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Life Building Station : How To Move In The Ministry Gifts : Session I : What The Bible Says About spiritual

Gifts 1



1 Cor 12:1
“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.”

We may not discover our gifts just through this one lesson.
- But we are going to have an overview so that one year from now, they may
become clear to us.

Everybody has at least one spiritual gift.

- You may not know it, but you do have it.

When you were born physically, you were born with the 5 senses: smell, taste, touch,
sight, and hearing.
- It is only when you mature a little older that you realise you have them.
- This is the same with our discovering of our spiritual gifts.

Definition of a spiritual gift:

It is a special ability, given by the Holy Spirit to every believer at their conversion,
to be used to minister to others and therefore build up the body of Christ. (1 Cor
12:8-10, 28; Rom 12:6-8; Eph 4:11-12, 1 Pet 4:9-11)

A. The 10 Truths About Spiritual Gifts.

1. Only BELIEVERS have spiritual gifts. (1 Cor 2:14)

2. Every Christian has at least ONE gift. (1 Cor 7:7)

3. No one receives ALL the gifts. (1 Cor 12:27-30)

Why not? Because if you have all the gifts, you won’t need anybody else!
- God wants us to work together as one body.

4. No single gift is given to EVERYONE. (1 Cor 12:29-30)

God wants variety!

5. You can’t EARN or WORK for a spiritual gift. (Eph 4:7)

Otherwise, there will be a contradiction of terms!

- A gift is a gift, it is not something you can earn.
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6. The Holy Spirit decides what gifts I get. (1 Cor 12:11)

You can’t say, “I want to be a prophet, a teacher, a pastor!”

- You can’t decide for yourself…it is a sovereignty given!

7. The gifts I am given with are PERMANENT. (Rom 11:29)

God doesn’t take them away!

8. I am to DEVELOP the gifts God gives me. (1 Tim 4:14)

The spiritual gifts are just like muscles…the more you exercise your
muscles, the stronger they get.

(For example, I have the gift of evangelism…the more I practice, the

better a soul-winner I become!)

9. It’s a sin to WASTE the gifts God gave me. (1 Cor 4:1-2, Mt 25:14-30)

10. Using my gifts GLORIFY God and helps me to GROW. (Jn 15:8)

B. The Purpose Of Spiritual Gifts

1. Not for my benefit but for OTHERS.

1 Pet 4:10 (GNB)

“Each one, as a good manager of God’s different gifts, must use for the
good of others the special gift he has received from God.”

1 Cor 12:7 (TLB)

“The Holy Spirit displays God’s power through each of us as a means of
helping the entire church.”

When you get a gift, it is not to bless you.

- it is meant to be used in the local church to build up the church.

2. To produce MATURITY and STABILITY

Eph 4:11-14 (GNB)

“It was He who “gave gifts”…to build up the body of Christ. And so we
shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and…become mature
people… Then we shall no longer be children, carried by the waves and
blown about the every shifting wind…”
Life Building Station : How To Move In The Ministry Gifts : Session I : What The Bible Says About spiritual Gifts 3

I am sure some of you heard of Christian groups that turned into cults.

Why did that happen?

- Most likely the Christians in those groups did not use their spiritual
gifts to ensure balance.

When you use your gifts, there will be maturity and stability.

C. 7 cautions about spiritual gifts.

1. Don’t confuse gifts with natural TALENTS.

Just because you are good in the sales line =X=> you will automatically be
a good evangelist!

2. Don’t confuse gifts with the FRUIT of the Spirit. (Gal 5:22-23)

• “Fruit” shows my MATURITY.

• “Gifts” show my MINISTRY.

The person can have a spiritual gift and yet, be very immature.
- The moment you are saved, God gives you a gift.
- But you still need to grow a lot more before you can use that gift

3. Don’t confuse gifts with Christian ROLES.

(Pastoring or shepherding is a spiritual gift.)

- I may have the role of a pastor but I may not really have the gift.
- Another pastor may be a much better pastor while another may be
more gifted in the gift of preaching and leadership.

4. Beware of the “GIFT PROJECTION” tendency.

This is expecting others to serve the way you do, and with similar results!

For example,
• People with the gift of mercy tend to expect everyone to have the
same kind of compassion they have for others.
• People with the gift of prophecy tend to expect everybody else to be
as confrontation as they are toward sin.
• People with the gift of administration often lose patience with
people who are disorganized!
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5. Don’t feel my gift makes me SUPERIOR to others. (1 Cor 12:21)

They are not superior or inferior…they are just gifts from God!

6. Realize that using my gifts without LOVE is worthless!

1 Cor 12:1-3
“Though I speak with tongues of men and of angels…And though I have
the gift of prophecy…though I have all faith, so that I could remove
mountains, but have not love, I am nothing…it profits me nothing.”

It is not by accident that the greatest chapter in the Bible on love (1 Cor
12) is sandwiched between the 2 greatest chapters on gifts (1 Cor 12 and

7. Recognize that I have both a PRIMARY and a SECONDARY ministry

in my church.

• My PRIMARY MINISTRY commitment should be in the area where I


• My SECONDARY MINISTRY includes serving in any other area of

the Body when I am NEEDED.

Titus 3:14 (TLB)

“For our people must learn to help all who need their assistance,
that their lives will be fruitful.”

Just because I am not gifted in mercy doesn’t mean that when I see
an elderly person falling down, I don’t help!

Just because I am not gifted in giving doesn’t mean that I should not
sacrifice generously to the church.

Secondary ministry  I will help out where I am needed…not

because of my gift by because of my maturity.
- I am needed and I want to be a servant.
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D. How to discover your gift?

Get started!

Experiment with different areas of service until you find your niche.

- Sometimes, it may take a few years before that happens!

- But you must work closely and seek assistance from other pastors
and leaders.



Ask others what spiritual gifts they see in me.

Be trained in the skills.

3 Ways God Wants You To Use Your Gifts

1. Through an ONGOING ministry – either weekly, monthly or bimonthly.

2. Through SHORT-TERM projects.

3. Through SPONTANEOUS situations.

It is easier to discover your gift through ministry than to discover

your ministry through your gift!

Just start serving and your gift(s) will soon become obvious to all!

Remember: All gifts are given to help the church fulfill its purposes.
- A Christian may have more than one gift.
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For simplicity, we have categorized the lists of spiritual gifts according to 3 categories.
- NOTE: The list of gifts below are not exhaustive…most Christian scholars cannot
even agree among themselves on just how many there are in the Bible!

As you read through this list, check off your initial impression concerning yourself.
Remember, you can have many gifts.

a. OFFICE gifts (the fivefold office / position).

These gifts are found in Eph 4:11…

a. Apostle )
b. Prophet ) They can be likened to “senior consultants”
c. Evangelist ) or “specialist”….the experts!
d. Pastor )
e. Teacher )

They are given to train and equip the members of the church for ministry.
- They help to take the congregation into spiritual maturity.

b. MINISTRY gifts (gifts of the Holy Spirit).

These gifts are found in 1 Cor 12:8-10:

a. Word of wisdom (v8) )
b. Word of knowledge (v8) )
c. Prophesy (v10) )
d. Faith (v9) ) They are usually “transient”
e. Healings (v9) ) gifts given by the Holy Spirit
f. Working of miracles (v10) ) to meet the need of a
g. Discerning of spirits (v10) ) particular situation.
h. Tongues (v10) )
i. Interpretation of tongues (v10) )

j. Teaching (Rom 12:7)

k. Exhortation (encourager, speaker, preacher) (Rom 12:8)
l. Leadership (administration, ruler) (v8)
m. Mercy (hospitality, compassion) (v8)
n. Helps (ministry, service) (v8)
o. Giving (v8)


E.g. lead worship, creative arts, etc.

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Spiritual giftings are meant to meet the needs in the body of Christ:

a. Teaching Meets MENTAL needs

b. Prophesying Meets SPIRITUAL needs
c. Exhortation Meets PERSONAL needs
d. Leadership Meets EFFECTIVENESS needs
e. Mercy Meets EMOTIONAL needs
f. Ministry Meets PRACTICAL needs
g. Giving Meets FINANCIAL, material needs

E. Description of the gifts


The ability to educate God’s people by clearly explaining and applying the Bible
in a way that causes them to learn.

A teacher = a minister who is very developed in this gift.

2. PROPHESYING (perceiver).

The ability to perceive and discern good and evil, character of people and groups
and what God is doing in the realm of the Spirit.

A Prophet = a minister who is very developed in this gift.

3. EXHORTATION (preacher, encourager)

The ability to encourage people to live a life of faith and victory through
preaching, teaching or personal sharing.

An evangelist = a minister who is very developed in this gift.

4. LEADERSHIP (administration, ruler).

The ability to clarify and communicate the purpose and direction (“vision”) of a
ministry in a way that attracts others to get involved. The ability to motivate
others by example to work together in accomplishing a ministry goal. The ability
to organize and manage people, resources, and time for effective ministry.

An apostle = a minister who is very developed in this gift.

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5. MERCY (hospitality, compassion).

The ability to detect hurt and empathize with those who are suffering in the
church family. The ability to provide compassionate and cheerful support to
those experiencing distress crisis, or pain. The ability to help strangers feel
welcomed and accepted in the church family.

A pastor = a minister who is very developed in this gift.

6. HELPS (ministry, service).

The ability to recognize unmet needs in the church family, and take the initiative
to provide practical assistance quickly, cheerfully, and without a need for


The ability to generously contribute material resources and/or money beyond the
10% tithe so that the body may grow and be strengthened. The ability to earn
and manage money so that it may be given to support the ministry of others.
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In order for anyone to move in the Spiritual Gifts, there must be a manifested presence
of God. There are two types of the presence of God, the OMNIPRESENCE of God and
the MANIFESTED presence of God.

1. The Omnipresence of God – God is all-present everywhere (Ps 139:7-12).

2. The manifested presence of God – VISIBLE, AUDIBLE and TANGIBLE presence of

God to the believers. E.g. burning bush (Exo 3:3), voice of the Lord Jesus (Acts
9:5, 6), signs and wonders (Mk 16:20).

The work of God always reflects the nature of God. Hence, there are always
remarkable results, miracles, healing, deliverance, restorations and revivals
whenever God chooses to manifest Himself to His people.

A. How to ascend into the manifested presence of God

1. INITIATE yourself to draw near to Him (James 4:8, 1 Ch 28:9).

2. Take AUTHORITY against all spiritual hindrances (Mk 11:22, Gen 1:26).

3. Come with YIELDEDNESS (Mk 1:12, Acts 20:22-23).

4. Take the first step of FAITH (Heb 11:6).

5. PURIFY yourself (Ps 51:10, 17).

6. Have a CONSISTENT, CLOSE walk with God (Num 12:7, 8, Dan 6:10).

7. Be OBEDIENT and TRUSTWORTHY (Acts 10:19-20, 1 Tim 4:14-15).

B. Some Common Subjective Experience Of The Manifested Presence Of God

1. QUICKENING to pray in the Spirit, sing in the Spirit or make faith confession.

2. CLEAR stage of mind, PEACEFUL.

3. LESSER ABILITY to think ungodly thoughts or hear the voices of the devil and the

4. STRONGER level of faith and confidence.

5. Strong urge to give HEARTFELT THANKS to God for things that you normally neglect to
appreciate Him.

6. REPENTFUL and RESTORED over hidden little sins, wrong attitudes and actions.

7. PHYSICAL SENSATION eg: tingling sensation, heat, thin haze, weight, weakness,
sweet aroma, trembling.

C. The Nine Gifts Of The Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:8-10)

They are usually classified by their nature under 3 groupings:

1. REVELATION Gifts - Word of Wisdom

Word of Knowledge

Discerning of spirits

2. POWER Gifts - Gifts of Faith

Gifts of healing

Workings of miracles

3. VOCAL Gifts - Gift of prophecy

Gift of different tongues

Gift of the interpretation of tongues

D. Characteristics Of The Gifts

1. They are SUPERNATURAL. They are the Holy Spirit’s own manifestation (1 Cor 12:7).
The Holy Spirit distributes them to the individual as He wills. They are not latent
talents or trained abilities but endowments. They may manifest through anyone
regardless of background, experience or education.

2. They are INSTANTANEOUS IMPARTATION given to every individual believer. It is a

present activity of the Holy Spirit, usually expressed when people gather in worship
or fellowship. It is NOT a continuing possession.
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3. They are meant for a COMMON GOOD , to profit and to edify one another, the body of
Christ (1 Cor 14:26).

4. They are given to EACH ONE (1 Cor 12:7, 1 Cor 14:26).

5. They are INTEGRATED and do not operate independently.

III. The Ministry Gifts and its Operation

A. Spiritual gifts are given to believers so that they may be operated in their lives. God
never meant Christians to be “collectors” of Spiritual gifts, but be faithful STEWARDS
who put Spiritual gifts into operation.

1. Word Of Wisdom

a. Means the release of a FRAGMENT OF WISDOM from the Holy Spirit to the believer.

b. A revelation of HOW to minister, WAY to handle a situation, meet a current need,

answer a particular question or to utilize a particular divine revelation.

c. Can be given as a MENTAL IMPRESSION, PICTURE,THOUGHTS (1 Cor 2:13, Pro

16:3), DREAM or VISION (Dan 2:19, Matt 1:20).

d. A gift to be released ORALLY (1 Cor 2:4).

e. SPONTANEOUS IMPARTATION , not premeditated idea, effective (Mt 10:19, Mk

13:11,Lk 20:26).

f. Not spiritual wisdom, intellectual wisdom or demonic supernatural wisdom.

How It Operates?

a. Must ascend into the MANIFESTED presence of the Holy Spirit.

- “…DO NOT WORRY about how or what you should speak (Mt 10:19, Mk 13:11).
Set your mind away from fear, for fear is a product of the flesh. You cannot
operate faith when your mind is swelled on fear.

- Hear by FAITH when the Holy Spirit manifest Himself. The Spirit of God will “…
speak IN you” (Mt 10:20). It will come from within.

b. Must not PREMEDITATE.

- “…SETTLE IN YOUR HEART not to premeditate before hand…”(Lk 21:14). One
must make this an abiding principle of moving with the word of wisdom.

- “…it WILL BE given to you in that hour what you should speak”. You must expect a
word of wisdom will be given to you as you need it.

c. Must SPEAK out what you have received.

- “…whatever is given to you that hour SPEAK that…” (Mk 13:11). The purpose is
released through human mouth. One must call into being the purpose of God
(Rom 4:17b).

- “…I will give you a mouth and wisdom…” (Lk 21:15). At the point of time of
receiving a revelation, you must release it into effect. For no one has the right
nor ability to revert the purpose of God (Num 23:20).

d. It will turn out for you as an occasion for TESTIMONY.

- “…all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist”. At the point of time
when you release a revelation, you must believe that the word will not return void
(Isa 55:11).

2. Word Of Knowledge

a. A gift of revelation expressing the current situation or need, a PORTION of HIS

PERFECT of a person or a situation to a believer for ministry purposes.

b. It is a spontaneous knowledge of something that you do not know, something that

relates to the person’s PAST or PRESENT situation.

c. Complimentary gift to ‘Word of Wisdom’.

d. Spontaneous impartation given by the HOLY SPIRIT.

e. To be released ORALLY.

f. Effectual.

g. Commonly received during preaching, teaching (sudden outburst of inspired

speech which brings powerful conviction and responses, some ideal illustration,
analogy or explanation never thought of before, amazing wise speech), during
ministry (Words, Scriptures, inner voice speaking something that is not
preconceived) or before healings (momentary pain symptoms, mental pictures of
wounds, lumps, human organs that need healing, significant marks, symbols, light
or cloud on people’s body, thoughts of sicknesses or conditions).

h. Not knowledge of God’s words not Spiritual knowledge or demonic revelation.

i. Some Biblical examples (1 Sam 9:19-20, 1 Kgs 19:18, 2 Sam 12:13-17, 2 Kgs
5:20-27, Lk 5:22, Jn 1:47-50, Acts 5:1-11).

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How It Operates?

a) Let the Word of knowledge comes SPONTANEOUSLY. Do not have a presumption.

Remove any prejudice, negative attitudes and preconceived ideas.

b) PARALLEL operation with Word of wisdom.

- We frequently hear of complaints of hurts and embarrassment where the Word of

knowledge was given accurately but ministered incorrectly or in appropriately.

- God is a God of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. You can expect Him to
impart to you a Word of wisdom after He has given you a word of knowledge.
ASK and you shall RECEIVE .

c) Parallel operation with the gifts of healings.

- Healing can be ministered as an operation of faith through the laying on of hands

and applying of anointing oil (Js 5:14, 15).

- When healing are ministered under the anointing, follow the principle of hearing
by faith the word of knowledge before releasing the healing anointing.

d) Parallel operation with miracles.

- Hear by FAITH.

- Follow CLOSELY the word of knowledge.

- Take a STEP of faith to speak the miracle into being.

e) Parallel operation with prophecy.

- Receive word of knowledge by faith.

- Declare and release prophecy by speaking in faith the purpose of God.

3. The Gift Of Discerning Of Spirits

a) Spontaneous divine ability to judge or DISTINGUISH the spiritual beings who are at
work behind a situation or problem.
b) Spiritual ENABLING for the believers to gaze into the spiritual realm (Acts 7:55,
56, 13:8-12).
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c) It is NOT natural ability to discern or see faults in others.

d) Examples: Cause of sickness (Mk 7:32-35, Mk 9:25, 26), lying (Acts 5:3, 2
Kings 5:26), Spirit (Acts 16:16-18), servant of satan (Acts 13:8-12, 2 Cor
11:13-15), demonic activity and works of the flesh (Acts 5:3), source of prophetic
inspiration (Mt 16:17, Mt 16:23, 1 Jn 4:2-3), discern angels (2 Kings 6:16-20,
Acts 27:23, 24, Mt 2:13), discern human spirit (Acts 14:9).

How it operates?

a. Some common manifestations of evil spirits are person’s eyeball rolled
backwards, cough convulsively and foam at the mouth, unnatural acrobatics like
spine arching back, rolling on the ground and roaring like an animal, lying stiff
on the ground and then spinning like a ceiling fan, standing and hoping
repeatedly with his head touching the ceiling, speaking with another voice,
fierce verbal denial of Jesus as the Lord and verbal demand of continual
possession of the person, prolonged weird, offensive and senses gestures,
unexpected foul small, contorted bodies, twisted faces, swearing, shaking,
choking and constant disrupting of the meeting.

2. Spiritual SIGNALS.
a. Thoughts or impressions from the Holy Spirit through a word of knowledge and
Word of wisdom.

b. Mental pictures like idols or demon faces.

c. Visible darkness, dark spots or chains over body or face of a person.

d. Sense an evil presence.

3. GAZE into the spiritual realms

a. The spiritual eyes can be opened to look into the spiritual realm to discern both
good and evil (1 Cor 2:14, Acts 13:9, Acts 7:55).

4. COMMAND breakthroughs and deliverance

a. Paul rebuke … (Acts 13:10)
b. Jesus command…(Mk 9:25, 26)
c. Peter rebuke…(Acts 5:1-10)
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B. The Power Gifts and Its Operation

1. The Gift Of Faith.

a) Is an impartation of ‘a SEED of faith’ (Mt 17:20), a tiny (fragment) but

GROWING portion of supernatural faith.


c) TANGIBLE. There is no struggle, no anxiety, no uncertainty but only the sensing

of His presence. In that presence, there is a confidence that an amazing creative
miracle is a certainty. A sense of calmness prevails, even in an atmosphere of
turmoil, opposition of apparent disaster. There is internal heart knowledge that
the act of God is coming to pass as soon as the speaker words are proclaimed.
It is NOT a presumption, or wanting something to happen and attempting to speak
it forth.

d) ABSOLUTE confidence to believe Him in impossible situation, total absence of

doubt and an overwhelming sense of spiritual authority over the challenge before

e) Some Biblical examples (Judges 14:6, Dan 6:23, Lk 4:29-30, Acts 4:13).

How It Operates?

a. Must WAIT on God for the impartation.

- Pray through your needs until there is an absolute peace or confidence imparted
to your heart.

- Lock your heart in this impartation of the gift of faith and keep resisting the
unbelief that challenges you.

b. It is put into operation as you AFFIRM IT VERBALLY .

- The gift of faith hinges on SPEAKING. As this mustard seed of faith is imparted to
you and is increasing within your heart, you must believe in it and take authority
to command the mountain to be removed, and it will be removed.

- AFFIRM Upon a seed of faith that you have received and let the level of faith build

c. NURTURE it in prayer. Let your inner man be moved to the extent of GROANING in
the Spirit.
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d. Operate along with the other gifts (healing, miracles, discerning of spirit, prophecy).

e. Release the gift in faith.

2. The Gifts Of Healing

a) Is a MULTIPLE manifestation gift of the Holy Spirit that release complete and
instantaneous healing, usually tangible and visible.
The double plural “gifts” and “healing” signifies many types and subdivision of
the gifts of healings. Some people in the healing are effective in praying for a
variety of sicknesses while others are more focused on one particular ailment or
kind of people.

b) Entrusted to the ENTIRE body of Christ, not just a few prominent ministers.

c) More effective for sicknesses of NATURAL causes. Sicknesses caused by

demonic oppression and possession must be dealt with differently (Mk 7:32-35,
Jn 4:47, Acts 9:34, Mk 5:29, 34).

How it operates?

This gift also operates with some of the other gifts.

(i) Operates with a Word of Knowledge

a) Whether in congregational meeting, public meeting on small group situation, you
may call out the word of knowledge that you received before you minister the
healing gifts. Prayer and fasting are to be done in the secret but healing glorify
God publicly. Our Lord Jesus healed the sick in public.

b) Revealing the SPECIFIC details of a word of knowledge demonstrated the

omniscience of the Holy Spirit and it encourages the faith of the people

c) If necessary, the Holy Spirit also releases word of knowledge like some particular
sins, doubt, lack of word or inner hurt. Many physical sicknesses have also
psychosomatic roots. Both must be healed. However, it must be administered
with the confirmation of the word of wisdom.
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(ii) Operates with a Word of Wisdom.

a) A Word of Wisdom may reveal the necessity of preparing the person’s HEART in
order to receive healing. However, avoid entering into dialogue or counseling.

b) Confrontation of sins in the public is unwise unless it is with the confirmation of

the word of wisdom from the Holy Spirit. Jesus did not confront the sins of those
who were sick. He forgives them. He also cautioned them. Avoid mentoring
personal matters through the microphone.

c) Sometime the Holy Spirit may impress you to minister SALVATION before healing.

(iii) Operates with the Gift of Discerning of spirits.

a) When this gift is in operation, your spirit is enabled by the Holy Spirit to pick up
spiritual conditions around. You can sense and know the CONDITION of the
human spirit.

b) Paul observed intently the cripple at Lystra and saw that he had faith to be
healed. He then said to him with a loud voice, “stand up straight on your feet”
(Acts 14:9).

(iv) Wait upon the release of the Gift of Faith.

a) The gift of faith and the gifts of healing are complementary gifts. Releasing the
gifts of healing should not be ritualistic. Wait upon the release of the gift of faith
so that you can minister the healing gifts with maximum affect.

b) Receiving healing is a process of faith. If necessary, urge the people to exercise

faith, especially with places where the knowledge of God is low.

c) Some may need reassurance, like people who have been responding to altar
calls but were not healed.

(v) Release the gift of healing.

a) The gifts of healing is normally released through a Spirit (prompted word of

authority eg. directly command the oppressing disease to leave the person,
rebuking the disease and then releasing healing).

b) It also comes through specific prayer after a time of counseling, laying on of

hands and applying anointing oil (1 Pet 5:14).
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3. Working of Miracles

a) An IMPARTATION of the inherent power of the Holy Spirit to produce effects that
are beyond the limitation of natural laws for the purpose of confirming the
preaching of the word.

b) Not residing on the believers but it is SPONTANEOUSLY given.

c) “Dynamics” power at work resulting in SIGNS AND WONDERS .

d) Divine intervention RECOGNIZABLE by the natural senses (Acts 8:13, Mt 14:2,

Acts 19:11).

e) Always confirms the GOSPEL of Jesus.

f) Done according to God’s own WILL (Heb 2:4).

g) Proceeded by HEARING of faith (Gal 3:5, 2 Chron 20:14-16) and OPERATION of

faith (Acts 8:6).

How It Operates?

(i) Counting everything as LOSS.

a) Count all qualifications, achievements and self-confidence as loss. Has absolute

DEPENDENCE on God (Phil 3:4-10). Rely on the right hand of God is a key to
divine strengthening (Isa 41:10, 13), for His right hand is a position of power (Mt
26:64, Mk 14:62). Make this a regular discipline and belief.

(ii) The commitment to speak GOOD of Jesus.

a) Miracles are done in the Name of Jesus (Mt 7:22). Do not call upon the name of
Jesus ritualistically. Live lives and establish ministries that EXALT the name of
Jesus. There is the abiding condition of living a life that honors the name of
Jesus always.

b) Don’t promote yourself. Do it out of pure compassion. Agape love has no

ulterior motive.
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(iii) Maintain a high level of dynamics.

a) The “fullness of God” fills and manifest through a believer according to the level of
“dynamics” received from the Holy Spirit (Eph 3:16, 19).

b) Be faithful STEWARD, then more will be added (Mt 25:15).

c) Encourage CORPORATE seeking of miracles. 1 Cor 12:12-27 shows that spiritual

gifts operate in the corporate body. Each one must die to their uncommonness
(Acts 4:29-33).

C. The Vocal Gifts And Its Operation

1. The Gift of Prophecy

a) Supernatural UTTERANCE given to man by the Holy Spirit to speak forth the mind
and will of God to bring edification, exhortation and comfort to the believers.

b) Spontaneous impartation and require to be release VERBALLY.

How It Operates?

a) Prepare your HEART condition – must be clean, broken, contrite, compassion and

b) Be sure to LIVE up to the word of God.

c) BUILD in the Spirit.

• Prayer - confession of sins

- being humble before God.

• Confession and meditation - things relevant to you.

- Thank God for gifts and favour,etc. ( Your words become your building
blocks to faith)
- Ask God to help you move with 100% accuracy.
- Yield yourself to God and to the spirit of prophecy.
Life Building Station : How To Move In The Ministry Gifts : Session III : The Ministry Gifts And Its Operation 20

• Visualisation - Godly use of your imagination. Yield imagination to the Holy

- Be relaxed. God can speak to you when you are relaxed.
- Ask God to cleanse your imagination. As your imagination is
surrendered to the Holy Spirit, He will begin to impart into you

d) Know how to speak. (Is 50:4)

• When you prophesy don’t preach a sermon. Let the preaching be done by the
preacher and the one who prophesy, to prophesy.

• Don’t’ attack people, church or leaders with prophecies. Nor do you use
prophecy to promote those whom you like. Prophecy is a sacred gift.

• Don’t prophesy something that you already know very well. The key is to lock
onto the Holy Spirit and forget all you know about the person whom you are
ministering to and be in a neutral gear to move into prophecy.

• Never prophesy when you are hurt, bitter or have negative feelings in your
emotions. Emotion is a powerful force and prophecies will be tainted by your

• Don’t’ sing out prophecies if you do not sing well.

• Be very careful about adding the word, “Thus says the Lord.”
(Acts 27:10, 1Cor 7:10,12)

e) Know who to minister to.

• Know that the Spirit of God will already be working on the person. Watch what
He is doing and then minister.

• As you survey the congregation, you will sense a “pull” to the person whom
God wants to minister to. You will feel drawn to certain people at certain times.

• Bring that person to the Lord in prayer – play the role of an intercessor.

• Do not be moved by the natural, but tune in to the HOLY SPIRIT. Learn to put
prejudice aside.

• Put your mind and emotion under subjection to your human spirit, and your
human spirit subject to the Holy Spirit.
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• Do your “homework” before ministering – the Word life, prayer in tongues,

surrender soul and body to God.

• Practice self-control and wisdom.

f) Know when to speak. (Jn 5:19, 8:28,12:49,50)

• A season has a timing, a prophetic word has a SEASON and it is progressive.

• Jesus only speak what the Father tells and only does the things the Father do.

• Learn to fine-tune yourself to the voice of God.

• A farmer does not sow at random. He knows the season.

• If you speak for the Word of God at the wrong timing, it will be wasted.

• Wait for the release in the spirit to give that prophecy.

• God can give the word a year or a month ahead of time but that does not mean
that it is time to release the word.

• The Word given in the right timing of God becomes a real blessing.

• Example of Nathan being sent by God only after David’s child was born. God
used that time to deal with David’s heart. If Nathan had released the word
earlier David may not have repented.

• God spoke to Abraham in different stages and seasons of his life:

Acts 7:3 - he was 50 years old

Genesis 12:1-5 - he was 75 years old
Genesis 18 - he was 100 years old

g) Know what to speak.

• What you speak is dependent upon your input. Your BELIEF and DOCTRINE can
affect your prophecy. What you read, your personality, background, education, past
experiences can influence and affect your prophecy.
eg: If you don’t believe in healing and the Lord gives you a word on healing,
you may not release that prophetic word because you don’t believe in
the doctrine of healing.
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2. Different Kinds Of Tongues

a. It is SPEAKING the utterances that is given by the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4).

b. It is for both personal and body of Christ EDIFICATION.

c. They are prayer of the human spirit, unfruitful to the mind (1 Cor 14:4), but as a
higher form of prayer which also builds faith and love (Jude 20) and Spiritual
COMMUNION with God (1 Cor 14:2, Acts 10:46).

d. How to receive?

i. Help believer to understand that the Holy Spirit is PROMISED to all believers
(Acts 2) and that person to receive God’s free gift.

ii. Explain that anyone also is saved is READY to immediately receive the Holy

iii. Having the person to RENOUNCE all idolatry and known sins will help to
prepare him to receive.

iv. The gift is received by FAITH and can be ministered through laying of hands.

v. Tell the candidate what to expect as he receive the Holy Spirit, that the Holy
Spirit will move upon his vocal organs and put supernatural words on his lips
but he will have to speak out himself in COOPERATION with the Holy Spirit.

vi. Allay any FEARS or wrong understanding of receiving the “wrong/ false Spirit”.

vii. Tell the candidate to open his own MOUTH and be ready to use his own
mouth and VOCAL CHORDS, for the Holy Spirit will give the utterance, but he
must YIELD and give voice to that utterance.

viii. Keep candidate from being DISTRACTED. Don’t permit a crowd to gather
around him/ her to give instructions all at once and cause confusion.
Continue to ENCOURAGE candidate to yield if he is a little show in yielding.
Continue to speak in tongues yourself after praying with the candidate.

ix. Give ASSURANCE whenever necessary.

Life Building Station : How To Move In The Ministry Gifts : Session III : The Ministry Gifts And Its Operation 23

3. Interpretation of Tongues

a. It is INTERPRETING the utterance that is given by the Holy Spirit.

b. Requires the person to use his mouth, lips, tongue and vocal chords too.

c. It is for the EDIFICATION of the body of Christ.

d. It is given spontaneously by the HOLY SPIRIT as He manifest Himself. They are

THOUGHTS and UNDERSTANDING given to you, not as a result of logical or
creative thinking. The length of the interpretation may not be the same as what
was spoken in the tongue message.

e. If done in a public manner, must be done in GOOD ORDER, and not lead to

f. It is usually manifested together with the gift of tongues, in a gathering of



In order to move in the Spiritual Gifts move effectively, we need to revere the GIVER of
the Gifts, stay OPEN to His Spirit and to the move of God as we WALK meekly, honorably
and reverently before the Lord.

I. What The Bible Says About Spiritual Gifts 1

A. The 10 Truths About Spiritual Gifts

B. The Purpose Of Spiritual Gifts
C. 7 Cautions About Spiritual Gifts
D. How To Discover Your Gift?
E. Description Of The Gifts

II. The Ministry Gifts and the Presence of God 8

A. How To Ascend
B. Common Subject Experiences
C. The 9 Gifts
D. Characteristics Of The Gifts

III. The Ministry Gifts and its Operation 11

A. The Revelation Gifts and its Operation

1. Word Of Wisdom
2. Word Of Knowledge
3. Discerning Of Spirits

B. The Power Gifts and its Operation 15

1. Gift Of Faith
2. Gift Of Healing
3. Working Of Miracles

C. The Vocal Gifts and its Operation 19

1. Gift Of Prophecy
2. Different Kind Of Tongues
3. Interpretation Of Tongues

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