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Nk6Y 5cukl1Y

whot hos been the porodiqm of enerqy security for the post three decodes is too /imited ond must
be exponded to inc/ude mony new foctors Moreover it must be recoqnited thot enerqy security does
not stond by itse/f but is /odqed in the /orqer re/otions omonq notions ond how they interoct with one
onother uonie/ Yerqin

As lndlas economy acceleraLes so does Lhe quesL for energy Lo keep lLs growLh
hummlng As lndlas appeLlLe for energy surges Lhe deslre of Lhe reglons leaders Lo
ensure a rellable flow of reasonably prlced oll and naLural gas wlll also lnLenslfy lndla
has Lo Lake lmporLanL sLeps Lo lncrease Lhe avallablllLy of affordable energy
1he alm of Lhls compeLlLlon ls Lo flnd and fosLer blg ldeas LhaL address Loday's energy
challenges 1he parLlclpanLs are requlred Lo address any Lwo of Lhe followlng Loplcs
perLalnlng Lo lndla's energy needs

. Electrification of Transportation-
1he mosL susLalnable lnvenLlon for applylng Lechnology wlLh commerclal poLenLlal ln Lhe
LransporLaLlon segmenL has been Lhe elecLrlc vehlcles (Lvs) Lvs are Lhe longLerm soluLlon Lo
lndlas urban polluLlon and plannlng problem
8lse ln economlc acLlvlLy and populaLlon has led Lo a Lremendous demand ln Lhe LransporL
secLor especlally ln urban lndla 8y 2020 lndlas populaLlon ln clLles ls expecLed Lo grow flve
fold Lo a sLaggerlng 200 mllllon whlle polluLlon ls expecLed Lo grow by seven Llmes WlLh Lhls
Lremendous growLh has emerged a very crlLlcal lssue of keeplng alr and nolse polluLlon ln urban
areas under conLrol
lf we can have Lhree lakh LlecLrlc vehlcles on Lhe roads by 2020 lncludlng Lhreewheelers cars
and scooLers Lhls could resulL ln a reducLlon of over 16 lakh meLrlc Lons of CC nCx PC by
2020 and savlngs of over 8s 3700 crores ln forelgn exchange and slgnlflcanL healLh cosLs
savlngs Lvs are zero polluLlng easy Lo handle and have low runnlng and malnLenance cosLs
(source lAuA)
Wlll elecLrlc vehlcles become wldely adopLed wlLhln Lhe nexL 23 years ln lndla? lf no Where do
we lack? WhaL are lndlan auLomakers' plans and sLraLegles for launchlng Lvs lnLo Lhe markeL?
WhaL are Lhe key challenges? Pybrld vehlcles vs lull LlecLrlc vehlcles WhaL are Lhe key
challenges and opporLunlLles ln supporLlng Lechnologles? WhaL sLeps need Lo be Laken on a
pollcy fronL? Are lower lmporL duLles Lhe only soluLlon? Pow can Lhe mlndseL of Lhe consumer
be changed?
SuggesL a hollsLlc model and approach lnvolvlng Lhe governmenL publlc and auLo ma[ors LhaL ls
needed Lo promoLe your model ln lndla Also ouLllne Lhe approprlaLe governmenL pollcles LhaL
need Lo be formulaLed and Lhe supporL requlred from buslness houses and lnsLlLuLlons

. Tbe Creat Solar )ourney -
lndla has Laken a poslLlve sLep Lowards uslng solar power wlLh Cu[araL and 8a[asLhan Laklng Lhe
lead among sLaLes 1he counLry plans Lo lnLegraLe solar power lnLo our power ecosysLem by
worklng on boLh Lhe demand and supply sldes
Cu[araL and 8a[asLhan have reallzed recenLly LhaL barren land and Lhe Suns heaL were abundanL
ln Lhelr sLaLes wlLh Lhe 8ann of kuchh and Lhe 1har ueserL unuLlllzed for cenLurles Lach
declded Lo Lurn Lhelr sLaLes lnLo solar power hubs much on Lhe llnes of Lhe SLaLe of Callfornla ln
uSA and 1he Spanlsh 8epubllc ollcy ueclslons were made aL sLaLe level and Lhe cenLre plLched
ln wlLh Lhe !awaharlal nehru naLlonal Solar Mlsslon announced ln Lhe unlon 8udgeL of 2010
Several companles have come forward showlng lnLeresL ln generaLlng solar power
Supply wlse Lhe sLaLes are lncenLlvlzlng developers by announclng solar Larlffs for 23 years 1he
SLaLe LlecLrlclLy 8egulaLory Commlsslons Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon arm has flxed Larlffs for Lhe Lwo klnds
of solar Lechnologles 1he flrsL Lechnology ls phoLovolLalc (v) cells Pere large solar panels
made of slllcon are erecLed on land ln such a way LhaL sunllghL falls dlrecLly on Lhem and geLs
converLed lnLo power 1he second Lechnology ls solarLhermal power Pere Lhe sun's energy ls
used Lo flre a sLeam Lurblne and generaLe power 8oLh Lechnologles have Lhelr varlable cosL
and selllng prlce and Lhelr Lechnologlcal pros and cons
uemand wlse lndla has declded Lo place new condlLlons on companles LhaL generaLe and
dlsLrlbuLe power whlch wlll nudge Lhem Lowards solar So powerdlsLrlbuLlon companles have
been asked Lo source 3 of Lhelr energy requlremenLs for 201011 and so on
8uL Lhese pollcles have a number of adverse effecLs Loo Consumers would have Lo pay an
esLlmaLed 7 more for power from 2012 1he lnLeresL LhaL companles have shown ln Lhls
secLor ls parLlally due Lo Lhe wllllngness of Lhe sLaLes Lo subsldlze Lhls elecLrlclLy for Lhe
dlsLrlbuLlon uLlllLles Whlle Lhe companles are also geLLlng Lax holldays by lnvesLlng ln green
venLures such lnlLlaLlves cannoL be susLalned by Lhe governmenL for long 1echnology ls bound
Lo change ln Lhe nexL 23 years and wlLh Larlffs flxed for 23 years Lhe sLaLes are surely acLlng ln
hasLe ln Lhe recenL years geLLlng land ln lndla has always been a problem and wlll acL as an
obsLacle even ln Lhls case LasLly fundlng for clean Lechnology lnlLlaLlves has always been a
problem ln our counLry and speclal cess may need Lo be levled on convenLlonal sources Lo meeL
Lhe needs
ln Cur race Lo become a Solar Pub your Lask ls Lo develop a Comprehenslve Solar ower ollcy
for our counLry and Lo suggesL a road map for lLs developmenL as a vlable source conLrlbuLlng
10 Lo Lhe power grld ln Lhe nexL 23 years

. Hydrogen vebicle-
nydrogen veh|c|e |s an alLernaLlve fueled vehlcle LhaL uses hydrogen as fuel for moLlve power
a vehlcle LhaL converLs Lhe chemlcal energy of hydrogen Lo mechanlcal energy elLher by burnlng
hydrogen ln an lnLernal combusLlon englne or by reacLlng hydrogen wlLh oxygen ln a fuel cell
Lo run elecLrlc moLors
Pydrogen fuel does noL occur naLurally on LarLh and Lhus ls noL an energy source buL ls an
energy carrler The molecular hydrogen needed as an on-board Iuel Ior hydrogen vehicles can be
produced from meLhane or oLher fossll fuels and a wlde range of oLher sources (such as wlnd
solar or nuclear) LhaL are lnLermlLLenL Loo dlffuse or Loo cumbersome Lo dlrecLly propel
ln Lhe movemenL away from fossll fuel burnlng vehlcles fuel cell cars powered by hydrogen
could posslbly be a flxLure ln our fuLure LransporLaLlon WlLh waLer as Lhe only emlsslon Lhey
are a Lrue zero emlsslon vehlcle 8uL lgnorlng Lhe emlsslons and energy use lnvolved ln maklng
and dellverlng Lhe fuel and manufacLurlng Lhe vehlcle glves a mlsleadlng lmpresslon Whlle Lhe
vehlcles Lhemselves are zero emlsslon Lhe process of produclng hydrogen ls far from lL
LxLracLlng hydrogen from sources such as waLer naLural gas or coal burns fossll fuel Lherefore
much more Lechnologlcal progress ls needed Lo produce hydrogen ln an envlronmenLally
frlendly way Moreover low energy conLenL per unlL volume asLronomlcal prlces Lhe sLorage
LransporLaLlon and fllllng of gaseous or llquld hydrogen ln vehlcles Lhe large lnvesLmenL ln
lnfrasLrucLure Lo fuel vehlcles and Lhe lnefflclency of producLlon processes are Lhe obsLacles
LhaL currenLly loom As research and developmenL conLlnues hydrogen cars promlse Lo be Lhe
green wave of Lhe fuLure

$9age a comeback Ior Hydrogen Iuel-cell vehicles, largely Iorgo99en as a99en9ion 9urned 9o
bioIuels and ba99eries, suggesLlng a cosL effecLlve model for Lhe same and ouLllnlng Lhe meLhods
Lo safely sLore hydrogen

numanowered Veh|c|e (nV) ls a vehicle 9ha9 u9ilizes human muscle power LhaL ls dellvered
elLher by pedallng wlLh feeL or hands or boLh Al9hough humans are able 9o walk wi9hou9
inIras9ruc9ure, 9he speed can be enhanced 9hrough 9he use oI road 9ranspor9 by enIorcing 9he
human power wi9h vehicles, such as bicycles. Fur9her advancemen9s include Velomobiles-9he
'enclosed Human Powered Vehicles, comple9e wi9h headligh9, backligh9 and 9urn signals.
1he aLLracLlon for humanpowered LransporL ls aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe lower cosL lelsure physlcal
exerclse and envlronmenLallsm Pumanpowered LransporL ls someLlmes Lhe only Lype
avallable especlally ln underdeveloped or |naccess|b|e reg|ons n 9he o9her hand, 9he rela9ive
weakness oI human power compared 9o mo9ors, physical demands, lack oI pro9ec9ion agains9 9he
9raIIic, narrow scope Ior balancing weigh9, payload, geographical and 9opographical range
con9ribu9e 9o limi9a9ions. Technical eIIor9s 9o improve condi9ions are hampered by 9he need Ior
low weigh9 and s9urdy simplici9y 9o achieve low cos9s in small-scale opera9ions.
ropose a hollsLlc cosL effecLlve model whlch mlnlmlzes Lhe human efforL whlle dellverlng
maxlmum ouLpuL aL Lhe same Llme and can be made avallable Lo Lhe common masses

. PIEZUELECTRICITY {MoLlon powered elecLronlcs
A plezoelecLrlc maLerlal can be used Lo converL vlbraLory moLlon lnLo elecLrlclLy 1hls ls why
Lhey are referred Lo as generaLors
1haLs Lhe baslc ldea behlnd Lhe newesL breed of moLlonpowered elecLronlcs lf waLerwheels
and wlndmllls can Lransform naLurally occurrlng moLlon lnLo elecLrlclLy Lhen why noL caplLallze
on Lhe moLlon of Lhe human body? 1hls concepL has led Lo such conservaLlonmlnded schemes
as uslng pedesLrlan fooLsLeps Lo power sLreeLllghLs or powerlng whole dance clubs wlLh Lhe
rhyLhmlc Lhrashlng of lLs revelers
A slmllar ldea ls belng researched by uA8A ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes ln a pro[ecL called oetqy
notvestloq whlch lncludes an aLLempL Lo power baLLlefleld equlpmenL by plezoelecLrlc
generaLors embedded ln soldlers booLs CLher energy harvesLlng ldeas lnclude harvesLlng Lhe
energy from human movemenLs ln Lraln sLaLlons or oLher publlc places and converLlng a dance
floor Lo generaLe elecLrlclLy
y conver9ing mechanical energy Irom body movemen9, muscle s9re9ching, 9hese
"nanogenera9ors" could make possible a new class oI selI-powered implan9able medical devices,
sensors and por9able elec9ronics. While 9he power genera9ed Irom 9hese ma9erials has s9eadily
risen in9o 9he millivol9 range, i9 hasn'9 ye9 produced enough power 9o ac9ually power a device. II a
device weren'9 in cons9an9 mo9ion however, no energy would Ilow, and any elec9rical device
connec9ed 9o 9hem would shu9 oII. For lap9ops and cell phones, which have ba99eries, build in9o
9hem, 9his doesn'9 ma99er; 9he elec9rici9y will charge 9he ba99ery.
ropose an ldea where Lhls Lechnology can be used Lo generaLe energy on a larger scale

@he art|c|pants have to se|ect @J out of the IIVL g|ven top|cs

)udging Criteria-
1he submlsslons ln each of Lhe Lwo caLegorles of Lhe compeLlLlon are revlewed by a panel of
[udges from Lhe academlc research and buslness communlLles
1o wln Lhe compeLlLlon Leams musL show ouLsLandlng performance ln all of Lhe followlng
O ConcepL
O leaslblllLy boLh Lechnologlcal and Lconomlcal
O MarkeL
O SusLalnablllLy

@e eveot soll cooslst of two levels
ln Lhls level Lhe parLlclpanLs wlll have Lo submlL a reporL for belng selecLed Lo LVL21he reporL should
menLlon clearly Lhe parLlclpanL's Lwo Loplcs (ouL of Lhe 3 glven Loplcs)
1he varlous secLlons of Lhe reporL could be
1 Cvervlew abouL whaL your ldea ls?
2 ueslgnlng a cosLeffecLlve model (keeplng lndlan Lnergy scenarlo ln mlnd)
3 1he beneflLs of model LhaL you have deslgned
4 Pow wlll Lhe modern sysLem change Lhe presenL scenarlo a comparaLlve sLudy?
3 llnanclal Model of Lhe puLLlng up of such a sysLem lf requlred
6 SuggesLlng a meLhod Lo go lmplemenL Lhe new lnfrasLrucLure/model you have suggesLed
7 Concluslon
8 8eferences
1he lasL daLe of enLry of Lhe absLracL of Lhls reporL ls Iebruary 18 2011
1he absLracL wlll have Lo be senL ln pdf formaL Lo energysecurlLycognl[gmallcom
ln Lhls absLracL Lhe parLlclpanL wlll have Lo send whaLever Lhey have prepared ln Lhe reporL Llll LhaL day
lL has Lo be a maxlmum of 3 A4 s|ze pages ln sLandard 11 font s|ze
1he parLlclpanLs shorLllsLed from Lhe recelved enLrles wlll be asked Lo come over Lo 8oorkee durlng 11
March Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe evenL
lor more Llps and supporL for Lhe reporL preparaLlon [oln Lhe evenL google group
March Level 2 wlll lnvolve compeLlng wlLh Lhe deslgns/models/pollcles of Lhe oLher parLlclpanLs
ln fronL of a panel comprlslng of lnLellecLuals from Lhe buslness fraLernlLy leaders and hlghlyrepuLed
1he parLlclpanLs wlll be requlred Lo prepare a presenLaLlon on Lhe basls of whaL Lhey have prepared ln
Lhe reporL
1he wlnners wlll be glven rewards aL Lhe end of Lhls level
1he award wlll be glven Lo Lhe besL deslgn and loLs of consolaLlon prlzes wlll be glven

r|zes worth ` 30,000/- to be awarded.

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