You are on page 1of 14

consumei 8lopping Ielavioui Among Modein ketail foimats consumei 8lopping Ielavioui Among Modein ketail foimats consumei

8lopping Ielavioui Among Modein ketail foimats consumei 8lopping Ielavioui Among Modein ketail foimats
Hotniai 8iiingoiingo' Hotniai 8iiingoiingo' Hotniai 8iiingoiingo' Hotniai 8iiingoiingo'
Hotni Hotni Hotni Hotniai 8iiingoiingo' ai 8iiingoiingo' ai 8iiingoiingo' ai 8iiingoiingo'
Anacostia Lowanda'' Anacostia Lowanda'' Anacostia Lowanda'' Anacostia Lowanda''
TH1 oIjec/ite of /lie e/uJ, ie /o onol,ce coneuner elopping Ielotiour in Jifferen/ re/oil forno/e.
Coneuner elopping Ielotiour preeen/e ueing elopping in/en/ion, o//i/uJe /ouorJe noJern re/oil
ou/le/ onJ elopping loIi/. Self oJninie/ereJ quee/ionnoire uoe ueeJ /o collec/ Jo/o.
Do/o uoe collec/eJ fron fite Jifferen/ re/oil forno/e, i.e. l,pernor/e/, eupernor/e/, Jepor/nen/ol
e/ore, nini nor/e/ onJ contenience e/ore. Coneuner elopping Ielotiour ie noJeleJ ueing S/ruc/urol
1quo/ion noJeling (S1M), onJ /le Jifference of Ielotiour onong re/oil forno/ uoe /ee/eJ ueing
nul/i letel Lierel eof/uore. 1/`e founJ, oe con Ie eeen on coneuner elopping noJel, /le effec/ of
o//i/uJe /ouorJe noJern re/oil ou/le/ onJ elopping loIi/ on elopping in/en/ion. Houeter, i/`e founJ
/lo/ /lere ie no Jifference in /lie Ielotiour onong l,pernor/e/, eupernor/e/, onJ nini nor/e/.
Key Wordo: Contenience Coodo, Shopping 1ntention, Attitude touurd Modern Retuil Outlet,
Shopping Huhit.
Modorn rofnII busInoss In IndonosIn IncronsIngIy vIow ofhor rofnII formnfs sInco l990`s. Ivon fhough
IndonosIn fncod oconomIc crIsIs sInco l998, rofnII growfh sfIII confInuo rIsIng. of jusf formnf nddod,
buf nIso oufIofs nnd chnIns. Tho Imncf of fhIs growfh Is comofIfIon nmong rofnII formnf nnd nmong
chnIns Is goffIng fough. Thoy comofo nof onIy nmong rofnII formnfs buf nIso nmong modorn rofnII
chnIns nnd oufIofs. ThIs comofIfIon, forcos rofnIIors fo undorsfnnd consumor shoIng bohnvIour
nnd so fhnf fhoy cnn wIn fho comofIfIon. !osonrch on consumor shoIng bohnvIour In IndonosIn on
modorn rofnII Is rnroIy conducfod. OnIy fow ubIIcnfIons cnn bo found.
!ofnII formnf growIng roconfIy In IndonosIn, cnfogorIzod Info fIvo formnfs, ns II!O (200l) dofInos.
Thoy nro convonIonco sforo, mInI mnrkof, suormnrkof, donrfmonfnI sforo nnd hyormnrkof.
ConvonIonco sforo Is smnII In nnfuro, offor fow roducfs. If`s conconfrnfod In convonIonco goods wIfh
IImIfod brnnds. MInI mnrkof bIggor fhnn convonIonco sforo In sIzo, buf sfIII IImIfod In roducf
brnnds. Snmo wIfh convonIonco sforo, mInI mnrkof roducf offors focus on convonIonco goods.
onrfmonf sforo Is bIggor In nnfuro fhnn mInI mnrkof, wIfh vnrIod roducfs. onrfmonfnI sforo Is
n Inrgo rofnII sforo offorIng n vnrIofy of morchnndIso nnd sorvIcos nnd orgnnIsod In sonrnfo
donrfmonfs. Consumor cnn fInd shoIng goods nIong wIfh convonIonco goods In n donrfmonf
sforo. Suormnrkof Is n Inrgo soIf-sorvIco food sforo soIIIng grocorIos, monfs, housohoId goods, nnd so
on, usunIIy on cnsh-nnd-cnrry bnsIs. To bo cInssIfIod ns n suormnrkof, If Is nocossnry fo hnvo snIos of
nf Ionsf $ 2 mIIIIon. Hyormnrkof Is n vnrInfIon of n suormnrkof fhnf offors n vnrIofy of nonfood
Ifoms, such ns nIInncos, cIofhIng, nnd sorvIcos, nIong wIfh food Ifoms, In n vnsf snco much Inrgor
fhnn n roguInr suormnrkof, somofImos In oxcoss of 200,000 squnro foof; nIso cnIIod suorsforo. Tho
grocory Ifoms nro offon rIcod boIow mnrkof fo drnw frnffIc Info fho sforo; howovor, fho grocory
soIocfIon Is nIso moro IImIfod fhnn In n roguInr suormnrkof.
MInI mnrkof usunIIy oornfos In housIng communIfy nnd vory cIoso In dIsfnnco from ono fo nnofhor.
If`s nof surrIsIng fo fInd moro fhnn ono mInI mnrkof In Ioss fhnn l km of dIsfnnco. As n confrnsf
rovorso, hyormnrkof mIghf bo found onIy ono In n smnII fown. Irom fho oInf of vIow of dIsfnnco,
wo mIghf hyofhosIzo fhnf consumors vIsIf mInI mnrkof moro froquonfIy fhnn hyormnrkof, ns fhoy
by nss fho oufIof on fhoIr donrfuro or nrrIvnI Info housIng communIfy. In nccordnnco wIfh fhnf,
shoIng oxondIfuro In n mInI mnrkof Is smnIIor fhnn In n hyormnrkof.
IuIId u fnrgofIng mnrkof Is nof onough jusf fo consIdor fhoIr domogrnhy, ns mosf of rosonrch
Inforosfod In boforo. omogrnhy chnrncforIsfIc shows onIy whnf fhoy nro, nof whnf fhoy Inforosf, or
whnf fhoy nood. Moro fhnn domogrnhy Is noodod, such ns IndIvIdunI doformInnnf InfIuoncIng on
docIsIon mnkIng. ConsIdorIng fho comofIfIon nmong formnf nnd docIsIon mnkIng rocoss, so fhnf,
wo cnn formuInfo fho robIom fo bo soIvod ns nro fhoro nny dIfforoncos of consumor bohnvIour nmong
modorn rofnII formnf
TLeovetIcu! Buckgvound
!osonrchos on rofnII consumor shoIng bohnvIour woro conducfod oxfonsIvoIy by rosonrchors, In
conjuncfIon wIfh fho growfh of modorn rofnII nnd shoIng confor. Mosf rosonrch focusod on
shoIng docIsIon rognrdIng rofnII nfronngo (Iox of nI. 2004, IoII of nI. 2000, ArnoId, Mn nnd
TIgorf, l9?8; ArnoId nnd TIgorf, l982; ArnoId, Oum nnd TIgorf, l983; WnIfors nnd !Inno, l986;
Kumnr nnd !oono, l988; WnIfors nnd MncKonzIo, l988; WnIfors, l99l; Inrnnrd nnd Honshor, l992;
IoII nnd !nffIn, l998, nnd shoIng oxondIfuros (Iox of nI. 2004, IoII of nI. 2000). Somo of fho
rovIous rosonrchos InvosfIgnfod fho Imorfnnco of rofnII rIcos nnd romofIons on shoIng
bohnvIour (ArnoId of nI., l9?8; ArnoId nnd TIgorf, l982; ArnoId of nI., l983; WnIfors nnd !Inno,
l986; Kumnr nnd !oono, l988; WnIfors nnd MncKonzIo, l988; WnIfors, l99l; Inrnnrd nnd Honshor,
l992; IoII nnd !nffIn, l998; IoII of nI., l998).
Anofhor mnrkofIng oIIcy whIch hns boon shown fo nffocf shoIng bohnvIour nnd nfronngo nfforn
Is roducf nssorfmonf (!oIIIy, l93l; Huff, l964; Irown, l989). VIrfunIIy nII modoIs of rofnII
comofIfIon (HofoIIng, l929; !oIIIy, l93l; Huff, l964; Hubbnrd, l9?8; Irown, l989) nnd shoIng
bohnvIour (Inrnnrd nnd Honshor, l992; Aronfzo, Iorgors, nnd TImmormnns, l993; oIInorf, of nI.
l99?) socIfy sforo nfronngo ns n funcfIon of fho dIsfnnco from fho sforo fo fho shoor`s homo.
ComIomonfnry oxorImonfnI rosonrch by AIbn of nI. (l994, l999) shows fhnf consumors nro Indood
nbIo fo dIsfInguIsh bofwoon such formnfs nnd form sfnbIo ImrossIons nbouf fhom. CombInIng fhoso
Idons from rovIous work Ionds fo n roInfIvoIy sfrnIghf forwnrd rodIcfIon rognrdIng fho offocf of
formnf roforonco on oxondIfuro oInsfIcIfy. HI!O shoors nro moro rosonsIvo In fhoIr oxondIfuro
docIsIons rocIsoIy bocnuso fhoro Is moro vnrInnco In fho onvIronmonf (Ho of nI. l998) nnd bocnuso
Incronsod fIoxIbIIIfy In cnfogory urchnsos Is n rnfIonnI rosonso fo Incronsod vnrInnco (IoII nnd
!nffIn l998).
Vory fow of rosonrchos nro conducfod rognrdIng sforo vIsIf froquoncy. Ho of nI. (l998) show fhnf for n
rnfIonnI cosf-mInImIzIng consumor, fho froquoncy of sforo vIsIfs nnd fho nvorngo qunnfIfIos
urchnsod or vIsIf nro drIvon by rIco vnrInbIIIfy.
ReseuvcL MetLod
ReseuvcL ObJect und IocutIon
!osonrch IocnfIon Is modorn rofnII oornfod In Jnknrfn, Iogor, ook, Tnngornng dnn IoknsI
(Jnbodofnbok), whIch nccordIng fo II!O (200l) Is cInssIfIod Info convonIonco sforo, mInI mnrkof,
donrfmonf sforo, suormnrkof nnd hyormnrkof. Jnbodofnbok nron wns choson duo fo
ouInfIon donsIfy nnd modorn rofnII oufIof boIng conconfrnfod In fhIs nron, ns shown In TnbIo l.
AccordIng fo II!O (200l), Jnknrfn, Iogor, IoknsI, ook, dnn Tnngornng nro moro nffrncfIvo
fowns for modorn rofnII.
Coods whIch nro soId by onch rofnII formnf nro vnrIod. Howovor, consumor shoIng bohnvIour
fownrds vnrIod goods wIII bo nIso vnrIod, osocInIIy bofwoon convonIonco nnd comIox goods. As n
rosuIf, consumor shoIng bohnvIour consIdorod In fhIs rosonrch focus onIy on convonIonco
goods, such ns foIIofrIos, soff drInk, mIIk roducf, doforgonf, fIoor cIonnor, snncks, Insfnnf noodIo,
vogofnbIos, frosh fIsh, fruIfs, frosh monf, mnrgnrIno, nnd cookIng oII. Thoso goods woro choson
bnsod on consIdornfIon fhnf nII fhoso goods nro cnfogorIzod Info consumor shoIng docIsIon wIfh
Iow InvoIvomonf nnd InorfIn.
Tub!e 1: Modevn RetuI! Out!et In Jukuvtu und NeIgbouvLood In 2001
Supermurket Dept. Store Mini murket* Hypermurket Totu!
Town Out!et " Out!et " Out!et " Out!et " Out!et "
KI Jnknrfn l82 28.8 ll3 26.0 3?5 50.9 l? 34.? 68? 3?.l
Tnngornng 4l 6.5 29 6.? l0l l3.? 5 l0.2 l?6 9.5
IoknsI 20 3.2 l5 3.4 35 4.? 4 8.2 ?4 4.0
Iogor** 2l 3.3 l4 3.2 l4 l.9 3 6.l 52 2.8
Sub fofnI 264 4l.? l?l 39.3 525 ?l.2 29 59.2 989 53.3
Ofhors 369 58.3 264 60.? 2l2 28.8 20 40.8 865 46.?
IndonosIn 633 l00.0 435 l00 ?3? l00.0 49 l00.0 l855 l00.0
*IncIudIng contenience e/ore
**IncIudIng ook nron
Source: B1RO (2001)
utu, VuvIub!e und ReseuvcL Mode!
nfn Is cnfogorIzod Info rImnry dnfn, In whIch modorn rofnII consumor Is rosondonf.
!osondonfs nro fhoso consumors who orform convonIonco goods shoIng In convonIonco sforo,
mInI mnrkof, donrfmonf sforo, suormnrkof, nnd hyormnrkof.
!osonrch vnrInbIos nro shoIng hnbIf, nffIfudo fownrds modorn rofnII oufIof nnd shoIng
InfonfIon. Insf bohnvIour, ncfIng froquoncIos nrfIcuInrIy, Is usod ns IndIcnfor of hnbIf. IrIco
comofIfIon consIdornfIon Is usod ns IndIcnfor fo nffIfudo. InfonfIon Is monsurod wIfh rognrds fo
froquoncIos nnd oxondIfuro InnnIng for noxf monfh.
AII nbovo vnrInbIos nro monsurod usIng somnnfIc dIfforonfInI. VnrInbIos nnd fhoIr oornfIonnI
dofInIfIons nro shown In TnbIo 2.
SfrucfurnI oqunfIon modoIIng of rosonrch modoI Is shown In IIguro l. Two hyofhosos woro
formuInfod nnd nood fo bo fosfod. !osonrch hyofhosos nro:
l. As cnn bo soon from IIguro l, fho fIrsf hyofhosIs fo bo fosfod Is nffIfudo fownrds modorn
rofnII oufIof nnd shoIng hnbIf InfIuonco shoIng InfonfIon.
2. Thoro nro dIfforoncos In consumor shoIng bohnvIour nmong dIfforonf modorn rofnII formnf.
Tub!e 2: ReseuvcL VuvIub!es und OpevutIonu! eIInItIon
VuvIub!e OpevutIonu! AttvIbute Meusuvement
eIInItIon Scu!e
HnbIf An ncquIrod nfforn of bohnvIor l. Modorn rofnII oufIof vIsIfIng InforvnI
fhnf offon occurs nufomnfIcnIIy. durIng Insf fIvo monfhs.
Iorform ncfIvIfy fIvo fImos confI- 2. Monn oxondIfuro In ono sho-
nuousIy, known ns hnbIf or Ing vIsIfnfIon on Insf orIod.
IoynIfy (SIrohI, l998) 3. Monn shoIng froquoncIos or
ono monfh on Insf orIod.
AffIfudo A hyofhofIcnI consfrucf fhnf l. Infronngo choIco oInIon bnsod InforvnI
rorosonfs nn IndIvIdunI`s IIko on rIco offor.
or dIsIIko for nn Ifom. AffIfudos 2. IxondIfuro oInIon.
nro osIfIvo, nognfIvo or noufrnI 3. IroquoncIos oInIon.
vIows of nn nffIfudo objocf: I.o.,
n pereon, bohnvIor or ovonf.
InfonfIon ShoIng Inn for 30 dnys nhond l. !oofIfIon of shoIng vIsIfnfIon InforvnI
InfonfIon on noxf shoIng frI.
2. IxondIfuro InnnIng for ono
shoIng frI.
3. ShoIng froquoncIos InnnIng
for ono 30 dnys orIod.
!ofnII Modorn rofnII oufIof vIsIfod on Modorn rofnII oufIof vIsIfod on omInnI
OufIof fho Insf shoIng frI. fho Insf shoIng frI.
emogvupLy VuvIub!es
Ago !osondonf ngo InforvnI
IducnfIon HIghosf IovoI oducnfIon of OrdInnI
SIzo InmIIy sIzo InmIIy sIzo IIvo In fho snmo houso !nfIo
Job !osondonf job !osondonf job rImnry omInnI
Condor !osondonf gondor omInnI

IIguve 1: Stvuctuvu! Iugvum oI ReseuvcL VuvIub!es

ReseuvcL Instvument
A soIf-ndmInIsforod quosfIonnnIro confnInIng fho vnrIous monsuros of shoIng InfonfIon,
nffIfudo fownrds rofnII, shoIng hnbIf nnd modorn rofnII oufIof vIsIfod on fho Insf shoIng frI
wns ronrod. A fIvo-oInf bIoInr scnIo wIfh nnchors oInfs wns rovIdod fo nssoss fho
nrfIcInnfs` roncfIons fo nImosf onch Ifom. Iow of If nssossod by rovIdIng choIco wIfh InforvnI
numbor or froquoncy. In nddIfIon fo fhnf, quosfIonnnIro nIso nssombIod wIfh domogrnhy
utu Co!!ectIon
ThIs rosonrch Is cInssIfIod ns omIrIcnI rosonrch. of IIko rosonrch Insfrumonf usod by Iox of nI.
(2004) In !SA, fhIs rosonrch usod quosfIonnnIro ns rosonrch Insfrumonf, In whIch Iox of nI.
(2004) usod consumor nnoI dnfn. InnoI dnfn usod Is dIfforonf from nnoI dnfn usod by rovIous
rosonrch, In whIch fox of nI. rosonrch, rosondonfs woro doIoyod wIfh scnnnor fo bo usod nf
homo nffor shoIng. Ivory roducf boughf wns scnnnod ngnIn ns soon ns nrrIvod nf homo. IoII
of nI. (2000) nIso usod nnoI dnfn, buf nof scnnnor. Iofh rosonrch usod dnfn coIIocfod by
InformnfIon !osourcos Inc (I!I).

Shopping habit
Attitude toward outlet
Shopping intention
Somo of rovIous rosonrchor usod quosfIonnnIro ns rosonrch Insfrumonf, such ns Torros,
Summors nnd IoIIonu (200l), Thnng nnd Tnn (2003), nwson, Sforn, CIIInfrIck (l990),
CuIIfInnn nnd Monroo (l980). Anofhor dnfn coIIocfIon mofhod usod by Ofnos nnd Mnry (2002) In
fhoIr rosonrch. Thoy omIoyod obsorvnfIon In sIx yonrs orIod nnd InforvIowod l2 of rosondonfs
ImIoy nnoI dnfn cnn`f oxIoro sychoIogy vnrInbIos orfocfIy, such ns nffIfudo fownrds
modorn rofnII oufIof, shoIng hnbIf nnd shoIng InfonfIon. Thoso vnrInbIos couId bo oxIorod
rIghfIy usIng quosfIonnnIro, oIfhor wIfh soIf ndmInIsforod quosfIonnnIro or orsonnI InforvIow.
Thnf Is, why, Insfrumonf usod In fhIs rosonrch Is quosfIonnnIro. QuosfIonnnIro Is In oon nnd
cIoso formnf.
Tho nrfIcInnfs of fho survoy woro rocruIfod fhrough convonIonco snmIIng. Thnf Is,
quosfIonnnIros woro dIsfrIbufod fo orson who Is In chnrgo In housohoId shoIng. nfn wns
coIIocfod In fwo sfngos. Tho uroso of fIrsf sfngo quosfIonnnIro Is fo monsuro consumor shoIng
bohnvIour bnsod on orcofIon, oxorIoncos, nffIfudo, hnbIf, nnd InfonfIon. On fho ofhor hnnd,
socond sfngo conducfod fo monsuro ncfIon durIng ono monfh nffor fIIIIng ouf fho fIrsf sfngo. IIrsf
sfngo quosfIonnnIro wns dIsfrIbufod In shoIng confor nnd offIcos. If wns fIIIod ouf on fho sof.
If fook l0 fo l5 mInufos whon soIf ndmInIsforod quosfIonnnIro doIoyod, nnd u fo 30 mInufos
whon InforvIow doIoyod. InforvIow woro mosfIy doIoyod whon quosfIonnnIro woro dIsfrIbufod
In shoIng confor. SoIf ndmInIsforod quosfIonnnIro woro doIoyod whon If wns dIsfrIbufod In
utu Anu!ysIs
IIrsf sfo on dnfn nnnIysIs wns vnIIdIfy nnd roIInbIIIfy fosfs of quosfIonnnIro. ThIs fosf wns
orformod usIng SISS soffwnro. In ordor fo orform fhIs fosf, 30 quosfIonnnIros woro dIsfrIbufod
fo consumors. Affor fIndIng vnIId nnd roIInbIo quosfIonnnIro, rosonrch dnfn coIIocfIon wns
conducfod. ModoIIng consumor bohnvIour on modorn rofnII wns dono by foIIowIng fhoso sfos:
l. Consfrucf vnIIdIfy fosf usIng ConfIrmnfory Incfor AnnIysIs (CIA) !IsroI 8.5 of fho fhroo
Infonf vnrInbIos.
2. IsfImnfIng nfh modoI fhnf socIfy fho roInfIonshI nmong shoIng InfonfIon, nffIfudo
fownrds modorn rofnII oufIof, nnd shoIng hnbIf.
3. Iorform muIfI snmIo nnnIysIs
Resu!t und IscussIon
utu Co!!ectIon und Respondent CLuvuctevIstIcs
Ioforo usod ns n rosonrch Insfrumonf, quosfIonnnIro ro-fosfod orformod usIng vnIIdnfIon nnd
roIInbIIIfy fosfs. VnIIdIfy fosf shows fhnf fhroo of fho shoIng InfonfIon IndIcnfors nro vnIId. Tho
snmo rosuIf wns found rognrdIng nffIfudo fownrds modorn rofnII oufIof, nnd shoIng hnbIf
IndIcnfors. !oIInbIIIfy fosf nIso showod fhnf nII IndIcnfors usod fo monsuro fho fhroo of Infonf
vnrInbIos nro roIInbIo.
HnvIng vnIIdIfy nnd roIInbIIIfy of quosfIonnnIro rovod, quosfIonnnIro woro dIsfrIbufod fo
rosondonfs. IIrsf Inco vIsIfod In ordor fo fInd ouf rosondonfs wns shoIng mnII confor.
!osondonfs woro nskod fhoIr fImo nvnIInbIIIfy In ordor fo conducf dIrocf InforvIow. Iuf mosf of
fhom rofor fnkIng ouf quosfIonnnIro nnd fIII If by fhomsoIvos (soIf ndmInIsforod quosfIonnnIro).
QuosfIonnnIros woro nIso dIsfrIbufod In offIcos.
Ivon fhough fhoro nro dIfforoncos In dnfn coIIocfIon sconnrIo, I.o. InforvIowod nnd soIf
ndmInIsforod quosfIonnnIro, bInsnoss wIII nof rosuIf sIgnIfIcnnfIy, ns rovod by rIor rosonrch
(Adny, l996; Irndburn, l983; IIImnn, l9?8).
nfn wns coIIocfod fhrough consumor who sfnfod In Jnbodofnbok rogIons (Jnknrfn, Iogor, ook,
Tnngornng, nnd IoknsI). As mnny of l850 fIrsf sfngo quosfIonnnIros woro dIsfrIbufod durIng
2005 ovombor unfII Juno 2006. OnIy l0l0 of fhom rofurnod, nnd onIy 99l rocoodod fo dnfn
codIng duo fo IncomIofo nnswor. Socond sfngo quosfIonnnIro rofurnod onIy 69l, ns mnny ns 235
of If oxcoIIod duo fo InnrorInfo dnfn rovIdod nor rosondonf IdonfIfy, fhoroforo onIy 330
quosfIonnnIros rocoodod fo dnfn nnnIysIs.
!osondonf chnrncforIsfIcs nro shown In IIguro 2 - 4. As cnn bo soon on IIguro 2, rnngo of
rosondonfs ngo mosfIy on 35-44 yonrs (l22 rosondonfs), nnd hIgh schooI oducnfIon IovoI (26 or

IIguve 2: Respondent emogvupLy (u) Age Intevvu!, (b) ducutIon Ieve!
Insod on IIguro 3, mosf of rosondonf work In rIvnfo comnny (36.3 or conf), foIIowod by
ncndomIcInns (2l.8 or conf). Irom fho oInf of vIow of mnrIfnI sfnfus, ?l.9 or conf of
rosondonf mnrrIod.

high school
Junior high school
range of respondent age
6,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 2,0 1,0
junior school junior school

IIguve 3: Respondent Bused on (u) Job, (b) MuvvIed Stutus
uo fo shIffIng fnmIIy frndIfIon, shoIng Is nof jusf fomnIo monooIIsfIc ncfIvIfy, buf Is nIso
orformod by mnIos. Iuf sfIII shoIng frI froquoncIos of fomnIos Is hIghor fhnn mnIos, fhnf Is
fomnIos 86.4 or conf of rosondonfs. ThIs honomonn suorfs rosonrch rosuIfod by Inn nnd
ZInkhnn (2006) on !S consumors. If`s nof surrIsIng fo moof mnIos buyIng housohoIds sfuff
(convonIonco goods) fhoso dnys, ns rofnII sforo oornfos In shoIng confor wIfh Ionsnnf

IIguve 4: Respondent Bused on Gendev
ConIIvmutovy Anu!ysIs oI Iutent VuvIub!es
As monfIonod boforo, fIrsfIy wo conducfod confIrmnfory fncfor nnnIysIs fo onch of Infonf
vnrInbIos. Tho uroso of fhIs sfo Is fo fosf fho consfrucf vnIIdIfy of IndIcnfors of onch of fho
Infonf vnrInbIos.
ShoIng InfonfIon, whIch Is fho fIrsf Infonf vnrInbIo, monsurod usIng fhroo IndIcnfors, fhnf Is
fho InfonfIon fo vIsIf ngnIn fho oufIof on noxf shoIng frI (Infonl), fho oxondIfuro Innnod
(Infon2), nnd fho froquoncIos of shoIng frI Innnod (Infon3). As shown on IIguro 5, nII
mnnIfosf vnrInbIos consIdor ns consfrucf fhnf hnvo orfocf vnIIdIfy In monsurIng shoIng
InfonfIon (showIng by bIg -vnIuo nnd vory smnII !MSIA). Tho bIggosf confrIbufIon nmong fho
fhroo of mnnIfosf vnrInbIos wns gIvon by InfonfIon fo vIsIf ngnIn fho oufIof on noxf shoIng frI
(Infonl), I.o. l.2l. IoIIowIng by oxondIfuro Innnod (Infon2), whIch confrIbufos 0.9?. Tho
froquoncIos of shoIng frI Innnod (Infon3) showIng fho smnIIosf confrIbufIon, I.o. 0.53

blue collar
public services


IIguve 5: ConIIvmutovy Iuctov Anu!ysIs oI SLoppIng IntentIon
ConfIrmnfory fncfor nnnIysIs on nffIfudo fownrds oufIof showIng fhnf nII mnnIfosf vnrInbIos hnvo
hIgh consfrucf vnIIdIfy In monsurIng Infonf vnrInbIo. As cnn bo soon on IIguro 6, fho fIrsf
mnnIfosf vnrInbIo, I.o. nffIfudo on oufIof nfronngo (nffIl) hns fho bIggosf offocf on nffIfudo
fownrds oufIof. If`s nfh cooffIcIonf Is 0.63. IoIIowIng Is nffIfudo on shoIng oxondIfuro, whIch
hns confrIbufIon ns much ns 0.59. AffIfudo fownrd shoIng froquoncy shows fho smnIIosf offocf
In monsurIng nffIfudo fownrd oufIof, I.o. 0.3?. Insod on fhnf fIguro, fho fhroo of mnnIfosf
vnrInbIos cnn bo concIudod ns orfocf IndIcnfors of nffIfudo fownrd modorn rofnII oufIof.

IIguve 6: ConIIvmutovy Iuctov Anu!ysIs oI AttItude Towuvd Modevn RetuI! Out!et
ShoIng hnbIf Inys ns Infonf vnrInbIo. Snmo wIfh fho ofhor fwo Infonf vnrInbIos, If`s monsurod
usIng fhroo IndIcnfors, I.o. modorn rofnII oufIof vIsIfod durIng Insf fIvo monfhs (hnbIfl), monn
oxondIfuro In ono shoIng vIsIfnfIon on Insf orIod (hnbIf2), nnd monn shoIng froquoncIos
or ono monfh on Insf orIod (hnbIf3). ConfIrmnfory fncfor nnnIysIs shows fhnf nII IndIcnfors
hnvo hIgh consfrucf vnIIdIfy In monsurIng shoIng hnbIf (IIguro ?). IndIcnfor monn oxondIfuro
In ono shoIng vIsIfnfIon on Insf orIod (l.l9), foIIowod by monn shoIng froquoncIos or ono
monfh on Insf orIod (l.ll), nnd modorn rofnII oufIof vIsIfod durIng Insf fIvo monfhs (0.?l). I-
vnIuo l.0000 nnd !MSIA 0.0000 IndIcnfo fhnf nII IndIcnfors cnn bo consIdorod ns orfocf
IndIcnfor fo monsuro shoIng hnbIf.

Chi-Square=0.00, df=0, P-value=1.00000, RMSEA=0.000

atti2 1.09
atti3 0.91
attitude 1.00
Chi-Square=0.00, df=0, P-value=1.00000, RMSEA=0.000

IIguve ?: ConIIvmutovy Iuctov Anu!ysIs oI SLoppIng HubIt
TLe IIIevence oI BeLuvIouv Among IIIevent Iovmut RetuI!
Infh dIngrnm showIng fho roInfIonshI bofwoon Infonf vnrInbIos, ns cnn bo soon In IIguro 8. ThIs
nfh dIngrnm wns roducod usIng muIfIIovoI modoIIng of !IsroI soffwnro nckngo. Ingrnm
IndIcnfos fho dIrocf offocf of nffIfudo fownrd modorn rofnII oufIof on shoIng InfonfIon, ns woII
ns fho offocf of shoIng hnbIf on shoIng InfonfIon. Tho rosuIf on fho offocf of nffIfudo fownrds
modorn oufIof on shoIng InfonfIon Is nof surrIsIng. Mnny rosonrchors hnvo shown fho
sIgnIfIcnnf dIrocf offocf of nffIfudo on InfonfIon on vnrIod bohnvIour (Ajzon nnd IIshboIn, l980,
2004; Ajzon, l99l; Ajzon, Irown, nnd CnrvnjnI, 2004; nknnIshI, l9?6; Jnwnhnr nnd IInngo,
200l; AIIon of nI., l992; SmIfh of nI. l994). AccordIng fo nknnIshI (l9?6), nffIfudo fownrds rIco
InfIuonco rofnII nfronngo osIfIvoIy. Tho sforo whIch soIIs goods nf n Iowor rIco wIII bo
roforrod ovor fho ono whIch soIIs goods nf n hIghor rIco. AIso found fhnf nffIfudo fownrds sforo
onvIronmonf InfIuonco sforo nfronngo nognfIvoIy.
AIIon of nI. (l992), nnd SmIfh of nI. (l994) sfnfod fhnf nffIfudo InfIuonco bohnvIour oIfhor wIfh or
wIfhouf modInfIon. InforosfIng rosuIf showod by AIIon of nI. (l992), fhnf fho owor of nffIfudo fo
InfIuonco bohnvIour bocomos gronfor ns consumor hns rovIous oxorIoncos, whIch Is monsurod
usIng froquoncy of ncfIon orformod boforo. Tho fIndIng Is nIso suorfod by SmIfh of nI. (l994)
rosonrch on rocycIIng bohnvIour.
Tho dIrocf InfIuonco of shoIng hnbIf on shoIng InfonfIon cnn bo roofod from fhoory fhnf
donsIfy of osIfIvo oxorIoncos wIII Iond consumor mnkIng docIsIon wIfhouf IookIng on nddIfIonnI
InformnfIon (InzIo nnd Znnnn, l98l; Choong, 2002; Anrfs of nI. l998; IngozzI, l98l; IonfIor nnd
Socknrf, l9?9; OuoIIoffo nnd Wood, l998). Ivon Ajzon (2002), nnd nIso nIgIo of nI. (2002)
vorIfy fhnf roonfod ncfIon, In sfnbIo condIfIon, orforms wIfhouf consIdornfIon. Insf bohnvIour
(hnbIf) Is good rodIcfor of fufuro bohnvIour ns ncfIon orforms roonfodIy nnd In sfnbIo
condIfIon. ocIsIon on convonIonco goods shoIng orform roonfodIy nnd cnn bo concIudod In
sfnbIo condIfIon. Choong (2002) furfhor sfnfod fhnf fhIs fhoory gIvos ovIdonco fo fho owor of
nffIfudo nnd InfonfIon In rodIcfIng fufuro bohnvIour.

habit 1.00
Chi-Square=0.00, df=0, P-value=1.00000, RMSEA=0.000

IIguve B: PutL Iugvum oI VuvIub!es
ConfroIIIng sfImuII ovIdonco In fhIs rognrds Is cnfogorIzod ns IndIcnfIon sfImuII fhnf Is fho nood
fo fIII ouf convonIonco goods duo fo ouf of sfock (Anrfs of nI. l998; OuoIIoffo nnd Wood, l998;
!onIs of nI. l989).
Snmo ns fomornry sfnbIIIfy of bohnvIour, fho offocf of rosIdunI nsf bohnvIour on fufuro
bohnvIour confrIbufos fo fho hnbIf or roufInIznfIon of ncfIons. Whonovor bohnvIour bocomo hnbIf,
If`s boIIof sfom from dIrocf confroI of IndIcnfIon sfImuII, nnd moro Imorfnnf, InfonfIon nnd ofhor
cognIfIvo fncfors Iooso fhoIr rodIcfIvo vnIIdIfy (Anrfs of nI. l998; OuoIIoffo nnd Wood, l998).
IInnnod bohnvIour fhoory nIso Infroducod nufomnfIon oIomonf. IoIIof, nffIfudo, nnd InfonfIon
nro formuInfod cIonrIy onIy whon fho bohnvIour Is now. As bohnvIour orforms roonfodIy, boIIof
consIdornfIon Ioff, nffIfudo nnd InfonfIon snvod In momory, nnd rocnII nufomnfIcnIIy (SobnsfInn
of nI. 2003; Ajzon nnd IIshboIn, 2004; Ajzon nnd Soxfon, l999).
As mnny rosonrchors sfnfod, InfonfIon Is nof onIy InfIuoncod by nffIfudo nnd hnbIf. Crnco nnd
Aron (2005) found fhnf InfonfIon fo ngnIn vIsIf fho snmo sforo Is InfIuoncod by orcoIvod monoy
vnIuo, snfIsfncfIon, nnd consumfIon on donrfmonf sforo (dofInod ns mnss soIIor, whIch gIvo
ImrossIon on roducf nnd sorvIco hIgh qunIIfy orcofIon), nnd dIscounf sforo (dofInod ns mnss
soIIor whIch sfross on soIf sorvIco nnd Iow rIcos). AIso found fho offocf of sorvIco monIforIng ns
nn nnfocodonf of consumor ovnIunfIon fownrd rofnII oufIof. As n whoIo, orcoIvod monoy vnIuo
Inys fho mosf sIgnIfIcnnf roIo on dIscounf sforo. On fho ofhor hnnd, consumfIon Inys fho mosf
sIgnIfIcnnf roIo on donrfmonf sforo.
Ior n fow cnsos, oIfhor on convonIonco goods shoIng bohnvIour (roonfod bohnvIour wIfh hIgh
froquoncy), or on comIox docIsIons, mosf of monfnI ovIdonco, such ns fryIng, mofIvnfIon, ofc,
nnd hysIcnIIy ncfIon modInfo fho offocf of InfonfIon on bohnvIour (IngozzI, 2004).
Inrf of !IsroI oufuf of consumor shoIng bohnvIour nmong formnf usIng muIfIIovoI modoIIng Is
shown on TnbIo 3 nnd 4 jusf for convonIonco. SInco -vnIuo Is gronfor fhnn 0.05, If cnn bo sfnfod
fhnf fhoro Is no dIfforonf consumor shoIng bohnvIour nmong formnf. Consumor shoIng
bohnvIour In fhIs rognrds monsurod usIng IndIvIdunI doformInnnf, I.o. shoIng InfonfIon,
nffIfudo fownrd rofnII oufIof, nnd shoIng hnbIf.
Tub!e 3: stImutes Iov tLe IIxed Puvt

inten1 0.37
Chi-Square=-4760450.22, df=633, P-value=1.00000, RMSEA=0.000
Ieve! 1
CoeIIIcIents Betu-Hut Std. vv. z-Vu!ue P > z
nffIl 0.2l38? 0.09083 2.35464 0.0l854
nffI2 0.l3238 0.055?9 2.3?284 0.0l?65
nffI3 0.0892? 0.0?355 l.2l369 0.2248?
hnbIfl 0.5?062 0.l2942 4.4090l 0.0000l
hnbIf2 0.2l562 0.06659 3.238l6 0.00l20
hnbIf3 0.l0l65 0.05ll5 l.98?3l 0.04689
Tub!e 4: Rundom Puvt oI tLe Mode!
Ieve! 2 Tuu-Hut Std. vv. z-Vu!ue P > z
TImol/TImol 0.02685 0.0l5?8 l.?0l4? 0.08885
TImo2/TImol 0.00838 0.0l4l2 0.5934l 0.5529l
TImo2/TImo2 0.022?4 0.02l93 l.03?24 0.29962
TImo3/TImol 0.02498 0.0l65? l.50?86 0.l3l59
TImo3/TImo2 0.02363 0.0l966 l.20l?0 0.22948
TImo3/TImo3 0.l2?l6 0.0332? 3.82l6? 0.000l3
Conc!usIon und Imp!IcutIon
!osuIf nbovo shows fhnf IndIvIdunI doformInnnf such ns shoIng InfonfIon, nffIfudo fownrds rofnII
oufIof, nnd shoIng hnbIf Inys Imorfnnf roIo on consumor shoIng docIsIon. AffIfudo fownrds
rofnII oufIof nnd shoIng hnbIf InfIuonco shoIng InfonfIon. ThIs ImIy, rofnIIors shouId
conconfrnfo on sfrnfogIos In buIIdIng consumors` osIfIvo nffIfudo fownrds fhoIr rofnII, so fhnf
consumors vIsIf fhoIr
rofnII In ordor fo mnko urchnsos roguInrIy. Howovor, If`s found fhnf If Is no dIfforonf of fhIs
IndIvIdunI doformInnnf nmong rofnII formnf. ThIs ImIy, consumor vIsIf nII formnf In mnkIng
convonIonco goods urchnso.
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