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To further explore the issues we carried out 2-way ANOVAs (2 Language x 2 Instit ution (College/University)) on scores of English- and

French-speaking participan ts from junior/community colleges and universities. The results, presented in Ta ble 55, show that on Overall Criterion Items the only significant finding is a L anguage x Institution interaction on how well students' overall computer technol ogy needs are met at school. This indicates that the needs of university student s who speak French were better met than those of their English-speaking counterp arts while the reverse was true for college students. The interaction on POSITIV ES Scale Subscale 1 (ICTs at School Meet Student's Needs) only approached signif icance (p = .076); this, too shows the same pattern of findings. In addition, on POSITIVES Scale Subscale 2 (ICTs at Home Meet Student's Needs) there was a sign ificant main effect for Language as well as a significant interaction. These sho w that French-speaking university students indicated that their needs were subst antially better met than English-speaking university students indicated. Untuk lebih mengeksplorasi isu-isu kami melakukan 2-arah ANOVAs (2 x 2 Lembaga B ahasa (College / University)) pada nilai peserta Inggris-dan Perancis-berbicara dari junior college / masyarakat dan universitas. Hasilnya, disajikan dalam Tabe l 55, menunjukkan bahwa pada Kriteria Produk Secara keseluruhan temuan hanya sig nifikan adalah Bahasa x Lembaga interaksi pada bagaimana kebutuhan teknologi kom puter secara keseluruhan baik siswa 'terpenuhi di sekolah. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan mahasiswa yang berbahasa Prancis lebih baik bertemu daripada mereka y ang berbahasa Inggris, sementara rekan-rekan sebaliknya benar bagi mahasiswa. In teraksi Skala positif subskala 1 (TIK di Sekolah Memenuhi Kebutuhan Siswa) hanya mendekati signifikansi (p = 0,076), ini juga menunjukkan pola yang sama temuan. Selain itu, pada Skala positif subskala 2 (TIK di Rumah Memenuhi Kebutuhan Sisw a) ada efek utama yang signifikan untuk Bahasa serta interaksi yang signifikan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa berbahasa Prancis mahasiswa menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan me reka secara substansial lebih baik daripada bertemu berbahasa Inggris mahasiswa ditunjukkan. We also carried out a series of t-test comparisons on the two Overall Criterion Items and on the three POSITIVES Scale Subscale and Total data to compare scores of English- and Frenchspeaking students within each of the nine disability grou pings where there were sufficient numbers of participants for meaningful analyse s. To allow for maximal sample sizes, all participants who indicated having a sp ecific disability were included in each disability grouping (i.e., if a student had both a visual impairment as well as a learning disability, he or she was inc luded in both analyses as well as in the analysis on multiple disabilities). Res ults, presented in Tables 56 to 68 show only three significant differences. Thes e indicate that French-speaking students with a mobility impairment had higher s cores on POSITIVES Scale Subscale 3 as well as on the Total score than English-s peaking students and that French-speaking students with limitations in the use o f their hands or arms had higher scores on Subscale 2 than English-speaking stud ents. Kami juga melakukan serangkaian uji-t perbandingan pada dua Item Kriteria keselu ruhan dan pada tiga positif subskala Skala dan data Total membandingkan nilai ba hasa Inggris-dan siswa Frenchspeaking dalam setiap dari sembilan kelompok cacat di sana ada jumlah yang cukup dari peserta untuk analisis bermakna. Untuk memung kinkan untuk ukuran sampel yang maksimal, semua peserta yang diindikasikan memil iki cacat tertentu yang dimasukkan dalam setiap pengelompokan cacat (yaitu, jika seorang siswa telah baik kerusakan visual serta ketidakmampuan belajar, ia dima sukkan dalam kedua analisis serta dalam analisis pada beberapa cacat). Hasil, di sajikan dalam Tabel 56-68 hanya menunjukkan tiga perbedaan yang signifikan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa berbahasa Perancis siswa dengan gangguan mobilitas yang memili ki skor lebih tinggi pada Skala positif subskala 3 serta pada skor total dari si swa berbahasa Inggris dan berbahasa Perancis siswa dengan keterbatasan dalam men ggunakan tangan atau lengan memiliki skor yang lebih tinggi pada subskala 2 dari

pada berbahasa Inggris siswa. Table 55 Comparison of POSITIVES Scale and Overall Criterion Item Scores of English- and French-Speaking College and University Participants Tabel 55 Perbandingan Skor Kriteria positif Skala dan keseluruhan Barang College Inggrisdan Prancis-Berbicara dan Peserta Universitas Institution Size Of course, total enrollments in colleges were found to be considerably lower tha n in universities; the discrepancy was especially prominent in the case of Frenc h language colleges and universities (see Table 69). To explore whether institut ion size was related to how well students' needs were met, we correlated POSITIV ES Scale Subscale and Total scores for the whole sample as well as for French- a nd English-speaking university and college students separately. Pearson productmoment correlation coefficients in Table 70 consistently show low or non-signifi cant correlation coefficients, suggesting that institution size, per se, is not related to how well students feel that their ICT-related needs are met. Lembaga Ukuran Tentu saja, pendaftaran total dalam perguruan tinggi ditemukan jauh lebih rendah daripada di universitas, perbedaan itu terutama menonjol dalam kasus perguruan tinggi dan universitas bahasa Perancis (lihat Tabel 69). Untuk menyelidiki apaka h ukuran institusi itu terkait dengan bagaimana kebutuhan siswa baik 'dipenuhi, kami berkorelasi positif Skala subskala dan skor total untuk seluruh sampel sert a untuk universitas Perancis-dan berbahasa Inggris dan mahasiswa secara terpisah . Koefisien korelasi Pearson produk-saat dalam Tabel 70 secara konsisten menunju kkan rendah atau tidak signifikan koefisien korelasi, menunjukkan bahwa ukuran i nstitusi, per se, tidak berhubungan dengan seberapa baik siswa merasa bahwa terk ait dengan TIK kebutuhan mereka terpenuhi. Discussion POSITIVES Scale Properties The key deliverable of this project, a valid and reliable measure of how well th e ICTrelated needs of postsecondary students with disabilities are met, is the 2 6-item POSITIVES Scale (Postsecondary Information Technology Initiative Scale). It has a total score as well as three factor analysis-derived subscales which ev aluate how well ICTs available at school, at home, and in e-learning contexts me et the needs of students with different disabilities in postsecondary education. In addition, alternate formats of the measure (i.e., versions that can be compl eted online, on paper (printable PDF), and within Microsoft Word) yielded equiva lent results. The Appendix contains the three alternate formats in both French a nd English, scoring instructions, and norms for the whole sample as well as for English- and French-speaking college and university students separately. The App endix also contains preliminary norms for students with specific disabilities. T he norms are preliminary because of sample size limitations. Preliminary norms a re provided in the Appendix for students with the following disabilities: total blindness, low vision, Deafness, hard of hearing, learning disability/ADD/ADHD, mobility impairment, limitation in the use of hands/arms, medically related/heal th problem, psychological/psychiatric disability, and neurological impairment. B ecause of the wording of scale items, we believe that the measure can be used wi th nondisabled postsecondary students as well, although data for this group were not collected in the context of this investigation. diskusi

Skala Positif Properti The key deliverable of this project, a valid and reliable measure of how well th e ICTrelated needs of postsecondary students with disabilities are met, is the 2 6-item POSITIVES Scale (Postsecondary Information Technology Initiative Scale). It has a total score as well as three factor analysis-derived subscales which ev aluate how well ICTs available at school, at home, and in e-learning contexts me et the needs of students with different disabilities in postsecondary education. In addition, alternate formats of the measure (i.e., versions that can be compl eted online, on paper (printable PDF), and within Microsoft Word) yielded equiva lent results. The Appendix contains the three alternate formats in both French a nd English, scoring instructions, and norms for the whole sample as well as for English- and French-speaking college and university students separately. The App endix also contains preliminary norms for students with specific disabilities. T he norms are preliminary because of sample size limitations. Preliminary norms a re provided in the Appendix for students with the following disabilities: total blindness, low vision, Deafness, hard of hearing, learning disability/ADD/ADHD, mobility impairment, limitation in the use of hands/arms, medically related/heal th problem, psychological/psychiatric disability, and neurological impairment. B ecause of the wording of scale items, we believe that the measure can be used wi th nondisabled postsecondary students as well, although data for this group were not collected in the context of this investigation. POSITIVES Scale Subscales In addition to a Total score, the POSITIVES Scale has the following Subscales: S ubscale 1 - ICTs at School Meet Student's Needs. This 12-item subscale evaluates the extent to which students' ICT-related needs are met while they are at schoo l (e.g., My school has enough computers with internet access to meet my needs. T he hours of access to computer technologies at my school meet my needs). Skala Positif subscales Selain skor total, Skala positif memiliki subscales berikut: subskala 1 - TIK di Sekolah Memenuhi Kebutuhan Mahasiswa. Ini 12-item subskala mengevaluasi sejauh mana siswa yang terkait dengan TIK kebutuhan terpenuhi saat mereka berada di sek olah (misalnya, sekolah saya memiliki komputer cukup dengan akses internet untuk memenuhi kebutuhan saya ini jam akses terhadap teknologi komputer di sekolah sa ya. Bertemu saya membutuhkan). Subscale 2 - ICTs at Home Meet Student's Needs. This 5-item subscale evaluates t he extent to which ICT-related needs are met while they are at off campus (e.g., Funding for computer technologies for personal use is adequate to meet my needs . My personal computer technologies are sufficiently up-to-date to meet my needs ). Subskala 2 - TIK di Rumah Memenuhi Kebutuhan Mahasiswa. Ini 5-barang subskala me ngevaluasi sejauh mana kebutuhan yang berkaitan dengan ICT terpenuhi saat mereka berada di luar kampus (misalnya, Pendanaan untuk teknologi komputer untuk pengg unaan pribadi yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan saya teknologi komputer pribad i saya cukup up-to-date. untuk memenuhi kebutuhan saya). Subscale 3 - E-learning ICTs Meet Student's Needs. This 9-item subscale evaluate s the extent to which the school's e-learning meets the student's needs (e.g., M y school s web pages are accessible to me. I have no problems when professors use e-learning for tests and exams). Subskala 3 - E-learning TIK Memenuhi Kebutuhan Mahasiswa. Ini 9-item yang subska la mengevaluasi sejauh mana sekolah e-learning memenuhi kebutuhan siswa (misalny a, halaman web sekolah saya dapat diakses kepada saya, saya tidak memiliki masal

ah ketika menggunakan e-profesor belajar untuk tes dan ujian.). Reliability Reliability and validity estimates for both English- and French-speaking student s with disabilities indicate excellent psychometric properties for the scale. Fo ur-week test-retest reliabilities for the three Subscales range from .73 to .79 and the reliability of the total score is .81. Paired t-tests on test and retest scores show no significant differences. Cronbach's alpha, a measure of internal consistency which averages the correlation of items in a survey instrument to a ssess how well the set of items measures a single construct, ranges from .79 to .91 for the three Subscales and it is .94 for the total score. Split-half reliab ilities and subscale:total correlations all exceed .70. Keandalan Reliabilitas dan validitas estimasi untuk kedua mahasiswa Inggris-dan Perancis-b erbicara dengan cacat menunjukkan sifat psikometri sangat baik untuk skala. Empa t minggu tes-tes ulang reliabilitas untuk rentang tiga subscales 0,73-0,79 dan k eandalan dari skor total 0,81. Paduan t-tes pada tes dan skor tes ulang menunjuk kan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Cronbach alpha, ukuran konsistensi inte rnal yang rata-rata korelasi item dalam instrumen survei untuk menilai seberapa baik set item langkah-langkah membangun tunggal, berkisar 0,79-0,91 untuk tiga s ubscales dan itu adalah 0,94 untuk total skor. Split-setengah dan reliabilitas s ubskala: korelasi Total semua melebihi .70. Validity Convergent validity data show moderate correlations among the three Subscales an d strong relationships between Subscale and Total scores, suggesting that the Su bscales measure different concepts, all of which are important components of the accessibility of ICTs as measured by the total score. keabsahan Data validitas konvergen menunjukkan korelasi yang moderat antara tiga subscales dan hubungan yang kuat antara subskala dan skor total, menunjukkan ba hwa subskala mengukur konsep yang berbeda, yang semuanya merupakan komponen pent ing dari aksesibilitas TIK sebagai diukur dengan skor total. Discriminant validity. There was no reason to expect that females and males' POS ITIVES Scale Subscale or Total scores would differ. Therefore, to test discrimin ant validity we compared female and male participants' POSITIVES Scale Subscales and Total scores. There were no significant differences between the groups. Validitas diskriminan. Tidak ada alasan untuk mengharapkan bahwa perempuan dan l aki-laki positif 'Skala subskala atau skor total akan berbeda. Oleh karena itu, untuk menguji validitas diskriminan kami membandingkan subscales positif Skala p eserta perempuan dan laki-laki 'dan skor total. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifi kan antara kelompok. Concurrent validity. As expected, score on the overall criterion item "In genera l, my computer and/or adaptive computer technology needs at my school are adequa tely met" was most closely correlated with Subscale 1 - ICTs at School Meet Stud ent's Needs, and the overall criterion item, "In general, my computer and/or ada ptive computer technology needs at home are adequately met" was most closely rel ated to Subscale 2 - ICTs at Home Meet Student's Needs. Validitas konkuren. Seperti yang diharapkan, skor pada item kriteria keseluruhan "Secara umum, komputer saya dan / atau teknologi komputer adaptif kebutuhan di sekolah saya cukup terpenuhi" adalah yang paling erat berkorelasi dengan subskal

a 1 - TIK di Sekolah Memenuhi Kebutuhan Siswa, dan item kriteria secara keseluru han, "Secara umum, komputer saya dan / atau kebutuhan teknologi adaptif komputer di rumah secara memadai terpenuhi" adalah yang paling erat terkait dengan subsk ala 2 - TIK di Rumah memenuhi Kebutuhan Mahasiswa. Criterion validity. Based on a priori assumptions, students with psychological/p sychiatric disabilities were expected to have their ICT-related needs better met than students with multiple disabilities. To test criterion validity we examine d the extent to which the POSITIVES Scale Subscale and Total scores were able to differentiate between these two groups. The findings show significant differenc es between the two groups on all Subscales as well as on the Total score. Kriteria validitas. Berdasarkan asumsi-asumsi apriori, siswa penyandang cacat ps ikologis / psikiatri diharapkan memiliki yang terkait dengan TIK kebutuhan merek a lebih baik bertemu daripada siswa penyandang cacat ganda. Untuk menguji validi tas kriteria kita meneliti sejauh mana Skala positif subskala dan skor total mam pu membedakan antara kedua kelompok. Temuan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifika n antara kedua kelompok pada semua sub-skala serta pada skor total. Limitations of the Present Study Although the POSITIVES Scale has demonstrated acceptable reliability and validit y, the present investigation has some limitations that need to be taken into acc ount when interpreting the findings. The samples of French- and English-speaking students are neither random nor fully representative of the populations studied . First, students self-identified as having a disability. Second, given the natu re of participant recruitment and self-selection biases, students who read onlin e discussion lists (listservs), had experience using e-learning, or were power-u sers of ICTs are over-represented. The comparison of students' disciplines with those reported in Holmes (2005) show that university students in our sample were more likely to be enrolled in sciences and engineering than in his sample of un iversity students with disabilities. Especially troubling is that calculating a "return rate" was impossible because of the manner in which participants were re cruited. Keterbatasan Studi Hadir Meskipun Skala positif telah menunjukkan reliabilitas dan validitas diterima, pe nyelidikan ini memiliki beberapa keterbatasan yang perlu dipertimbangkan ketika menginterpretasikan temuan. Sampel mahasiswa Prancis-dan berbahasa Inggris yang tidak acak atau sepenuhnya mewakili populasi diteliti. Pertama, siswa mengidenti fikasi diri sebagai memiliki kecacatan. Kedua, mengingat sifat perekrutan pesert a dan self-bias seleksi, siswa yang membaca daftar diskusi online (listserv), me miliki pengalaman menggunakan e-learning, atau yang kekuasaan-pengguna TIK lebih terwakili. Perbandingan disiplin siswa dengan yang dilaporkan pada Holmes (2005 ) menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa dalam sampel kami lebih cenderung untuk mendaftark an diri dalam ilmu dan rekayasa dari dalam sampel nya mahasiswa penyandang cacat . Terutama mengganggu adalah bahwa menghitung "tingkat pengembalian" tidak mungk in karena cara di mana peserta direkrut. Yet, most available indices suggest that the studies samples have characteristics which resemble the realities of Canadian postsecondary education. For example, the samples contained more females than males, students were older than typical postsecondary samples, and the proportions of students with different disabiliti es reflect the realities of many postsecondary institutions. Namun, indeks paling tersedia menunjukkan bahwa sampel penelitian 'memiliki kara kteristik yang menyerupai realitas pendidikan postsecondary Kanada. Sebagai cont oh, sampel mengandung lebih dari laki-laki perempuan, siswa lebih tua dari sampe

l postsecondary khas, dan proporsi siswa penyandang cacat yang berbeda mencermin kan realitas lembaga postsecondary banyak. It should also be noted that the norms have not been cross-validated on another, independently recruited sample. All students are from Canada, necessitating add itional validation of the POSITIVES Scale involving samples of postsecondary stu dents from other English- and French-speaking countries. Thus, we present the PO SITIVES Scale as a promising research tool that needs additional validation. Hal ini juga harus dicatat bahwa norma-norma belum divalidasi silang pada ain, sampel independen direkrut. Semua siswa dari Kanada, yang memerlukan si tambahan dari Skala positif yang melibatkan sampel siswa postsecondary egara Inggris-dan berbahasa Perancis lainnya. Jadi, kami menyajikan Skala f sebagai alat penelitian yang menjanjikan yang perlu validasi tambahan. yang l valida dari n positi

Key Findings Sample Characteristics Consistent with others' findings, students with disabilities were relatively old (mean age was 28) and approximately half of the sample reported a learning disa bility (e.g., Stodden, 2005). Approximately 1/3 of the sample reported a psychol ogical/psychiatric disability. This is not surprising given Blanco et al.'s (200 8) findings showing that close to 50% of a large representative sample of Americ an university students had a diagnosable psychiatric condition during the past 1 2 months, It is noteworthy that over a third of our sample reported more than on e disability, a finding similar to those of earlier investigations (e.g., Asunci on, Fichten, Fossey, & Barile, 2002;Sharpe et al. 2005). This implies that ICTs need to be operable together and that conflicts between different adaptive techn ologies meant to support people with different disabilities need to be avoided. Temuan-temuan Utama Karakteristik sampel Konsisten dengan temuan orang lain, siswa penyandang cacat relatif tua (usia rat a-rata adalah 28) dan sekitar setengah dari sampel melaporkan ketidakmampuan bel ajar (misalnya, Stodden, 2005). Sekitar 1 / 3 dari sampel melaporkan cacat psiko logis / kejiwaan. Hal ini tidak mengherankan mengingat Blanco et al 's. (2008) t emuan yang menunjukkan bahwa hampir 50% dari sampel yang representatif besar sis wa Amerika universitas memiliki kondisi kejiwaan didiagnosis selama 12 bulan ter akhir, Perlu dicatat bahwa lebih dari sepertiga dari kami sampel melaporkan lebi h dari satu cacat, yang mirip dengan yang menemukan investigasi sebelumnya (misa lnya, Asuncion, Fichten, Fossey, & Barile, 2002;. Sharpe et al 2005). Ini berart i bahwa TIK harus dioperasikan bersama-sama dan bahwa konflik antara teknologi a daptif yang berbeda dimaksudkan untuk mendukung para penyandang cacat yang berbe da perlu dihindari. Half of the students with disabilities we contacted indicated they needed specia lized software and/or hardware to use a computer effectively. This suggests that a large proportion of students with disabilities on campus may need some type o f specialized computer equipment. Setengah dari siswa penyandang cacat kami menghubungi menunjukkan mereka membutu hkan perangkat lunak khusus dan / atau hardware untuk menggunakan komputer secar a efektif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa penyandang cacat di ka mpus mungkin perlu beberapa jenis peralatan komputer khusus. French- versus English-speaking students. English- and French-speaking students had different disabilities. For example, while close to half of the English-spea

king participants had a learning disability, only about of French-speaking stude nts indicated having this disability. Instead, the most common disability among French-speaking students was a mobility impairment, followed by limitation in th e use of hands or arms or a medically related/health related disability. This is not surprising given the lack of recognition of learning disabilities in Qubec b y government, psychologists, parents, and students (Fichten, Jorgensen, Havel, & Barile, 2006). Moreover, while email-based discussion lists were used to recrui t students with disabilities, such national discussion forums exist primarily in English. Therefore, many of the French-speaking students likely learned about t he study from their campus disability service provider. Whatever the reason, it is important to note that the French- and English-speaking samples have somewhat different compositions. Prancis versus berbahasa Inggris siswa. Inggris-dan Perancis berbahasa siswa mem iliki cacat yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh, sementara hampir setengah dari berbaha sa Inggris peserta memiliki ketidakmampuan belajar, hanya sekitar berbahasa Pera ncis siswa menunjukkan memiliki cacat ini. Sebaliknya, cacat yang paling umum di antara siswa yang berbahasa Perancis adalah gangguan mobilitas, diikuti dengan pembatasan dalam penggunaan tangan atau lengan atau cacat terkait medis terkait / kesehatan. Hal ini tidak mengherankan mengingat kurangnya pengakuan ketidakmam puan belajar di Quebec oleh pemerintah, psikolog, orangtua, dan siswa (Fichten, Jorgensen, Havel, & Barile, 2006). Selain itu, sementara email berbasis daftar d iskusi digunakan untuk merekrut siswa dengan cacat, seperti forum diskusi nasion al ada terutama dalam bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, banyak yang berbahasa Per ancis siswa cenderung belajar tentang studi dari penyedia layanan kecacatan kamp us mereka. Apapun alasannya, penting untuk dicatat bahwa sampel Perancis dan ber bahasa Inggris memiliki komposisi yang agak berbeda. Students' Academic Programs and Disciplines The majority of students, both English- and French-speaking, were pursuing an un dergraduate degree (54%) or a junior/community college certificate/diploma (Asso ciate s Degree: 21%). The findings also show that the largest proportion of partic ipants (29%) were enrolled in the social sciences followed by arts and humanitie s (18%) and science and engineering (16%). Mahasiswa Akademik Program dan Disiplin Mayoritas mahasiswa, baik Inggris-dan berbahasa Prancis, sedang mengejar gelar s arjana (54%) atau / SMP komunitas (Gelar Associate: 21%) perguruan sertifikat / diploma. Temuan juga menunjukkan bahwa proporsi terbesar dari peserta (29%) yang terdaftar dalam ilmu-ilmu sosial diikuti oleh seni dan humaniora (18%) dan ilmu pengetahuan dan rekayasa (16%). To evaluate the representativeness of our sample and to compare the disciplines of students with disabilities to those without disabilities we recoded our data to enable us to carry out a comparison with recent data from Holmes (2005), who examined the disciplines of large samples of university and of college students with and without disabilities based on two random sampling surveys carried out i n 2002: the Canadian Undergraduate Student Survey and the Canadian College Stude nt Survey. Given limitations in Holmes' data set for junior/community college st udents, it was possible to do this for university students only. Both our data, as well as Holmes' show that students with disabilities are more likely than non disabled students to be taking a program in social science or arts/humanities an d less likely to be taking business. In Holmes' samples, students with disabilit ies were substantially less likely to be taking science and engineering than the 22% of nondisabled students. This was not the case in our sample, which shows t hat 21% of university students were enrolled in science and engineering. It is d ifficult to tell whether this is due to changes since 2002, when Holmes' data we re collected, or to the nature of our sampling.

Untuk mengevaluasi keterwakilan sampel kami dan untuk membandingkan disiplin sis wa penyandang cacat untuk mereka tanpa cacat kita recoded data kami untuk memung kinkan kita untuk melakukan perbandingan dengan data terbaru dari Holmes (2005), yang meneliti disiplin sampel besar universitas dan mahasiswa dengan dan tanpa cacat didasarkan pada dua survei random sampling dilakukan pada tahun 2002: surv ei Kanada mahasiswa Sarjana dan survei sekolah siswa Kanada. Mengingat keterbata san dalam data Holmes 'ditetapkan untuk SMP / komunitas mahasiswa, hal itu mungk in untuk melakukan hal ini untuk mahasiswa saja. Kedua data kami, serta menunjuk kan Holmes 'bahwa siswa penyandang cacat lebih mungkin daripada siswa nondisable d akan mengambil program dalam ilmu sosial atau seni / humaniora dan kurang mung kin memakai bisnis. Dalam sampel Holmes ', siswa penyandang cacat secara substan sial kurang mungkin mengambil sains dan teknik dari 22% siswa nondisabled. Hal i ni tidak terjadi di sampel kami, yang menunjukkan bahwa 21% dari mahasiswa yang terdaftar dalam sains dan teknik. Sulit untuk mengatakan apakah ini karena perub ahan sejak tahun 2002, ketika data Holmes dikumpulkan, atau sifat sampling kami. What Adaptive Hardware and/or Software do Students Use? Overall, the findings indicate that students with most types of disabilities ind icated using software to improve writing quality, such as grammar and spell chec kers. Indeed, these are used by over 40% of students in our sample. In rank orde r of popularity, for entire sample, the results show the following: Software that improves writing quality Software that reads what is on the screen Scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) Dictation software Software that enlarges what is on the screen Apa Perangkat Keras Adaptasi dan / atau Perangkat Lunak lakukan Siswa Gunakan? Secara keseluruhan, temuan menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan sebagian besar jenis c acat diindikasikan menggunakan perangkat lunak untuk meningkatkan kualitas menul is, seperti tata bahasa dan pengecek ejaan. Memang, ini digunakan oleh lebih dar i 40% siswa dalam sampel kami. Dalam urutan peringkat popularitas, untuk sampel keseluruhan, hasil menunjukkan sebagai berikut: Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis Software yang membaca apa yang ada di layar Scanning dan pengenalan karakter optik (OCR) Dikte perangkat lunak Software yang memperbesar apa yang ada di layar But the numbers of students with different disabilities varies in the sample and the very large numbers of students with a learning disability, with psychologic al/psychiatric impairments, and with multiple disabilities can skew the results. Therefore, we also note, below, the adaptive computer technologies mentioned by a minimum of 15% of students in each disability grouping. Namun jumlah siswa penyandang cacat yang berbeda bervariasi dalam sampel dan jum lah yang sangat besar siswa dengan ketidakmampuan belajar, gangguan psikologis d engan / psikiatrik, dan dengan beberapa cacat dapat membelokkan hasil. Oleh kare na itu, kita juga mencatat, di bawah ini, teknologi komputer adaptif disebutkan oleh minimal 15% dari siswa dalam setiap pengelompokan cacat. It was not surprising to find that students with a learning disability were most likely to report using software that improves writing quality. Students with le arning disabilities also indicated using voice dictation and screen reading soft ware, technologies traditionally considered to be useful primarily to students w ith visual and neuromuscular impairments (Ofiesh, Rice, Long, Merchant, & Gajar,

2002). Itu tidak mengherankan untuk menemukan bahwa siswa dengan ketidakmampuan belajar yang paling mungkin untuk melaporkan menggunakan perangkat lunak yang meningkat kan kualitas menulis. Siswa dengan ketidakmampuan belajar juga diindikasikan men ggunakan dikte suara dan perangkat lunak layar membaca, teknologi tradisional di anggap bermanfaat terutama untuk siswa dengan gangguan visual dan neuromuskuler (Ofiesh, Beras, Panjang, Merchant, & Gajar, 2002). Students with a learning disability, with or without ADD / ADHD indicated using 1. Software that improves writing quality 2. Software that reads what is on the screen 3. Scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) 4. Dictation software Students who were totally blind indicated using 1. Software that reads what is on the screen 2. Scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) 3. Refreshable Braille display 4. Software that improves writing quality Students with low vision indicated using 1. Software that enlarges what is on the screen 2. Software that reads what is on the screen 3. Large screen monitor 4. Software that improves writing quality 5. Scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) Students who are Deaf indicated using 1. Software that improves writing quality 2. Scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) Students who are hard of hearing indicated using 1. Software that improves writing quality Students with a mobility impairment indicated using 1. Software that improves writing quality Students with a limitation in the use of their hands or arms indicated using 1. Software that improves writing quality 2. Dictation software 3. Alternative mouse 4. Adapted keyboard Students with a medical related/health problem indicated using 1. Software that improves writing quality 2. Software that enlarges what is on the screen Students with a psychological/psychiatric disability indicated using 1. Software that improves writing quality Students with a neurological impairment indicated using 1. Software that improves writing quality 2. Dictation software Students with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) indicated using 1. Software that improves writing quality Students with multiple disabilities/impairments indicated using 1. Software that improves writing quality 2. Software that reads what is on the screen 3. Dictation software 4. Software that enlarges what is on the screen 5. Scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) 6. Large screen monitor Siswa dengan ketidakmampuan belajar, dengan atau tanpa ADD / ADHD diindikasikan menggunakan 1. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis

2. Software yang membaca apa yang ada di layar 3. Scanning dan pengenalan karakter optik (OCR) 4. Dikte perangkat lunak Siswa yang buta total diindikasikan menggunakan 1. Software yang membaca apa yang ada di layar 2. Scanning dan pengenalan karakter optik (OCR) 3. Refreshable tampilan Braille 4. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis Siswa dengan low vision diindikasikan menggunakan 1. Software yang memperbesar apa yang ada di layar 2. Software yang membaca apa yang ada di layar 3. Besar layar monitor 4. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis 5. Scanning dan pengenalan karakter optik (OCR) Siswa yang diindikasikan menggunakan Tuli 1. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis 2. Scanning dan pengenalan karakter optik (OCR) Siswa yang sulit mendengar diindikasikan menggunakan 1. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis Siswa dengan gangguan mobilitas diindikasikan menggunakan 1. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis Siswa dengan keterbatasan dalam menggunakan tangan atau lengan diindikasikan men ggunakan 1. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis 2. Dikte perangkat lunak 3. Alternatif tikus 4. Diadaptasi Keyboard Siswa dengan masalah / kesehatan medis terkait diindikasikan menggunakan 1. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis 2. Software yang memperbesar apa yang ada di layar Siswa dengan cacat psikologis / psikiatris diindikasikan menggunakan 1. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis Siswa dengan gangguan neurologis diindikasikan menggunakan 1. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis 2. Dikte perangkat lunak Siswa dengan gangguan perkembangan pervasif (PDD) diindikasikan menggunakan 1. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis Siswa dengan beberapa cacat / gangguan diindikasikan menggunakan 1. Software yang meningkatkan kualitas menulis 2. Software yang membaca apa yang ada di layar 3. Dikte perangkat lunak 4. Software yang memperbesar apa yang ada di layar 5. Scanning dan pengenalan karakter optik (OCR) 6. Besar layar monitor

Findings Using the POSITIVES Scale: How Well are Students' ICT-Related Needs Met ? Consistent with data from other researchers (Sharpe, Johnson, Izzo, & Murray, 20 05) our results show more favorable than unfavorable scores and no significant d ifferences between college and university students' ratings. Nevertheless, there are some concerns around the availability of adapted computers in the school's specialized computer laboratories as well as with institutional computer technol ogy loan programs. The accessibility of computers in campus computer labs has be en noted as an issue of concern by students elsewhere as well (e.g., Armstrong e t al. 1997). In addition, funding for computer technologies for personal use as well as problems with training, both on and off campus, had low scores, as did t he item dealing with poor technical support when the student is not at school.

Temuan Menggunakan Skala Positif: Bagaimana Yah adalah 'Siswa TIK-Terkait Kebutu han Met? Konsisten dengan data dari peneliti lain (Sharpe, Johnson, Izzo, & Murray, 2005) hasil penelitian kami menunjukkan lebih menguntungkan daripada nilai yang tidak menguntungkan dan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara perguruan tinggi dan un iversitas peringkat siswa. Namun demikian, ada beberapa kekhawatiran tentang ket ersediaan komputer diadaptasi dalam laboratorium khusus sekolah komputer serta p injaman dengan program komputer teknologi kelembagaan. Aksesibilitas komputer di lab komputer kampus telah dicatat sebagai masalah yang menjadi perhatian oleh m ahasiswa lain juga (misalnya, Armstrong et al. 1997). Selain itu, dana untuk tek nologi komputer untuk penggunaan pribadi maupun masalah dengan pelatihan, baik d i dan luar kampus, memiliki skor yang rendah, seperti halnya item berurusan deng an dukungan teknis yang buruk ketika siswa tidak di sekolah.

On the plus side, the findings show that students feel the school s web pages are accessible, that they can effectively use the computer technologies they need, t hat expertise in adaptive ICTs was readily available on campus, that needed elec tronic format course materials are readily available, and that the school's inte ractive online services (e.g., registration, financial aid applications on the w eb) as well as the library's computer systems were generally quite accessible. Di sisi positifnya, temuan menunjukkan bahwa siswa merasa halaman web sekolah da pat diakses, bahwa mereka secara efektif dapat menggunakan teknologi komputer ya ng mereka butuhkan, bahwa keahlian TIK adaptif sudah tersedia di kampus, yang me mbutuhkan bahan format kursus elektronik yang tersedia, dan bahwa layanan intera ktif sekolah online (misalnya, pendaftaran, aplikasi bantuan keuangan di web) se rta sistem komputer perpustakaan umumnya cukup diakses. Home Versus School Findings on POSITIVES Scale Subscales indicate that students' e-learning needs a nd ICT-related needs at school are better met than their ICT-related needs at ho me. To explore this finding further we compared the views of students with diffe rent disabilities about how well their ICT-related needs are met in various cont exts at home and at school (i.e., overall ICT-related needs met, ICTs sufficient ly up-to-date, technical support needs met, training needs met). The results ind icate significant differences among students with different disabilities on all variables. In addition, the findings show that (a) students' technical support a s well as training needs were significantly better met at school than at home; ( b) students with low vision felt that their ICTrelated needs were better met at home than at school; (c) students with medically related and psychologically/psy chiatrically related disabilities felt the opposite was true; (d) on how adequat ely up-to-date their ICTs were, students who were totally blind indicated that t heir technologies were significantly more up-to-date at home, while students wit h learning disabilities, as well as with medically related, psychologically rela ted and multiple disabilities indicated the opposite. These findings suggest tha t colleges and universities need to ensure that they install the latest version of adaptive software and, needless to say, students must be able to have up-to-d ate technologies at home available to them as well. Home Versus School Findings on POSITIVES Scale Subscales indicate that students' e-learning needs a nd ICT-related needs at school are better met than their ICT-related needs at ho me. To explore this finding further we compared the views of students with diffe rent disabilities about how well their ICT-related needs are met in various cont exts at home and at school (i.e., overall ICT-related needs met, ICTs sufficient ly up-to-date, technical support needs met, training needs met). The results ind icate significant differences among students with different disabilities on all

variables. In addition, the findings show that (a) students' technical support a s well as training needs were significantly better met at school than at home; ( b) students with low vision felt that their ICTrelated needs were better met at home than at school; (c) students with medically related and psychologically/psy chiatrically related disabilities felt the opposite was true; (d) on how adequat ely up-to-date their ICTs were, students who were totally blind indicated that t heir technologies were significantly more up-to-date at home, while students wit h learning disabilities, as well as with medically related, psychologically rela ted and multiple disabilities indicated the opposite. These findings suggest tha t colleges and universities need to ensure that they install the latest version of adaptive software and, needless to say, students must be able to have up-to-d ate technologies at home available to them as well.

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