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Workplace sLress ls Lhe harmful physlcal and emoLlonal response LhaL occurs when
Lhere ls a poor maLch beLween [ob demand and Lhe capablllLles resources or need of
Lhe worker
SLress aL work ls a relaLlvely new phenomenon of modern llfesLyles 1he naLure of
work has gone Lhrough drasLlc changes over Lhe lasL cenLury and lL ls sLlll changlng aL
whlrlwlnd speed 1hey have Louched almosL all professlons sLarLlng from an arLlsL Lo a
surgeon or a commerclal plloL Lo a sales execuLlve WlLh change comes sLress
lnevlLably rofesslonal sLress or [ob sLress poses a LhreaL Lo physlcal healLh Work
relaLed sLress ln Lhe llfe of organlzed workers consequenLly affecLs Lhe healLh of
Maslow's need Plerarchy 1heory (Maslow 20002) proposed LhaL all lndlvlduals
have baslc seLs of needs Lhey sLrlve Lo fulfll ln Lhe conLexL of organlzaLlonal
behavlour an lndlvldual sLrlves Lo fulfll Lhese needs ln a work seLLlng over an
exLended perlod of Llme 1here are a pleLhora of deflnlLlons whlch can be assoclaLed
wlLh 'workplace sLress' !ob sLress can be deflned as Lhe harmful physlcal and
emoLlonal responses LhaL occur when Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe [ob do noL maLch Lhe
capablllLles resources or needs of Lhe worker" (Luropean Commlsslon

2002Cnllne) lurLhermore accordlng Lo Lhe lnLernaLlonal Labour Cfflce (lLC
2004Cnllne) sLress aL work can lead Lo poor healLh and even ln[ury ln addlLlon Lhe
cognlLlve behavloural and physlologlcal reacLlon Lo averslve and noxlous aspecLs of
work work envlronmenLs and work organlzaLlons lL ls a sLaLe characLerlzed by hlgh
levels of arousal and dlsLress and ofLen by feellngs of noL coplng
8obblns (2001363) deflnes sLress as a dynamlc condlLlon ln whlch an lndlvldual
ls confronLed wlLh an opporLunlLy consLralnL or demand relaLed Lo whaL he or she
deslres and for whlch Lhe ouLcome ls percelved Lo be boLh uncerLaln and lmporLanL"

12 WhaL's lL?
!ob sLress ls a chronlc dlsease caused by condlLlons ln Lhe workplace LhaL negaLlvely
affecL an lndlvldual`s performance and/or overall wellbelng of hls body and mlnd Cne
or more of a hosL of physlcal and menLal lllnesses manlfesLs [ob sLress ln some cases
[ob sLress can be dlsabllng ln chronlc cases a psychlaLrlc consulLaLlon ls usually requlred
Lo valldaLe Lhe reason and degree of work relaLed sLress

13 SLress managemenL
Lmployers should provlde a sLressfree work envlronmenL recognlse where sLress ls
becomlng a problem for sLaff and Lake acLlon Lo reduce sLress SLress ln Lhe workplace
reduces producLlvlLy lncreases managemenL pressures and makes people lll ln many
ways evldence of whlch ls sLlll lncreaslng Workplace sLress affecLs Lhe performance of Lhe

braln lncludlng funcLlons of work performance memory concenLraLlon and learnlng ln
Lhe uk over 13 mllllon worklng days are losL every year because of sLress SLress ls belleved
Lo Lrlgger 70 of vlslLs Lo docLors and 3 of serlous lllnesses (uk PSL sLress sLaLlsLlcs)
SLress aL work also provldes a serlous rlsk of llLlgaLlon for all employers and organlsaLlons
carrylng slgnlflcanL llablllLles for damages bad publlclLy and loss of repuLaLlon ueallng
wlLh sLressrelaLed clalms also consumes vasL amounLs of managemenL Llme So Lhere are
clearly sLrong economlc and flnanclal reasons for organlsaLlons Lo manage and reduce
sLress aL work aslde from Lhe obvlous humanlLarlan and eLhlcal conslderaLlons lf you are
sufferlng from sLress yourself Lhe sLress managemenL guldellnes here are [usL as relevanL

llg no1 Puman erformance Curve


21 Causes of sLress aL workplace
!ob sLress may be caused by a complex seL of reasons Some of Lhe mosL vlslble causes of
workplace sLress are

A !ob lnsecurlLy
Crganlzed workplaces are golng Lhrough meLamorphlc changes under lnLense economlc
LransformaLlons and consequenL pressures 8eorganlzaLlons Lakeovers mergers
downslzlng and oLher changes have become ma[or sLressors for employees as companles
Lry Lo llve up Lo Lhe compeLlLlon Lo survlve 1hese reformaLlons have puL demand on
everyone from a CLC Lo a mere execuLlve

numerous surveys and sLudles conflrm LhaL occupaLlonal pressures and fears are far and
away Lhe leadlng source of sLress for Amerlcan adulLs and LhaL Lhese have sLeadlly
lncreased over Lhe pasL few decades Whlle Lhere are Lons of sLaLlsLlcs Lo supporL Lhese
allegaLlons how slgnlflcanL Lhey are depends on such Lhlngs as how Lhe lnformaLlon was
obLalned (selfreporL vs answers Lo carefully worded quesLlons) Lhe slze and
demographlcs of Lhe LargeLed group how parLlclpanLs were selecLed and who sponsored
Lhe sLudy Some selfservlng polls clalmlng LhaL a parLlcular occupaLlon ls Lhe mosL
sLressful are conducLed by unlons or organlzaLlons ln a aLLempL Lo geL hlgher wages or
beLLer beneflLs for Lhelr lL ls cruclal Lo keep all Lhese caveaLs ln mlnd when evaluaLlng
[ob sLress sLaLlsLlcs

1he nlCSP(1he naLlonal lnsLlLuLe for CccupaLlonal SafeLy and PealLh )
Report on the right is an excellent resource that cites the Iollowing:
O 40 of workers reporLed Lhelr [ob was very or exLremely sLressful
O 23 vlew Lhelr [obs as Lhe number one sLressor ln Lhelr llves
O 1hree fourLhs of employees belleve LhaL workers have more onLhe[ob sLress Lhan a
generaLlon ago
O 2 of workers felL qulLe a blL or exLremely sLressed aL work
O 26 percenL of workers sald Lhey were ofLen or very ofLen burned ouL or sLressed by
Lhelr work

!ob sLress ls more sLrongly assoclaLed wlLh healLh complalnLs Lhan flnanclal or famlly problems

Pere are some Lhlngs you can do Lo reduce Lhe sLress of [ob lnsecurlLy
1 MeeL regularly wlLh your boss make sure your boss has regular progress reporLs of whaL
you're dolng well ask
for feedback regularly and accepL lL nondefenslvely
2 neLwork LhroughouL your lndusLry [oln professlonal groups where you can conLrlbuLe your
3 lncrease your vlslblllLy across buslness unlLs wrlLe for your newsleLLer make a presenLaLlon
chalr a sLaff meeLlng lnvolve yourself ln groups ouLslde your own 'sllo' (eg soclal club Lqual
CpporLunlLy dlscusslon groups)
4 CommunlcaLe wlLh oLhers aL work do your colleagues know whaL you're dolng? and whaL
you do well?
3 noLlce when someone looks snowed under and offer supporL 1eam lnvolvemenL ls a hlghly
prlzed behavlour ln mosL organlsaLlons
6 uo an audlL of your skllls lnLeresLs values and moLlvaLlons so LhaL you have a clear ldea of
Lhe besL flL [ob for you

8 Plgh uemand for erformance
unreallsLlc expecLaLlons especlally ln Lhe Llme of corporaLe reorganlzaLlons whlch someLlmes
puLs unhealLhy and unreasonable pressures on Lhe employee can be a Lremendous source of
sLress and sufferlng lncreased workload exLremely long work hours and lnLense pressure Lo
perform aL peak levels all Lhe Llme for Lhe same pay can acLually leave an employees physlcally
and emoLlonally dralned Lxcesslve Lravel and Loo much Llme away from famlly also conLrlbuLe
Lo an employee`s sLressors
Some of Lhe research flndlngs and dlscuss Lhelr lmpllcaLlons for Lhe need of hlgh performance
on Loday's organlzaLlon are as follows

SLress and Lhe Loss of CreaLlvlLy
CreaLlve and lnnovaLlve LhoughL are ls aL Lhe hearL of Lhe learnlng organlzaLlon An
organlzaLlons ablllLy Lo lnnovaLe ls perhaps Lhe mosL lmporLanL source of compeLlLlve
advanLage CrganlzaLlons who know how Lo sLlmulaLe and leverage lnnovaLlve LhoughL are able
Lo respond more rapldly and resourcefully Lo markeL changes and cusLomer requlremenLs Lhan
Lhelr slower less lnnovaLlve compeLlLors uesplLe Lhe Lremendous conLrlbuLlon lnnovaLlve
LhoughL makes Lo organlzaLlonal survlval mosL organlzaLlons donL reallze how Lhey prevenL
such LhoughL from belng exerclsed ln Lhelr organlzaLlon 1he Lyplcal hlgh sLress workplace Lhe
physlologlcal and psychologlcal affecLs of sLress on Lhe human braln and mlnd compromlses
such creaLlvlLy and lnnovaLlon

unconLrollable SLress and Lhe uumblng uown rocess
1he group LhaL had no conLrol demonsLraLed a slgnlflcanL deLerloraLlon ln Lhelr LhoughL
process durlng and afLer Lhe nolse 1helr Lhlnklng became unemoLlonal unlmaglnaLlve and
dull lL was as lf Lhey became Lemporarlly dumb ln order Lo endure Lhe sLressful slLuaLlon Lven
more lnLeresLlng was Lhe oLher groups response AlLhough Lhey were Lold Lhey could sLop Lhe
nolse lf Lhey needed Lo noL one person choose Lo do so 1herefore Lhey experlenced Lhe same
amounL of unpleasanL nolse as Lhe group whlch wasnL glven LhaL opLlon

llg no2 1he relaLlonshlp beLween sLress and performance


C 1echnology
1he expanslon of LechnologycompuLers pagers cell phones fax machlnes and Lhe
lnLerneLhas resulLed ln helghLened expecLaLlons for producLlvlLy speed and efflclency
lncreaslng pressure on Lhe lndlvldual worker Lo consLanLly operaLe aL peak performance
levels Workers worklng wlLh heavy machlnery are under consLanL sLress Lo remaln alerL ln
Lhls case boLh Lhe worker and Lhelr famlly members llve under consLanL menLal sLress
1here ls also Lhe consLanL pressure Lo keep up wlLh Lechnologlcal breakLhroughs and
lmprovlsaLlons forclng employees Lo learn new sofLware all Lhe Llmes

Workplace CulLure Ad[usLlng Lo Lhe workplace culLure wheLher ln a new company or noL
can be lnLensely sLressful Maklng oneself adapL Lo Lhe varlous aspecLs of workplace
culLure such as communlcaLlon paLLerns hlerarchy dress code lf any workspace and mosL
lmporLanLly worklng and behavloral paLLerns of Lhe boss as well as Lhe coworkers can be
a lesson of llfe Malad[usLmenL Lo workplace culLures may lead Lo subLle confllcLs wlLh
colleagues or even wlLh superlors ln many cases offlce pollLlcs or gosslps can be ma[or
sLress lnducers

1he lmpacL of 1echnology on Work 8elaLed SLress are as follows
As workers consLanLly Lry Lo cope wlLh Lhe everyday sLress aL work Lhey are ofLen confronLed
wlLh addlLlonal sLress from Lhe effecLs of Lechnology and Lechnology relaLed responslblllLles on
Lhelr [ob
Many workers are conLlnually expecLed Lo perform more work ln less Llme as Lhe world seems
Lo spln fasLer each day
Lmployees are expecLed Lo keep up wlLh changes ln sysLems programs and meLhods wlLhouL
belng Lralned or even shown how Lhe new Lechnologles work
As Lechnology ln Lhe workplace keeps evolvlng workers feel as lf Lhey are consLanLly Lrylng Lo
adapL Lo Lhe new meLhods and skllls When workers are Lralned ln Lhe new Lechnologles Lhey
ofLen feel more frusLraLlon and sLress aL havlng Lo Lake Lhe Llme from Lhelr work responslblllLles
for reLralnlng
Many workers worry LhaL Lechnologlcal advances wlll ellmlnaLe Lhelr [ob poslLlons
Workers worry abouL compuLer crashers causlng Lhem Lo lose work documenLs and research

Workers spend less Llme lnLeracLlng wlLh oLher workers LhroughouL Lhe day ln reallLy Lhere ls
slgnlflcanLly less human lnLeracLlon on all levels Lmalls volce malls LexL messaglng and vldeo
conferenclng make many workers feel sLressed alone and lsolaLed
When a worker ls faced wlLh consLanL sLress or chronlc sLress lL affecLs hlm or her on all levels
menLally physlcally and emoLlonally 1he person ls more apL Lo suffer lllnesses as sLress
weakens Lhelr lmmune sysLem ln facL sLress has a negaLlve affecL on every sysLem and organ
ln Lhelr body


The main Iactors that lead to stress and aIIect productivity are:

Workloads too high or low
Employees lack skills
Personal Iinance
Poor supervision
Health problems
Personal relationships
Job too complex

1A8LL nC1 no of people affecLed by dlfferenL sLress facLors


u ersonal or lamlly roblems
Lmployees golng Lhrough personal or famlly problems Lend Lo carry Lhelr worrles and
anxleLles Lo Lhe workplace When one ls ln a depressed mood hls unfocused aLLenLlon or
lack of moLlvaLlon affecLs hls ablllLy Lo carry ouL [ob responslblllLles
lor many people personal healLh becomes a maln cause for sLress Some people geL sLress
because of a deslre Lo lose welghL Some people wanL Lo geL rld of a bad hablL llke smoklng
or alcohol and LhaL causes sLress lor oLhers sLress lLself ls a personal bad hablL and lL musL
be changed A serlous ln[ury or may be a mlnor lllness ls a leadlng cause for sLress personal
healLh ls more or less sLressful accordlng Lo Lhe degree of serlousness

SafeLy relaLed Lo personal llfe ls also a ma[or cause of sLress Women geL more sLress Lhan
men ln maLLers concernlng Lhelr safeLy AdulLs geL sLressed ouL more ofLen Lhan youngsLers
do Crlme ls also a ma[or facLor for sLress

8elaLlonshlp always becomes a ma[or cause of sLress lL may be frlendshlp daLlng
remarrlage separaLlon marrlage or dlvorce We may be expecLlng more from a relaLlonshlp
Lhan we geL from lL 8elaLlonshlps may be placlng more demands on Llme money and
emoLlons Lhan Lhey are glvlng Lo us

A Iamily is a wonderIul institution. Arguments within a Iamily are common and can lead to
stressIul situations. Arguments with a spouse or with other Iamily member, divorce oI
parents and marriage oI children are some oI the main cause oI stress.

PealLh condlLlon of Lhe famlly member ls also a ma[or cause of sLress a slck famlly member or a
serlous ln[ured person pregnancy mlscarrlage aborLlon all such Lhlngs causes sLress AdopLlon
relocaLlon eLc causes sLress ln Lhe famlly

L !ob SLress and Women
Women may suffer from menLal and physlcal harassmenL aL workplaces aparL from Lhe
common [ob sLress Sexual harassmenL ln workplace has been a ma[or source of worry for
women slnce long Women may suffer from Lremendous sLress such as `hosLlle work
envlronmenL harassmenL` whlch ls deflned ln legal Lerms as `offenslve or lnLlmldaLlng
behavlor ln Lhe workplace` 1hls can conslsL of unwelcome verbal or physlcal conducL 1hese
can be a consLanL source of Lenslon for women ln [ob secLors Also subLle dlscrlmlnaLlons aL
workplaces famlly pressure and socleLal demands add Lo Lhese sLress facLors


22 ls women's workplace sLress dlfferenL Lhan LhaL of men's?

Slnce sLress by deflnlLlon ls Lhe body's response physlologlcally and psychologlcally Lo a

dangerous slLuaLlon" lL sLands Lo reason LhaL whaL ls percelved as dangerous ln Lhe work
place ls very lndlvldual 8esearch shows LhaL women's sLress ln Lhe workplace ls relaLed more Lo
lack of balance and demands of home and work comblned and men's workplace sLress relaLed
more Lo Lhe [ob

8esearch also shows LhaL women ln relaLlonshlps do greaLer Lhan 60 of household
malnLenance and chlldcare ulvorced and slngle women llvlng alone more Lhan llkely have 0
100 of chlldcare responslblllLles as well as Lhe household chores ConsequenLly women are
llkely Lo have obsLacles flndlng Llme for Lhelr own sLress reduclng selfcare Women are more
llkely Lo arrlve Lo work sLressed before Lhelr workplace demands begln SLudles also show LhaL
women worklng greaLer Lhan 60 hours a week has more Lhan doubled ln Lhe lasL Lwo years

ercelved locus of conLrol ls one area proven Lo be a predlcLor of sLress 1herefore a woman
worklng ln an envlronmenL wlLh llLLle flexlblllLy or cholce would be a greaLer rlsk of dlsLress Lhan
a cllmaLe of novolce Would lL sLand Lo reason LhaL women Lherefore wlLh Lhelr own
buslnesses would be less sLressed Lhan Lhose worklng for someone else? lnLeresLlngly women's
sLress lssues do noL vary slgnlflcanLly Women are mulLlLaskers by naLure and enfold Lasks
wlLhln Lasks Work famlly and home are noL separaLe and Lhe lssues around balance prevall
regardless of worklng for yourself or someone else Women who own Lhelr own buslness have
Lhe same chlldcare and home lssues as Lhelr slsLers who are worklng for someone else
Powever women worklng ln Lhelr own buslness are llkely Lo be pursulng a passlon and adopL a
mlndseL LhaL allows a poslLlve aLLlLude

So whaL some ways LhaL woman can reduce work place sLress?

1 kecogn|ze that stress |s a k|||er and not to be taken ||ght|y

SLress relaLed lllnesses are Lhe leadlng cause of deaLh and dlsablllLy ln women Loday
8ecognlLlon ls Lhe flrsL sLep ln any change process

1ake rea| breaks from work
lf your buslness requlres LhaL you be on Lhe [ob aL normal" lunch Llmes or oLher break
Llmes make sure LhaL you flnd Llme aL oLher Llmes ln Lhe day SLudles show LhaL small

breaks acLually lncrease our efflclency so you really can afford" lL Walklng ouLslde can
work wonders Pave a palr of walklng shoes on slLe

What |n your work env|ronment are you "to|erat|ng" and a||ow|ng for ongo|ng

CluLLered space equlpmenL LhaL needs repalred lack of organlzaLlon Lasks LhaL need Lo
be delegaLed nolse level ergonomlcally unhealLhy workplaces and any number of
oLher LoleraLlons are worLh Lhe efforL Lo resolve

4 Commun|cat|ng c|ean|y and assert|ve|y |s a great way to reduce stress by address|ng
boundar|es expectat|ons and needs |n the workp|ace

Women many Llmes communlcaLe on an emoLlonal level unforLunaLely wlLh Lhls sorL
of communlcaLlon Lhe real message ls losL ln Lhe feellng versus Lhe dolng

S Caffe|ne by |ts very nature causes a phys|o|og|ca| stress response

A placeboconLrolled sLudy found LhaL caffelne caused lncreased feellngs of sLress ln a
workplace (23 cups coffee) and lncrease levels of eplnephrlne a sLress hormone

Pow much coffee or hlgh caffelne sofL drlnks do you consume aL work? 1ake sLeps Lo
reduce or cuL ouL caffelne all LogeLher lncrease your waLer lnLake


6 Lat a good breakfast

SLudles show LhaL eaLlng breakfasL ls one of Lhe healLhlesL hablLs we can adopL Cur
bodles and braln have been wlLhouL carbohydraLe fuel for 12 hours or more 1lme Lo flll
up SmooLhles are greaL ways Lo geL a greaL boosL on Lhe go ?ogurL frulL [ulce and a
blender and you can sLarL your day wlLh proLeln good carbohydraLe calclum and
vlLamlns Add some llnseeds/flaxseeds and you have flber and phyLoesLrogens Loo All
are slgnlflcanL for women's good healLh!

7 Ideas you m|ght ||ke to try at the work p|ace for stress reduct|on

Calmlng olls of floral scenLs (rose vanllla lavender and nuLmeg) a Lennls ball Lo roll
back and forLh under Lhe ball of your fooL and massage an acupressure calm polnL ln
Lhe area of Lhe hand beLween Lhe lndex flnger and Lhumb

8 Se|fcare outs|de the workp|ace |s of paramount |mportance for women

AdequaLe sleep provldes our bodles wlLh chemlcal balanclng and heallng aL a cellular
level llnd ouL whaL needs Lo glve" Lo geL you Lo bed for 7 hrs of sleep LaLlng a dleL
of real food (llmlL or ellmlnaLe addlLlves and chemlcals) LhaL fuels our bodles glves us a
reserve Lo run on durlng sLressful Llme Lxerclse Lhough hard Lo LlmeLable ln our packed
schedules ls a greaL sLress reducer

9 Learn ways to re|ax that are mean|ngfu| for you

1hls mlghL seem llke an obvlous overused Loken suggesLlon MosL women do noL really
know how Lo relax We have been so programmed Lo look afLer everyLhlng and
everyone else 1hls feellng of responslblllLy carrles over lnLo our work as well Learnlng
whaL ls relaxlng Lo you ls worLh Lhe efforL 1urn off Lhe 1v Call a frlend LlsLen Lo some

relaxlng muslc CommlL Lo plcklng up an lnLeresL from Lhe pasL even lf you do lL ln small
sLeps 1lme Laken for pleasure wlll pay off ln Lhe long run ln work efflclency

10 Do not stress about reduc|ng stress and make |t "another stress"

ay aLLenLlon Lo you body's response Lo slLuaLlons WhaL ls your selfLalk? Make an
efforL Lo Lake deep breaLhs and change ongolng negaLlve Lalk Lo poslLlve lf you are
serlous abouL maklng changes and are havlng dlfflculLy dolng lL on your own conslder
worklng wlLh a coach

Workplace sLress Lhrough our leglslaLlons ls becomlng an lssue for whlch employers
musL Lake noLlce Powever Lhe currenL lean operaLlons of buslness whlch ls Lhe one of
Lhe conLexLual lssues clLed for Loday's sLress wlll noL go away lor Lhose of us who run
our own buslnesses we are our own employers As women we need Lo dlscern whaL ls
work sLress As women we need Lo acknowledge whaL we can do for ourselves Lo
reduce sLress

Wln or Lose

Where ever you go or whaL ever you may be facLors LhaL glve us sLress wlll never leL
you go 1hey wlll always be wlLh you 1haL ls a facL of llfe 1he sLressed chlld who Lhrew
LanLrums becomes a young sLudenL sLressed by Lhe school bully 1he young sLudenL
becomes a Leenager sLressed ouL by hormones and daLlng As a young adulL Lhe evenLs
llke leavlng home ad[usLlng Lo college llfe and managlng flnances are all sLressful
slLuaLlons and have Lo be dealL wlLh SLress ls everywhere

1o know abouL Lhe maln cause of sLress ls lmporLanL and also uslng LhaL knowledge Lo
wln over unhealLhy sLress ls very essenLlal


2.3 Some more typical causes oI stress at work are:-

O bullylng or harassmenL by anyone noL necessarlly a persons manager
O feellng powerless and unlnvolved ln deLermlnlng ones own responslblllLles
O conLlnuous unreasonable performance demands
O lack of effecLlve communlcaLlon and confllcL resoluLlon
O long worklng hours
O excesslve Llme away from home and famlly
O offlce pollLlcs and confllcL among sLaff
O a feellng LhaL ones reward ls noL commensuraLe wlLh ones responslblllLy
O worklng hours responslblllLles and pressures dlsrupLlng llfebalance (dleL exerclse
sleep and resL play famllyLlme eLc

24 lacLors lnfluenclng Lhe effecLs of sLress and sLress suscepLlblllLy
A persons suscepLlblllLy Lo sLress can be affecLed by any or all of Lhese facLors whlch means
LhaL everyone has a dlfferenL Lolerance Lo sLressors And ln respecL of cerLaln of Lhese facLors
sLress suscepLlblllLy ls noL flxed so each persons sLress Lolerance level changes over Llme
O chlldhood experlence (abuse can lncrease sLress suscepLlblllLy)
O personallLy (cerLaln personallLles are more sLressprone Lhan oLhers)
O geneLlcs (parLlcularly lnherlLed relaxaLlon response connecLed wlLh seroLonln levels
Lhe bralns wellbelng chemlcal)
O lmmunlLy abnormallLy (as mlghL cause cerLaln dlseases such as arLhrlLls and eczema
whlch weaken sLress reslllence)
O llfesLyle (prlnclpally poor dleL and lack of exerclse)


1he slgns of [ob sLress vary from person Lo person dependlng on Lhe parLlcular
slLuaLlon how long Lhe lndlvldual has been sub[ecLed Lo Lhe sLressors and Lhe lnLenslLy
of Lhe sLress lLself 1yplcal sympLoms of [ob sLress can be

- lnsomnla
-Loss of menLal concenLraLlon
-AnxleLy sLress
- AbsenLeelsm
- uepresslon
- SubsLance abuse
-LxLreme anger and frusLraLlon
- lamlly confllcL
- hyslcal lllnesses such as hearL dlsease mlgralne headaches sLomach problems and
back problems

llg no3 lmpacL of sLress and anxleLy on Lhe employees

23 SLress effecLs on healLh and performance
SLress ls proven beyond doubL Lo make people lll and evldence ls lncreaslng as Lo
number of allmenLs and dlseases caused by sLress SLress ls now known Lo conLrlbuLe Lo
hearL dlsease lL causes hyperLenslon and hlgh blood pressure and lmpalrs Lhe lmmune
sysLem SLress ls also llnked Lo sLrokes l8S (lrrlLable bowel syndrome) ulcers dlabeLes
muscle and [olnL paln mlscarrlage durlng pregnancy allergles alopecla and even
premaLure LooLh loss
varlous uS sLudles have demonsLraLed LhaL removlng sLress lmproves speclflc aspecLs of
healLh sLress managemenL was shown Lo be capable of reduclng Lhe rlsk of hearL aLLack
by up Lo 73 ln people wlLh hearL dlsease sLress managemenL Lechnlques along wlLh
meLhods for coplng wlLh anger conLrlbuLed Lo a reducLlon of hlgh blood pressure and
for chronlc Lenslon headache sufferers lL was found LhaL sLress managemenL Lechnlques
lncreased Lhe effecLlveness of prescrlbed drugs and afLer slx monLhs acLually equalled
Lhe effecLlveness of anLldepressanLs 1he clear lmpllcaLlon for Lhese allmenLs ls LhaL
sLress makes Lhem worse
SLress slgnlflcanLly reduces braln funcLlons such as memory concenLraLlon and
learnlng all of whlch are cenLral Lo effecLlve performance aL work CerLaln LesLs have
shown up Lo 30 loss of performance ln cognlLlve LesLs performed by sLress sufferers
Some healLh effecLs caused by sLress are reverslble and Lhe body and mlnd reverLs Lo
normal when Lhe sLress ls relleved CLher healLh effecLs caused by sLress are so serlous
LhaL Lhey are lrreverslble and aL worse are Lermlnal
SLress ls sald by some Lo be a good Lhlng for Lhemselves or oLhers LhaL lL promoLes
exclLemenL and poslLlve feellngs lf Lhese are Lhe effecLs Lhen lLs noL sLress as deflned
here lLs Lhe exclLemenL and sLlmulus derlved (by one who wanLs Lhese feellngs and can
handle Lhem) from worklng hard ln a conLrolled and manageable way Lowards an
achlevable and reallsLlc alm whlch for sure can be very exclLlng buL lL alnL sLress SLress
ls bad for people and organlsaLlons lLs a LhreaL and a healLh rlsk and lL needs Lo be
recognlsed and dealL wlLh noL dlsmlssed as someLhlng good or welcomed as a badge of
machlsmo you mlghL as well sLlck plns ln your eyes


;ulck sLress reducLlon Lechnlques

SLress reducLlon ldea 1 Pumour
Pumour ls one of Lhe greaLesL and qulckesL devlces for reduclng sLress
Pumour works because laughLer produces helpful chemlcals ln Lhe braln
Pumour also geLs your braln Lhlnklng and worklng ln a dlfferenL way lL dlsLracLs you
from havlng a sLressed mlndseL ulsLracLlon ls a slmple effecLlve desLressor lL Lakes
your LhoughLs away from Lhe sLress and Lhereby dlffuses Lhe sLressful feellngs
1herefore mosL people wlll feel qulLe dlfferenL and noLlce a change ln mlndseL afLer
laughlng and belng dlsLracLed by someLhlng humorous
Co read Lhe funny famlly forLunes answers Cr Lry Lhe funny leLLers Lo Lhe councll Lven
lf youve seen Lhem a hundred Llmes before As you sLarL Lo smlle and chuckle Lhe sLress
beglns Lo dlsslpaLe
lf Lhls maLerlal falls Lo make you laugh Lhen flnd someLhlng whlch does
keep Laklng Lhe laughLer medlclne unLll you feel sulLably relaxed and recharged


SLress reducLlon ldea 2 brlsk walk and selfLalk
Co for a shorL qulck really brlsk walk ouLslde
?es acLually leave Lhe bulldlng
Change your envlronmenL
8reaLhe ln some fresh alr and smell Lhe aLmosphere

1rees raln flowers Lrafflc fumes doesnL maLLer sLlmulaLe your senses wlLh new
Cn your way ouL keep saylng Lo yourself ouL loud (and Lo anyone else you see ln LhaL
dafL way people say Llvls has lefL Lhe bulldlng)
%your name) |s |eav|ng the bu||d|ng
And when you are ouLslde and free say
%your name) has |eft the bu||d|ng
?ou can exLend Lhe exerclse by golng Lo a park and [ogglng a llLLle
Cr do a few sLar[umps someLhlng energeLlc Lo geL your body movlng and relaxlng
Cr sLroke a dog or plck up some llLLer or klck a klds fooLball
?ou can of course use oLher manLras or chanLs dependlng on whaL you wanL Lo do and
how far you wanL Lo geL away from Lhe sLress causes for example
%your name) |s do|ng star[umps]p|ck|ng up ||tter]|ook|ng for a sma|| nonthreaten|ng
dog or
%your name) |s |eav|ng]has |eft the |ndustr|a| park]d|str|ct]c|ty]company]country
eLc eLc
OI course this is daIt, but the daItness reduces the stress by removing you Irom
the stress in mind and body.

oing something daIt and physical - and reinIorcing it with some daIt chanting - opens
up the world again.

SLress reducLlon ldea 3 rehydraLe

Co geL a blg cup or a boLLle of waLer
Peres why
MosL of us fall Lo drlnk enough waLer LhaLs waLer noL Lea coffee coke sporLs
drlnks 8ed 8ull or frulL [ulce

All of your organs lncludlng your braln are sLrongly dependenL on waLer Lo funcLlon
properly lLs how we are bullL

lf you sLarve your body of waLer you wlll funcLlon below your besL and you wlll geL
sLressed hyslcally and menLally

Cfflces and workplaces commonly have a very dry aLmosphere due Lo alr condlLlonlng
eLc whlch lncreases peoples suscepLlblllLy Lo dehydraLlon

1hls ls why you musL keep your body properly hydraLed by regularly drlnklng waLer
(mosL people need 4 glasses of waLer a day)

ou w||| dr|nk more water |f you keep some on your desk at a|| t|mes |ts human
nature to dr|nk |t |f |ts there so go get some now

When you drlnk waLer you need Lo pee 1hls glves you a blL of a break and a blL of
exerclse now and Lhen whlch also reduces sLress

When you pee you can see lf your body ls properly hydraLed (your pee wlll be clear or
near clear lf lLs yellow you are noL Laklng enough waLer)

1hls wlll also prompL some amuslng dlscusslon and chuckllng wlLh your colleagues
(naLure calls lm off Lo Lhe bog agaln) whlch ls also good for reduclng sLress


?ou do noL need Lo buy expenslve mlneral waLer 1ap waLer ls flne

lf you do noL llke Lhe LasLe of Lap waLer lLs probably because of Lhe chlorlne (aquarlum
flsh donL llke lL elLher) however Lhe chlorlne dlsslpaLes qulLe naLurally afLer a few hours
even Lhrough a plasLlc boLLle so keep some ordlnary Lap waLer ln Lhe frldge for 23
hours and Lry lL Lhen

lf you wanL Lo be really exoLlc add a sllce of lemon or llme klwl and Sharon frulL are nlce
So now you are fully waLered and guffawlng and exerclsed up Lo Lhe max read on for
ldeas for how Lo prevenL sLress as well as reduce and manage lL

SLress reducLlon Lechnlque 4 caLnap or powernap
(noL so easy buL sLlll perfecLly posslble)
1ake a qulck nap lL ls naLures way of recharglng and reenerglzlng
A qulck 1030 mlnuLes sleep ls very helpful Lo reduce sLress
lLs obvlously essenLlal lf you are drlvlng whlle Llred buL a qulck sleep ls a powerful de
sLressor Loo
A lunchLlme snooze ls very pracLlcal for homeworkers lL [usL requlres Lhe reallsaLlon
LhaL dolng so ls accepLable and beneflclal (when we are condlLloned unforLunaLely Lo
Lhlnk LhaL sleeplng durlng Lhe day ls lazy raLher Lhan healLhy)
AL some sLage convenLlonal WesLern lndusLry wlll wake up Lo Lhe reallsaLlon LhaL many
people derlve enormous beneflL from a mldday nap Sounds rldlculous? 1ell LhaL Lo Lhe
many mllllons ln Lhe MedlLerranean counLrles who Lhrlve on a mldday slesLa
eople ln Lhe MedlLerranean and CenLral Amerlcas Lake a slesLa every worklng day and
Lhls ls almosL cerLalnly relaLed Lo longer llfe expecLancy and lower levels of hearL
See Lhe more deLalled evldence and reasonlng ln Lhe sleep and resL secLlon below
lf your work slLuaLlon ls noL qulLe ready Lo LoleraLe Lhe concepL of a dayLlme nap Lhen
pracLlse a shorL sesslon of selfhypnosls comblned wlLh deep breaLhlng whlch you can
do aL your desk or even ln Lhe loo lL works wonders

ln Lhe summer of course you can go Lo Lhe nearesL park and Lry lL alfresco (LhaLs from
Lhe lLallan lncldenLally al fresco meanlng ln Lhe fresh alr whlch ls anoLher good Lhlng
for sLress reducLlon)

SLress reducLlon Lechnlque 3 make a cup of Lea
Any Lea wlll do buL a flavoured cup of Lea ls even beLLer
LxperlmenL wlLh dlfferenL naLural flavorlngs uslng herbs and splces and frulL
lresh mlnL ls wonderful and excellenL for Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem neLLles are fanLasLlc and
conLaln naLural relaxanLs Crange zesL ls super (use one of Lhose nlfLy llLLle zesLer
gadgeLs) Clnger rooL ls brllllanL Many herbs splces frulLs and edlble planLs make greaL
flavoured Lea and many herbs and splces have real LherapeuLlc properLles
use a base of green Lea leaves abouL half a spoonful per servlng plus Lhe naLural
flavourlng(s) of your cholce and freshly bolled waLer 8e bold use loLs of leaves
experlmenL unLll you flnd a blend LhaL you really en[oy Sugar or honey brlng ouL Lhe
LasLe 8esL wlLhouL mllk buL mllk ls flne lf you prefer lL
Maklng Lhe Lea and preparlng Lhe lngredlenLs Lake your mlnd off your problems and
Lhen smelllng and drlnklng Lhe Lea also relaxes you 1here ls someLhlng wonderful abouL
naLural planLs and frulLs whlch you canL buy ln a packeL use a LeapoL or cafeLlere or lf
you are happy wlLh a blL of follage ln your drlnk acLually brew lL ln a blg mug or
heaLproof Lumbler
lresh mlnL and glnger Lea reclpe
uL all Lhls lnLo a LeapoL or cafeLlere and add bolllng waLer for 23 cups Allow Lo brew
for a mlnuLe or Lwo sLlr and serve (1hls ls enough for 23 mugslzed servlngs)
11Z heaped Leaspoons of green Lea leaves
24 sprlgs of fresh mlnL (a very generous handful of leaves wlLh or wlLhouL Lhe sLems
more Lhan you mlghL lmaglne)
36 zesL scrapes of an orange
half a Leaspoon of chopped glnger rooL
24 Leaspoons of sugar or 12 Leaspoons of honey more or less Lo LasLe
AlLer Lhe amounLs Lo your own LasLe 1he reclpe also works very well wlLhouL Lhe
orange and glnger whlch ls effecLlvely Lhe mlnL Lea drlnk LhaL ls hugely popular ln

Morocco and oLher parLs of norLh Afrlca urled mlnL can be subsLlLuLed for fresh mlnL
LxperlmenL 1he Moroccan LradlLlon ls Lo use small glass Lumblers and somehow seelng
Lhe flne colour of Lhe Lea adds Lo Lhe experlence

SLress reducLlon Lechnlque 6 crylng
noL much ls known abouL Lhe physlology of crylng and Lears alLhough many flnd LhaL
crylng weeplng proper Lears has a powerful helpful effecL on sLress levels WhaLever
Lhe sclence behlnd crylng a good bouL of sobblng and weeplng does seem Lo release
Lenslon and sLress for many people
Cf course how and where you choose Lo submlL Lo Lhls mosL baslc of emoLlonal
lmpulses ls up Lo you 1he mlddle of Lhe boardroom durlng an lmporLanL presenLaLlon Lo
a Lop cllenL ls probably noL a greaL ldea buL Lhere are more prlvaLe slLuaLlons and you
should feel free Lo Lry lL from Llme Lo Llme lf Lhe urge Lakes you

lL ls a shame LhaL aLLlLudes Lowards crylng and Lears prevenL many people from crylng
and lLs a sad reflecLlon on our unforglvlng socleLy LhaL some people who mlghL beneflL
from a good cry feel LhaL Lhey shouldnL do lL ever even ln compleLe prlvacy
unforLunaLely mosL of us especlally boys are Lold as chlldren LhaL crylng ls bad or
shameful or chlldlsh whlch of course ls uLLer nonsense Arguably only Lhe bravesL cry
unashamedly Lhe resL of us would raLher suffer Lhan appear weak whlch ls dafL buL
neverLheless real
WhaLever sheddlng a few Lears can be a very good Lhlng now and Lhen and lf youve
yeL Lo dlscover lLs beneflLs Lhen glve lL a Lry ?ou mlghL be surprlsed


1he Survlval SuLras

8ecause change ls consLanL ln llfe sLress ls an lnLegral parL of lL Slnce we don`L wanL Lo
perlsh under lL we have Lo adhere Lo Lhe boLLom llne for survlvaladapL

lollowlng are some of Lhe longLerm Llps Lo survlve sLress

-Lven lf we feel secured ln a hablLuaLed llfe Lhe LruLh remalns LhaL changlng wlLh Lhe
Llmes makes one`s poslLlon more secure ln Loday`s buslness cllmaLe you musL
conLlnually be prepared for changes Lo avold sLress and survlve ln Lhe compeLlLlve

- llnd and proLecL whaLever Llme you geL Lo refresh reenerglze and remoLlvaLe
yourself Spend quallLy Llme wlLh your famlly 1hls can be an excellenL source of
emoLlonal and moral supporL

- Avold glvlng ln Lo alcohol smoklng and oLher subsLance abuses whlle under consLanL

- uevelop poslLlve aLLlLudes Lowards sLressful slLuaLlons ln llfe Clve up negaLlve menLal
LralLs such as fear anger and revengeful aLLlLudes whlch acLually germlnaLe sLress 1ry
Lo reverL Lo hollsLlc relaxaLlon and personal growLh Lechnlques such as medlLaLlon
breaLhlng and exerclses Lo remodel your llfesLyles - ln case of chronlc sLress consulL a
healLh professlonal
- 8educe workplace sLress by celebraLlng your`s or your colleagues` accompllshmenLs
-AdapLlng Lo demands of sLress also means changlng your personallLy lmprove your
llne of communlcaLlon efflclency and learn from oLher`s experlences

-uon`L be complacenL 8e prepared for any change physlcally emoLlonally and

8uL when you are under sLress aL work some slmple pracLlces can help

-SlL sLralghL and comforLably on your seaL and Lry breaLhlng exerclses lL wlll relax your
nerves and muscles


- 8elax and counL backwards (20 1 1 17 16 13)

-1ry creaLlve vlsuallzaLlon

When under severe sLress an lndlvldual falls Lo Lake clearcuL declslons reevaluaLe and
reassess Lhe prlorlLles and llfesLyles and ulLlmaLely Lend Lo fall lnLo unproducLlve
dlsLracLlons 1hls can be descrlbed as a classlc case of `burnouL` 1he `burnouLs` ofLen
engage ln reckless or rlskLaklng behavlors SLarLlng from glamour and sporL celebrlLles
Lo common men `burnouLs` are found everywhere


Chronlc 8esponslblllLy Syndrome ls a klnd of burnouL where people geL menLally and
physlcally exhausLed from Lhelr workload 1he sympLom ls ofLen descrlbed as Lhere`s
slmply Loo much work Lo do and no one else can do lL buL me 1yplcally lL wlll occur ln
hard worklng hard drlven people who become emoLlonally psychologlcally or
physlcally exhausLed ?ou are aL rlsk of burnouL where

- you flnd lL dlfflculL Lo say `no` Lo addlLlonal commlLmenLs or responslblllLles

-you have been under lnLense and susLalned pressure for some Llme

-your hlgh sLandards make lL dlfflculL Lo delegaLe Lo asslsLanLs

- you have been Lrylng Lo achleve Loo much for Loo long

-you have been glvlng Loo much emoLlonal supporL for Loo long

CfLen burnouL wlll manlfesL lLself ln a reducLlon ln moLlvaLlon volume and quallLy of
performance or ln dlssaLlsfacLlon wlLh or deparLure from Lhe acLlvlLy alLogeLher

Are ?ou ln uanger of 8urnlng CuL?
lf you feel LhaL you are ln danger of burnlng ouL Lhe suggesLlons below can help you
correcL Lhe slLuaLlon

- 8eevaluaLe your goals and prlorlLlze Lhem

- LvaluaLe Lhe demands placed on you and see how Lhey flL ln wlLh your goals

- ldenLlfy your ablllLy Lo comforLably meeL Lhese demands

- lf people demand Loo much emoLlonal energy become more unapproachable and less
sympaLheLlc lnvolve oLher people ln a supporLlve role Acknowledge your own
humanlLy remember LhaL you have a rlghL Lo pleasure and a rlghL Lo relaxaLlon

- Learn sLress managemenL skllls

- ldenLlfy sLressors ln your llfe such as work or famlly CeL Lhe supporL of your frlends
famlly and even counsellng ln reduclng sLress


- Lnsure LhaL you are followlng a healLhy llfesLyle

1 CeL adequaLe sleep and resL Lo malnLaln your energy levels

2 Lnsure LhaL you are eaLlng a healLhy balanced dleLbad dleL can make you lll or feel
bad LlmlL your caffelne and alcohol lnLake

3 1ry Lo recognlze your splrlLual needs LhaL may have been burled under Lhe mlres of
worldly pursulLs

- uevelop alLernaLlve acLlvlLles such as a relaxlng hobby Lo Lake your mlnd off problems

Pave ?ou 8urned CuL?
- lf you are so demoLlvaLed LhaL for a Llme you do noL wanL Lo conLlnue wlLh whaL you
do Lhen Lake some Llme off

- AlLernaLlvely Lry Lo swlLch Lo anoLher area of acLlvlLy wlLhln your organlzaLlon lf you
come back laLer you may flnd LhaL you have sLarLed Lo en[oy Lhe work agaln and can
Lake on only Lhose commlLmenLs LhaL you wanL ?ou may however flnd LhaL you have
absoluLely no lnLeresL ln conLlnulng wlLh whaL you are dolng ln Lhls case lL may be besL
Lo drop lL alLogeLher

- 1ake supporL and counsellng of near and dear ones Lo brlng change Lo Lhe currenL

- lf you are ln laLe sLages of burnouL feellng deeply demoLlvaLed and dlsenchanLed
wlLh your [ob or llfe geL help from a good psychologlsL


31 Pow does sLress become recognlsed ln Lhe workplace?
CfLen Lhe mosL dlfflculL parL of Lhe whole process ls geLLlng workers Lhemselves Lo
acknowledge LhaL Lhere ls a problem Lqually well managers employers and 8oard ulrecLors
wlll Lry Lo shy away from Lhe concepL and say LhaL people are wlmps should leave Lhelr
baggage aL home and should pull Lhemselves LogeLher 1here ls sLlll a greaL deal of lgnorance
ln many cases employers may [usL Lake Lhe recommendaLlons of Lhe PaLLon Appeal [udgmenL
and suggesL LhaL counselllng and oLher servlces wlll provlde a resoluLlon 1hey wlll also apply
heavy slckness absence monlLorlng procedures and even move Lo dlsmlss on Lhe basls LhaL a
known psychologlcal lllness musL clearly make a person unsulLable for LhaL workplace
ln organlsed workplaces wlLh good 1rade unlon and PealLh SafeLy represenLaLlve sLrucLures
ln place Lhere are forums for ralslng Lhe lssues of slckness absence and leadlng Lo proper
dlscusslon of Lhe lssue and Lo recognlLlon by Lhe employer LhaL acLlon ls necessary

32SafeLy lnspecLlon reporLs
8egular safeLy reporLs can flag up lssues relaLed Lo sLaff slckness absence raLes Lmployers keep
daLa on slckness absence and alLhough some aspecLs of Lhls daLa are covered by uaLa
roLecLlon general prlnclples of looklng aL paLLerns of absence ln workshops secLors or Lhe
enLlre buslness are noL ln such cases lL ls posslble Lherefore Lo dlscuss Lhe lmpacL of absence
paLLerns and Lo examlne Lhe causes of Lhem
8y ralslng Lhe lssue ln SafeLy CommlLLee meeLlngs early dlscusslon can Lhen lead Lo general
accepLance wlLhln Lhe organlsaLlon LhaL Lhere may be a problem Lo be addressed
1hls can prompL dlscusslon of Lhe prlnclples of 8lsk AssessmenL Lhe PSL ManagemenL
SLandards and can Lherefore lead Lo slmple or more sophlsLlcaLed audlL processes
All such audlLs musL be confldenLlal open and LransparenL and apply Lo all workers lncludlng
managers as necessary 1abulaLlon and publlcaLlon of resulLs daLa should noL ldenLlfy lndlvldual

workers for posslble LargeLlng by crlLlcs WlLhln Lhe process of movlng Lowards a full SLress 8lsk
AssessmenL process Lhe normal procedures of any generlc rlsk assessmenL apply
1he process ls a cycllcal one allowlng for full and frank dlscusslon on causes and effecLs of
workplace sLressors and Lo faclllLaLe Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of conLrol measures as well as Lhe
essenLlal facLor of recognlLlon LhaL Lhe employer has a duLy of care Lo Lhe workforce


llg no4 Pandllng workplace sLress problems


33ueveloplng a Workplace SLress ollcy
Creating a caring, supportive culture.
O AL our Conference ln !une 1 a workshop looked aL whaL a pollcy should conLaln and
came Lo Lhe followlng concluslons
O A good pollcy wlll have been creaLed afLer LhoughLful consulLaLlon (beLween workers
and managemenL) All workers represenLaLlves should llalse closely wlLh Lhelr unlons Lo
obLaln besL advlce durlng Lhe consulLaLlon process
O lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhe pollcy ls owned by Lhose lL ls lnLended Lo proLecL
O All pollcles should commence wlLh a sLaLemenL of lnLenL and llnks Lo Lhe relevanL PealLh
SafeLy leglslaLlon
O AcknowledgemenL of Lhe lssues and commlLmenL from Lhe very Lop of Lhe organlsaLlon
ls essenLlal Lmployers need lL ls noL posslble Lo creaLe a model sLress pollcy appllcable
Lo all slLuaLlons and workplaces Lo say LhaL Lhey flnd Lhe creaLlon of workplace sLress
unaccepLable and LhaL Lhey wlll work for lLs eradlcaLlon
O An acknowledgemenL of Lhe cosL of sLress ln boLh personal and flnanclal Lerms should
be conLalned ln Lhe pollcy
O 1he pollcy should begln wlLh Lhe accepLance of employer responslblllLy for Lhe sLressors
and for Lhe lllnesses LhaL follow
O 1here should be clear arrangemenLs for Lhe carrylng ouL of rlsk assessmenLs
O 1he pollcy should sLaLe clearly Lhe sLeps Lhe employer lnLends Lo Lake Lo eradlcaLe Lhe
problem of workrelaLed sLress ln[ury
O lL should conLaln arrangemenLs for supporLlve and confldenLlal healLh monlLorlng
O 1here should be commlLmenL Lo Lhe provlslon of sulLable Lralnlng avallable Lo Lhe
workforce (lncludlng managers) LhroughouL Lhelr worklng llves
O 1he effecLlveness of Lhe pollcy should be carefully monlLored and evaluaLed 1he
mechanlsm for dolng Lhls should lnvolve all parLles and be conLalned ln Lhe pollcy
sLaLemenL lLself
O 1he pollcy should be wldely publlclzed among Lhe workforce by lndlvldual leLLers and
workplace posLers
O lf Lhe pollcy ls Lo succeed ln creaLlng a cllmaLe of openness lL should make sure LhaL all
lLs provlslons are confldenLlal Workers should be able Lo refer Lhemselves Lo healLh or
counselllng servlces wlLhouL golng Lhrough a permlsslonseeklng procedure


41 WorkrelaLed sLress ls a problem of Lhe developed lndusLrlal world
Cver Lhe lasL few years Lhe neLwork has been conLacLed by sLress sufferers from Lhe uSA
Canada !apan and AusLralasla 1he lssues ralsed are slmllar Lo Lhose prevlously menLloned and
Lhe common Lheme of workplace aLLlLudes and cllmaLes ls readlly apparenL
1here have been some lnqulrles from workers ln Lhe developlng world whlch seems Lo lndlcaLe
an lnsldlous effecL of globallsaLlon spreadlng unsaLlsfacLory worklng pracLlces ln Lhe name of
proflL We have been aware for some Llme of Lhe way ln whlch we exporL our healLh and safeLy
problems Lo Lhe Lhlrd world whlle aL Lhe same Llme congraLulaLlng ourselves on Lhe reducLlon
of our own problems we seem Lo close our eyes Lo Lhe horrors ln oLher counLrles
1here ls a need for a worldwlde campalgn Lo ensure workers safeLy ln every counLry and we
would happlly become parL of such a movemenL
1hrough our conLacLs ln Luropean Pazards movemenL and by worklng ln Lhe Luropean
Conferences we have esLabllshed useful llnks wlLh workers sufferlng from and Lackllng Lhese
lssues ln Lurope
1he Luropean unlon esLlmaLes LhaL workrelaLed sLress affecLs aL leasL 40 mllllon workers ln lLs
13 Member SLaLes and LhaL lL cosLs Lhe Luropean unlon aL leasL 20 bllllon Luros annually
A ma[or sLudy of sLress by Lhe Internat|ona| Labour Crgan|sat|on SafeWork glves a slgnlflcanL
lnLernaLlonal focus on Lhe sub[ecL 1hls lncludes deLalls of lLC acLlon ln Lhe fleld of workplace
uurlng Lhe 10s Lhe Luropean Ioundat|on for the Improvement of L|v|ng and Work|ng
Cond|t|ons complled a reporL from regular sLudles of workers across Lhe Lu LhaL many workers
complaln of worksLress 1helr complalnLs focused on
lnLenslflcaLlon of demand on workers
lrregularlLy of work hours (especlally for shlfL workers)
lncreased demands and low auLonomy


All were found Lo be hlgh sLressors ln Lhe workplace Crossborder comparlsons of Lhe levels of
work sLress and Lhe amounL of lmpacL LhaL lL has ln varlous naLlons made lnLeresLlng readlng

$tress Factor EU

High Speed 50

Tight eadlines 75

Rhythms induced by demand 78

Inability to change speed 20

Inability to change work


Inability to change task 27

Violence 7

Intimidation 16

Stress 27

Working at very high speed 25

25 (38 in

1able no2 ercenLage of Lhe employees suffer from dlfferenL klnds of sLress facLors


lor mosL people work ls a slgnlflcanL and meanlngful feaLure of llfe wlLh Lhe ma[orlLy
spendlng around 23 of Lhelr adulL llves worklng Whlle work can provlde Lhe
lndlvldual wlLh sLrucLure purpose saLlsfacLlon selfesLeem and spendlng power Lhe
workplace can also be a seLLlng for sLress and worry 8esearch flndlngs show LhaL Lhe
mosL sLressful Lype of work ls LhaL whlch places excesslve demands and pressure on
Lhe worker whlch does noL map Lo hls/her knowledge and ablllLles where Lhere ls
llLLle opporLunlLy Lo exerclse any cholce or conLrol over and where Lhere ls llLLle
supporL from oLhers
As dlscussed prevlously sLressors are Lhe condlLlons LhaL precede and brlng sLress
krelLner etol (1306) deflne Lhe concepL of 'sLressor' as a prerequlslLe Lo
experlenclng Lhe sLress response lrom an organlzaLlonal sLress perspecLlve Lhere are
four ma[or Lypes of sLressors namely lndlvldual group organlzaLlonal and
MosL of Lhe causes of work sLress concern Lhe way work ls deslgned
and Lhe way ln whlch organlzaLlons are managed 1hese aspecLs of work have Lhe
poLenLlal for causlng harm and are Lherefore Lermed 'sLressrelaLed hazards' Leka
CrlfflLhs and Cox (200367) ldenLlfled nlne caLegorles of sLressrelaLed hazards
namely work conLenL work load and work pace worklng hours parLlclpaLlon and
conLrol career developmenL sLaLus and pay role ln Lhe organlzaLlon lnLerpersonal
relaLlonshlp organlzaLlonal culLure and home work lnLerface whlch calls for closer


A. Work content
W MonoLonous undersLlmulaLlng meanlngless Lasks
W Lack of varleLy
W unpleasanL Lasks
W Averslve Lasks
B. Work|oad and work pace
W Pavlng Loo much or Loo llLLle Lo do
W Worklng under Llme pressures
C. Work|ng hours
W SLrlcL and lnflexlble worklng schedules
W Long and unsoclal hours
W unpredlcLable worklng hours
W 8adly deslgned shlfL sysLems
D. 9art|c|pat|on and Contro|
W Lack of parLlclpaLlon and declslon maklng
W Lack of conLrol (for example over work meLhods work pace worklng hours
and Lhe work envlronmenL)
E. Career deve|opment status and pay
W !ob securlLy
W Lack of promoLlon prospecLs
W underpromoLlon or overpromoLlon
W Work of 'low soclal value'
W lece raLe paymenL schemes

W unclear or unfalr performance evaluaLlon sysLems
W 8elng overskllled or underskllled for Lhe [ob
F. ko|e |n the organ|sat|on
W unclear role
W ConfllcLlng roles wlLhln Lhe same [ob
W 8esponslblllLy for people
W ConLlnuously deallng wlLh oLher people and Lhelr problems
G. Interpersona| re|at|onsh|ps
W lnadequaLe lnconslderaLe or unsupporLlve supervlslon
W oor relaLlonshlps wlLh coworkers
W 8ullylng harassmenL and vlolence
W lsolaLed or sollLary work
W no agreed procedures for deallng wlLh problems or complalnLs
H. Crgan|sat|ona| cu|ture
W oor communlcaLlon
W oor leadershlp
W Lack of clarlLy abouL organlzaLlonal ob[ecLlves and sLrucLure
. omework |nterface
W ConfllcLlng demands of work and home
W Lack of supporL for domesLlc problems aL work
W Lack of supporL for work problems aL home



nowadays sLress ls Lhe mosL common problem among Lhe corporaLe world 1he compeLlLlon of
belng beLLer Lhan Lhe oLhers has really boosLed up Lhe sLress facLor ln Lhe corporaLe socleLy
Companles are becomlng more professlonal Lo achleve Lhelr prescrlbed goals companles' Lrles
Lo squeeze every blL of Lhelr employees ln order Lo achleve Lhelr deslred ob[ecLlve 1hls raL race
beLween Lhe companles' leads Lo Lhe sLress ln Lhelr worklng places Companles pressurlze Lhelr
employees Lo such an exLenL LhaL Lhey caughL up ln Lhe menLal sLress whlch hampered Lhelr
ablllLy of worklng ln Lhe company SLress could lead Lo lnefflclency among Lhe employees whlch
ulLlmaLely affecLs Lhe companles' goals and plans ln anclenL Llmes sLress was conslder as a parL
of Lhe [ob buL Lhe modern managemenL has reallzed Lhe consequences of Lhe sLress facLor 1he
companles' now conducLs speclal programs and provlde psychologlcal helps Lo Lhelr employees
ln order Lo handle sLress Companles' wanLs Lhelr employees Lo be free mlnded and fresh so
LhaL Lhey can glve Lhelr 100 ln Lhe company nowadays companles' noL only guldlng Lhelr
employees Lo handle wlLh workplace sLress buL also Lo cope up wlLh Lhelr personal problems
also now Lhe companles have sLarLed organlzlng a proper counsellng sesslon for Lhelr
employees so LhaL Lhey can speaks ouL Lhere problems and Lenslons Worklng ln Lhe companles
has become loL more easler Lhan before now Lhe employees have Lhe same lmporLance ln
eyes of a company whlch a cusLomer has Lmployees are Lhe mosL lmporLanL parL of a company
whlch glves a company lLs poslLlon and sLaLus and Lo saLlsfy Lhem ls Lhe [ob of Lhe company
1he senlor offlclals of any company should Lrles Lo do every posslble Lhlng Lo make Lhelr
employees happy and sLress free because employees are LhaL force LhaL keep Lhelr company



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