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University of Puerto Rico at Cayey

Cayey, Puerto Rico

English Department
Name: _______________________________

Date: _________________________

Group: ________________

Mr. Medina-Suarez

Test #1: Reading and Literary Concepts Comprehension

Based on the novel The Great Gatsby Wives by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Part I: Matching
Instructions: Please select a definition from the right column and write its letter next to
the matching concept on the left. (15 points total)
____ 1. Genre

A. Helps create the atmosphere.

____ 2. Plot

B. Human characteristics.

____ 3. Setting

C. Hints future events.

____ 4. Point of View

D. Mental image.

____ 5. Narrator

E. Exaggeration.

____ 6. Characterization

F. How is the story told?

____ 7. Tone

G. The hero.

____ 8. Symbol

H. Uncertainty.

____ 9. Metaphor/Simile

I. Voice of the story.

____ 10. Theme

J. Physical and social context.

____ 11. Mood

K. Description of traits.

____ 12. Protagonist

L. Figure of speech.

____ 13. Antagonist

M. Incidents of the story.

____ 14. Foreshadow

N. The type of story.

____ 15. Suspense

O. The rival.
P. Stands for something else.
Q. Dominant idea.
R. Attitude.

Part II: Multiple Choice

Instructions: Please select the best answer, and write your chosen letter on the space
provided next to the questions number. (16 points total)
____ 1. The character that has "one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance is:
A. Daisy Buchanan
C. Jordan Baker
B. Gatsby
D. Dan Cody
____ 2. Nick Carraway recalls a story which implied that Jordan Baker once:
A. Betrayed a close friend
C. Cheated at golf
B. Stole some money
D. Betrayed his brother
____ 3. The character who hangs up the phone in Nicks ear with a sharp click is:
A. Gatsby
C. Daisy Buchanan
B. Tom Buchanan
D. Jordan Baker
____ 4. What did Fitzgerald call the 1920s?
A. The Roaring Twenties
B. The Gay Twenties

C. The Jazz Age

D. The Lost Generation

____ 5. Why does Gatsby throw his weekly parties?

A. To impress Daisy
C. To cover up his illegal activities
B. To impress his neighbors
D. To attract women from East Egg
____ 6. Where is Gatsbys mansion located?
A. East Egg
B. Park Avenue

C. West Egg
D. Brooklyn

____ 7. Where does Gatsbys reunion with Daisy take place?

A. By the pool
C. At the golf tournament
B. At Nicks house
D. At the yacht race
____ 8. In what year is The Great Gatsby set?
A. 1925
B. 1924

C. 1923
D. 1922

____ 9. Where were Nick and Tom educated?

A. Yale
B. Harvard

C. Princeton
D. Duke

____ 10. What is Jordan Bakers occupation?

A. Softball pitcher
B. Secretary

C. Philanthropist
D. Golfer

____ 11. What is Nicks home state?

A. North Dakota
B. Minnesota

C. Wisconsin
D. Florida

____ 12. Who among the following comes to Gatsbys funeral?

A. Gatsbys father
C. Tom
B. Daisy
D. Klipspringer
____ 13. Which woman is Toms extramarital lover?
A. Daisy
C. Myrtle
B. Ellen
D. Jordan
____ 14. Where did Daisy meet Gatsby?
A. Louisville
B. East Egg

C. West Egg
D. The Plaza Hotel

____ 15. Where did Gatsby study after the war?

A. Cambridge
B. The Sorbonne

C. Oxford
D. Yale

____ 16. On the day after the confrontation between Tom and Gatsby in New York City, what
does Gatsby instruct his gardener not to do?
A. Drain the pool
C. Rake the leaves
B. Cut the grass
D. Plant corn

Part III. Questions

Instructions: Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.
(9 points total value)
1. Compare and contrast Tom Buchannan and George Wilson. Provide at least three examples.
2. Explain Jay Gatsbys conflict and how it is resolved. Use examples from the novel for support.
3. What things are learned through flashback in the novel? Provide at least three examples.

Part IV: Open Response

Instructions: Please read the prompt below, and write a complete and profound answer,
supporting your response with details and quotes -if possible- from the novel. Please
write a minimum of two paragraphs. (10 points total value)
A. How does Gatsby represent the American dream? What does the novel have to say about the
condition of the American dream in the 1920s? In what ways do the themes of dreams, wealth,
and time relate to each other in the novels exploration of the idea of America?

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