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Int ernati onal Journal of Sci ent i fi c & Engi neeri ng Research Vol ume 2, Issue 10, Oct

ct -2011 1
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2011

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Photovoltaic Cell as Power Quality conditioner
for Grid connected system
Mr.A.Hari Prasad Mr.Y.Rajasekhar Reddy Dr. P.V. Kishore

Abstract: A computer simulation -derived study of photovoltaic cells/ modules, utilizing MATLAB, is demonstrated. The MATLAB is an
analogue/digital simulator which estimates voltage and current in a circuit under a variety of distinctive situations. This aspect of MATLAB is used to
simulate a circuit based model for PV cells/ modules and then to conduct a behavioral analysis under altering conditions of solar insolation,
including blending effect, temperature, diode model variables, series and shunt resistance. In future, the supporting services provided by
photovoltaic (PV) systems could speed up their penetration in to power systems. Furthermore, low power PV systems can be used effectively to
enhance the power quality using MPPT algorithm. This paper presents a single-phase photovoltaic system that furnishes grid voltage support and
compensation of harmonic distortion at the point of common coupling (PCC).Simulation results validate the proposed solution.
Index Terms Circuit Simulator, Diode model parameters, Insolation, PV Cells/modules, shunt controller, MPPT algorithm.

HE fi el d of Photovol taic (PV) has well-versed a
stri ki ng growth for over two decades i n i ts
extensi ve use from Stand-al one to uti l i ty i nteracti ve
PV systems [ 1][2]. A PV system not onl y consi sts of PV
modul es but al so requires a good amount of power
el ectronics as an i nterf ace between PV modul es and load
for eff ecti ve and effi ci ent util i zati on of natural l y attai nable
Sun power. The Simul ator used shoul d be capabl e of
model i ng of not onl y PV cel l s/ modul es but as well as
possess the abi l i ty to simul ate connected power electronics
so that a simulation of a whol e PV system can be carri ed
out [4].
The present paper deal s wi th the simul ati on study of
PV cell s as well as power qual i ty condi tioner for vol tage
sags thi s paper proposes to sol ve power Qual i ty i ssue
usi ng a vol tage controll ed converter that behaves as a
shunt control l er i mprovi ng the vol tage qual i ty i n case of
smal l vol tage di ps and i n the presence of nonl i near l oads.
Shunt control l ers can be used as stati c VAR generator for
stabil i zi ng and i mprovi ng vol tage profi l e i n power
systems and to compensate current harmoni cs and
unbal anced l oad current.
In thi s paper, the PV i nverter suppl i es the power
generated by the PV panel s but also enhances the vol tage
prof il e. The presented topology takes on a repeti ti ve
control l er capabl e of compensati ng the sel ected
harmonics. An MPPT al gori thm chosen i s based on
i ncremental conductance method. It has been adjusted to
sei ze the power osci ll ati ons on the PV si de and it control s
the phase of the PV i nverter vol tage.
A stati stical characterization of current - vol tage
termi nal characteristi c for PV cel l s exi sts i n li terature. The
si ngl e exponenti al equati on whi ch model s a PV cel l i s
extracted from the physics of the PN juncti on and i s
wi del y agreed as echoi ng the behavi or of the PV cel l [4].

From the equati ons, an equi val ent ci rcui t as shown
bel ow can be determi ned, and thi s ai ds to the
devel opment of the simul ati on model .

Fi g.1: PV Cell circui t model
The behavi or of PV cel l s can be descri bed by fi ve
parameters (I ph, N, IS, RS, RSH) represents a physi cal PV
cel l / modul e. These fi ve vari abl es of PV cel l / modul e are,
i n fact, rel ated to two environmental cri teri ons of solar
i nsol ation & temperature and owi ng to non-li near nature
of equation.
Sol ar cel ls are photo diodes on a l arge-scal e and have
same basi c characteri sti cs of a pn junction diode. The
non-l i nari te i n PV Cell V-I characteri sti cs exi st
fundamental l y due to the presence of i n the ci rcui t model
of Fi g. 1[1]. It i s l ogi cal to begi n wi th four quadrant study
of di ode characteri stics under the dark and i l l umi nated
condi ti ons. The ci rcui t si mul ator MATLAB i s used as an
effecti ve tool to convey the exami nati on and the
schemati c used for thi s objecti ve i s shown i n Fi g. 2.

Int ernati onal Journal of Sci ent i fi c & Engi neeri ng Research Vol ume 2, Issue 10, Oct -2011 2
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2011

3.1. Diode Characteristics in dark Light
The schematic of Fi g. 2 i s si mulated for obtai ni ng PV
Cell characteri stics under the Dark and simulati on resul ts
are shown i n Fi g. 3. In Dark l i ght, the photon generated
current i s zero. Obviousl y, the PV cel l i n Dark i s a passi ve
devi ce and acts l i ke a standard diode.

Fig 3: PV Cell Characteristics in Dark
The V-I characteri sti c curves of PV cel l are
simi l ar to a di ode under forward and reverse bi as
condi ti ons respecti vel y. The noteworthy poi nt here i s that
the device di ode behaves wi th forward current and
vol tage i n 1
-quadrant and wi th reverse current and
vol tage i n 3
3.2. PV Cell under Illumination
The effect of I l lumi nati on on a PN juncti on can
be studi ed by i ncreasi ng the val ue of source current Idc i n
Fi g.1 from i ts zero val ue (for dark), to a val ue of four
amps, taken to be an equi val ence of 100% radi ati on. As
the photon current, Iph i s directl y proportional to the
i nci dent i nsol ati on, a val ue of 3Amps wil l represent 75%
or 0.75 sun, a val ue of two amps wil l correspond to 50%
and l i kewi se. The fami l y of characteri sti c curves of Fi g 4
can be produced for varyi ng i nsol ati on l evel .
Fig 4: PV Cell characteristics under illumination
The effect of sol ar i nsol ati on i s actuall y to shi ft di ode
characteri stic curve downward al ong the current axi s;
maki ng i t to operate i n IV
-quadrant as shown i n Fi g.4.
The shifti ng of the di ode characteri sti c curve wi th
i ncreasi ng i nsol ation along the current axi s reveal s that
current is proporti onal to i nci dent sunl i ght whil e vol tage
capabi l i ty of the cell i s al most constant from very l ow
l i ght l evel s. Thi s behavior i ndeed enunci ates that a PV-
cel l behaves more l i ke a current source than a vol tage
source, and al so PV-effect occurs i n fourth quadrant onl y.
Here, i t i s noteworthy for the cell to generate both current
and vol tage and acts as a photovol tai c generator. Thus,
the fourth quadrant portion of the diode characteri sti c
curve i s cal l ed V-I curve of PV cel l i n sol ar photovol tai c
termi nol ogy. To produce a sol ar cel l V-I curve; the fourth
quadrant of the characteri sti c's curve i s fl ipped verticall y
about the vol tage axi s i nto the 1
quadrant as shown i n
Fi g.5. Thi s i s done so that the current di rection i s posi ti ve
rather than negati ve. Thi s i s stri ctl y i n accordance wi th
the conventi on that a generator must source posi ti ve
current from i ts posi ti ve termi nal.

Fig 5: PV Cell Characteristics
Shunt devi ces are normal l y used to neutrali ze
mi nute vol tage devi ati ons whi ch can be regul ated by
reacti ve power i nserti on. The capabil ity to control the
fundamental vol tage at a particular poi nt reli es on the
gri d ohmi c resi stance and the power factor of the l oad.
The compensati on of a vol tage di p by current i njection i s
hard to attai n si nce the gri d impedance i s usual l y low,
and the i ntroduced current has to be very hi gh to i ncrease
the l oad vol tage. The shunt control l er can be current or
vol tage controll ed. When the converter i s a current
control l ed, i t can be represented as a gri d-feedi ng
component that supports the gri d vol tage by modi fyi ng
i ts reacti ve output power matchi ng to the gri d vol tage
di versi ti es. When the converter i s a vol tage can be
represented as a gri d-supporti ng part that control s i ts
output vol tage. However, al so i n thi s second case, the
control action resul ts i n i njecti ng the reacti ve power i n
order to regul ari ze the vol tage. The vector di agrams of a
shunt control ler formed to provi de onl y reacti ve power
are stated i n Fi g. 6. When the gri d vol tage i s 1p.u., the
converter suppli es the reacti ve power absorbed by the
l oad, and the vector di agram of the current- or vol tage-
control l ed converter i s the same, then, i n the f i rst case, i t
i s controll ed by the compensati ng current I, and i n the
one, i t i s control l ed by the l oad-vol tage, as underl i ned i n
Fi g. 6(a) and (b).
Int ernati onal Journal of Sci ent i fi c & Engi neeri ng Research Vol ume 2, Issue 10, Oct -2011 3
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2011

Fig 6: Vector diagram of the shunt controller providing only reactive
power. (a) Current-controlled converter in normal conditions. (b)
Voltage-controlled converter in normal condition. (c) Vector diagram
for compensation of a voltage dip of 0.15 pu.
When a vol tage sag occurs, the converter provi des
reacti ve power i n order to support the l oad vol tage, and
the gri d current Ig has a domi nant reacti ve component,
+ I
= I
l oad

The ampl i tude of the gri d current depends on
the val ue of the gri d i mpedance si nce

Where VLg is the i nducti ve vol tage drop shown i n Fi g.
6(c). If the shunt controll er suppl ies the l oad wi th al l the
requi red acti ve and reacti ve powers, as i n normal
condi ti ons, i t provi des a compensati ng current Ic= ILoad ;
hence, the system operates as i n i sl and mode, and Ig =0 .
In case of a voltage di p, the converter has to provi de
the acti ve power requi red by the l oad, and i t has to i nject
the reacti ve power needed to stabi l i ze the load vol tage, as
shown i n Fi g. 7(b). The gri d current i n thi s case i s
reacti ve. It can be seen that

Fig 7: Phasor diagram of the shunt controller providing both active
and reactive powers. (a)Normal conditions. (b)Phasor diagram for
compensation of a voltage dip of 0.15pu
Hence, duri ng vol tage sag, the amount of reacti ve
current needed to mai ntai n the load vol tage at the desi red
value is inversely proportional to Lg. Thi s means that a
l arge i nductance wi ll hel p i n mi ti gati ng vol tage sags,
al though i t is not desi rabl e duri ng normal operati on.
In case of l ow-power appl icati ons, i t can be benefi cial
to use the converter that i s parall el l i nked to the gri d for
the amends of mi nute vol tage sags. Thi s feature can be
vi ewed as an anci l l ary servi ce that the system can furni sh
to i ts secti onal burdens. The suggested PV converter
functi ons by provi di ng acti ve and reacti ve powers whil e
the sun i s present. At l ow beam of l i ght, the PV converter
onl y acts as a harmoni c and reacti ve power compensator.
I i s diffi cul t to improve the vol tage qual i ty accompani ed
by a shunt control l er si nce, i t cannot grant si mul taneous
control of the output vol tage and current. In addi ti on, a
l arge-rated converter i s necessary i n order to compensate
vol tage sags. However, thi s topol ogy i s acceptabl e i n PV
appli cati ons si nce the PV shunt converter must be rated
for the peak power produced by the panel s. In the
proposed system, the PV converter operates as a shunt
control l er; i t i s connected to the load through an LC fi lter
and to the gri d through an extra i nductance L
g of 0.1 pu,
as shown i n Fi g. 8.
Int ernati onal Journal of Sci ent i fi c & Engi neeri ng Research Vol ume 2, Issue 10, Oct -2011 4
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2011

Fig 8: Grid-connected PV system with shunt controller functionality.
Usuall y, i n case of l ow-power appl icati ons, the
systems are connected to l ow-vol tage di stri buti on li nes
whose impedance i s resi sti ve. Yet, i n the suggested
topol ogy, the gri d can be consi dered mai nl y i nducti ve as
a consequence of Lg
total on the gri d si de. Though, the
vol tage regulation i s cl earl y aff ected by the vol tage drop
on the i nductance Lg
, i t i s not comfortabl e pi cki ng an
i nductance Lg
of hi gh val ue i n order to bound the vol tage
drop i n gri d normal condi ti ons. It denotes the mai n
di sadvantage of the proposed topol ogy.
The recommended converter i s the vol tage regul ated
with a repeti ti ve al gori thm. An MPPT al gori thm changes
the phase di spl acement among the gri d vol tage and the
ac vol tage provoked by the converter to i nject the utmost
power i n the gi ven atmospherical condi ti ons. Hence,
current i njecti on i s i ndi rectl y control l ed. The magni tude
of the current hi nges on the di fference between the gri d
vol tage and the vol tage on the ac capaci tor Vc
. The phase
di spl acement between these two vol tages determi nes the
i njected acti ve power (deci ded by the MPPT al gori thm),
and the voltage ampl i tude di fference determi nes the
reacti ve power exchange wi th the gri d. The i njected
reacti ve power i s l imi ted by the fact that a vol tage di p
hi gher than 15% wi l l force the PV system to disconnect
(as requested by standards). The acti ve power i s l imi ted
by the PV system rati ng and l eads to a limi t on the
maximum displacement angle dmppt. Moreover, the
i nverter has i ts i nner proporti onal i ntegral (PI)-based
current control loop and over current protecti ons.
A phase-l ocked l oop (PLL) discovers the ampl i tude
Vpeak and phase grid of the gri d vol tage. Afterwards, the
phase displacement dmppt i s furni shed by the MPPT
al gori thm depi cted i n Secti on 5.2. The vol tage error
between Vref and Vc
i s preprocessed by the repeti ti ve
control l er, whi ch is the peri odic si gnal generator of the
fundamental component and of the sel ected harmoni cs:
i n thi s case, the thi rd and fif th ones are compensated (Fi g.

Fig.9. Proposed repetitive-based controller, Control scheme.
The nomi nated repeti ti ve control l er is located on a
fi ni te i mpul se response (FIR) di gital f il ter [20]. It i s a
movi ng or runni ng f i lter, accompani ed by a wi ndow
i denti cal to one f undamental period, defi ned as,

where N is the number of sampl es wi thi n one
fundamental peri od, Nh i s the set of sel ected harmoni c
frequenci es, and Na i s the number of l eadi ng steps
determi ned to exactl y track the reference.
The repeti ti ve control l er guarantees a exact traci ng of
the chosen harmoni cs, and i t provi des the testimoni al for
the i nternal l oop. In i t, a PI controll er enhances the
steadi ness of the system, contributi ng a l ow-pass fi lter
functi on. The PI controll er Gc,

i s desi gned to ensure that the l ow-frequency pol es
have a dampi ng factor of 0.707. The open-l oop Bode
di agram of the system i s shown i n Fi g.10: stabi l i ty i s
guaranteed si nce the phase margi n i s about 45.

Fig.10 .Proposed repetitive-based controller, Open-Loop Bode
diagram of the system obtained using kFIR=1, Na =0, and Nh = {1;3;5}.
In normal operati onal mode, the shunt-connected
converter i njects the surpl us of acti ve power i n the uti li ty
gri d, as well as c the harmoni cs of the l oad vol tage. At
l ow beam of l i ght, the PV i nverter onl y acts as a shunt
control l er, el imi nati ng the harmoni cs. Control li ng the
vol tage, Vc
, the PV converter i s enhanced wi th the
functi on of vol tage di p compensati on. In the presence of a
Int ernati onal Journal of Sci ent i fi c & Engi neeri ng Research Vol ume 2, Issue 10, Oct -2011 5
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2011

vol tage di p, the gri d current Ig i s forced by the controll er
to have a si nusoi dal waveform that i s phase shifted by 90

with respect to the correspondi ng gri d vol tage.
The power provi ded from a PV array usual l y reli es on
the current atmospheri c condi ti ons (i rradi ati on and
temperature); therefore, i n order to col l ect the maxi mum
avai l abl e power, the operati ng poi nt requi res to
conti nuousl y be tracked usi ng an MPPT al gori thm [28].
To f i nd the maxi mum power poi nt (MPP) for al l
condi ti ons, an MPPT control method based on the
i ncremental conductance method [32], [34], whi ch can tel l
on whi ch si de of the PV characteri sti c the current
operati ng poi nt i s, has been used. The MPPT al gori thm
modi fi es the phase di spl acement between the gri d
vol tage and the converter voltage, provi di ng the vol tage
reference Vref . Furthermore, there i s an extra feature
added to thi s al gori thm that moni tors the maxi mum and
mi nimum val ues of power osci l lati ons on the PV si de. In
case of si ngl e-phase systems, the i nstant power osci l lates
with twi ce the l i ne f requency. Thi s osci ll ati on i n power
on the gri d si de l eads to a 100-Hz rippl e i n vol tage and
power on the PV si de.
If the system operates i n the area around the MPP, the
ri ppl e of the power on the PV si de i s mi nimi zed [33]. Thi s
feature can be used to detect i n which part of the power
vol tage characteri sti cs the system operates. It happens i n
the proposed control scheme where i nformati on about
the power osci ll ati on can be used to fi nd out how cl ose
the current operati ng poi nt i s to the MPP, thereby
sl owi ng down the i ncrement of the ref erence, i n order not
to cross the MPP.
A fl owchart of the MPPT al gori thm i s shown i n Fi g.
11, expl ai ni ng how the angl e of the reference vol tage i s
modi fi ed i n order to keep the operati ng poi nt as cl ose to
MPP as possi bl e. The MPP can be tracked by compari ng
the i nstantaneous conductance Ipv_k/ Vpv_k to the
i ncremental conductance dIpv/ dVpv, as shown i n the
fl owchart. Consi deri ng the powervol tage characteri sti c
of a PV array, i t can be observed that, operati ng i n the
area on the left side of the MPP, dmppt has to decrease.
Thi s decrement i s i ndi cated i n Fi g. 11 wi th si de = +1.
Moreover, operati ng i n the area on the ri ght si de of
theMPP, dmppt has to increase, and it is indicated with
si de =+1. The i ncrement size determi nes how f ast the
MPP i s tracked. The measure of the power osci l l ations on
the PV si de i s used to quanti fy the i ncrement that i s
denoted wi th i ncr i n Fi g. 11.

Flow chart
of the
The PV system wi th power quali ty condi tioner
functi onal i ty has been tested i n the simul ati on wi th the
fol l owi ng system parameters: the LC fi l ter made by 1.4-
mH i nductance, 2.2-F capaci tance, and 1- damping
resi stance; an i nductance Lg
of 0.1 pu; and a 1-kW l oad.
The control has been vali dated i n the presence of
sudden changes of the PV power caused, for exampl e, by
i rradi ati on vari ations. The reported tests show the
behavi or of the MPPT for a vol tage sag. The resul ts refer
to the case of a control l ed i nverter i n order to coll ect the
maximum avail abl e power (i.e.,2 kW).
The control l er parameters are kFIR = 0.3, N = 128
(sampl i ng frequency = 6400 Hz), Na = 0, kp = 4.5, and ki =
48. The set of test aims to demonstrate the behavior of the
system duri ng a vol tage sag and the i nteracti on of the
vol tage control al gori thm wi th the MPPT al gori thm.

Fig 12: Performance of the voltage-controlled shunt converter with
MPPT algorithm: grid voltage E and load voltage Vload.
Int ernati onal Journal of Sci ent i fi c & Engi neeri ng Research Vol ume 2, Issue 10, Oct -2011 6
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2011

Fig.13. Performance of the voltage-controlled shunt converter with
MPPT algorithm: grid current Ig, converter current IC
, and load
current Iload.
The simul ati on resul ts, shown i n Fi gs. 12 and 13, are
obtai ned for a vol tage di p of 0.15 pu. Duri ng the sag, the
i nverter sustai ns the vol tage for the l ocal l oad (Fi g. 8),
i njecti ng a mai nl y reacti ve current i nto the gri d. The
ampl itude of the gri d current Ig grows from 4.5 to 8.5 A,
as shown i n Fi g. 13, whi ch corresponds to the reacti ve
power i njection represented i n Fi g. 14.
The i nductance L
g connected i n seri es wi th the gri d
impedance l imi ts the current fl owi ng through the gri d
duri ng the sag. When the vol tage sag of 0.15 pu occurs,
the converter current grows from 8 to 10.5 A. For thi s
reason, the shunt control l er i s not a good choi ce to
compensate for deeper dips. Fi g. 15 demonstrates the
robustness of the presented MPPT al gori thm to the
vol tage di p. In fact, wi th i t are shown the vol tage and
current on the PV si de duri ng the sag. They are not
si gnificantl y i nf luenced by the di p.

Fig 14: Active and reactive power provided by the shunt-connected
multi-functional converter to compensate the voltage sag of 0.15pu.
Fig.15. Powervoltage characteristic of the PV array and current and
voltage on the PV side in the presence of a grid voltage sag of
In thi s paper, a si ngl e-phase PV system wi th shunt
control l er has been presented. The PV converter i s
vol tage control l ed wi th a repeti ti ve al gori thm. An MPPT
al gori thm has speci fical l y been desi gned for the proposed
vol tage-control l ed converter. It i s based on the
i ncremental conductance method, and i t has been
modi fi ed to change the phase di spl acement between the
gri d vol tage and the converter vol tage, thus maxi mi zi ng
the power extracti on from the PV panel s. The desi gned
PV system provi des gri d vol tage support at fundamental
frequency and compensation of harmonic di stortion at
the poi nt of common coupli ng. An i nductance i s added
on the gri d si de i n order to make the gri d mai nl y
i nducti ve (i t may represent the mai n drawback of the
proposed system). Experi mental resul ts confirm the
val i di ty of the proposed soluti on i n case of vol tage di ps
and nonl i near l oads.
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- A.H ar i Pr asad i s cur r ent l y pur sui ng mast er of t echnol ogy pr ogr am i n
Power El ect r oni cs and El ect ri cal D ri ves i n M ot her Ter esa I nst i t ut e of
Sci ence and Technol ogy affi l i at ed t o Jawahar l al N ehr u Technol ogi cal
U ni ver si ty, H yder abad, Andhr a Pr adesh, I ndi a.
E-mai l : hari pr asad_ambat i
- M r .Y.Raj asekhar Reddy i s wor ki ng as of essor i n M ot her Ter esa
I nst i t ut e of Sci ence and Technol ogy, Sanket kaN agar, Sat t upal l i ,
- D r . P.V. Ki shor e i s wor ki ng as Pr ofessor at M ot her Ter esa I nst i t ut e of
Int ernati onal Journal of Sci ent i fi c & Engi neeri ng Research Vol ume 2, Issue 10, Oct -2011 8
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2011

Sci ence and Technol ogy, Sanket kaN agar,Sat t upal l i , Khammam,A.P.-

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