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Human Rights Alert

11-11-13 In re: Imprisonment of Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III, in Monroe County, Tenessee - What goes on there is more like gulags of centuries ago.
Lt Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III, tried to expose government corruption in Monroe County, Tennessee. According to ACLU he is now imprisoned under conditions that are described by ACLUE as cruel and unsual and torture.

# 1 2 Document 10-04-01 Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III Arrested for trying to Expose Government Corruption _ Canada Free Press 11-10-30 In re: Walter Fitzpatrick III, Affidavit of ACLUs M. J. Blanchard Page # 2 4


Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III Arrested for trying to Expose Governm ...

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Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III Arrested for trying to Expose Government Corruption
- JB Williams Thursday, April 1, 2010 (22) Comments I Print friendly I Email Us Like 250 35 11


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Retired Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III, a citizen of Monroe County Tennessee, attempted to affect a legal citizen's arrest this morning as the new2010 Monroe County Grand Jury convened for the first time. Fitzpatrick's actions were peaceful and supported by US and Tennessee Constitutional Law concerning a citizen's right to expose government corruption, and affect a citizen's arrest, especially when concerning individuals in government who are unlikely to ever expose their own corruption or arrest themselves. Fitzpatrick has been seeking justice in Monroe County for quite some time now, and I have been following those efforts. Background and the string of events leading up to Mr. Fitzpatrick's arrest can be followed in my previous columns on the subject.

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Is Obama Guilty of Treason? Jun 10,2009 Why Commander Fitzpatrick Is NOT Guilty of Mutiny! - Jun 13, Oil Price Chart 2009 Expert Analysis & Market Commentary From Why the Founding Fathers Platts. Get a 5-Day Free Trial Were "Birthers" - Aug 1, 2009 Tennessee Grand Jury Joins DOJ in Obstructing Justice - Sep Ask a Fraud Investigator 9,2009 A Fraud Examiner Will Answer Now! Ask a The Theory is Now a Conspiracy And Facts Don't Lie Question, Get an Answer ASAP. - Sep 10,2009 The Theory is Now a AdChoices l> Conspiracy-II - Sep 15, 2009 DNC Failed to Certify Obama as Eligible in MOST States! - Sep 25,2009 How Crazy are those "Birthers?" - Oct 15,2009 Obama Treason Charges Advance In Tennessee Grand Jury - Nov 28, 2009 Monroe County Grand Jury Still Sitting on Treason Case - Dec 16, 2009 Monroe County Tennessee Still in Treason Spotlight - Jan 2,2010 After months of trying to get what could be the most important question of our time answered in an open court, it became clear that something was very wrong with the justice system, not only in Washington DC, but in little ole Monroe County, Tennessee as well. The US Grand Jury Institute (USGJI) investigated events in Monroe County and issued a full report which is posted on Fitzpatrick's web site, The Jag Hunter.

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Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III Arrested for trying to Expose Governm ... "'UI, III IVIVIIIVIW VUUIIL.Y, I ICiIII U:::;""CV n o "

more than a good ole boy club set up to deny justice, rather than uphold the state or US Constitutional process of fair and impartial justice, with a Jury Foreman who had held that maximum TWO YEAR position for twenty-seven years now. Many more illegal anomalies were identified by the USGJI, all of which are explained in detail in their investigative brief. Void of any other peaceful alternatives in his search for justice, Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick III attempted to arrest members of the Monroe County government this morning, for what Fitzpatrick has alleged to be acts of corruption on a grand scale in his local community. In return for his efforts to expose local corruption in the Monroe County justice system, Fitzpatrick himself was arrested this morning.

The message is overwhelming... The American people have NO right to ask their president who or what he is... not even if you are a retired Navy Commander, or a top doctor and Lt. Colonel in the US Army.

If a US citizen dares to expose government corruption, it is likely to be the citizen who will be charged with a crime ... Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick III was arrested in Monroe County early this morning and as of my most recent query to the Monroe County Sheriffs office moments before releasing this report, Sg1. Lynn states that Fitzpatrick is "passively resisting" processing, but is expected to be arraigned on the following four charges tomorrow morning. 1. Disturbing a meeting by interrupting a Grand Jury while in session, to arrest the jury Foreman Gary Pettway. 2. Inciting a riot by gathering a reported five supporters to video the arrest attempt. 3. Resisting arrest. 4. Disorderly Conduct
Further information will be forthcoming as events unfold.

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JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the IMlrld. JB Williams' website is jb-williams.coml JB Williams can be reached at:

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Inre:WalterFitzpatrickIII AffidavitofM.J.Blanchard: ThefollowinginformationwastakenfromnotesenteredonanACLUsupermaxchecklist andarecordingmadeimmediatelyafteraninterviewwasconductedofWalterFitzpatrick IIIonOctober30,2011at~0900hours.Theinterviewtookplaceduringvisitinghoursat theMonroeCountyJailinMadisonville,Tennessee. ThefullACLUchecklistmaybeseenatthislink: MynameisM.J.ZebBlanchard.Isweartotheaccuracyandtruthfulnessofmy statements. WalthasbeenincarceratedinCell9and10intheMonroeCountyjailsinceSeptember23, 2011exceptforbriefperiodswhenhewastransferredtoBlountCountyfortestimonyin federalcourtandthosetimeswhenthecellswereusedforunrulyprisoners,whichiswhat thecellsweredesignedfor.Neithercellhaswindowsorwater.Waterissuppliedingallon jugseachdayfordrinkingandbathing.Thereisatoiletbutnoprivacyforitsuseanditis flushedremotelybyaguard.Sensorydeprivationisprevalentinthatthereisnosensation ofdayornightorchangesintheweatherotherthanwhenitrains.Rainwatercomes throughthewallofCell9andfloodsthefloor.Lightsareon24hoursaday.Cell10isused forpunishmentasitseemstobeinlinewiththeHVACreturnairsystemwhichcreatesan intensedraftthroughthecell.Prisonersarestrippedtotheirskivviesandleftinthiscellfor extendedperiodsoftime.Thejailiskeptinthe60sinthewintersoCell10hasawindchill factor,whichwouldprecipitatehypothermia.WalthasbeeninCell10andreportsthatthe returnairblowerdblevelissimilartobelowdecksberthsaboardshipwheretheseamen havetobeissuedearprotectiontosleep.Longtermnoiseexposurealsoleadstohearing lossandhighlevelsofstress.Highlevelsofstresscanalsoleadtoperiodontaldisease(De MarcoPeriodontalEmotionalStressSyndromeJPeriodontal1976;47:6768) AccordingtoGrassian(JournalofLaw&PolicyVol.223252006)thistypeofconfinement canresultinirreversiblepsychiatriceffects.WhenIvisitedWaltbeforehewastransferred toBlountCountyhehadbeensoloinCell9foraboutthreeweeks.Itwasdifficultduring thatvisittokeephimfocusedonthebusinesswehadtoconduct.Hewasfixatedonthefact thattheMonroeCountygrandjuryforemanhadbeenservingfor27years.Itwasan inconveniencetohavetokeepbringinghimbacktothelegalworkthatwewerediscussing. Communicationthroughthejailissomewhatbizarre.Prisonersaregivenonepenciland pad,onestampandoneenvelopeeachweektouseforcorrespondence.Prisonerschewthe woodoffthepencilswhentheleadwearsdown!Prisonersarealloweduseofatelephone duringaonehourperdayvisittothedayroom,whenthedayroomisnotusedforoverflow. Cell9and10inmatesarenotallowedaccesstothedayroomexceptwhentheircellsare usedforunrulyprisoners.Somefirstclassmailisreceivedandsomebooksarereceived

whentheyareshippeddirectfromthedistributor.Nowalldecorationsareallowed. CommunicationwithotherprisonersisnotpossiblefromCell9or10. Aprisonershealthisnotmonitoredatanytime.Ifaprisonerbecomesillhemustwaiveat thesurveillancecameraorkickthedoortosummonaguard.Medicalcareisthenprovided byanurseandchargedtotheprisonersaccount,ifhe/shehasone.Mentalhealthisnot monitored. FromWaltsdescriptionofthefood,itwouldappeartobeanearlytotalprocessedfooddiet, depleteoffreshfruitsandvegetables.ThisisgenerallyahighcaloriedietbutWalthad informationthatthedietwasinthe2000Kcalrangesoprobablyhassmallportionsize sinceprocessedfoodsaregenerallyhighcalorie.Adietofthisnatureforevenashort periodofnomorethansixmonthscanleadtoillhealthanddisease.Anecdotalevidence hasshownthatdiseaseisrampantinthisfacility.Furthermorethislevelofcaloricintake wouldnotbesufficienttomaintainproperbodytemperaturesinthereducedtemperature settingsofthisjailwhichseemstosubstantiatethereportedpoorhealthofthisgeneral prisonpopulation.Waltreportedtodaythathistemporaryroommatewastakenoutin handcuffsandinoculatedwithtuberculosistoxinasatesttoseeifhehadTB.Thiswould makesenseasithasalsobeenreportedthattheHVACductworkhasliveblackmold. Diseasesofallsortscanincubateinthismediumandbedistributedtothegeneral populationthroughtheenvironmentalcontrolsystem.Extendingthislineofspeculation couldalsoleadonetoassume,fromtheageandlackofmaintenance,ofthisfacilitythatit doesnothavewatercurtainscrubberstoavoiddistributionoflivebacteria. Afurthernoteonhealthissuesinthejailisappropriatehere.WaltreportedthattheDWV systemthatrunsexposed,intheoverheadofthedayroom,isstillleakingrawsewageonto thefloor,wheretheysleep.Theyidentifytheeffluentassewagebytheodor.Thissituation couldprobablyaccountforthehighrateofdysenteryamongsttheprisoners. ThescriptintheACLUquestionnaireaskshowlongaprisonerisheldintheseconditions. InWaltscaseitisforthedurationofhissentence.TherearenorulesintheMonroe Countyjail.Whatyouget(sentence)iswhatyouserveandthesheriffdetermineswhere youserveit. ItwouldbeappropriatetounderstandwhyWaltisservingsixmonthsinwhatmustbe calledapseudosupermaxcell.ThereisverylittledifferenceinCell9and10andsolitary confinement.WaltwasplacedinCell9soonafterhewassentencedandhasbeenthere sinceSeptember23rdofthisyearexceptforbriefperiods,andwillbethereuntilhis sentenceisserved.Heistoldthatheisthereforhisownprotection,basedonprecedence fromhispreviousincarcerationlastwinter.Waltwasassaultedlastwinterbyanother inmate.Itturnedoutthatthisinmatereceivesspecialfavorsfromtheguardsandwasput uptoitbytheguards.Historically,andinWaltscasespecifically,thistypeofincarceration isdoneinretaliationforperceivedtransgressionsagainsttheMonroeCountyjudiciary system.Heisalsotheretokeephimawayfromtheotherprisonerswhoheassistswith legalissues.WaltalsolefttheprisonlastDecemberwithextensivefirstpersonaccountsof thecorruptionintheprisonsystemandtheMonroeCountyjurisprudencesystemin general.Theseaccountsweretakenfrominterviewshedidwhenhewasallowedinthe generalprisonpopulation,atthattime.

AmendmentVIIItoourU.S.Constitutionstipulatesthat:...cruelandunusualpunishments ..shallnotbeinflicted.IsaybymyinterviewwithWaltandtestimonyfromthatinterview inthisletterthatWaltisreceivingcruelandunusualpunishmentinviolationofhis8th Amendmentrights.IalsoofferthatthisistrulybizarrebehavioronthepartoftheMonroe Countyjailinthe21stcentury.Whatgoesonthereismorelikegulagsofcenturiesago.

[Picture] M.J.Blanchard 897WilmarCircle Blairsville,GA30512 7067457201ref:


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