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Def|n|t|on of commun|cat|on

art of transferr|ng or exchang|ng |nformat|on |deas or thoughts eas||y and correct|y through verba|
or nonverba| |anguage
1herapeut|c Commun|cat|on
omet|mes ca||ed effective communicotion
purposefu| and goa|or|ented creat|ng a benef|c|a| outcome for the c||ent
Commun|cat|ng Lffect|ve|y
Goa|s of therapeut|c commun|cat|on
Lstab||sh|ng a therapeut|c prov|derc||ent re|at|onsh|p
dent|fy c||ent's concerns and prob|em
ssess c||ent's percept|on of the prob|em
ecogn|ze c||ent's needs
Gu|de c||ent towards a sat|sfy|ng and soc|a||y acceptab|e so|ut|on
C1nL Goa|s of 1herapeut|c Commun|cat|on
1o obta|n or prov|de |nformat|on
1o deve|op trust
1o show car|ng
1o exp|ore fee||ngs
spects of Commun|cat|on
ender the one who conveys the message to another person (encoder)
Message the thought |dea or emot|on conveyed
Channe| how the message |s sent
spects of Commun|cat|on
ece|ver phys|o|og|ca|] psycho|og|ca| components(decoder)
Ieedback the rece|ver's response to the sender
nf|uences Cu|ture educat|on emot|ons and other factors |nvo|ved

1he commun|cat|on process

Iactors affect|ng commun|cat|on
persona||ty of both sender and rece|ver |nc|ud|ng % strenqths weokness ski//s vo/ues
perception ond 8ockqround experience )
Lnv|ronment |n wh|ch commun|cat|on occurs
Iactors nf|uenc|ng the Commun|cat|on rocess
Va|ues and percept|ons
ersona| space
nt|mate (touch|ng to 1 x feet)
ersona| (1 x to 4 feet)
oc|a| (4 to 12 feet)
ub||c (12 to 1S feet)
Iactors nf|uenc|ng the Commun|cat|on rocess
o|es and re|at|onsh|ps
nterpersona| att|tudes %corinq wormth respect rother thon condescension /ock of interest co/dness)
C||ents |ghts
Cont|nu|ty of care
1he ua||t|es of a Good commun|cator
espect and empathy for the c||ent
Good commun|cat|on sk|||s
1o|erance of va|ues and be||efs d|fferent from one's own
Dnb|ased att|tudes
wareness of gender |ssues
Modes of Commun|cat|on
Dses spoken or wr|tten word
Dses gestures fac|a| express|ons touch and other forms
Makes up ma[or|ty of commun|cat|on
Modes of Commun|cat|on
Verba| Commun|cat|on
ace and |ntonat|on
C|ar|ty and brev|ty
1|m|ng and re|evance
Nonverba| Commun|cat|on
ersona| appearance
osture and ga|t
Iac|a| express|on
L|ectron|c Commun|cat|on
Lma|| advantages
rovIast eff|c|ent
prov|des record
Can |mprove commun|cat|on and cont|nu|ty of care
Lma|| d|sadvantages
|sk to c||ent conf|dent|a||ty (n)
May not enhance commun|cat|on
L|sten|ng and Cbserv|ng
two of the most va|uab|e sk|||s a nurse can have
used to gather the sub[ect|ve and ob[ect|ve data for the nurs|ng assessment
ct|ve L|sten|ng
1he process of hear|ng spoken words and not|ng nonverba| behav|or
ct|ve ||sten|ng takes energy and concentrat|on
1he nurse conveys attent|ve ||sten|ng through a posture of |nvo|vement
ne|p|ng e|at|onsh|p
|so known as nursec||ent re|at|onsh|p therapeut|c re|at|onsh|p
Growthfac|||tat|ng process
ch|eve two bas|c goa|s
ne|p c||ents manage prob|ems |n ||v|ng
8ecome better at he|p|ng themse|ves |n the|r everyday ||ves
keys to ne|p|ng e|at|onsh|ps
Deve|opment of trust and acceptance between nurse and c||ent
|ncere |nterest |n the c||ent's we|fare
Iour hases of the ne|p|ng e|at|onsh|p
Work|ng (ma|nta|n|ng)
re |nteract|on hase
ev|ews pert|nent assessment data and know|edge
Cons|ders potent|a| areas of concern
Deve|ops p|ans for |nteract|on
ntroductory hase
tage 1 Cpen|ng the re|at|onsh|p
tage 2 C|ar|fy|ng the prob|em
tage 3 tructur|ng and formu|at|ng the contract
Work|ng hase
tage 1 Lxp|or|ng and understand|ng thoughts and fee||ngs
tage 2 Iac|||tat|ng and tak|ng act|ons
1erm|nat|on hase
Nurse and c||ent accept fee||ngs of |oss
C||ent accepts end of re|at|onsh|p w|thout fee||ngs of anx|ety or dependence
Ieatures of Lffect|ve Groups
Comfortab|e re|axed atmosphere
C|ear|y def|ned purpose
Democrat|c |eadersh|p and member part|c|pat|on
Cpen commun|cat|on
Group dec|s|on mak|ng
Ieatures of Lffect|ve Groups
1o|erance of conf||ct
hared power
rob|em so|v|ng a h|gh pr|or|ty
Creat|v|ty encouraged
Groups ne|pfu| |n romot|ng
nea|th and Comfort
Workre|ated soc|a| support
Commun|cat|on mong nea|th rofess|ona|s
Lffect|ve commun|cat|on |s |mportant for
revent|on of med|ca| errors
romot|on of better c||ent outcomes
reservat|on of nurse's profess|ona| |ntegr|ty
Ma|ntenance of c||ent's safety
Ma|ntenance of a better work|ng env|ronment
ssert|ve Commun|cat|on
romotes c||ent safety by m|n|m|z|ng m|scommun|cat|on w|th co||eagues
nonest d|rect and appropr|ate
Cpen to |deas
espect|ng the r|ghts of others
Dse of the "# statements versus the "you# statements
"# statements encourage d|scuss|on
"ou# statements p|ace b|ame and put the ||stener |n a defens|ve pos|t|on
Commun|cat|on mong nea|th rofess|ona|s
ubm|ss|ve Commun|cat|on
||ow r|ghts to be v|o|ated by others
Meet the demands and requests of others w|thout regard to own fee||ngs and needs
8e||eve own fee||ngs not |mportant
May be |nsecure and try to ma|nta|n se|festeem by avo|d|ng conf||ct
Commun|cat|on mong nea|th rofess|ona|s
ggress|ve Commun|cat|on
trong|y asserts the person's |eg|t|mate r|ghts and op|n|ons w|th ||tt|e regard or respect for the r|ghts
and op|n|ons of others
Cften perce|ved as a persona| attack by the other person
num|||ates dom|nates contro|s or embarrasses the other person
8y |ower|ng other person's se|festeem may fee| super|or
evera| forms |nc|ud|ng
cream|ng sarcasm
udeness be||tt||ng [okes
D|rect persona| |nsu|ts
1he nurse p|ays an |mportant ro|e |n promot|ng and ma|nta|n|ng the psychosoc|a| |ntegr|ty of the
c||ent fam||y and s|gn|f|cant others
promotes express|on of fee||ngs and |deas and a|so conveys acceptance and respect
foundat|on of an effect|ve nursec||ent re|at|onsh|p
|t he|ps reduce stress encourage |ns|ght and support prob|em so|v|ng
essent|a| for effect|ve use of the nurs|ng process
Ma[or techn|ques to fac|||tate therapeut|c commun|cat|on
Commun|cate |n an accept|ng and respectfu| manner
ddress (refer to) the c||ent by h|s]her g|ven namenot by a n|ckname a room number or "sweet|e#
Names other than the g|ven name shou|d on|y be used upon the c||ent's request or perm|ss|on
Ma[or techn|ques to fac|||tate therapeut|c commun|cat|on
C||ents shou|d be asked not to|d whenever appropr|ate
1h|s a||ows for c||ent dec|s|on mak|ng and hence commun|cates respect for the c||ent as an ab|e
|nte|||gent |nd|v|dua|
Commun|cat|on |n the o|der adu|t may be affected by
aphas|a the |nab|||ty to reca|| words understand what others are say|ng or produce speech
dysarthr|a the |nab|||ty to produce c|ear speech sounds
vo|ce prob|ems due to ma|funct|on or remova| of the |arynx (vo|ce box)
Commun|cat|on |n the o|der adu|t may be affected by
hear|ng |mpa|rment presbycus|s (hear|ng |oss due to ag|ng process) may hear speech but |s unab|e
to understand d|st|nct words or sounds
other prob|ems memory |oss d|sor|entat|on |oss of thought organ|zat|on
C||ents w|th spec|a| needs requ|re spec|f|c commun|cat|on
V|sua||y |mpa|red
peak |n a norma| tone of vo|ce
exp|a|n the reason for touch|ng the c||ent before do|ng so
keep the ca|| ||ght w|th|n easy reach
c|ean eyeg|asses and conf|rm contacts are |n p|ace
C||ents w|th spec|a| needs requ|re spec|f|c commun|cat|on
near|ng |mpa|red
Iace the c||ent wh||e speak|ng
demonstrate or pantom|me |deas as appropr|ate
wr|te |deas or use s|gn |anguage
c|ean hear|ng a|ds and conf|rm proper p|acement
C||ents w|th spec|a| needs requ|re spec|f|c commun|cat|on
Cogn|t|ve|y |mpa|red
Ma|nta|n eye contact
keep commun|cat|on s|mp|e and concrete
avo|d openended quest|ons
be pat|ent and a||ow t|me for the c||ent's responses
C||ents w|th spec|a| needs requ|re spec|f|c commun|cat|on
Dnconsc|ous c||ent
1he c||ent can most ||ke|y hear even though there |s no apparent response
assume the c||ent can hear you
ta|k |n a norma| tone of vo|ce
speak w|th the c||ent before touch|ng
C||ents w|th spec|a| needs requ|re spec|f|c commun|cat|on
C||ent w|th a phys|ca| barr|er (|aryngectomy or endotrachea| tube
e|ect a s|mp|e means of commun|cat|on such as eye b||nks or hand squeezes
ensure that fam||y and s|gn|f|cant others are ab|e to ut|||ze the se|ected commun|cat|on techn|que
a||ow t|me for the c||ent's responses
ensure the c||ent has an effect|ve means of
s|gna||ng for ass|stance (ca|| be|| or a|arm)
C||ents w|th spec|a| needs requ|re spec|f|c commun|cat|on
NonLng||sh speak|ng c||ents
Dse an |nterpreter
speak |n a norma| tone of vo|ce
speak |n s|mp|e sentences
demonstrate or pantom|me |deas
use accept|ng nonverba| commun|cat|on cues
ou seem sad
ou seem unsure
ou must fee| |one|y somet|mes
get the fee||ng you are upset
o not soy
ou are depressed
ou can't make a dec|s|on
t must be awfu| be|ng a|one a|| the t|me
ou must be rea||y mad at your ne|ghbor
barr|er to commun|cat|on
statements that g|ve op|n|ons that brush off the c||ent's concerns that conta|ns emot|ona||y
charged defens|ve accusatory or otherw|se upsett|ng or offens|ve word|ng and opt|ons that conta|n
[udgmenta| word|ng
barr|er to commun|cat|on
h|nders further commun|cat|on and express|on of fee||ngs
may |nduce negat|ve responses
barr|er to commun|cat|on
Need to recogn|ze ma[or barr|ers
Ia||ure to ||sten
mproper|y decod|ng c||ent's |ntended message
|ac|ng nurse's needs above c||ent's needs
barr|er to commun|cat|on
sk|ng unnecessary persona| quest|ons
"Why are you [ust ||v|ng |n w|th andra rather than marry|ng her?#
"Why are you st||| ||v|ng at home?#
"now come you haven't bought a
barr|er to commun|cat|on
G|v|ng persona| adv|ce or op|n|ons
"f were you wou|d make my son move out#
" th|nk you shou|d stop cook|ng for the who|e fam||y#
barr|er to commun|cat|on
ed|rect|ng the conversat|on or chang|ng
the sub[ect express|ng sympathy ask|ng
"why# verba||z|ng approva| or d|sapprova|
espond|ng pass|ve|y or
aggress|ve|y and argu|ng a|so b|ock
therapeut|c commun|cat|on
barr|er to commun|cat|on
I||p or automat|c responses use of c||ches
"Lveryth|ng w||| work out#
"Don't worry#
"t happens a|| the t|me but |t doesn't mean anyth|ng#
c||ent who has been hosp|ta||zed for 2 weeks says to the nurse " can't stay here anymore have
to get back to my fam||y# Wh|ch |s the most appropr|ate response for the nurse to make?
a "Don't worry our fam||y w||| be f|ne
b "f were you 'd take advantage of the rest you're gett|ng wh||e away from the fam||y#
c "Wou|d you ||ke to ta|k about how you fee|?#
d "s your fam||y unab|e to get a|ong w|thout you?#
c||ent who has been hosp|ta||zed for 2 weeks says to the nurse " can't stay here anymore have
to get back to my fam||y# Wh|ch |s the most appropr|ate response for the nurse to make?
a "Don't worry our fam||y w||| be f|ne
b "f were you 'd take advantage of the rest you're gett|ng wh||e away from the fam||y#
c "Wou|d you ||ke to ta|k about how you fee|?#
d "s your fam||y unab|e to get a|ong w|thout you?#
c||ent states "My fam||y doesn't seem to understand my |||ness# Wh|ch response on the part of
the nurse wou|d most ||ke|y b|ock further d|scuss|on?
a "1hey may not seem to but 'm sure they do#
b "n what way do they react to g|ve you that fee||ng?#
c "our fam||y doesn't seem to understand#
d "What makes you th|nk that
c||ent states "My fam||y doesn't seem to understand my |||ness# Wh|ch response on the part of
the nurse wou|d most ||ke|y b|ock further d|scuss|on?
a "1hey may not seem to but 'm sure they do#
b "n what way do they react to g|ve you that fee||ng?#
c "our fam||y doesn't seem to understand#
d "What makes you th|nk that
Determ|ne |f therapeut|c commun|cat|on |s be|ng fac|||tated or b|ocked
C||ent "'m so worr|ed about my surgery#
Nurse "We do ten of these procedures every week and they a|| come out f|ne#
1h|s response prov|des fa|se reassurance and may even be |nterpreted as f||p
t does not acknow|edge the c||ent's concern nor encourage further shar|ng
C||ent " keep th|nk|ng about my husband and how he |s manag|ng at home by h|mse|f#
Nurse "ou [ust have to put h|m out of your m|nd and concentrate on gett|ng better#
1h|s response does not acknow|edge the c||ent's concern and |s a form of persona| adv|ce
t effect|ve|y shuts off further d|scuss|on
C||ent " don't know how am go|ng to cope w|th a|| the b|||s from be|ng |n the hosp|ta|#
Nurse "'|| have a soc|a| worker stop by to go over your |nsurance#
1h|s response |nd|cates that the top|c of the c||ent's concern has been heard but |t offers a so|ut|on
wh|ch may or may not be acceptab|e to the c||ent
t does not offer the c||ent a cho|ce or the opportun|ty to further spec|fy or d|scuss concerns or
C||ent's daughter " don't know how am go|ng to arrange care for my mother at home wh||e work#
Nurse "f |t were me wou|d put her |n a Nurs|ng nome where she wou|d have round the c|ock care#
1h|s response g|ves adv|ce and shuts down further d|scuss|on of the prob|em
C||ent " am such a burden on everybody s|nce had the stroke#
Nurse "What makes you say that?#
1h|s |s an open ended quest|on that encourages the c||ent |s to exp|ore h|s or her fee||ngs
C||ent "'|| never |earn how to g|ve myse|f th|s |n[ect|on#
Nurse "Cf course you w|||#
8|ocked 1h|s response g|ves fa|se reassurance and const|tutes
a c||che
nfant C||ent's Mother "'m afra|d that w||| forget how to correct|y prepare the baby's formu|a when
get home#
Nurse "Wou|d you ||ke me to go over the procedure w|th you one more t|me?#
1h|s response recogn|zes the mother's concern and offers not d|ctates an appropr|ate opt|on
C||ent "nav|ng that test was the worst exper|ence 've had |n my who|e ||fe#
Nurse "1e|| me what happened#
1h|s response |nd|cates w||||ngness to hear the c||ent and encourages exp|orat|on of fee||ngs and
C||ent " have to beg|n to have my husband he|p w|th the housework when get home#
Nurse "Do you have a p|an |n m|nd as to how you are go|ng to do th|s?#

1h|s quest|on can be answered yes or no but |t opens the for the nurse to gu|de the c||ent |n the
d|scuss|on and eva|uat|on]rev|s|on ]deve|opment of a p|an
C||ent " can't use a d|aphragm anymore |ts [ust too messy and |nconven|ent#
Nurse "Wou|d you ||ke |nformat|on on other forms of b|rth contro|?#
1h|s response recogn|zes the c||ent's concern and offers an appropr|ate opt|on |n response
C||ent "My son doesn't want to v|s|t me anymorene says am a|ways comp|a|n|ng#
Nurse "Ch||dren expect the|r parents to be perfectne'|| get over |t#
1h|s response |s c||che |n nature and does not recogn|ze the va||d|ty of the c||ent's concern
C||ent " can't do anyth|ng r|ght#
Nurse "ou shou|dn't fee| that way 1h|ngs w||| be d|fferent when you're better#
1h|s response a|though somewhat "gent|e# |n |ts word|ng offers fa|se reassurance may be
construed as [udgmenta| and does not a||ow the c||ent to further exp|a|n h|s or her fee||ngs and
t a|so conta|ns an e|ement of c||ch
C||ent " am so upset about my roommate's v|s|tor tr|pp|ng over my s||ppers yesterday#
Nurse "My adv|ce to you |s to forget |t she d|dn't get hurt#
1h|s response offers adv|ce and tr|v|a||zes the c||ent's concern
C||ent "My son |n |aw refused to br|ng my grand daughter to v|s|t me#
Nurse "1hat's mean |t must make you angry#
1h|s response |s [udgmenta| and presumes to know what the c||ent |s fee||ng
C||ent " don't th|nk am go|ng to make |t out of here am [ust so weak#
Nurse "ou are very depressed#
1h|s response makes a [udgment about the c||ent
t does not encourage the c||ent to d|scuss fee||ngs not does |t seek to va||date |nterpretat|on of the
c||ent's commun|cat|on

Get x sheet of paper
Wr|te the |etter of your answer
uest|on 1
student nurse |s car|ng for a 72yearo|d c||ent w|th |zhe|mer's d|sease who |s very
confused 1he most appropr|ate commun|cat|on strategy shou|d |nc|ude wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng?
Wr|tten d|rect|ons for bath|ng
peak|ng very |oud|y
Gent|e touch wh||e prov|d|ng DLs
I|at fac|a| express|on
uest|on 2
depressed c||ent who has not bathed or dressed |n c|ean c|othes today |s read|ng the |unch
menu but |s unab|e to make a dec|s|on Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng wou|d be the most appropr|ate nurs|ng
d|agnos|s for th|s c||ent?
hronic Low 5e/fsteem
5ocio/ lso/otion
uest|on 3
1he nurse |s commun|cat|ng w|th a we||or|ented o|der adu|t c||ent |n a |ongterm care sett|ng
Wh|ch statement best ref|ects respectfu| and car|ng commun|cat|on?
"re we ready for our shower?#
"t's t|me to go to the d|n|ng room honey#
"re you comfortab|e Mrs m|th?#
"ou wou|d rather wear the s|acks wou|dn't you?#
uest|on 4
1he nurse |s commun|cat|ng w|th a pr|mary care prov|der about med|ca| |ntervent|ons
prescr|bed for a c||ent Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng statements |s most representat|ve of a co||aborat|ve
nursephys|c|an re|at|onsh|p?
"1hat new med|cat|on you prescr|bed for Mr 8|ack |s |neffect|ve#
" am worr|ed about Mr 8|ack's b|ood pressure t |s not decreas|ng even w|th the new
ant|hypertens|ve med|cat|on#
"Can we ta|k about Mr 8|ack?#
"Lxcuse me doctor th|nk we need to ta|k about Mr 8|acks b|ood pressure#
uest|on S
1he nurse asks the c||ent "What do you fear most about your surgery tomorrow?# 1h|s |s an
examp|e of wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng commun|cat|on techn|ques?
rov|d|ng genera| |eads
eek|ng c|ar|f|cat|on
resent|ng rea||ty
Wr|te 1DL |f the statement |s accurate or ILL |f otherw|se
6 mpa|red verba| commun|cat|on |s the state |n wh|ch an |nd|v|dua| exper|ences a decreased or
absent ab|||ty to use or understand human |anguage
7 Ds|ng touch wh||e speak|ng to a v|sua||y|mpa|red c||ent |ncreases anx|ety
G|v|ng adv|ce chang|ng the sub[ect and us|ng c||ches are examp|es of barr|ers to therapeut|c
9 Iam||y ru|es are used to def|ne the behav|ors and commun|cat|on sty|es of fam||y members
10 G|v|ng fa|se reassurance conveys a |ack of |nterest
11 sk|ng why or how can be |nt|m|dat|ng to the c||ent
12 ||ence |s non therapeut|c
13 Ds|ng broad open|ngs to conversat|on encourages c||ent to se|ect top|c and |nd|cates acceptance
and va|ue of the
c||ent's |n|t|at|ve
14 Car|ng promotes fee||ngs of acceptance
1S Ma|nta|n|ng a c||ent's persona| space decreases anx|ety
Lxchange paper w|th the person |n front of you
uest|on 1
student nurse |s car|ng for a 72yearo|d c||ent w|th |zhe|mer's d|sease who |s very
confused 1he most appropr|ate commun|cat|on strategy shou|d |nc|ude wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng?
Wr|tten d|rect|ons for bath|ng
peak|ng very |oud|y
Gent|e touch wh||e prov|d|ng DLs
I|at fac|a| express|on
uest|on 1
student nurse |s car|ng for a 72yearo|d c||ent w|th |zhe|mer's d|sease who |s very
confused 1he most appropr|ate commun|cat|on strategy shou|d |nc|ude wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng?
Wr|tten d|rect|ons for bath|ng
peak|ng very |oud|y
Gent|e touch wh||e prov|d|ng DLs
I|at fac|a| express|on
at|ona|es 1
Wr|tten commun|cat|on requ|res a h|gher |eve| of consc|ousness than verba|
1he c||ent does not have a hear|ng prob|em but the ab|||ty to |nterpret and understand
Correct Nonverba| gent|e touch |s an |mportant too| overst|mu|at|on may affect the c||ent |n
a negat|ve way
Lack of fac|a| express|on may |ncrease fear
uest|on 2
depressed c||ent who has not bathed or dressed |n c|ean c|othes today |s read|ng the |unch
menu but |s unab|e to make a dec|s|on Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng wou|d be the most appropr|ate nurs|ng
d|agnos|s for th|s c||ent?
hronic Low 5e/fsteem
5ocio/ lso/otion
uest|on 2
depressed c||ent who has not bathed or dressed |n c|ean c|othes today |s read|ng the |unch
menu but |s unab|e to make a dec|s|on Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng wou|d be the most appropr|ate nurs|ng
d|agnos|s for th|s c||ent?
hronic Low 5e/fsteem
5ocio/ lso/otion
at|ona|es 2
nx|ety may cause a sense of power|essness that resu|ts |n |ndec|s|veness
Correct 8ecause anx|ety and |ow se|festeem precede power|essness wh|ch resu|ts |n
|ndec|s|veness |t |s the most correct answer nurs|ng management a|ways dea|s w|th the
c||ent's current d|sp|ay of needs
Low se|festeem may cause a sense of power|essness that resu|ts |n |ndec|s|veness
1here |s no ev|dence that the c||ent's soc|a| |nteract|ons are |ess than adequate
uest|on 3
1he nurse |s commun|cat|ng w|th a we||or|ented o|der adu|t c||ent |n a |ongterm care sett|ng
Wh|ch statement best ref|ects respectfu| and car|ng commun|cat|on?
"re we ready for our shower?#
"t's t|me to go to the d|n|ng room honey#
"re you comfortab|e Mrs antos ?#
"ou wou|d rather wear the s|acks wou|dn't you?#
uest|on 3
1he nurse |s commun|cat|ng w|th a we||or|ented o|der adu|t c||ent |n a |ongterm care sett|ng
Wh|ch statement best ref|ects respectfu| and car|ng commun|cat|on?
"re we ready for our shower?#
"t's t|me to go to the d|n|ng room honey#
"re you comfortab|e Mrs antos ?#
"ou wou|d rather wear the s|acks wou|dn't you?#
at|ona|es 3
1h|s |s an examp|e of e|derspeak
1h|s |s an examp|e of e|derspeak
Correct || of the other opt|ons are forms of e|derspeak
1h|s |s an examp|e of e|derspeak
uest|on 4
1he nurse |s commun|cat|ng w|th a pr|mary care prov|der about med|ca| |ntervent|ons
prescr|bed for a c||ent Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng statements |s most representat|ve of a co||aborat|ve
nursephys|c|an re|at|onsh|p?
"1hat new med|cat|on you prescr|bed for Mr 8|ack |s |neffect|ve#
" am worr|ed about Mr 8|ack's b|ood pressure t |s not decreas|ng even w|th the new
ant|hypertens|ve med|cat|on#
"Can we ta|k about Mr 8|ack?#
"Lxcuse me doctor th|nk we need to ta|k about Mr 8|acks b|ood pressure#
uest|on 4
1he nurse |s commun|cat|ng w|th a pr|mary care prov|der about med|ca| |ntervent|ons
prescr|bed for a c||ent Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng statements |s most representat|ve of a co||aborat|ve
nursephys|c|an re|at|onsh|p?
"1hat new med|cat|on you prescr|bed for Mr 8|ack |s |neffect|ve#
" am worr|ed about Mr 8|ack's b|ood pressure t |s not decreas|ng even w|th the new
ant|hypertens|ve med|cat|on#
"Can we ta|k about Mr 8|ack?#
"Lxcuse me doctor th|nk we need to ta|k about Mr 8|acks b|ood pressure#
at|ona|es 4
Cpt|on 1 conta|ns |nf|ammatory |anguage ("|neffect|ve# and "you prescr|bed#)
Correct Cpt|on 2 uses an "# statement wh|ch |s assert|ve commun|cat|on and |s c|ear and
d|rect 1he message |nc|udes on|y the necessary |nformat|on
Cpt|on 3 does not prov|de the hea|th care prov|der w|th spec|f|c |nformat|on and cou|d
st|mu|ate defens|ve behav|ors
Cpt|on 4 does not prov|de the hea|th care prov|der w|th spec|f|c |nformat|on and cou|d
st|mu|ate defens|ve behav|ors
uest|on S
1he nurse asks the c||ent "What do you fear most about your surgery tomorrow?# 1h|s |s an
examp|e of wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng commun|cat|on techn|ques?
rov|d|ng genera| |eads
eek|ng c|ar|f|cat|on
resent|ng rea||ty
uest|on S
1he nurse asks the c||ent "What do you fear most about your surgery tomorrow?# 1h|s |s an
examp|e of wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng commun|cat|on techn|ques?
rov|d|ng genera| |eads
eek|ng c|ar|f|cat|on
resent|ng rea||ty
at|ona|es S
Correct t encourages the c||ent to verba||ze and choose the top|c of the conversat|on
1h|s opt|on |s used when the nurse |s unsure of the message and asks the c||ent to repeat or
restate the message
1h|s opt|on |s used to he|p a c||ent d|fferent|ate the rea| from the unrea| and there |s no
|nformat|on ava||ab|e to |nd|cate th|s |s a concern |n th|s s|tuat|on
1h|s opt|on |s used at the end of an |nterv|ew or teach|ng sess|on
6 mpa|red verba| commun|cat|on |s the state |n wh|ch an |nd|v|dua| exper|ences a decreased or
absent ab|||ty to use or understand human |anguage @rue
7 Ds|ng touch wh||e speak|ng to a v|sua||y|mpa|red c||ent |ncreases anx|ety o/se
usinq touch whi/e speokinq to o visuo//yimpoired c/ient decreoses onxiety
G|v|ng adv|ce chang|ng the sub[ect and us|ng c||ches are examp|es of barr|ers to therapeut|c
commun|cat|on @rue
9 Iam||y ru|es are used to def|ne the behav|ors and commun|cat|on sty|es of fam||y members @rue
10 G|v|ng fa|se reassurance conveys a |ack of |nterest @rue
11 sk|ng why or how can be |nt|m|dat|ng to the c||ent @rue
12 ||ence |s non therapeut|c o/se
5i/ence con be used theropeutico//y to o//ow c/ient time to think ond con encouroqe the c/ient to
initiote communicotion whi/e conveyinq occeptonce support ond understondinq
13 Ds|ng broad open|ngs to conversat|on encourages c||ent to se|ect top|c and |nd|cates acceptance
and va|ue of the
c||ent's |n|t|at|ve @rue
14 Car|ng promotes fee||ngs of acceptance @rue
1S Ma|nta|n|ng a c||ent's persona| space decreases anx|ety @rue

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