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''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''


Part 36.
I am convinced that there is one who is perfect, I am also convinced that I am in contact with this one
who is not onl perfect !"t is perfection itself, f"rthermore I am convinced that this one who is perfect is
m tr"e nat"re or tr"e self. I was originall created in his image #ph $%&'. I was made in the ver image
of (od )imself. I also !elieve there was never a time that we were not, if there is ever a time that man
was not* +for tr"e man , not mankind came from (od himself so we were in (od !efore we ever had the
(en &, e-perience.. If we ever had a time in o"r tr"e identit that we had a !eginning then it wo"ld mean
that we wo"ld have an ending / this is not so for tr"e man will never end. 0o man are living in the lie
that the are a h"man !eing en1oing a spirit"al e-perience, !"t the reverse is tr"e we are spirit"al !eings
having a h"man e-perience. 2e m"st decrease the tho"ght that o"r inception was in o"r 3other /
4ather, the "sef"l thing that o"r parents did for "s is that the were "sed to help create a vehicle for o"r
(odl spirit to indwell for awhile. This is the tr"e reason that 5es"s Christ so man times stressed that we
were to - leave our father & mother / concentrate on o"r tr"e original (odl or Christ identit. This is
part of the lower self or carnal e-perience that we are to overcome. 2itho"t an enem a soldier can never
test his strength / s6ills / o"r tho"ghts m"st !e developed ! the e-ercising of o"r Christ thin6ing /
strengths, ''Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.'' 7nfort"natel most men / women
at the moment have given "p - many unknowingly - their true birthright to gratif their lower or carnal
self !"t there is a simple secret to overcoming which we will a little later share / it has to do with
sincerit, faith / o!edience. The great news is that man will f"ll regain his lost heritage / estate, plus*
which incorporates - his whole self, spirit soul & body thro"gh a spirit"al conflict that cannot !e shared
in words alone !"t onl in an e-perience of trials / temptations. 3an has !een given the greatest gift of
all / that is the gift of (od himself - the perfect One - as we are tr"l (od !eings. The tr"th is that as
Christ )imself was (od manifested, / if o" can receive it Christ came to show "s that we are e-actl
the same as )e was, )e was lowered for a little while !"t et even in this lowered state he was still (od
manifested / 08 AR# 2#. Did not 5es"s tell "s in 5n &'% 3'93:, ''I and the Father are One.'' Can we
accept this; 2ell his opposer's co"ld not / so to !ring the point home that )e was act"all divinit itself,
)e was also !ringing home the point that ''as He was so are we in this world'' / so the statement was
made ''Is it not written in your Law, I said, ou are !ods"'' And then in verse 3< )e tells "s that the
script"re cannot !e set aside cancelled or !ro6en or ann"lled. =ow I don't 6now how far others wish to
ta6e it !"t I am willing to ta6e it all the wa. Please let me sa this, the pro!lem with man / I incl"de
mself is that we will onl go so far / then we !al6. (od help "s to !elieve what (od is telling "s toda.
''Lord ou ha#e been our dwellin! $lace % our refu!e in &LL !enerations. 'efore the mountains
were brou!ht forth or e#er you had formed % !i#en birth to the earth % the world, e#en from
e#erlastin! to e#erlastin! you are (od.'' Ps >'% &9$. Amp. ?es we were in (od in all generations even
!efore the mo"ntains or the earth was formed or given !irth to, even from everlasting to everlasting we
were a part of / in )im / we were / are in o"r (odl identit perfection itself.
& Lowerin! )o *estruction Or +anity, &nd et & Full ,estoration
)o & ,ealisation Of Our Perfection!
''ou turn man to destruction- and say, ,eturn, you children of men.'' Psa >'%3. =ot onl did (od
lower man to this - valley of the shadow of death !"t notice ver caref"ll that o"r (reat Creator who
did the lowering has also promised a wa !ac6, a ret"rn from destr"ction or vanit for the children of
men. 8h es )e is certainl a 1"st (od as this involves all those who are lowered. 2)8 AR# T)#0#;
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
The children of men! 2hich are A@@AA

''For to #anity was the creation sub.ected, not #oluntarily, but because of Him /ho sub.ects it, in
e0$ectation that the creation itself, also, shall be freed from the sla#ery of corru$tion into the
!lorious freedom of the children of (od.1 Rom B%$'9$&. C@C. In the )igh Road dictionar we read this
e-planation of the word Canit. ''Want of reality, fruitless action, empty pleasure, idle show, great conceit
of oneself.'' Canit is =8T tr"e realit, onl Christ is o"r tr"e realit, this is wh I !elieve that the
e-perience of vanit - want of reality - is reall an ill"sion. =ow also notice that we did not accept this
lowering vol"ntaril. 0o what was the reason for this ; It is (ods e-pectation that in time we will all !e
freed from this slaver of the corr"pti!ilit of the flesh / into the spirit"al freedom of 6nowing in f"ll the
perfection that we reall are / in time we will A@@ rise to o"r tr"e heritage. I ver m"ch li6e the
statement in )e! $% D,
For 2ome Little )ime!
ou ha#e ran3ed him - man a little lower than than % inferior to the an!els 4 or loyhim it is
interesting to note that the passage where this is ta6en from shows that never in an other place is the
word #lohim translated angels. =ow whether we agree on what I am sharing regarding the angels I feel
that we wo"ld all have to agree that man's rn!ing is a!o"t read for a promotion. ''!or some little time
you have ranked him a little lower than.'' I am reminded of what o"r great Apostle Peter shared with "s
in &Pet&%<! '')ill you fully inherit that final sal#ation that is ready to be re#ealed for you in the last
time.'' Please notice the words 47@@? I=)#RIT / also I= T)# @A0T TI3#. Ret"rning to verse B
of )e!
$ '''ut at $resent we do not yet see all thin!s sub.ected to him, 3A=.'' At the moment or at present we
do not "ET SEE, so the time is soon comingAA @et "s now loo6 at where the )e! $%D9B tho"ght was
derived / let "s dwell a little there.
& Little Lower )han (od!
''/hat is man that ou are mindful of him, and the son of 5earth6born7 man that ou care for him"
et ou ha#e made him but a little lower than (od 5or heavenly beings7, and ou ha#e crowned him
with !lory and honour.'' Psa B%:9<. Amp. )ere we see that the translation according to the Amp means a
little lower than "od.
''For thou hast made him but little lower than (od, &nd crowned him with !lory and honour.'' Ps
B%<. A0C. The A"thorised 0tandard Cersion is also of the more positive view.

''&nd causest him to lac3 a little of (odhead, &nd with honour and ma.esty com$ass6est him'' Ps B%<.
?o"ngs. )ere we see a ver highl tho"ght of translator showing what he feels is the tr"e meaning in this
verse. )e ca"ses "s 3A= on p"rpose for a little while to lac6 a little of - the understanding of - (odhead.
3an is fearf"ll / wonderf"ll made.
''et you made them inferior only to yourself- you crowned them with !lory and honour.'' Ps B%<.
(=E. The (ood =ews Ei!le wo"ld sa to "s that man is onl inferior to ?o"rself (od. I feel that the
ne-t verse wo"ld also carr some weight in what I !elieve that the 0pirit wo"ld have "s to hear toda. I
well realise that I have shared some of these tho"ghts !efore, !"t it does "s all good to hear these things
again / again / it !ecomes ingrained into o"r spirit, last evening a friend gave me the most !ea"tif"l
piece of stea6, I have en1oed that same tpe of stea6 man times !efore / it was !ea"tif"l, ma!e not a
perfect analog nevertheless it is tr"e. Also o"r list is growing all the time / for some this is pro!a!l
''For in Him we li#e and mo#e and ha#e our bein!- as e#en some of your 5own7 $oets ha#e said, For
we are also His offs$rin!. 2ince then we are (od's offs$rin!, we ou!ht not to su$$ose that *eity 8the
(odhead9 is li3e !old or sil#er or stone, 5of the nature of7 a re$resentation by human art and
ima!ination, or anythin! constructed or in#ented.'' Acts&D%$B9$>. Amp. 3, m what is (od telling "s
here, since we are (od's offspring we o"ght not to s"ppose that (od or the (odhead is li6e silver / stone.
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
2h is Pa"l saing this; 2ell in essence we are the dwelling place of (od we man are the ones who are
made in )is Image. 2hat we are learning here is that (od who is spirit has offspring, now whether or not
we li6e to h"manise this te-t the wonderf"l tr"th is that the great 0pirit (8D, has offspring / that 3A=
as 5es"s Christ was / is, is also a carrier of the (8D)#AD, for as it was in 5es"s so it is !eing revealed it
is also in 70.
#$%O#&%'O( O# (W )"'(('("$*
$ay good-bye to summertime, winter makes another fresh mark,
$pring leans in anticipation, in preparation of another new start,
$o can we learn from these e+uations, to have hope for tomorrows day,
'n the circle of persuasions of the elements of life's sway,
$ure there have been depressions but the seasons teach this too,
&nd we will always find digressions, which would confuse the issue.
)ut ' have good news for you, %O,&-*

%his is the day of (ew )eginnings, in the seasons of (ew .ife,
%his is the circle of progression in this illusion of sin & strife,
%here is a new word that "od is giving, that all are one in /im,
0any are realising it, to others it is still dim,
%here is a perfect plan of living and it is from within,
%his erases condemnation and guilt from all sin,
)ut ' have good news for you, %O,&-*

'f we continue to live it, others will feel that love,
%hey too will realise that it is only from above,
%here is hope for this generation, we all can know it too,
.iving in the .O1 commandment, we find it to be true.
%here is a culmination, with /im who is within,
#edemption of the body, overcoming death & sin.
%his is good news for us, %O,&-* R2F.
)he :ost Holy Place!
In the Ta!ernacle in the wilderness there were three main sections, 8"ter Co"rt, )ol Place / The 3ost
)ol Place. This was also carried over to the Temple of 0olomon / all the s"cceeding Temples that were
!"ilt later. The 3ost )ol Place is also called %he $ecret 2lace of the 0ost /igh in Psalm >&%&. To date
not a great man people have e-perienced this wonderf"l "nderstanding, / et it has !een availa!le since
the Ceil was rent in the Temple !etween the )ol Place / the 3ost )ol Place. E"t (od 6new that it
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
wo"ld ta6e time for man to realise that there was more to his own / in part understanding / that he
co"ld e-perience the, ''He who dwells in the secret $lace of the :ost Hi!h shall remain stable and
fi0ed under the shadow of the &lmi!hty.'' for himself.
The difference !etween one who is in the )ol Place / one who is e-periencing a 3ost )ol Place
"nderstanding is that one is e-pecting to die / leave the !od in the grave, / the other is - looking for
/is coming - / with an ee to e-perience ''the redem$tion of the body'' Rom B*$3. The redemption of
the !od is a partl similar e-perience to what !oth #noch / #li1ah who were forer"nners e-perienced,
please notice that I said a similar e-perience. #ven tho"gh these two did not taste death - as most do -
the did not have the change that the sons of (od or the 3an9child will e-perience for these not onl do
not see the grave !"t will !e completel transformed into spirit"al !eings. And so at present (od is,
&nointin! )he :ost Holy Place /ithin ;s!
#ver man has a 3ost )ol Place within himself, it is the place of perfection or the sit"ation of the 3ost
)ol 8ne, or the ''*wellin! $lace of the :ost Hi!h'' which is in fact where the Image of (od dwells.
2hen we are told that we were made 'in His ima!e' this means that as (od is 0pirit, then also within "s
is the e-act image of (od )imself which is Christ. 2hen we spea6 of Christ we are not spea6ing in the
terms of one man or the Christ or the anointed as !eing resident in one place, Christ is m"ch more than a
man, Christ is act"all resident in ever person, some are aware of this some are not et enlightened as to
their tr"e identit, )e Christ, is (ods e-act image / we were created in 3hrist 4esus. )ear the third
realm or 3ost )ol Place "nderstanding given to "s from the pen of Pa"l o"r great Apostle.

''&ll nations he has created from a common ori!in, to dwell all o#er the earth, fi0in! their allotted
$eriods and the boundaries of their abodes, $D meanin! them to see3 for (od on the chance of
findin! him in their !ro$in! for him. )hou!h indeed he is close to each one of us, $B for it is in him
that we li#e and mo#e and e0ist < as some of your own $oets ha#e said, '/e too belon! to His race.''
Act &D%$69$B. 3offatt. The Amplified e-plains these last few words in a slightl different / et clearer
wa. ''For in Him we - all - li#e and mo#e and ha#e our bein!.'' I do not feel that I need to sa an9
more here as the written te-t ma6es it a!"ndantl clear that whoever o" are o" too have access to this
3ost )ol Place e-perience ! o!edience to the plan that (od has laid o"t for "s.
(od is now ''brin!in! in e#erlastin! ri!hteousness 8$ermanent moral and s$iritual rectitude in e#ery
area and relation9 to seal u$ #ision and $ro$hecy and $ro$het, and to anoint a Holy of Holies.'' Dan
>%$:!. Amp. )e is now anointing the /oly of /olies in )is tr"e temple which is o"rselves in o"r secret
place of the 0ost /igh 2IT)I= 87R0#@C#0. )e is anointing o"r secret place to ma6e "s aware of o"r
tr"e identit, the Image of (od who is Christ )imself the perfection of "od. '':an is fearfully %
wonderfully made'' 1"st how high this reaches we will onl learn if we will !"t have a longing / see6
for the )I()#R T)I=(0 which are fo"nd onl in 87R 380T )8@? P@AC#. '')he =in!dom of (od is
within you.'' =ot so m"ch as "p in the s6 or in the literal clo"ds !"t within )is Temple, o"r Temple
"O#. 8"r most wonderf"l (od is now sealing "p the prophecies - or bringing to pass - that which the
prophets foretold, )e is most of all ''anointin! the Holy of Holies'' within o"rselves / man others .
(od is preparing a remnant, as mentioned a n"m!er of times in the 8.T. (od prepared these people for a
specific tas6s. In the following te-t we read this prophec.

''For there shall the seed $roduce $eace and $ros$erity- the #ine shall yield her fruit and the !round
shall !i#e its increase and the hea#ens shall !i#e their dew- and I will cause the ,>:?&?) of this
$eo$le to inherit and $ossess &LL these thin!s .'' Hech B%&$. Amp. Possessing all these things incl"des
what we were spirit"all in #den. (od is now preparing a remnant of people to possess the peace /
prosperit that even #den had. 2h; Eeca"se we are !eing awa6ened to the fact that what we
e-perienced in #den tr"l is o"rs now, !"t to date - because of our ignorance - has lain dormant within "s.
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
E"t now than6 (od it is now not onl !eing I"ic6ened within "s it is also fast on the wa of !ecoming a
realit of which the c"lmination is a re9enactment of the overcoming of death even as was e-perienced !
o"r pattern 0on o"r forer"nner Christ ''to wit the redem$tion of our body.'' 0o as has !een said the f"ll
tr"th of ''0an who is fearfully & wonderfully made'' is a!o"t to !e realised in it's f"rther f"llness /
''&nd the desolate land shall be tilled, that which had lain desolate in the si!ht of all who $assed by.
&nd they shall say, )his land that was desolate has become li3e the !arden of >den, and the waste and
desolate and ruined cities are fortified and inhabited.'' #Je 36%3:93<. Amp. 0o this land even Christ in
"s will e-perience a spirit"al re9enactment of the garden of #den as will man other cities , peoples
that were once tho"ght r"ined !"t have !een re9pop"lated / inha!ited ! the original #den9ic Christ, who
is o"r TR7# ID#=TIT?.
)he >nd Of &ll Flesh!
''(od said to ?oah, I intend to ma3e an end of all flesh, for throu!h men the land is filled with
#iolence- and behold, I will destroy them and the land.'' (en 6%&3. Amp. 2hen (od made an end of
all flesh !eca"se of the imaginations of men's hearts which was evil contin"all. The reason this
happened is that men had re1ected (od !eca"se of the infl"ences of the low thin6ing of the carnal man
that was not in contact with the 0pirit of righteo"sness. 2henever man re1ects (od / leaves )im o"t of
the pict"re the res"lts are event"all catastrophic. This is so with an co"ntr or an race of peopleA
''/hen the Lord smelled the $leasin! odour 4 the absence of sin & unrighteousness - 5a scent of
satisfaction to His heart7, the Lord said to Himself, I will ne#er a!ain curse the !round because of
man, for the ima!ination 8the stron! desire9 of man's heart is e#il and wic3ed from his youth- neither
will I e#er a!ain smite and destroy e#ery li#in! thin!, as I ha#e done.'' (en B%$&. Amp. 0o we are told
that (od p"t a rain!ow in the s6 to alwas remind man that )e wo"ld never again flood the earth. =ow
one of the reasons that (od allowed this circ"mstance to ta6e place was to show "s that man in his own
strength or in the strength of his own self or 4@#0) can never serve (od. 4rom the !eginning (od had a
plan / a reason for ca"sing man to inha!it flesh, / in this plan of the lowering of man into flesh, when
the desired res"lt had !een accomplished which is the perfecting of the so"l of man )e wo"ld once more
ma6e an end of A@@ 4@#0) !"t as promised it wo"ld not !e in the wa of a flood as in (en % 6. This time
)e wo"ld ca"se the #=D 84 4@#0) to !e e-pired another way. And what wa wo"ld that !e; E @8C#
/ @8C# A@8=#. E"t p"t an end to it )e will / m"st. This what we have 1"st written was the fore or pre
type of what "od had in mind for the future.
)he >nd Of &ll Flesh 2oon )o 'e &ccom$lished,
Fore#er In )he (race Of (od!
In the ver last paragraph of Part &&> of Preston #!'s, 4rom the Candlestic6 to the Throne, I was given to
"nderstand something in a ver new wa. I I"ote %9 KTr"l we earn for this change, ea, groan inwardl
for the transformation to ta6e placeA I contin"all meet "p with !rethren who are pers"aded that the
have alread p"t on incorr"ption and immortalit, and that the have !9passed the grave and cannot or
will not die. If the have attained to that, then I am dreadf"ll disappointed. I m"st !e ver honest and
fran6 with o", m !eloved !rothers and sisters. I have not one whit of a desire to live forever, or even
for a tho"sand ears, in this body of humiliation! There is no more rep"gnant tho"ght, no more frightf"l
possi!ilit, than the idea that I might live forever, or even for a tho"sand ears, in this !od of
h"miliationA The tho"ght of s"ch limitation, the s"ggestion that I might have to dail !athe, !r"sh m
teeth, "se the toilet facilities, p"t on deodorant, and rinse m mo"th with @isterine* the ver hint that I
ma retain this same form, that I might !e as I am for another tho"sand ears or thro"gho"t eternit, falls
far short of a changed !od, conformed to and like the body of /'$ ".O#- &(, 0&4$%-, as does hell
falls short of heavenA The !od of the manifest sons of (od is a redeemed body, a chan!ed body, a
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
transformed body, a !lorious body, an incorru$tible body, an immortal body! Anthing less than that is
=8T 3A=I4#0T 08=0)IPA 2e are not !eing made as )e was, we are !eing made as /e is* 5We know
that when /e shall appear, we shall be li3e Him, for we shall see /im as He is.@ The !od of the
manifest sons of (od shall no more resem!le this vile !od than does the m"stard tree resem!le the
chemical elements that were raised "p o"t of the earth and metamorphosed into the s"!stance of the tree
! the might wor6ing of the s"!tle and msterio"s life9force sown in the earth as a seed. Isn't it
wonderf"lAL 9% 7nI"ote.
To mself, in what we have 1"st read, I see the !eginning of the #=D 84 A@@ 4@#0). Flesh must
finish! (od is tired of the flesh / so the "od in many spiritual men & women has them also feeling the
same wa. This is the tr"e !od of Christ act"all having the tr"e mind of Christ in that the li6e the !a!
!efore it comes to !irth is m"ch dissatisfied with its cramped environment / wishes to !rea6 o"t that it
ma !e free / !e f"ll !orn. This is act"all the man9child in 'the $ains of labour' this is the f"ll
developed :&?6child, a child, et a f"ll developed / mat"red 3A= read to !rea6 forth / !e !orn as
the forer"nner of the end of A@@ 4@#0). 4lesh has almost finished it's co"rse / soon will have
accomplished that for which it was intended for as in Rom B% $'9$$. Amp.

''For the creation 8nature9 was sub.ected to frailty 8to futility, condemned to frustration9, not
because of some intentional fault on its $art, but by the will of Him /ho so sub.ected it665yet7 with the
ho$e +#ccl. &%$.. )hat nature 8creation9 itself will be set free from its bonda!e to decay and corru$tion
5and !ain an entrance7 into the !lorious freedom of (od's children. /e 3now that the whole creation
5of irrational creatures7 has been moanin! to!ether in the $ains of labour until now.''

Please allow me to sa that if o" have not et realised it, this is the ver culmintion of the tr"e / f"ll
"nderstanding / e-perience of the =#2 EIRT). 0"re the whole of creation has !een moaning in the
pains of labour in e6pectation until now !"t the first of this ty$e to manifest is / can !e none other than
the 3A=9C)I@D. )e is the one that !rings in the new era, this 3A=9C)I@D - sons of "od - is Christ in
)is 47@=#00. This new race of !eings are act"all 'cau!ht u$ unto (od and His throne.' / is the
forer"nner of not onl men / woman who will no longer have the hindrances of the flesh, !"t is "shering
in a new era which will set off the start of a new creation which will affect all of creation / not onl
involves man, !"t ''the whole creation 5of irrational creatures7 - which - has been moanin! to!ether in
the $ains of labour until now'' / are also affected. This is the f"lfilment of 5n $%&>. Amp.
''Jesus answered them, *estroy 8undo9 this tem$le, and in three days I will raise it u$ a!ain.'' $ Pet
3%B. ''& thousand years as one day'' This prophec li6e so man others has a do"!le implication one for
Christ as the head / then later the f"ll "niting of the complete Christ with the rest of )is !od, the 0ons
of (od who are* ''as many as are led by the $pirit of "od they are the sons of "od.'' '' Christ the first6
fruits- afterward they that are Christ's at his comin!.'' &Co &<%$3. Also we have another similar
prophec in the following.
'''ehold, I dri#e out demons and $erform healin!6s today and tomorrow, and on the third day I
finish 8com$lete9 :y course.'' @6 &3%3$!. 4or these last few words to f"rther enhance the meaning we
will I"ote from. Two other translations, 'I shall be $erfected' F5C. 'I reach my !oal' =IC. 2hich of
co"rse is #esurrection life. 2hen does - resurrection life or perfection or the reaching of this goal - this
third da ta6e place; 8n the third da which is ''& day with the Lord is as a thousand years'' / is a!o"t
& Promise Of )he ,emo#al Of &ll Flesh!

''/hose #oice then shoo3 the earth- but now He has $romised, sayin!, 1et once more I will not only
sha3e the earth, but also the hea#ens.1 $D &nd this word, 1et once more,1 si!nifies the remo#in! of
those thin!s that are sha3en, as of thin!s that ha#e been made, so that the thin!s which cannot be
sha3en may remain. - spirit - $B )herefore, since we are recei#in! a 3in!dom that cannot be sha3en,
let us ha#e !race, by which we may ser#e (od acce$tably with re#erence and !odly fear,'' )e! &$%$6
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
9$B. 3F5C. As we have read, flesh has !een one of the things 'that ha#e been made' a tool as it were for
our overcoming is now a hindrance to o"r going on / !rea6ing forth into o"r fuller godliness$ 8"r goal,
o"r completed co"rse, o"r perfection, o"r res"rrection life, cannot come witho"t the removal of the
hindrance of flesh. 2)8 84 70 2A=T T8 0TA? I= T)I0 37=DA=# 2A? 84 @ICI=( I= 87R 4@#0),
o"r dear !rother #! has e-pressed what is deep in ever heart of those who are tr"l wanting to !e part
of manifested son9ship which is the #=D 84 A@@ 4@#0). To those who want to !e part of the e-pressed
manifested 08=0)IP. 2hat an aim, what a goal, what a f"t"reA
This Fingdom which cannot !e sha6en is 'freedom from the thraldom to decay' / so man toda with
open arms are receiving this '3in!dom which cannot be sha3en' with '!race, by which they may ser#e
(od acce$tably with re#erence and !odly fear.' 4or those who are reading this / o" feel a I"ic6ening,
a hope s"ddenl rising "p within o" it is o"rs as o" follow the leading of the spirit, reach o"t ! faith
/ 'ser#e (od acce$tably with re#erence and !odly fear'
''For Aion's sa3e I will not hold my $eace, and for Jerusalem's sa3e I will not rest, until its
ri!hteousness shall !o forth as bri!htness, and its sal#ation as a lam$ that burns. $ &nd the (entiles
shall see thy ri!hteousness, and all 3in!s thy !loryB and thou shall be called by a new name, which the
mouth of the LO,* shall name.'' Isa 6$%&9$. 2e!ster. It is o!vio"s to me that there is more to this
prophec than meets the ee for if we slip down to verse five ''For as a youn! man marries a #ir!in so
shall your 2O?2 marry you and as the bride!room re.oices o#er the bride, so shall thy (od - 3hrist in
/is fullness, the man-child - re.oice o#er you.'' This verse is e-actl foretelling some of what happens in
the &$
Chapter of Revelation in where the woman is no"rished in the wilderness ! Christ in )is f"llness
which is , the man-child in verse &:, who will soon marr this woman from whom he proceeded, his
spiritual mother, 'so shall your 2O?2 marry you.' In other words in time the man9child compan / the
woman are 1oined together / !ecome completely one in all was. In this spiritual analog there is no
fleshl act involved. This is also f"lfilling the tpe of #li1ah s"staining the widow woman in the
wilderness with the meal % the oil, &Fings &D%B 9&6. 0o we see that verse one in Isa 6$ is in its f"llness
is act"all referring to the ri!hteousness % bri!htness of the f"ll salvation or !irth of the man9child. I
wo"ld also li6e to sa please do not !e offended in what we have 1"st shared as in the spirit"al o"tloo6 /
planning of (od, )is wa of thin6ing carries a far deeper "nderstanding than o"r carnal o"tloo6. 4or
instance Raha! the harlot / her following lineage. The happen9stance with 5"dah / his da"ghter in law
Tamar / the ens"ing res"lt fo"nd in the 3B Chapter of (enesis. @ot / his two da"ghters can also !e ver
mis"nderstood if we onl loo6 on the s"rface of things. In an of the circ"mstances of the 8.T. we need
to alwas loo6 for the spirit"al significance in an of these wonderf"l things. 8nce the man9child is
manifested / e-periences the end of flesh then )is first victor to have someone to follow )im is the
woman / she too will come to e-perience also the end of flesh / then the together as one entity in
!eing married will !egin to share what the have in the wonderf"l vehicle of the @8C# 84 (8D /
event"all (od will f"lfil ''I will draw &LL men unto myself'' / event"all ''>+>, 3nee shall bow %
>+>, ton!ue shall confess'' / !e a part of T)# #=D 84 A@@ 4@#0).
)his /ill 'e Perfection ,ealised!
The perfection that is reall o"r tr"e self, we, that is A@@ 3#= which has !een mentioned were created in
Christ 5es"s, o"r re9creation ta6es place as we o!e / are enlightened once again as to who we reall are
as a $pirit-man who is perfection. In the !eginning we were created in Christ witho"t 4@#0), the flesh
was introd"ced for the p"rpose of the development of the so"l, this was alwas meant to !e onl for a
season. As we realise the perfection of o"r tr"e spirit"al self our real self, our everlasting self, our "odly
self, we will then realise the limitation that we have had, as at one stage did not thin6 that were anthing
other than flesh. Then a revelation ta6es place / we wish there to !e an end to o"r flesh. As we are
enlightened we find that there is an entrwa in o"r e-perience / this ta6es place in the o"ter co"rt where
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
we find an Altar which represents the sacrifice of the man 5es"s, who sacrificed )is flesh so that in time
we wo"ld !e rid of o"rs. =e-t we come to the @aver where the priests washed / if the ref"sed the
died, #- 3'%$'. ''they shall wash with water that they die not.'' The @aver represents o"r washing or
!aptism toda, incidentall we wo"ld do well to note / it ma come as s"rprise to some that this does not
happen in the )ol Place, !aptism is an o"ter co"rt e-perience. To enter into the )ol Place, it ta6es the
e-perience of the receiving of the !aptism of the )ol 0pirit / the onl tr"e Ei!le evidence of that gift is
the mirac"lo"s spea6ing in other tong"es, Pa"l calls it the tong"es of Angels which is the heavenl
lang"age of the 0pirit of (od. All of this is part of o"r 1o"rne into the realisation of o"r perfection / the
end of A@@ 4@#0).
)he >nd Of :ortality!
=ow to I"ic6l s"mmarise in the !eginning, we were spirit onl (en &%$69$D, then in Chap $%D, (od
added to man a so"l / all that happened "ntil Chap 3%$&, was in the so"l realm - even the dust - then in
this verse we are told (od added to man a !od of 4@#0) , mortlit' ( to serve the p"rpose of an
ADC#R0AR? or saw-tawn which over a period of time religion changed it into a no"n or a name, which
is a lie. =ow to those of o" who are do"!ting this, as regards the !od, a few ears !ac6 I wo"ld have
also, if o" loo6 in the appendi- 3: of the Companion Ei!le o" will glean something. 4"rthermore if
o" loo6 at the word skins as in coats of skins this is from HCDEC FGHore From HCDEJ- s3in 8as na3ed9-
by im$lication hide, leatherB 6 hide, leather, s3in. In other words (od clothed their spirit / so"l with
na6ed s6in. This fits right in with the David's Ta!ernacle - us - which is from the root word skene or skin.
2e are the Ta!ernacle now !eing raised "p. =ow I 6now that this ma not fit into o"r esta!lished
Pentecostal teaching !"t to those who are open / are read to listen, (od is revealing a f"rther deeper
salvation for the last time &Pet &%<!. It is o"r prerogative to disagree if o" wish !"t I wo"ld as6 o"
that o" wo"ld do o"rself the co"rtes of at least considering this !efore o" discard it. 0o the last thing
to !e added to "s was 4@#0) / !oth flesh / !lood are mortl / can never inherit or have an part in the
Fingdom of (od. Than6 (od for perfection which will !ring an end to the mortlit' of the flesh. ''/e
shall be chan!ed in the twin3lin! of an eye.''
& ,e$eat Of & +oice From )he Past!
'renaeus7 89: to about ;:: &.,. K Eishop of @ons. )is nearness to the apostles ma6es his testimon
most interesting. Irenae"s did not !elieve evil wo"ld last forever. In his treatise &gainst /eretics, he
wrote in Eoo6 &&&, chap. $3, M6%L


''2herefore also )e drove him NAdamO o"t of Paradise, and removed him far from the tree of life, not
!eca"se )e envied him the tree of life, as some dare to assert, !"t !eca"se )e pitied him and desired that
he sho"ld not contin"e alwas a sinner, and that the sin which s"rro"nded him sho"ld not !e immortal,
and the evil intermina!le and irremedia!le.'' --- Irenae"s.
Rom B%$'9$&. A3P.
)ritten b' Rlph *no+les, No-ember$ ./00$
If we have !een prone to h"man error in this article it is not p"rposel, / I tr"st that a little 6indness wo"ld allow for an fa"lt, / that we will
consider / im!i!e the !etter or spirit"al part of that which is presented / intended. R2F..

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