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JUNE 23, 19 72 FROM 10:04 TO 11:39 AM
I think-- that' s fine. Nmv, on the imresti-
gation, you knml, the Democratic break-in
thing, ",e' re back to the--in the, the
problem area because the FBI is not under
control, because Gray- doesn't exactly
h m'1 to control them, and they have, their
investigation is n ow leading into
some productive areas, b ecause they've
been able to trace the money, not
the money itself, but through the bank,
you know, sources - the banker himself. And,
and it goes in some directions we don't
want it to go. Ah, also there have been_
some things, like an informant came in off
the street co the FBI in Hiami, \'1ho was a
photographer or has a friend who is a
photographer who devleoped some films
thr o ugh this guy, Barker, and the f ilms had
pictures of Democratic Nat ional Committee
letter head and things. So
I guess, so it's things like that that are
gonna, that are filtering in. Nitchell
came up with yesterday, and John Dean
analyzed very carefully l a st night and con-
eludes, concurs now with N.itchell 's recom-
mendation that the only \'1ay to solve this,
and we're set up bealltifully to do
ah, in that and that the only network
that paid any attention to it last night
was NBC they did a massive s tory on the
That's right.
Right .
That the way to handle this now is for us to
have Walters call Pat Gray and just say,
"Stay the hell out of this this is ah,
business here we don't \vant you to go any
further on it." That's not an unusual
Urn huh.
JUNE 23, 1972 FROf.! 10:04 TO 11:39 At"!

HALDEHA.,."i :
and, uh, that would care of it.
about Pat Gray, ah, you mean he
doesn't want to?
Pat does want to. He doesn't know how to,
and he doesn't have, he doesn't have any
basis for doing it. Given this, he will
then have the b as is. He'll call Hark Felt
in, and the two of them and !1ark Felt
wants to cooperate because
he's ambitious
An, he'll call him in and say, "We've got
the signal from across the river to, to put
the hold on this." And that fit
rather wefull because the FBI agents who are
Horking the case. a"c this point. feel that I S
what it is. This is CIA.
But they've triaced the money to 'em.
Well they have, they've traced to a name,
but they haven't gotten to the guy yet.
Would it be somebody here?
- - - :".. -... :-. , ".-
Ken Dahlberg.
Who the hell is Ken Dahlberg?
He's ah,he gave $25,000 in Hinnesota and
ah, the check went directly in to this, to
this guy Barker.
11aybe he's a . bum.
JUNE 23, 1972 FRm! 10:04 TO 11:39 A!'1
HALDElfll..N :
All right, fine, I understand it all.
We won't second-guess Mitchell and the
rest. God it wasn't Colson.
The FBI interviewed Colson yesterday.
They determined that would be a good
thing to do.
Urn hurn.
Ah, to have him take a
Urn hum.
An interrogation, ,,hich he did, and that,
the FBI guys working the c ase had con-
cluded that there were one or two possibilitie 1
one, that this was a White House, they
don't think that there is anything at
the Election Committee, they think it was
ei ther a House operation and they had
some obscure reasons for it, non political,
Uh hu..'1.
or it was a ...
Cuban thing--
Cubans and the CIA. And after their
interrogation. of, of
Colson, yesterday, they concluded it was
not the Wh i te House, but are nm.. convinced
it is a CIA thing, so the CIA turnoff
liell, not sure of their analysis, I'm
not going t o get that involved. I'm
No, sir. We don't want you to.
'- -

JlJNE 23,1972 FRO:>! 10:04 TO 11:39 AH
and it may be too, that we misjudged
the dates. You read i t through and
particularly read the analysis
and see what I mean. I mean, it 's, i t' s
even realizing '68 was much better
Um hum.
It may be we did a better job in '60.
It just may be. It may tell us something.
Any'.vay, \lQuld you check it over?
(Unintelligible) check another thing.
(unintelligible) HoscO\ ",orked out the
book and Chuck Lichtenstein ( unintelligible)
He was, I'm not sure if he still is.
Could you find out from him ",hat chapters of
the book he worked on. I didn't
I don't, HOSCO'" Harked on the heart attack
thing. I did most of the dictating on the
last two, but I've been curious. I know,
I know Lichtenstein Harked on the one thing,
but could you find out which chapters he
worked on. Also find out where Moscow is
What's become of him he's doing
in ten years. (unintelligible) we really
ought to say hello to him (unintelligible)
and we might find it useful for our purposes,
future, despite the agony and all that.
You'll find this extremely interesting,
read (unintelligible).
I've read, read that a number of times
(unintelligible) different context
Ah, I would say another ting . Bud Brown
(unintelligible) on my (unintelligible)
did you read it? (Unintelligible)
c an(ijr,at-ps.
/ ,
23 , ] 972 2: 20 TO :::: /, P.ii.
Fell , it's no probler:1. Uh biO of in,
state of health but
it's kind of interesting. Wa lters said
that , uh, make a point. I didn't mention
Hunt at the opening. I just said that,
that, uh , this thing I;hich l'le give direction
to we're go nna create some very
potential because they were
ploring leads that led b.J.c}: i nto to, uh,
I'm afraid it will harmf ul to CIA,
harmful to the government. (telephone rings)
But , didn' t hc:'/e an:l"ttlir:g to ,";i th , \'lith,
with (uninte lligible ) kind of thing.
(Answers telephone) Hello? Chuck, I
vondered if you would , give John
a call . He's on his trip. I
want him to r ead the papers
Monday about this quota thing and
52.:" , uh , he net , uh , I'.'e're genna
do this , but , but , I checked , uh, I asked
you the situation, and you personally
c hecked your calendar a nd made , have a n
understanding . It ' s only temporary (unin-
telligible). It affect (unintelligible)
people (unintelligible)." Okay . I didn't want
him t o read it in the papers . Good. Bye.
(Hangs up telephone)
(Urri::1 te lligible)
(Unintelligible) He said
I think did , too. HeIss said uh,
had no , (u.nintellisible) ai1C \.2:1 ,
G?.-c.'J cal :"cd 2:1d sLlid , uh , yest'2rday T 2.nd saiC!.
un , that he thought
:2 : II ..
Gray for h iD and
s a.i. d:- f U:'l, ..:.. "':,:e ri .;nt:
' ...: C E;. CI ..:'\ Oi)f:!:;::-2.i::.ior:. ..
said thL-it?
Yeah I (l!-:cl Helr:1s said nothi!lg
\."r e f v e' go'c ct this. r)oir.t
2.:. ::'0 uh I u:-!..- t.his
involved I I:s l! !:"e lcc \:s to' li]:.e that s
\;il2.t He did." Some da::>Il t:-:in0 v!here
h ad - - (u .... ,intelligible).
We c an do about it -- this would r equire
at all a nd, uh , that Has end of that
convers ation . I fixed it so (unintelligible)
we don't , so (unintelligible) we don't
(u21i r:. to 11 5.gib le ).. He sai c, l,-7 e ll " the
i s that it tracks back to t he Say of
Pi gs. It tracks back t o other -- i f tjeir
leads out to people w:-:o had no involvement
i n this except by the or ccnnections
but yeu set the areas t:hat a. t ( u..'1i!l-
telligible ) to be raised . The whole probl em
of this , thi s fellow Hunt , uh
So a t that point kind of got
? ki nd of like the picture ..
. he , he said , he saie., "\'I'e '11 be very
happy to be he l pful to, ah, you knm-l, get
e"',rerything y'ou \'.1 an t . I like to kno-r;..r
reason for being hel pful ." And i t may
have ap?eared he wasn 't get it
explicitly (uninte lligible) in or out (unin-
telligible). So he sai d fin e
and uh , Walters.
I dO!'l't knmJ wh ether \V'e ca::: do it. ters
. (La ughs) ( Unint8lligible)
\'i al ters is gonua make a c all to Gray.
(Unintel ligible) that's t he " ay we put it, t::at ' s
the \,"ay ,,-e left it, and, l,n , ( unintelligible).
:)\11 d tha t t hou::;::? Ho'\'; 'Joule. -- for
e x aD?lc, if -:' hey 1-.- e got gu:-y- fro::7-, JU:1.inte:ligi;:'I.e. }
somebody from bank to be
hjre to =oun t the inventory .
1--::---====----- -- - --- -----
COLS00l :
COLS00l :
FEBRUARY 13, 1973 AT 9 : 48
TO 10:52 /11'1
(Unintelligible) that 's come from the other-
you can't get Webster there ah , well you
need a man. Would you keep Gray?
Yes, sir I would now.
Now you could send him to the Senate for
Ah, yep. I would.

\'iell, because f i rst of all, I-I could back
him up \'lith a very strong Deputy. Ah,
because I think if you took Grayout now,
with all of the turmoil in the Bureau and
every ah-, the- the everything that 's goin'
on in that Bureau is being leaked out.
Yeah. Well, how could we stop it?
An, by creating certainity. You see, I'm
afraid one of the problems of it is that
there isn 't anybody who knows they're
insured. Ah, now ..
hno's the Deputy you have in mind?
Well, I'd suggest that Bill Sullivan is ah-
he 's ah
They say he's (unintelligible) .
Oh, he is.
He was (unintelligible) again.
Well, he was our man, that's ...
I knew
FEBRUARY 13, 1973, AT 9:48 TO 10:52 AM


Ah, Al Haig has called ne yesterday and said,
Jesus, ya know, get Sullivan back in there.
Ah, Haig is very high on Sullivan. I
don't know Sullivan- but I know of so many
people who do think highly of him, and
that those are all the people I.
In what way (unintelligible)
No, sir. I don't think so.
Did they also make your reflection on Gray
--Vesco--(unintelligible) investigation of
Watergate appearance?
Yeah. I think in a way it is_ And ah, you
might \'lant to move Gray at the end of the
year, but ah, I' d get through this year
\vithout, without rockin' that boat and I
would try to get in ah, confirm Gray he's
after all-, Gray's loyalty to, to you.
Totally. So, give him the strength and back
him up with som- couple people and ah, make -
snre he- make sure he undl2rstands \'lhat he
has to do. I mean there- ah, the most
important thing over there is to be God
sure th-that the Department and that
Bureau understand that ah, we've got enough
troubles with the Hill without creating any
more for ourselves.
this is a partisan game. This is no
longer Law Enforcement or Investigation.
This i? part of.
Sure. What'd you mean, Watergate?
Oh, hell, yes.
And ah, I-I read this.
(Unintelligible) partisan prC3S news never
heard of (unintelligible) Ehrlichnan. God
damn racist. (Unintelligible) everything.
--- - - ------
13 , 1973, AT 9:48 TO 10:52 AN
CO!:..SO:-J :


Hysterical. But they're gonna make
a, they'll have a political circus. Ah,
but it i s ..
ReI:lernoer how they built up that poor jackass
Ra lph Landers?
(Unintelligible) When he--McCarthy built
him up as a great saint, poor bastard.
Well, he's an idiot.
He's a sweet guy, Ralph Landers. (Unintelligible)
Well, no, he was nothin '.
But he took HcCarthy out.
HcCarthy's great cOI:lment about bring the
b utterfly net (unintelligible) (Laughs)
Ch, God, I wish we had, I wish we had more
of Pat Gray's. Well any way, that's that.
Oh, so long- I got I
feel that there's a couple of good guys
who work around here, everyone around here
forgets the God damn thing in the White
(uni ntelligible) (noise). (cough)
You j ust figure you're gonna have s - ,
leaks, television, press- and just say
that's underneath us. (cough) Ah, ah,
hO\>/ do you feel? Is t here anything else
you could do?
Well, the only thing you can do Mr. President.
I mean if you can't, you've got to get for
example Magruder's operation, Haldeman, and
Ehrlichman and the rest, Dean,
if they all get into this, they're gonna go
through the ITT thing (unintelligible)
- - - - ~ ~ - - ~ - - - - ~ - - -- ----

; ;
T fU\NSCRIPT 0:2 A PECO::l.D:;:nl;
1973, FROM 10 :13 TO 10 : 49 P.M.
(Noi se ) Going on your way ?
Yes, s ir . I think I've just been--
p acking and, uh, getting briefed. '.
Ye ah. Yeah.
. by the State Department .
I've finished up my office work.
Well, I think when you're there -- now,
the thing to do is to try to put out
o f your mind all of the problems in which
I--You got to fish the se things out--We
always do. He (unintelligible)--
Watergate and all tha t sort of thing--is
going -to be, be the;:e. It's gonna be
(unintelligible) for ,..;hat it is. And
I think that you gotta take, t a ke periods
like this, (unintelligible)--three weeks .
be off and it'll be about three
Good. Just get out there and don't read
any papers, and---
well, (unintelligible)
I think, (unintelligible)
It's, uh--
The _only paper is basically the
Washington Post, as far as I can see . .
Damn, worse than the Hashington Post.
I--characterize the Post, the Tirnes--The
New York Times.
.. ". , '
" .. .. ---
i' O H m
14, 1973, FRm1 10:13 TO 10:49 Al"!
COLSO.'l :
The thing is th
They just--that's something we just can't
get into.
Hell, you're--
Today as for too, like, like a
story Colson this morning that
Liddy had the-- , the FBI Internal- Security
taps. But I can't believe that's true. I
me a n, I , uh, I don' t Y:nm, they're
talking about.
If uhf that cculd h ave been true. -They,
they had that security unit set: up in the
basement of the EOB ,.rhich Bud Krogh ran.
Oh, I see, they were, at time, in
Oh sure. And they were, that Has perfectly
legitimate. I mean the kind
of thing they were hired to do
Hi1i!l\ hmro.
Uhf i nvestigating the authenticity of
of the Dita Beard letter wa s was a _
perfectly legitimate thing. fu,d. uh,
I told the FBI about that--there wasn't
anything to hide. _ Uh, the thing you can't
do is you can't get part way
You can't start talking about one aspect
of a relationship .
14 , 1973, FROM 10:13 TO 10:49 MI
COLSO::;; :


Right .
.. . to talk about.
YO'.:! knO'N t:he 'ching about it of course is that
yo u have this enOl.'"""mOllS differ-diffic'-'.l t
double , double standard in the press , for
instance. You can take t his abO'.1t
today about the-- that they had acc ess to the
confiden-tial memoranda. Eml, the hell
is that comi ng from, I ask ya? See
got this and they're dripping i t up 1it.tle,
by little . Hho-- \-!he re are they getting
thase stories,
The FBI?
Did they q uesti on the FBI (unintelligible)
how di d th8 FaI knm-.. ?
"Hell, the FBI "Tou;l.d have been in
have been sending that information over to
Liddy and Hunt.
r-trnm hmrn.
And, uh, every leak we've had, President ,
has been out o f the Bureau, uh, that 's one
of the reasons that when you asked me my
opini on yesterd ay , I, I don ' t know whether--
About Gray.
I don't know whether Gray's the best man or
not, but 1--
Yes, certainly. Let him go in and fire some
of the bastards that he thinks have, have
uh, (lli,intellig ible)--

FEBRUl\RY 14 ; 19 73, FRml 10: 13 TO 10 : 49 AH
COI,sm.J :
The 'ihole da..rn,,--
(Un i ntel l igible) on the other hand t hey
go o u t (u..., in-telligible) . Nhat tL'1en?
Hell, the h el l, t hey're talking nmv . I f --
there isn't a ny thing t hat I e ver told
the Bureau that I haven' t s een C02e cut
print. And, uh , it doe s , it really doe s
raise questi ons about t he integrity o f the
Bureau's process. You h ave to be a little
careful what you--
(Unintelligible). Hell, when Hoo---.rer Has
there it didn't leak.
It didn't happen?
Did not happen.
Oh, hell no. They were scared stiff.
I, I could tall: to Hoover about <:1 11 sorts of
things and I talked to him very f reely over
the years and there it never, ne ver
Nell, because they knet" that if a nybody
To the p ress.
to them. And, uh--
You take, you t ake the (unintelligible}
make a smart thing-, big thi ng out of so:;te
contribution He received that wou ld sort o f
(unintelligible) more than a five thousand
dollar contribution. You knO'." that Hasn ' t
really a blunder. Has it? Good God! ":!-len
our people s?e nt Dillion dollar s
where the hell (unintelligible).
.. -
FEBRUARY 14, 1973, FR01-1 10:13 TO 10:1.9 AH

011, I see. Don't the papers. Forget
the \"ho1e da::m thing. Let her g':J.
Hell, ''le'll . Hc'l.l, uh , ve'll tough it
(unintelligible) through and, uh, ccne
out on top as we ahlays have.
I mean, this is a tough one, because
so iT.any players, and so God-daIl'_'1 sad I
think of those seven guy
So do 1.
are involved, you
Jesus Christ, they did it with good
intentions (unintelliq:ble). Of course,
r guess they, they :T,ust have knct-.-n that
they had to take this kind of risk
I think that they've taken that all
their lives. I don't think that's --
Yeah. They've been they've been
doing this sort of thir.g--
Yeah, r think they got--'-Iell--
President I thank you for your (unin-
---- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
FiIV, /[ L
27, l QJ3, FRO:';: 3: 55 TO P .I'ft .
. "-"-. '. '....
B2'::' .. SC::,! TEE P?ES:::D=:r :T ! '.!:D JO:-i:: DEAl) O?J
27 , 1 973 . 3 : 55 TO 4 : 20 P . M.
Pi1ES IDEl-i'l' :
D2P .. N:
Good John, how are you?
Pretty good .
I, uh, discarded some
won 't interrupt us (unintelligible) uh,
uh, did you get your talk with Kleindienst
I just had a good talk with him.
Yeah , fine . Have you f,ot him, .uh ,
properly, the uh--
I think, I think he is.
properly--ah , has he taH::ed
yet to Baker?
he hasn ' t , he, ub, he called Sam Ervin
and offered to cone visit with both he and
Baker . And, uh, t hat was done last week.
Uh, huh.
But he thought that timing b e bad to
call Baker prior to the joint meeting. So
he says after I have that jOint,
I'll start working my relationship with
Well, Baker left with me that he was
going to,going to set up a jOint meeti ng
well, anyway (uninte lligible). I see . So
Kleindienst has talked. to, uh, uh, he
has talked to Ervin and Ervin said--
Ervin has left it dangling and said, "I'll
be back in touch \Ii th you. " Vh, I think
what, what disturbs me a little bit about
Baker was his move to put his man in as
minority counsel, so quickly, wit hout any
consultation as h e
And I'm told this man may be a disaster
the mi nority counsel. -
- ----._----
y" 4rtt
27. 1973, FROM 3 :55 TO 4:20 P.M. 2
P?.:2:SIDEr.rT :
He is? What do you t o , is he--?
Well he's a, well I can't knock age, he ts
30, he's 30 years of age, he doesn't know
a thing about Washington .
So we'll have to--
Baker, Baker says that he puts the blame
on the Hhi te House. He says, .. rhat chamacallits
his name, Korologos called him and suggested
somebody else, that was a g reat mistake.
Course I didn't knO'.J anything about that"
Wel l Bake r apparently is qui te open in his
felicity I i'iant to counsel "lith you all, and
I don't i'rant to move until I've told you "That
11m going to do, and then he did just the
reverse. So it I',as curious: one, that he
wanted a meeting with you. Uh, secondly:
uh, he suggested Kleindienst as a
conciui t ...
That's correct.
. and there is hope, I think tha.t, uh" he may
try to keep an eye on this thing and not let
it get into a total circus up there.
'vlho? Baker.
Baker, Baker might.
Well that's what he ' indicated, he indicated but
of course, of course yrith the regard to his,
uh, situat ion, his position tnough, and \-r'ith
regard to Kleindienst's pOSition, I, uh, I shook
Kleindienst up a bit but (unintelligible ) really
is the, is the fello,-, who ' s going to get hurt
most out of this (unintelligible) is Mitchell.
Said others are gonoa ge t hurt too, but
is, ah , the real problem is whether or not
Mitchell will --uh, get him on perjury.
# &2 "
27, 1973. 3: 55 4: 20
PR::S I D31'IT:

Burn ..
I s a id no':r ah , pe !:"j ury l 5 0. aITL'1.
hard thing to p!:"ove too, f ortunately. But,
uh, if you , uh (un i n t e llig ible) from
popp in' I said, well, I , I, 1 t alked
( unintell igibl e) di d y a ever t a lk t o Mitchell
a bout this . Ne ver has .
He says he has never talke d to him.
go into the Mexi c a n part of it with
or did you get ...
1,<[ell, 1. ..
. . . i nto any sub s tance at a ll?
Did yc::.
I've alway s, I've braced
in th2 past about, you know, the potential
implications of \',hat this '.-Thole investigaticn
the Bureau conducted, what the U.S. Att orney ' s
Office was doing ...
That's right.
. what t he trial meant ...
That's right .
... 1 think this could come to haunt
That's r ight.
If it gets out of hand, I don't want to get
into a lot of specifics.
1, at this last just sat with him
and said Dick, I said , 1fI don't think I oug::''::
to brief you on everyt hing 1 know. 1 don' t
think ...
That's right.
. .. th?t's the way to proceed. But I see
you going down the ... :rong track, _ I tIT! goi ng
to have to tell you '.'Thy."
27 , 1973, 3 :55 TO 4:20 P . IL

Urn Good, good. did he S2Y?
He said , 1! I agree, that I s t ,he 1'ray it should
stan.d ."
On the Executive Privilege one, I with,
uh, talked to John Ehrlichnan a little and
that the last which, un, should be
modified so that it I might have to
say if I were asked at a press conference, he ' ll
indicate what it, but in, in a nut shell, uh,
rather than Simply, flatly say that I think that
what we shoul d say is uh, t hat uh, that uh,
the uh, that members of the President 's I
will not a formal session of the
CO:2"nission, committees. Hm'rever, under
appropriate circ umstance s that uh, informal
di scussions, or so forth, can be conducted to
obt ain informat ion and so forth and so on--
a ppropriate, I want , I tell you what you're,
what we're up against, ri ght uh,
Kleindienst, Kleindienst has indicated to me ,
I don't know whether he did to you , that uh ,
he felt that the back-up position here should be
an executive session of the And I
said, 1I ;:iell, that's a hell of a difficult thing
the, for the men," , I said , tTl think that the
position should be one of a, that our position
should be one of a, a, a solution. That you
c an' to-written (unintelligible)
which is unlikely, of the two committee--I, uh.
the, t he and the
c ounsel , questioning any member of the \vhi'ce
House staff, you knOi'l, under proper, you knm'l,
restrictions ...
Urn hurn.
.. . an d so forth and so. on. I put that to. Baker
as well and, uh, (unintelligible) said, Baker,
Baker probably, uh, probably wants to get, for
the reason that Ervin does, because of the
publicity and so forth , to haul down the
White House staff and ...
Urn .
. .. put in the glare of those lights.
True .
FEBRUARY 27, 1973, FROM 3 :55 TO 4 : 20 P.M. 5
PJ_!:SID:=:nT :

Uh , cannot have . we cannot have.
On the other hand, we cannet have a 3 tonewall,
uh, so that it appears that we're not let ting
And so I think we've got to be in a
position to, did ya discuss this with Kleindienst,
as to what the position would be on that pOint?
That , I thi nk, John , is the important thing that
Kleindienst has gotta stand God damn fi rm on .
I did, I talked to Dick about that. I said
that, uh, "ene, there 's a stateIl'_ent forthcoming.
I don't lmm'T the tining on it.1I
The Department will issue . I said that , it' s
fortunate the c or:text it's out in, b ecause
Clark Mollenho ff solicited the statement in a
pres s inquiry t hat ' s comin
out in unrelated
c ontext and not related to Watergat e per se.
Right, right.
And se that'll be out soon and that will de fi ne
what the outer p e rimeters are. It also gives--
Have Kleindienst say that nobody from the t'/hite
House staff \'Ti ll testify before a cor:unittee .
That's right.
Of course, that doe sn 't help much at all.
Well, under normal circumstances;'-lf they're--
... if they were normal .
Tbat's the, there's little, uh, slide in there.
And then what, in a pra6tical matter I tala 'em
would probably happen, would be much like the
Fla nigan situation where there's an exchange and
the, the issues become very narrow as to the
informat ion that ' s sought.
27, 1973, 3:55 TO 4:20 6

Well, you worked uh, if you ' d talked to
John you worked a t revising that
last parc.graph.
We've done that.
Oh, you've alrea dy worked with him on that.
Urn hum.
And, uh, well, after I see his , uh, this
Cardinal (phonetic) take me about,
I think five, we ought to get rid of him in
abou t, ah, fift een or twenty minutes. You
mi ght br i ng i t d 0\'," ,1 and , uh, you 've g ot it
written alrea dy?
Yes, sir.
Then let me take a look at it again.
Uh. huh.
And vie ' 11 approve the statement, I don t t
to put it out right now becuase I, I, just
depends (unintelligible) I decide to do on the,
do on the, the. press thing.
It'd probably be easier not to have those
questions in your press conference per se.
I, I, would prefer, that's i'That I Nant to do, is
to have this st atement come after the press
conference, to say, if they ask anything about
it, that "I've covered that in a statenent that
will be issued to!:lOrrm'T on Executive Privilege.
It's very complicated (unintelligible) that's
what I had in mind. rather not be questioned on
the statement.
Mollenhoff himself will de bate you right there
on the subject.
Right. So I'll say I'm covering--
And I did talk to illollenhoff yesterday .at, uh,
Rogers' request.
27. 1973. 3 : 55 TO 4 : 20 P . M .

.. . (uninte lligible) want to look in the c ase.
Tell hi:.1 I '.-rant to look in the case ar.Q I had.
an extended discussion with hiD on the
Executive Of course, ne
differs from where we're coming out,
but he agrees that certainly the President has
the legal authority to do that and he agrees
also that it's, uh, it's--
vlell, in his case, I mean >'ihat ,ras he
about ?
Hell, he says, he thinks that all "i'!hite House
staff should be ready to run up to the Hill and
testify and he asked ...
(Unint elligible) .
. .. as to what they ' re doing and it ' s a rare
exception when the President invokes the
privil ege . I s2.1d, "Cl a r k , that's got t o be
the other way The staff c an 't operate
if they're goi n g to b e queried on every bit
of c or::.rr.unication had ... 11 th the President . II
T[-lat's right .
r ..!ansfield, himself, President , has recognized
that cornmunications behreen you and your staff
a re protec ted . He said this in a policy state-
before they is sued this resolution up there
on, uh, having confirmable individuals agree
they'd testify before they are confirmed.
HelL ..
1 ' D--
... as for individuals are
they ' re all available for testi20ny though .
That ' s right . It's no problen there .
It's no problem there .
There's not a by any means on that .
27 . 1973. 3 : 55 TO P.M. 8
They. of course , uh, they, they, they , I
guess , we, we would not claim
Privilege for Cabinet officers would
Uh , no sir . Only) only if in, s ay the rare
instances where we have already. where they're
going for information which s hould be protected.
Investigative files) uh, classified material or
say, ai d prograns or sonething, ,-Then _'Ie did it - - -
in the last--IRS files. Those are the instances
in which we ' ve done it.
Yeah .
And they're quite, uh, traditional and, a nd
ahould be expected by the Congre ss when they go
after information like that .
I think, I think wen t over to Kleindienst, I
said just to show you how the worm turns here,
i-That i-re Hent through in the Eiss case. There,
we were, investi gating, not, uh, espionage by
a political , ,-ihat one political organization
against another, but a charge of espionage
a gainst the Uni ted States of which was
a hell of a lot more s erious. And in that c ase,
the Department of Justice, the White House, the
FBI totally stonewalled the committee. The FBI
i-muld not furnish any information and here the
FBI had a chance to furnish information to this
c ommittee.
That's according t o Gr ay, right?
Right .
All right. The Department of Jdstice refused
to give us any information at all and of course
the White House used Executive Privilege and
the press was all on their side . You see that
That ' s right.
D::: -'-.:::
.. . that was a , that' s , i t' s whose ox is
being you got so- cal led
espionaGe i n vo l ving a
a nd , uh, so now ( un i n telligi b le).
We ll, you know I've be en ...
(Uninte lligible) .
.. . and in, in, uh, doing S02e checking.
I told Dick a (unintelligibl e ). Tha t's what
our De20cratic friends did when we were
to get
J ohn son, uh, the, uh,
greates t abuser of t he FBI , I'm told by people,
of the o l d hands over there.
He used it for
used it as his pe rsona:, uh--
But didn 't he use it against the press?
That 's ah--
... used it against the press, he used it
against his own party, uh, back in '64 when the
Walter Jenkins thi ng broke, uh, he had high
officials of the FBI out trying to stron g-arm
a doctor to say tha t this had a brain
twnor, uh, Halter J e nkins, he also,
then, turned his, the FBI loose on the Goldwater
staff, uh, this sort of thing is startins to
seep ..
Uh, kno;:s ?
... out now.
Is it getting out?
Uh, I'm sorry . (Unintelli gible).
27, 1973. FROM 3:55 TO 4 : 20 P . M.

--I . J.

aut you, of course, know the incident of his, uh,
(unintelligible) the, the f amous incident of the
bugging of our plane ...
That 's right.
which, uh, maybe--, they really knm'l is true.
And you know the ins tances that they talk about,
about the, uh, about our bugging, the FBI stuff,
believe me, I knol-! exc.ctly what those were.
(Sensitive Material Deleted)
Urn hurn.. Now they're so--
And then, of course, the other things
involved leaks out of the NSC, where we ,
bugged Hai g , Lake, or Halpe rin, I mean.
tha t \vas all.
That1s right.
We were as limited as hell, I mean Hoover, good
God, we could have used him forever. He's, he's--
but Johnson had just apparently, just used them
all the tim9 for this sort of thing.
That's what I'm learning. There's more and more
of this--
\'Iho! s, vTho' s, i'lho f rom the FBI is trying to
put out this stuff on us?
God, I thought, I i'lish I -knei", President, uh.
You don't believe it's a--
I've heard there're, there're several name s
that are bantered around. I, I tried for -example,
to track the leak.
You dont think it's Sullivan?
N, no, I, I confronted Sullivan, as a matter of
fact, right after this , I said, "Bill," I sa:l..d,
uh, I called him into my office, I said, "I ,-lant
to teJ 1 ynll \<ihat Time !-1e.p:azi ne said they ha:ve."
His reaction i.;as not that of a man iiho has leaked
something. Uh--
27. 1973, FROM 3:55 TO 4 : 20 11

Yeah .
And then ne helped .
He told me, he, "If this e',rer comes dONn
to the veY'y short st!'okes," he> '!As f;:>"'"
as I'm concerned this was Hoover and
No one else. And I ' m ready to stand forw2.rd
and take it a'G that." I said, "Hell, I don't
think it's ever going to be that because, uh--
Well, what, why would it be Hoever and Sullivan,
did Hoover order him to do it?
Hoover ordered him to do it.
In order to ah--
They did this--so he could say I could
exanples chapter and verse of Hoover telling
me to do things like this .
NOi' Sullivan Immvs that their, it ''faS terribly
lirrited--it was limited.
'l'h2.t's right.
(Sensitive Material Deleted)
That's right.
And that I must say, I think did request
though, did we say find out the leaks, and
so Hoover goes and, uh, bugs people.
Well, I, I think ...
That's the way to do it.
... the way it ' s postured now, uh, we can stonewall
it, ah, Gray can go up there in his confirnation
hearings and he's not gonna have to bother . with
it, because they'd accused him in the article
of being, sitting on top of the bugs .
27. 197 3. FROM 3: 55 TO 4:20 P . M .
DS.A2.-J :

. .. it there once he cape in, which is not
Well, there weren't any.
The re ,'!ere none there Hhen he came in .
Well, three years ago that this happened ...
That's right .
. , .and there hasn't been a God thing
That's correct.
That 's correct.
An other thing you can say, John, is
the fact that al l this had to do ldth the 1-Jar ..
.. . and now the war is over.
No\o.[ --
Now Johnson , on the other hand, I'Tent bugging
his political opponents , and every son-of-a,
everything you can inagine. been, that's
the problem, we're getting a ' real bum rap, aren' t
He cert--, \'Ie are getting a terrible ah--
You stop to think of, we got rid, we got rid
of' the Army bugs, we got, you know that Army ah,
espionage business, intelligence business,
we got , you remember that?
That's ri ght.
Uh, we ' ve limi ted the FBI things to national
sec uri ty bugs, to very, v e ry certain fet"r,
probably too f ew.
We're, we ' re now (unintelligible ) .
27, '973, 3: 55 TO U: 20 P.M. 13

V!:J.:: :
??sS ID2lT'1' :

D::::'::.'T :
But somebody ' s gonna get a shock one day,
they ' ll wonder why we didn't bug huh?
That's right . We are getting a bad rap .
Well , for exampl e ...
The fact is--
... as you know, as you know, Hoover did
Martin, Martin Lut her King.
That 's right, I was awar e of that also .
Well , Christ yes, Hoover used to tell u s
what his , what a, a morally depraved son-of-a-
bitch he was--And Johnson probably ordered hi2
to do it, now let's face it .
Urn hC:7i1 .
So, ah, I don ' t , well you can 't blace Hoover. Itm
sure he didn 't do it unless , ah , Johnson asked him
to , but Johnson was that kind of a nan , he used
the FDT as his mom private patrol, but God, "', e' ve
b een as careful , I ' ve , I' ve talked to Hoover any
nusb e:,:, of times, but we've never ordered 2..."1:y::hing-
like that . But he'll come in with his little
( Sensitive Material Deleted)
Joh.l1son, ah ...
... Johnson, used the FBI to cover the, ah,
New Jersey convention be fore he dropped out,
offiCially, he had all the delegates--
He did?
That ' s right , which is kind of fant astic.
Sullivan knows this?

7" . '7" ,

D::::A1.J :
hum, Sullivan is a
the 20re I, you o f
with him about these problems, the it
cones out he ' s the man that can also
did Hoover have a with him? It's a
hell of a mistake for Boaver to do that .
Sullivan knows too much.
That's right, ah.
Why didn't Sullivan squawk?
I think Sullivan probably is loyal to the .. .
... institution--
.. . the institution a n d doesn't want--
over there is not , can he help you
find out who the hell is not? Isn't it a
possibility ...
::e 2.dvised--
. .. the guy that-- Tine IvIagazine' s l at,'lyer , you
don ' t think it's him?
He speculates, and, the speculation is generally,
is e it her Sullivan hinself , Felt, who
I know, the lawyer says that.
That 's right. Ah, and the other one i s a fellow
Bishop who is now departed, who was in
charge of their public information and where--
Does he know about things, Eoover didn't
tell people like that, about these things ...
. . . did he?
For eX2.!r.ple , the ' 68 thi ng, I try-, was trying
to determine who know about that.
Yeah , ah ...
FFSPUARV 27, 1973 , 3: 55 TO 4:20 P. N.

PR'::::SIDEN'l' :

D::::r:; :
Hoover, apparently ...
.A.h, I guess .
... Hoover apparently told Pat Coyne, Patrick
Coyne, who used to be on the NSC staff .
I know, I know, I believe, is he still living?
I don ' t, I don 't know the man.
He told Pat Coyne?
He told Pat Coyne; Coyne told Rockefeller;
Rockefell er relayed this to Kissinger, this was
one channel that might have it in a public
The other is when Sullivan took the
or all the documents in conne ction
with this , ah , out of his office , and out of
the he also instructed the Washington
Field Office to destroy all
they did . Ah, Hoover, incensed at this,
tnat he couldn 't reconstruct , that he didn't
have the records and couldn't get then from
Sullivan, tried to have the Washington Field
Office reconstruct them, which they couldn ' t .
As a result of movement and flailing
around by Hoover, a lot of people in the agency
were aware of what had happened and it was on
the grapevine .
Oh, that's when it happened then, the night
Sullivan l eft , he took the records vlith hin--
He took the records with him ...
And the only records there were?
... and that's the only records there are .
Ee did it out of , uh, I mean, pissed off at
Hoover .
No , ah , he was doing it to ...
Protect ...
.. . protect, ah--
. . 1973, 3 : 55 TO b :20 .
DSP.?r :

P?':::S==:::::=' :
.. . Bureau.
No , he was do!ng it to protect the White
House and the people over here .
Oh, OD, but for Christ sake s, Hoover, I nean,
Ho over never got his hands on the records is
what h appened. Sullivan has them, Sullivan had
his. ah, his pissing Datch with Hoover and then
took them with him at that time.
I see .
And then he turned them over to Mardian
ul tinately.
I set=-
That's how we go t the= .
Ar.e. then--
U:''1e:::'e I s Sullivan n m-r?
Sullivan is back a t Justice in the Drug
Intell igence (unintelligible ).
We owe him something .
We do. He wants to go back to the Bureau and
work on, ah, dome stic, ah--
\'Ihy is it that Gray "?"ant him?
I think Mark Felt has poisoned Gray on
this issue and I think once Gray--
Well, who in the hell. 1s doing
Felt in . You know what , do you, do you believe
the TiDe Magazine lawyer? Is Felt (unintel-
ligible), is he of this sort of thing?

Well , let tell I. else I
heard that from, ah , was Sandy ah, I had
told, not, no t the lawyer somebody else
told ?el t was his source ...
Yeah .
. . . and this came to Petersen, ah, Henry
Petersen's an old hand over there , as you kno:'J,
and , ah , bless his s oul, he's a valuabl.e man
to u s . Ah--
Yeah. What did he say?
Ah, h e said t hat he woul dn 't put it past Felt
but , ah , the other thing I WQS talking to
Klei ndi enst about this whe n I was over there, he
said if Fel t i s the source ...
Yeah .
. .. and if we gets Felt way out of j oint we
are in serious trouble.
'Cause he knows so much?
He kno;'ls so much.
\'ih.a t t s he know?
I don't kno,,, ,
ah, he said,
I didn't ask for specifics
one thing , he said he coiild l<nock.
Does he know about Sullivan stuff?
Yes, he knows about that. I called asked
him what he knew about it and he was, for
exa..'!lple, very cool \vhen I, I said, "There 's a
Time !;:agazine story running, Nark, ah, thC!:t
in '68 ...
Yeah .
or, or in ' 69 and '70 ...
27 . '973 . FROM 3:55 4: 20 P.M. 18
so on so forth . He said, uh, I
or he said.) It I S2..:!..C ,
"110\'1 do you kno\'; th.:=.t? 1f 2nci I, trr'Ve r..ever
h9 2.r d of that before. " He said, IIHell, ir you
talk to Bill SUllivan , he'll tell you all about
it . " he did he , sort of a general , he
painted a general picture about it. Ah, but
just cool as a cucuober about it. Ah--
And what does he say about Time , again, how
does he , is he gonna stand up for the
He says , "John , " h e said, ah , I said " First
of all, I don't, I don 't believe this COULQ
happen," I was pro tect ing as f ar as ..
Ye2.h .
.. . doubting i'That he had sid. He said, "\{ell ,
John, as far as I'm concerned , our , our phone
is totally off the record, 'de never h ad it, II so
that's a good to watCh , just right there .
In other words , you can't blow the whistle on
Felt, just l ike you can 't blow the whistle on
the son- of- a - bitch out there , the yeoman, in
the Jack Anderson c as e , right?
That 's right, but there will b ecome , ah, there
i'rill come a day when Gray ' s comfortably in
there, ''1hen other things come past, tilat ah--
Like what?
I think that Gray c an , at some point when,
this sort of thing continues, once he gets
th:=>ough his confirmati on, I don't knmr he
co uldn ' t. himself say "I.'m gonna take a lie
detector test and I'm gonna ask everybody in ny
iro'nediate shop to take one and then ,',e f re gOClna
go out and as k some of the o ther agents to take
t hem ...
Just for l eakage .
'! . as for leakage, be c ause this , this only
llUrts, ah, this ,'Ihole institution. II
( Pause )
27, 1973, 3: 55 to 4: 20 P.K. 19



co yot.: j ah> '::here de /ou s ta!:.d on the,
hOl,,; ',',-i l eave it on Kl elndler!s t bears ,
with regard to the, that's let
De it this You take the responsi -
bility for I'm gonna keep
Ehrlich:-:lan and Halder.lan of it--out of their--
any rel at ionship with Kleindienst . You should
have i t only , but you've got to watch h im ani
brace on the Executive Privilege thing,
that you , that you tell him what the line is ...
I have , I have ...
... and where he's to stand .
I have told hil'"! and I 've S -, I said lilt's
gonna be important ."
Didn't he raise the idea of their hurryi ng the
Executive Session refusal?
No) he di d. not.
All r ight. Be sur e he knows \; hat the back up
position is, which ( unintelligible), as I
understand it, if we went in there under proper
ah, ah, restrictions , allO\\' , uh, t ivO committee
members to come down. Is that what you woul d. do?
I think we wo- , ought, if I t hink we ought to
draw the l ine at written interrogatorie s. I think
the position should be that you were holding
not hing back, information wise.
That would be sworn.
That 's right , that would be sworn, uh, you
can't be in a position of protecting any, ' anybody
around here.
Tl':at ' s right.
The informat ion has to be available . But to
go up there and make a circus out of the
appearance of , of people--
27, 1973 . FROM 3 : 55 TO 4 : 20 P . M.
DE.\N :
PRESID:'::l'iT :
Jlh- -
Good, irell lc:t ",e say abou':; ah, aOoL!.t Felt,
it sounds as if he knows, it sounds as if
maybe he's--
DEAT'J : Kind of watch it like a Mr . President ...
... and I just got to watch him, ah, he ' s too
close to Pat Gray right now ...
Yeah .
. .. for our interc:st s.
Pat Gray is a little naive .
Material Deleted)
Yeah. Well I think it 's--
( Sensitive
??33Ir:;:':::a : /;rld he never ever has anything l':rong, find out
interesting facts , but , ah , nothing we
eve:::- used . I m.ean Ke just \',ere aVlful c areful .
Joe Kraft , of course, should have been bugged.
I wou ld think the son-of - a - bitch i s , ah,
practi call;)T an agent to the communists.
DSAN: Well, wha t you said about Bob and J ohn, too, I
think, as before the election, I tried to only
bother them or consume any of t heir time ,,,hen
it was just absolutely e s sential .
P!ESIDEie: Right.
DEAN: And I think that's the way it's been .
PP3SIDENT: That's right, that's right.
D:'::.::":; : He" ah . ..
Un:.c.entified : (Unintelli gible) is here.
PRESID:'::NT : Fine , fine.
HALDEMAN : Did he b uzz?

I buzzed twic e , that for l ern to
corne in . buzz (unintelligi ble )
that r:: eans .
Apparently the phones wo rking pro;er1y.
Oh fine, sure , sure, sure, have l em corne
right in . Right there
( Unintelligible with noise)
Well. sir, 1 111 get that on
e xecut i ve privilege.
If you could, uh, ir you uh , do your
best to, uh, if you keep posted on
that way you nee d
to but nar ticularly with relation to Kleindienst.
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A.M.

Well, let's just let Timmons tell Baker that
ir he to talk to, if he wants to
get anybody at the White House, that I don't
. ;.;ant him to talk to Timmons. Of course
is a party in interest here, too. I
don't want him to .
That's right.
. talk to Haldeman; I. don't want him to
talk to that you're the man--and
that you're available. But leave it that __ " .;.
way: that you're available to talk to him
but not for everything. But, nobody else.
How does that sound to you?
I think that sounds good.
You tell
and says
We don't
that he sees him privately
that's it. 1-Te are not pressing him.
care, we're not--because Baker--
The \'loods are full of weak men.
I would suspect if we're going to get any
insight into i'That that --that Special COl!!mittee
is going to do, it's going to be through the
Gurneys--I don't know about Weicker, uh, where.
Weicker's a
going to raIl out on this thing.
PP2SIDENT: well, he'll, he'll he'll be--
DEAN: . 'Hhatever's up--
PRESIDENT: I think Heicker, the line to Welcker is Gray.
Now, Gray has got to shape up here and,
and, uh, handle himself well, Do you
think he will?
DEAN: I do. I think Pat is, uh, think Pat is tough.
He goes up this morning, as you know. Uh,
he is, uh, he's ready_ He's very comfortable
in all of the decisions he has made, and, uh,
I think he'll be good.
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A.M.
DEAJ,z :
But he's close to Weicke r--that's what
I meant.
Yeah, he is.
And, uh, so, uh, Gray, Gray--
As a vehicle--yes.
One rather amusing thing about the Gray
thing is that I, I, I, and I knew this
would come--they constantly say that Gray
is a political crony of', and a personal
crony of the President's. Did you know that
I have never seen him socially?
Is that correct? No,- r didn't.
He's--I think he 's been to a of" vlhite
House--but I have never seen Pat Gray
Oh, the press has got him meeting you at a
social function. And, and, uh, going on
Back in (sighs) '47, I think, is something
I have read.
Naybe Radf'ord had a party or something.
Something like that.
Something like that. But . that's a11. Uh>
well that's--I don't know. Gray iS
is somebody that I, that I know only as a--
He was a, he was Radford's ASSistant> used .
to attend NSC meetings.
Uh huh.
So I've met him. never been socia1.
Edgar Hoover, on the other hand, I have seen
socially at least a hundred times. He and I
were very close friends.
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A.M.
D E ~ l :
That's curious, the way the press just-_
But John--and that's the point: Hoover
was my crony and friend. He was as close
or closer to me t han Johnson, actually,
although Johnson used him more. But as for
Pat Gray, Christ, I never saw him.
While it might have been, uh, a lot of blue
chips to the late Director, I think we ,,",ould.
have been a lot better off during this
whole Watergate thing if he'd been alive, :
'cause he knew how to handle that Bureau
knew how to keep them in bounds-; Uh--
was a tough cooki e .
. : "
Well, if, if Hoover ever fought--He would
have fought, that's the point. He'd have
fired a few people, or he'd have scared them
to death. He's got files on everybody,
God damn it.
(Laughs) That's right.
But now, at the present time, the Bureau
is leaking like a sieve, and, u h ~ Baker, and,
and--Gray denies it. Just says it's not
coming from the Bureau. Just who in the bell
is it coming from? How in t he hell could
it be coming from anybody else? It isn't
coming from Henry Petersen, is it?
No. I just would not--
It isn't coming from the depositions ~ is it?
No. It's that, well, they' r e getting, they're
getting raw data. They're getting the raw,
what they call, 302 forms.
Those are the summaries of the interviews.
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A.M.


. La=-:
That wouldn't surprise me, uh--
Bobby was a ruthless little bastard. But
the FBI does--they, they tell you that, uh,
Sullivan told you that, the New Jersey
thing? We did use a bug up there--just
for intelligence work .
Intelligence work--just had agents allover
( unintelligible)
Frankly, the doctors say that the poor old
gent had a tumor.
That's right.
The FBI (unintelligible)
Well, uh, he used Abe Fortas and Deke
DeLoach backed up by, uh, some other people
iJ1 the Bureau that Nere standing ready to
go out and try to talk this doctor into
examining Walter Jenkins to say the nan had
a brain tUmor. He was very ill, that's why
the erratic behavior. And this doctor, uh,
wouldn I t buy it.
The doctor had never examined him before or
were trying to set that up though, huh.
Oh, yeah, that would've--
What other kind of activities?
Well, I, you know, as I say, I haven't
probed uh, uh .
. Sullivan to the depths on this because I--
he's, he's one I want to treat at arm's
length, till we make sure
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 9:12 TO 10:23 A.M.
Right .
he is safe.
That's right.
But he has a world of informat ion
may be available.
But he says that \'That happened on on
the, uh, bugging thing is--who told what to
whom again? The bugging thing?
Oh. On the '68 thing--I was trying to track
down the, the leaks.
He said that the only place he could figure
it coming from would be one of a couple of
sources he \>las a\"are of, uh> that had been
some\"hat discussed publicly. He said that
Hoover had told Patrick Coyne about the fact
that this was being done. Coyne had tol d
Yeah (unintelligible)
Now Rockefeller had told Kis singer. I
have never run it any step beyond what
l1r Sullivan said there. Nm .. the other thing
is that when the records were unavailable
for Hoover--all this and the logs
Yeah. (Clears throat)
Hoover tried to re--, reconstruct them by
going to the Washington Field Office and he
made a pretty good stir about what he "laS
doing vThen he ".Tas trying to get the record and
reconstruct it. And, he said that at that time
we probably hit the grapevine in the Bureau
that this had occurred. But there is no
evidence of it. Uh, the records show at the
Department of Justice and, and the FBI that
there's no such> uh, surveillance was ever
conducted. Uh--
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A. M.

Shocking (unintelligible)
Now, about White House staff and reporters
and the like, and, nO\'1, the only, the other
person that knows--i s aware of it--is
Mark Felt, and we've talked about Mark
Felt, and, uh--I guess, uh--
What does it do to him, though? Let's
face it. You k now, suppose that Felt come
out and unwraps the whole thing. What
does it do to him?
He can't do it. It just--
But my point is: Who's going to hire him?
That's right.
Let's face it.-
He can't . He's--
Ii' he--the guy tha-t does that can go out
and, uh, you mean he's a--of course, he
couldn't do it unless he had a guarantee
somebody like Time ma8azine
saying "Look He'll give you a job for life. ,.
Then "rhat do they do? They put him in a ,j ob
for life, and everybody "'!Quld treat him like
a pariah. He's in a very dangerous situation.
These guys you know--the informers, look
what it did to Chambers. Chambers informed
because he didn't give a God damn.
But then, one of the most brilliant writers
according to Jim (unintelligible) wetve
ever seen in this country--and I am not
referrine to the Communist
this greatest Single guy in the time of
twenty-five or, thirty years probably,
probably the best writer in, in
this century. They finished him.
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A.M.
Uh huh. Well, I think, I, there's no--
Either way, either way, the, the, the
informer is not wanted in our society. Either
way, that's the one thing people do sort of
line up against. They ..
That's right.
. they say, well that. son-of-a-bitch
informed. I don't want him around. He
wouldn't want him around, would we?
I don't, uh--
Hoover to Coyne to N.R. to K. Right?
Good God. Hhy would Coyne tell Nelson
Rockefeller? He was--I1ve known Coyne for
years. I've--not well, but I--he was a
great friend of, oh, uh, one of my
Administrative--Bob, uh, King, who was a
Bureau man.
Now this is Sullivan's story. I have-no--
Fine. That's all right.
I don't know if it's true, but I don't have
any reason to doubt that--
Most of this is Gospel. Hoover told me, so,
uh--and he also told Mitchell, personally,
that this had happened. - (Unintelligible)
Are you talking--I was talking about the '68
uh, incident that Just occurred. Not
I'm talking about the '68 bugging of the
Yeah. Oh, I wasn't referring to that now.
When this, when this Coyne, uh--
Oh, oh, that's--
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A. M. 3D

DEft ... "l:
This, this was the , this was the f act that
newsmen had been, uh, I, I--exc use me , I
thought he meant the reference to the fact
that, uh .
. three years ago the I-lhite House had
allegedly--the Time story.
Oh, this is a--Tha t's, that's not the, uh--
No, on the, on the '68 incident, uh, all
I've been able to find out is what you told
me that Hoover had told you, what he'd
told Mitchell.
He, uh--
Mitchell corroborates that, doesn't he?
That's right. Uh, then--
Sullivan doesn't remember that?
Kevin Phillips called Pat Buchanan the other
day with, with a, with a tidbit that, uh,
Dick Whelan on .
the NSC staff had seen memorandum between
the NSC and the FBI that the FBI had been
instructed to put surveillance on Anna
Chennault, the South Vietnamese Embassy and
That is a--
. the Agnew plane.
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A.N.

PP.zsrDENT :
Agnew plane.
They put it on our--well, this isn't mine--
maybe I'm wrong.
Now, and it said al--, and this note also
said that, uh, Deke DeLoach was the
FBI officer on this.
I think DeLoach's memory nm., is very, very
hazy in that connection. He doesn't
remember anything.
Well, I talked to' Mitchell about this and
Mitchell says that he's talked to DeLoach.
DeLoach has in his possession, and he has
let Hitchell review them, some of the files on
this. Uh--
But not, but not--
But they don't go very far; they don't go
very far--This, this 1s DeLoach, uh,
protecting his own hide. The, uh--
They are never going to--It's just as well,
to be candid with you. Just as well.- But, uh--
so Hoover told Coyne, and , uh, and--who
told Rockefeller .
--that this--
who told Kissinger that newsmen were
being bugged
by us.
That's right.
Now why would Hoover do that?
I don't have the foggiest. This was Sullivan's
story as to where, uh, the leak might have
come from about this Time
story, which we are stone-walling totally, uh--
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A.M.
~ ..
D E J ! - , ~ !
Oh, absolutely.
(Note: At this point, a discussion
of one minute and twelve seconds
"'hich is not pertinent is not transcribed)
Sure. And the, and the, and the, and
Henry's staff--He insisted on La%e, you see
after ",orking with HcGov--, uh, uh, for
Um huh.
Incidentally, didn't Huskie do anything bad
on there? (Unint el l igible) Henry
(unintelligible). At least I know not
because I know that, I know that he asked
that it be done, and I assumed that it ,'ras.
Lake and Halperin. They're both bad. But
the taps 'I'lere, too. (Unintelligible) They never
caught us. Just gobs and gobs of material:
gossip and bull-shitting (unintelligible).
Urn uh.
The tapping was a very, very unproductive
thing. I've always known that. At least,
I've never, it's never been useful in any
operation live ever conducted. (Pause) Well, it is
your view that we should try to get out that
'68 story then?
Well, I think the threat
.. the threat of the '68 story when, when
Scott and the others were arguing that the
Committee up on the Hill broadened its
mandate ..
... to include other elections
-- - - - - - - - - ~
~ . .
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A. M .
33 -
.. they were hinting around t hat something
occurred in '6 8 and '64 that should be looked
Right. Goldwater claims he was bugged.
That's right. Now I think that, I think
that, that threats--
Did you think Gold--Oh, you, didn't you say
that Johnson did bug Goldwater's--?
He, he didn't--wel l, I, we don't know, I
don't know if he bugged him, but
He did intelligence work?
he did intelligence work up one side and
down the other ..
From the FBI?
DEAN: . from the FBI. Uh, just up one side and
down the other on Goldwater.
PrGSIDENT: urn hm.
DEAN: Now I have not had a chance to talk to the
Senator, and I've kno\'tn the Senator for
twenty years. Uh , he is the first man in
public life I ever met. Uh, Barry Jr. and
I were roommates in school together, so I,
and I can talk to t he man.
P?2SIDENT: Sure.
DEAN: I am really going-t o s it down with him one
day and say ...
PRESIDENT: I think you should.
DEAN: . say, "what .. "
PRESIDENT: Say, "What the hell do y o ~ . "
DEAN: " . what, what do you ... "
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A. M . 34 '
... Do you have any hard
That's right. Then we c an go from there
. possibly reconstruct some things.
Get some stuff '11ritten., and so fort h. I
do think ;you've got to remember that, as you
sure do, this is mainly a public
thing, anyway. What is the
incidentally, with regard to the, the
sent enci ng of our, of the people, the seven?
When the hell is that going to occur? .
That's likely to occur, I would say, ' ( sighs )
could occur as early as late this vreek,
more likely some time next week.
has it been delayed so l ong?
Well, they, they've been in, in process of .
preparing the pre-sentence report. The
J u dge sends out probation officers to find out
everybody who knew ..
these people, and then he' 11-.
He 's trying to work on them to break them 1s
ho? (Unintelligible)
Well, there' 5 some of that.. They are using
the probation officer for more than a normal
probation report. They are trying to, uh .
Yeah .
do a mini-investi gation by the Judge
himself, i-Thich is his only investigative tool
here, so they, that, they are Virtually
completed now. They--the U.S. Attorney
who handles, the, the Assistant U.S. Attorney.
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9 :12 TO 10:23 A.M.
You knml' when they talk, though, about a
thirty-five year sentence, now here's, here's
something that does not involve--There were no
weapons, right? There were no injuries,
right? There was no succe--well, success
maybe--I don't knO'.'I'. The point is--the) uh--
that, that sort of thing is just ridiculous.
One of these, one of these you know,
goes in here and "holds up a, a store with
a God damned gun, and, uh, they give him
two years and then probation after .
And they ...
six months.
and they let him out on, on bond during
the time that he is considering his case.
These fellows cannot get out--
Are they out? Have they been in jail?
They're in--well, all but one. Hunt made the,
the bond. Everybody else is in jail. The've
got a hundred thousand dollar surety bond
which means they have tq put up actual
collateral, but uh, and none of these people
have a hundred thousand dollars. The Court
of Appeals has been sitting for two weeks or
better now on a revie\'1 of the bond issue.
They're not even letting these neonle out
to prepare their case for appeai. -
(Note: At this point, a discussion
of about fifteen minutes '''hich is
not pertinent is not transcribed)
(Reel One Ends)
(Reel Two Begins)
You still think Sullivan is basically
I, I have nothing to judge .
that on other--I watched him for a number
of years. I watched him when he was working
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 FROM 9:12 TO 10:23 A.M.

with Tom Huston on domestic intelligence,
and his, in his desire to do the right
thing. Uh, I tried to, you know, stay in
touch with Bill, and find out what his moods
are. Bill was forced on the outside for a
long time. He didn't become, he didn't
become bitter. He sat back and waited
until he could come back in. Uh; he
didn't try to f orce or blackmail his way
around, uh, "lith .knoNledge he had. So, I,
I have no, I have no signs of anything but
a reliable man who thinks a great deal of
this Admi nistration and of, and of you.
You understand the problem we have here is
that Gray is going to insist, I am sure,
come down hard for Pelt as the second man.
And that would worry the hell out of me if
Felt--I think at the present time it
It, it worries me, frankly.
But for the future. isn't it a problem?
I think it is for the future, 'cause onl--
things can only get more complex over there
as we move along. There is no (laughs)
doubt about it.
vlell, as he gets closer to the next
election--Oh, uh, (unintelligible). I
don't kno\'l Felt, never met him. What's
he look like?
(Note: At this point, there was a discussion
of one minute and sixteen seconds deleted
which is not pertinent)
Well, I've got to say one thing. There has
never been a leak out of my (laugtrs) office.
There never will ..
be a leak out of my office.
ftlARCH 13, 1973, FRQr.'l 12 :4 2 TO 2:00 P.r.1.
DEAN: Oh, it is.
PRESIDENT: For Christ sake.
PEAN : It is .
PRESIDENT: I mean, uh, .. That, \'That happened to the kid?
Did h e just, uh, decide to be a hero?
DEAN: That's right. He apparently chatted about
it around school , and the \'lord got out,
and he got confronted \vit h it and he knew'
he'd chatted about it, and so there he was. It's,
uh, absurd; it r eally is. He didn't do any-
thing illegal. Uh.
PRESIDENT: {veIl, of course not. Apparently you haven 't
been able to do anything on my
DEAN: But I have, sir' ...
PRESIDENT : project of take the offensive
DEAN : No, to the contrary.
. based on Sull ivan.
DEAN: No" uh
PRESIDENT: Have you kicked a few butts around?
DEAN: Db" I have all of the information that "I.,e
have finished -- that we' va collected.
Tnere is some there, and, uh, I've turned
it over to Baroody. Baroqdy is having a
speech drafted for Barry Goldwater. And
there's enough material there to make a
rather sensational speech just by: "'\'lhy
in the hell isn' t somebody looking into
what happened to President Nixon when, dur-
ing his campaign - look at these even'ts.
How do you expl ain these? \'lhere are the
answers to these questions?" Uh" there's
enough of a thread, I've ..
PRESIDENT: Double standard.
Mb nm ..... !!! 1M. ." 1M
13, 1973. FROM 12:42 TO 2:00 P .M .
DEAN : . . . Yeah, and I've, I've pulled all the infor-
mation ...
the Senator then should also present
it to the, uh, to the Ervin Commit tee and
demand that that be
DEAN: A letter .
PRESIDENT: He is a Senator,
DEAN: What I'm I'wrking on nmv
PRESIDENT : . a Senator -
DEAN: is a letter to Senator Ervin saying, "This
has come 1;0 my attention, and why should-n' t,
- why shouldn't this be a part of the
inquiry?" And he can spring out of '64 and
then quickly to - '72. And , and we've got
a pretty good speech, uh, Baroody tells me,
if we can get out our material.
PrtESIDENT : Good.
DEAN: So it's in the mill.
lAN : Good. (Unintelligible) friends have you
got (unintelligible)
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDE}i""T: T"nank God.
HALDEJ:1AN: l-lhy has there never been (unintelligible)
come up and did it before?
PRESIDElIT: Just wasn't enough stuff. They couldn't
get anybody to pay attention. For example,-
the investigations were supposed to have
been taken for the thirty-four million-odd
contributed to rkGovern in small-- Oh Christ,
there's a lot of hanky-panky in there, and
the records used on it are just too bad to
find out anything.
.-,- - .. -.. - ..,. -.. -
- #.- ---- -- ----- _._ ... -

MARCH 13, 1973 , FRO!"! 12:42 TO 2:00 P.M.
That's one of the problems that he has
PRESIDENT: That's the problem, andean t hat be an issue?
DEA.l'I1: That ,,,i ll be an i ssue . Th2.t ,,,e have -- there
is a crew working that, also.
PRESIDENT: Do you need any IRS (unintelligible) stuff?
DEAN: Uh, not at this
WAITER: Would you care for some coffee?
DEAN: No, thank you, I'm fine.
\'iAITER: Okay.
Uh, there is no need at this hour for anything
from IRS, and we have a couple of sources over
there that I can go to. I don't have to fool
around with Johnnie Walters or anybody, we
c an ge t right in and get Hhat \ve need.
PRESIDENT: Talk to Elliot Gompers.
I've, I've been preparing the, uh, the
answers for the briefing . book and I just
raised this with Ron, uh. It's my esti-
mation, for what it's worth, that probably
this week will draw more \'latergate ques-
tions than any other week you're likely to
see, uh, given the Gray hearings, the new
revelations about -- they!re not new, but.
they're now substantiated about Kalmbach
and Chapin that have been in the press.
To the effect of what? They
DEAN: That Chapin directed Kalmbach to pay Segretti,
the alleged saboteur, sorne,,,here between
thirty-five and forty thousand dollars. Uh,
there is 2.n 2.wful lot of that out in the
press now.
DEAN: There is also the question of Dean appearing,
not appearing -- Dean's role. There was more
1'lARCH 13, 1973, FRmiJ 12:4 2 TO 2;00 P.N.
stories in the Post this morning that are
absolutely inaccurate, uh, about my turni ng
information to the Re -election Com-
mi ttee for uh, uh -- some ,'lOman over there,
Hoback, signed an affidavit, gave it
to Birch Bayh , said that I was , uh, brought
into Mardian ' s , Bob Mardian's office within
forty-ei ght hours after a private interview
I had with the jury confronted with
it. How did they know that? ' Jell, it came
from internal sources over there, is how they
knew it.
PRESIDENT: From what?
DEAN-: Internal sources. This girl had told others
that she was doing this, and they just told,
uh, just quickly filled her to the top that
she was out on her own.
DEAN: . She did. Then we had two or three of those.
PRESIDfu'J'"'I' : \'lhy did she do that? vIas she mad?
. DEAN: She's a registered Democrat.
PREISDENT: if,.'1Y did we take her in?
DEAN: I'll-- To this day, I do not understand "That
she ,'las doing. And she was
PRESIDEN""T: Hho was she working for?
DEAN: She worked in Stans' operation.
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible) that was a bright move.
DRll.N: It wasn't a good move. He had -- in fae t ,
that was one of our problems, was the, uh,
the little pocket of that worked for
Haury Stans. No doubt about it, that ;.[a3 --
things would have sailed a lot smoother with-
out that pack. Not that they had anything
that was devastating.
---- -- ---
MARCH 13, 1973, FROM 12:42 TO 2:00 P.M.
- PRESIDEnT: Tiley won 1t believe the they don't
know what to believe when they convicted
s even people .
. That's right. They will continually try
to say that there 's something (unintelli-
. gible)
PRESIDENT: Tney'll say, "Haldeman did it." And then
they'll say I did it.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: I don't think they 'll get to that point.
Tney might que stion his political savvy,
but not mine. Not on a matter like that.
DEAN : ( Laughs .) No. (Pa use) Hell, the thing on
Sullivan which I have . (Noise) Sullivan, uh , who
as I told you, and, have been prompting him and I
said, "Bill, I "Tould like for my Ovln use,
to have a list of some of the horribles that
you're avTare of . " Hell, he hasn't responded
back to me , but he sent me a note yesterday
saying that, ItJohn, I am vTilling at any time
to testify. to what I know if you '\'Tant me to. It
i'mat he has, as \'le already know, has got a
c e rtain degree of, uh-- it's a, it's a dyna-
wi te si tua tion ,.,ha t he's got already -- the
'68 bugging, the surveillance that
people . .
PRESIDENT: It's not -- \'1e (unintelligible) on the f68
bugging, that it was but he doesn't
know whether it was c arried out.
DEAN: That's right. Uh.
But at least he will say that. .
DEfu'i: Yes.
PRESIDENT: Tell them, for example, I mean I .
D3AN: I would think ...
0 , _ ______ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ , _ __ _._" _ __ . _.
Q u p
MARCH 13, 1973, FROM 12:42 TO 2:00 P.M.
PRESIDENT: That kind of thing. (Noise)
DEAN: Well, I've never talked to Bill about this
so it must be-- I've never really gone into
,detail, because he's always been very up
close about it, but he is now getting to
the point if, if we wanted him to do this,
someone, and I don't think the White House
should do it, should sit down with him and
really take him over cross-examination of
what he does knO'." and , and hOl<l strong it is,
what he can, can substantiate.
PRESIDENT: John, "'ho the hell could do it if you don't?
DEAN: 'Hell, that's, that's probably-- there's no
one. That's the, uh
PRESIDENT: That's the problem.
DEAN: .. That's the problen. NOW, the other thing
is, if ,,,e ,,,ere going to use a tactic like
tllis: Let's say 'in the Gray hearings,
PRESIDENT : (Unintelligible)
DEAN: . where everything is cast that, that we're,
we're, that we're the people and '
they're not -- that Hoover was above reproach,
which is just not accurate.
PRESIDENT: Bull shit. Bull shit.
DEAN: Total bull shit. The, uh, the person \<lho
could, would destroy Hooverls image is going
to be this man, Bill Sullivan. ' Uh, that's
what's at stake there. Also, it's going to
tarnish quite severely, uh.
Some of the FBI.
DE.':'N: Some of the FBI. And a former President.
. ... _._-.... .. _---
. I
....------ ---
MARCH 13. 1973. FROM TO Z:OO P . M.
DEAN: Uh, he's going to lay it out , and he, it's
just all hell is going to break loose once
he does it. It's going to change the atmos -
phere of the Gray hearings . It's going to
change the "Thole atmosphere of the Hater-
. gate hearings .
PRESIDEnT: Not much .
DEAN: Now the risk
PRESIDENT : How will it change, John?
DEAN: How will it change? Because it ' ll put them
-. . -... .. -.
in context that, that, uh, uh, . a government
tute was used in the past for the mos t fla-
grant political .
. PRESIDENT : How does that help us?
DEAN : Em.; does it help us?
Pm being, I'm j u st being
Yea..1'1 , I, I appreciate l'lhat you a re doing.;
Red herring. Is that what you mean?
DEAN: Yes. It's a7- it's a red herring. It's
wbat the public already believes. It's
just that-- people would just -- . 1 would say,
react, that, oh Chri st, more of that stuff.
Dh, they're all, you knm.;, they're all bad
down there . Because it's -a one way street
. right now.
PRESIDENT: The press may not use it?
DEA1I : Pardon?
PRESIDElIT: The press may use it? They may not play it.
D:C:AN: It'd be difficult not to. Uh, it'd be
difficult not to.

._- .....,."', ..... - ... -
r===-=-:::-::::-::=- ----- ---
13 . 1973 , 1 2 :4 2 TO 2:00 P . M.
is it that Sul livan T d be "Till ing t o do
thi s ?
DEAN: I thi n:-< the, the qui d pro quo ','lith Sullivan
is that he vl a r,ts so:-r:e day b a ck ::'n the Bureau
very badly.
PRESIDaiT: That's easy.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: Do you think after he did this to the Bureau
that they'd 'dant him bac:-c ? "Th ey.!J If
there is a !Jthey . "
DEAN: un, p r obably no t . But I think that , uh, he
could a lso pos sibl y do -- Hhat, ,,,ha t Bill-
desire in life is, is to set up
a national, or domes tic n a tional s e curity
intellige nce system, a plan, a program. He
says defi cient . Dh , we've never been ef-,
efficient, sinc e Hoover l os t his guts several -
y ears ago. If you r e c a ll, h e and Tom Huston
worked on it. Uh , Tom Huston had your instruc-
tion to go out and do it. Then the whole
thing just crumbled.
P?ESIDEIIT: Do you think Hoover '.'lOuld have cooperated?
DEAN: That's all Sullivan really wants. Even if
we just put him off studying it for a couple
of years, we could put him oui in the CIA
or some place else where , be felt.
PRESIDENT: Put him there; we 'll do it.
DEAN: I think that's ,,hat the ans\'ler .: is. l've
never really .
PRESIDENT No prob 1em with Sullivan. 'I>le I 11 put hLrn
I mean, he's a valuable Dan. (Phone rings) Uh, now,
\'lOuld the FBI t hen turn o n him, piss on him?
There would be some e ffort at that. That's
right, they woul d say he!s disgruntled.
BARCH 13, 1973, FRGr-l 12:42 TO 2:00 P.r.! .
He was canned by Hoover. He is angry, he's
coming back. But that would kind of, I
would think a lot of that would be lost in
the, uh, in the shuffle of what he is layi:::s
out. I don't know if he's given me his best
yet. I ' don't know if he's got
tion than the way he has already told me.
Those were just a couple off-the-cuff
PRESIDENT: P.nd that's why you said that -- Why do you
think he is now telling you this? Hhy is
he doing this now?
DEAN: '''ell, the way it came out is, '.-Then I, when
the Time Magazine article broke on the fact
that it charged that the Hhite House had .
directed that newsmen and i'lhite House staff
people be, uh, subject to some sort of sur-
, veillance for national security reasons, l '
called, in tracking down had happeD-ec...
l called Sullivan and I said, "Bill, you'd
better come over and talk to about tha"c
and tell me what You know." I was calling
him. to really determine if he \'las a leak.
That's one of the reasons. I \'las curious -:;0
k-now where this might have come from
he ''las the operative man at the Bureau at
time. He's the one who did it. Uh, he ";ould
not, you know, he came over and he was shccl-:ed
and, uh, distraught, and the like about
(unintelligible) (laughs) uh, anc..
then, and after going through his explanation
of all "That had happened, he started volur:-
teering this other thing. He said, II John ,
what, this is the only thing I can of
during this administration' that has any taint
of political use but it doesn't really
me 'cause it was a national security purpose.
These people ''lorked-- there was sensitive .
material that ,\'las getting out, ,,,as getting out
to reporters." '
(Unintelligible) what we ordered?
DEAN: That's right .
........ --. ' ._-- -----,--- --- -_.,- - '-', . "
MARCH 13, 1973, 12:42 TO 2:00 P.M.
Of course , it had to be true after h e
(unintelligible) involved in the God
Vi etnaJ7J I'Jar.
DEAN : That's right.
PRESIDENT: That's what it was.
DEAN: Then he told me about going to Paris and
working with the Paris Police on Schraft
and all that and I, I , he said that doesn't
bother me, but he said, "John, ,,,hat does
bother me is that you all have been por-
trayed as politically using _"
PRESIDENT: And we never did .
DEAN: And we neverhave. He said the
Administration didn't either. The only .
DEAN: . . e:<ciden<:2 tha t he can recall that has
been a rea! political use has been during
Democratic t enure. I said, "For example>
Bill, \'That are you talking about?" Then he
told me this examp le of, of, uh, the "lalter
Jenkins affair, when DeLoach
DEAN: and, and Fortas, and
something out of that.
PRESID:C::NT:. Definitely. - The Kennedys, the Kennedys used '
it> let me say, poli t ically on that steel
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDEHT: That \'las not, that was not a national security>
was it?
DEAN: No. Now I asked, uh, I asked somebody about
that and they told me that what happened
... -.-: - :- .. :..., . . " -. . _ .. . " - - - " - . - - - - - -_._------ -..--_.- - . - -. _--
1'LARCH 13 ,1973, FROM 12:42 TO 2:00 P.H.
is that, uh-- they were being defen-
sive of Kennedy, and so that the pers on who
. would defend Kennedy necessarily was say-
ing that Kennedy had given Hoover orders
and Hoover, being typical in his response ,
tried to get it ye sterday as far as the
answer for the President . And why
he sent people out in the middle of the
night and the blame really fell on Hoover.
And, and this might be ( unintelligible) over :
there though, who knows.
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible )
DEAN: Hell .. that's right.
PRESIDENT: It's still wrong.
DEA..TII : Ynat's right. Sure.
PRESIDENT: Good God . Can you imagine if somebody --
steel company that had raised hell about ..
.. or an auto8obile company , about some-
thing, silly thing, Ruckelshaus does, and
we send FBI Agents out to arrest? Jesus
Christ, now. Does he knol'l about the- bug-
_ ging of Martin Luther King?
PRESIDENT: I wonder if he'd tell that" that "iOuld be
DEAN: I think he would tell e verything he knows.
DEAN: un huh. That's why I'm saying he is, he is"
he is a trem -- he's a bomb. Uh.. now -the
fact is .
You really have to keep telling.
DEAN: iihat?
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible)

HARCH 13, 1973, FRON 12:42 TO 2:00 P.N.
DEAN: Well, if that's, that's the real problem
is, how it's structured, haw can it be done.
Uh, he sent me this note and I called up and
I said, "Bill, I appreciate getting that; note
very much.
I said, ItIt takes a lot of guts
to send a note like that to me." And he
said - I said, lilt's kind of a pleasure to
see a man stand up, blm'ling a little smoke
up him and the like." Uh, he said, H\'lell,.
John, I mean it. I am perfectly to
do anything you >-Tant. If you ,'rant me to go
up and testify, I will." I said,. "Hell, how
much, you have just given me some tidbits that
you, in our conversation and I ,'rculd really
like to again repeat : Can you put together
"hat you do knm'i; just for your O'.'in use right
nmr, just put it together on a pad, go through
all your recollections; and then also tell me
how you can substantiate it, and, ",hat kind
of cross-examination you mi ght b e subject to
on it if you did testify.1t So he is doing
that. Now, the question I'..-e, I've had is, .
how in the world can we progr2...:.11 something
like this? The i'ia -- I, I just have a feel-
ing that it would be bad for one Bill Sulli-
to quietly appear up on, uh, on some
Senator's doorstep, and say, "Irve got some
information you ought to ha ve. tr t'\.Jell, w'here
did you get it? Hhere-- >-Thy are you up here?"
!!The White House sent me. II That 'would be bad.
The other thing is, maybe this information
could be brought to the attention of the
wnite House, and the House could say,
00 .. to, uh, Eastland, HI think you ought to
call an executive session and. hear his testi-
mony. This is quite troublesome, the infor-
mation that has been presented to us. It's
so troublesome, we can't hold it here and
hope to, uh, and rest comfortable."
PK2:SIDZNT: T,v..'1y, ''ihy on the other hand doesn't he just
present it to Eastland? I mean .. uh -- \'1hy
executive session? That doesn't serve .
DEAN: Well, it would, one, because you're trying
The first approach would be uot tv
. ... . --=---..;...;.;.;...-;;.; " .:... .
'lARCH 1973, FROM 12:42 TO 2:00 P. M. l' J , _
the Burecu, not to tarnish the names. It's
going to leak out of there, though, quite
obviously. If it doesn 't, we'd make sure
i t did. Uh - (coughs) (pause) If, if,
uh, Sullivan went up to Eastland cold and
just said, or Hruska. I Hould. think they
'l'Tould say, "Go on back down to the Depart-
ment of Justice where you work, and let's not
start all this."
PRESIDENT: Suppose another thing, Patrick Gray says to
either Eastland or to, or to Hruska or any-
body on that who is the tiger
on the Cor.nit t ee on our side , on the Com-
mittee, the Judiciary
DEAN: Cook's.
PRESIDENT: ( Unintelligible)
DEAN: Gurney, Gurney has been good. Gurney was
good during the ITT hearings , and he, he'll
study, he'll ge t prepared. Uh, .
But , would he go after the Bureau? (Unin-
. telligible)
not going after the Bureau. Hhat
they are doing is, they're taking the testi-
mony of somebody wh o is going after the
Bureau . .
PRESIDENT: Yeah, I know that. I'm just thinking o r
DEAN: Yeah.
PRESIDENT: They all look down the road and see '-That
would be the result of what they are doing
is, won't they? I would think so.' I mean,
I'm just trying, hOi" -- \.;ould they go after
Johnson? (Paus e) Let's look at the distant
future. Uh, look at the -- how bad wou:!.d it
hurt the country , John , to have the FBI so
terribly discredited? ( Unintelligible)
MARCH 13, 1973, FROM 12:42 TO 2:00 P.M.
DEAN: (Unintelligible) I tye, It ve, kicked this
around with Dick Moore, these , these broader
ques tions, and, I think it \1Ould be damaging
to the FBI, uh, but maybe itts time to shake
the FBI and rebuild it.
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible)
DEAN: I'm not so sure the FBI is everything it's
cracked up to be. I, I'm convinced the FBI
isn't everything the public thinks it is.
DEAN: I know quite well it isn't.
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible) i .f you could get, uh, ;ferry
I'Tilson in there rather than a political
appointee. vlhat is your feeling at tte
about Gray? Can he hang in? Should
he? I don't know.
DEAN: lr'1.
PRESIDENT: A,.rfully close.
DEAN': ... I -- they're going to vote this -- they have
an executive session this, afternoon to
invite me to testify.
DEAN: un., there's no going to
invi te me. Uh, I would s.ay , base d on how
I handle the: (1) the formal letter that
comes out of the Committee asking for infor-
mation, and I programmed that they do get
specific, just what in the hell do they want
to know that I've got, and lay it out in the
letter that's sent down here asking me to
appear so I can be responsive, fully
Respond to the letter.
DEAN: ... Respond to the letter in full. I think I
have, I feel I have nothing to hide, as far
as, uh, the issue they've raised.
PF.ESID"C:NT: Hould you respond under oath?
MARCH 13, 1973, FROM 12:42 TO 2 :00
DEAN: I think I would be willing to, yes.
PRESIDENT: Th2.t's what I'd say because th2.t's vThat I
am preparing in the press thing. I'll S2.y
you'll respond under: oath in a letter. You
will not appear in a formal session. "
DEAN: That's", that's our present position.
PRESIDENT: \fua t if they say, \'lha t if they S2.y, II\-!ould
he be willing to be questioned under oath?"
DEAN: That's not ''lhat the question is. Yes, I'd
be willing to be questioned under oabh,
but we're not going up.
PRESIDENT: No, no. But
DEAN: Oh, I think that \'lould be a hell or a bad
PR3SIDEnT: Ok2.Y. I just \-ianted to be sure we don' t
cross that bridge". I agree. You -- but
you would respond to liritten interroga-
Th2.t's right.
PRESIDENT: it. Okay.
DEAN": NOTI'l, uh, after, after that, ir we've been
responsive, their argument for holding up
Gray's confirmation based on me is, should
be gone. Sure, they're going to say it
rc.ises more questions than it ansHers, but
if He're-- but that can go on forever.
\-[e've taken the central points they '-'1ant
ans,.ers to , given them the responses, that
puts something in Eastl2.nd's hand that can
say, "All right, it's time, it's time to vote."
And Eastland says he's. got the votes to get
Gr2.Y through. Now, but VThat h2.ppens on the
Senate Floor is something else, 'cause Byrd is
opposing Gray . Byrd's got good control of
that Southern bloc. "
25 '
HARCR FROf.! 12:42' TO 2::00 P . r1 .
PRESIDENT : Not totally.
PRESIDENT: . Byrd is running for leader of the
Senate. A lot of them may desert him on
DEAN: But on the other hand, of course,
has come out and said that he favors, ini-
tially he supported Gray's, uh, confirma-
PRESIDENT: E;-l feeling is that they would like (unintel-
ligible). I think that they'd .like to have,
a, an excuse not to do it. Maybe they'll
use, not you, but all this crap about hear-
ings (unintelligible)
DEAN: "lell, if they say:z, if they say they have to
hold up Gray's confirmation until the Hater-
gate hearings are c::ompleted.
Cb, that's .
D2AN: that's the vehicle
PRE3IDENT: 'Yne best of both worlds for us, John.
DEAN: Tha t 's right.
Because Gray, in my should not be
the head of the FBI. Not because of any
character or other flavls or thoughtless
flaws, but because he is going to be too
much like Kleindienst. After going through
the hell of the hearing, he will not be a
good Director, as far as we're concerned.
I probably true. He'll be a,
he'll be a very suspect Director. Not that
I don't think Pat ,'; on' t do "That we ''lant. I,
I read him a little differently than Dick in
that regard. Like he's still keeping close
touch with me. He's calling me. He's . given
-.... . .... - '" . _" . .
MARCH 13,1973. FROM 12:42 TO 2 :00 P.M.
me his private line. We talk at night, just
how do you want me to handle this, so and so
forth. So he still plays, playing in tight
and still being involved. But I think he.
PRESIDENT: But he couldn't do it.
DEAN: But he can't do it. He's under, he's going
to be under such surveillance by his own
people -- watch every move he's making--uh,
that'll be the difficult thing for Pat. Not
that Pat wouldn't want to still play ball,
but he may not be able to.
PRESIDENT: I agree. That's what I meant.
DEAN: Pat has already gotten himself, himself, - in
a situation where he 's got this Mark Felt as
his number tvlO man. These other people are
surrounding him. If you put a guy like
Jerry Wilson in there he could just, you
knmv, \vipe this, and say, "Gent-elmen, I'm
putting my own team in, and I'm going to
people in I've met around the country
who are good office directors; Sacks out of
C::c.icago, II wherever, and just put his OIvn
team together for the, for the Headquarter's
PRESIDE!rr: So where do you come out?
DEAN: Gray's already been to major
personnel decisions. (Pause) .:.LvlOuldn't be
surprised to see that if they say that
they cannot go fOr\'lard \'1i t):l Gray's hearings
because of the Watergate.
PHESIDEl'JT: \<fnere would that be done, at what pOlm::.
in the Committee or on the Floor or both?
DSAN: It could happen. It \'lould certainly be
voted on first in the, uh, uh, in the Com-
mittee, in the Judiciary Committee.
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible)
HARCR 13, '973, FRm-'!12:42 TO 2 : 00 F.B.
DEAN: The question is, then, uh, it 'll
be put on the calendar by the leadership.
I assume that that's.
PRESIDENT: The leadership might determine that vre "rill
not put it on the calendar until after the
Watergate hearings.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT : Then .ve could then. Gray could then come in
and say I will not wai t that long.
DEAN: And they r 11 __ ,,,hen they -- you're -- IIThis ,
this is to the leadership
o f the FBI and I I'Jill have to wi thdrm'[ -
based on this." . Hhat .. Tould he nice for all
would be to get Gray voted out of the Com-
mittee ' .
wi th a, wi th a positive vote, uh, enough to
get him out of the Corwuittee, and then lock
. him at limb o there:
PRESIDENT: IVDat is 1loore's judgement about Sullivan?
Does he know?
DEAN: Yeah, he's uh, uh , he says it's a piece of
dynamite. He says it depends and .'re both
agree, that i t it -- the ''lay it would be
done would be a secret, whether it was done.
T,-ihether-- this isn't t he . sort of thing Ire
c ould just leap out and do. Have to be very
carefully thought through . Have to be,
have to decide in advance should the White
House not be involved or should 1'le be involved?
If we're going to play with we are going
to probably have to say that l'le were involved
and structure it in a way that there is
nothing improper th our involvement.
P?.ESID'2:NT: The difficulty \'ri th the v,Thi te House being
involved is that if we are involved in ois sing
on Johp,:"nn -- tha.t' s only thing that concerns
me .
r.1/1Rc:-r 13,1973, FRQ;.! 12:42" TO 2:00 P . H.
'Iha t' s right.
PRZSIDsN'I : That I S 'tihy it really ought to be.> I mean,
if he could just . . .
DEAN: I suppose the ans1'rer , is saying" to.> to have
him -- to say to him
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible )
DEAN: ... You've got, you know, this is something
"H:''1at you've, you've intimated a fe1'1 thine;s
to Ee, uh, the proper place to take that
is to the Senate Judiciary
mittee or to the Attorney "
(Pause) And then have Dick take it to the
Or is that too close to the
President, still?
PRZSIDENT : ?irst hand, if he takes it to the Corn..rnittee,
it's better if the conducting a
bearing. (Unintelligible). 'Hait a minute,
he .. ,orlcs for tb.e Attorney General" doesn T t
DEAN: 'I:.'1at's right. If ' he takes it to Kleindienst,
!Geindienst is, going to say:> "Bill, just
don't do it because you are going to take
DeLoach's name' dm-m '\'li th i t ,and DeLoach
is a friend of ours."
PRESID:2:NT: Bull shit.
DEAN: Something I have always questioned.
PRE3IDZNT: Nobody is a friend of ours. Let's face it. Let's
don't worry about that sort of thing.
Well , itTs something I will ,uh, I think I
ought to ( unintelligible) kick around with
Dick Moore , 'cause ...
PRESID:::r;'I': Yeah.
MARCH '3 , 1973, FROM 12 :42 TO 2:00 P . M.
DEAN: But first of all , I've got to, uh, just
have to be thought through every inch of
t he way. It came here ..
DEAN: l ate yesterday afternoon.
DEAN: It was not -- Bob said, uh, Ivhen I talked to
him, he s aid he was quite excited about it,
as Ehrlichrnan said, gave a very favorable
IIUh huh. II Uh, and I said, "Irell , I'm not
going to rush anything on this. It's --
We've a little bomb here that we might 'Want
to drop at one . .
PF..ESIDENT: Yea.'-1.
DE1UI : point down the road."
PRESIDENT: Yea.'-1, yeah.
DEAN: Hayn e, maybe t he forum to do it is something
totally out of the Committee cont ext between
the Gray confirmation hearings and the Hater-
gate hearings. Naybe let him g o over to U.S
. Nelvs, or '.'rho knows Ivhat it would be, but I'le
ought to consider every option, now that
we've got it, and see if.
Rather than doing it in a hearing, (pause) doing it
in the press. Then that \'1ill force the hear-
ing to c all him. That's another \'Fay you c an
do on this. Have him be selected to,
Give an interview.
PRESIDelIT: .,. to give an interview. I would do it in U. s.
News. Do it in (unintelligible) wire servi ce
guy or somethi ng . A respected damn reporter.
w'hy not go to a jackass like r101lenhoff? No,
he's too close to use.
!LZl.RCH 13 r 1973, FRON 12: 42 TO 2: 00 P . H.
DEAN: Hell, that 's interesting. J.\Olfi , Nollenhoff
is, is close but, by God, you can't program
Mollenhoff to do anything .
DEAN: And if, uh
PRESIDENT: No. And also, we are in a position on
Mollenhoff, who's been fighting us some,
that maybe, maybe Mollenhoff would be a
pretty good prospect for this thing because
it's the kind of a story he loves, he digs
on some. You couldn I t tell him, hm"ever T

uh, you couldn' t let him know (unintelligible)
story part. Or Sullivan just goes to talk to
him, says , "\'iell, now, hell, you're a hell of
a, hell of a guy, and, uh, I just want to tell
you a few things."
Or, can you call Clark and say -- can I call
Clark and say, Clark, a guy has
brought me a piece of dynamite I don't
\ vc..,."l. t in the te House? II
PRESIDEN'I': lie will write that, though, ,wnrt he?
No. Because that'd look -like that's a
set-up deal. We ll, Clark Mollenhoff is
the first guy to (unintelligible) uncover
a piece o f anything i he' 11 say no \<lay.
PRESIDENT: But he's willing to do it.
DEAN: Uh huh.
PRESIDENT: That's very important, at
DEl>.N: Dh huh.
13, 1973 12:42 70 2:00 P.M.
PRESIDENT: Are they going to go back as far as
Chappaqui ddick?
DE.AN: \-Jell, yeah, but this, this fel10w'lwrked
into '71 on this. He was up there. He
talked to everybody in that He,
you know, he, he's the one ,.;ho caus ed
a lot of embarrassment for Kennedy already
by saying -- he went up there as a ne'l';s-
paperman. "So '1,hy aren't you checking this?
Why aren't you looking there?" And pointing
the press' attention to things. the
guy did a masterful job. I have never
had the full report.
v;ell, coming back to the Sullivan thing, you'd
better now go ahead and talk to him.
You will nm ... talk to :Koore, again to Hoore,
and. uh, then ,,hat?
Uh, I'll see if we have something that's
viable. And if it's .
In other words
van again?
have you talked to Sulli-
Oh, yes. Yes I plan on it.
FRESIDENL: i-.1hy the hell dod t you get him in and talk
to him? (Unint elligible)
DE..I\N: Well j he's I asked him last night and
he said, "John give me a day or so to get my"
all my recollections together,"
, l>
MARCH 13,1973 FROM 12: 42 TO 2:00 P.B.
DEAN: ... and that Has yesterday. So I thought
I would call him this evening and say, tLh
"Bill, I'd just like to know . ."
PRESIDENT: You s e e, the fact that you've talked to him
will become known. So maybe, maybe the best
thing is to say " I am not concerned here,"
and you say that he, he's to turn this
over, and you say we 'Hill not handle it.
Then make, then an)'i'18Y, it gets to the
Committee, aren't they going to say,
liThe IThite House turns over inforulation,
on the FBI?" That's the -- I . don It
how the Christ to get it down there.
DE.6,N: Well, that's w'hat I t hink I can kick around
wi th Dick l'Ioore. He and I do very well just
bouncing these things.
DFAN: back and forth and coming up ''lith something
that '
PRESIDENT: I think a newsman
DEAN; we don't have to be embarrassed ' about it.
PRESIDENT : a neHsrnan, a hell of a break for a '
DEAN: Oh yeah.
PRESIDE.ri"T: ... A hell of a story. Uh, maybe the Star would
just run a hell of a story. I mean a real
bust on the FBI. Then, and then, and then
the menber, the you, you, for
example, on this basis could call Gurney,
and say, " Now look. IJe're on to something
very hot here. I c an just tell you. I'm
not going to tel l you 2.nything more. Go
after it, forget you ever had this call ." And
t hen he goes .
. ....,.
l"LARCH 13,1973 FRQ}112:42 TO 2:00 P.M.
DEAN: Uh, huh.
It seems to me that that's a very
effective way to get it out.
: Uh huh.
Sul livan
Another thing is, I don't think
,.;ould give up the \f'nite House.
one liability
hi s kno"ll edg e
occurred. Dh
as I said could, there's
in Sullivan is thatrs
of the earlier that
PRESIDENT: That we did?
D;:;'?\N: That we did.
nm., you should tell them. Oh, you
mean he woUldnlt, he'd say, hetd .say, I did no
political at all. !-ly, my ;..--ork where
theytre concerned in Nixon Administration was,
'Was solely in the national security.1I
DEAN: Tnat's right.
PRESIDENT: And that is totally true.
DEAN: That's , right.
Okay. Well, good luck.
DEAN: All right sir.
PRES IDEm' : It's never dull, is it?
DEAN: Never.
P?3SICEN'r :

Um l:11.:_..1":I .
\Veil, \';e ll, " suppose I i"ia!!t to CO:'"!C OO'd!! \vi th
r.1y counsel 2.1"1.G. question
1 4
No . Written i nterrogator i es , we ' ve said every --
t hese , these are ho!!est , hur;\ bl e "ho are
g oing t: ;,der oath, they 're s'dear ing -to me t h is is
the e xt e nt of t heir kn. owledg e: ah .
And they will, what, but o n the o the r
we're not s aying that t hey ha v e additiona l
knm'lledge (phone rings ) not as a r esu l t of this,
that \Ve "lOn't answer \'1ritten interrogatories.
(Non-pertinent telephone conversa tion.)
(Loud noi ses.)
Ah , Bob . . go on, uh.
Well I think tha t, a h .
Yes .
... this would be very disarming a lso for Ervin
to, you know, if he c ame dm-Tn here and had
a little with yo u .
I thi.nk "'hen you see him alone, it's better
than having-- Baker's a little \-I hi;:>per-snapper,
he'll try to make his point. I've seen Baker.
I tell you, for example, something that came
back on, fed back through the Attorney General
and the I>.ttorney General wanted to talk to you
about, but I don't know if it's necessary
or not. Ah, Ba ker said that. raised with
Kleindie n s t, i n their p rivate me eting, after
he met pith both Ervin and Baker-- He said, uhf
I want to talk to you, ah, about this '68 -
bugging incid ent, which the President
r:'_entioned to rc.e, \,hen I met \'lith him. This is
Bake r speaking to Klei ndienst, a nd Kleindie nst
said we ll ah, I said I wante d t o talk to you
about that al s o because (clears throat)
Kleindienst knows t hat DeLoach is
involved. Kleindienst nnd DeLoac h are good
;-:"' ;' ?.Ctl 13, 1973 FROi-: 1:25 PH TO 2:1U P:-l 17

'l:'h2 long and short 0-;: ,y;"a t I simply say -that
I think that , ah, Kleindienst, would like to
off a little on l ooking into
'68 t;"ing and Da%er wants to get
facts on it. So (s ighs ) it's kind of a
hiatus right and I don't
Baker will go aboard unless Kleindienst assures
him they have sOillething to and I don't
know if Kleindienst has anything to
Ee won't if h2 has it. The question
is no',.; ,.;hat about Sullivan: J-lIe you gonna
con''J'ert him?
No, Sullivan, ah, is, an, cO:rt.'";lit ted to
me or have prepared for me in his _own type-
written, ah, product , his list of all the
horribles that he is , ah .
Yeah .
.. ' been able to recollect .
I \'l2nt that, I
notr-_ing more.
I thi:n.k so.
want tha t for of course ,
Yo>.: need it very much. I ,,;ant it. NOVI, you
....,-ere saying too, ah, what really, ah, \vhere the"
this thing leads, I mean in terms of the -
'I,l1_:!lnerabili ties and so forth. It's your vie';-;
the vulnerables are basically Mitchell, Colson,
Haldeman, indirectly, possibly directly, and
of course, the second level as far as the
White House is concerned , Chapin.
And I'd say Dean, to a degree.
You? Why?
Kell, because I've been allover this thing
lib; a blanket.
I know, I know, but you know all about it,
but you didn't, you in it after the deed
\"las done .
17, 1973 1:25 PM TO 2:10 PM
DEP-2'[ :
... if, if so::\ebo:iy out a:: here Here to start
s aying , or say , a ll right , Jeb , you ' re gonna ,
you ' r2 , gonna the heat cn this
one, uh
So:n:=body here ' s gonna sa:l "'chat?
Can't do that.
I thir.k 'dha t. you've got to do, to the extent.
that you car., John, i s cut her off at the pass.
And you cut off at the pass. Liddy ar.d his
bunch just did this as part of their
They "ere out on a lark. They ";ent beyond any
.. ent they ever had .
Now on the Segretti thing, I think you've
just got to Chapin and all of the.;.'11 have
just got to t a ke the heat. Look, you ' ve got
to ad:.,i t the facts, John/ ar.d
That's right.
that's our and that ' s that. And
paid him. And paid a lot of people.
I , I just think on Seg retti, no matter how
bad it i 5-- It isn't nearly as bad as people
i t was. Espionage, sabotage , shit .
The int ent, when Segretti was hired,. "las
nothing evi l, nothing vicious , nothing bad,.
nothing. espionage, not sabotage. It
was pranksterism that got out of hand, it --
and we don't know that . ' And I think we c an
l ay our story out there. .hh, I have no
proble...'"tt \ 'li th the Segretti thil:.g. It ' s just
not that serious. The , ah, ah; the other
potential ah, is
and that is .
17 , 1973 1'.20:'1 1:25 TO 2 : 10 P;-l 22

In connection vlith !lur:.t?
In with Hunt and Liddy both.
'i'hey wo=ked for him?
They tnese el1m'1s had to be sorGe
as learned after the fact.
They went and wEnt into Dr . Ellsberg ' s
doctor ' s cffice and they had, they were geared
up with all this CIA equipment , cameras
and the lil:e . they tur ned ,the stuff
b ack in to the c n ,. some point i n time and
l eft f ilr;c in the C2.f..''2ra . Ah, Cl F-. has not
put this together , and they don't what
it al l c,eans right nm." But it ,.,:ouldn't
take a very sharp inves tigator v ery long
because you've got pictures in the CIA files
t ha t they had to t urn over to Jus-tice.
vlha t in the \<lOr Id, \'lha t in the na.,."tte of
God Ehrl ich.'nan h,].'\.Ting so;nething (uni ntelli-
gibl e) the Ellsberg?
They were trying to this was a part of
ah, an operati on that , an i n connection
wi t h the Pentagon papers . They were
t hE "'.101e thing and they Hanted to get
Ellsberg's psychiatric records for some reason.
I don ' t knm'l.
This is the first I ever heard of this.
I, I (unintelligible)
c are Clbout Ellsberg was not our problem.
'i'hat ' s right.
Jesus Christ.
it, i t , you knol,'/ , i t '.Jas
2..!1 :Lh::-licn'::l.J.n st.rt::.cture I John
o.idn t t c;"./'2::: 1 1 ve ne-..f 2r 2.ske:!. hill if
h e I didn't to know.
I can ' t see that getting into, into this
h earins
\\1ell, leak.
come up.
Here's-- no, here's the 'day it cen
In the CIA's files which they which the
Co:r,,'"(',it tee is asking for in the materie_l
they turned over the Depar-L'11ent of Justice
. there are all the materials relating to
Hunt. In there are these pictures which the
CIA c.e'.-elo:;?ed and they 've got Gordon Liddy
standing proud as punch outside this doctor's
office , .. iith his !12.J.'11E: en iL And it's this
r.,a te::::- ia2.; it's not go ing to take very leng
for a:-. investigator to go back and say, \'lhy
';7oulc. this sO!CIebo:ly be at the doctor's office,.
and they'd find out that there \"as a break-in
at the doctor's and then you ' d find
Liddy on the and then you'd start
working it back. I don't think they'll
ever reach that point.
This "as way
It's irrslevant. Right ..
'I' :nat t s the point . That's ,/here that's
where where , ah , Ervin's rules of
r slc\'a.ncy-- I'd ::.ike to kno'd-- ,;hat the
hell h2S this got to do ilith it?
It has nothing as a l ot of these th ngs that
" .
they stUInb12 alons into, ah, s

-...) "

DE..:C.1J :
-::-. "'';".
... - .. , .
20 1973, 7:29 7:43
John Dean, please .
Yes, Er . President.
Yes, sir.
I hear you're having rather long days
the se days, aren 't you?
Yeah. (Laughs)
I guess we all have . Yeah .
Well, they'll continue to be longer.
What happened, uh, today in the, uh, the
Senate. Anything, uh ...
I understand that Gray , uh, took a
little beating up there today. Uh , he ",as-- '
apparently , the approach they're Korking
that he's been an abandoned man . Uh ...
Evidenced by the fact that Kleindienst, uh,
would not let him (cough) excuse De--insert
things in the record that he desired to
insert in the record and it was quite clear
that he has been left hanging by, uh>
countermanded by you and your decision.
Well, you know in a sense that I didn't
cQunterDand hiw at all, I ...
::-:; , I knm';, this is a the!:le they're playing.
?O . 1973, 7:29 7:43 P . M.
He could just ask for Sullivan .
How would that be?
That wouldn ' t be bad at all.
You don't have Sullivan's report yet?
Uh, no, Sullivan, uh, told me --
he was out of wi ll have it for
me tor:1Orro;l.
Yeah .
He \7ill skip a meet ing that he
has in the morning to make . ..
Just a second .
>. _ ...."1-:: .. .
- -"7'
.. . he gets it (unintelligible) and ever to
J uss a second .
( Privileged deleted)
Uh, so, he will have it over to me
and, that ...
I absolutely have to have it
tOGorrow. There just can't be any
further deadline . The is here
to look and see what you 've got and
he said, "Hel l, I think I've got
I think it's
(c.:-;::':'.'::elligible) . " I, "i':ell,
3ill , I want to see it just as
Gul:kly as possible morning."
PR!::SIiJE::I': Good.
DEAN : Cause it will he over.
And the other witness they 've now
subpoenaed--there are other witnesses--
there's the Eoback girl the
COlT's! ttee, \':ho, she \lc.S interrogated by
staff and as a result
her uh, the
FBI - -alleging that th2.t he.d been l eaked t:,.-
me to them and then, of course, th2.t was
not .
PRESIDENT: That's not true .
... not true . And the other fellow they're
calling is a fellow by the name of Thomas
LU!:'!bard \':ho is trying to establisll a lin::
between Dean on that one . Lombard did
work for me in my office and ,
and , uh, did volunteer work for Liddy and
at one time he saw in my office .
Big deal . ( Unintelligi ble ) purely uh.
yCc'. l:r:o'.! .
r;::ll, is that \;hat Lumbard \ril: testify
to, or wil l he testify to, u h ...
DEAN : Well, that ' s he'll -- he 's, he's a
v ery l engthy letter to the Committee
asking , declining to testify originally
and saying this is all I would have to S2.y
and it ' s obviously not r e levant. I know
nothing of Dean and Liddy ' s ...
DEAN: . :connection ...
PRESIDENT: Yeah , right .
.. . other than the fact that they ...
PR::':SIDE:rI' : That's not b 2.d then .
pre tt y good
rl!aJbe ]-:3 'II make a
: He might . He Uh ...
PR:r.:SIDEIJT : (Unintelligible ) tre Hoback girl ?
DEAN : The Hoback girl should, uh , b e broken down .
She s!,ould COi7le out in teal's as a result of
the fact that she 's virtu21ly lying about what
she ' s saying. And, uh, our p e opl e I'lill, beyond a ..
PRESI DEIJT : \'Ie II , mean, do our people know i'That to ask her?
D3.4.N : Yes, they do. Yes, they do.
PR"SSIDE:: 'l': Um hm!":!.
V::': AN : Dh ...
PRESIDENT: Why is she doing it? Do we know?
She, uh . . .
PP, 2SIDS;;T : Disgruntled? Somebody ...
";;' j.'}-! .
.L Disgruntled. She ' s been fairly disgruntled all
She ' s, she's a Democrat that worked
over there in the Finance CO!T'.mittee . She
professes a personal loyalty to r'la
).ry Stans but
tha t is about the extent of it, ( unintelligible)

I never did fi gure out hm; she got in there.
Dh, so , al l toll ed I'm told that today was a bad
day for Gray and, uh, not much of a. uh
... ( unintelligible) . They ' re taking a whip ...
?O , 191 3 7: 29 70 7 : 43 PM

D:2ftl: :
7' . 0CJ.t on the floor to see ",hat the
there .
We'll have that
PR:2SIDS?: T: i'!hat ' s your f eeJ.i ng , tl:o'...lgh , John ,
about Gray? Uh , aren ' t you,
just as comfortable to let him go
I don't, I don't.
PRESID:2:JT: Hhich do you \"lent? I m22.n, can,
we c an , put SOffiS pressures on,
uh , I, I just
I don ' t think it ' s worth saving , sir.
r real ly don ' t .
PRESID::::;;T : Yeah , \'lell that ' s my point. I sn 't it
r eal ly a case or -if they , they ,,'ant
to make t he martyr , they 're gonDa make
him the martyr.
Th2.t 's right.
PRESIDENT: Do you agree or not or er ..
DEAN : I \'lould ...
PRESIDE:JT: You feel differently, l et me knm-l.
DEAN: I ,-;auld, I \'!ould agree. that they're
t ryirig to make him a martyr. I think
that , that Pat Gray' s 'p een so darnaged
by these hearings that he will ...
Shouldn't be the head of the Bureau .
... will be difficul t for him to be the
head of the Bureau .
20 , 1 973 , PROM 7: 29 TO 7: 43 7

That' s ri ght .
It wi ll b e a year , two ye ars for h!n to
rec ove r.
That 's ri ght.
It's like Dick Poff when he de c ided to
withdraw even from consideration for the
c ourt knowing that ther e had n e ver b e en
an effective justice for years .
That's right. The thing is too--that Gray
though has got to make up his mind on that
pretty soon . Don't you think so?
I know, I thought I'd be a called ...
In fact , I, I was thinking you ought to
do it fairly soon.
Excuse me, what were gonna say?
I was, I was thinking he might call today,
very easily, and say, uh, uh, you knoi"l,
at least make a pro forma gesture to see
if, uh, someone over there--you knOiv, if
you were interested. Now... .
Hhat's the Kleindienst viei-' of the '(rhole
thing now? Is he stayin' a mile away?
I'll talk to, to Dick tonight. I dori't know ..
Urn hub.
.. what his reading is on -(unintelligible) activity.
Yeah .
' .
22, 1973, FROM 9 :11 10:35 A.M_
PR=:S IDE.i.'1T :
How about those other problems?
The problem you got with .. Petersen is that
h e wants to go out in privat e practice with
Well,I'd soon (unintelligible)
Maybe he d i dn't;
(Unintelligible) a blank piece of paper.
I don't think t hat, if you're going to
do this, you can 't do it without Kleindienst
Righ t.
And I thi nk here you just gotta (Uni ntelligible)
(Unintelligible) . I, I, I' ll just call
him and say
\-;<el l, he used to, and I assume that that
(Unintelligible) same ones, I think.
Does Dean have his report from Sullivan?
Uh, uh, he does .
Not very good?
Oh, i t's gotta --it's some of mostly the
same old stuff. It's the Anderson and all
uh, crap, and, uh , uh--da, well there iS
there's one thing that we could build
up that '.;Quld, that I think we could get
built up that would be pre tty good, '''hieh
is about the extensive us e of the FBI
in the 1960, or 4 , Democratic Convention
and an attempt to use them in '68. There
is also some cover-up on Walter Jenkins,
and some instructions by the FBI
as to '\'ihat they were to f ind when they were
maki ng this investigation and, uh--uh, I
d on't think we can use that, I mean , it
isn' t, that isn't--
22, 1973, FROM 9:11 TO lrn:35 A.M.
Too nasty?
Ah. Then there' s some Abe Fortas stuff ., -' ,
they were involved with. That \'las intended
,(unintelligible) to use Fortas to implicate
(unintelligible). As precise (unintelligible)
he didn' t but there' s a--I think you
could blow a hell of a bombshell out of
the out of the '64 Democratic Convention--
t e tapping or the watching
all that sort of
Uh, the stuff on the air bug, we've gotten.
Got DeLoach's stuff on that and all it is
is that they did the--
Telephone (U:ointe-TIigible)
Not the, not the only
monitored the--they, they did the check
on, uh, where, to what numbers were calls
placed and they, they, uh checked
them out. Dttdn't get--
OtI!lT: pl..ane, our plane' (unintelligible)
And, c nly when it was on the ground. Not
tha'\t ,r (unintelligible)--
Still, to what. numbers did he place calls?
Still bad--No, not bad
You could, you could--
That's right--
22 , 1973, FROM 9 : 11 TO 10 : 35 A.M.
:t-L1lL DEMAN:
HALD3 !-i,.;;N :
Oh -- Ok ay t hen , you GG.n ' t need any , any
othe r raw data for the , for the Congressional
s peech, and i f you do the pr-c'ss conf e rence,
i t \vou1d be Thu rsday s o you 1"oulan ' t n eed
t he briefing book til .
Monday or Tuesday .
Ye ah.
Okay. (Unintelligi ble) As far a s the raw
data is concerned (unintelligible) and so
forth and s o on . I mean I, I'm, I'm just,
I'm gonna have to sit and think it thr ough.
Come up wi t h a plan (unintelligible )
up (unintelligible)
I think that (unintelligible) (Noises)
(Unintelligible) I thil1.k it
sche best thing
to do .
I do too .
. I think it's better than trying to go
before a press conference
I do too .
. and the othe r possibility is to not do
any thing (unintelligible).
That's what this, God-damn Hatergate stuff --
Pat Gray's stuff and all this crap - - it's
not the people's obsession. So you -vrill be
talking about a subject that, that they ,-1ant
to talk about instead of (unintelligible)
You get -- Congress you're all right. The
point if I want a press conference that's what'd
APRIL 18, 1973, FROl1 3:05 TO 3:23 P .B.
Yeah . It's a\.,fu 1 hard to know .
I don't know, I mean - --
But, that \'las a period of time, uh,
You're talking about the Dean report,
uh, --
that was a period of time before you senthim to
Camp David to write it.
And, I think it's reasonable to assume
that the blasts in the newspapers, the
Mc Cord revelations, the Gray
Hearings, and the charges against Dean ,
all took place a l ong in that period of
time. You were trying to figure out what
to do about Pat Gray ...
You \.,ere trying to find out from Dean
what the circumstances of his contacts
with Gray may have been .. .
uh, about the raw files, the raw
FBI files.
(unintelligible), or else we're talking
about this case, and , uh,
What do you do, uh, why I had , particularly
\.,i th regard to the rest,
and if , if he ' s certain he brought in
informati on of that kind with regard to the
obstruction of justice ...
Good .
AP RI L 18, 1973, FROM 3 :25 TO 3:23 P .M.
I tell you the, again , the , uh,
authorization for that , I ' ve been going
through myoId fi les up there.
The way that project was finally
r epresented to me was that it was a
covert look at some files , which could
b e read to be that they walked in \,hen
the nurse wasn't looki ng and they
flipped through the file. Uh,--
This the Ellsburg c as e?
Yes. It wasn ' t until much later
we learned th at they had actually
conducted a burg l ary.
What about the other thing, the wire,
the, wiretapping?
The wiretapping, in most cases , uh, was
conducted unde r the statute by ...
The Bureau.
leave of the Attorney General by the
What about the, but we did some
private wiretapping?
He-:Ll, except it never came off, you
see. It was never conducted , they
could never do it. had the idea
Dean had told me he thought it was done .
He may, he may h ave , but, uh, the only,
the only private one that I knOlv of that
was not actually conduct.ed by t.c'1e Bureau
under proper sanction was one that
was gonna be attempted , in
Ge orgetown ,
APRI L 19 , 1973 9:31 A.M. T0 10:12 A. M. 4
Wha t ...
And Uc'1, I , I just , nn not s peaking just from
the standpoint of , uh, I mean 1 , it jus t
i rri tates me when people like Garreent and
others come in here and say , the hell wi th the
the Presidency is and s o
fo rth . They can ' t , you can ' t s e parate the
Presidency from (uninte lligible) the people ,
t he loyal people and I wil l not do it, God
it . Remenmer, I often told you that
Ei senhower s a id (uni ntelligible) and bas ically
you fo lks didn't do a God damn thing. It
h appens , uh, at l eas t (uninte lligible) a
small \'lay (uni ntelligible) didn ' t mean to do
anythi ng bad . You knOl'i Hhat I mean. Hell
now , the thing I am concerned about, though,
looking at it coldly f r om a PR standpoint,
from your standpoint , I think He've got to
fi gure that I' ve just , let ' s just not l et the
day c ome , that uh, when uh , the Grand Jury as
a result uh, the Grand Jury sends us and nmv'vill
give us twelve hours noti ce, l et 's s uppose we
get h lelve hours noti ce (uninte lligible).
Is Hagruder before the Grand Jury today?
We don't knmv, t he 1?ost says so. h'ell , "le
apparently can't find out if the y can't
(Unint elligibleJ beore the Grand Jury was
because (unintelligi b le). Well, I can get hold
of Petersen. I think the least I could do is
to get him in and layout this whole business .
I just wonder if that would be good before we
meet 'vi th our lawyers. Yes. And if we have
no lavlye-..-s (uni ntell igible)
Yeah, maybe I'Ll try. (Unintelligible) I'm gonna
l eve l about the. national security stuff what
I'm going to say is you know the Burea u. Any,vay,
you know that Edgar had very , very close ties
with, '''ith Marx pe.ople, you knmv they didn't want
to i nvestigate t he Ellsberg thing. Unde r the
circumstances we h ad no choice but to go ahead
APRTL 19, 1973 9:31 A.M. TO 10:12 A.M. 5
(CONT . )
and do it in the White Douse . We did
our best , and finally Hoover did take
over t he case by Mitchell's direct orders.
You will find in the file an, an admonit ion to
Hoover from here and I don 't know if it was
you p8rsonally, or me, or who, Krogh maybe,
that this was to be handled as a principal
case. He had laid back for months and
months and months and refused to l et his
agents get i nto it.
PRESIDENT : That's right, so we couldn't use t he agents ,
we couldn't use the
EHRLICm,:'Zl.N: Well, he was , he \I'as very tender about hm'1
agents would be used in t h is case.
PRESIDENT: Because of the, because of the Harx (unin-
. telligible) .
And so certain rather routine investigatory
efforts were conducted [rom here.
PRESIDENT: That's right, because it involved national
security ...
EHRLICHVlAN: This one, this one \'1as apparently in excess.
EHRLICHHAN: But in the context of hm'1 the Bureau works
PRESIDENT: The Bureau ..
EHRLICHHAN: .. they might have done the same damn thing .
PRESIDENT: Yeah. (Unintelligible) the situation is there.
The thing is that we, I think \'1e' re getting to
the point where we (unintelligible). I don't
what you talked about at the breakfast and so
forth (unintelligible) but at least we can think
about it.
EHRLICH::-IAN: Sure and uh, timing uh , is out of our hands
in a way, but uh, I, I woul d hope that we can
l et these fellmvs have a run at this today.
P RES I DE?;!' :
EHFQ,I CHt-lriN:
P P-BSIDEl'J"""T :
9 : 3 1 A . N " TO .10 : 1 2 1\. 1-1 21
You are in a rotten fr ruJe of mind this, uh
you arc (unintelligibl e )
So a r e you .
: , \olell,
I' m not.
I have ,
Uh ...
Well , that and ...
no, as a matter of fac t
No , not ye t we're ready for , we're ready to
figure it out ( unintelligible) .
I, I' m very c onfident , I' m very confident,
that the right thing is goi ng to turn out
and u.ll.
A fe':." couple days ago I, you were (unin-
telli gible) well, remember \,hen you had that
From Gray, you s aid . "Christ, he just sunk ne."
"I'll never be a, I'm finished as a lawyer,
If 11 never do my ... "
(Unintelligible) nothing like a good Christian
Science streak, and I sure did have that.
No, the fact is that I'm, I'm very confident
that the right thing is gonna unfold here,
but that I, I am concerned about your general
mental approach to this, frankly.
It (unintelligible) you.

EE?.LICE: :"::,N :

or ], OF A
1973 , AT 1:03 P.M. , TO 1:30 P.M.
Hr. President.
John, John, how are you?
Fine, sir.
The, (pause) did you see that piece?
Yes, I did.
I told Ron that obviously the secretary ,
I've run down the background.
Yes, good.

(Unintelligible) I guess Dean has really been
shot across the bOI-' there (unintelligible)
he's the scapegoat.
Yeah .
Have they made a deal with him of any kind?
No, sir, no, sir , not yet.
one through.
All right. (Unintel ligible) .
Discuss that
But you know on the other hand what the -- I
just don't know what the hell Dean c an talk
about, he knows a hell of a lot, but uh, .
We ll, we're going over that now.
I see .
Taking time to kind of spin it all out, but
it ' s pretty to , uhh .
but it ' s pretty h il rd to see how.
2 " .
APPTL 19, 1973 , 1:03 P.M., TO 1:30 P . M.
PF::::SIDEl'l'T :
EE:;'LICFIN.l';N :
E:::<.LICHH .. ;'\N :
E::?'::::':::CHl-iAN :
I understand he's still in the Whi te House
staff, where there 's a problem as to
Yeah .
We're going to fight that (unintelligible).
Yeah, well, I'm sure if he were not , he
not have been as restraineQ as that.
Yeah, I figure it's best to keep hin here .
Yeah .
I had Ron call him and check and say that ,
we're going to say that there's not going
to be any statement, we're trying tc get
the truth and my question (unintelligible)
\"hether or not (unintelligible) the laHyers
(unintelligible) .
Well, they're going to go right over there,
this afternoon .
They are, fine, und
(Unintelligible) .
That's what I went through (unintelligible)
I told him about Hunt and the S.C. thing,
the investigation, and, I mean, our
gation, why He had to do it , and how we're
going to do the other thing and so =orth and
so on (unintelligible) the Department of
Justice (unintelligible). I said, "Hhat
else did Hunt do?" (unintelligible} I said,
I think he did t I think he vias working in
other fields r egarding leaks to this matter.
And I said , unless , but I don't want anything
involving eavesdropping , which was carried on
is that correct?
APRIL 19, 1973 , FROM 1 :03 P.M., TO 1:30 P . M.
EERLI CE:'lP":', :
Ye s , as f ar as I know.
Yes , fine , but Dean, was Dean in charge cf
No, no.
Thi s was ours, okay. But Dean must know
about it, is that right?
I think he must.
Ah, he \-;,a s c oncerned about the Grand Jury ,
he was very concerned.
I s a id (uni ntelligible). He said it ' s j us t
terrible . He didn' t know what to
Our , our attorneys think that may be fatally
defective .
Fatally defective .
May be an illegal Grand Jury.
Well, don 't you think you'll get another
Grand Jury?
I suppose they c ould, but, it may just it
just may screw up thi s who le proc ess.
Would you do that? This Grand Jury is, uh ,
for anybody.
The prosecutors have a tough d e cision whether
to go fOD{ard wi th these cases, these new cnses
with this Grand Jury or go right out and reprocess
everybody throu gh another one .
(Pause )
19, 1973, FROM 1 : 03 P.M., TO 1:30 P . M.
I Bob Heldem2n, I said, " I,OO'(, suppose
I use him as an e;.:a..<,.ple , such as to pcstpc;;e
(unintelligible), would it effect (uni n-
telligible) much stress on that?" (linin-
telligible) I put it to hi2, I seid, "Dean
inferred to me that if and
Ehrlichman left , uhh, that , uhh , that
\'muld be you, II meaning if Petersen cculd
grant irmnuni ty. He said that's not true .
He said i t vmuld have much effect 0;:' the
(unintelligible) of the corroboretien .
I suppose Dean's theory , I suppose t hat i s
basically he c arried out the orders of others .
I said, IIDoes that put -- what effect does
that h a ve?" He says only in litigation, no-,." ,
you can't, en agent committi ng a cri",e , so,
you can't do that, so Deen rebutted the
situaticn, what he's going to get , he ' s
to get t otal irnmuni ty, or whether he's (pause)
and I s uppose , the way I leak at it, all we've
got to consider i s if we really got this t hing
(unintelligible) .
. with the facts coming out and whether
giving h im total immunity is going to l:lake
hiD act better. Your view is to heve him
hold it over us for the rest of our lives
-- is that your point ? That would be my
theory. These fellows dcn't seem to think
Dean c an get at this point, but
they 're going to go down and talk to
Gl anzer and see what's going on.
Good, the second point with rega r d to the
cases, uhf the case, a re you (unintelligible)
much of a c ase , t he deep six thing and they
said that (unintelligible ). Bob, I said, it
looks to me if you get the cont ents to Gray,
Gray could do that on that much , and he said
(unint e lligible ) Ehrlichman and Dean .
That's arguable , I was the re.
All right , fine . That ' s a ll. But , I said
did either of those things occur, and I saic
I didn 't raise the point did it all occur
before (unintelligible) .

" f) ,
was ...
... in n rositicn to fully about
conc2x:n2d ti hol1t eli!"',:! threats to the
R0use , hut (uni.ntelligib12) blackmail
we Now clemency-- O'Rrien
t ola ?i t \':'2.!S ;t::;}:ea Hunt to
d eal said
ligibli:!, Bitt.!71c'.I1, he did. Co]_son said it
was tha t Hunt be given
H!:? , 2.']reerL Col .scn told Bitt0:ln
he :-:121;.8 .. ttrfl2!'.t I but a fri,::!!!d,
he 2.3sist., the
st C!.t:2:"":!e''1t. ... :-C! s ';lit.h this. n
And he " There was a
a d2lay in givi!"!<; notio:;e t o
the r DI (cmir:telligible). II Dean says t-'t<.!t.
Gray to office , told
c;bout .. U And th:.t' s
end of thElt phon2 c a ll 26tl1.
Cn 27th, he s a ys h e
a long with O'Brien. O'Bri en 's
l-Ie sa:ls
could c ut th,;! uhole thing off if Ii?
would just step fOD1ard, sign off OD the
Watergate. Jeb told o'Brien Parkinson
he believes that the \-7ho1e Liddy thing ,'las
put by the HO'.lse before it Has
presented to them. Dean cooked this up pro-
bably at Halde:nan' 5 i n strl!ctions, the idea
of the operation.
DCem is r2porting Hha
: .J eb says
He's n::por.ting \ .. hCit O'Rd en tells that
J Rb fells O'Rri e D: bOUS!lt it.
It tnat tne centnr
.. 0 . 'ci thC'D the:ce \'laS a hiatus.
in T!itc:h"2 l1's office . Li(1c1y
APRIL 26 , 1973 , FROM 3:59 P.M. TO 9 :03 P.M.

A couple days went along when I
didn't talk with vo u. (Unintelligible).
'rhat t s ,,hat Hi tch2ll ;,,'as saying, and -
EhrlidL'113.n \'las saying.
Yeah, that's right.
So, uh, (unintelligible).
Yeah. Haybe you c an get John over
and t alk a little before you go home.
Check to see if there 's anyone who wants
to (unintelligible).
Oh, I want you to know, I h aven't h ad
any r e ;)ort yet fro;n Kleindienst. I'm
keeping in touch with him. He said
he'd - (unintellig ible) to see if (unintel-
ligible ) what the re are seve ral others
and I asked them what , what they a r e
going to do ':1i th that r;-,emorandum that
was sent up there. I let John .
(telephone conversation begins)
--Yeah, yeah, I ' d like to point this out
right now. -- Oh yeah. -- No, no.
Yeah , I see. -- Yeah. -- Right.
Yeah, uh, he, Bob told me that. He's
just been here a few minutes, and he told
tn-::!, and I think that-'s very important.
on the Pat Gray story, \'lhat' s your
advice as an officer? -- Yeah. -- Yeah.
Yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah. -- Right.
APRIL 26, 1973, 3:59 P.M. TO 9:03 P.M.


What? Maybe, uh, maybe you should.
(Unintelligible) April 15th, uh --
Yeah.--Right.--Right, I said right--Yeah.--Yeah.--
Yep.--Ah.--Sure, \lho, uh--Yeah, I just think you're,
uh, maybe your attorney should knovl that.
What do you think? I don ' t know.
Yeah. -- Right. That ' s right.
Right. -- That's right. -- Yeah.
do,,' t you drop -- maybe you can
come over, we can talk it over here. It
would be a great help. Fine, fine. I
... The story regarding Hr. Gray's safe
has broken.

has it?
The N'evl York Times (unintelligible).
(Unintelligible ) Sure as hell is, youtve
just gotta (uni ntcll{gible).
First the He'", York Times called my ,la,,'ryer,
then he said he had a report, a first-hand
report from a high administration official,
that that official and Haldeman had engineered
the cover-up of l1y la,'ryer --
now 1vhether it's rea lly a first-hand report
you heard it \-7i th your ovm ears. Hy lavTyer
said y es . He said a high present official
or former official (unintelligible).
\'lho, utchel l and Haldeman?
The lawyer said, uh, Hitchell. The
reporter says that Mitchell said in his
preseDce and the presence of other
off the record, that he and lialdeman engineered
26, 1973 , FRO:--l 3: 59 P. [.1. 70 9 : 03 P .N.
the Watergate cover- up. Yes, the
l a";yer is (unint.elligible). But I
don ' t believe, I t hink that's pure
fishing on the part of Hi rsch. (Unin-
t e lligi.ble ) .
!-ii tchell, Hi tche l l ' s drinking.
That's the only thing I told the
l.::nv-ye r. Mitchell Has drunk l ast
night or something on the Hay back on
the pl Qne from Florida (unintelligible).
Mitchell is certainly a professional
Grand Jury testifier. I' d
Yeah (unintelligible).
I think also Mitchell might have said
it in a j oke . You know, he said
that they're planning on it, and the n
s ay , "Yes, as a mat-t e r of fact , you
sma rt-ass bastard, Haldeman a nd I sat
down and engineered the whole fucking
cover-up. NOH what more do you
7he cover-up or the, or the, uh, the
or the (unintelligible) or the bugging?
7hat's neither here nor there; I don't
t.1,.ink I'd talk to Ni tchell.
John is referring to, in vie,,, of
this disclosure, he feel s that he may
have to take leave because o f the (unin-
telligible) involvement. That I s ,,,hat he
was told on the phone, I told him you
talked to John. Well, uh ...
\':el1, when he "deep-sixed" the stuff
,... ... 'lIo!l-a'" =592 11.==
APRIL 26 , 1973, FROM 3:59 P.M. TO 9:03 P.M.
P:s.ESIDENT: Yeah (uni ntelligible) but that they,
the, the story is that the, that
Ehrlichman and Dean ..
(Telephone rings)
Yeah, yeah. About the, uh, report
from the Times. -- Oh, yeah, go ahead,
yeah. -- Yeah. -- I see, fine, good,
good. 1'11 call you tombrrow. -- The
other thing Dick, you know, there's
the deletion. I think I should talk to
you about -- this i nvolved Pat Gray --
involving the, the, the, the -- Dean
giving them the contents, some of the
contents from Hunt's safe. And , uh, the
New York Times (unintelligible) uh, and ,
and that Gray did, and that Gray destroyed
it, you knm..;. Uh, don't you feel that
under the that uh, Gray,
uh, I don't knew, I think I'm over-reacting,
but uh, especially under these
stances, don't you think he ought to resign?
H::t1at do you think? HO'''', hc,'; do \,e handle
this? Do you want to think about i t?
can we do? Ca ll ne back? -- Well, the
point is that -- Yeah, well, we're not
going to have you do it tonight, but I
guess, I think I right, .
but I mean the story, uh -- Wnat's Henry
think, uh, \";02 should do about it?
Yeah. -- Right . -- All right. -- Nell,
c an I ask you and, uh, you can think a
little about it? -- Uh, we'll, uh, know,
uh, the uh, let ne say though, and I know
this is, uh: an a\'7 fui thing, but uh,
believe ne, I want the whole damn thing
out, don't you? Tell it as it is.
\'lell, sure, sure, it's going to come out
APRIL 26, 1973, 3:59 P.M. TO 9 : 03 P.M.
in the paper . But Dick, Dick, for
crying out loud, God it, the se
d2mn things happen. Uh, I have pre-
ference, we've got to get them out .
You kno':l. That ' s Icy :cesponsibili-ty,
my responsibility, 2nd by golly rim
going to meet it. -- Yeah. -- All
right. -- Hell. Fine . -- Bye .
He says "h'ell, we'll think 2bout it."
Petersen, uh, ple2se, Assist2nt Attorney
General ... 1111 tell Ron (unintelligible)
John's t r ying to (uI1intelligible) John
shouldn't ask for a week. Look, he knew,
he knei.v, he kne\'7. _ (Unintelligible). Look,
the point is, he knew this was part of
(unintelligible). Right?
(Unintelligible). For Christ sake, he,
he, uh, the of
the stuff to the FEI. No ... , if you've
got 2n FBI Director th2t
s out of his
th2t isn't Ehrlichman's fault.
But he said that, because of the innuendo
of the arrest, he \'lanted to take a leave
t:..."'l til it \'las cleared up.
Ko, no, no.
Then if that happens, then, uh, Bob
basically, uh, Dean would to, you
\,ould have to, wouldn't you? Dean ,,,auld -
have to as \';ell.
Dean should have been out long ago, if
you can follow it up. Maybe it, maybe
n PRI L 26, J.973, FROM 3:59 P.M. TO 9 : 03 P . M.

(phone rings)
He llo -- Oh , I j ust wanted to , uh, I
wanted to, un, talk to Dick
Kl e indeinst. He said he'd with
you, uh, uh. I just wan ted to get
your r e action to ho',,, we , uh I hO'd ,;e I
uh, h mv we handled the Gray situation
up at, uh (unintelligible). Do you
want to about it overnig ht or should
you react right away or what? Good.
-- Yea h. -- But how long can he really
stay on? -- Uh -- But he s hould.
Let me ask you this. Rather than my
doi ng i t, uhl I suggest tha t you ask
I:5ick. Uhl you, \Vonid you mind discussing
it Hith Kleindienst
uh , . I, I think, uh,
let's, let's not put it in a, put it
in a context \'!here I, uh I uh I I love hirn
tOOl I love all of you, but you know what
I mean . If I want him, I want him to be
this way so that he does n't look like an
ass. And I said, uh, wouldn't you
you were in such a position , prepare
to have , uh, Dick pe!:"haps -- needless
casualties (unintell igible). Why the
hell did we start the damn thing? I'll
be damned if I know.
But I don't knmj Hhat to do. That is
another part of the, uh . in any
event, then, ,.;ould you, uh, Hould you
just, uh, would you, ,,,ould you mind,
Hould you talk to Kleindienst and say
. "Look, uh, would yorrtalk to Pat and iell
Pat, uh"-- Just a second here, just a
second, somebody's on another line, let
met get to another phone, hold on.
(Unintelligibl e ). Does Petersen know
why Gray destroyed the (unintelligible)?
In other words , what Ziegle r says ought
to be guided at l eas t in part by ,.;hat
" .
APRIL 26, 1973. FROM 3:59 P.M. TO 9:b3 P . M.
ttl\. !...c...N ,

explanat ion Gray is going to give.
Petersen's (unintelligible).
Yeah. (Unintelligible). All right ,
I, I'm ready to talk now. But the
o ne question I was going to ask you
about is that , what, what i n the
\-;orld is Gray going ' to say as to \-!hy
he destroyed it? Cause he obviously
figures, well he counted on . Uh--
Yeah . -- Right . -- Did he h nve you
put sone in Ehrlichnan and
Dean? -- That's good, well he isn 't,
uh, he can't say that Ehrlichman and
Dean told him to destroy? Did he?
Did he, by the way, see that story;
uh, really wouldn't stand-up f or him,
I nean apart from needing help , for
for him? Hhv doS!s, whv does, for
exa mple Ehrlichman and- Dean call the
Director o f t he FBI over and say ,
here's some d6ouments, destroy
then." \'Jhy the hell didn ' t ,they
destroy 'em t hemselves ? -- I see.
I see. -- Yeah . -- Yeah. -- Urn hrnm.
-- Yeah, and that h e 's going, uh, and
that is what b a sically he 's going to
say, or has he s a id it? -- Yeah.
Yeah, that, that Dean told, he said
that these \'lere document s that \vere
,.;-holly unrela_ted to t. he, the, to the
\'latergate, and that they sould be destroyed.
But that, that -- you know I, I, I think
he, if he l eaves , - you knOiv what I mean,
and so forth and so on, for him to, for
him to say that a, that , that, that record
is, the story, in my vie"" sinply doesn't,
doesn't ring too damn much true . You
knO'.v ""ha t I mean novl ? Hhy dian' t, v:hy
in the world did the, did Dean and/or
Ehrlichman , uh, call the Director o f
26, 1973 ,
Fi<..2SI D2!'1
.r ,

3 :59 P .M. TO 9:03 P.M.
the FBI, hand hirn docu.'nents, and
t hen say "Take them because they're
not rel ated to
and' destroy them." You see my pOint-,:'
that's a screwball, that' s a
screvrball -- I don't think he ' s
there on another matter but that 's a
purpose. -- did Dean
tell you? -- Yeah . -- Dean says that
Ehrlicl:man told Dean to destroy thern .
-- Uh, that's the so called "deep-six"
then? -- Right , right. -- Right.
-- Hell, I don't knm'l , I' rn not going
to try to tell anybody to change the
story and so forth, that is because
I want, I understand we want the truth, _
but I, I, I just can't uh, believe, I just
can't believe that, uh, any-bocy, I can't
really believe that anybody's gonna
believe that the Director of the FBI
was docusents and told to
destroy 'em. Ha ! You wanna see?
Ny God yes. And that he did it I mean
destroyed them. Bet J. Edgar Hoover's
got every, uh, every doodle that anybody
ever had around, right there in his files.
Right. -- When, uh, when will, uh, will
Gray, uh, make, make this go back to our
people here? -- Well, uh, well I'll
tell you what. -- Yeah . -- I'll tell
you "hat you do, uh, because basica lly
tL.'1, uh, how far, hO'.v far I want to get
into this damn thing, I don't knO\v.
But I mean, I, I heard this, this insane
story that, that the event -- that hew this
-- l\ hat, what function Ziegler set, fu.l1. ction
Ziegler set (unintelligible) -- I just,
yeah, but that's our problem, he said
well, we can't say that we just, I mean
we had some, you know, we, in other words
APHIL 26, 1 973 , FROM 3:59 P.M. TO 9:03 P.M.
: the, our investigation here i s the
one that \ '/e ' ve b e en undertaking, uh,
tl:.e, UD, 21st of Harch, uhf "le had
infornation about this , but He haven't
h ad the damel. thiEg corroborated. You
knovl Hhat. I mean? Yeah , I've never had,
I've, Dean , I mean , l et me put it this
vlay, Pat Gray n e ver told me this. Uh,
he, uh, he' s told you this. RemelTber,
he's told you -- He first told you, as
1: reme::-tber, Henry, that nobody ever got
any documents, and the n later on he said,
"Yeah, I got some but I d estroyed ., em."
Right? So uh , h e was put in a tough
position, there. -- Although, althou'gh
On the o ther hand that' s , .uh , something
you den't live ,;, and I gues that's
your point. You "'!-e re investigating him,
he may have forgotten b ut, uh -- I see.
-- It \las a casual conversation. -- Right.
-- -- Yeah. -- And then the next
day he said he r efreshed, he refreshed his
recolle ction and s aid , "Yes , I did get
the dccUlI.ents, and I ,,as told to destroy
n Tha t's \.;'hat Pat Gray no\'! says, is
that correct? -- Yeah. -- I don't
belive that, uh, (unintel ligible ). You
see, the point is \;hen you say that, uh,
that, that Dean thinks that he fixed it and
so forth, you haven't had Ehrlichman (unin-
telligible) you haven't had that corroborated
yet, because basically, uh, Ehrlichman v7as
in the .room "'hen this happened and Ehrlichman
"'hen it happened and Ehrlichman of course
uh, he uh, he uh, uh, and, ' I 'm
gonna have to talk to him about this. I
have to. But the point that I, the point
that I make is this: whether arnot, uh,
APRIL 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 P . M. TO 9:03 P.M.
Continu<3d: whether, ,,,hether uhf uh, d-did DeiJ.n
corroborate Gray's story? rrhat I S
what one thing I'd like to know.
Did Dean say that in the presence of
Ehrlichmcm, that, that h e or Ehrlithman,
or both tolJ Gray "These are poliJcically
sensitive, unrelated to We.tergate , and
they should be destroyed." Did Dean
say that? -- That's the whole point,
you see, I think, I don't, uh, now, let
me s a'J , let me say, let me, let rree say
this, on this, for your information, I've
questioned Dean about this, uh, uh, he uh,
uh -- I see -- \';'na'c? -- Yeah, yeah, no,
after, uh, after we had your , our talk,
you know, I said, I said that, uh, he just
SElid I, ,,,e handed the doc- I he gave the
Gocusents to Gray. That's, uh, you know
,,hat I mean, and uh, that was that. Iie
didn't say, but he never said we told
him to destroy them. You see my point?
But hell Dean was, uh, well let, let me
put it this vay. Assuming he had, \.;hy
the hell is he going to implicate himself
in such a thing as that? He can let Gray
take the rap for it. -- Yeah. -- Yeah.
-- Yeah, ahd he didn't. Right, right.
-- That's right. Right. Right,
right, right, right, right. -- Right.
-- Right . -- Yeah. -- I see. -- I see,
but that was not done, -- That's right.
-- Incidentally, may I ask, '''ithout
reviewing the contehts, diel, uh , did you
get to the bottom of the Sheppard
Okay. -- Fine. Yeah. -- Okay_
Oh yeah. -- Yeah. - - Right. -- Exactly.
--Oh , hey, the reason "Thy they thought
that I Has putting up the transcripts, huh.
-- Ha ha ha ha ha ha -- Yeah. -- Well,
" .
APP-IL 26 , 1973,
Conti .. ue d:
FROM 3: 59 P . M. TO 9:03 P. M.
l e t me say t h i s , uh, on e o f t he , one
o f the my record is
clear o n i s I, you coul d swear on,
on a stack of Bi.bles that I, in f act
I've prob a b l y bent over more b a ck'Y' ard
more than Eas t people would h ave that did
this. Fel l on the Gra nd Jury , I do not
want to I know. -- Ri ght, right.
and uh -- by direction. -- All right.
-- On the, uh, on the Gray thing, uh,
it to me that, uh, that Gra y, you
should have yo u r with Gray
irrJTiedi a t e1y . 'I'he thre e of you. Don
h avehin make a statement; however , until
uh, until uh , he uh, .1 don't knmv \.;hether,
whe the r he even make o ne t onight .
tJi1, uh, you know "'ha 1.:. I mean? I'm not
sure I could r e a.ct t h at soon. But I knoiY'
that, uh, he 's got convictions a nd rr.aybe
we shouldn't act like , uh ... l think that
under circumsta nces that the destruction
done or, e ven though it was done with no
legal int e nt, uh, t his all, this uh, stupidity
of the, it's unbeli e vable (unintelligibl e).
He'll have to resi gn, which would be
best ... Wno's second man, uh (unintelligible)
over there? Felt (unintelligible) -- Yeah.
-- That's right. -- I know. -- Yeah, I
know. -- I know. -- I knml. --:- No that I s
(u.."!.intelligible). No, no, vle, we've got to
be cleane d out, got to be cleaned out. !1y
point is, my point is, this is not the
tine. This is not the time. I am not
ready to name Gray's succeSSGr. I'm still
searching, you know, and so therefore,
but, but, but the point is if Gray leaves
-- Huh , \-ihat? Yeah . -- But the point that
I to get across here, that they haven't
been nair.i:1g a nybody to succeed Gray, I've
got to do i t on the basis of, uh, you know,
an Acting Director a t this point and, uh,
and I do thi nk we 're going to have to this to the point, to the point that,
un ... 1'11 ha ve to b e leaving nOl-l, do you
have a !:.e 2 tix,g at , uh, 6: 10, uh, you and
om ',=.,."."
[ .

1,'?f:II .. 26, 1973, 3:59 P . l-!. TO 9:03 P.I'I.
Pr..:CSIDS[!::L ,
Continued: Dick, uh (unintelligible) are going
to with Grav (unintelligible) over Or should Gray -- Oh , I see .
-- Yeah. - - Yeah, he's gotta think about
it and uh , and he shouldn' t make a, I
don't think that Gray should pop off
wi th 2. statement t onight arl the thing.
Uh, does that , doesn't that rr.ake sense?
-- Yeah , after all , b ecause basically
he's gonna have to say what the situation
is. Now what is your suggestion 2.S to
,,'hat, uh, uh , an:lbody else, I mean (unin-
t el ligible) the matter . I
mean after a ll , this is one of the things
you are i nves tigating this, this, this
Hhole damn "deep- s ix" thing. Renernber,
I told you to locate the list, find out,
you haven 't, you haven't even , uh, you,
.'ell, 2. 5 a matter, you, yeu haven't even
h2.d Dean's statement under oath yet, have
you? And you hav:en ' thad Ehrlichman under
oath? So (unintelligible) for a full
IT'.oon . Yeah . -- He ll, uh , one, one,
one thing else, uh, that the, uh, ,,,hat
abo1.:t your, what a bout your, your. your
meeting with Dean? Uh, isn't it about
time you get that done? Let's just get
this thing rolling, or is that something
(unintelligible)? When are you going to
meet him? -- His attorney. -- Yeah --
Right. -- Yeah. - - See, - the problem
I have is this, as you see, but the
the, but the problem I have is that, uh,
they say, "Y7el l Vihat are you going to
do about Ehrlichna n?" QU2s tion is,
what are you going to do about Dean ?"
You see what I mean? -- You see. -- So
therefore , the point is, the, the point
is that , ah -- Yeah , yeah, I knm'T , I know,
oh, no, no , no, no , no, Fh at I am r eferring
t o thO'...lgh is the -CGrrns of, of uh , of when
you were going to get . Now I understand
7 8
APRIL 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 P . M. TO 9:03 P . M.
Con-tinued: all in our conversation that, uh,
that the attorneys for Haldeman
Ehrlicl:.s3.n are going to meet ,'7ith the
U. S. Attorneys and arrange for , ub,
first the informal interview, which you
suggested was t he proper procedure. That's
g oing to be done very soon, I understand.
I suppose (unintelligible ). Then , uh , so
we get that out of the way. Uh , and then,
o f course , they will. be able to go over to
Grand Jury after they 've had their meet ing.
Dh, b"\.:t getting back to 'che Dean thing,
uh, it came to me that, uh, uh , you've
got to ge-c Dean in there to them, lli'1. , you
knm-l "hat I mean? I r:lean you've got-tc:.,
you' ve gotta decide the Dean thing,
Let me just say one thing , that on tha-t /
the decision is yours . He'll get, he
to you, but, but don't
about what he told, I mean , uh, ,.That he
holds, uh, trur::p card or- blae;::: and
so forth. There's not going to be any
h ere , and uh, don't you agree?
-- that? -- Right. --
-- Hagruder ' sand Cean' s s -tories
variable (unintelligible)? -- Um
-- Yeah. -- Yeah, you ,..;ant Dean to plead.
-- Yeah. -- Then you got a case.
That' s right. -- Yeah. I know you
are . You're still sure o f both Ehrlicrunan
a nd Hal d eman , but you've gotta get, but
the part that, I, I understand and L'_m
not trying to take you out around the
cas e, t he only thing I think the plea is,
uh. How I can still sit h e r e \vi th, uh, I
rr:ean, I mean I'm restless \vith Ehrlichman
and Haldeman's problem, naturally, if
\ ,;e, if you, but then I also have to urestle
\'lith Dean's problen, because I'm a\V'are
o f information tha t you are. I mean, I
a g ree ar.d our conversation, but I'm
aware o f those conversations see, and, I
APRIL 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 P . M. TO 9:03 P.M.

.. ..... .... ..)'
cannot move unt il, uh, without practically
j e op?rdizing your , uh, prosecution. Can
I? No , but I guess they didn't tell
me. I mean the point is , uh , i f you ' re
-- 1'1.11 right, the n 1'11 >'Jait for you,
b u t uh, I would say that, uh , Dean's
decision ought to be made soon, uh,
and uh, r emember there 's not going to be
any blackmail or nothing of that s ort.
Call here, I ,-rant to follO'tl this damn
thing, and uh, I want it clearly understood.
But, uh, He' re, uh going t.O be concerned
about blackrr.a.i l anyhm,! . It's (urlintel-
ligib1e) him. I mean, uh, it's not the
you can b e sure o f. The President's
family all knm-l that they may try a little
of that and they ' may say, "iVe ll, they all
kneH about the c over-up and so forth" , all
right, fine, but uh, don't let 'em black-
mail you. Don 't you be a bit I
mean Dean, l et me put up that Dea n now has
aho:.:t as much , I'm afraieJ., in 'vic'" of ",hat
has happened here , he has got about as much.
uh, credihili ty as , as l':agruder has, Hhich
ain't euch. That's th2 problem. -- Yeah.
-- ?hat' s right. -- I";ould you like, like
anybody. Okay. \-7ell, let me know about
your day. HO'.'l you go vli th Dick Kleindienst.
Call me right back ... Hell, you heard it.
the solution to that. Kleindienst
he had one iota of a (unintelligible)
to get Gray off in a corner alone and s ay
"You son-of-a-bitch, you can't talk like
that". Yet he '.von't do it, maybe after
this and Gray Hill -- and what you have.
to do is, is not tell me to say, Itll
just say, "Pat, I'm astonished at \'lhat
you're going to say. I don't believe it
and I want you to ..
A?nI L 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 P . M. TO 9:03 P.M.
I-IALDEr:'i;N :
Hell. ..
. tell me, is that true?"
Yeah. Here is the problem that , uh
the thing that of course is the loose
cannon out there is again the son-ai -a
bitch Dean.
Dean says he gets the story that Ehrlichman
told him to d e s ~ r o y the documents. So
forth (unintelligible) "dcep-six" them
and he said (unintelligible) but you heard
what I said well now, that's a totally
ridiculous story . 1 mean , if they're
going to destroy t:he docuQents vihy would
they call the Director of the FBI over
and say, "LOOK, here's some documents,
destroy them."
i/'ore than that, ' 1 thought Dean's story
was that I said that, but he thought
better of it. So he didn't.
And they gave 'em to Gray.
So he gave them to Gray.
tha t ..
Dean's told me
. several times. This doesn't fit
that (unintelligible ).
Kleindienst, please.
On the other side , y ou might want to use
Kleindienst. He said Ehrlichman called
APRIL 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 P.M. TO 9:03 P.M.
F .... ,
Gray at hc;:;e Sundtly night at 10:45 about
the envelooe in auestion, and Gray said,
"John, I' gonna _. say; I d idn't knmv
anything a.b out i -t." Ee said, "Yeah ."
I said \ ';e deny it. I said, "Dean has,
has tal ked about the de livery of the
documents," and he said , "Xou can't let
him say tha t." I said, "Ne ll, Pat, he's
Cl.lready said it." Lnd he , "\\1e11, !'ll.
deny it." lmd h e said, "You've gotta
b21ck w.e up." ADd then I called back,
r ememb er, four minutes later
(Unintelligible). Nell, \.;hatever it was.
He was sitting right here.
He met for ti'lenty minutes. All right , I
called him back, told Bob, and said, "Ptlt,
I can't leave our previous conversation
alone. You can't deDY it, b a cause I'm
gonna ha-17e to up Dean \;hen he says he
c.elivered it. But ";hat you said is that
you must tell the truth , Pat. You've got
to state the facts, don't get crosswise
on this. n
The problem is, \'lhat is Dean going to say
about this today? That 's the point, isn 't
it? The point is\'lhat the hell he says
about this, isn't that? See, we haven't
got anybody to taU:. to him. Ziegler?
Ziegler could.
Reel 4 Eegins
HAI,uZ,l.1\N: I suggest.ed to Ron that he talk to Dean,
but he waDts to talk to you first.
' .
a' U .. 0 ....... B' t. tWWt::t!S .. ti.?!SSG .. & ... !!X H!8tJii if!l.llWti j{I!tliI!!JCJl(bltb I tl!!:9i!+
APRI L 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 P . M. TO 9:03 P . M.
All right , get Ron over here (unintel-
Would you ask Ron Ziegler to come to the
Proesident I s office, i rr.mediate ly, please?
Tha nk you.
Reel 3 Ends
l-Il' RI L 26, 1973 , 3:59 TO 9:03 P . H.
Gray said to you in that second conver-
sation he didn ' t know wllere the papers
came fron ; and I (u:lintelligible) say he
didn't ope:l it, but he destroyed i t. And
you put the thing down, the total shock
saying he destroyed it.
Yeah. I know. You , you, you, you, you
showed it. You showed me here and well,
he says, there goes ,my, uh, c areer .
Well, the t rouble i s now talking.
did ;
We ll, I, I, I the expressio n.
(Unintelligible) just threw you right,
I mean (uni ntelligible) it would.
Yes, So I've a curious situa tion here
I'd like to know more about (unintelligible)
really i mportant.
I didn't t e ll you about this problem of '
why you didn't act on Gray sooner. (Un-
intelligible) Gray's blo statements to
Petersen. You can r eason him out. In
other Petersen's still investigating .
But you say all the witnesses and
a ll haven't been c alled again.
I knmv. But don't you think that in
view of this--do you think Gray should
hPRIL 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 TO 9:0 3 P . M.
Yeah. Hello.
(Unintelligible) calling.
Uh, Dick, are you where you can talk?--
Yeah. One thing I -think is very impor-
tant and perhaps that , uh, awfullY
difficult to (unintel ligible) Pat Gray,
uh, that, uh--a story to the effect--I'm
t<.llking now about the truth--a story to
the effect that he came over to, uh,
s office and recei\red documents
and ' .. las told by Ehrlicp ...'1lan and/or Dean
to destroy them, first, is not true.
That's (unintelligible). What happened
is, uh, is basically that he was handed
the documents, and then the stupid fellow
didn1t--told him they were not related
to Watergate, but they were political,
uh, documents, politically, uh, uh,
Go(;tl..-:1ents and they \,;,ere delivering them
to him. NOW, it, it seems to me that
Gray , uh, frankly, that he just walks
cut and says--r mean, you know (unintclli-
gible)--but that he walks out and says
that is not true, because, uh,
has (unintelligible) I talked
with Dean and, my God, Vlhat Dean \vill say
now, I don't know. I mean there, uh,
but, uh, but my talk vl ith Ehrlichman,
which I know is, uh , is the God's truth.
They handed him the documents and I, r
remember that when, uh, thi s mattcJ:;" came
called--you see the c-
curious thc--just so you know the facts,
Petersen first called Patrick and said,
you have any, uh, did you receive
such docuT'\ents?" And Gray denied having
ever receiving any. D-denied it brice .
J..PRIL 26, 1973, 3 : 59 TO 9:03 P.I\1.

Then, finally, he said he refreshed his
menory. He said, yes, he'd received them,
but he destroyed them. \\e11 now, the
point is, uh , I, called
Gray alsc, uh, and said, "Pat , what about
those envelopes that you got? " And uh,
uh, and Pat, of course--which of course
he denied , you see--he said, "You
rCi:\eIT'bered it, you got theD, " and he says,
the hell are they?" And he says,
"I des'croyed them." and Ehrli chman \"as
utterly shocked . Imd I I m sure Dean was
utterly shocked. Over what Dean would say
now, I don't kn'ov;. There ,,-as discussion
of--Dean says there was a discussion we
ought to get, we oughta destroy the docu-
ments in Hunt's safe that, had nothing to
do with Watergate, and so forth. But
the point was, it was not done. It was
handed to Gray, and Gray did destroy them.
But t he critioal point is this--that th-,
the Director o f the FBI- - it ' s bad enough
fa!:: him to say , "I took the c:.ocumel!ts,
and I destroyed them because they weren't
r e lated to any cases you had , and I
didn I t feel we should have (un.inte lligible ). n
That's bad enough . But if he says that
I c.estroyed them because I \'laS ordered to,
can you imagine "hat that r:lakes him look
like? And I, I want you to have a h eart-
to-heart talk with him on that point,
'cause I don't want to (unintelligible)
that you're a l iar. So, uh, ar.e y ou
Yeah--Yeah. All right--right.
right." Fine . All right. You
back . Bye , bye ... We ll, crisis
crisis an hour.
c al l me
a day,
APRIL 26 , 1973, FROM 3:59 TO 9:03 P.M.

Yes, sir. Dean (unintelligible).
Right. Yeah. ''''e ll, I don't knmv,
u h , i'lhen--ti1e 'rim-:=s will run the story
in the morni ng'f
Oh, I suppose so. Yes, sir.
Yea h. And , u h , who'd they get it
Do t hey kno,.,?
It's allover tm;:n, apparently (unin-
tell igible) true.
(Unintelligible) .
(Unintelligible) .
Imd are they referring to the fa. c t: that--
are they saying that--are they, are they
usi!1S in the st:o!:"y the fa.ct that Ehr- r
Ehrlich.r.!an and Dean,. and/or Dean o rde!:"ed
Gray to destroy them?
It doesn't say ordered him.
Told him to destroy the m?
It doesn't say t old, it says
He destroyed them (unintel ligible) .
.. a meeting.
That I S right.
Uhf 7ruitt, uh, his cormnents , . uh, it
after h e had referred--he a lso had r 'eferred
to t h e fac t that the ma teria l was forged
blaming uh, Kennedy for the
a ssassination of (unintellig ible ).
- - - . - -- -.- - -'
_ .' '... .. l ., ,
IU:'lUL 26,1.97 3 , PEON 3:5 9 TO 9:03 P.!1.
Hi\LDE1!.a.N :
I thought it \'las .Di e m.
Referred I
I don 't knO'..,- \:,hat I am--all I I m saying
is what Truitt .
I understand. I understand. But that's
I think probably what it \l as. I don' t
knm.... That's uh, but, uh, docs anybody .
knm., \,hat the hell the . documents were?
The only pe:!:'son I knO'.., \.;ho h2.s ever said
that that's \,hat it. \'laS is John Dean.
Yeah. SO::l,=body has seen those
Sowebody has got to have seen the Goc.-
dam..'1 docl.lmen ts .
Fred Fieldir.g saH them.
'Spose it helps, er, has anybody' talked
to Dean?
(Sigh). Dean told me that saw
the documents.
And that they involved the assassination
of Diem?
No, he--yeah, I gues's he did. He said
that th-, among them was--he said there
\ ... as a bunch of very bad political stuff
and among them was some phony document,
uh, that, that, uh--saying that Kennedy
has instituted the assassin;;tion of Diem.
You think that \Oic:.S (unintelligible) Dean?
},?:nL 26, 1973 , 3 : 59 TO 9 : 03 P.II.

------ --- --
Ye2.h . As I ...
Dean says he never looked 2.t it. He
says Fielding is the only cne ..
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I would
thi nk this-- i t \'JCuld be inport.cmt first,
for, uh--you have not reacted yet.
No, didn' t think I should. Colson
talked \Vi th !r.e.
v .

I -;: h ink he ,,,anted you to react to a
star};'" ...
.. suen as this, and I'd overreact all
e ver the place ...
I agree.
... {unintel ligible) ...
I agree. Now the point is, uh, should
J ohn react?
I he should. the situation is, as
he knows it, I think . you're -- Colson should
release it.
Should, should Dean react?
(unint.ellig ible)
I didn't. think he was (unint.elligible) .
But (ulli ntellig i b le).

PR:::S 1DE,':T ;


1973, FROM 3:59 TO 9 :03 p t-!.
it would be helpful to knm, what
the hell he's gonna say, \'lould you mind
explaining it to John , say we 're getting
queries on it and, uh , and , uh, and, uh,
and , uh, t he , u h , that the question is ,
uh, I just, is what you ' re ,
uh- -what are , what anything, uh,
you're gonna say? What is your thinking?
Should we get into the fact that one
r eport i s, understand that, that ... or ,
or we
Yeah .
. that Gray claims that ...
. that Gray was ordered to destroy them.
By Dean?
I don't know.
Well, you do now.
I told you that. I got that , I got that
from, I got that from--I just talked to
Kleindienst. Kleindiens t told me, and
(Unintelligible) .
I>etersen claimed he's told him (unintelli-
g ible) that, uh, Gray ' s, that uh, that uh,
their version--Gr a y's version is that he
was' orde r ed to destroy them. By Dean.
11..nd that tnat' s vlhat the ,s tory is (Ul!.in-
;:_?iUL 26, 1973, 3 : 59 TO 9 : 03 P.M.

telligible) and say, ""i-las that the case
at: did you just hand it to him?"
(Unint21Ii gible) .
See \-lna t I mean?
Yes, sir .
I just want to get, I just want to know
what he ' s gonna say. I ' m just trying to
find out. Say, '.'John, uh," and uh
hirr: we I re not gonna--He don't comlne nt
stories here. Don't co:nmeJ::c on 'em from
here. Net no'_v. 11
lUld ask him not to say a nything vlithout
checking with you first.
Ar..}7 ::'ou Clsk hint ...
Okay. Lei:: me j ust state it here.
All right.
In the last few d ays (unintelligible).
I have not been checking with Dean about
hoVl he responds.
I see. All right.
(Unintelligible) asked me to do this,
so that's fine.
Well , this is different.
a Dean story.
This isn't just
A??IL 26,1973, FRO:'l 3:59 TO 9:03 P.H.

This is cne that involved getting out
Ehrlichman and Gray . That ' s the problem
we've got. Just say, uh , "John, the only
purpose of this is to, uh ... "
(Unintelligible) cover-up, right?
Right . Here, in a way ..
.. . 1 think we have
Yeah, I mean, the ,President has to know.
I ,UD., "lha t Ull, \vha t uh, \]ha t ;.;ha t
happened on that day?
Okay .
I uh , what is his recollection?
Just like to, like to knmi and ,that-- er,.
Ron . . -
Yes, sir.
. under no circumstances (unintelligible)
no, n o/ we can't.
Uh, \'le can't talk about it, but uh,
(unintelligible)-- I think with this one
we have to know.
' "
26, 1973, FROM 3:59 TO 9 : 03 P.M.


(Door c loses )
(Unintel ligible conversation)
Well, let' s see what we c an do--uh,
John, uh, I, I told Bob, uh, what your
suggestion was and he said that we can't
do thct. (Unintelligible) par t of the
case and ' -Ie have to--i t' s simply--makes
the ccse. But the reaction to that,
and so forth.
That was Frank rea ction, too
Who is Frank Stridkler?
Our r uh, our nuro.ber b -.:o la\.;yer.
\'7hat did he say?
Ee said he just--he 6idn 't think that
we had , uh, anything . t o worry about and
that it was not that big a deal. He
said it ',las a big d eal for Pat Gray,
but it \.;-on't mean anything to you. Once
we get, uh, get a position on it.
But, Hell, ,-,hat did he think you should
get a position on?
That's what we talked. I sent a copy of
this over to him and, uh, with the under-
standing that "7e ,-lOuld talk about (unin-
telligible) want to talk about.
All our problems were (unintelligihle) but
the most stupid thing that you coftld
possibly have the Director (unintelligi-
ble ) I'll never forget the look of shock
on (unintell igible ).
l\PTIIL 26, 1973 , FHmI 3 ; 59 'EO 9 : 03 P./,j.

What--did, did Petersen say that when
he talked to Gray the first time that it
was a casUal conversation, end doesn't
Pat hold that against him, or something
to that effect?
No. He said , "Yes ," he said tha't Gray
i s sorta casual and he asked him t wice
and that--Kleindi ens t told me that Gray
denied brice t hat he had got.te n the
documents. He de!1i'ed it twice . And
then finally refreshed his recollection
and 'said, "Yes, I got it. "
Then it's then Petersen tended to
apprecia te that. I gather it (unintel-
lig ible)
you mean , uh, uh, did it
offend Gray?
No, no, no, no, no, he j ust said that.
He says he just, he's just gotta take
over this thing. And he said one of
those god-damned thing is uh, just uh,
ycu know, he--I don' t--knm'.'.
(Twenty Second pause)
Not that it's--makes a hell of a lot of
difference but \'7ho do you think, what
do you think the source of this--(unin-
telligible) right out of t he Grand--not
the Grand Jury--U.S. Attorney or Dean?
26, 1973, 3:59 TO 9:03 P . M.
You think Dean?
Dean , ye ah .
It hasn't been to the Grand Jury. Either
got to be the Justice Departme nt or Dean
or !l".8 .
obviously (unintelligible) the
Grand Jury , but I meant, u-, U-
u-, U-,
by tr:e Justice Departr;.ent, the prosecuting
tea:n, the la\vyer s' departlC'.cn t, the pro-
s e cuting team. See, undobbtedly (unintel-
He had just left for hqme, his secretary
s ays .
He! (Unintelligible)
Well, Ron, I think that's what you have
to do here. That son-of-a-bitch.
You knmv ..
Ah, it's e story that will effectively
knock him--destroy him. Get the ,;ord to
the FBI a nd I'll soon know Hhether the
FBI Director--what be's gonna say. But,
I don't care what he says, Gray's got
to go tomorrow. Or would you agree?
Yes, sir. I HOU ld C'.gree.
AP?IL 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 TO 9:03 P.M.


P :?.E: S IDENT:
He can't--I mean , if he, if , if he
destroyed them because he was ordered
to (unIntelligible ) if he destroyed
them. gotta
go either way. You see my point is,
uh, that" this potentially happens.
Ri ght?
Well, he ll, material given to the
eminent Di r ector of the FBI in his
offici al capacity , to identify the
sensi tive materials not related to
the c ase at hand--purpose of giving
them to him obviously was to have,
have them retained.
He ,';e!1t out and destroyed it. The guy
is a fr i gging idiot.
That's right. That's
happened. That ' s the
e:(actl:i \\'nc;: t
truth in that:.
I didn't want any part of it. He asked
rne vlhy , and I ...
He said he \'iaS gonna lie and asked you
to corroborate his lie.
That's right.
never, interestingly enough, never
said, "But you told me to destroy this ."
That's right.
No . No , thatls new.
I (unintelligible).
That's new. But
APRIL 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 TO 9:03 P.M.
Which put it back ...
Right. Right.
. and then the normal reaction .
(Unintelligible) I called back if I
had said I "Fat, you Ire gonn"3. have to
tell the truth," if , if, in fact , he be-
lieved that I haa instructed him, he
,,,auld have said .. "h'ell, y-E"ah ," so and so,
and so and so .
.. (Unintelligible)
You've got pretty good witnesses to
that conver sation.
One--at least one of whom I can use.
Use that, can use that one. I'm not
sure I (unintelligible) could anymore.
If he goes, "I think, uh--who could I
do with as Director?
I don't think you should
But, uh, Bob, is there anybody else over
there now, Bob, John, the Department of
Justice that I could use? (Unintelligible).
Okay, Ron, my boy.
Okay, I'll be reporting back.
97 -
APRIL 26, 1 9 73, FRon 3:59 '1'0 9 :03 P.l'!.
P RESID'::::KT: Can you report back on your Dean conver-
Yes, sir.
Thank you. You got anything else you
want to ask about?

All right. Okay, Ron.
(Pause, door closes)
You can put F.!'::brose in there as Acting .
Ehere is A;ubrose nm"?
u:.-nDE'-.JTIFIED : He I s still over in the Narcotics
istration. He's about to leave . You
could ask him to stay on for awhile.
PRESIDENT: I'd rather put somebody like that in
than to put Felt in. Right?
If k-nbrose, if he won't do it for a couple
of months, vThy , uh, you knO'.-l, he' s clean
and, uh, (unintelligible) political colora-
tion. Ne\v York Republican . Is he a
ca.mpai gner? Eould he agree to help as
a calr,paign Horker, because ...
Oh, no. No, no. It. .
APRIL 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 TO 9:03 P . M.
PRES I DEi:'!T :
Regarding b e c a u s e of qualifications
we ll, when he ha d campaigned a
lot, not a lot, yeah--
For us?
Sure. He's conservative.
So he has a political coloration (unintel-
l igible).
Yeah , bu t I 'm not , (laug h s ) t he point is
I'm not, uh, we're not putting him in
there for, remerr.ber the (unintelli-
gible) Senate conf i rmation. We're just
of s omebody until
somebody else can put in there.
Uh huh . .
\'le1l, you could bri ng somebody llke this
Ja.-:',es Q. Hilson Harvard in terr,por-
arily , with t he understanding in advance
that he "las only temporary t cause you're
not considering him on a full time basis.
He ought to get sonebody in the
governnent. HOH about Rucke:;'shaus? Sure.
(Unintellig ible) Ruckelshaus, just for a
couple of
Let him take a leave of absence.
APRIL 2G, 1973, FROM 3:59 TO 9:03 P.M.
HI.LDS1':';'N: But this other thing--takethis one?
EHP..LICi-I!-1.:-"\N :
Well, we've been thinking (unintelligible)
a possibility for the job, too.
Right. Right. Riqht.
in this as
but (unintelligible ).
He probably wouldn't be
a permanent thing,
If it's a . temporary thing, mi:1.ybe --
(Forty Second Pause)
Well, I don't know what Dean is trying
to prove by this, but (unintelligible).
Yeah . (unintelligible ).
But that kind of--the \-lay the story carne
from the 'I'imes, it \'las that Gray had told
friends de-da, de- da, but that's a standard
New York line. (Unintelligible).
Can I see, uh, John, uh, can I see 'i'iha t
you have in my statement?
hP?IL 26,1973, FROH 3:59 TO 9:03 P.IL
Sure. Then I'll -- Bob changes it somehow.
I'll read it to you if I could.
pretty screwed up (unintellig ible). "Hr.
Gray received of the CO!ltents of the
}lunt safe from Nr. Ehrlich..l-::an I s office
from Mr. Dean in June, 1972. Mr. Dean
had previously sealed it in a large
envelope. was told by Mr . Dean
that the contents sensitive materials
not in any way related to the Watergate
case. Mr. was present but
neither then nor at any other did
he give Mr. Gray any request, suggestion,
or instruction regarding what ihould be
done \lith the contents. Mr. Ehrlicb-::\an
does not know the nature of the contents.
Up ur!.til April 15, !lr. Ehrlicb-,'TIcn assun1ed
the FBI Director still had the contents.
Hr. EhrlichlT\<J.n discovered certain ne'-:;"
f acts cO!lcerning the contcr!. t s of the
Hunt safe on April 15, 1973. He proI':'.ptly
reported his findings to the President
the day , and were relayed to
Mr. Petersen, the Assistant Attorney
General. The matter has been under
investigation by him since."
(Uni ntel ligible) .
"Certain ne,,, fact concerning the contents"
(lli,i nt.elligible) "concerning the status of
the contents."
Yeah. That's right.
Or the, uh, the current, uh, positior- of
the contents or something . Condition
the status -- we already got that.
26 , 1973, FROM 3:5 9 TO 9 : 03 P . M.
: Concerning , concerning the, uh ..
The status of the contents. The disposi-
Oh, the disposition is the--what I'm
driving at .

PP2S!DE;:!T :

Yea.h . Yeah .
You gonna let Ziegl er put that or
will that be your (unintelligible).
(Unintelligible) a c o uple of first names
t 's your though t,' John, have, uh,
Ziegler put that out?
Hell, Ron Hould rather not. He, he
would rather not.
Yeah, (unintelligible )
Petersen, Petersen (unintelligible).
Ehrlichman (unintelligible). You say
I, I, I, you see .
h'hy don't you just put out the statement
yourself, John?
I think it's best ..
APRIL 26, 1973, FROM 3:59 TO 9:03 P. N.
PRES IDE !:'1 T :
EII?..LICF.lLllli :

I thir.k it I S best that you do that ra'cher
than should stay in a position,
"I'm not gonna comment on this case," so
forth and so on.
The r.;l1i te House Office could still put it
out. Gerry Barren just puts it out .
Yeah .
. . as a statement b y John D. Ehrlich.r:.lan.
Yeah. That's what I say. I, er.
(Fifty Second
He told me, the judge
is taking under adviseRent the situation--
didn't I, didn't I tell you?
He is taking under advisement. the situation
with regard to--(unintelligi ble).
Urn h17LCl.
The break-in, and, uh, he is making, making
no decision on this (unintelligible) the
Brady issue (unintelligible) now, or hold-
ing to the fact that (unintElligible) post-
trial (unintelligible) that it's
just not, uh, pertaining (unintelligible}.
I .. muld. hope and pray that they \,ere

I,PRIL 26,1973, FRO:i 3:59 Cl'O 9:03 P.'I.
Pf?ESID:::1 T:
PRESID:S!Jr:l' :
NOw, did I , er, understand from your end
of the conversation that they're still
trying to get Dean to a guilty plea?
(Sighs) You see, here's the problem.
They got j:agruder ready to plea.d. But
they need Dean to--and, un, Ull--
Are Magruder and bean (unintelligible)?
No. They're not. They're ....
(Unintelligible) .
(Unintel ligible)
Hho basically, as I say I "iere mortal
enemies (unintelligible) Dean and Magruder
Well, Magruder ran for his ass very much;
Dean had to coach him into his perjury.
Yeah, yeah. That's--Dean (unintelligible ).
He can slide out of everything else, but
that, I can't see any, anything, any--all
right. So they'll still talk to their
laHyers Hith regard to, uh, what Dean is
gonna do. And I guess Dean logged this
kind of stuff in for the purpose of in-
creasing his bargaining power. If t.hen--
(Pa use)
e mrs
!.P?IL 26,1973, F Rml 3:59 TO 9:03 P.r.! .

On the plea, wouldn't you (unintelligible).
I don't knoH.
\Yell, ,,,hat ...
(Unintelligible) .
Go ar..ead.
(Unintelligible) what it 's about.
\'7ell, just say,"But:, . but at the ending, '
uh, cross that bridge wherever it comes
(unintelligible) of the blackmail. 11 John,
don't you agree?
You can't do it. You can't do it. You,
you can't be , I c an't be. Even a Presi-
dency cannot be and, uh, (unintelligible).
Em'" can you ask me what I mean in my
notes, I didn't (unintelligible). I had
I better call and r edictate this (unin-
telligible) .
Yeah . Would you like to (unintelligible).
May give it to a secretary ...
Yeah, Jan's around .
P.l' l:IL 26,1973, FRG:'l 3:59 TO 9:03 p.n.


I if this chang2s our situation,
John, with regard to (unintelligible).
(Pause )
The book , you know.' I wonder if you
(unintelligible) move on it today (unin-
t ell i gible) long time .
(Fause )
(Unintelligible) expect contributions.
You've got that probleln. And I--there's
no way, Bob, I can figure the son-of-a-
b i teh . You heard \'ihat I told hi,}? And
I said get him in (unintelligible) .
(Unintelligible )
beat's tj:UG. F::r.:! t alked , uh, to
t heir l awyers and apparently got into
a plea.
I don't really und2rstand t hat. hThy do
they have to get into plea? Hhy don't
t hey just (ctintelligible).
to get more out of it .
(Unintelligible) .
(U",intelligible). I wondered if (unintel-
l igible) , buJc you shouldn 't hit Ron,
all of you.
(i?ause )
(Unintelligible) .
\ ,
APRI L 26, 1 973, FROM 3:59 TO 9 : 03 P . M.
P?ES IDE!-;T :
(Uninte llig ible) uh.
Hr. Ziegler,
un, get mare deeply
involved .
(Phone rings)
Yeah, hold on your Dean call (unintelli-
gible) .
You e1 ther . ..
is a pretty--you know what I mean,
you can't, uh, (unintelligible) .
This is not deadly It's
c.a..-r.aging but not here . Unless Gray
to take this , thi.s course--if
he tri es to--if he goes out that way.
I ' n sure we can because it shatters
the Fal (unintelligible). But that's
ir:e"ri t able . .!cha t (s--'h':e c annot clo
that. No matter what Gray says. Even
if he was ordered to destroy it and did,
uh--it shatters him. But, I--this is
why I total l y believe Dean.
absolutely convinced he did not tell
Gray to destroy them.
Did Dean--did you e ver pass Dean or did
you ever get to discuss this v-lith him?
Yeah. And Dean said I didn't discuss
it \-lith him, he told me c..bout it, but
this is one he considered one of
his greatest moves . Was--ncw Dean does
say ...
Ehrlichrnan told him to destroy it but he
c. id ::.. I t do it.
APRIL 26, 1 973, FROM 3 : 59 TO 9:03 P.M.
EALDE2lTI.N ; But he said I vlas too sraart fo:c that.
I figured out how to do it , which is
t6 put it in the hands of Gray and
t hen, have the FBI put i t in a
sealed envelope that won ' t be used by
these ba.stards \\Tere leaking stuff
out of the FBI. Just put in the Director's
office in secret files.
He thought that was an
That ' s for sure . He went back and as
I understand it Ehrlichrnan agreed with
hiE1 (unintelligible) much better idea
(unintelligible). That's his line. I
have no r eason to believe Ehrlichman did
tell him to destroy it. I h ave a fee ling
h e decided to destroy it.
(Unintelligible ) .

Gr ey did
. . ?
Dear. did it. But then he t hought
t h rough that h e shouldn't destroy it.
But soon figur ed out that the way to
avoid the strike was to turn it over
to Gray. turned the other stuff
over to t he FBI agents (uni nte lligible)
Gray . I don't think Dean--I really don't
t hink Dean tried to destroy them.
Oh, I know (unintelligible).
(Uninte lligibl e ) .
(Paus e)
'\ .
108 "'.'x.
A:.>lUL 26, 1973, FROH 3 : 59 TO 9:(jJ "2.1-1.

Deem hates Gray b '2 cause Gray c a lled hin
a liar and (unintelligible).
Then D2an could say
that Ehrlichman ordered hinto destroy it.
And then you mean, b s cause \'Ie have to try
and get. both Ehrlicl:man and Gray (unint.el-
ligible) . I don't think he knew it, I
think De an--Dean IS inter es';: --if you uanted
to get Gray, this is a hell of a good
way to get Gray. But when t.hat
I tell him to destroy 'em, the
durob son-oI-a-bitcn did that himself.
Look, you've been through nm,]--\',e' ve
been through of t.he (unintel-
ligible) 2lst thing to be quite
honest that's his (unintelligible) t.hat is
his, uh, trump card, that's his trump
You don't think that's his trump card?
Hhat the hell do you think his trunp
card (unintelligible)?
I would guess it's Petersen.
(Unintelligible). This administration
(unintelligible). No, on this one--on
this one he's (unintelligible). The
encouraging part about it is the latter
part that you wrot.e me t.oday. Do you
(unintelligible) l egal matters. You
recall it quite categorically (unint?l-
1igible) "Ie \'ient through all the d.ocuments
and personal papers (unintelligible).
.", PT'IL 2 5 , 1 9 73 ?RO'l 3 : 59 TO 9 : 03 P ',,1
(Cor :t. )
[ Reel 5 begins)
until (uninte ll is; i b l e ) lil: c to h 2. ve Cln
oppor t:. u.'!i ty to clCZl r my s elf o f cha rges
or until , unt i l, I 2.m c02ple tely cl e ar
of c hargas o r a ny others (un in-
telligible) Ch a r ges o r a re a ny other
vlrons doi n g uh, b e c a use I c a n't , uh, \'Vi th
'integri ty , wh i ch you have ins iste d upon
( unintelligible)
[Reel 4 ends)
.. and, uh, I, I, would say (unintell igible)
I just, nust--re-thinking . I told, told
Ron to help . Told him to cal l the Dean
as to, \;l1ether \,lanr:<1. get--\,rhether maybe
if vie O1,;.ght not t o do tha t .
Um hum.
Th2.t is why, uh, my (unintelligible)
ga,,-e that control ' if, if, if give you any
i nforTIl2.tion first, first Dean ' s gor:na say one
o f .. ;o;; things.. He tIl ei th0r one,
ull, Ehrligh:nan told him to destroy it, v!hich
would be false. And then you 'll to say--
then you're up against two p e ople lying, or
you've gatta say , uh , Pat Gray is lying. It
might not (unintelligible) destroy them.
Let's just let it develop naturally.
And the facts are nmV' He have something
from hi m already . Uh, now, Ron thinks
probably this should not come out of his office.
Yeah, W1, could you get, uh, Ziegler?
(Hangs up telephone)
I'le ll, you could put i'c, uh, out of your
office . I mean, how do you do it (unintelligiblel_
Hell, I don 't Uh, a.ttorney, I suppose.

, r
...... , 1973 FROM 3:59 TO 9:03 P . N.
Yeah. I just can ' t (unintelligible ) call
Dean , uh, Dean . Will you do that? Yeah .
De2.n. P..i[:;ht . Just say that, uh ,
(unintell:Lgil.Jlc) . Okay . The.nk you , thank
y ou . Okay (unintelligible ) Just , uh , there's
an here about , uh ( unintelligible ).
\ Tery good .. B:/c ..
(Hangs up telephone)
I just talked to Wilson.
And, uh, he, he approved this, and uh, doesn't
mi nd except that , uh, this thing
i n context is not h ing .to get excited about
unless Gray a which implicates
you 0:' me or sonebody here, in which
case, (unintelligible) i t ' s gonna have to be
handle d (unintel ligible ).
He says you're not goi ng t o se ttle for the
fi rst story, regardless of the man and his
job, t!1e statement inplicating, for example,
uh, (unintelligible).
The President ordered him to des troy this?
Well , . no, he ' s saying if there ' s any evidence
that the White House ordered it. He said that's
gonna -- that's gonna, back hea dlines so big
t hat you never saw the statement you put out,
anyway, he said.
Pretty good. Yeah, yeah.
Kleindienst (unintelligible) no Petersen,
Petersen. Yeah .
You have to say this old guy is a pretty
good Foan .
Yeah .
( Unintelli Gible) h e , uh, uh, I gue ss
( unintel
. ;:.:;; l.'le ) .
APRIL 25, 1973 FROM 3:59 to 9:03 P. H.
He said, !IDa not try to get John Dean's
concurrence or cooperation." He said
( unintelligible).
You ,',ere just sa:"ing, and, un, he had a
little l 2." to change . So, uh, 1
1'm ready to GO on' this , and I'll just
defer to your j u.dgp,ent and so forth, on hOi';,
how to put it out. Obviously, I would rather
put it out here. '1'nis is 1.Ihere my office is.
This :Ls \',here I'm dOing business, but, uh, uh,
I don ' t ask Zie g ler to vouch for it, uh--
Just put out a little statement by John
Ehrlichman. They run it off and then
(unintelligible) stick it out there
(unintelligible) also press secretary
(unintelligible) the point i3--
\'ihy, just give it to the-- just call in a
Gew York TiDes reporter and give it to him.
You could call (unintelligible).
Yean .
And just say, uh, "You put a girl on. I'll
dictate my statement.
Yeah, that's the way I think I'd do it.
Right .
I think that's fair (unintelligible).
The l.Je,.,r York Times wi ll compose if;.
Risht . Say you've go tta, you've gotta call
the office.
Then tl1e press office refers to your statement
in the Times.
26 , 1971 FROM 3: 59 TO 9: 03 P. M.
Or , I could give a of it as r
gave it to the and if thsy get inquiries
on it, they just sc_Y, 1I \'jell, \: e ' ve
got a copy of the statement he gave to the
Tin:es . "
That's right . So they put it back ou t and
find a n anS1"ler.
We should talk about --certainly we've been
doin; it as individual type . ry the
t elevision reporter got
Yeah, ol:-'].y , that's ":hat we'll do. (Unintelligible )
r bet ter So and do that. That office has a
de a dline.
All right. Fine . Do that . I ' ve gotta try
to get (unintelli gib le).
( F:"lintelli gi ble) You oUGht to stay until you '.
put on to dlcta.te r::y stateme nt
tha t I --at this stage , ':ie appreciate your
(unintelli gib l e ).
Do that on a pers onal basis.
Good night. Bye, John--trying to get--
(Unintelligible) Gray appreciated
putting all this ( unintelligible).
How would you do that on the ( unintelligible1
Hhat Hould you. --\,;olllJ. you bring someone in to
take over the rol e ?
26, 1973 FROM 3:59 TO 9:03 P.M.
P;;SS IDEiJ'i':

I think you'd to, particularly with
Cole, in that
Is Rush (unintelligible)?
I think it's a (unintelligible ) thought of
Rush, of
The riel'! York Tir:ies says it hes it all
solved ( unintelligible).
( Telephone rings)
(Unintelligible ) serious.
Hello. Yeeh. I wondered if you'd had your
telk viith uh , Hith Patricl<: . Yeah. Let me
say, let me say that , uh, the one picture I
think that (unintelligible) about this, that
is totally devast ating, because , uh, I have
checked my notes on what Dean's told everybody
here. Uh, I alc;o, on this, this, this matter
and, uh, Ehrlich2an has put out, has put out
his little Pet Gray (unintelligible)
not told to destroy any, and he must not
say that. Thet,s that . You see, that ls gonna
it. Particularly in view of the fact
tha t he had tl'iO conversations (unintelligible)
";here he remembered getting it. The, the,
the only thing, if you--you see, if he agrees,
you've gotta put it to him quite personally.
I, I don't ,-rant to do it myse lf if necessary,
but I will. But he can't do that because I
,-;ould have to say he lied on it, so-Yeah, yeah.
But, but, l et me say--no, no, he, he mn:s.t
not. All that does' is to sey--Iook, uh, you
understand? It doesn't help, it doesn't help
hi2, uh, anymore and it hurts terribly here.
You kn.ol{ th8 point? Yech, yeah, just as a
result 'of this, yeah, I understand. But .. t';hat
do you do about Dean then? Uh, print it up or
sc;::etilin:::;? Yeah . (Pause ) Yeah . On Gray? Hell,
I'r::. not sUGsesting that, uh, Gray \'iill go .. uh, uh.
.' ,
==--. -=L_
_, ',--:::c
,-"S,-,7c->3 ? R m: 3: ':) 9 TO 9: 0 J
:: -:'. ;:: 5 ICEt-:T:
We don't have to do that to him the first
thing , and jUGt based on this one
Is that what you 're suggesting? I'm,
I'm not well, I'm, I'm, think about it.
I agree. I agree, cause he's got a right to
hi8 in court, too, have, and
another thing--I don't have a substitute, not
yet. Okay .
(Hangs up telephone)
He ' s got a point there. Ee says, III just
don ' t see how you can Gray go and
others not go, too." 'l'he I'Iho.le, you knol'i
what I mean, uh, story. Well, it's (unintelligi ble )
I don't understand that. That guy is just
for some reason, he's obsessed
with our leaving the--
hm'T can he?
(Cnintelligible) what I told you
( unintelligible) said about Dean .
[Jot to him?
No. I said, "Hhat about Dean?"
\-1ho. t ! d he say?
He said, "Hell (unintelligible).!! He said,
the, I said, "You can! t--if you t reo gonrra
say that somebody else lose, uh, uh--"
There ' s sorr,ethinc;, I checked l:i th ( unintelligible ) .
Hhy does he l,a.nt to get out nOlv'? I ' ll tell you .
'1':'12. this case--
Well , if Ehrlichman goes out , he ' s got one
APRIL 26, 1973 FROM 3:59 TO 9:03 P. M.
Hl'.LDEr-Ll\N :
cont inued

hell of a problem, Petersen has . Ehrli chman
is, is--he t s hell-bent to destroy Petersen.
Well, will Petersen do this to Gray?
To Dean--
... in alliance with Dean . See , J ohn's
convi n ced that Petersen's out to get him
because the- - and that the Justice Department
knew about it because John tried to remove
Petersen along with everybody e lse except
one guy, one of the people he failed--the
New York Division .
Oh , yeah.
And i'That I mean, Klei ndienst may be \irong
about Baker (unintelligible )
(unintelligible) but I have a feeling that
he has h is motivation to try to get John out
of here and , uh , knows that if John stays in
here and survives this, that Petersen never
(unintel ligible) again.
What do y ou think, looking back (unintelligible) .
Frankly, \'Te need, uh , I , I , I gues s I agree
,dth this , \': ith that, that , I , I, I ( uni ntelligible)
concluding that I kno\'l this is a problem. The
problem \;e have is getting the God damn Hhite
House (uni ntelligible ). I mean, 1--
Yeah .
Ye ah, and I, I mean, I, I really ca.n' t, I
can't call (unintelligible) do is worry
about other things a nd so forth, you know,
matters and that sort of thing . I don 't--
J'YfUL 2u, 1973 FRor; 3 : 59 '1'0 9:0'3 r . n.
PRES IDE!'Tr;: :
I kno:.'l , I ' rn ,,' hard Dan to ,,ork: for. I'm a
hard Dan ( unintelligible ), You know what I mean?
Trust people: .
Ycah, but you ...
That's right .
You expect results ; One of the problens
you've been having, you ' re not goin3 to get
the results that you expect and then you,
you j ust , that ' s- - you g otta face that , you're
not getting that.
I could rely more' on (unintelligible ) 1--
but you COUld , you, you, are able to
deal with (unintelligible) wel l.
I can say basically on the staff mesclng, I
think should be staff reeetings (unintelligible:
There ' s another guy you could bri ng in
temporari l y would be accepted and could
do it , \rould be but it r.tight
not be a bad move and you could do it on
a temporary basis. See whet h er it 'd work,
decide then. (unintelligible ) . Thanks very
The Attorney General c a lled (unintelligible).
He called (unintellig ible).
Kleindi enst , please . Hella . Oh, hello, Dick.
Ho;, are you'? YC2.h . Yea;' . Ri ght, ri ght . .
( 90 second pause) But he, but he , then, then did
not--you say, did not say ttat he ordered
to (les troy the;:1 . Is that ) that-- ( pause ) yeah,
( 30 second Yeah . Gut it was Dean, too.
That ' s !'i[;ht , t) ' s risht, that ' s ri ght. ( Pause )
Yeah. Hibil .
n:-:E, 26, 1973 lCRcn 3:59 TO 9:03 p . r; .

( Unintelligible) you off. i1ir;ht, right,
r ight . That ' s --I know ( unintelligible )
but how do--we just-- look, then you should
say nothing. Yeah, yeah, but in terms of the
r esignation ( unintelligible ) talked. to Dean.
about Dean? He said that Petersen
( unintelligible) . They 're gonna have to,
they 're genna have. to get Dean. You know
,-Tha t I rr.ea!1.? 'And, uh, Dean! s la\lJyers, uh
(unint el ligible) can yo u give hin ir..munity?
Dean. Dean? But you you? Right,
t ha t's right. Is there anybody advising him?
That ' s ny poi nt. \'Tell, then, then basically
all you can talk to Dean about is, not i mmunit y ,
but you may talk about, uh whether youtll give
.h in the fairest treatment \',e can. Isn't that
right? There's no \.'ay J'ou can give him immunity
for example, for perjury, is there? You see
that--no, 1--".;ell , that , thatts right, that' s
right. Ho. Yeah, Yeah . Uh, and, and, that's
the pOint and Y0l,! also can, c an say, ub, un.,
he's gonna be (unint el ligible) on Pat. Whatls
your advice? What, what, what do you
and Henry think? Uh, uh, I'll take care of my
problerns. Let J;"te tell you--tell Petersen he
shouldn't, uh, h e shouldn't , uh, I nean, uh)
uh, I've got my mJl1. I can handle my m\'"n \'iay
you uh, uh, aft er all itTs a little bit
different version what Petersen told me.
Petersen told me that Ehrlichman had ordered
Gray is gonna say that Ehrlichman
to de stroy the documents. Now that's
proved not to be true. Yeah. I want the damn
truth. I don't c "rhether--1 don' t--I l(noH
Pe t ersen hates Ehrlichman, and that's all
ri ght, too, but I, I, I don 't want> I don't want,.
I don 't want Peters en to go easy on him. Yeah.
Right . Yeah. (Pause) Yeah, obstruction's about,
in i';hat \-;ay? But not to cover up Oh,
I see. I ge t it. \'Ie ll, I think that--1 don't
think that . I l ike Petersen , I IT:82n myself ,
you kno,{ \,:hat I ",ean . Dh , you trust him, nO';I,
don ' t you? All ri ght . Uh, gonna clean
145 "
1973 3:59 TO 9 : 03
P22SIDEI :':L' ;
up, but I mean I can't , I, I, I'm t alking
to him, I' m talking to him, as if he, hels my
couns e l now, and I've , uh, I've (unintelligible).
Yeah ( unintelligible) but my point is, yeah,
my point is to come back to the judgment
whether Petersen, Petersen, whether
h e should do it on the basis of, uh, his total
l egal ( unintelligible ). This is, this is
another, uh, view of the--He thinks his
ability to deal with the chQr ge , but this, he, '
h e , should say exactly what happened h ere, uh,
that he I-loul d have delivered these
files I uh I but, uh, He I'cepe told they were
not, not in any way related to the Watergate.
They were totally political documents. (Pause )
That h e didn't open it. That ' s right. , Well,
it, it, it, that's why the destruct i on line wonl t
you see? Yeah. Hhy did.n't he loole into
it to see ",hat they ",ere? On, boy. Ho, no he
[ Reel 6 begi ns]
Let me say-- look, Pat must not ever say that
pu':llicly. If--let me think--if he says that,
that's a conclusion (unintelligible) public--
my point is if he says that the Hhite House
counsel, of course, Dean, ordered him to
uh, if he, that he, that he drew that conclusion
uh, but you understand, that makes him look like
a God damn-- it looks like--it looks like there--
it not only looks like a fool, it looks like
the two of them together were conspiring to
destroy evidence.
[ Reel 5 ends]
N)HI L 26, 1973, FRON 3:59 to 9:03 P.N.
They, they can't do it, he's got to put it, Pat's
got to pu't it, he's got to be, he's got to put it
in terms--(2tl panse) That are, okay.
(11 second pause) Now he should not h ave to do that
to, 'Dean or anybody else (unintelligible). liell he
can't' ge't hurt, EhrlichE!an didn't say, Ehrlichnan
vias there. Yeah. (pa.use) \';onderful, loyal fellm"
and just rigidly (unintelligible) but,
but, but let ne say one thing, he's interested
in the President.' s (un intell igible) . But I must
say that the solution wonld be to testify, that
I ,,as ordered to des'troy these docU!"TIents or, and
even that I the that Er. Dean
,,anted to d estroy the",., that's pr<l ctically the
saqe thing, hul-:? 1-11, \\Tell do your best o n it,
but you see my point? I mean, ah, you, you t ell -
him, you tell him, "Pat, thet just doesn't, -tliat
just doesn't add up." (unintelligible). Well, I
canilot r that' 5, th2:t I s \vhat he, that's '''hat he
\','ould say torr.orro;...' (unintelligible). Yeah. Kell,
,-.'hat ,yould he do tcmorrm.;, resign (unintelligible)
because of his cl:arge? (pause) Hell, under the
circu:..stances (unintelligible), ah, that he, ah,
let's just put it this way, let's just put it this
way, ah, the I:1at.ter is very grave c.h--Hould appear
be:!:ore the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury \yould
indict hin. You don't think so? Hhy not? Yeah,
well that's the point. (39 second pause) You
r'_ean that ah, as far as, what about the conspiracy
to cover up (unintelligible) was just bad judgment:.
I _fra...'1kly think myself r'm not, I'm not of the
just based on the newspaper stories, I'll
reconsider. I not only feel that as far as
(unintelligible) has begun, ah, I think frankly
,,;e ousht to treat him like we're treating the
others, nOH God Oerm i to, the Grand Jury I let's see
,;hat the Grand Jury does. But in the end, \'7e're
gonna pass and it'd be out any\vay, I'm sure.
You know what I mean?
APRIL 26. 1973, 3:59 TO 9:03

(C.J::':l'I1!UED ) :
Ar..d ah , all ( I've got to--I, I may move ,
I may move on this thing so (unintelligible).-
Fair All Sut ah, tell Re
about ah (unintellir, i b l e ).
tonorrow. That's ri Gh t. Don't do a darn
\-!hich '::ould r e sult in 2. ne\-!SD2.De r story. (Unintel.':'"
li sible). Petersen, I've cot a lot of to
do and ah tell, tell Pet e rsen you're
to hin that I his hard work on this -
thins. counsel because 1'n jUst
(unintellirible) And, un, after all
(unintelli r;ible) th2t' s rip-!1t, Dean) ah the ?!eN
York (unintell i sible) renorters. (32 second
pause). In other words, then he's lock like
the ba stard. That's \':h2.t, that's the t:"ls thir1!'J:
bett er j us t b et t e r out . 3ecause it's the -.
t ruth, it' s the truth . P.ut ,-,hat about--he has
everything t o do on it. Yeah, y eah.
Yeah, yeah. Rir;ht. tJO\-I, nov, he ' s trying- to pin
everybody else ,-Ii th it) he says that ah) he S2-YS
that the, yeah. Th2nk God (unintellir::ible} h=:.s just:
not been avai12.ble. You' do ;.;:nol.'I, I ne'!er sai-;
personally they're about
and then that'll 100].: better bec 2use, because-of
the Gray confirmation on ?ebruary the 22nd. Never.
Never. That's right. Or February, now_wait a
minute, nOH let me just check the bool<: here. 27th l'
27th, 27th of February. That's And then--
never , exceot, except one tir.,e to sipn my-
That's rir;ht. I, look that's the Nork
here, you knQ1.T, I mean, I told. the l"T2.n in ch2.rf:e
t hat's uh--oh, we have been with (unintel-
ligible). Last summer? I never, well you
listen, let's get one thinp; strair;ht. I, the
President, never saN JO!1n once excent to sisn
a ne\V' will. And ;-:as on the 1.4th .. that
"las the first. in signi n;;:; the> that .. ras the onlY'
time I ever saw But everything that
has been put out by and gean to
know, was based on what oeoDle told him. There was
no Dean i-Tri tten report, but) but ny God, Dean
or2.lly said that, why do you , why do you think
Dean (unintellisible) a will which he can
deliberately set out and say (un!nt elilgible)?
C2.use Dean told him, that. Why would Ziegler

APRIL 26, 1973, 3:59 TO 9:03 P.M.
IlWED) :
have said that?Did he
did--Riqht. did he aive von
the impression that he did see me? I'll be -
d2.r:;;led. All rip:ht, Hell an:<1\"12", uh,I do
that ,ah, ah--Well, I think he's st2.Y there
until . uh"uh they pick , uh, until I, uh
. rll try
to his successor 1'!lthin 2. reason2.ble tine.
But you what I mean 2.nd you, you do know
that. But he shouldn't just for this.
I've r eally discovered but I
don't think he should nut out a story about his
version of.' it. Yeah. :fe said, nm'! let IT'.e see.
No, he s avs no. said, I'm uh, he said this is
a neWSp2.Der on which I'm not
gonna c om.rnent on a ne\vspaper story (unintel-
liRible). I've asked, I' ve asked to tes tify
before the Gr2.nd Jury and tha t's what he
do. Bye (nhone slams). It isn't much better.
Let's 8et the God dasn f2.cts to the Gr2.nd Jury.
I think you'd better tell :Srvin. Henry Kissenr-;er 's
w2.iting to see you. you see hin later?
(unintelli Gible) y ou can't see him tonight
(unintelli Gible) .
All right, I'll see hin but it h2.s to be in the
morning ah, see what time.
I'll schedule him 8:30 in the sir. Rer.eLbep
you have to meet i'li th (u...'"1intelligible) at nine.
Yeah, 8:30, if, if it isn't urGent.
Th2.t's what he said, he said, uh, (unintelligible)
Dean's (unintelligible) so ...
8:30 in the fine, tell him I'll see hie
at 8:30 in the before I So to Florida_
Yell you tell Ehrlichrnan it's be, gott2. be
(unintelli[.ible). Uh,,
Gray's gonna change. I just
don't think we can have I don't
want Gr2.Y's of to cone out
in direct conflict with
what I'n 2.bout, that's just, that's
just if 'cause. uh,
we can't wait for
APRIL 26, 1973, FnmT 3: 59 TO 0: 03
J " ...
EALDS'Ti\i-l : Hhat is Gray e;onna say?
PRSSIDE;\T: As of nm'l flab? Ee just S2.ys, " I'r.1 canna get out
of here before the Gr2.nd Jury. ,:
u:rIDSNTIFIED: (Unintell igible)
PRESIDENT : (Unint ellit;ible) 1'ih2.t? ':!h2.t he's f::cnna say to t!1e
Grand Jury nm'!, is t!' ,uh first that, uh. he, uh.
cane over to office and ah, John .
Dean handed a pack of quote
"hi ghly senGi ti va national security Darers." .
National security?
PRESIDENT:. National security, sensit ive . That had
nothing to ' do with the HaterS2.te and
they should not see the lirht of day, they
be in, uh ..
(Unint elligible)
PRESIDENT: ... the, uh, FBI files. took he then would
say that, that ah hef:2.thered that, that , u h
(unintelli[ible) the:v should be uh, the:: should
be, uh, destroyed. I think that \'las an inter::>retati.c!:1.
(unintelli gible) .
EALDEYAN: Plus that's innocent.
PRESIDEHT: That he made. the mistake but he says the
idea they souldn't see the lifht of the
national security the n it should be very well
interpreted. Also.!1e says they don't feel that
he's guilty of a (17 second pause).
Plus Ervin's, uh, vrhat r.e saie. earlier about these,
he was there, he heard obstruction
of justice. 'I'hen he' 11 SCJ.y T'aDerS uere
delivered early and statAd there was never
intention of them 2nd he discussed this.
uh, Hith he l'lCtS 2:mazed he
heard they had (pause).
EALD!:::f1AH: That ' s true.
APRIL 26, 1973, 3: 50 TO 9: 03 P . M.
('Gause )
do hi s l a wy ers say about that?
(Unintelli f, ibl e )
I sunno s e thev had to say tha t, that's as far
Hell ..
Be sure to get him on that because wh?t
we have to do now is c a ll Pe t e rsen in. He's
the one [;uy ':,hos e "C\.J,n-in-ce llfi,ible) advised there
were no paoers r e l at inG to and
(un int e l lizible ) can' t r.ake a c ase and say there ' s
been any obstruction (unintelliGible )' .... '
At that point .
... concerning the case of Gray's defense.
:If it was apparent. He told me he left wires
other kind of cran , he should have
it (unintelligible).
I think if they're subpoenaed, should he VO
(unintelligible) and that I told him to this.
(Pause) Kell uh, \'1e should, uh, and then we should kn:::u
'cause I, I, I knoH that, I knml that, I den' t !'!lean
now. 3ut, I l e t me y6u the, the
. arzur:!ent for resir:nat::!. e n (unintelliF,ible) leave
for now (unintelli s ible) Ehrlichr:!an's Fonna be
on and , uh,Saker asked (uni nte l -
lit-ible). It does n't make aDY difference
nOH. '='!1e ?residcnt feels (unintellicible) t'rit h o u t
(unintellicible) why the President
than t!1e Grand Jury signs that. In other
(unintellisible), Gr<->.nd Jury bec2_use the
aBainst (unintelli r ible), way to do
it In view, whether it
should involve the , the leave of absence, it
seens to it c arry the standpoint of
frankly (unintell lrib1c) that way we could Uhf I
think prepare you for (unintellisible) with John.

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