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Flyff Cash Shop Set and Model Viewer by Reiko, 2009-2011.

+ In a nutshell: --------------------------- The purpose of the program is be able to easily see how different combinations of cash shop clothes items look together, without having to muck around with tacky methods like photoshopping a few screenshots together, asking other people to loan you parts, or whatever. - This can help you make a better educated choice when considering buying a cash shop clothes set from the cash shop or from another player in-game. + Download: --------------------------- You can always find the latest version at this URL: - Also, this is the FlyffWorld forum thread I made for the program: + Requirements: --------------------------- The program is designed to run on Windows XP, Vista and 7. - The program loads the models and textures from the Flyff game folder, so to use the program, you'll need the Flyff game client installed on your computer. - If you run into graphics problems, try updating your video driver and download and install the most recent DirectX End-User Runtimes. Visit your video card manufacturer's website for the video driver. The DirectX End-User Runtimes can be found on, and the current version at time of writing is called 'June 2010'. + How to use: --------------------------- Select items using drop down boxes at the right. - Rotate the camera by holding down the right mouse button and dragging. Use the mouse wheel to zoom. More camera functions are available using the buttons at the bottom left. - F9 will reset the camera to its default position. - F10 will hide the interface, F10 again will restore it. - F11 will take a screenshot. The buttons in the bottom left corner

will not appear in the screenshot, but everything else on the screen will. Screenshots are saved in .png format, and will be saved in the same directory as the program. - Settings relating to the quality of models/textures can be changed by going to 'Options', then 'Settings', and then to 'Render Settings'. However, all detail levels are set to maximum by default. - You can save your character to look at again later by going to the 'File' menu, and choosing 'Export Character To Code'. This will give you a code which you can import using 'Import Character From Code' under the file menu. You can send your code to a friend, and it will work for them as long as the items you were wearing are in their Flyff client. Here's a sample code for you to try: 007B0A4DDBA6000011591000066F3100004F 71100005B5210000415B000028F20000575A 000001000000000000000000000000000000 + Contact: --------------------------- If you have any bugs/suggestions to contribute, or just want to tell me you like the program, feel free to send a PM to ItsReiko on the FlyffWorld forum: - Or alternatively you can e-mail me at the following address: + Extra Notes: --------------------------- The first time you open the program, it will ask you for the path to your Flyff directory. This is so that it knows where the models and textures from the game are located so that it can load them. - Because the models and textures are taken from the Flyff client, it means that it is possible to see clothing and equipment which are either limited edition, no longer available, new and unreleased, developer-only test items, or ones that were never made available to the public. Therefore, what you see using this program should be used as a guide only, as some items may be misleading. - If you want to know if a particular item is available to players in game, either ask a friend, refer to the Flyff Wiki, or make a thread on a Flyff forum and ask. Do not email me because I do not play Flyff, and don't know the answers to your questions. + Known bugs/issues: ---------------------------

- Not everything that I intend to implement into the program is actually finished yet. So while there are options for choosing animations, elements on weapons, balloons and flying items, these don't actually do anything for now. - Items which should have a reflection (eg. Ancient Shield) are currently not rendered with the reflection. - The font used by the program does not support the Korean alphabet. This may or may not be addressed in the future. If you try to use a Korean Flyff client with this program, all the item names will appear to be blank. To work around this, create a blank file in the Flyff client folder called "propItem.txt.txt". This will cause the CS viewer program to use the item IDs in the list instead. Just make sure to delete the blank "propItem.txt.txt" file from your Korean Flyff client later on if you plan to actually play it, as having this file in the folder may cause issues with the game. + Possible future updates: --------------------------- Animations. - Elemental and refining effects, and set glows. - Monsters, NPCs, pets. - A number of other things are on my try-to-do list, but I won't mention them for now. + Credits & big thanks to: --------------------------- Wani: Drew the little buttons in the bottom corner. She also had the suggestion for the 'randomize' button. - Xela: Made the program's current icon, and drew the image in the About window. - KurosakiMegumi: Helped with some design/layout ideas, and modified the 3D skybox textures for me. - pipelli: The code used to load Flyff's model format (.o3d) is partly based on his open source .o3d<->.obj converter program. A program, such as this one which I made, would not be able to exist without his efforts. - xadet: Provided me with the .res archive file format, and answered my questions about it. Support for this format was a vital part of the program because many older items are contained within the res files, and without it, many items wouldn't be available in this program.

- Nadro: Used his patch which allows Irrlicht to support the loading of compressed .dds textures. This image format is not specific to Flyff, but Flyff does use it. It's an image format commonly used in games. - hybrid & CuteAlien: Current maintainers of the Irrlicht 3D engine. - YooJin: Translated the program into French. - wh1ga: Translated the program into Russian. - Sinner: Gave me the idea to use a code for loading/saving different cash shop sets. - Suinia: Sparked the idea to add the screenshot feature. - FiliaChan: Suggested getting the Flyff directory from the registry to make setting the flyff dir the first time you run the program easier (note that this feature does not exist in version 2 for now). - Adler: Suggested making the window resizeable. - Pikmario: Tested version 2 of the program for me prior to its release. Skybox images taken from: Exclamation icon by Yusuke Kamiyamane, and Question icon by RandomJabber. Both were taken from: The following people reported bugs/issues with the program: meimei Luciana xGossip AndrewPippkin Nimlith Winter GoxRay Pikmario RyokoNabuga M4G3 evilbunny Miku Lick LadySubaru

Thank you to anyone else I may have forgotten.


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