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Vending machine remote management system Basic design specification

Figure related to process Process function list

gement system

Vending machine remote management system Basic design specification Figure related to process A blue line where the arrow attached shows the connection from the vending machine to the system. A red line where the arrow attached shows the generation of the child process.

Vending machine 1

The main process of

Vending machine remote management system TCP socket connectMng

Connection management

Pipe() commoditySales
Commodity sales

Sale date Sales brand name Number of Sales commodity

Shared Memory

Generate the child process at each vending machine connection.

salesMng salesMng salesMng

Vending machine 2 The process of vending machine 2 is same as vending machine 1. Vending machine 3 The process of vending machine 3 is same as vending machine 1.

Sales management Sales management process

MsgQuese() equipInfoAccess
Vending machine information access


Vending machine name Sales brand name


Delivery management process

Sales history

Sale date Vending Machine name

Process function list Vending machine Process name Functional overview equipMain After connecting the vending machine with the system, equipMain generates the child process. Afterwards, equipMain accepts user's commodity choice. commoditySales CommoditySales transmits sales of the commodity and commodity sales information. Moreover, commoditySales replenishes the commodity delivered from deliveryMng. Process name Functional overview connectMng ConnectMng waits for the incoming connection of the vending machine. After connection with the vending machine, connectMng generates child process (salesMng). salesMng After receiving commodity sales information from commoditySales, salesMng demands the sales information writing from equipInforAccess. deliveryMng When there are three commodities or less as inventory figures, deliver the commodity for replenishment to the vending machine.

Vending machine name Sales brand name Function equipMain connects with connectMng by TCP. After connecting TCP, equipMain generates commoditySales. EquipMain accepts user's merchandise choice. EquipMain notifies commoditySales the commodity that the user selected. CommoditySales sells the user the commodity notified to the equipMain. Afterwards, commoditySales sends commodity sales information to salesMng. CommoditySales replenishes the commodity delivered from deliveryMng into the vending machine.
Function ConnectMng waits for the connection of the vending machine. After connection with the vending machine, connectMng generates child process (salesMng).


Data name salesHistory


SalesMng receives commodity sales information from commoditySales. After receiving commodity sales information, salesMng demands the sales information writing from equipInfoAccess. DeliveryMng demands the stock number acquisition from equipInfoAccess in ten seconds interval. And, deliveryMng confirms whether the commodity that invenory figure is less than 3 exists or not. After preparing the delivery of the commodity whose inventory figures are three or less , deliveryMng delivers it to the vending machine. EquipInforAccess writes the commodity EquipInfoAccess writes the commodity sales history into sales history in salesHistory. Moreover, salesHistory according to the sales information writing equipInforAccess reads and writes the demand. inventory information to the EquipInfoAccess writes the inventory information into inventoryInfo. inventoryInfo according to the sales information writing demand. EquipInfoAccess returns the inventory information on inventoryInfo to the demand origin according to the stock number acquisition demand. Outline of data SalesHistory maintains the following items with the file as a commodity sales history. Sales date Sales date Sales brand name Sales date Vending machine name Sales brand name InventoryInfo maintains the following items with the shared memory as an inventory information. Vending machine name Sales brand name Inventory figures

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