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1. What is a web application? Answer: A web application is a dynamic extension of a web or application Server. 2. What is facelets? 3.

Answer: The term facelets refer to the view declaration for Java Server faces technology. Facelets is a lightweight but powerful page declaration language that is used to build Java Server Faces views using HTML style template and to build component trees 4. What language is used to create Facelet views? Answer: XHTML 5. what is the prefix for JavaServer Faces Facelets Tag Library? Answer: ui: 6. What is the prefix for JavaServer Faces HTML Tag Library? Answer: h: 7. What is the prefix for JavaServer Faces Core Tag Library? Answer: f: 8. What is the prefix for JSTL core tag Library? Answer: c: 9. What is the prefix for JSTL function tag library? Answer: fn: 10. How do facelets refer properties and methods of backing bean? Answer: through the support of Expression Language (EL) in JSP 2.1 specification. 11. What are the steps taken to create a facelet application? Answer: Developing the backing beans, creating the pages using component tags, defining page navigation, mapping the facesServlet instance, adding managed bean application. 12. In a typical Java Server Faces application, each page is connected to what? Answer: to a backing bean file. 13. What are the two annotation you should use with a backing Bean? Answer: @ManagedBean, @SessionScoped. 14. What are the steps involved in creating a facelet view/page? Answer: adding components on the page, wining the components to the backing bean values and properties, and registering converters, validators and listeners. 15. Where do you specify the name space? Answer: using xmlns tag. 16. What is the use of context parameter PROJECT_STAGE? Answer: This parameter identifies the status of a JavaServer Faces application in the software lifecycle. The Default project stage is Production. 17. What is templating? Answer: JavaServer Faces technology provides the tool to implement user interface that are reusable and extensible. Templating is a useful facelets feature that allows you to create a page that acts as a template or base. By using templating, you can re-use the code avoiding re-creating similarly constructed pages.

18. How do the client page invokes template from the main page? Answer: The client page invokes the template by the ui:composition tag, allowing content to be inserted using the ui:define tag inside ui:composition tag. 19. What is a composite component? Answer: A composite component consists of a collection of markup tags and other existing components. This reusable, user-created component has a customized, defined functionality and can have validators, converters, and listeners attached to it like any other component. the composite component can be stored in a library that is available to the application from the defined resources location 20. What is the reverse work for composite component in JavaServer Faces Technology? Answer: cc is the reserve work to access the attribute defined for composite Component interface, 21. Which directory is considered to be the library of JavaServer Faces ? Answer: resource directory under the web-app root directory. 22. What is a using page? Answer: The web page using the composite component from the library. 23. What are the two places that a web resource can be places: Answer: There are basically two places a web resource can be placed. a) A web resource packaged in the root directory of the web-app must be placed in side the resource/resource-identifier directory b) A web resource packaged in the classpath of the web-app must be placed inside the META-info/resource/resource-identifier directory. 24. Which technology is used both by JavaServer Pages and JavaServer faces technology? Answer: Expression Language (EL) 25. What does immediate evaluation mean in the context of expression language? Answer: Immediate evaluation means that expression is evaluated and result is returned as soon as the page is first rendered. 26. What does deferred evaluation means in terms of Expression Language? Answer: deferred evaluation means that the technology using the expression language can use their own machinery to evaluate the expression sometimes later during the lifecycle of this page, whenever is appropriate. 27. What is the syntax used for deferred or immediate evaluation? Answer: ${ } for immediate evaluation and #{ } for deferred evaluation. 28. Why JavaServer Faces technology uses deferred evaluation?

Answer: Because of its multiphase lifecycle, JavaServer Faces technology uses mostly deferred evaluation expressions. During the lifecycle, component events are handled, data is validated, and other tasks are performed in a particular order. Therefore, a JavaServer Faces implementation must defer evaluation of expressions until the appropriate point in the lifecycle. 29. How many kinds of expressions are defined in EL? Answer: EL defines two kinds of expression: value expressions and method expressions. 30. What kind of objects can you refer to by EL (both rvalue and lvalue)? Answer: JavaBean Object, collection, enum type and implicit objects. 31. Who and how an EL expression is evaluated? Answer: The web container evaluates the variable that appears in an expression by looking up its value according to the behavior of PageContext.findAttribute {String}, where the string argument is the name of the variable. For example, when evaluating the expression ${customer}, the container will look for customer in page, request, session and application scope and will return its value. A null value is returned if it is not found. 32. How can you refer an enum constant with EL? Answer: using string literal. For example. For the following enum Public enum Suit {hearts,spread,diamond,clubs} To refer to the Suit constant Suit.hearts with an expression, use the String literal "hearts". Depending on the context, the String literal is converted to the enum constant automatically. For example, in the following expression in which mySuit is an instance of Suit, "hearts" is first converted to Suit.hearts before it is compared to the instance: ${mySuit == "hearts"} 33. How can you refer to properties of a bean or an enum instance, items of a collection, or attributes of an implicit object? Answer: you use the . or [ ] notation 33. What is a must requirement to access the properties of an enum constant using EL?

Answer: As with JavaBeans component properties, the properties of an enum class must follow JavaBeans component conventions (e.g. getter and setter method) 34. How can you access an Item in an array or list? Answer: If you are accessing an item in an array or list, you must use either a literal value that can be converted to int or the [] notation with an int and without quotes. The following examples could resolve to the same item in a list or array, assuming that socks can be converted to int:

${customer.orders[1]} ${customer.orders.socks}

In contrast, an item in a Map can be accessed using a string literal key; no coercion is required: ${customer.orders["socks"]} 35. Name the literals that are defined by EL? Answer: Boolean, Integer as In Java, floating-point as in Java, String as in Java and Null as null. 36. How can you set a tag attribute value using the ${ } delimiter? Answer: <some:tag value=${ } />. These expressions are evaluated and the values are converted to the attributes expected type. 37. How composite expressions are evaluated? Answer: Composite expressions are evaluated from left to right, Each expression embedded in the composite expression is converted to a String and then concatenated with any intervening text. The resulting String is then converted to the attributes expected type. 38. When a tag value expression must use literal? Answer: When a tag attribute has an enum type. 39. What expression would you use with method invocation expression (deferred or immediate?)

Answer: Because a method can be invoked during a different phases of the lifecycle, method expression must always use the deferred evaluation syntax. 40. What is the use of Page Description Language (PDL)? Answer: Which kind of expression and how it is evaluated, whether immediately or deferred, are determined by the type attribute of the tags definition in the PDL that defines the tag. 41. What does a literal expression uses? Answer: a Literal expression uses String as a type. It does not use ${ } and #{ }. 42. Can you use lvalue expression with rendered attribute for component tags? Answer: No. it can only use rvalue expressions. 43. What is the use of Panel in JavaServer Faces? Answer: you use panel as a layout container for a set of other components. A panel is rendered as an HTML table. 44. What is the name of standard password field in JSF? Answer: h:inputSecret. 45. What is an equivalent facelets tag of html < div> or <span> element? Answer: panelGroup. 46. Where can you find all the facelets tag and function? Answer: s/. 47. How can you prevent the password from being displayed in a query string or in the source file of the resulting html page? Answer: by setting the redisplay attribute to false for <h:inputSecrete> tag. 48. What is the use of for attribute in JSF? Answer: The for attribute of the h:outputLabel tag maps to the id of the input field to which the label is attached. 49. When you should use <h:outputLink> over <h:commandLink> Answer: You should use this tag instead of the h:commandLink tag if you always want the URL specified by the h:outputLink tags value attribute to

open and do not want any processing to be performed when the user clicks the link. 50. What a <h:commandLink> tag must include? Answer: a command link tag must include an < h:outputText> tag. 51. What must be done to use <h:commandLink> tag? Answer: The h:commandLink tag will render JavaScript programming language. If you use this tag, make sure that your browser is enabled for JavaScript technology 52. What is the only tag that JavaServer Faces technology provides to represent Boolean state? Answer: <h:selectBooleanCheckbox> 53. What is the benefit of using <f:selectItems> ? Answer: Itesm can be represented using data datastructures ( array, map, collection ), even generic collection of POJOS. 54. How can you bind a table of data to a table in JSF page? Answer: <h:dataTable> tag 55. Where is the standard converter implementation located? Answer: javax.faces.convert. 56. What is associated with each of the converters? Answer: a standard error message. 57. What are the ways you can register a converter onto a component? Answer: Nest one of the converter tags inside the component tag, bind the value of the component to a backing bean property, refer to the converter from the component tags converter attribute, nest a converter tag inside the component tag and either use converter Id or binding attribute to refer to converter. 58. What does DateTimeConverter convert to? Answer: java.util.Date. 59. How an application developer can implement listeners? Answer: as classes or as backing bean methods. 60. What are the two main attributes for valueChange and action Listener tag?

Answer: type, binding. 61.

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