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c!'Wtnntbln Q;alett of the



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The Wages of Sin is Death; but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Chrut our Lord."

No. 8. Vol. IV.


MAY, 1881.





" Everlasting Punishment" ... Life Only in Christ Conditional Immortality. Part n. The Genealogy of Jesus Dante: On Preachers and Preaching AChallenge... The Original" Apostles' Creed" ... An Exegetical Lunacy "What of the Night? " Members' Berean Class Correspondence Extracts Notes, News, and Reviews Church and Mission News

.. ,

106 107 108 109 10~ 110 110 111 111 112 113 113 114

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though ment tinued ment" all of them involve more or less serious and more or less perm aloss Punishment indeed does not necessarily To assume therefore and unspeakable that" torment version. involve even coneverlasting punishexistence. means The severest penalty which our law inflicts is to put is to outrage tbe -

and orders are to be sent to the Secretary: SOLE POS'l'AL ADDUEss-Cyrus E. Brooks, The Link, MALYEIlN. Th~ Associatio~1 as such, assumes no responsibility for the views expressed by its hterary ccntrlbutors. Of necessity its members differ widely on minor polnts, and are beld personally responsible for their communications. 'l'be same is true of the works published by the Assoclatiou.

a man out of existence. everlasting

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language, even as i1 stands in the English

'fHE GREEK wonns. The the dogma of orthodoxy There is kolasis, is still further the means which with discredited Greek literally when we turn to translated Now, torture, suggests The is the original. we fiud that word here "pruning."

.' punishment"

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pruning is an operation but of corrective

meant for the good of the tree or plant subjected the idea not of vindictive as regards the tree Pruning

to it, and hence corresponds discipline. improvement. dogma.


Extract AFTER

As regards what is cut off, it suggests destruction. is the one expressed age-long "-that the word translated" everlasting"

one idea which is not suggested We also find that

in the orthodox is, belonging to

Greek word aionios, meaning literally" Hall, or extending short. and the Sheep and but to the parables It depends upon the nature as "a fifth" of an orange, the

a Discourse delivered Dundee,

in the Kinnaird.

over a certain age or period.

That period may be long or than

on JJJ ay 20th. of Mtutlieu; and pointing out that

and purpose of the thing spoken of. measure of length.


the 2.'ith chapter

Aionios therefore no more supplies a measure of absolute duration such an expression It depend. the circnmference about 5,000 miles. but the one "fifth" other.

these three parables of the Virgins, the Talents, Goats referred the Christian immediately dispensation, advent of Christ, and the judgment nevertheless the judgment brought involved principles

supplies an absolute

not to death and final judgment, he proceeded of universal to say that application, these

on what you are speaking about. circumference

If you are speaking about "a fifth" means than the

of Jews and Gentiles in the light of and illustrated or mou of oppordispensation been

"a fifth" means about 2 inches ; if you of the earth, is precisely the same in both cases, millions of times greater translated "everlasting."

are speaking, about

The expression is twenty-six

that seemed to follow every dispensation, in time or in eternity. who had under and punishment the previous

tunity and trial, whether life to those faithful to their light; His purpose that

Every new dispensation

It is the same with the word aionios


to those who had not-punishthe words "These



ment more or less severe, according to what was deserved and demanded. night, he said, was to show that punishment" Had anyone shall go away into everlasting this view, and did not teach dogma of everlasting torment. supported and expressed the horrible

Anyone ever," and" things

can satisfy himself of this, even by comparing eternal" occur. They will be found verse 15,

in the English "for not only to different in ever" means in verse " is applied thorougbly

Bible some of the passages

in which the words "everlasting," applied "for immeasurably

(as was so often assumed)

that come to an end, but to things In Pliilemon;

lost a father. or a brother. 'Was is not a question the Bible really

their periods of duration.

or a son, and feared that he had died unsaved? that mercy and truth demanded required us to believe (as the Churches

the few years of a man's life; 7, "eternal"

in Jude, verse 6, " everlasting which accomplished

we should ask-whether

to a period which might cover a thousand is applied to a conflagration its terrible work, but could scarcely not have lasted many days. iu the Greek-the lasting" in our text.

or a million of years;

said) that that loved one bad torment without even the to the

passed beyoud the reach of the mercy of God, and was doomed to exist for ever and ever agonizing iu unspeakable hope, after millions of ages. of finding escape in death? Bible itself required that this question be thoroughly The question punishment was not as to future punishment, was what orthodoxy declared it to be. Justice

have lasted

many weeks, and may "ever

Yet in all these cases the same word is used Greek version of the Old Testalong duration, kingdom. It and endless is applied

word aionios, which occurs, and is translated The well-known

and fearlessly faced. The last time he That night he The iu

but as to whether th!tt

ment, familiar to the Jews in Christ's word is applied duration indiscriminately.

time, is full of similar proof. This

to things of short duration,

spoke Oil the subject was from the hell-fire would endeavour pnnishment" punishment harmony

he showed how different the hell-fire of Scripture of the Churches and the creeds. it clear that perverted this expression "everlasting

It is applied to the Jewish ritual, the priest.

hood of Aarou, the Temple, and the Messiah's that of absolute limited existence.

to make

to God Himself, rising in such a case from the idea of mere duration to The same word is also applied to things so lifetime and Gehazi's leprosy. punishment" supplies is--" no measure of duration 'The at "everlasting is obvious. in duration as a servant's "everlasting" therefore

had been equally

from its true meaning. but it was a punishment

of sin was certain and terrible;

with the Divine character

and purpose. He showed that the

bearing of all this upon the term The word translated all, apart applied. from the nature The question

PuNISHMENTAND'l'ORMEN'l'. Mr. Macrae then proceeded to expound the text. words, even as they stood in the Euglish people against" the meaning them. Orthodoxy unspeakable made it mean torment." version, were sufficient tu warn

and purpose

of the thing

to which it is in the bands of to maintain fresh and

Will punishment

which had been commonly fastened upon "These shall go away into everlasting was not necessarily torment. and There

God ever serve its purpose; itself in His universe answer death. to this-God Every plant equally abortive inflictions that

or is the sin which He hates of punishment?" the Heavenly Father

The text said, " These shall go away into everlasting punishment." Punishment

for ever, so as to require everlastingly reigns and sin is doomed.

The whole Bible is an The wages of sin is has not planted will be

were innumerable

forms and degrees of punishment

which it would be a

perfect outrage to speak of as torment. To say that a father punishes his children is a very different thing from saying that he subjects them to torment. Punishment does not always involve even pain. The punish. with pain, ments intlicted by the civil law arc very few of them attended

rooted up. ARE }'UTUBESUFFERINGANDFUTUREBLISS EQUALLY EVERLASTING? Mr. Mecrae proceeded, in conclusion, notwithstanding the evidence, to deal with the difficulty which, so many good people from prevented


which bad taken vain expectation mortality, sacramental Ill. to communion he had lost. serpent's in place, by thus of being very alluding to the ambitious

desire and of imof the

r accepting inference life. this conclusion it seemed as to the doom of sin because of the alarming to et-rnal to justify, in this very text, with regard If, therefore, should as Gods, proper that excited they in Adam should and Eve, and to the blessing be deprived They s&id-" The same word is applied both to the punishment the one comes Even it with even the the imbrand their woeful disappointment. it was As they had forfeited of the wicked and the life of tbe righteous. . to an end, so may the other. if such with heart an argument spirit condemnation. Christ's If hell were sound, is what If hell goes, heaven goes with it." its selfishness orthodoxy represents pledge of it," i.e., access to the tree of life. seed of the woman was promised by the Fall, and man's to bring man back which with God, and so to re-establish. Man was lost But a seed was promised, him in that position


it to be, no one one with

of pity and self. sacrifice-no humanity-but would sacrifice if that would terminate

his hope of immortality One who would bruise the enemy, pave the way He a/olle is in the (John He that not on him," and

of common of heaven, of hell.

for himself

died for tbe time.

mortality torments

for others

the unspeakable For instance, same

head, and, by conquering


But the argument applied

itself will not bear examination. of as "ekmal," destroyed Sodom.

back to God, and the hope of immortality. IV. Because-Christ always and distinctly the Fountain. which cannot wilderness, believeth believeth the Son (vel'. 36.) Lazurus, the Life: live: shall Who not iii. 14, 15.) of Life. Speaking the be mistaken-" should As Moses but lifted

asserts up the


1 Tim, i. 17, God is spoken

and the

word is

to Nicodemus,

He says, in language serpent life."

in Jude to the fire that

Do we argue that and in Gen. xlix. 26, argue that if God of those who hold if the one is cf the two the is of on which

because the fire went out in a few days or weeks so may the life of God '! In Rom. xvi. 26, God is spoken of as" the same word is applied to the hills. is really to endure to an end, punishment endless things meaning bounded God.

even so must in Him on the shall not When He most he that

Son of man be lifted up : that whosoever have everlasting life: wrath about same the conversation, He says-"


not perish,

Do we therefore

And again, in the Son hath see life; speaking beJieveth liveth

for ever, so must tbe hills;

and if the hills are to come

everlasting but to Martha'

and he that believeth of God abideth the

so may God? of the

Yet tbis is the argument

that because tbe same word-aionios-is is the other, of aionios by its need; "Because It overlooks

applied in this verse both to tbe the nature and purpose

death of her brother

bad and the life of the good, then overlooks the very thing of goodness

emphatically and their

declares-" believeth truth?

I am the Resurrection, in Me shall These are We might

in Me, though (xi. 25, 26.)*

he were dead, yet shall he never die," (or, statements. the plain


of, and therefore depends.

and whosoever would dare

Tbe mon or lifetime

of punishment is tbe lifetime to end-

die for ever]. to deny statements

the reon or lifetime

also compare

I live ye shall live also." from texts where aionios of what we might

Take a Psalm like the 37th, is used-literally teems witb of The govern-


all running

in the same strain sin

which are scattered with the death. deeds "The of the con-

or a chapter declarations ment, pathway

like the 15th of 1 Cor. and proofs

The Bible from beginning

apart altogether

through the 4th, 5th, and 6th chapters. V. Becanse- God has threatened to pun'ish wages of sin is death." ye shall die: verteth body, ye shall live." the sinner (Rom. (viii. 13.) from man reach that the error vi. 23.) the Spirit "Let "For but if ye through

infer from the character to endure.

if ye live after the flesh, he which

God, from His purpose namely-that

in man, from the whole object of Divine evil is to perish a pathway and goodness on which no light

do mortify

him know, that (Jas. v. 20.) from Christ, belief this

of sin is tberefore

of hope can

of his way shall of sins."

save a soul from it 100uld rendeT declares and it in Christ,

ever break ahead. Man after zeou, as long as it exists, it can only lead to suffering and loss, to bitter disappointment and wailing and death. The one bope of life was in turning folly and madness thing another might in delay. Nothing be lost. Why go into to God; the and there was nothing by delay; of another but age, could be gained punishment every-

death, and shall hide a multitude VI. Because-If the teaching most certainly Christ, that man can only of the Bible follows

can live apart of none effect. eternal of the

The Bible distinctly

life through Bible under

if he can live on ill the future, head of man; He died to redeem in Christ

apart from him from

world, when we are freely offered its life and joy in Christ?

that the teaching

is misleading. death if man could live for eternal


bnmo1"t(tlity of the Human Soul. incltr?"ed the penrtlty of death, which of good Ten Reasons why I do not believe in the Inherent

Christ died for the the power of death. ever?

redemption But where

was tbe need of Christ's any interest that man

could never die, if he apart from The New Testament life by believing VII. Because of one of His of God-" can see: also have doing.


can only inherit

in Christ. If man cOltld live apart from Christ, it would rob God attributes, hath uuto; viz., immortality. immortality, Whom hath The Apostle the revelation, dwelling in the of the second coming of Christ-by is God) only

garden thou mayest thou shalt shalt thou surely

by the Fall freely eat: die."

"LOst essential

'was meant to put an end to his existence. and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: eat bread, till thou "Then

"Of every tree of the

Paul says, in speaking Who (that

but of the tree of the knowledge "In the

for in the day tbat thou eatest thereof tbe sweat of thy face ground; for out of it as it dust shalt thou return." to the earth (Eec. xii, 7.) return and unto unto

light which no man can approach to whom be honour it. True,

no man hath seen, nor (1 'I'im, vi. 16.) man cannot in welltime, the with

(Gen. ii. 16, 17.)

and power everlastiug." immortality, and life;"

Now it is surely plain, that if God only The apostle is speaking to "lay

wast thou taken : for dust thou art, (Gen. iii. 19.) was: If. and the spirit Because-Man shall return

he may win it, by patient of God, mau, hold on eternal

continuance ending

(at death) shall tbe dust return was expelled froni Paradise

the present

unto God who gave it."

and is urgiug Timothy

to preoesit his li'ving for

ever. "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is hecome as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and from Lord the eat, and garden live for ever: therefore the on Lord God sent him forth this passage, says-" Tbe both of Erlen, to till the ground Scott, commenting the to point out, ill ironical sad change

declaration that God only (now) bath immortality. VIII. Because-If man has an inherent immortality, the eternity destroy these. of evil, and so make

it wo1l(l involve useless. Christ

the work

of Christ

came, not only to redeem


sin and death, of infidelity.

but He also came to is evil, and

He has pledged


to destroy all tbat

from wheuce he was taken." language, e;xpressive

(Gen. iii. 22, 23.) was pleased and of pity

to doubt is, to our mind, the extreme nerer we.-ED. B.S.

. 'Rather-as Christ is speaking of the resu,r'rectio'U-he


then liviug and believing shall '

IX. Because-Ete1"l7allife
continue believed faithful on Him should is to be the reward (only) Christ openly



four hundred and thirty years had expired of Judah to the

nf all those who all who

and the close of the seventy So, in the case of Adam, by cutting off access to the showing the, of die." "the immortality

to the end.

avowed that,

years' servitude

King of Babylon was only marked by direction.

live for ever

and all the New 'I'estam-nt If we can live apart from life as a reward (only) for our

the turn of events in a promising the time of his transgression certainty of the threat, has next

writers point to Him as the fountain service?

of life.

was marked

Christ, how can Christ hold out a future

tree of life which alone could preserve " Dying, thou a difficulty It had "Lest The writer Adam," immortal,

him in being, thus respecting

X. Beeause-c-Our death is a positive

not posse .s an inherent speculations, practical examples immortality. prove which too often are occurring There there

and practical

proof that we do

An example is worth a thousand to be false, and in this instance immortality

and asks, If he was created mortal, what effect had the eating the effect of preventing he should quoted bearing him becoming as indicated above, for the way of the tree of life was from eat and live for ever." the words" under life" disThis,

of the fruit upon him?" that time carefully

daily around us.

For the above ten reasons I do not believe in the inherent of the human soul. li ve for ever, since faith, that is by belief in Christ. whereby we may be saved. let are-"


is only one way to secure the great prize,Those who do not believe cannot expect to is none other name given under Heaven If we have not a belief in Christ, an active to secure that better part. Seek then to The words can take from you.

(Gen. iii. 22.) A number of passages and" death," The cussion.

are then terms


but with very little use of the

on the subject

by the Apostle

Paul, in Rom, vii., is the writer He quotes

pressed into service to show that they are not always used literally. however, is admitted, that a literal Rom: vii. 8, "Without the only difficulty being to persuade must sometimes be given. interpretation dead?"

secure that better of Scripture saved."

part which no man

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be

Then' Up with thy hands to Jesus/ o guilty, tempest-tost ; Up with thy hands to Jesns,' Or, ainner, thou art lost."

the law sin was dead," and asks, "How could In his sense of the word the passage is on he states," Sin is for but a few lint'S further

sin be physically simply inexplicable, death." vived,"-did

When the commandment death live again?


came," sal's the Apostle, "sin re"Sin is the transgression of law"

Lecture by the Rev. Thomas
of "Morning Light,"

The meaning of the Apostle is evident, no law is, there is no transgression," words as quoted," iters without the law rather of by Surely this is an evidence

Child, published. a New Church
IlY H. H.



if we examine two or three passages. (1 John iii. ,1) therefore, "Where or sin (Rom. iv, 15) j or, in other of the sense in which unfavourable

in three recent weekly journal.

sin was dead," or powerless, or non-existent. Scripture



use the word" death"

HAVING and attempts


the assumptions of the theory

of the theory, the writer proceeds itself in relation that" this statement is quite in His to Scripture man was made is contained statement in in Now fail to man is Let it be

to our friend? to the fact that there are two definitions


to the consideration

He next directs attention ,; death" is meant primeval to its and" life" physical death is meant purity, and proper

to evade the force of the testimony He says" of Genesis, but there viz., God created is shewn in this"

in Scripture

bnt contends


although power,

of the dust of the ground." the second chapter the first chapter, what difference first brought ground theory

the dissolution de;truction on." lusts

of the body, by spiritual of spiritual

death loss of the


"carnal.mindedne3s, Scriptural the issue.


own image." we certainly given, that" part."

'I'his we will admit, if "so on" Carnal-mindedness, of the


be carried of the it

other statement" so kindly

is minding language

see, and cannot accept the interpretation into

flesh, or gratifying away of his bringeth




being, created, as to his spiritual and there it. might

Apostle James (i. H, 15), Every man own lust and enticed

is tempted

when he is drawn conceived, forth death." Again, "When in ye The

shown that the image of God is not the form into which the dust of the was fashioned, be some excuse for such a who have appeared to but facts are against of passages The angels

and when lust hath bringeth entirely. death. death. contended of the being, death is literal things

forth sin

and sin, when it is finished,

The beginning but the ending is death,,,-the

of sin is tile spiritual of it is the death wages of spiritual dead; "The with

for by the writer,

men in past ages have been in the same form as men, and these beings are in multitudes -man of Scripture (God),



rendered to men

Rom, vi. 20 to 23, taking were the servants fore, spiritually

sin to be spiritual

death, " The wages of sin and, there.

God in our translation. is in the image be held

Reversing of Elohim

the illustration

in order to apply it from Gen. i.

who has appeared

of sin, ye were free from righteousness," of those

(Gen. xviii. 1), as regards bodily form 26, cannot to prove

hence the quotation contrary

is death."

anything that

to the passage, " the man is held as

simple fact in connection

the use of so- called figurative language to some actions to sustain which will in-

Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground." With reference to tlie statement made of the dust of the ground," Yes! truly, man we contend for. unnatural iu his natural " everywhere the truth he admits of it, sa) ing,

is, that the word "cl eath " is applied A sample of the sophistry splendid musical voice. in

evitably result in death, such as " Let. the dead bury their dead." necessary these theories is consets

part is so made."

This, then, is all

tained in the following passage, Suddenly

"Supposing a paralysis

a man or a woman has a of the vocal chord

If the whole of the natural

part of man be that which

is of the dust of the ground, we conceive to speak of any other part. threatened it. That The penalty harmony with

the point is admitted that it is taken into account, and of ,\ dam

and the man or woman may be able to speak or sing, when the first the they used to enthral Again, before would not listen voice is destroyed heard Their minds

effects of the paralys is are gone by, as before, and not as before assemblies to them because they would say, 'His is not destroyed. their minds being destroyed.

to Adam is next whereas the warning shalt of Israel die,"


objection taken to the fact that thou eatest in considering Babylon


the carrying out of it appears-out the fact was that

but the voice it-elf going mad, and what they were

was in the day that also appear seed should

we have

of people remain


dying, thou afterward,

lived some 800 years

The same difficulty.must was that deliverance Abraham's


before, but their clear-thiukiug destroyed, concerning to what the purpose

powers are destroyed." man, whose thinking such an argument powers are not foregoing, force ill is as the its

the deliverances

from Egypt, and J udah from not. effected until

We would ask any unprejudiced word destruction

for whereas the prediction ;years, their

be affllcted !o\l.r hundred

r Does




slightest? those

as used least! by

Luke iii. 23, with Matt. i. 16.) Mary, and not Joseph,

was then

Does it rob





whatever the destroyed,

who accept its literal successful.

meaning? Would No!

Not in

It. is that by our

only by trying to divert attention be to any degree ~he voice itself friend, was destroyed?

from the thing an audience but simply, musical"

that it can

say and mean as explained

of Heli, for Luke solely brings forth the genealogy of the Virgin, and thus shows Christ's descent from David, through Mary. That she herself is not mentioned, but her husband, rests solely on the manners married tablets of the heiresses

Jews=-us of other
(as l\lary was,


nations-that fathers,



that its qualities for as regards that

as a "splendid music there music;

voice are destroyed. its absolute with to destroyed; fair to connected

see Luke very

ii. 5), are cai rled in, in the so that they be remarked It should

And in this respect meaning, tbat voice there and it is music hear. describe tbe mind

the word destroy

is capable of bearing is none left in it; that has been utterly of the mind; powers," mean

of generations, snpposed

as the sons of their wives' to be their sons. and Joakim

were indeed

is no splendid

here that Heli, Heliakirn, Now take Luke 31, and compare Hilkiah Ellakim, (compare Joaehim,

are one and the same person. with Isa. xxii. 20; Luke iii, 29Notice: with Rev. the the (1) Eliakim, Hi. 7), above and the son of you find

an audience

wants, and pays a high premium it is scarcely aud immediately Wha t shall that

Hi. 23, and compare with Zech. xii. 12-14. Isa. Heli, xxii. are Zech. 20-25, one and

And so with the destruction as being but only its thinking does not mean Do you really to them. "the

destroyed, destroy.

say, "I do not we say about the in then do not use

mean the mind, destroy therefore " thinking such a case?

and argue that the word they are destroyed

same, same;

so is Hilkiah.

(2) Luke iii, 29-31, with witnesses Joseph the natural two natural iii. 5). Hilkia, Ruth David 15). father's

xii, 12-14, you will find David, Nathan, there we have three Luke, and John. son of were xv. 4, iii. 31), and was and Solomon Matt. 1 Chron, i. 6), of one xviii, 16; 2 Cor. xiii, 1; Heb, x, Zeehariah, (Luke Nathan iii. 31; xii. 14-24; i. 6), and Nathan (Luke was the natural


Levi, Simeon (or Shimei ), are one and (Deut. xvii. 6, xix. 15; Matt. 1 John v, 7-10;) Solomon Mary came came from (Matt. from 28; John viii. 17;

If the thinking in relation states that

powers are not destroyed, eternity

the word destroy Then the writer its duration; which quality man does


of life does not consist in translation import, of a Greek word but rather the by the the word


is merely the English the man attains.

Jacob (Matt. i. 16). daughter brothers,

not signify duration

in its radical of God."

of Heli (Luke iii. 23). sons of David Bathsheba, last (2 Sam, (Luke

of life to which

It is the recovery Seeing that

of the perfect image and likeness is also used with reference is certainly No!

and the same mother, Mary was the Eliakim,


to the destruction incongruous. superstructure

of the wicked, of the Bible

of Nathans an heiress

line, the only. child of Heli (or ii. 5, iii. 23). and peculiar the Messiah And so was expression 'rhus from in we find M~ry

the above definition

somewhat the whole the

Joakim), "Their. from The

But is man Immortal? goes on this foundation. words of their meaning

(Ruth i. and iii.), hence, derived Thus Ruth

the singular (Ruth seed iv.), and

To assert throughout in the

his present sacred image

immortality volume.

is to rob We have the Why was of the

Zech, xii. 12-14. (Matt. i. 18-25).

wives apart,"

is now clear!

record, that he was fashioned dust of the ground, not the dread sentence

or form with

of God from the this part

Messiah came out of the root of Jesse (Rom. xii. of David, indirectly side. on His supposed Thus He claims Davids tbrone. on His real mother's o

and that in consequence quoted

of sin he died.

Christ is of the as well as promise,

in connection

side, and directly

subject.? "Dust thou art, and unto dust words were addressed to a living though stituted Adam, that was sentenced to prevent tree of life guarded

shalt thou return." These dying man. Whatever conto the ground, and the

by descent,

to sit upon His father

to a return


evasion of the decree of the Lord.

Generat.ion after generation have come forth like flowers, but have withered and perished like grass of the field, and were it not for the provision tion-or forgiveness Although which has been made, would standing again-of dead indeed have all perished. forbearance But and since by man came death, by the man Christ ones, of God immortality Jesus has come a resurrecfor the sons of men. Jesus Christ

" SO that
Of error;


men, thus at. variance with the truth, Dream, though their eyes be open; reckless some, others well aware they err,

and by the

To whom more guilt and shame are justly due. Each the known track of sage philosophy Deserts, and has a byeway of his own: to shine prevail, So much the restless eagerness And love of singularity

is still a possibility

the wages of sin is death, the gift of God through o

our Lord is eternal life.

Yet this, offensive as it is, provokes






anger less, than when the Book of God authority, warped; so reok'ning made

Is forced to yield to man's Or, from its straightness

T may, perhaps, of prophecy

be not unimportant touching

for me to give some explanation of our Lord. Oftentimes in (as the I have heard the expression, from, the foster-father does Mary come much Else, how is Jesus from?

What blood the sowing of it in the world Has cost; what favour tor himself he wins Who meekly clings to it. The aim of all Is how to sliiue ; e'en they, whose office i.< To preach the Gospel, let the Gospel. sleep, And pass their own inventions ofI instead. The sheep, meanwhile, poor witless ones, return From pasture, fed with wind: and what avail, For their excuse, they do not see their harm? Christ said not to His first conoenticle, , Go forth and preach impostures to the ioorld ' l But gave them Truth to build on; and the sOltnd Was mighty on their lips; nor needed they, Beside the Gospel, other spear or shield, To aid them in their uiarfore for the faith." Paradise, Canto XXIX.

the genealogy Joseph but

conversation, " We know you say) Does she Messiah ?" difficulty, and

with my Jewish countrymen, all about where of Nazareth, the lineage I have rewarded been

comes where of David? with

of Jesus come from have

With others,

prayed and thought

about thi-,

some light, gleaned from the of Joseph. Luke iii.

Vulgate. Matt. i. reveals 23, states dauqhier, cousin, was the that sister, the

to us the line of the generation was the son of Heli. or for Joseph, son-In-law was not so "of Heli,

Joseph brother, "son," of ~father

In fact, it

MaIy was Heli's that Joseph

and Joseph only his son-in-law.

The Jews have no words for follows Heli," but Nevertheless Jacob.,-(compare

called natural




by the Lord to all the disciples present on the occasion, that I am?" Peter was the spokesman, vi. 06. but he spoke When another time mentioned in John "Whom for all; say ye as at


[The following is a Copy of a Poster which is being circulated by some friends of the Truth.)

many of our Lord's no more Then, art Thou hast Thou confession original

disciples, offended with His teaching, Simon Peter answered life; Him,

went back, and walked







with Him, Jesus said unto the twelve, "Will the words of eternal the Christ,

ye also go away?

Lord, to whom shall we go? God." Whatever this

Of anyone who believes in the

and we believe, and are sure, that by all the apostles-it is the

the Son of the living


He is


means, then, it was homologated Apostles' Creed. H. Notice the sense in which when they made this confession. avowed their great practical the narrative belief that moment,


the terms were used by the apostles What did they mean This to.. when they is of to question


To produce

Jesus was the Christ? though often not attended

By referring

of John i. 41-49,

the reader will find the best illustration





of what the disciples of Jesus meant when they called Him the Christ, the Son of the living God. Andrew, Simon Peter's pressed brother, that having he "first followed Jesus to the house that day, was so imhis own brother The following his friend no did findeth where He dwelt, and remained with the interview, the Christ; with Him during



Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, and Philip and he brought him to Jesus." that day Jesus bids Philip, a fellow-citizen of Andrew and Peter, follow Him; is so impras sed with Jesus, he at once communicates than "Him, on finding Nathauiel, the fact that he had discovered



less a personage write." From common particular Nathaniel,

of whom Moses and the prophets we see very plainly that Philip person, Jesus and appear Nathaniel

this form of expression, understanding person, between

there was a about some of The expectaperson whom

iu whom they were deeply interested. had of that that was indeed that


ti~ns they mutually

in the exclamation

when convinced

Philip had represented

Him to be, "Rabbi,

thou art the Son of God; of a King of the term by or (in Greek) into office by Lord's


thou art the King of Israel!" All.these men were cherishing the hope of the appearing did write;" and the Messiah," Israel, "of whom Moses and the prophets which He was commonly spoken of was"



" The Christ," Israel Israel's from the


is "the

Anointed," that

a term applied to the- kings of


they were installed historicul

having oil poured on the head. various lengths is older and Not that at a later Creed. men anointed."

Thus, Saul and David, the first two of books as "the

is not our intention, dogmas;

at present, to examine the merit's of the many but to call attention namely, original this constructed to one that by other

kings, are spoken of in their

creeds and confessions in so-called Christendom-of and differing shorter formula, than any of them, The Apostles' confession confession

It seems very manifest, then, that the disciples of J'esus believed Him to be this promised King of Israel, of whom Moses and the prophets written ; and that was what Christ. Many other examples of this use of the term might the be quoted from so from the the New 'I'estament circumstance people that that publicly appeared, ; but it is unnecessary, more they meant when they said had He was the


so termed,

period, but the real, genuine, themselves: narrated that John The circumstances

made by the apostles was made are thus

Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." in which When Jesus came into the coasts of saying, Whom do men say thou art And Jeremias, or one of the I am?

by the apostle Matthew:

the fact is well authenticated there was a common

that, at the time Jesus among the Jewish had foretold would

Cresarea Ph ilippi , He asked I the Son of man am?

His disciples, and others, art


And they said, Some say that

the son of David, whom the prophets states that"

the Baptist : some Elias; He saith answered unto

reign on Mount Zion, was about to appear. lecturer in the Church of England, to expect the first honours

Professor White, an eminent these glorious expectamight lead them kingdom;

prophets. Simon Peter living God.

them, But whom say ye that

and said, Thou

the Christ, the Son of the thee, Lut

tions were not confined to those whose superior stations and emoluments

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, which is in heaven." important (Matt. xvi, 13-17.) circumstances attention connected with this conis requested. Notice thenput

of the Messiah's opinion,

Simon Bar-jona : for flesh and blood hath not revealed itunto My Father There are several

but that even the disciples of the Lord, who had been chosen from the meauest of the people, long retained the same their ideas of the Messiahship disciples responded the same and indulged His hopes with the rest of their country." to their Lord's inquiry-" Such, we think, were

Iession to which the reader's of his fellow disciples.

of Jesus, when, at Cmsarea Philippi,

I. That this is not the confession of Peter's The confession

faith only, but also that

'Ne believe that Thou art

is the answer to a question

the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Ill. Tile next matter to whioh we call particular Jesus answered, There attention, " Blessed

is the faot art thou, that Jesus and the it

The Scriptures, as-life, We take

of the future ordinary of the unsaved, which use such words import. proper name so long on every to ask for our will and best the life, of of minds of faith shot its is the

speaking in their

that Jesus approved the confession. Simon Bar-jona My Father which is in heaven." believed Is not

death, perish, tbese


and a few others signification, denounced

of similar

: for flesh and blood hath not revealed

it unto thee, but

can be no doubt


For this we are everywhere

as heretics-our truth; and

knew the sense whioh Peter attached sense in which His disoiples He confirmed strongest seems religious the form of approval. understanding forgotten? in

to the words he had spoken-the Him to be the King of Israel; their minds by expressing fact, though that that a remarkable Can you conoeive

is cast out as evil continually-some hard names break no boues, neither as the Scriptures other connected statemeuts obedience Lunacy." doctrine remain with man Word

have dared to call us intidels ; but do they destroy being-we doctrines, that this on condition called-has its very on this subject-as venture

the fount of truth as a religious of God,

to be commonly teacher amongst

He would Would any saying of their of this

careful and prayerful by the quickly discover


of these we think is offered

and testing

have done so had their notions

on the subject been wrong?

us, who is at all worthy of his place, commend Yet many are oontinually of the nature by the Lord and carnal notions strong approval regarding

that immortality Jesus

what he knows to be a gross mistake? that the apostles Master's confession correcting words,-the said, which of His them, which drinking (JIatt. language "Flesh Kingship, had mistaken during

to the Lord When forth


aud that

is no " Exegetical utmost against

orthodoxy-falsely its best Immortality," but

the whole period of His sojourn and of the faot that nowhere

with them.

arrow, brought

man, done

How are we to account of the apostles,

for this

of "Conditional

the great truth

will still remain

do we find Him and place their yet He

their beliefs and expectations if they were mistaken? thoughts and of which blood

the nature

that" The wages of sin is death; through Jesus Christ our Lord." Mr. Cook of course is an exegete, biblical exegesis we print his theory of man's Father's the continued

the gift of God is eternal of his method

of His reign,

He knew what was behind were the symbols;

and as a specimen which existence

the words

Scripture conscious

he quoted ill support iu death :-"

hath not revealed

His kingdom; confirms twelve

it unto thee, but My Father and expectations of correcting by the on of and, these instead

In My

is in heaven." disciples He they the He used; should on several

He knew, we say, the thoughts occasions judge the

house are many mansions;

if it were not so, I would have told shalt thon be with Me are conjoined from as



you, I go to prepare a plucs for you. 'I'o-day in Pa!'adise."-John xiv. 2; Luke xxiii, 411. Ourreaders two separate will observe to his that here

as, for instance,

when Ho promised tribes

them thrones and spoke

two passages

of Israel,

books iu such a manu er that they appear theory, that

as one quotation, entire iu both instances in any I go to ye house are

fruit of the vine new with to be carnal-fleshly, it unto thee, but

them in His Father's these and "flesh

kingdom hopes and blood hath The Thou by the that those the who

and give support

We give below the passages


xix. 28-30).

So far was Jesus from esteeming He declared My Father found God," utterance had

they occur in the Gospels, and it will be noted

they refer to the Advent

expectations not revealed beliefs and origin, tbe Father sense were moved art the Christ,

of the Saviour,

do not countenance In My Father's have told you.

who is in heaven." in the words, been enkindled

way the pagan theory many mansions; prepare may be

of Soul Immortality-" I would

expectations offspring by the the


if it were not you unto xiv.

the Son of the living of iguorant Holy Spirit. of our was the

so far Irom being of human who spoke as they terms of the conthat

a place for you. also."-John ?ne whell

And if I go and prepare Myself ; that "And Thy To-day 2, 3. thee,

a place for you, I will where I am, there Jesus, be with unto thou that Lord, Me in


come again, and receive remember

Himself; in which

by the words of the holy prophets, disciples Lord true used sense; the

he said kingdom. shalt

And so we are confident, and

Thou. comest into

And Jesus sai

fession we are considering, affirm the contrary,

unto him, Verily P,uadise."-Luke principle quoted

I say unto xxiii. 43. knows of his

are in serious


With all due deference of exegesis in support

to the Lecturer, theory, because

we think of their

his traditional which he form of mon that

[To be concltlded.]

not how to explain

the passages peculiar

[This article appeared

Local Edition for April, but by

thought; peculiar wait for the return

to him, but not to those of their Lord."

who are "like

in the Bradford

our 1vish is now inserted. in the General. Edition DURING the month of February a Lecture

for 1I1ay.-ED. B.S.] was delivered in St. Iru-

"WHAT 's
AGAIli the elements Granada, that Huelva,



witness parts to the near advent of of of the South headed

By "'VATCHlIAN." have been bearing have Cordova, and of our Lord. Seville, Spain, So disastrous a national beeu the floods in the provinces other has Leen opened, is immense.

George's Hall, Bradford, mortality, teachers for the

by the Rev. Joseph

Cook, of Boston, of Oonditional the doctrine cannot which,


in the course of which, in referring After all the hard things which of Modern for. consecrated effect. Christendom. The lecturer tradition The sidered uncalled tradition mentioned

to the Doctrine lunacy." are said against a word


he said that it was an " exegetical


by the

by the be con-

King, Queen, and Iufanta. the loss exceeds 200,000; of want. The waters being has been flooded. felt for the Vesuvius abundant opened

The calamity

In Seville alone into a state by level, the town

two here

whilst 30,000 people are thrown forty feet above their usual also great which greater damage protect activity,

is one of those

men who are battling like the

of soul doctrine


In Hungary of the of lava.

has been caused Szegedin. and pouring fissures 8,000 is, however,

of the elders in the days of Jesus, has made the commandment of soul immortality passages is nowhere in the Scriptures; it is a phantom-we frequency venture Word have lost all faith iu are strewn over the

the overflow of the rivers Danube security is reported streams round earthquake

and Theiss, and grave fears have been Mount forth have the

of God of none

dams A great The

tp be displaying

it, we pay no regard 1I!ortltl aud perishing. Our principle principle. interpret

to its claims-for


of smoke

pages ~f the Bible with melancholy of exegesis


which declare that man is to assert-a what souud.ssnse He says. We

the crater. and 10,000


of the month injured.


in the Turkish


of Scio, where 45 large



have perished, been destroyed, thousands.

have been

villages. have out of many

We take the Bible as

God in His

to mean

in fact only about

20 houses are standing

would Plato or any other Book.

In all, 250 shocks have been felt, 40 of which were capable

of overthrowing buried, Italy, serious serious contains

a solidly-built continue through was done. times; house. possession the The and, centre coming Numbers of their of the dead lie unmangled remains. shock In has no

she has now annexed seat of the celebrated Eastern this frontier war, General Since the whole of the Akksl-Tekke Empire-and has once again which with Persia. country-once conduct

of int.o the he

sud the dogs dispute

Parthian Scob'tleff his

brings her Southhimself in crossing

the shocks damage

at Casamicciola;

and a violent has proved widely-different warning,

into a line

By his successful brought and

been experienced of modern

of California, in connection, iu

U.S., though

Scio earthquake

the most places, great

prominence. Balkans-in was destined


pal t at Plevna, war-onr such conviction a theatre

as it has, with "And

the Russo- Turkish With

has grown tbat

kindred-though earthquakes (Dan. xii, 4.) "It is reported of a Railway rapid transport carried and out. also

miuor-c-manifestations, shall be in divers places." An illustration between Another

to figure prominently

in the events leading up to the final as the East; supported gifted with a by his troops;

an instructive

homily on the Saviour's

crisis of the latter-days. by such a military an uncommon whilst seeming 13? Jerusalem Prince Greeks, of Austria out Moslems, came pouring

(Luke xxi. 11.) shall be increased." the con-truction to facilitate the the scheme and will be comes to us from China. in or.ler that

power as Bussia ; idolized a charmed had the a great occasion. him, and

shall run to and fro, and knowledge of this prophecy and Pekin, from Pekin that Prince 'l'ien-Kin of troops.

degree of skill and daring; to bear has modern military

possessing heroes. the

an ample fortune;

life, he may well carve for himself gala-day, visit

Li has advised

name and place amongst being

of the Crown The inhabitants of dress-Jews, bells rang could


And it is expected between nations

We are told" in all varieties from the

line is projected communication of Eastern

between Tien-Kin Pekin

and Shanghai. Suanghai." moving in

to welcome Egyptians, gathering. together."


Europeans. but

The church in Jerusalem

Thus the least B' hand." In Ezek,


is at length

merry peal, and the guns was a remarkable be such a grouping gathering, of David, stay-to knee shall will be visited reign


old tower of David , remarkable


accord with tile spirit of the times. xxxix. 3, these words occur-" that tile Power And I will smite thy bow here chiefly indicated St. Petersbnrg, were the is out of thy left hand, Rnssia, and Emperor, Tereks, equipped, tunics, occupied of offence, ~ a strong add Roumania deeming Eastern the Another kingdom has been added to the Roman earth, that of will exercise and as in Hungary, and though Roumania. It is feared in Austria" attraction Irredenta party that the new kingdom Roumanians the Italian province to and will can se thine arrows to fall out of thy right to us from which "Guard gwup, in silk troops



We praise

God that a more

a far grander And that, bow and


lies before the old city.

'I'hat soon it

We have long held

by the CROWN PRINCI!: OF HEAVEN-Son too, not for a mere passing Zion gloriously. tongue confess. "Surely in Mount When

of God and Son name every Amen.

an item of news comes the These and military

visit, but a permanent at His I come quickly.

adds a link to the chain of identificatiou. amongst Lesghians, &c., and detachments of Circassians. were composed Ossetins.c=and

At the funeral present of various formed

of the late


Even so, come, Lord Jesus."-Kosmo$,

April 14th, 188l.

a picturesque These

some in old mail armour, all mounted post Military an important during

with bows and arrows, others horses." the lifetime retains of the late


[Under this heading we devote a portion of our space statedly to the use of Jlfembers of tM A88ociation.,-to whom it will be oonfined,-for the purpose of mutual help. Our OWl! part will simply be that of receiving and selecting correspondence, and placing it ill the most suitable form before our renders. Three things we require from all contributors :-1. Hrevity ; 2. Simplicity i 3. Cbarity.-Eo. or B. S.)

on fiery little Power that


We know of no other

the bow as a weapon

Hull, Mm'ch 28, 1881. "What Scripture bility? is the meaning for such a thing? Don't you think that of 'Conditional Should they Immortality?' be conditional Is there any incorruptihas it not to whom

upon the three million

a Roumanian


is a revival of the old Boman it possible that Hungary satisfaction" congratulates Principalities." straw shows it will eventually it has produced Prince Charles

of Dacia,

our God and Father

yet but incomplete.

We shall watch iti development absorb -as This at Berlin, as far as the river Theiss.

with some interest, above indicatedis foreshadowed where "the by entire under

opened a door (not ajar) are halting and mortality and Athanasia to say 'when "Mr. Prayer keep.' same

on the threshold? then it was mere

Are corruption If Aptharsia for Paul tautology

the same thing? this corruptible,' gives three appears in the The

Does Paul treat them so? &c. "-J. C. A kester, translations Of the

are the same thing,


Press heartily other Danubian ~ Spain The and Portuguese citizenship. by tbe English Our national drive us witb the inducements

as King of Roumania,

which title it is hoped that for tbe future he will be the real leader of the following Portugal,-" With the the direction we might of being Spanish, position, a political of the enjoy either we prefer and historical federation stream. union the rights absorption. traditions witb Spain, The of up

Pattiuson Book version 'mark'

Glasgow, Apl'illl, 181'11. of Psalm xxxvii. 37, 38, three which he gives, the The word 'shemar,' 'to a the

asking which is nearest a probable between translated

the original. Authorised

to be the nearest. Version, here obul've, but has rendered

Seculo writes as follows, touching As Spaniards, alternative by the towards geographlcal

primai ily means which be has

It may be rendered sense. "Yacheda,'

only in the sense of keeping 'phulasse,' might 'together,' rendered


commandment. , wholly;' predicted. -'


or absorbed character, fatal impetns

the original

denotes both union and extent in the destruction unity heed of tbis destruction, but not for we think, take fairly represents to tbat which the Hebrew: is right: shall be fact,

Our version gi ves us the The following, blameless, and

to which are to he found of civilizution in the of many

in our common origin, and We quote this in that Portugal antagonism and that is the of the more in students, the basis; military This continued with

the extent of it. Keep tbyself destroyed: properly

the advancement confirmation would be reunited

lS" It is evident

P .. ninsula."

of the opinion


that shall bring to a man entirely passage, -Robert "In rendered,

peace at the last. is one more

But transgressors proof

with Spain as one kingdom, that political students powers continues Seeing forecasts as to the Emperor to Germany is beiug

at the time of the end.

the wicked shall be cut off at tbe last.' conclusive teach the doctrine of the extinction Cheltenham,

I tLink tbis of the

touching close

the new Russian opinion between Central invader these

are without confirmed. By her herself

that the Scriptures

of evil persons." April ll, 188l. is tbe the correct 'Emphatic always, and

of prophetic two

sympathy advances

F. Gardiner, reply to Mr. W. Johnson's of 2 Cor. v. 6-8, renders it thus :-' permit question, me to as to what say that being confident

gratiCying that

it seemed

so unlikely, that, despite

Asia, Russia of Syria.

to identify

t.he latter-day to the contrary,

rendering Diaglott'

all assurances



knowing that being at home away from the Lord. in the BODY (Sumati) we are from home, rather, Lord.' same that it is The by him at his will, amounts scribes mortality' most were couvicted powerful antidote besides is industriously to precisely circulated in the same Grant's my thing

of which the and Imas the so

But we are confident, in capitals

and well pleased denoting

by the Lord.

book on Life neighbourhood,

to be from home ont oJ the BODY, and to be at home with the The word body is printed positively emphatic. The in the Diaqlott, word is not an interpolation.

to annihilationism-which jumbling it up purposely which

he misrepresents with universalism, is which-a favourite

most glaringly, that the unwary device with him to thank version Grant's

Greek word appears again in verse 10 of the same chapter. And in Phil, i. 20, and iii. 21, and in other places. I would recommend our friend to get the' edition of the careful reading, Emphatic of the attention and Diagiott,' to the as it appears interlineary to be an excellent and translation, a knowGreek New Testament. With a little study

are at a loss to perceive controversialists.c-T

all orthodox

saw with delight a recent and at once wrote to to the Septuaqint because one of state is based error about the of tbe it with

notice of this book in your pages, by Mr. Phillips, of Isa. Ivii. 2 (bis burial shall words,

Lim for it, and to draw his attention paragraphs

be in peace),

ledge of the Greek is soon obtained."-E. We have also received a full letter

A. Gibso'll. from Mr. T. May, London, a condensation for next

most exulting

about the intermediate called' Perilous

on the authorised The Rev. Charles Soul,' I replied author,

version of those Graham's to, clause

He shall' enter into peace.'

which we are unable issue.

to find space, but

will insert


by clause, some time ago, and sent it to the I see by a recent number he dogmatises the believer's on Perfection,' over that, just

but without death,

reply or effect-as article comes



Christian, before perfectly Scripture!

in a leading a change

soul, rendering of a Holy God:

[As we receive in our General Correspondence much information that (though not Intended for publication) would be useful to, end appreciated by, many of our readers we purpose making a judicious selection monthly, under this beading.-Editor] ,

holy and fit for heaven I "-W.A.

and tLe presence all theories

the same dip of the pen denouncinp

not directly

asserted in

Auckland, "I have not as yet received arrived here a few days ago. st.iJl prospering: the deal' Lord more help. the Truth, but

New Zealand,

Jan. 31, 1881. llIa1'garet Galbraitli the cause here is May every Sunday. waiting

the books; baptisms round

Earth the Eternal from W. some Renovated This Saints" Street, (Four Shillings, post-free, contains Dundee.) work

I am glad to say that nearly One thing

~ Abode Norrie, startling "Heaven of the

we are having

give us His blessing. of places I cannot possibly

we need, and that is, to hear Pray with us, that Member.

not our Home, but the Redeemed

There are lots


get to them all.

22, Rosebank propositions, Theology;

the Lord of the harvest

may send more labourers George A. Brown, --,

into the vineyard." Correepondinq

which, if adopted, the imposition

would necessitate This With the

the recasting of duties however, position

of our Advent -unlearning-ns

of that most painful is true, writer's

The truths supposed therefore ending, advocated in your to be refnted it is certain because in arguments

Surrey, are like tbe

llIarch 29, 1881. attacked, That and all following :-'


to re-learning.



only of some parts of the work, not of all. touching: This earth renovated descending The New Jerusalem and learning)

by fire as the abode of the redeemed,from God out of heaven, (the as their centre race old cradle of the human

know that the death of the body does not involve loss of consciousness, that the second death does not involve it either.limit Divine wrath, which must b~ infinite and unwe undermine the Divinity of the Lord That we practically Jesus bythinking, force of the responsibility

or Lome,-Syria,-Arabia,-Egypt as the ruling centre

and site of the New Jerusalem,-and and Priesthood will find to our amongst beyond -The our readers this. perpetuity race


Christ and His glorified Saints as the Court, Aristocracy, of the New Earth,themselves meaning, follow the author many Bible students But whither his pen leads ill close sympathy. few, we think,

that He was unconscious sacrifice of Jesus.-That

in death for three days.we mix up works with we soon lose the sense of we are wise in our own

'I'hat we deny the fall of man atoning in walk faith as the grounds

as seen by God, also the need and the

will be prepared To indicate

of justification.-That and testimony.-That readers that

we may add the work teaches:

of the human and propagating members transas to Gehenna-a writers in tone, just To those we federal) in

race, after the flesh, upon the earth, by the glorified saints, marrying their kind; thereof, gression; the probability with the and of death

as a subject

to be ruled over

conceits, and really un converted our ideas instead with Universalists, destitute in speculating

of the Bible, who reduce it to we are hand in hand future, mercy, in That we are the in the distant

and giving in marriage, of individual Second (not death

of bowing to its teaching.-That will be dealt words (1 teacheth

of sin upon of tbe

the part of individual

as the result maintenance Whilst ready author with

the shape of extinction, which man's passengers wisdom willing

out to the ungodly.and teaching,


of the Holy Spirit's

and full of the words we mistake in Prov. ix. 15, aside by the voice

place of destr1lction. with , good," opponents, and

tbus differing portions

from orthodox reverent Holy "hold of

ii. 13). -That way' turned

the future of the race, the desirous

is exceedingly

sham for the true wisdom, and are like those mentioned to go on the right I am ashamed of the foolish woman. to stain


to prove all things" and to whom the addition of this

that they may book to their

fast tbat which is for their own received a a

the paper I am writing both by word and pen, for the preservation of for of compact reminds phalanxes us of the to be- the done in

the sum of four shillings

is no consideration, library,

on with all this, but it is repeated with (in many cases) the sincerest Divine Truth. of Christians, fear of what had Lastly, not is branded spirit,'

ad nauseam intentions resolution


the determined or enquire as 'defilement,' which

private perusal and study. ~ Pauline Theology," gener ous donation Second Edition printer's hands. the end of May. at once? post-free.

by H. L. Hastings. truth,


to read

into anything solemnly evidence

on the subject

from a friend of the

to enable us to print

of this valuable Paper covers,

work, we are glad to state 18., post-free. binding,

it is in the

scribes who concluded an unclean part but unpardonable is, on the ignorance; Immortality

on insufficient

(lIIark iii. 30,) that Jesus pronounced of orthodoxy, doctrine We rejoice to know that it

The issue, of 2,000 copies, will be rendy for sale about If any of our readers will they kindly order iu cloth gilt, at 28., a new preface br ~he

He distinctly advocates that the

sin against of many the bold

the Holy Ghost. zealous assertion

wish to possess a copy in more durable as, if required,

a few copies will be bound

of Conditional

We may add that the work will contain

, is of Satun,

and that its supporters

are being led captive

Rev. W. Leask, D.D.

If.@ We wish Association single simple to call the special or prospective) of Five Pounds attention of the


of the A

~7~ The following
friends Protestant among daily praying of 'Tbe French for the Life' been enquiry in the comes British to us from Paris :-" and Can support have the


to the Resolution constitutes

of ihe last Consuch, We would of this as

Isles establish to receive embraced

ference to form a new grade of Membership-that subscription and helpful earnestly, yet respectfully,

of Vfe Members.

Mission and a Publication


in France?

At no time 1hese views. them, and With no means



more ready return negative.

I have who are and sad heart for such a will be that yet tongue,

urge such as can to avail themselves of a single subscription, needed.

my own people many speedy

who have



of the

Heir of the Kingdom,

now, in the infant of its resources,

days of the Association, funds are urgently

during the slow development To the present, only two

who are seeking for honour,

we shall have to reply in the

glory, and immortality." We have and

of our friends have qualified


as Life Members. The next meeting is arranged for

work at present. ready: meantime, of the' the truths

When the Lord sends the ability our response we wait hopefully prayerfully, believing LIFE AND ADVENT' shall speak in the French and the French

"Executive in the latter shonld

Committee." part of May.



for the considera-

tion thereof,

reach the Secretary record another painful

on or about May 15tL. case of modern of Manchester. itself upon to contrary curates taught the persecution The for wit.h more of and His The him a" commoment, that his In an case, and in

through the lips of Frenchmen of la belle France. ~' Several communications when of space. We thought, of four the

Press, to the 38 millions stand over from want type, to be This but are satisfied necessity. the whole of the to

S"" We with

sorrow Church articles

for our columns recently adopting

conscience the ness, discreditable and


and a peculiarly in the contain the Church"

one it is, in connection

a smaller

Established its

Diocese prides nothing

able to meet the wishes of our esteemed that an addition addition present would serve purpose income,

correspondents, is a real


its comprehensiveteachings embraced has

pages to our space for reading

of a cover, leaving matter. it is not possible,

" Conditional (speaking Bishop



of its

twelve pages available small

With so many claims however desirable, might forbearance be prompted we shall have

out of the abundance him

of his heart)

this doctrine,

upon our present make this change. of our contributors. to send pleasure

vicar, failing to persuade condemned worthy to fill any curaey bined with the exclusion which it produced, He himself,

or refute, reported in his diocese. from society

him to bis diocesan. to recommend harsh treatment, at a critical This

And we must therefore Possibly, contributions for such

crave the patient a purpose;

unheard, and declined

and friends,

some of our readers any such.

us special in receiving The remainder

and acknowledging

so affected his wife that reason fled, and life followed.

of " The Coming King" 1881.

is in type, but unavoid-

borne down with his double sorrow, has so suffered giving the particulars Christian Dr. Frazer "What dislikes that the of this painful brother the has recently

ably held over.-Editol. Malvern, Ap1"il18th,

friends have feared for his life, but he is now slowly recovering. early issue we purpose meantime prayers the stating thusiasm, parcelled City, of our Christian London, that "Society we ask for our afflicted readers. indeed rather the favoured on the words,

sympathetic preached

Church.-The 1st. Chapel The sermons Addresses ,T. were


Lane Baptist

Anniversary was preceded E. was by the by were delivered given l\f.A.,

mean ye by this earnestness, of this fashion

service 1 by enwere by of and man things world held on Feb. 27th and March Rev. Wm. Wood, of Nottingham. a tea, E. of which B.A. 300 partook. (Nottingham), Medley,

is bored

and would out among in his'

good things the Fox.''' James

few after


The public meeting "-illiamson, and others. the Church.

Mr. Trevelyan his text-what its results out of personal

Life of Charles

We would respectconsideration conscientious with the

by the Revs. Metcalf, the past was given thereof,) there was a

fully urge upon the Bishop of Manchester above recorded; where of illustration the in casting such preacher's

the personal an earnest sympathy

mean ye by this service ?-in are sadly

the light of his action needed, as a too of its truth. from Jamestown, to it. weight

C. H. Butcher, year 31 persons receipts in the Chapel, good gathering,

the pastor

(G. P. Mackay), into On March auspices


have been received to 35. the (under

The Anniversary

a church,



30th a public lecture and Religious;"

of the Y.M.C. Asspciation Secular

charged upon"
S'" We

Society," received there,

and a confirmation a cheering letter


by Cyrus E. Brooks, South Tbe quarters,

on " Shams:

and the lecture,

which extended followed. Baptist

over an hour and three


was earnestly

and attentively Gardens

Australia, but too late to make truth is spreading space for discussion Jamestown itself, in the

more than Organ,

brief reference Truth.

GAINSBOROUGu.-Spring the Editor


Chapel.-On and

March Religious,"

29th, to a

and has gaiued Baptist


to secure Touching of Liver-



on ." Shams: and interested

Secular audience.

and Proqress ; this formerly

small but deeply-attentive LlvERPoor,.-

has been ably conducted pool) writes, that

on our side by Mr. Geo. H. Glover. (Mrs. Turner, of a few of the notice of motion who lire about members

our correspondent on behalf

Club=Moor Halt M'ission; Townsend to the migratory Its pulpit character

Lane.-The "Eternal

Church Life' whose


of tbe Baptist (chapel) may into but ~ the

here is but small, owing through Miller Christ (Secretary and alone. earnest

of the inhabitants, by M,. W. H. of all praise. are held class. at 3, Sunday 'I'he in the such a persons studying

Church who hold this truth, next Church Meeting be used occasions." friends of the truth. ~ engaged. ditional gratis At Bundaberg, We cull Immortality. for perusal Wright, the from in 'Conditional by the friends Immortality Some little

has been given that, at. the to form themselves notice,

but is catholic in spirit and basis, and clearly preaches is statedly Branch as pastor we state that occupied are worthy of the Liverpool services of visitors

it will be proposed" Association,' stir has been

That the church either caused

of the Association), the Services at 8, Bible a hundred scholars. of the Word, "Ha.des," and

for weekly or for special by this and sprea.l


For the information follows :-Sundays: school. Sunday evening; has been Thursdays:

mean (D. V.) to meet

and organise

for the witness

at 10-45 and

6-30, public worship; meeting; averaging a hundred meat "Sheol,"

at 7-30, prayer

Services are well attended, and the school contains dealing with the strong "Psuche,"

Queenslaud, from

too, the

our friends Bunduberq Immortality


aetivel , Coo-

The Bible class and" Gehenna.'

following Literature the Walla-street,

Star :-"

on the above subject Conditional Bundaberg."

may be obtained Association's

words as "Nepbesh," On alternate Penny Bank. Fridays

a Band of Hope is held;

on each Saturday to all visitors.

'l~ent,' Joseph

A cordial welcome will be extended

BIRTLEY (DuRHAM).-A Hall on April were present, meeting only fuller report. summer. "Special Assembly and several of a weekly special lecture questions series, services was delivered on "The in the Son!." This

Co-Operative Above 400 the first to give a



~=====--=-=-=--=--=~c=====-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- ==--~.-~.~-===-=-~-=-~~~~';".-=.:...:::..=:.-==-_

2nd, by Mr. W. Johnson,




were asked. we expect here


in our next been closed

have for the Now ready. from the Gravesend Reporter: Discontinuance In announcing of the Sunday evening services lit the of these Services wish it to be known Immortalto the discontinuance with the'

Order through any AGEN'I':'

GnAYEs~;ND.-The notice. Rooms.

We cull the following notice

64 Columns, price Twopence. Bookseller or Newsagent. LONDON

now that the winter months ity Association,' in connection any Church, Quarterly evening and that

are over, the promoters the Services


that they have been held in connection with any other meeting they themselves and Meeting belonging Free Advent


have in no woy been conducted to various ChUTe", religious bodies."

SOUTHWELL, 19, Paternoster 27, Ivy Lane, E.C.

Post-free for Two Penny Stamps, from

Row, and

in the town nor in opposition T01'1"e Street.-The in fellowship, being

'fonQUAY.-L-ije Church was spent;



The Link, Malvern.

was held on March 28th, when a very happy were reported on probation as Ministers.

27 members

From whom it can be obtained, for gratuitous distribution. at 28. per dozen, post-free, either in one parcel, or posted to several addresses.

small gain.

Three young men were received





Edited by Geo. A. Brown.

Annual Subscription CYRUS 3/6 per copy, direct from Auckland. Subscriptions received by Orders and'

! A Sixpenny Montbly Magazine. devoted to the Exposition of Revealed Truth. Edited by Rev. \V. LEASK, D.D. Published by E. STOCK, 62, Paternoster How, London, E.C. All believers in THE LIFE and ADnN'l" should subscribe thereto. Post-free, to any country in the Postal Union, for Six Shillings per annum, from CYRUS E. BROOKS, The Link, Malvern. ----.--









C01":J>y OF

Just Published,







The Renovated

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A friend having placed at our disposal 50 copies of the Jlessenger, we sha.ll. be pleased to send a copy to anyone who may be thinking of subscribing thereto, but who would wish to see it fir t, grotis and postfree upon application. Address-The Treasurer, R. K. STRANG, 43, Gibson Hillhead, GLASGO W. Street,

\Vork demonstrates from Scripture testimony the perpetuity of the Earth, in a restored and renovated Slate, and the continuance of the human race upon it during the countless ages of eternity. It also shows that, according to the Inspired Volume, the Earth, which was the place of Christ's suffering and death, will be the scene of His future triumph, and of His everlasting kingdom; and that there also the saints shall find their eternal rest. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS.
A very readable book of about 800 pages, designed to prove by the Scriptures the dootrtne set forth in the title. Some of the arguments are very ingenious, and much in the book will repay careful reading. If we do not clearly see with the eyes of the author nor accept his conclusions at all times, nor even his general conclusion we neverbhelesa thank bim for a book that will be read with pleasure by many, -Penuel: To renders in qneat of a queer book, altogether out of the ordinary grooves. this volum~ wi~l be, "velco~~, . . . We must in fairness to the author say, that hts reasonmg 18 oftell striking , He has a complete mastery of the Scriptures, and he is always chaste a.nd reverent in his treatment of his difficult and mysterious subject.Dundee Advcrti8er, 'I'tre author exercises some iugenuity ill prcduciug Iris proofs,-Noncolljo1'1ILi~l, He certainly, in a very ingenious manner, makes out a ca8e.-Clt.1';~tian Family. 'I'be calm thoughtfulueaa of the writer, the clearness of .his style, and the appositeness of his quotations from Scripture, are among the attractive features of the work, which we hope will have, ue it deserves, a. heat of readers.-Ra:inbou:. Will amply repay perusal by oll BeriOUB and thought1ul Inin<1s.-Vw"dee Courier a.nd. .d'gU8. "re pass no opinion on the theory, but the book will repay thereading, The author is intelligent and reverent and such cannot go daugerously astruy.-MethodilSt Recorder. TbiR is a curious little book, the reading of which may interest, if it does not instruct or profil.-Edi"burgh. Coumnt. Whatever may be the objection to the theory, the argument is certainly conducted with I everence and ability.-The Christian. Any one wishiug to learn how much may be said in favour of the Ohristtau'a hopedfor h-aven being found on the renovated earth, may do worse than peruse this volumeBaptist.

K .B.-The same friend writes :-" The companion magaz ine to the Bible Standard; for by all holding' Conditional Immortality.'

1lie.llengcr is an excellent and should be subscribed "


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stamps, from The Link, Malvern. E. BROOKS,




Two, post-free,

for [our penny


ADDRESSES on "The Coming of the Lord, and the Gift of Eternal Life."
HERBERT H. HORSMAN will be pleased to give his services anywhere in or near London, for the dissemination 01" these glorious truths, !Address-IO, LORRIMORE-ROAD, S.E.

To be hadjrotn

W. Xorrie,

22, Rosebaltk Street, Dundee.

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The Author of the above WDI'k, after upwards of a quarter of a century's advocacy of Life and Ache?t doctrines up and down the country, is anxious now to open a MISEIO~ Room on the South SIde or any other side of London, where an. opening rr ay oc.cur, for the further advocacy of those grand old doctrJ~le~. All who WIsh to assist or c~operate in tbis movement, or are willing to ~ake part ID an Ope~-All' Campaign during the summer, WIll they kindly pay us a Vldt or communicate with us? ' Work while it 'is day, fur the night cometh lohen no mall can uiork:" The above may be ordered through any Bookseller by supplying name of London Agent-F. SOUTHWELL, 19, PATl;n~os:ER Bow; or may be had post-free for Six Stamps from tbe Office of this paper-THE LINK,

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view of the Scripture Doctrines of Immortality Punishment. By SILAS HENN. Revised and Enlarged. F. SOUTHWELL, in Stamps from 19, Paternoster Row. C. E. BROOKS, The Link,





ELIEVERS in Conditional Immortality, resident in NORTHLONDON, ould much oblige Ly communicating w with T. SAUNDERS, Lorne Road, Finsbury Park, who is 52, well known to the Treasurer, and many other members of the Association.
Printed by CHARLES AKIULL, Silver Street, Lincoln; and published for the "Conditional Immortality Association," by CYHUS E. BHOOKS, THE LINK, MALVERN, to whom all postal commuui. cations, order", and advertisements should be addressed. London Agent: F. SOU'fHWELL, 19, PA'fERNOSTER RO"W. N.H. In ordering through your local bookseller or news-agent, you are requested to give the address only of the London Agent.

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