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Ancient Ancestors Timeline

4 million years ago

3 million years ago

2 million years ago

1 million years ago

500,000 years ago

250,000 years ago

100,000 years ago

50,000 years ago


Australopithecines (4 million years ago - 750, 000 years ago)

Homo Habalis (2.3 million years ago 1.5 million years ago) Homo Erectus (1.8 million years ago - 100,000 years ago) Homo Heidelbergensis (600,000 years ago - 100,000 years ago) Neanderthal (230,000 years ago - 30,000 years ago) Homo Sapiens (130,000 years ago - Present)

Ancient Ancestors Quick Reference Graphic Organizer

Lived 4 Million Years Ago - 750,00 Years Ago Name means Southe rn Ape


Differe nces from Previous Ancient Ancestors

Walk ed Up-Right s ome of th e time.

-First of our ancie nt ances tors to walk some what "up-right". -Brain size may have increas ed as well.

3.5 Feet Tall

(Example: Lucy)
25 Years Old

Ancient Ancestor
Brain 1/3 the s ize of modern humans

NO STONE TOOLS (S caven gers )


(Example: Lucy) I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Name means Southern Ape Walked Up-Right some of the time. 3.5 Feet Tall 25 Years Old Brain 1/3 the size of modern humans NO STONE TOOLS (Scavengers) Lived 4 Million Years Ago - 750,00 Years Ago

VIII. -First of our ancient ancestors to walk some what "up-right".

-Brain size may have increased as well.

Ancient Ancestors Quick Reference Graphic Organizer

Lived 2.3 Million Years Ago - 1.5 Million Years Ago Name means Handy Man


Differe nces from Previous Ancient Ancestors

First an cie nt ances tor to use stone tools .

Homo habilis differe d from Australopithecines in that they had larger brains and were the first to use s tone tools.

Homo habilis

Larger brain than Australopithecine s.

Ancient Ancestor

Still had lon g arms an d legs which s ugges ts that Homo h abilis lived both in th e trees an d on the ground.

Homo habilis I. II. Name means Handy Man First ancient ancestor to use stone tools.

III. Larger brain than Australopithecines. IV. Still had long arms and legs which suggests that Homo habilis lived both in the trees and on the ground. V. Lived 2.3 Million Years Ago - 1.5 Million Years Ago

VI. Homo habilis differed from Australopithecines in that they had larger brains and were the first to use stone tools.

Ancient Ancestors Quick Reference Graphic Organizer

Lived 1.8 Million Years Ago - 100,00 Years Ago Name means Erect Man


Differe nces from Previous Ancient Ancestors Homo erectus was very different from Homo habilis and Australopithecine. Homo erectus had a larger brain made more complex stone tools, was the first to leave Africa, and the first to control and use fire.
More complex tools than Homo h abilis

Homo erectus

First an cestor to leave Africa (Nick n ame d "Th e Great Wande rer" .

First an cie nt ances tor to control and use fire.

Ancient Ancestor
Larger brain than Homo habilis.

Homo erectus I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Name means Erect Man More complex tools than Homo habilis First ancestor to leave Africa (Nicknamed "The Great Wanderer". First ancient ancestor to control and use fire. Larger brain than Homo habilis. Lived 1.8 Million Years Ago - 100,00 Years Ago

VII. Homo erectus was very different from Homo habilis and Australopithecine. Homo erectus had a larger brain made more complex stone tools, was the first to leave Africa, and the first to control and use fire.

Ancient Ancestors Quick Reference Graphic Organizer

Lived 230,000 Years Ago - 30,00 Years Ago

Characte ristics

Differences from Previous Ancie nt Ancestors

Named after the Neander Valley in Germany where they were first found.

Neande rthals differed from previous ancie nt ances tors in many ways. Like Homo he idelbergens is , Neande rthals had a brain that was similar in s ize to modern humans. ye t, Neanderthals differe d from all other ancient ances tors in that they had a bone y ridge that ran over their fore heads, and they we re the first group to have a re cognized tradition or ritual for burying the de ad.

Broad, boney ridge that runs along their foreheads.


Brain similar in size to modern humans.

Firs t ancient ances tor to have a recognized tradition or ritual for burying their dead.

Ancient Ancestor
May have blended into the gene pool with Homo sapiens, or may have been killed off.

Neanderthal I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Named after the Neander Valley in Germany where they were first found. Broad, boney ridge that runs along their foreheads. Brain similar in size to modern humans. First ancient ancestor to have a recognized tradition or ritual for burying their dead. May have blended into the gene pool with Homo sapiens, or may have been killed off. Lived 230,000 Years Ago - 30,00 Years Ago

VII. Neanderthals differed from previous ancient ancestors in many ways. Like Homo heidelbergensis, Neanderthals had a brain that was similar in size to modern humans. yet, Neanderthals differed from all other ancient ancestors in that they had a boney ridge that ran over their foreheads, and they were the first group to have a recognized tradition or ritual for burying the dead.

Ancient Ancestors Quick Reference Graphic Organizer

Lived 130,000 Years Ago - Present


Differe nces from Previous Ancient Ancestors

Name means Wis e Man

Homo sapiens are extremely diffe rent from our firs t ancie nt ances tors, the australopithecines. Homo sapiens were able to colonize every continent, de velop a distinctive culture that included art, religion, and language. Homo sapiens are also the only group to become permanently settled and rely upon domesticated plants and animals for their primary sources of food.

First group to succes sfully colon ize eve ry contine nt.

Homo sapiens

First group to succes sfully develop s pecific aspe cts of culture: art, re ligion, language, writing, etc.

Ancient Ancestor

Only group to become permanently settled and re ly upon domesticate d plants and animals as opposed to hun tin g and gathering.

Homo sapiens I. II. Name means Wise Man First group to successfully colonize every continent.

III. First group to successfully develop specific aspects of culture: art, religion, language, writing, etc. IV. Only group to become permanently settled and rely upon domesticated plants and animals as opposed to hunting and gathering. V. Lived 130,000 Years Ago - Present

VI. Homo sapiens are extremely different from our first ancient ancestors, the australopithecines. Homo sapiens were able to colonize every continent, develop a distinctive culture that included art, religion, and language. Homo sapiens are also the only group to become permanently settled and rely upon domesticated plants and animals for their primary sources of food.

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