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Proc. XIII ECSMGE, Vanek et al. (eds). GtS, Prague, ISBN 80-86769-00-3, (Vol.


Bearing capacity of soft reinforced water-saturated clayey foundation beds considering soil flow properties
Capacit portante des fondations dargile faibles armes satures par leau en fonctiondes propriets rhologiques de sol
O.A. Ruban,
Department of Tunnels and Foundations, National technical university of transport (DIIT), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine;

Y.B. Balashova & A.E. Bausk,

Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (PGASA), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

KEYWORDS: soft beddings, soil flow properties, bearing capacity, reinforcement, geotextiles. ABSTRACT: In the paper the problems of soft water-saturated beddings reinforced with various materials are explained. The results of long-term strength laboratory tests of reinforced soil are provided. The bedding deformational parameters and ultimate tensions are defined through tray model tests, and buckling modes determined through centrifuge modeling. RESUME: La recherche de la capacite des fondations dargile faibles armes satures par leau est effectue. Les rsultats des essais de durabilit des terrains armes sout reprsents. La dtermination experimentale des paramtres de dformation des fondations et des conditions limites est ralise. Les formes de perte de stabilit sout obtenues au cours de la modlisation centrifuge. 1 INTRODUCTION One of the most progressive branch of the civil engineering is development of new materials based on high-strength polymers. The development of geotextiles and geoplastics allowed to design highstrength reinforced soil structures widely used to improve embankments slope stability, especially in unfinished humid consolidation conditions. Nevertheless, the design of such structures is individual and treated empirically, not taking into account the general working of composite constructions consisting of three-phase matrices (soil backfill) and soft tensile filtering interlayers. 2 PERFORMING TESTS The investigation of geotextiles reinforcement was performed in laboratory environment. The specimens were made of foul clay and sand of different granulometric composition and density which were reinforced with soft geotextiles. The tests were carried out using both standard and express procedures for clay soil and standard procedure for sand. The results of clayey soil tests reinforced by various geotextiles are presented in Fig.1, 2. The strength properties retrieved from test results and their time dependence reside on in Fig. 3,4.

Main session 3 "Construction on man-made and remediated brownfield sites"


Proc. XIII ECSMGE, Vanek et al. (eds). GtS, Prague, ISBN 80-86769-00-3, (Vol. 1)

Figure 1. L=f() dependence for long-term strength definition, express procedure: 1 non-reinforced soil; 2a reinforced by SZh-1 in one plane; 2b reinforced by SZh-1 in 3 planes; 3 reinforced by STPK-3 in one plane; 3b - reinforced by STPK-3 in 3 planes; 1 ,... 3 long-term strength values

Figure 2. Long-term strength graph (standard procedure): 1 non-reinforced; 2b SZh-1, 3 planes; 3b STPK-3, 3 planes; 1 ,... 3 long-term strength values

The performed experimental studies have shown that: - The deformation-density and strength-density parameters dependencies can be considered linearly. The elastic and residual deformations correlation is depends on grain size distribution, humidity, and reinforcement type; - The homogeneous body modulus of elasticity is dependent on deformational parameters as well as geotextiles and soil skeleton percentage; - Reinforcement tear strength, soil and reinforcement contact strength, and soil skeleton strength in real construction conditions determine the strength properties of the reinforced soil; - Shear strength alteration patterns due to pull-out of the geotextiles from sand fillings are caused, as for dense sand bulk, by greater consolidation rate of fine sand. In loose sand the contact interaction is possible due to adhesion bounds and contact resistance increase during the pull-out processor; - The possibility to apply express procedure to define long-term strength of weak clayey watersaturated soil with reinforcement. It is shown that the long-term strength depends on reinforcement layers quantity as well as contact interaction peculiarities. The strength parameters of the soil including elastic deformations ratio increase significantly due to the reinforcements;

Main session 3 "Construction on man-made and remediated brownfield sites"


Proc. XIII ECSMGE, Vanek et al. (eds). GtS, Prague, ISBN 80-86769-00-3, (Vol. 1)

Figure 3. Long-term strength graph: 1 ,1 ,1 Non-reinforced (1 at n=50kPa; 1 at n=100kPa; 1 at n=150kPa); 2 ,2 ,2 SZh-1 reinforced; 3 ,3 ,3 STPK-3 reinforced; 1,... 3 long-term strength values.

Figure 4. Long-term specific coupling & angle of internal friction definition graph: 1 non-reinforced ; 2 SZh-1 reinforced; 3 STPK-3 reinforced; 01...03, 01... 03 momentary values of specific coupling & angle of internal friction; 1...3, 1... 3 long-term values of specific coupling & angle of internal friction.

- According to the developed method of long-term strength parameters definition, the long-term reinforced soil strength depends on initial properties of the soil skeleton as well as soil-geotextile contact interaction conditions. The strength parameters alteration depends on soil-reinforcement contact interaction and structure flow properties. - To specify the features of stability loss of the weak water-saturated clayey beddings and to explain the influence of various kinds of reinforcement, experimental box model research was carried out. Four reinforcement schemes were examined: one-layer synthetic reinforcement stacked onto soft bedding; two-layer reinforcement with streak of mixed sand and gravel; synthetic casing with drainage soil; geotextile grid. Comparison with traditional sand pile reinforcement was carried out. The following reinforcement types were used: nonwowen synthetic Dornite fabric, SZh-1 geotextile net, STPK-3 propylene geotextile, and geotextile grid. Stamp tests were conducted to clarify the influence of hard structure onto soft bedding with absolutely hard, absolutely soft and finite hardness stamps made of different materials.

Main session 3 "Construction on man-made and remediated brownfield sites"


Proc. XIII ECSMGE, Vanek et al. (eds). GtS, Prague, ISBN 80-86769-00-3, (Vol. 1)

The experimental research of reinforced soil structures with various reinforcement schemes have shown that: - The interlayers influence on the sliding surfaces form is conditioned by their flatness; the foundation uplift zone has elliptical form and switches the grid foundation zone to loaded state. At that conditions the bearing capacity increases in comparison with non-reinforced bedding; - The retrieved dependencies of settlement from load are similar to those traditional. The reinforcement boosts the soil hardness and the deformation chart tends to that of non-reinforced dense soil. The maximum load is in the case of mere hard reinforcement, namely, geotextile grid and casing. The two-layer scheme compares to that hardness only in case of accurate interlayers anchoring; - The reinforcement technology allows to perform shell bedding reinforcement. Such manner does not require anchors; the geotextile grid also has greater bending stiffness and allows to increase the maximum bedding load. Nevertheless, one-layer reinforcement boosts the bearing capacity due to diaphragm effect and in comparable to traditional sand pile reinforcements; - Anchor fastenings of one- and two-row reinforcement structures depend on the constant of friction of fabric upon soil and anchoring quality. The anchor has to be of optimal form according to bearing capacity and cost-effectiveness; - The bedding bearing capacity is reached through elastic repulse, improving bedding stiffness and ultimate load increase in tree-layer reinforced structure; The results of centripetal modeling of the soft water-saturated clay reinforced by traditional methods and geotextiles was performed in the centrifuge modeling installation of the National Technical University of Transport (DIIT) which is able to perform modeling with up to 1:300 scale. According to the conducted experimental and theoretical research in soft water-saturated clay beddings stability, the following was determined: 1. The method of geotextile reinforcement is effective and boosts the bearing capacity of the bedding due to tensions along soil-geotextile contact surface; 2. Sand cushions reinforcement is a reliable method of providing bedding stability. The conducted research has shown alteration of the constants of friction of backfill-geotextile-soft bedding structure. Alteration values for strength parameters considering the time factors; 3. The reinforcement influence onto slide surfaces shape is shown. The ultimate load value is increased compared to non-reinforced bedding. The ultimate load magnitude is defined by reinforcement types; 4. The increase in bedding bearing capacity is reached due to elastic repulse (diaphragm effect) due to one-layer reinforcement, increase in stiffness due to two-layer reinforcement and increase in ultimate tension due to geotextile grid and shell; 5. Sliding surface identity with those of tray tests was determined during centrifuge test. The use of geotextiles allows to increase the bedding stability. Simultaneously, adaptation effect arises during increase in tension; 6. The geotextile grid and shell methods are considered the most effective for better stability, as the geotextile serve as anchors to provide soil compression. The geotextiles reinforcement is most effective in combination with traditional reinforcement methods. 7. A method is developed to design soil structures for stability using engineering design with soil flow properties. The results comparison with the experimental results shows that the given method allows precise evaluation of soft beddings stability. REFERENCES
Terzaghi K., Peck R. (1948). Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, New York. Goldstein R. (1973). Soil Mechanical Properties, Moscow. Shukle L.(1973). Rheological problems in soil mechanics, Moscow. Tzytovich G., Ter-Matyrosyan Z. (1981). Applied geomechanics in Civil Engineering, Moscow. Ruban O., Balashova J. (1999). Man-Caused Soil Strata Deformation. TAU Proceedings Vol. 3, pp. 85-88.

Main session 3 "Construction on man-made and remediated brownfield sites"


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