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INDEX OF JOB SATISFACTION (IJS) _______________________________________________________________________ _ The IJS scale is designed to measure the way you feel about

your job or place of employment. It is not a test, so there is no right or wrong answers. Answer each item as carefully and as accurately as you can by placing a number beside each one as follows. 1 = None of the time 2 = Very rarely 3 = A little of the time 4 = Some of the time 5 = A good part of the time 6 = Most of the time 7 = All of the time

1. _____ My job is very boring. 2. _____ I hate my job. 3. _____ I cannot stand my boss. 4. _____ My boss is a fool. 5. _____ I really like my job. 6. _____ If I won a lottery, I would quit this job. 7. _____ I like to "goof off" on the job. 8. _____ The best part of my job is coffee breaks, lunch, and vacations.

9. _____ I work very hard at my job and I am very conscientious about doing it well. 10. _____ I enjoy thinking about my job when I'm not at work. 11. _____ I don't like to think about work when I'm at home. 12. _____ The work I do is important to me, personally. 13. _____ My job is just a way to make a living. 14. _____ I enjoy taking on new responsibilities in my job. 15. _____ My job is more than just a way to make a living. 16. _____ I enjoy thinking of ways to improve the work I do in my job. 17. _____ The best part of my day is leaving work. 18. _____ I get personal rewards from the work I do. 19. _____ My organization provides the resources and tools I need to do my job. 20. _____ I get through the day by planning what I'll do when I retire. 21. _____ I think about looking for another job. 22. _____ My job is interesting to me. 23. _____ My boss doesn't appreciate the work I do. 24. _____ My organization does not support my work. 25. _____ My organization makes it easier to accomplish my work. 26. _____ I can depend on my boss to back me up. 27. _____ My boss doesn't support me when my work is challenged by others. 28. _____ I believe I have job security. 29. _____ Organizational rewards are distributed fairly. 30. _____ Management supports my work efforts.

Copyright 1993, Cathy King Pike & Walter W. Hudson

The IJS scale is designed to measure the degree of satisfaction an employee feels in relationship to her or his current employment situation. Scores range from 0 to 100 where higher scores indicate greater degrees of job satisfaction. (WALMYR.COM) Reliability: .90 or greater. Validity: .60 and greater. Author: Walter W. Hudson and Cathy King Pike


The Index of Job Satisfaction (IJS) scale is designed for use in any organization, program, or work unit as a device to help staff to evaluate their level of job satisfaction. It is designed to produce scores from 0 to 100 where higher scores reflect greater degrees of job satisfaction. Lower scores reflect lower job satisfaction as perceived by those staff that completes the IJS scale. As you will see from reading the items on the IJS scale, most items are negatively worded and a few are positively worded in order to partially control for response set bias. The first step in scoring the IJS scale is to reverse-score the negatively worded items, they are identified as 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,11,13,17,20,21,23,24,27. In order to reverse-score the designated items, merely subtract the respondent's item score from the number 8. For example, if the original score is 3 for one of the designated items, replace it with a score of 5 since 8-3 = 5. Once you have reverse-scored all appropriate items, add up the item scores for all 35 items and post the sum in the space shown below. If any item is omitted or is scored outside the range from 1 to 7, replace it with a score of 0 before computing the sum score. Count the number of items that were properly scored from 1 to 7 and post that number in the space provided for the value of N. Then carry out the computations for the following Steps 3 - 6. 1. SUM X = __________ 2. N = __________ 3. SUM X - N = __________ 4. (SUM X - N) (100) = __________ 5. N * 6 = __________

6. Score = 4/5 = __________ Example: A respondent completed the IJS scale but omitted eight items so N = 27. His or her item sum score after appropriately reverse-scoring designated items was SUM X = 116. Thus, from the above six computational steps this person's final IJS score was found to be: IJS Score = (Sum X - N)(100) / (N * 6) = (116-27)(100) / ( 27 * 6 ) = 8900 / 162 = 54.9

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