs can enLer Lhe Lank when you
remove Lhe flller cap
luLL uLLlvL8?
luel dellvery and vapor reLurn Lake place Lhrough fuel llnes (rlgld and flexlble) and
flLLlngs 1he manufacLurer deLermlnes Lhe slze of a fluld llne based on Lhe
englne's fuel flow requlremenLs 1he lnsLallaLlon and rouLlng or fuel llnes Lhrough
Lhe alrframe and nacelle musL follow Lhese requlremenLs
O 8ouLe Lhe fuel llnes separaLe from oLher sysLems and componenLs
O SupporL fuel llnes ln a manner Lo avold sLress on Lhe flLLlngs never rely on
pulllng a llne lnLo place by LlghLenlng lLs flLLlngs
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011

O Lnsure LhaL rlgld Lublng has aL leasL one bend Lo compensaLe for sllghL
mlsallgnmenLs and vlbraLlons
O 8ond all meLal fuel llnes aL each sLrucLural aLLachmenL polnL wlLh bonded
and cushloned clamps
O Lnsure LhaL fuel llnes are lnsLalled ln a manner LhaL proLecLs Lhem from
belng used as a handhold whlle malnLenance ls performed
O 8ouLe fuel llnes along Lhe Lop or sldes of comparLmenLs Lo prevenL Lhem
from belng damaged by people or cargo
O revenL vapor lock by avoldlng sharp curves sLeep rlses and sLeep falls
when lnsLalllng fuel llnes
luel llnes rouLed ln an englne comparLmenL requlre addlLlonal conslderaLlons
because of Lhelr envlronmenL PeaL vlbraLlon and corroslve elemenLs are greaLer
ln an englne comparLmenL Lhan oLher locaLlons lf a fuel llne ln Lhe nacelle falls
durlng fllghL noL only ls englne operaLlon affecLed buL a flre or exploslon may
13 luLL PLA1lnC Anu llL18A1lCn
luel PeaLlng
1he alrcrafL ls sub[ecL Lo a very low LemperaLure whlle flylng ln hlgher alLlLudes for
a long perlod 1hls would cause Lhe fuels Lo lose Lhelr normal evaporaLlon raLe
Also Lhe waLer conLenL lf any wlll be frozen aL LhaL lower LemperaLures and cause
Lhe blockage of fllLers plpellnes and Lhe nozzles ln lCu/CarbureLor
A fuel heaLer ellmlnaLes Lhe poLenLlal of fuel meLerlng problems caused by lce
crysLals 1yplcal fuel heaLers use a heaL exchanger wlLh oll or bleed alr Lo warm
Lhe fuel ln a Lyplcal unlL fuel flows conLlnuously whlle Lhe heaL source ls
regulaLed luel heaL ls normally used when Lhe fuel LemperaLure ls abouL 32rl (or
less) or a fuel fllLer bypass warnlng occurs Some sysLems are auLomaLlc and
oLhers requlre acLlvaLlon by a swlLch ln Lhe cockplL
lce ls also caused ln a carbureLor sysLem due Lo
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011

a) 1he coollng effecL of Lhe fuel's evaporaLlon afLer belng lnLroduced lnLo Lhe alr
sLream may produce whaL ls called fuel lce
8) waLer ln suspenslon ln Lhe aLmosphere comlng ln conLacL wlLh englne parLs aL a
LemperaLure below 32r l may produce whaL ls called lmpacL lce and
c) 1he evaporaLlon of waLer vapors aL or near Lhe LhroLLle forms whaL ls known as
LhroLLle lce
luel heaLlng may be done by Lwo ways
a) luel/oll heaL exchanger and
b) 8lowlng hoL gases on Lhe carbureLor and fuel componenLs
1here ls a posslblllLy of fuel conLamlnaLlon durlng lLs LransporLaLlon fuellng
process eLc lllLers are lnsLalled Lo remove forelgn maLLer such as dusL grlL sand
flakes or plnL waLer sLuff and meLal burr pleces of hose llnlng solder and rags
from Lhe fuel 1o remove such lmpurlLles from fuel sysLems flne wlre mesh and
felL fllLers are uLlllzed
8egulaLlons requlre LhaL a fuel sLralner (or fuel fllLer) be lnsLalled Lo remove
conLamlnanLs and Lo provlde a means Lo draln conLamlnanLs from Lhe sysLem
1he sLralner represenLs Lhe lowesL polnL ln a fuel sysLem and ls locaLed beLween
Lhe fuel Lank and Lhe englne (speclflcally Lhe fuelmeLerlng devlce or englne
drlven fuel pump) WaLer and solld conLamlnanLs collecL ln Lhe sedlmenL bowl
and draln Lhrough a valve A flne mesh screen (or oLher fllLer elemenL) provldes
fuel fllLerlng wlLhln Lhe sLralner
MosL Lurblne englne fuel sysLems use boLh coarse and flne fllLer elemenLs A
coarse mesh fllLer ls Lyplcally lnsLalled beLween Lhe supply Lank and fuel pump
and a flne mesh fllLer ls lnsLalled beLween Lhe fuel pump and Lhe fuel conLrol unlL
lllLer effecLlveness ls measure ln mlcrons Cne mlcron ls equal Lo one mllllonLh of
ammeLer or approxlmaLely 000039 lnch lor perspecLlve Lhe human eye ls able
Lo dlsLlngulsh ob[ecLs LhaL are approxlmaLely 40 mlcrons or larger
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS
repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011


1he dynamlcs of lnLernal combusLlon requlre cerLaln gasollne properLles 8ecause
of Lhe wlde range of aLmospherlc condlLlons LhaL alrcrafL operaLe ln Lhe
requlremenLs are more sLrlngenL 1he volaLlllLy of avlaLlon gasollne (or AvACAS)
measures Lhe fuel's ablllLy Lo change from a llquld lnLo a vapor volaLlllLy ls
normally expressed ln Lerms of 8eld vapor pressure a measure of Lhe alr pressure
requlred above a llquld Lo prevenL vapors from escaplng aL a speclflc
LemperaLure 1he vapor pressure of 100LL Avgas ls approxlmaLely 7Sl aL 100r l
by conLrasL lowergrade auLomoLlve gasollne has a 8eld vapor pressure of
beLween abouL 78 Sl Lyplcally ad[usLed seasonally Lo accounL for warmer and
cooler LemperaLures
Avgas musL vaporlze readlly Lo burn evenly ln a cyllnder luel LhaL ls noL fully
aLomlzed resulLs ln hard sLarLlng and rough runnlng Powever lf fuel vaporlzes
Loo readlly evaporaLlon occurs ln Lhe fuel llnes and resulLs ln vapor lock ln
carbureLed englnes hlghly volaLlle fuel causes exLreme coollng and lncreases Lhe
posslblllLy for Lhe formaLlon of carbureLor lce
AvlaLlon gasollne ls graded (numbered) accordlng Lo lLs ablllLy Lo reslsL deLonaLlon
(or knocklng) 1he hlgher Lhe number Lhe more reslsLanL lL ls Lo deLonaLlon 1he
CcLane number compares Lhe anLlknock properLles of a fuel Lo a mlxLure of lso
ocLane and normal hepLanes lor example grade 80 fuel has Lhe same anLl
(knock properLles as a mlxLure of 80 lsoocLane and 20 hepLanes
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS
repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011

luel used Lo be descrlbed wlLh Lwo performance number (avgas 100/130) 1he
flrsL number was Lhe lean mlxLure raLlng and Lhe second number Lhe rlch mlxLure
raLlng 1o avold confuslon and mlnlmlze handllng errors when worklng wlLh
dlfferenL grades of avgas common pracLlce deslgnaLes fuel only by lLs lean
mlxLure performance number 1he common Lypes of avlaLlon gasollne avallable
are avgas 80 100 and 100LL Avgas 100LL and 100 perform ldenLlcally Lhe LL"
lndlcaLes a lower lead conLenL Lhan avgas 100

Colors and Lypes of marklngs used on Avgas fuel condulLs and conLrols
Cne lngredlenL LhaL peLroleum companles use Lo reduce englne deLonaLlon ls
1eLraeLhyl lead (1LL) Powever lL causes corroslon on componenLs ln Lhe
combusLlon chamber 1o prevenL corroslon eLhylene bromldes are added Lo Lhe
fuel Lhls addlLlve comblnes wlLh lead oxldes and Lhe corroslve byproducLs are
dlscharged from Lhe cyllnders durlng englne operaLlon uue Lo sclenLlflc evldence
abouL negaLlve healLh and envlronmenLal effecLs from Lhe use of 1LL research
conLlnues on alLernaLlve addlLlves and fuels for alrcrafL englnes
ln addlLlon Lo numerlc gradlng color ls used Lo ldenLlfy fuel and Lhe marklngs on
fuelrelaLed componenLs Avgas 80 ls dyed and marked red Avgas 100 ls dyed and
marked green Avgas 100LL ls dyed and marked blue
AlrcrafL fuel pumps and Lrucks are marked wlLh colorcoded fuel ldenLlflcaLlon
decals on each slde of Lhe Lank luel Lrucks are also marked on Lhe dasboard ln
Lhe cab Llkewlse alrcrafL fuel flller porLs are labeled so LhaL all lLems relaLed Lo
alrcrafL fuellng are slmllarly coded Lo prevenL fllllng wlLh Lhe lmproper grade or
Lype of fuel

AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS
repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011

1u88lnL luLLS Anu Auul1lvLS
1urblne powered alrcrafL use a keroseneLype fuel called [eL fuel" !eL A and !eL
A1 are common ln clvll use !eL 8 whlch ls a blend of gasollne and kerosene ls
less common !eL fuel deslgnaLlons unllke Lhose for avgas slmply ldenLlfy a
parLlcular fuel Lhey do noL descrlbe performance characLerlsLlcs 1o deLermlne
whlch Lype of Lurblne fuel ls approved for an englne check Lhe englne Lype
cerLlflcaLe daLa sheeL or Lhe alrcrafL speclflcaLlons
1he prlmary dlfference beLween Lypes of [eL fuel ls Lhe freezlng polnL
O !eL A freezes aL 40rC
O !eL A1 freezes aL 47rC
O !eL 8 freezes aL 30rC

Colors and Lypes of marklngs used on Lurblne fuel condulLs and conLrols
!eL fuels are colorless or have a llghL sLraw color ulfferenLly colored [eL fuel mlghL
lndlcaLe an unapproved fuel verlfy Lhe sulLablllLy of fuel before uslng lL Lo servlce
an alrcrafL Marklngs for equlpmenL LhaL sLores and dlspenses approved Lurblne
fuels are whlLe leLLers on a black background
!eL fuel ls more vlscous Lhan avgas As a resulL Lhe fuel acLs as a lubrlcanL ln
pumps and fuelconLrol unlLs 1he downslde of Lhls aLLrlbuLe ls LhaL [eL fuel holds
waLer and solld maLerlal LhaL does noL easlly seLLle lnLo sumps Any Llme waLer ls
presenL ln a fuel Lhe poLenLlal for fuel lclng or mlcroblal growLh ls slgnlflcanL
Many alrcrafL and englne manufacLurers recommend Lhe use of anLllclng and
anLlmlcroblal fuel addlLlves LxcepL ln exLremely low LemperaLures anLllclng
addlLlves are effecLlve aL prevenLlng waLer from freezlng ln Lhe fuel sysLem
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repared by varaprasad 1
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AnLlmlcroblal agenLs klll mlcrobe fungl and bacLerla 1hese mlcroorganlsms Lend
Lo form sllme (or maLLed wasLe) lnslde fuel Lanks LhaL can accumulaLe and clog
fllLers and fuel llnes as well as corrode fuel cells
luel addlLlves are ofLen premlxed ln Lhe fuel by Lhe dlsLrlbuLor When fuels are
supplled wlLhouL addlLlves Lhe approprlaLe quanLlLy of addlLlves ls meLered whlle
refuellng Lhe alrcrafL lf meLerlng equlpmenL ls noL avallable pour Lhe addlLlves
lnLo Lhe fuel Lanks [usL before refuellng 1he Lurbulence creaLed by refuellng
adequaLely mlxes Lhe addlLlves wlLh Lhe fuel 1he Lype and amounL of addlLlve use
musL be approved by Lhe alrcrafL manufacLurer Lo malnLaln Lhe fuel sysLem's
alrworLhlness 1o deLermlne Lhe approved fuel addlLlves for a Lurblne englne
check Lhe englne Lype cerLlflcaLe daLa sheeL or Lhe alrcrafL speclflcaLlon 8lS1
Plllash ls a commonly used addlLlve conLalnlng boLh anLllclng and
anLlmlcroblal agenLs
luel quanLlLy gauges are necessary for Lhe plloL or englneer Lo know Lhe quanLlLy
of fuel remalnlng ln Lhe alrcrafL fuel Lanks durlng Lhe operaLlon/and ground
malnLenance of Lhe alrcrafL 1he Lype of gauglng sysLem wlll depend on Lhe slze of
Lhe alrcrafL Lhe number of fuel Lanks Lhe alrcrafL has and Lhe locaLlon of Lhe fuel
Cenerally fuel quanLlLy sysLems can be spllL lnLo Lhree caLegorles
O SlghL glass and drlp sLlck
O Mechanlcal
O LlecLrlcal
A deLall sLudy wlll be covered ln Lhe forLhcomlng chapLers of Lhls book

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luel dralnlng should noL be mlsLaken wlLh Lhe sysLems of luel
[eLLlsonlng/dumplng or defuellng 1hls sysLem ls malnly used for Laklng fuel
samples or Lo remove Lhe resldual fuel ln Lhe Lank afLer a defuellng has Laken
1he dralnlng meLhods may dlffer from alrcrafL Lo alrcrafL Cenerally Lhe polnL for
dralnlng fuel ls Lhrough Lhe same componenL LhaL ls used for waLer dralnage
checks A sprlng loaded wlLh a qulck openlng and closlng meLhod of valve ls used
for Lhls purpose
1he ways fuel can be conLamlnaLed
O WaLer
O 8usL
O ulrL
O Mlcroblal growLh
O CLher peLroleum producLs
WaLer has always been one of Lhe ma[or conLamlnaLlon problems wlLh avlaLlon
fuel lL condenses ouL of Lhe alr ln sLorage Lanks fuel Lrucks and even ln alrcrafL
fuel Lanks WaLer exlsLs ln avlaLlon fuels ln one of Lwo forms dlssolved and free
WaLer dlssolves ln avlaLlon fuels ln varylng amounLs dependlng upon Lhe fuel
composlLlon and LemperaLure 1hls can be llkened Lo humldlLy ln Lhe alr
undlssolved excess waLer ls called free waLer" Lowerlng Lhe fuel LemperaLure
causes dlssolved waLer Lo preclplLaLe ouL as free waLer somewhaL slmllar Lo Lhe
way fog ls creaLed 1yplcally dlssolved waLer does noL pose a problem Lo alrcrafL
and cannoL be removed by pracLlcal means
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lree waLer can appear as waLer slugs or as enLralned waLer A waLer slug ls a
relaLlvely large of waLer appearlng ln one body or layer A waLer slug can be as
llLLle as a plnL or as much as several hundred gallons LnLralned waLer ls
suspended ln Llny dropleLs lndlvldual dropleLs may or may noL be vlslble Lo Lhe
naked eye buL Lhey can glve Lhe fuel a cloudy or hazy appearance dependlng
upon Lhelr slze and number LnLralned waLer usually aglLaLed as when Lhey pass
Lhrough a pump Lowerlng Lhe LemperaLure of a fuel saLuraLed wlLh dlssolved
waLer 8ecause of lLs hlgh vlscoslLy enLralned waLer ls ofLen vlslble ln Lurblne fuel
as a haze LnLralned waLer usually seLLles ouL wlLh Llme
MosL alrcrafL englnes can LoleraLe dlssolved waLer Powever large slugs of free
waLer can cause englne fallure and lce from slugs and enLralned waLer can
severely resLrlcL fuel flow by plugglng alrcrafL fuel fllLers and oLher mechanlsms
WaLer can enLer an alrporL fuel sysLem Lhrough leaks ln Lhe seals of equlpmenL or
broughL ln when fuel ls dellvered 1he besL means of mlnlmlzlng Lhe amounL of
waLer enLerlng a sysLem ls Lhrough lnspecLlon and malnLenance of equlpmenL
and by maklng cerLaln LhaL only dry fuel ls recelved
WaLer can be deLecLed ln many ways 1o flnd free waLer lylng ln Lhe boLLom of
underground sLorage Lanks apply a waLerflndlng pasLe Lo Lhe end of a gauge
sLlck and place lL ln Lhe Lank Allow aL leasL 30 seconds for Lhe pasLe Lo reacL slnce
oLher conLamlnanLs can slow lLs reacLlon Llme lor above ground Lanks and
equlpmenL draw a sample lnLo a glass conLalner and slmply look for free waLer A
small amounL of llquld vegeLable dye (caked colorlng) ls helpful Lo hlghllghL free
waLer ln a sample lL mlxes wlLh and colors Lhe waLer buL ls lnsoluble ln fuel
WaLer ls removed from fuel by provldlng adequaLe fllLraLlon of separaLlon
equlpmenL wlll remove waLer from Lhe fuel

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1hls conLamlnaLlon ls produced by varlous forms mlcroorganlsms LhaL llve and
mulLlply ln waLer lnLerfaces of [eL fuels
Clves falls lndlcaLlon on Lhe fuel quanLlLy gauge
Pydrocarbons feed Lhe mlcroorganlsm and mulLlply on free waLer
1he color of Lhls sllme growLh may be red brown gray or black
ConLamlnanLs can lnclude elLher soluble or lnsoluble maLerlals or boLh 1he more
common forms of avlaLlon fuel conLamlnaLlon lnclude sollds waLer surfacLanLs
and mlcroorganlsms luel can be conLamlnaLed by mlxlng wlLh oLher grades or
Lypes of fuels by plcklng up compounds from concenLraLlons ln rusL and sludge
deposlLs by addlLlves or by any of a number of oLher soluble maLerlals
1he greaLesL slngle danger Lo alrcrafL safeLy from conLamlnaLed fuels cannoL be
aLLrlbuLed Lo sollds exoLlc mlcroorganlsm surfacLanLs or ever waLer lL ls
conLamlnaLlon resulLlng from human error Any human error LhaL fllls an alrcrafL
wlLh Lhe wrong grade or Lype of fuel or mlxes dlfferenL Lypes of fuel ls cause for
serlous concern An accldenL may be Lhe end resulL 1he posslblllLy of human
error can never be ellmlnaLed buL lL can be mlnlmlzed Lhrough careful deslgn of
fuellng faclllLles good operaLlng procedures and adequaLe Lralnlng

SelecLor valves are lnsLalled ln Lhe fuel sysLem Lo provlde a means for shuLLlng off
Lhe fuel flow for Lank and englne selecLlon for crossfeed and for fuel Lransfer
1he slze and number of porLs (openlngs) vary wlLh Lhe lnsLallaLlon valves may be
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handoperaLed moLoroperaLed or solenoldoperaLed valves musL
accommodaLe Lhe full flow capaclLy of Lhe fuel llne musL noL leak and musL
operaLe freely A manually operaLed valve musL have a deflnlLe feel" or cllck"
when lL ls ln Lhe correcL poslLlon
O SelecLor valves provlde means Lo selecL and shuL off fuel flow
O valve musL accommodaLe Lhe full flow capaclLy of Lhe fuel llne
O MusL noL leak
O MusL operaLe freely wlLh a deflnlLe leel" or cllck" when lL ls ln Lhe correcL
valves are classlfled accordlng Lo Lhe followlng
Pand operaLed Cone Lype valve
oppeL Lype valve
MoLor operaLed used on large alrcrafL
Solenold operaLed used on large alrcrafL much fasLer ln operaLlon
Pand operaLed valves may be found on small and medlum slzed alrcrafL and wlll
llkely be elLher cone Lype or poppeL Lype selecLor valves
All fuel sysLems provlde for shuLLlng off Lhe flow of fuel from Lhe Lanks Lo Lhe
englne and mosL of Lhe smaller alrcrafL use hand operaLed valves
CCNL1L se|ector va|ve
1he slmplesL valve ls Lhe cone Lype ln whlch a cone usually made of brass flLs
lnLo a conlcal recess ln Lhe valve body 1he cone ls drllled so lL wlll allow flow from
Lhe lnleL of Lhe valve Lo any one of Lhe ouLleLs LhaL ls selecLed A deLenL plaLe ls
lnsLalled on Lhe shafL LhaL ls used Lo Lurn Lhe cone and a sprlngloaded pln sllps
lnLo Lhe deLenL when Lhe hole ln Lhe cone ls accuraLely allgned wlLh Lhe holes ln
Lhe valve body 1hls allows Lhe plloL Lo Lell by feel when Lhe valve ls ln any glven
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Cne problem wlLh coneLype valves ls LhaL Lhey can become dlfflculL Lo Lurn 1hls
can prevenL Lhe deLenL from provldlng a poslLlve feel when Lhe valve ls properly
cenLered ln a selecLed poslLlon ln several lnsLances Lhls condlLlon has led Lo
englne damage by prevenLlng adequaLe fuel flow
CL11L se|ector va|ve
1he poppeLLype valve overcomes Lhe problem (ln coneLype) by uslng a
camshafL operaLed by Lhe selecLor valve handle Lo open Lhe correcL poppeLs and
conLrol Lhe flow of fuel Lhrough Lhe valve 1he poslLlve shuLoff of fuel ls provlded
by Lhe sprlng on Lhe valve and lL ls easy for Lhe plloL Lo Lell by feel when Lhe valve
ls cenLered ln a selecLed poslLlon
MC1CkCLkA1LD va|ves
Larger alrcrafL musL use remoLely operaLed valves ln Lhe fuel sysLem 1here are
Lwo baslc Lypes of remoLely operaLed valves ln popular use Loday Lhose drlven by
an elecLrlc moLor and Lhose operaLed by a solenold
1here are Lwo Lypes of moLor operaLed valves ln one of Lhem Lhe moLor drlves
a drum LhaL has holes cuL ln lL 1hls ls so fuel can flow Lhrough Lhe drum when lL ls
ln one poslLlon and ls shuL off when lL ls roLaLed nlneLy degrees
1he oLher valve uses a moLordrlven slldlng gaLe 1he gaLe ls drawn Lo leL fuel
Lhrough and shuL Lo sLop lL
A solenold valve has Lhe advanLage over a moLordrlven valve of belng much
qulcker Lo open or close When elecLrlcal currenL momenLarlly flows Lhrough Lhe
openlng solenold coll lL exerLs a magneLlc pull on Lhe valve sLem Lo open Lhe
valve When Lhe sLem rlses hlgh enough Lhe sprlngloaded locklng plunger of Lhe
closlng solenold ls forced lnLo Lhe noLch ln Lhe valve sLem 1hls holds Lhe valve
locked open unLll currenL ls momenLarlly dlrecLed lnLo Lhe closlng solenold coll
1he magneLlc pull of Lhls coll pulls Lhe locklng plunger ouL of Lhe noLch ln Lhe
valve sLem and Lhe sprlng closes Lhe valve and shuLs off Lhe flow of fuel
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Cn mosL mulLlenglne alrcrafL Lhe fuel manlfolds are connecLed ln such a manner
LhaL any fuel Lank may supply fuel Lo any englne 1he maln advanLage of Lhls Lype
of sysLem ls lLs flexlblllLy Should an englne fall lLs fuel ls lmmedlaLely avallable Lo
supply Lhe demand of Lhe oLher englnes Also lf a fuel Lank becomes damaged
Lhe dedlcaLed englne can be fed wlLh Lhe fuel from oLher Lanks
Cn a mulLlenglne alrcrafL each wlng has Lwo fuel Lanks connecLed LogeLher
whlch serve as a slngle Lank and Lhe selecLor valves allow any englne Lo operaLe
from Lhe Lanks ln elLher wlng 1he Lerm crossfeed" lndlcaLes LhaL an englne ls
drawlng fuel from Lhe opposlLe wlng luel flows from Lhe selecLor valve Lo Lhe
fuel fllLer Lhen Lo Lhe elecLrlc fuel pump on Lo Lhe englnedrlven pump lnLo Lhe
fuel ln[ecLlon sysLem and Lo Lhe cyllnders
Low wlng alrplanes cannoL use gravlLy Lo feed fuel Lo Lhe carbureLor An englne
drlven and /or elecLrlc pump musL be used Lo provlde adequaLe fuel pressure 1he
selecLor valve ln Lhese sysLems can normally selecL elLher Lank lndlvldually or
shuL off all flow Lo Lhe englne 1he selecLor valve does nC1 have a 8oLh"
poslLlon because Lhe pump would pull alr from an empLy Lank raLher Lhan fuel
from a full Lank AfLer leavlng Lhe fuel selecLor valve Lhe fuel flows Lhrough Lhe
maln sLralner and lnLo Lhe elecLrlc fuel pump 1he englnedrlven pump ls ln
parallel wlLh Lhe elecLrlc pump so Lhe fuel can be moved by elLher 1here ls no
need for a bypass feaLure Lo allow one pump Lo force fuel Lhrough Lhe oLher 1o
assure LhaL boLh pumps are funcLlonlng noLe Lhe fuel pressure produced by Lhe
elecLrlc pump before sLarLlng Lhe englne and Lhen wlLh Lhe englne runnlng Lurn
Lhe elecLrlc pump off and noLe Lhe pressure LhaL ls produced by Lhe englnedrlven
1he elecLrlc pump used Lo supply fuel pressure for sLarLlng Lhe englne and as a
backup ln case Lhe englnedrlven pump should fall lL also assures fuel flow when
swlLchlng from one Lank Lo Lhe oLher
8C1n 1ANk ILLD
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1he mosL slmple alrcrafL fuel sysLem ls found on small hlghwlng slngleenglne
LralnlngLype alrplanes 1hese sysLems normally use Lwo fuel Lanks one ln elLher
wlng 1he Lwo Lank ouLleLs are connecLed Lo Lhe selecLor valve luel can be drawn
from elLher Lank lndlvldually or boLh Lanks can feed Lhe englne aL Lhe same Llme
A fourLh poslLlon on Lhe selecLor valve Lurns off all fuel Lo Lhe englne Slnce boLh
Lanks can feed Lhe englne aL Lhe same Llme Lhe space above Lhe fuel ln boLh
Lanks musL be lnLerconnecLed and venLed ouLslde of Lhe alrplane 1he venL llne
normally LermlnaLes on Lhe underslde of Lhe wlng where Lhe posslblllLy of fuel
slphonlng ls mlnlmlzed
1he purpose of a boosLer pump ls Lo ald ln englne sLarLlng and Lo assure a poslLlve
pressue Lo Lhe lnleL of Lhe englnedrlven pump
nAND CLkA1LD pumps
Pand operaLed fuel pumps are ofLen called wobble pumps" 1he name comes
from Lhe meLhod of operaLlon of one of Lhe early Lypes of hand fuel pumps 1hese
pumps are used for backlng up an englnedrlven pump and for Lransferrlng fuel
from one Lank lnLo anoLher
When Lhe handle ls moved up and down Lhe vane lnslde Lhe pump rocks back
and forLh When Lhe handle ls pulled down Lhe lefL slde of Lhe vane moves up
pulllng fuel lnLo chambers A and u Lhrough Lhe flapperLyped check valve and Lhe
drllled passage beLween Lhe chamber C Lhrough Lhe passage drllled Lhrough Lhe
cenLer of Lhe vane and ouL Lhe pump dlscharge llne Lhrough Lhe check valve
When Lhe handle ls moved up Lhe vane moves ln Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon pulllng
fuel lnLo chambers 8 and C Lhe fuel ln chamber A ls forced ouL of Lhe pump
Lhrough chamber u Lhls ls a doubleacLlng pump slnce lL moves fuel on each
sLroke of Lhe handle
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8y far Lhe mosL popular Lype of pump ln use ln modern alrcrafL ls Lhe cenLrlfugal
boosL pump 1hese pumps are lnsLalled on elLher Lhe lnslde or Lhe ouLslde of Lhe
fuel Lank
An elecLrlc moLor drlves a cenLrlfugal pump and lL uses a small lmpeller Lo sllng
fuel ouL lnLo Lhe dlscharge llne 1hese pumps are noL of Lhe consLanL
dlsplacemenL Lype so resLrlcLlng Lhelr ouLleL does noL affecL Lhem Many are Lwo
speed Lypes LhaL use an elecLrlcal reslsLor ln serles wlLh Lhe moLor Lo vary lLs
Some cenLrlfugal boosL pumps have a small aglLaLor on Lhe pump shafL LhaL sLlrs
up Lhe fuel belng drawn lnLo Lhe lmpeller Any of Lhe Llny vapor bubbles LhaL form
ln Lhe fuel are forced Lo coalesce lnLo larger bubbles and rlse Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe
Lank raLher Lhan enLer Lhe fuel llne
1hls boosL pump ls used ln lLs lowspeed poslLlon for sLarLlng Lhe englne and for
mlnor vapor purglng ln lLs hlghspeed poslLlon lL ls used as a backup for Lhe
englnedrlven pump durlng Lakeoff and hlgh power englne operaLlon lL ls also
used ln lLs hlghspeed poslLlon for ma[or purglng of fuel vapors Some lnsLallaLlons
are qulLe crlLlcal wlLh regard Lo Lhe pressure dellvered by Lhe boosL pump Lo Lhe
englne and Lhese sysLems have reslsLors ln Lhe boosL pump clrculL LhaL are
conLrolled by a preclslon swlLch on Lhe LhroLLle When Lhe LhroLLle ls opened and
Lhe boosL pump swlLch ls on Lhe pump operaLes aL lLs hlgh speed buL when Lhe
LhroLLle ls reLarded Lhe pump speed wlll auLomaLlcally decrease 1hls lowers Lhe
ouLpuL pressure enough so LhaL Lhe boosL pump wlll noL flood Lhe englne
1o assure LhaL Lhere wlll always be an adequaLe supply of fuel avallable boosL
pumps are someLlmes locaLed ln a fuel collecLor can 1hls ls an area of Lhe fuel
Lank LhaL has been parLlLloned off and equlpped wlLh a flapperLype valve Lo allow
fuel Lo flow lnLo Lhe collecLor from Lhe Lank A fuel e[ecLor sysLem uses Lhe
venLure prlnclple Lo supply addlLlonal fuel Lo Lhe collecLor can regardless of
alrcrafL aLLlLude
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1he submerged moLordrlven boosL pumps supply fuel from each Lank Lo Lhelr
respecLlve englnes uurlng operaLlon of Lhe boosL pumps a porLlon of fuel
Lhrough a venLurl supplles Lhe low pressure needs Lo draw addlLlonal fuel from
Lhe e[ecLor locaLlon luel ls Lhen rouLed Lo Lhe fuel collecLor cans
1he componenLs lnvolved ln fuel dlsLrlbuLlon meLer and dellver fuel Lo Lhe
cyllnders for combusLlon ln reclprocaLlng englnes lor englnes wlLh carbureLors
fuel ls mlxed wlLh alr ln Lhe lnducLlon sysLem lor englnes wlLh fuel ln[ecLlon
mlxlng occurs ln Lhe cyllnder assembly luel dlsLrlbuLlon componenLs are a
powerplanL subsysLem
8ecause Lhe meLerlng devlce affecLs englne performance and fuel economy lL
musL funcLlon rellably Lhrough a wlde range of operaLlng and envlronmenLal
condlLlons luel dlsLrlbuLlon componenLs are necessary Lo aLomlze fuel for
compleLe and even burnlng ln Lhe cyllnders lf fuel ls noL properly aLomlzed lL wlll
noL burn compleLely
1ypes of meter|ng systems
Modern alrcrafL wlLh reclprocaLlng englnes meLer fuel elLher by carbureLlon or by
fuel ln[ecLlon ueslgns vary accordlng Lo englne Lype and alrcrafL requlremenLs
1he Lwo Lypes of carbureLors are
O lloaL and
O ressure ln[ecLlon
1he Lhree Lypes of fuel ln[ecLlon are
O ulrecL
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O ConLlnuousflow and
O LlecLronlcally conLrolled sysLem
Carburetor systems
1o provlde an englne wlLh Lhe necessary fuel for proper operaLlon under varlous
englne loads speeds and alr denslLles mosL carbureLors lnclude Lhe followlng flve
O Maln meLerlng
O ldllng
O MlxLure conLrol
O AcceleraLlng
O ower enrlchmenL
1he consLrucLlon and prlnclples of operaLlon or each of Lhese sysLems varles
dependlng on Lhe Lype of carbureLor

1urb|ne eng|ne fue| contro| system
When Lhe plloL makes a power seLLlng wlLh Lhe cockplL conLrols Lhe luel ConLrol
unlL (lCu) responds by ad[usLlng fuel flow Lo Lhe englne 1he lCu provldes Lhe
preclse amounL of necessary fuel accordlng Lo Lhe power lever poslLlon
1o preclsely meLer fuel flow Lhe lCu monlLors several englne operaLlng
parameLer lncludlng power lever poslLlon englne speed compressor lnleL alr
LemperaLure and pressure and burner or compressor dlscharge pressure ln
addlLlon many lCus lncorporaLe several auLomaLlc funcLlons Lo help prevenL
flameouL overLemperaLure occurrences and overspeed condlLlon
lCus meLer Lhe correcL amounL of fuel lnLo Lhe combusLlon secLlon Lo obLaln Lhe
opLlmum alrLofuel mlxLure raLlo of 131 by welghL 1hls raLlo represenLs 13
pounds of combusLor prlmary alr Lo one pound of fuel 8emember LhaL Lhe
sLolchlomeLrlc raLlo of 131 ls Lhe LheoreLlcally perfecL mlxLure foe combusLlon
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1he lCu ls Lyplcally an englnedrlven accessory LhaL meLers fuel uslng elLher
hydromechanlcal hydropneumaLlc or elecLronlc lCus are used on mosL
Lurbo[eL and Lurbofan englnes PydropneumaLlc unlLs are used on several
Lurboprop englnes

luel Lank consLrucLlon varles slgnlflcanLly beLween Lypes of alrcrafL 1he baslc
Lypes of Lank lnclude welded (or rlveLed) meLal Lanks ln a wlng or fuselage cavlLy
composlLe Lank ln a wlng or fuselage cavlLy weL wlngs (Lank formed by seallng a
secLlon of Lhe alrcrafL sLrucLure) and bladder Lanks (neoprene lmpregnaLed
MalnLalnlng fuel sLorage componenLs ln an alrworLhy condlLlon ls crlLlcal
lmproperly malnLalned fuel Lanks (or cells) can conLamlnaLe fuel whlch can lead
Lo damaged componenLs or resLrlcLed flow
Corroslon ln fuel sLorage sysLems ls slgnlflcanL concern Lven when corroslon
reslsLanL maLerlals are used fuel cells and relaLed componenLs are noL corroslon
proof Any Llme LhaL waLer enLers Lhe fuel comparLmenL corroslon can occur
wlLhln Lhe sysLem Corroded parLs mlghL fall Lo work as deslgned or release debrls
and conLamlnaLe fuel
luel sLorage comparLmenLs deLerloraLe over Llme As gaskeLs sealanLs hoses
and bladder age Lhey become brlLLle and debrls from Lhelr breakdown can
malfuncLlon by resLrlcLlng or blocklng fuel flow
luel Lanks are deslgned wlLh feaLures Lo allevlaLe fuel conLamlnaLlon and lLs
correspondlng operaLlonal hazards luel Lanks are requlred Lo have a sump and
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draln lnsLalled aL Lhelr lowesL polnL A sump collecLs waLer and sedlmenL and
provldes a convenlenL locaLlon Lo draln and lnspecL fuel before malnLenance or
luel Lanks normally fall lnLo 3 caLegorles
1 8lgld consLrucLlon Lanks
2 llexlble consLrucLlon Lanks
3 lnLegral Lanks
k|g|d fue| tanks
8lgld fuel Lanks are normally consLrucLed from meLal or plasLlc maLerlals 1hey are
made ln varlous shapes and slzes Lo flL lnLo Lhe approprlaLe spaces wlLhln Lhe
alrcrafL sLrucLure whlch are dependenL on Lhe deslgn requlremenLs 1he mosL
common Lypes are manufacLured from alumlnum alloy or sLalnless sLeel and
elLher brazed or rlveLed LogeLher Lo glve a rlgld sLrucLure
Large Lanks of Lhls caLegory may have lnLernal braces and supporLs and
addlLlonally may have baffle rlbs wlLhln Lhe Lank Lo reduce Lhe effecLs of large fuel
surges due Lo alrcrafL maneuvers
Secure aLLachmenL of Lhe Lank wlLhln Lhe alrframe sLrucLure ls achleved by Lhe
used of bolLed brackeLs or reLalnlng sLraps
ln some cases Lhe Lank may be flLLed lnLo a supporL cradle whlch as Lhe same
conLour as Lhe Lank Lhe cradle and Lank are Lhen flLLed lnLo Lhe alrcrafL 1hls
sysLem may for lnsLance be used for long range alrcrafL where an auxlllary fuel
Lank ls requlred Lo be flLLed lnLo a cargo comparLmenL
Lach Lank ls consLrucLed wlLh varlous aperLures and lnLernal mounLlng polnLs for
such fuel sysLem componenLs as fuel pumps floaL swlLches and fuel quanLlLy
measurlng equlpmenL LxLernally we may have flLLed a refuellng orlflce and
varlous alr and fuel plpes for venLlng and fuel supply purposes
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Some rlgld Lanks may have an exLernal coverlng of self seallng maLerlal 1hls
maLerlal Lanks Lo swell Lhen ln conLacL ln fuel and greaLly reduces Lhe loss of fuel
lf a fuel leak were Lo develop
63 8lgld fuel Lank lnsLallaLlon
8lgld fuel Lanks are deslgned Lo flL lnLo LlghL spaces so flLLlng of paramounL
lmporLance 1he followlng are some of Lhe precauLlons Lo be observed whllsL
flLLlng rlgld Lanks
O Pandle correcLly do noL damage when flLLlng
O Always consulL Lhe AlrcrafL MalnLenance Manual for flLLlng lnsLrucLlons
O Lnsure Lanks are clean and Lhe Lanks space ls clear of forelgn ob[ecLs
O Lnsure plpellnes and orlflces are blanked of unLll Lhe lasL momenL prlor Lo
O Lnsure correcL elecLrlcal bondlng ls carrled ouL
64llexlble fuel Lanks
llexlble fuels Lanks are normally consLrucLed from a Lhln rubber Lype maLerlal
LhaL ls noL adversely affecLed by conLacL wlLh fuel or alr
1hese Lanks are manufacLured Lo flL lnLo spaces and may be requlred Lo be folded
and flLLed lnLo aperLures where normal rlgld Lanks of slmllar capaclLy would noL
be flLLed
1he comparLmenL LhaL Lhe Lank ls flLLed lnLo musL be made as smooLh as posslble
Lo reduce chaflng of Lhe Lank maLerlal on Lhe alrcrafL sLrucLure
As Lhe alrframe comparLmenL ls deslgned Lo Lake Lhe loads of fuel Lank lL ls
normally deslgned a llLLle smaller ln capaclLy Lhan Lhe Lank 8ecause of Lhls
feaLure Lhe flexlng of alrcrafL sLrucLure and shock loads creaLed by alrcrafL landlng
do noL lmpose and undue load on Lhe fuel Lank
Cnce flLLed lnLo Lhe alrframe cavlLy flexlble fuel Lanks need some supporL Lo
reLaln Lhelr shape especlally when empLy varlous meLhods are used L achleve
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Lhls 1he Lwo mosL common are aLLachlng Lhe Lank Lo Lhe sLrucLure uslng press
sLuds or by Lhreadlng cords Lo Lhe Lank comparLmenL
8ecause Lhese Lanks are consLrucLed from a flexlble maLerlal Lhere are a few
addlLlonal precauLlons Lo observe when flLLlng Lhls Lype of Lank 1hese lnclude
O Any proLrudlng rlveLs or bolLs ln Lhe Lank comparLmenL musL be covered
wlLh Lape or rubber Lo prevenL chaflng of Lhe Lank maLerlal
O 1he malnLenance manual musL be consulLed for Lhe correcL foldlng
sequence lf Lhe Lank ls Lo be lnsLalled Lhrough a small openlng
O Lnsure Lhe Lank comparLmenL ls clean
O As flLLlng may necesslLaLe enLry lnLo Lhe Lank or comparLmenL ensure
pockeLs are empLled or loose arLlcles and rubber soled shoes or overshoes
are worn Lo prevenL sparks belng generaLed Lhus causlng a flre hazard
now perhaps ls Lhe Llme Lo sLop and see how much has been absorbed
Interna| fue| tanks
1o call Lhls Lype of Lank an lnLegral Lank may be a blL mlsleadlng ln acLual facL lL ls
Lhe alrcrafL sLrucLure LhaL ls Lhe Lank normally parL of Lhe wlng sLrucLure forms
Lhe lnLegral Lank lL ls Lhe area bounded by Lhe fronL and rear spars of Lhe wlng
and Lhe upper and lower wlng surface sklns
1he Lank area ls sealed and fuel proofed durlng assembly Speclal sealanLs are
used and Lhe sLrucLure rlveLs spars eLc are assembled whlle Lhe sealanL ls sLlll
weL AnoLher name for Lhls Lype of Lank ls a weL Lank"
8efore assembly all Lhe sLrucLural parLs are cleaned Lo a cerLaln coaL 1hls ls
called fllleLlng 1hls fllleL sealanL prevenLs sealanL from cracklng lf flexlng Lakes
place beLween assembled parLs
We have dlscussed Lhe Lhree Lypes of fuel Lank and Lhelr lnsLallaLlon ln Lhe
alrcrafL Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL aspecLs of deallng wlLh fuel Lanks ls Lhe
danger of exploslon or flre' we wlll now look aL some of Lhe general safeLy
precauLlons under Lhe headlng 'worklng wlLh fuel Lanks"
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66 worklng wlLh fuel Lanks
1he fuel carrled ln alrcrafL has a Loxlc and dangerous naLure 1here ls an ever
presenL rlsk of exploslon and flre so worklng wlLhln a fuel Lank envlronmenL
requlres cerLaln guldellnes Lo be adhered Lo
1he followlng are only general guldellnes reference musL always be made Lo Lhe
AlrcrafL MalnLenance Manual before commenclng work
When deallng wlLh removable fuel Lanks elLher rlgld or flexlble Lhe besL meLhod f
maklng Lhe Lank safe ls by flrsL dralnlng Lhe Lank Lhen mopplng ouL any resldual
fuel wlLh fluff free rags and flnally venLlng Lhe Lank by blowlng Lhrough Lhe Lank
wlLh fresh clean alr unLll all evldence of fuel or fuel vapor has been removed
Some manufacLurers may sLlpulaLe Lhe perlod and LemperaLure of Lhe bowlng alr
so always check Lhe MalnLenance Manual flrsL
lnLegral Lanks however presenL a dlfferenL problem as well as dralnlng and
venLlng lnLegral Lanks lL may be necessary Lo enLer Lhe Lank especlally Lhe larger
Lype flLLed Lo passenger alrcrafL for malnLenance purposes
67 SafeLy precauLlons
uue Lo Lhe Loxlc effecL of Lhe fuel some means of proLecLlon Lo Lhe Lnglneer ls
requlred when he / she ls lnslde Lhe Lank 1hls ls achleved by Lhe use of remoLe
breaLhlng apparaLus
When lnslde Lhe fuel Lank Lhe Lnglneer wears a rubber proLecLlve sulL and a
remoLe breaLhlng apparaLus wlLh an exLernal supply of breaLhlng alr
arLlcular polnLs Lo be noLed are
O 1he use of rubber proLecLlve cloLhlng ellmlnaLlng Lhe posslblllLy of sparks
belng generaLed
O 1he safeLy man who musL always be presenL
O 1he llfellne aLLached Lo Lhe operaLor ln case dlfflculLles are encounLered
wlLhln Lhe Lank
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Some equlpmenL may have a Lwoway radlo llne beLween Lhe operaLor and Lhe
safeLy man
1o lnclude Lhls secLlon on safeLy precauLlons Lhere are one or Lwo oLher lLems Lo
brlng Lo your aLLenLlon
O lnspecLlon lamps Lnsure Lhey are exploslon proof LhaL ls Lo say LhaL Lhe
lamp musL be sealed Lo prevenL any fuel fumes belng lgnlLed by Lhe lamp
O Loose arLlcles on cloLhlng remove any meLalllc maLerlal LhaL could
generaLe sparks
O Shoes Wear rubber shoes or overshoes Lo prevenL sparks
O 1ools use sparks proof Lools
And flnally
uC nC1 SMCkL C8 lCnl1L MA1L8lAL nLA8 An? luLL 1Ank
Well LhaL [usL abouL concludes Lhe lnformaLlon on Lhe Lypes of fuel Lank LhaL may
be flLLed Lo an alrcrafL LogeLher wlLh a number of baslc precauLlons



AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS
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1he Lerm refuellng relaLes Lo Lhe supply of fuel Lo an alrcrafL fuel Lank or Lanks Lo
enable Lhe alrcrafL Lo fulfll lLs funcLlon elLher ln a passenger or prlvaLe role
8efuellng can be consldered ln Lwo caLegorles or sysLems
O Cpen orlflce / CravlLy fuel sysLem
O ressure refuellng sysLem
CLher sub sysLems are affecLed by refuellng operaLlon fuel Lank venLlng for
lnsLance LeL us conslder Lhese sub sysLems and descrlbe how Lhey affecL
refuellng operaLlons
1he Lwo maln Lypes of alrcrafL fuel are
O AvlaLlon gasollne AvCAS
O AvlaLlon Lurblne fuel Av1u8
1here ls anoLher Lype use on cerLaln general avlaLlon alrcrafL

O MoLor gasollne MCCAS
lL ls essenLlal LhaL when refuellng an alrcrafL Lhe correcL fuel for LhaL parLlcular
alrcrafL ls used 1hls can be elLher gasollne (AvCAS or MCCAS) as used by plsLon
englne alrcrafL or avlaLlon turb|ne fuel ([eL A ! 4 or Av1u8) as used by Lurblne
englne alrcrafL
1he lnLernaLlonal marklngs for Lhe Lwo ma[or Lypes of fuel are shown ln flgure
glven below

AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS
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8emember! Always check Lo ensure LhaL Lhe correcL fuel ls Lo be loaded onLo Lhe
alrcrafL before refuellng commences lf ln doubL check Lhe alrcrafL 1echnlcal log
or MalnLenance Manual

As we have already menLloned Lhere are Lwo baslc Lypes of refuellng sysLem LeL's
conslder each one ln Lurn sLarLlng wlLh Lhe open orlflce Lype of sysLem
1he open orlflce sysLem may also be known as Lhe 'open venL' or 'overwlng
8efuellng ls accompllshed afLer removlng flller caps mounLed on Lhe upper
porLlons of Lhe wlngs or fuselage 1he maln dlsadvanLage of Lhls meLhod ls LhaL
Lhe process ls raLher slow and ls normally resLrlcLed Lo smaller Lypes of alrcrafL
wlLh small fuel loads
Powever on larger Lypes of alrcrafL whlch uLlllze Lhe pressure refuellng meLhod
Lhe over wlng refuel sysLem may be used as a backup lf Lhe pressure fuelllng
sysLem should fall

1he flgure shows a Lyplcal open orlflce or overwlng sysLem As you can see Lhls
alrcrafL fuel sysLem ls replenlshed from Lwo polnLs and fllls a serles of fuel Lanks
LhroughouL Lhe alrcrafL
1he refuellng cap ls normally aLLached wlLh a lanyard Lo Lhe refuellng polnL
Ad[acenL Lo Lhe refuellng polnL provlslon ls made for bondlng Lo a ground polnL Lo
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

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ellmlnaLe Lhe posslblllLy of flre due Lo Lhe sLaLlc elecLrlclLy whlch ls generaLed by
Lhe flow of fuel SLaLlc elecLrlclLy wlll be dealL wlLh laLer
lrom a safeLy aspecL Lhe mosL obvlous polnL ls Lo ensure LhaL Lhe fuel cap ls
replaced correcLly and locked ln a closed poslLlon
1he Lerm pressure refuellng ls used Lo dlsLlngulsh beLween Lhe open venL or over
wlng sysLem and a fuelllng sysLem LhaL ls compleLely enclosed and ls normally
fllled under pressure Lhrough a speclal connecLor from a fuel Lanker Cn larger
alrcrafL Lhere may be provlslons for aLLachlng Lwo fuelllng hoses 1hls speeds up
Lhe whole refuellng operaLlon
1he maln advanLages of pressure refuellng are
O Plgher refuellng pressure up Lo 30Sl enables a fasLer refuellng operaLlon
O Less fuel splllage
O 8educes Lhe posslblllLy of fuel conLamlnaLlon
O 8educes Lhe posslblllLy of flre rlsk
normally fuel ls dellvered from Lhe Lanker Lo Lhe alrcrafL up Lo a pressure of 30
Sl fuel pressures ln excess of Lhls flgure could cause damage Lo Lhe alrcrafL and
fuel componenLs Maxlmum fuel pressure for a glven alrcrafL wlll be found ln Lhe
MalnLenance Manual
ressure refuellng requlres an elecLrlcal supply Lo operaLe varlous valves and
componenLs wlLhln Lhe refuellng sysLem 1he swlLches for Lhese valves and
componenLs conLenLs gauges and Lhe refuel adapLors are grouped lnLo a slngle
refuellng recepLacle
As pressure refuellng procedures dlffer from one alrcrafL Lo anoLher always check
Lhe MalnLenance Manual before commenclng refuellng
now leL us conslder a Lyplcal pressure refuellng sysLem and lLs operaLlon
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1he flgure represenLs a Lyplcal pressure refuellng sysLem whlch has Lhree lnLegral
fuel Lanks one ln each wlng and a cenLer Lank 1he fuel Lanker hose ls connecLed
Lo Lhe adapLor ln Lhe fuellng panel WlLhln Lhls panel are Lhree refuellng valves
each connecLlng Lhe Lanks Lo Lhe refuellng manlfold SelecLlon of Lhese valves
allows fuel Lo be senL Lo any deslred Lank or lf requlred all Lhree valves can be
opened Lo allow Lhe slmulLaneous refuellng of all Lhree Lanks 8esLrlcLors wlLhln
Lhe fuel llnes ensure LhaL all Lhe Lanks recelve Lhe same amounL of fuel ln a glven
Llme 1hls prevenLs any undue lmbalance of fuel on Lhe alrcrafL Cnce Lhe
requlred amounL of fuel has been reached refuellng can be LermlnaLed by
swlLchlng off each of Lhe Lank refuellng valves
When a full fuel load ls requlred Lhe LermlnaLlon of refuellng ls achleved by floaL
swlLches 1hese swlLches send elecLrlcal slgnals Lo close Lhe refuellng valves when
Lhe parLlcular Lank ls full
up Lo Lhls polnL we have looked aL Lhe Lwo Lypes of alrcrafL refuellng meLhods ln
boLh cases cerLaln precauLlons musL be followed Lo ensure correcL and safe
1he followlng polnLs are Lo be noLed
O Lnsure Lhe correcL fuel for Lhe alrcrafL ls used
O Always elecLrlcally bond Lhe Lanker hose Lo Lhe alrcrafL
O ConsulL Lhe MalnLenance Manual for Lhe correcL refuellng procedures
O uurlng Lhe refuellng operaLlon all nonessenLlal elecLrlcal power ls Lo be
Lurned off
O no smoklng naked llghLs or runnlng ground power seLs wlLhln Lhe refuellng
O 8ubber spark proof shoes are Lo be worn

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uefuellng of fuel Lanks LhaL are normally refueled by Lhe overwlng meLhod le
smaller Lanks on llghL alrcrafL ls accompllshed by openlng fuel draln cocks
slLuaLed aL Lhe lowesL polnL of Lhe fuel Lank 8efore commenclng Lhe defuellng
procedure Lhe followlng precauLlons musL be Laken
O LlecLrlcally bond Lhe alrcrafL Lo ground Lo prevenL flre caused by sLaLlc
O Lnsure LhaL Lhe fuel draln recepLacle ls absoluLely clean lf fuel ls Lo be used
O Lnsure LhaL Lhe usual no smoklng regulaLlons apply and correcL fooLwear ls
O Lnsure LhaL Lhe correcL flre exLlngulshers are placed nearby
uefuellng of a pressure refuel sysLem presenLs a few addlLlonal problems uue Lo
Lhe large amounLs of fuel carrled dralnlng lnLo a recepLacle ls lmpracLlcal and
Llme consumlng 1herefore Lo achleve Lhe ob[ecLlve we use a fuel Lanker and
follow a pressure defuel procedure
ln general Lhe defuellng connecLlons are Lhe same as Lhose made for pressure
refllllng 1he only excepLlon ls LhaL lnsLead of supplylng fuel under pressure Lhe
Lanker uses a sucLlon meLhod Lo remove Lhe fuel from Lhe Lank 8ecause Lhls
sucLlon meLhod ls raLher slow a means of asslsLance ls requlred Lo move Lhe fuel a
llLLle fasLer Lo Lhe Lanker 1hls ls achleved by uslng Lhe alrcrafL fuel boosL pumps
Conslder a Lyplcal fuel sysLem as shown ln flgure See how defuellng ls
accompllshed on a mulLlenglne alrcrafL
1he defuellng process ls glven below
O ConnecL Lhe Lanker hose Lo Lhe refuellng/defuellng polnL
O Cn whlchever Lhe alrcrafL Lank requlres Lo be defueled Lurn on Lhe
approprlaLe alrcrafL fuel boosLer pump 1hls wlll pressurlze Lhe crossfeed
manlfold wlLh fuel
O Cpen Lhe followlng valves lf all Lhe Lanks requlre defuellng
Crossfeed valve
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Lnglne shuLoff valve
uefuel valve
O Apply a sucLlon force from Lhe Lankder4 and defuellng wlll commence
noLe lf only one Lank ls requlred Lo be defueled only Lhe fuel boosLer pump ln
LhaL Lank need Lo be Lurned Cn Also ln fronL of each boosLer pump Lhere ls a
nonreLurn valve Lo prevenL pressurlzed fuel from anoLher Lank from feedlng lnLo
LhaL Lank durlng slngle Lank refuellng operaLlon
lL musL be sLressed however Lhls ls only a Lyplcal sysLem menLloned here
8eference musL always be made Lo Lhe relevanL MalnLenance Manual Lo ensure
LhaL Lhe correcL procedures are carrled ouL
AnoLher lmporLanL feaLure of refuellng/defuellng ls Lhe adequaLe venLlng of Lhe
fuel Lanks durlng Lhese operaLlons
1he baslc requlremenLs of an alrcrafL fuel Lank venL sysLem are LhaL lL should
O 8alance Lhe pressure wlLhln Lhe fuel sysLem wlLh Lhe amblenL pressure
O CaLer for Lhermal expanslon or conLracLlon of Lhe fuel and Lhe alr wlLhln Lhe
O Splll fuel clear off Lhe alrcrafL lf Lhe refuellng valve falls Lo close when Lhe
Lanks are full
O roLecL Lhe fuel sysLem from excesslve lnLernal pressures
llrsL of all we wlll conslder Lhe venL sysLem of a small Lype alrcrafL LhaL ls refueled
by Lhe open venL sysLem As Lhe fuel ls fed lnLo Lhe Lank Lhe alr already wlLhln Lhe
Lank musL be able Lo be exhausLed Lo aLmosphere 1hls ls achleved by Lwo
O LlLher by havlng a separaLe venL Lube connecLlng Lhe Lank Lo aLmosphere
Lhls would allow alr lnLo Lhe Lank as Lhe fuel level drops
O Allowlng Lhe alr Lo exhausL from Lhe Lank durlng refuellng vla Lhe open
refuel porL
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As we can see ln Lhe flgure Lhe venL porL allows alr ln and ouL of Lhe Lank Lo allow
Lhe alr pressure wlLh Lhe amblenL pressure Alr can also be venLed durlng
refuellng vla Lhe open flller cap AlLhough Lhe flgure represenLs a rlgld Lank Lhe
same prlnclples apply Lo flexlble Lanks
Where pressure fuelllng sysLems are concerned parLlcularly on large alrcrafL Lhe
fuel ls belng loaded aL a fasL raLe so ln Lhls case some exLra means of venLlng Lhe
Lanks ls requlred
1hls ls accompllshed by havlng a number of lnLernal venL Lubes wlLhln Lhe fuel
Lanks all connecLed Lo a cenLral venL porL ConLrol of alr golng lnLo and ouL of Lhe
Lanks ls achleved by Lhe use of floaL valves Lhls meLhod prevenLs any fuel from
belng dumped overboard once Lhe Lanks are full
1he flgure below shows a Lyplcal example of a large alrcrafL venL sysLem

We can see LhaL as fuel ls loaded lnLo Lhe Lanks vla a pressure refueller Lhe alr ln
Lhe Lanks ls forced lnLo Lhe venL Lubes As Lhe fuel level reaches a full condlLlon
Lhe floaL valves close off Lhe venL Lubes and prevenL any fuel from enLerlng Lhese
As Lhe fuel level drops ln fllghL Lhe floaL valves open and allow alr lnLo Lhe Lank
vla Lhe venL scoops Lhus balanclng Lhe alr wlLhln Lhe Lanks Lo amblenL
As a precauLlon each venL scoop area ls cross venLed 1hls ls done ln case one
venL scoop should become blocked wlLh lce lf lce blocks one venL scoop Lhe oLher
allows all venLlng Lo be carrled ouL from Lhe servlceable venL scoop 1hese baslc
prlnclples apply Lo mosL of large alrcrafL

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Pavlng goL Lhe fuel lnLo and ouL of Lhe alrcrafL Lanks we now conslder a number
of subsysLems wlLhln an alrcrafL fuel sysLem We shall conslder why and how fuel
ls Lransferred beLween Lanks lL may be necessary for Lhe alrcrafL Lo land before
lLs due Llme buL because lL ls Loo heavy Lo land fuel wlll need Lo be [eLLlsoned
?ou may ask whaL ls crossfeed sysLem and why? lmaglne an alrcrafL lnn fllghL
and one englne has Lo be shuL down 1he fuel normally supplled Lo LhaL englne ls
unusable unless we have some means of Lransferrlng lL from Lank Lo Lank ln Lhls
case Lo Lhe fuel Lanks supplylng fuel Lo Lhe servlceable englne ln addlLlon by
Lransferrlng fuel around Lhe fuel sysLem we can keep an even balance and welghL
dlsLrlbuLlon LhroughouL Lhe alrcrafL ln fllghL and ln some cases such as Lhe
Concorde use fuel Lransfer Lo Lrlm Lhe alrcrafL ln fllghL
Crossfeedlng of fuel can be achleved by Lwo meLhods elLher by manual selecLor
valves or cocks wlLhln Lhe cockplL area or by elecLrlcally operaLed valves wlLh
selecLor swlLches on Lhe fllghL deck Cn large alrcrafL Lhe laLLer ls Lhe besL
meLhod as Lhls reduces Lhe large amounL of fuel plplng LhaL would have Lo be
rouLed Lhrough Lhe fllghL deck
1he flgure deplcLs a Lyplcal crossfeed sysLem ln Lhls case Lhe crossfeed manlfold
ls also used as Lhe englne fuel feed manlfold 1hls ls a common feaLure on mosL
alrcrafL now ln operaLlon lf we now conslder Lhe sysLem shown ln flgure when
Lhe crossfeed valve ls closed Lhe lefL and rlghL Lank boosL pumps are supplylng
Lhelr respecLlve englnes wlLh fuel
now lf Lhe lefL englne were Lo fall we could sLlll use Lhe lefL Lank's fuel by closlng
Lhe lefL englne fuel shuL off valve openlng Lhe crossfeed valve and allowlng Lhe
lefL Lank boosL pump Lo pump fuel Lo Lhe rlghL englne vla Lhe crossfeed manlfold
1he same procedure would apply lf Lhe rlghL englne were Lo fall lnsLead
noLe ln normal clrcumsLances Lhe crossfeed valve ls normally kepL ln Lhe closed
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1here may be occaslons when a Lank Lo Lank crossfeed ls requlred lor some
alrcrafL Lhls may only be posslble on Lhe ground dependlng upon where Lhe
varlous swlLches are Lo operaLe Lhe selecLed valves 1ank Lo Lank Lransfer ls
carrled ouL lf for lnsLance you have needed Lo enLer or Lo remove a fuel Lank Lo
carry ouL recLlflcaLlon Lasks 1he movlng of fuel from on Lank Lo anoLher negaLes
Lhe reason for compleLely defuellng Lhe alrcrafL
1he below glven skeLch shows a Lyplcal Lank Lo Lank Lransfer" operaLlon

ln Lhls case Lhe crossfeed manlfold ls used for Lhe Lank Lo Lank Lransfer We shall
now conslder movlng fuel from Lhe lefL Lank Lo Lhe rlghL Lank
1he crossfeed valve ls selecLed CLn as ls Lhe rlghL englne shuL off valve 1hen
open Lhe defuel valve and selecL Lhe rlghL Lank refuel valve Lo CLn 1urn on lefL
boosL pump and fuel wlll Lhen flow Lo Lhe rlghL Lank vla Lhe crossfeed manlfold
lf fuel ls requlred Lo be moved from Lhe rlghL Lanks Lo Lhe lefL Lanks all we need Lo
do ls selecL rlghL boosL pump Cn open Lhe lefL englne fuel shuL off valve also
open Lhe defuel valve and Lhe lefL Lank refuel valve luel wlll Lhen go lnLo Lhe lefL
Lank vla Lhe refuellng manlfold
1he operaLlon of defuel and refuel valves may be elLher conLrolled from Lhe fllghL
deck or from Lhe refuellng conLrol panel when on Lhe ground 1he above
operaLlons are Lyplcal of fuel Lransfer procedures always check Lhe alrcrafL
malnLenance manual for Lhe correcL operaLlon
noLe Cne lmporLanL precauLlon Lo check durlng Lank Lo Lank Lransfer on Lhe
ground ls Lo ensure LhaL Lhe alrcrafL sLrucLure llmlLaLlons are noL exceeded lor
lnsLance wlll Lhe alrcrafL sLrucLure be capable of sLandlng wlLh an empLy Lank on
one wlng and a full Lank on Lhe oLher lf ln doubL check Lhe MalnLenance Manual
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011

luel dumplng or fuel [eLLlson ls normally requlred on alrcrafL where Lhe maxlmum
Lakeoff welghL exceeds Lhe maxlmum landlng welghL 1haL ls Lo say lf an alrcrafL
developed an emergency slLuaLlon on Lakeoff some means musL be avallable Lo
[eLLlson excesslve fuel welghL Lo enable a safe landlng Lo be made as qulckly as
1he fuel [eLLlson sysLem wlll allow lndlvldual Lanks Lo be empLled of fuel and Lhus
ensure an even balance of fuel ln each wlng so LhaL Lhe laLeral sLablllLy of Lhe
alrcrafL can be malnLalned
1he flgure represenLs a Lyplcal fuel [eLLlson sysLem ln Lhls case Lhe [eLLlson
sysLem has lLs own manlfold buL some alrcrafL may uLlllze Lhe refuellng manlfolds
for [eLLlson purposes
1he baslc sysLem comprlses
O A valve selecLor swlLch on Lhe fllghL deck
O A fuel dup conLrol valve
O A fuel dump nozzle valve
8y selecLlng boLh Lhe fuel dup conLrol valve and Lhe fuel dup nozzle valve CLn
Lhe alrcrafL boosL pumps wlll supply pressurlzed fuel Lo Lhe Lwo valves allowlng
Lhe fuel Lo be [eLLlsoned lnLo Lhe aLmosphere well clear of Lhe alrcrafL
1he sysLem ls deslgned Lo ensure LhaL lf fuel [eLLlsonlng ls ln progress Lhe boosL
pumps would sLlll be capable of supplylng fuel Lo Lhe englnes
CerLaln deslgn requlremenLs of a fuel [eLLlson sysLem havev Lo be meL AparL from
belng able Lo [eLLlson enough fuel wlLhln a cerLaln Llme some meLhod musL be
provlded Lo ensure enough fuel ls reLalned on board Lo feed Lhe englnes 1hls
requlremenL ls lmporLanL ln case afLer openlng Lhe [eLLlson valves Lhey fall Lo
close upon selecLlon 1he flgure shows a Lyplcal fuel [eLLlson operaLlon lf fallure
of Lhe [eLLlson valve Lakes place
O Dump|ng |n progress
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS
repared by varaprasad 1
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WlLh Lhe boosL pump runnlng and Lhe fuel dump conLrol valve and Lhe fuel dump
nozzle valve open fuel ls [eLLlsoned overboard 1he fuel ls dlrecLed Lhrough Lhe
conLrol valve Powever because Lhe conLrol valve ls lmmersed ln Lhe fuel Lhe fuel
ls dlsslpaLed and Lhe fuel falls back lnLo Lhe Lank
O Dump|ng automat|ca||y term|nated
As Lhe fuel level drops down Lo Lhe conLrol valve poslLlon Lhe fuel pressure ls now
felL across Lhe conLrol valve 1here ls no fuel now Lo dlsslpaLe Lhe fuel pressure
1hls pressure ls felL on Lhe sprlng loaded dlaphragm of Lhe fuel dump conLrol
valve and forces Lhe flapper valve down and closes Lhe fuel supply Lo Lhe nozzle
valve 1hls ensures LhaL Lhere ls adequaLe fuel remalnlng Lo feed Lhe englnes ln
Lhe evenL of a fuel [eLLlson valve fallure
O Contam|nat|on
1urblne fuels can be sub[ecLed Lo varlous forms of conLamlnaLlon Lhe Lwo mosL
common are
1 lncorrecL refuellng pracLlces
2 Ceneral swarf and debrls lefL ln fuel Lanks afLer malnLenance or repalr
Powever componenLs wlLhln Lhe fuel sysLems fllLers eLc are deslgned Lo remove
Lhe lmpurlLles lllLers wlll be dlscussed ln a laLer bookleL
WaLer ls by far Lhe worsL conLamlnanL ln fuel sysLems 1here ls no adequaLe
componenL LhaL can remove waLer from Lhe sysLem alLhough Lere are ways of
ellmlnaLlng Lhe problem
As waLer has a hlgher speclflc gravlLy Lhan Lurblne fuel Lhere ls a Lendency for lL
Lo seLLle aL Lhe lowesL polnL of Lhe fuel Lank Should Lhe waLer quanLlLy be
conslderable lL could lead Lo englne malfuncLlon and evenLual englne fallure
AnoLher lmporLanL feaLure of waLer conLamlnaLlon ls lLs ablllLy Lo supporL
mlcroblologlcal organlsms under cerLaln LemperaLures and condlLlons 1hes
AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS
repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011

organlsms usually comprlse 8LACk sllme deposlLs and could lead Lo fuel sysLem
componenL malfuncLlon and fuel Lank corroslon
1o combaL Lhe waLer conLamlnaLlon problem Lhere are Lwo meLhods of removlng
waLer from Lhe fuel sysLem Lhey are
O luel sump dralns
O luel scavenglng pumps
Iue| scaveng|ng
ln Lhe flgure ls Lyplcal fuel Lank or sump draln valve 1hey are locaLed aL Lhe
lowesL polnL of each fuel Lank
8y lnserLlng a speclal Lool lnLo Lhe poppeL valve base Lhe poppeL valve ls forced
up allowlng fuel and any waLer conLamlnanLs Lo draln lnLo a sulLable glass
collecLor LxamlnaLlon for waLer wlLhln Lhe fuel Lank ls carrled ouL ln accordance
wlLh Lhe alrcrafL MalnLenance Manual
1he second meLhod of waLer removal ls by uslng Lhe auLo scavenglng [eL pump
sysLem also known as conLlnuous scavenglng
AlLhough lL does noL negaLe Lhe need for sump dralns Lhls sysLem does ellmlnaLe
Lhe posslblllLy of waLer collecLlng aL Lhe lowesL polnLs of Lhe Lank
1he flgure below deplcLs a Lyplcal conLlnuous scavenglng sysLem

ln Lhls case Lhe fuel boosL pumps provlde Lhe moLlve force (fuel pressure) Lo drlve
Lhe auLo sumplng [eL pumps ConnecLed Lo each [eL pump ls a serles of fuel Lubes
LhaL LermlnaLe aL Lhe lowesL polnLs of Lhe Lanks As Lhe boosL pump ls runnlng
and supplylng fuel pressure Lo Lhe [eL pumps Lhe [eL pumps are ln Lurn sucklng
any waLer LhaL has accumulaLed aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe Lank and dlrecLlng lL Lo Lhe
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lnleL of Lhe boosL pump fuel supply 1hls waLer ls mlxed wlLh Lhe fuel and Lhen
senL Lhrough Lhe sysLem and flnally Lo Lhe englne As Lhe small amounL of waLer ls
mlxed wlLh Lhe fuel lL does noL have any adverse effecL on Lhe englne's

AM 2203 Al8C8Al1 luLL S?S1LMS

repared by varaprasad 1
leb 2011

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