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Object Oriented Design Implementation

Chapter 3
Object Oriented Design Implementation

To implement object oriented design java provides number of keywords that are
integral part of base language system.
class and interface are two key words used to implement abstraction about an
For e.g. consider currency object. Government of different country use currency
of various denominations. However one can observe information like denomination
value, the bank responsible to issue the currency are present on the all currency. Then,
how to abstract that information? Below is the abstraction of currency for our example

class Currency{
private String country;
private String bank;
private String value;

However, object orientation is not simply grouping up of properties. For e.g. if

you want know which bank is issuing US currency? You may ask about this to your
friend. If it is so, above described currency class object should be capable to answer to
your question. Let us modify the class to include that feature.

class Currency{
private String country;
private String bank;
private String value;

public String getBankInfo(){

return bank;

Object Oriented Design Implementation

public void setBankInfo(String bank){;

Anatomy of a java class

Clss name

class AJavaClass{

--------- Instance
--------- variable/static
} Local variable

aJavaMethod(int x){}
} method

Instance variable

Exists when object instantiated. Each object has its own copy.

Class variable (Static variable).

Exists with class. All objects share.

Local variable.

Exits when the method being called.

Static method

Object Oriented Design Implementation

Does not require object reference to invoke.

Non-static method

Requires object reference to invoke

Constructor Method

A method having the name of class

Overloaded method

Constructor method/static or non-static method can not be differentiated by their

name but from their parameter count or parameter type.


• Constructor or constructor method ensures its execution before executing any

other method.
• Constructor will be called at the time of object instantiation.
• Constructor also provide a pattern that determines how an object will be created
• Constructor is the best place where one can place some code that has to be
executed before executing any other methods.

Object Life Cycle

The following figure illustrate life cycle of a java class that consists of static block
and constructor.


Instance of
Executes static
block No

Class e
Loader AnObject.class

Object Life Cycle

Object Oriented Design Implementation

According to above diagram you can predict the output of the following program.

class AnObject{

System.out.println("Class Loaded");
System.out.println("Object Created");

public static void main(String args[]){

AnObject o1 = new AnObject();

AnObject o2 = new AnObject();



Class Loaded
Object Created
Object Created

Encapsulation of entity

Code Description UoM Price Vendor

100 Cartridge Unit 350 HP
355 Ribbon Doz 50 Epson
400 CD Doz 8 MMX

The above table list information about various products. Each row provides
necessary details about a product. We can say that one row represent a real world object –
entity. Various diagrams can be used to represent an entity.

code UoM

price Product vendor

Object Oriented Design Implementation

The above picture shows some important properties of a product we discuss (our
abstraction). As you know, object reveals about itself through methods. Following is class
diagram that combine both method and properties.




Object communication
Object uses its interface to communicate with other objects. For example
collection of product objects forms an Inventory system. Inventory object can be
represented as follows.

Inventory Inventory

Product []

getTotalCost() Product-C

The above figure shows that inventory object is composed of several product
objects. Inventory object can use Product object method, getQty() to get quantity
information, that will be stored in the “stock” property of Inventory object, so the
process of iteration accumulate all quantity information in “stock” and finally we invoke
Inventory object method getTotalQty() to get total stock status of the inventory.

Object Oriented Design Implementation

Abstract class
Class concepts and class key word in java provide mechanism for encapsulating
abstraction, however there is one more key word, interface to achieve this. Before going
to that part, let us examine what is abstract class.
Java allows using abstract key word as prefix to class key word. When you
include this key word compiler add few more information to resulting bytecode. One of
the important information is “can not create object”.
So, if it is not possible to create object what is the purpose of it?
Abstract class provides facility to define general structure for class where, one can
differ implementation of business rules to another point of time or can specify a general
rule that will be utilized by implementing class.

An abstract class contains two types of methods abstract and non-abstract

methods. An abstract method use abstract key word.

abstract class Emp{

protected String name;
protected String dept;

public abstract float computeSalary(float basic);

public void getName(){
return name;

The above abstract class declares few properties and methods, among one is
abstract. The abstract method will be given body (implementation of the method) in the in
the subclass. Compiler ensure implementation of all abstract method otherwise shows a
compile time error.
The error can be fixed either by implementing all abstract methods or by making
the subclass an abstract class.
The following is implementation of abstract class Emp.

class AnEmp extends Emp{

public float computeSalary(float basic){

float salary=0;
return salary;

Object Oriented Design Implementation

In java interface key word is used to describe your abstraction without any
method implementation. Thus, an interface defines standard abstract methods, and final
properties. This is very helpful to describe high level view of an object without describing
inner details.

public interface Employee{

String[] category={“analyst”,”programmer”,”designer”};

String getName();
void setName(String name);
double computeSalary(double basic,String category);

When you implement methods of an interface, should be given access privilege,

public, otherwise compiler shows an error following one.
Weaker access privilege.

The above interface is an example of generalization of object Employee, because

various types of employee exist and business rule could be different for different
organization for processing employee information, such as pay calculation.

Interface for general class of action.

Another use of interface is creating object with general class of action. For
example, the word draw can be used in various contexts, meaning is context specific.

interface Shape{
void draw();

class Line implements Shape{

public void draw(){
//code for drawing a line
class Circle implements Shape{
public void draw(){
//code for drawing a circle

Here object of Line and Circle can be assigned with interface Shape, for instance,

Shape[] shapes={new Line(),new Circle(),new Line()};

shapes[0].draw(), produce line
shapes[1].draw(), produce circle
shapes[2].draw(), produce line

Object Oriented Design Implementation

In the above example all objects class implements Shape interface, so we can say
objects belonging to the same class/group, even though they are in same class, the
method draw give different output.
Here output is the result of organizing (writing) code different way in each
implementation of draw; this is also known as dynamic polymorphism or dynamic
method dispatch.
Java permits to implements more than one interface with same class, this facility
could be used to achieve multiple inheritances.

Wrapper classes
Some times you may want to perform some operations on primitives besides
arithmetic. For example how many 1 bits are there in 533? Java provides group of classes
to perform many such operations is known as wrapper classes.
Wrapper class wraps a primitive in an object. The wrapping could be done by
invoking constructor method.

Primitive Wrapper class

byte Byte
short Short
int Integer
long Long
float Float
double Double
void Void
char Character

java.lang package

Lang package contain several classes required for frequent use. Few examples are
wrapper classes, classes for Exception, System properties, Thread creation, reflection etc.


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