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Answer each of Lhe followlng quesLlon by clrcllng Lhe correcL answer or by wrlLlng ln Lhe space


1 Whlch row shows how energy and maLerlals move Lhrough each Lype of sysLem?

A lsolaLed energy flows Lhrough sysLem
Closed maLerlals flow Lhrough sysLem
Cpen energy flows Lhrough sysLem

8 lsolaLed energy does noL enLer sysLem
Closed maLerlals flow Lhrough sysLem
Cpen energy does noL leave sysLem

C lsolaLed energy does noL leave sysLem
Closed energy flows Lhrough sysLem
Cpen maLerlals flow Lhrough sysLem

u lsolaLed maLerlals do noL leave sysLem
Closed energy flows Lhrough sysLem
Cpen maLerlals do noL leave sysLem

2 Whlch sysLem represenLs a herd of elephanLs llvlng on Lhe Afrlcan grassland?
A An open sysLem
8 A closed sysLem
C An lsolaLed sysLem
u An auLoLrophlc sysLem

3 Whlch of Lhe followlng would besL represenL a closed sysLem?
A A naLure park
8 ?our body
C 1he planeL LarLh
u A llghL bulb

4 8efer Lo Lhe dlagram on Lhe acLual LesL for Lhe followlng quesLlons 1he dlagram shows Lhe
flows and sLorages ln a Lype of sysLem

a Lxplaln how Lhe flow of energy dlffers from Lhe flow of nutr|ents ln Lhe dlagram above
Lnergy runs sLralghL Lhrough Lhe sysLem whlle Lhe nuLrlenLs are cycled and recycled ln Lhe

b 1hls communlLy of organlsms and Lhelr lnLeracLlons wlLh Lhelr physlcal envlronmenL deflnes
whaL Lerm? LcosysLem

c WhaL does Lhe lasL downward polnLlng arrow (marked wlLh an x) represenL?
8epresenLs energy loss heaL loss enLropy or meLabollc wasLe
d WhaL ls Lhe source of energy responslble for drlvlng Lhe energy and nuLrlenL flows ln Lhls
dlagram? 1he sun

3 1he dlagram on Lhe LesL shows a foresL food web

a uraw a nf|n (below) whlch conLalns aL leasL four organlsms from Lhe dlagram above

ldaho grasshopper chlpmunk grlzzly bear

b CompleLe Lhe Lable below by namlng [usL one organlsm from Lhe dlagram above whlch ls a

Crganlsm name
rlmary consumer Crasshopper
1erLlary consumer Crlzzly bear
Perblvore Llk
Carnlvore Chlpmunk

6 1he flgure on Lhe LesL shows a slmple aquaLlc food chaln

a SLaLe how many Lrophlc levels are shown ln Lhe flgure above 6

b An esLlmaLed 1000 kg of planL plankLon are needed Lo produce 100 kg of anlmal plankLon
1he anlmal plankLon ls ln Lurn consumed by 10 kg of flsh Lhe amounL needed by a person Lo
galn 1 kg of body mass

l Lxplaln why Lhe amounL of blomass decllnes aL each successlve Lrophlc level
1he 10 rule only 10 of Lhe remalnlng energy ls passed on Lo Lhe nexL Lrophlc level
Lnergy ls losL Lhrough heaL LhaL anlmals glve off as well as excreLlon Less energy means less
blomass 90 energy losL means 90 blomass losL as well

7 1he nexL dlagram on Lhe LesL shows a slmpllfled feedlng relaLlonshlp whlch also lncludes
energy unlLs ln kllo !oules (k!)

a SkeLch a pyramld of energy ln Lhe space below uslng Lhe daLa glven above (make lL Lo scale
and fully label wlLh organlsms and unlLs) remember Lo lnclude anlmal levels on Lhe slde!!
Lnergy pyramld of slmple food chaln

1000 k!
Lnergy (k!) + scale
100 k!
10 k!
1he nexL dlagram shows Lhe carbon cycle

a WhaL flow (answer wlLh Lhe leLLer and name Lhe process) ls currenLly causlng an lmbalance
ln Lhe naLural equlllbrlum of Lhls nuLrlenL cycle Lxplaln your answer x CombusLlon
because we keep burnlng fossll fuels produclng more and more carbon (Lhrough
combusLlon) whlch ls causlng an excess carbon supply ln Lhe aLmosphere whlch ls Lhrowlng
Lhe resL of Lhe cycle ouL of balance

b Would lL be correcL (sLaLe yes or no) Lo add anoLher arrow golng from planLs Lo Lhe
aLmosphere? Lxplaln your answer ?es because planLs release carbon Lhrough planL
resplraLlon (CC

9 1he nexL dlagram shows Lhe nlLrogen cycle

a 1he Lable shows processes whlch Lake place durlng Lhe nlLrogen cycle CompleLe Lhe Lable
uslng a leLLer Lo ldenLlfy Lhe process

b ln a composL heap full of leaves a dlsease kllled Lhe nlLrosomonas bacLerla uescrlbe one
effecL Lhls could have on evenLs whlch Lake place ln sLage C lf Lhere's no nlLrosomonas
bacLerla Lhe ammonlum salLs would never geL Lurned lnLo nlLraLes and Lhe nlLrobacLerla
mlghL noL be able Lo process Lhe ammonlum salLs Lo compleLe Lhe nlLrlflcaLlon process

c larmers do noL need Lo provlde planLs of Lhe pea and bean famlly wlLh nlLraLe ferLlllzer Why
ls Lhls? 1he aLmospherlc nlLrogen goes Lhrough nlLrogen flxaLlon because of Lhe nlLrogen
flxlng bacLerla ln Lhe rooL nodules of Lhe pea and bean planLs so Lhey already have Lhe
nlLrogen Lo make Lhe amlno aclds and proLelns 1here's no need for Lhe nlLraLe ferLlllzer

10uescrlbe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween dlssolved oxygen (uC
) and LemperaLure ln an aquaLlc
(waLer) envlronmenL SuggesL how an lncrease ln LemperaLure mlghL affecL Lhe organlsms
llvlng Lhere An lncrease ln LemperaLure causes a decrease ln uC
because Lhe heaL makes
Lhe uC
move around fasLer unLll lL undlssolves and ls [usL C
Plgher LemperaLure would
mean lower uC
maklng lL harder for Lhe organlsms llvlng Lhere Lo replre

rocess LeLLer
AbsorpLlon of ferLlllzer u
uecay 8
uenlLrlflcaLlon L
nlLrlflcaLlon C
nlLrogen flxaLlon A
11uraw a llne (as shown) Lo MaLch Lhe abloLlc facLors on Lhe lefL wlLh Lhelr deflnlLlon or
slgnlflcance on Lhe rlghL

12Pow could a quadraL be used by an ecologlsL?

A 1o esLlmaLe raLes of lmmlgraLlon and emlgraLlon of anlmals ln a populaLlon
8 1o esLlmaLe Lhe slzes of planL populaLlons by random sampllng
C 1o Lrap anlmals so LhaL Lhey can be marked and released
u 1o esLlmaLe llghL lnLenslLy from Lhe helghL of Lhe Sun above Lhe horlzon

131he capLuremarkrelease meLhod was used Lo deLermlne Lhe number of Sandhlll Cranes an
endangered specles of blrd llvlng on an lsland
1hls meLhod uses Lhe followlng formula

opulaLlon esLlmaLe n1 x n2

1he followlng daLa were obLalned
O number of Cranes lnlLlally caughL marked and released 1
O 1oLal number of Cranes caughL ln second sample 16
O number of marked Cranes ln Lhe second sample 2

WhaL ls Lhe esLlmaLed populaLlon slze of Lhe Sandhlll Cranes on Lhe lsland? Show your
Can affecL Lhe concenLraLlon of uC
ln Lhe waLer
Wlll decrease as more CC
ls lnLroduced lnLo Lhe
1he oceans are consldered a 'slnk'
for Lhls nuLrlenL
Allows aquaLlc anlmals Lo resplre
lf Lhls ls hlgh lL could lnhlblL llghL
from reachlng marlne producers
A good lndlcaLor of Lhe amounL of
salLs ln Lhe waLer


of cranes lnlLlally caughL (1) x of cranes caughL second Llme (16) / number of marked cranes ln
second sample (2)

144 cranes!

14ueflne Lhe word 8enewable and glve an example of a 8enewable Lnergy Source
8enewable resource LhaL can replenlsh lLself ln a reasonable and adequaLe amounL of Llme
8enewable energy source solar energy

13lor each of Lhe followlng resources label Lhe sources as renewable or nonrenewable sLaLe
why lL ls lmporLanL and descrlbe Lhe danger Lo Lhe envlronmenL lf lL ls noL managed

8esource 8enewable or
Why ls lL lmporLanL? osslble harm Lo Lhe
envlronmenL lf noL
managed properly?
llsh 8enewable ocean ecosysLems
aquaLlc blodlverslLy
food Lhere are a LC1
of counLrles LhaL
depend solely on flsh
for food!
damage Lo ecosysLems
mess up Lhe food chaln
no more sushl

Coal nonrenewable combusLlble
power elecLrlclLy
found ln a loL of places
combusLlon wlll cause
Loo much carbon
dloxlde ln aLmosphere
carbon dloxlde wlll slnk
lnLo oceans maklng
Lhem more acldlc
global warmlng
mlnlng ls bad for
greenhouse gases

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