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Who am l ????

8y uheera[
1hls ls Lhe chance Lo [udge your self Lhls ls Lhe way Lo know exacLly who u r ? Lhls ls Lhe
way Lo be good on oLhers expecLaLlons Lhls ls Lhe way Lo sorL your personallLy noL Lhe ouLer one
buL Lhe one who u r lnslde Lhe way Lo [udge how good or bad u r? And leL yourself know how oLhers
[udge u when u r noL around Lhem read all Lhls and flnd yourself Lo change expecLaLlons
And lL's never Loo laLe Lo know recapLure who u r? Lnd everyLhlng else and be who u wanL
Lo be lorgoL Lhe Lhlngs LhaL u don'L need any more buL laLer lf u need Lhem recall Lhem buL never
leL Lhose unwanLed memorles Lo sLand ln fronL of you as a obsLacles of your paLh
Learn from your pasL [udge your self from your mlsLakes noL form your achlevemenL buL noL
ln such way LhaL lL demorallse u buL ln a way Lo Leach yourself Lo pollsh your hldden lmmense
quallLles Made a promlse Lo your self LhaL you are noL golng Lo repeaL Lhose Lhlng LhaL u feel sLupld
accordlng Lo your supposlLlon 1he flrsL sLep ls reflecLlon whaL worLh keeplng u valulng and whaL you
losL whaL sounds ls LhaL Lhe cholces r noL easy for u buL for oLhers lL's dlfflculL
1hank god for LhaL all you have and you are sLlll allve and llvlng a good llfe Cod always glve
u more Lhen u deserve buL seems less Lhen we expecL always look aL Lhe people below u l don'L
know how scary and sLrange ls Lhls world Lo u rlghL now buL lL wlll geL beLLer one day noL by
changlng oLhers buL by maklng small changes ln you
Pell and heaven ls noL by belng splrlLual or be a pllgrlm buL by our acLlons LhaL we do Cur
behavlour Lo oLhers our acLlons and reacLlons on oLhers abnormal behavlour So Lry Lo creaLe

heaven around u and feel your self as a angel of god As we all r born good LhaL's flxed buL lf we r
wrong aL Lhls momenL LhaL's varlable 8uL how pure and good we r born ls flxed [usL need Lo
undersLand lL WhaL changes our behavlour and acLlons ls our anger expecLaLlon relaLlon duLles
hablLs ego or our mood WhaL we have Lo do ls Lo flnd a mlddle way so as ln order Lo make our llfe
more speclal Lo us as well Lo oLhers
1ry Lo over come u r weak polnLs Lhose LhaL make u loose your Lemper

Whenever l feel LhaL way LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng LhaL l can'L do Lhls LhoughL someLlmes
scares me a parL of growlng up ls learnlng how our acLlons effecL oLher people and how we handle
LhaL powerLhe road we Lravel ls unpredlcLable some Llme lL's smooLh and some Llme lL flll wlLh
bombs buL lf we r lucky we flnd people Lo Lravel wlLh us Cur [ourney ls really a search for love and
connecLlon and someLlmes lL's someLhlng we dldn'L know
l send so many of my whole day for carlng and helplng Lhe people l love mosL 8uL Lhey even
help each oLher when l m noL Lhere Lo help Lhem for my self lL was only when l don'L see Lhe
slmplesL way Lo solve Lhe problem only Lhen u have some one Lo help u

l CAn'1 SLLL ln 1PlS 8CCMS1lLL SC lAS1 llnulnC u l CAn1 SLL M S1lLL llnulnC u
SlLLnCL klLLS 1PL S1C8? lS S18AlCP1AS l 1LLL u 1PL 18u1P lS S18AlCP1 uCn'1 LL1 ML
uCWn uCn'1 LL1 ML uCWnl uCn'1 LL1 u CCLCCk ASluL l 8L WAl1lnC
So many Llmes l heard people sufferlng from headache Lhen l grow up and feel Lhe same
8uL laLer on l feel Lhe paln called hearLache as lL becomes hard for hearLh Lo breaLh l never
feel lL before and l wondered LhaL lL go away

noLhlng Lo loose and every Lhlng Lo galn do every Lhlng for your looslng nearve
AfLer a nlghL of mlsLakes and valuable lessons learned l flnally under sLood bondlng lL's noL
abouL rememberlng your frlends Lo forgoL lL's abouL Lo undersLand how luckey u r Lo have Lhem/

My weak po|nt that makes me angary aggress|ve and w||d
1 L|e
2 8etraya|

4 Ioo||shness

olnLs Lo wrlLe on
Pard work and deLermlnaLlon
ulsLance beLween me and success
Pard work and deLermlnaLlon
ulsLance beLween me and success
leellng unwanLed

8y uheera[ Culerla 22sep11
LxperLs polnL of vlew

#16: Get a workout partner or goal buddy. Staying motivated on your own is tough. But iI
you Iind someone with similar goals (running, dieting, Iinances, etc.), see iI they`d like to
partner with you. Or partner with your spouse, sibling or best Iriend on whatever goals
they`re trying to achieve. You don`t have to be going aIter the same goals as long as you
are both pushing and encouraging each other to succeed.
1S Iust get started %here are some days when you don`t Ieel like heading out the door
Ior a run, or Iiguring out your budget, or whatever it is you`re supposed to do that day Ior
your goal. Well, instead oI thinking about how hard it is, and how long it will take, tell
yourselI that you just have to start.
14 Make lL a pleasure One reason we might put oII something that will help us achieve
our goal, such as exercise Ior example, is because it seems like hard work. Well, this might
be true, but the key is to Iind a way to make it Iun or pleasurable. II your goal activity
becomes a treat, you actually look Iorward to it. And that`s a good thing.
1 G|ve |t t|me be pat|ent I know, this is easier said than done. But the problem with
many oI us is that we expect quick results. When you think about your goals, think long term.
II you want to lose weight, you may see some quick initial losses, but it will take a long time
to lose the rest. II you want to run a marathon, you won`t be able to do it overnight. II you
don`t see the results you want soon, don`t give up . give it time. In the meantime, be happy
with your progress so Iar, and with your ability to stick with your goals. %he results will
come iI you give it time.
12 8reak |t |nto sma||er m|n| goa|s. Sometimes large or longer-term goals can be
overwhelming. AIter a couple weeks, we may lose motivation, because we still have several
months or a year or more leIt to accomplish the goal. It`s hard to maintain motivation Ior a
single goal Ior such a long time. Solution: have smaller goals along the way.
11 keward yourse|f Cften And not just Ior longer-term goals, either. In Hack #12, I
talked about breaking larger goals into smaller, mini goals. Well, each oI those mini goals
should have a reward attached to it. Make a list oI your goals, with mini goals, and next to
each, write down an appropriate reward. By appropriate, I mean 1) it`s proportionate to the
size oI the goal (don`t reward going on a 1-mile run with a luxury cruise in the Bahamas);
and 2) it doesn`t ruin your goal iI you are trying to lose weight, don`t reward a day oI
healthy eating with a dessert binge. It`s selI-deIeating.
10 llnd lnsplraLlon on a dally basls Inspiration is one oI the best motivators, and it
can be Iound everywhere. Every day, seek inspiration, and it will help sustain motivation
over the long term. Sources oI inspiration can include: blogs, online success stories, Iorums,
Iriends and Iamily, magazines, books, quotes, music, photos, people you meet.

#9: Get a coach or take a class %hese will motivate you to at least show up, and to
take action. It can be applied to any goal. %his might be one oI the more expensive ways oI
motivating yourselI, but it works. And iI you do some research, you might Iind some cheap
classes in your area, or you might know a Iriend who will provide coaching or counseling Ior

nave powerfu| reasons Wr|te them down. now your reasons. Give them some
thought . and write them down. II you have loved ones, and you are doing it Ior them, that
is more powerIul than just doing it Ior selI-interest. Doing it Ior yourselI is good too, but you
should do it Ior something that you REALLY REALLY want to happen, Ior really good
8ecome aware of your urges to qu|t and be prepared for them We all have
urges to stop, but they are mostly unconscious. One oI the most powerIul things you can do is
to start being more conscious oI those urges. A good exercise is to go through the day with a
little piece oI paper and put a tally mark Ior each time you get an urge. It simply makes you
aware oI the urges. %hen have a plan Ior when those urges hit, and plan for it beforehand,
and write down your plan, because once those urges hit, you will not Ieel like coming up with
a plan.
Make |t a ru|e never to sk|p two days |n a row.%his rule takes into account our
natural tendency to miss days now and then. We are not perIect. So, you missed one day .
now the second day is upon you and you are Ieeling lazy . tell yourselI NO! You will not
miss two days in a row! Zen Habits says so! And just get started. You`ll thank yourselI later.
S V|sua||ze your goa| c|ear|y on a da||y bas|s for at |east S10 m|nutes.
Visualize your successful outcome in great detail. Close your eyes, and think about exactly
how your successIul outcome will look, will Ieel, will smell and taste and sound like. Where
are you when you become successIul? How do you look? What are you wearing? Form as
clear a mental picture as possible. Now here`s the next key: do it every day. For at least a
Iew minutes each day. %his is the only way to keep that motivation going over a long period
oI time.
4 keep a da||y [ourna| of your goa| II you are consistent about keeping a journal, it
can be a great motivator. A journal should have not only what you did Ior the day, but your
thoughts about how it went, how you Ielt, what mistakes you made, what you could do to
improve. %o be consistent about keeping a journal, do it right after you do your goal task
each day. Make keeping a journal a sensory pleasure.
Create a fr|end|y mutua||ysupport|ve compet|t|onWe are all competitive in
nature, at least a little. Some more than others. %ake advantage oI this part oI our human
nature by using it to Iuel your goals. II you have a workout partner or goal buddy, you`ve got
all you need Ior a Iriendly competition. See who can log more miles, or save more dollars,
each week or month. See who can do more pushups or pullups. See who can lose the most
weight or have the best abs or lose the most inches on their waist. Make sure the goals are
weighted so that the competition is Iairly equal. And mutually support each other in your
2 Make a b|g pub||c comm|tment 8e fully commlLLed %his will do the trick
every time. Create a blog and announce to the world that you are going to achieve a certain
goal by a certain date. Commit yourselI to the hilt.
1 A|ways th|nk pos|t|ve Squash a|| negat|ve thoughts Monitor your thoughts.
Be aware oI your selI-talk. We all talk to ourselves, a lot, but we are not always aware oI

these thoughts. Start listening. II you hear negative thoughts, stop them, push them out, and
replace them with positive thoughts. Positive thinking can be amazingly powerIul.
uheera[ Cullerla 26 sep11

1hanks for u supporL and commenLs l m worklng on Lhem sooner m gonna posL some Lhlng
lnsplraLlonal form my slde plus Lhe experL vlews for quallLy llvlng Llll u sLay ln Louch wlLh my boLh
Lhe blogs wwwgulerlablogcom
Culerla 8roLhers
Wonder lndlan Loglc Lab SysLems (wllls)

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