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(1) Christian counseling is international. It's all about transformation.

It takes a Christian who counsels, and a Christian beliefs -which is not only a beautiful art of relationship, but also true- as a guide line and a fabric for personal development and transformation. While a Christian counselor is the model who includes both Christian substance and practice behind the teaching, also, coach who reflects by his care, prophetic, priesthood, and redemptive intervention the person of Christ, the Christian counseling -which gives the meaning of the experience and the rational for repeating the spiritual experience- is the truth tools box, or the manual of the divine revelation that helps people to understand their very-self and their optimal potential to expand and progress, both directive and non-directive, based on the Christian values and moral values that does not contradict with the characters of God nor the efficacy of the Cross. Most people can be led to the truth more easily than giving them the truth. The truth for another person can not change her/his behavior unless it becomes her/his truth. While the truth is freeing it often create some discomfort. Being on the image of God makes Christian counseling relevant to the human being. Therefor, it is imperative for the person to understand how the Creator has made she or he. This understanding will take two; First, God's revelation, revealing Himself, His ways, and His perception about human being; Second, man being rational to the surroundings and things related to other creatures, and God, also, explore him/her self to enjoy life to best potential. Being created on God's image and not able be godly, opens the doer for the idea of sinful nature as a fact reflected on the vulnerably of human to be dis-eased as a result of spiritual separation from God. If God is holy (righteous), light, life (hope), love, eternal, joy, peace, etc.. that means, being cut off God, based on the Christian theology, that will result in people being defiled, guilty, living dead, mortal, with inner darkness, hate to themselves or/and to the others, have a tunnel vision, inner and outer war, irritable, etc... I.e problems always stem from sin ( natural and personal). If psychological problems are caused not by what happens to person rather by how person respond to whatever happens, Christian theology would be of a great value, since, it deal with the etiology and the purpose of issues. While Christian theology may deal with why (purpose) life, and how life should be lived, psychology may reflect on how life being lived. And as anatomy is a science of medicine, psychology is a science of person. And as the spirit is the life of human, theology is a life of psychology. As the engine to the car, is the theology to psychology, and as the technology to the car is the psychology to theology. Theology gives eternal meaning and a broader understanding for a limited complex personal, or cultural problems. Christian theology deals more with the problem of origin and destiny of life (why) while psychology deals more with human functioning (how).( christian counseling by Newton/augsburger p39)


(2) Buswell eloquently put it this way the person and the work of Christ is the center of the entire system of truth. The Truth is so integrated with all other truth as to sustain it and be revealed in it concepts are acceptable if Christ who sustains them and revealed in them. I would add that the Truth is also, incarnated in the other truth as to give it meaning, and life! CBT has very strong connections with centuries of practice in the ancient world. invented by Zone, Secular origin (the philosophical precursor ) of CBT; Stoicism and other ancient art of living philosophical traditions were regarded as providing the philosophical origins of this approach, e.g., can be traced back to rational psychotherapists, back to the Stoic philosophers(Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979, p. 8). Stoicism has traditionally attempted to accommodate emotion, especially the primary philosophical emotion of rational love toward existence as a whole. Recent research has demonstrated that Christian theology provides patients with better coping strategies, by including Christian concepts in the treatment strategy that improves the outcome of the treatment in terms of better recovery and lower relapse rate which has a great positive economical impact. CBT is all about "Here & Now", "Self-Help" and "Personal Development" While faith provide a healing atmosphere that generates hope and growth in clients. Cognitive therapy is founded on the belief that we can control what we should not think of & what we think,think Cognitions, in part by suspending emotive judgments and rhetoric; and we;can control what we do and do not behaviors. based on a scientific investigation of problems CBT has a great deal with changing peoples life by working on adopting new and different skills as well as adapting to various difficult situation of life. professional skills offer instrumental insights which sharpen counseling skills and secure effectiveness, Understanding how problems interact to produce psychological symptoms is something can help for better analysis. For example, mental illness, emotional disorder, and psychological malfunctions may stem from guilt, anxiety, resentment, uncontrolled behavior, lack of self acceptance, arrogance, self rejection, inferiority, or selfishness. The use of coping statements such as the rehearsal, memorization, and recall of short verbal formulae, precepts, dogmas, sayings, or maxims also, mindfulness of our own faculty of judgment, and internal dialogue is what characterized CBT. THE VOLCANO OF FELT EXPERIENCES We are all aware of the term emotion but it is important to understand where these rise up from. The following diagram shows the Volcano of Felt Experiences

Problems of CBT; Here and Now approach to help clients look for the future not occupied by the past with guilt , or with a negative feeling of an experience, or a sense of failure, and so forth. and not to be worried by the anxiety associated with the potential event of tomorrow. CBT is a call to not to dwell in the past nor to prematurely live the future. (2) an approach that lakes no ultimate goal, which may make life more " live as you go" with out any rational aim, or life would be a scene of inharmonious aims and activities with the intention to get out of those events either as a beneficiary or with the least possible loss in some cases regardless moral. the human life is more than copy and past events of actions and reactions left to some kind of thinking and behavioral practices to get the most out of it. Humans are holistic being has to be treated as a whole, human being is Spirit having a soul living in a body. in order to live life in its possible fullness, there must be a communication between the three characters of the personality by using a met communicative approach they may work in harmony that may expresses it as a whole to achieve its holiness. Also, in CBT there is no black and whit, wright or wrong, an attitude which embraces a compromised attitude which may be helpful in some occasions however it does not help to explore the real person. a failing in such task may undermined the potential of such person.

CBT does not appreciate the presence of God in the treatment process, it view God as a part of the client problem Who induces guilt, raising the bar for moral standards, which intensify the sense of guilt, failure, self pity, inferiority, and so forth. not only seeing God as a part of the problem, but also, God has nothing to do with redeeming our life from the bad choice of the past, which strip out the redemptive act of God for the humanity, a thought which give no hope. Also, God has nothing to offer to protect our present and to turn around bad stuff to good ones. Besides, CBT suggested that God has no plans for the future, or power to guardian people's life CBT may embrace spirituality, such as Mindfulness however void it from a religious context. Christian Cognitive-behavior is founded on an explicit (use christian resources), implicit (internal methodology), and intention to proclaiming the trans-empirical spiritual experience of increasing and maintaining the sense of God's presence. Cognitive therapy is about setting the stage or rekindling a state of mind in which person is attentive to God who heals her/his thinking in a joint of the client-counselor's efforts for the proper behavioral out come. Is Cognitive behavior based on biblical ground ? Paul, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, was the original cognitive-behavioral therapist! 2 Corinthians 10:5: We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Paul also writes in Romans 12:2 to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and again in Ephesians 4 we are reminded to be made new in the attitude of our minds. I could go on; (Gal.4:8), (Phil. 4:8&9), (Col. 3:8&9), (Eph.4:22-24),(Phil.1:27), (1Peter 1:13&14) (2Peter1:5-7) CBT is the art of transformation, changing characters and attitudes. It is the know how challenging the habits and the norms for a better self. Where Cognitive distortions were deemed the basis of underlying pathology of a mental, emotional, or psychological dysfunction, a cognitive behavior therapy would be needed. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is certainly one of the therapies people are talking about and governments are investing money in promoting. With good reason, as it is evidence-based and can work a lot more rapidly than many alternatives. Cognitive-behavior therapy includes the reorganization of an individuals own statements and beliefs to develop congruence with his or her behavior. A relationship exists between cognition, emotions, and behaviors that create cause and effect in how the individual experiences events and situations; Because, individuals have the potential for rational and irrational thinking, this thinking result in the behavior that might be a problematic. CBT supports that people arent condemned or judged, theyre not labeled good or bad. however it is a technique to deal with the savage animal in us Gaining insights and healing through changing thoughts and behavior.

Fag it till make it, Event-feel-think-react/do cycle; Faulty thinking that begins at the childhood, as they repeat, these thoughts, and dysfunctional attitudes are kept alive and begin to affect how individuals behave. Event triggers a belief , which may lead to behavioral consequence. Thus, therapy begins to disrupt the pattern of that cycle by introducing a disputing intervention, which has an effect for a new feeling. BCT is about a positive human future. It is easy to make up the behavior by a positive thinking to deal with the crises, but, the problem is the flair ups of those negative thoughts building up a recurrence or relapse of a misbehavior; That is why, it is very important to look under neath into the roots of the issues and gently demolish the strongholds, so that a new healthy strongholds may be constructed by a basic understanding that human person hood is neutral not bad nor good, and there is responsibility in regard of wrong doing. person may be a wrong-doer as a result of ignorance , circumstances, unintentionally, or involuntary, depends on nurture not on nature, and have no clear 1. Giving the client a rationale for treatment procedures. 2. Changing clients self-awareness by challenging should, must, and ought attitudes. Cognitive therapy helps clients to be freed from unrealistic expectations by understanding and revising the unnecessary demands they place on themselves. 3. Teaching meta-cognition so patients can think about their thinking, to understand and control their thought processes, and to replace inflexible and destructive thoughts with adaptive ones. 4. The emphasis on truth rather than happiness. Critical thinking skills encourage clients to confront the truthfulness of their thoughts and beliefs in therapy. 5. To change client's underlying beliefs about the world, to gain a new set of assumptions about themselves, others, and God. As long as effective treatment is designed which is sensitive to religious convictions there is no conflict between Cognitive Therapy and Christian counseling. CBT depends on a technical procedure where is a self acceptance is a major part of the healing process, beside a new healthy belief system (the biblical truth) which works as a standard of the proposed change(s) in order to achieve the ultimate healthy thinking that build the base for the required behavioral change(s). this technique requires an earnest participation and a diligent work between the client and the counselor. Through the transforming work of Christ, God can heal the feelings associated with past trauma, which changes the way we think about the event and alters our behavior. Extending forgiveness often has this effect.

CBT is Collaborative; Both the therapist and client are responsible for change Problem-focused; Problem areas are identified at the outset Tailored approach; Flexible treatment plans are designed to fit each individual needs Practical; provides a detailed explanation of the why and how to feeling better Though our past experiences can sometimes help us understand the present, CBT is more present-centered and forward-looking

CBT has a massive body of evidence demonstrating its effectiveness, and is the most rigorously studied form of psychotherapy. It is showed to be as effective as medication in treating conditions like depression, and better than medication for conditions like anxiety in some cases. Also, may help patients safely withdraw from medications. Furthermore, the relapse rate for those receiving CBT has been shown to be lower than those treated with medication.

The cognitive brain thinks about what person thinks using logic and reasoning to decide if the sensory perceptions of the emotional brain need to be acted on by the behavioral brain. The behavioral brain controls our voluntary and involuntary muscles and internal control systems. Most mental health problems are driven by external stress that increase emotional sensitivity and reactivity. As stress increases we tend to act without thinking to attempt to reduce stress more quickly, however that is when the problems tend to peak up. The emotional brain relies upon intuition and experience to judge sensory information either good or bad. If the emotional brain does not perceive a threat or benefit associated with sensory information it tends to ignore it. As our brains gain more and more knowledge about how the world around us works and what to expect, our level of emotional reactivity tends to go down giving us more time to think about what to do.


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