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Term 1 Portfolio Review

Student Name: ____________ Teacher Name: ___________ ID Number: __________________ __________ Room Number: ____ _

Theta Level Reading/Writing By the end of Theta Level, the student should be able to successfully and consistently: + Objectives Write multiple paragraphs with a clear topic and supporting details to relate/narrate a sequence of events or tell a story; to describe a person, object, scene, picture, procedure or routine; to compare and contrast; or to explain reasons. Read and comprehend news reports and stories on general everyday topics and take notes. Understand and use simple idea relationship such as comparison and contrast and simple cause-effect relationship in sentences and short texts. Organize ideas and details into coherent paragraphs and use simple connection words/phrases between sentences and paragraphs. Use, understand and increase vocabulary frequently used in reading and writing level-appropriate narrative texts. Use process writing techniques such as basic editing and proofreading to correct own spelling and check simple punctuation and basic sentence word order.

= Has not demonstrated this skill; needs added effort in order to make the needed progress. = Coming close to demonstrating the skill; continued practice should enable the students success. + = On target to succeed; has consistently demonstrated the skill.

Student Signature: _________________________ Teacher Signature:______________________

Term 1 Portfolio Review

Student Name: ____________ Teacher Name: ___________ ID Number: __________________ __________ Room Number: ____ _
Theta Level Communication By the end of Theta Level, the student should be able to successfully and consistently: + Objectives Accurately summarize, ask, and answer questions about specic professional activities, equipment, tasks, and processes for which the student has had technical training. Listen to, comprehend and recount a narrative or a series of events or instructions, pick out inconsistencies, and suggest appropriate changes or alternatives. Work collaboratively and independently to prepare and lead discussions, and make brief presentations about professionally-related topics. Use basic phrases and formulaic expressions to greet, introduce one self and others, ask for permission, ask, offer, and accept assistance, ask for an explanation and indicate problems in communication within the context of a conversation. Demonstrate ability to discuss hypothetical situations and scenarios. Use and understand multiple syllable explanatory and increase vocabulary frequently used in listening to and speaking about various topics.

= Has not demonstrated this skill; needs added effort in order to make the needed progress. = Coming close to demonstrating the skill; continued practice should enable the students success. + = On target to succeed; has consistently demonstrated the skill.
Student Signature: _________________________ Teacher Signature:______________________

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