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Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
Understanding this biblical truth, Word of Life has been in this beautiful country of Honduras since 1998 min-
istering to the great people of Honduras. This ministry began with the clear objective of touching the lives of
Honduran youth with the Truth of Christ. During these 13 years, God allowed us to witness great things through
the preaching of the gospel and the discipleship of so many in Honduras. Thousands have been touched and we
are certain thousands more will continue to be impacted by this wonderful ministry. Throughout this presenta-
tion you are going to get a glimpse of our ministry and of our missionary Staff.
Missionary Staff
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
are white for the harvest. John 4:35b
October 2011
These are the important instruments that God is using to reach the youth of Honduras with the Gospel of
Christ. These missionaries understand that they are important vessels in Gods Hand to reach the country of
Please pray for them,
Missionary Staff
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
are white for the harvest. John 4:35b
October 2011
was born in the state of Puebla, Mexico.
I heard the gospel, but I did not under-
stand the transforming message of Je-
sus Christ on the cross. Later, after un-
derstanding, on July 17, 1987 I accepted
Christ as my personal savior. In 1989 I
attended a Word of Life camp and it was
there that I dedicated my life to serve
the Lord. God allowed me to go to Argen-
tina in 1992 to study the Word of God for
three years.
I met Matilde in Mexico while she was
a missionary with Word of Life, and we
married in 1995. She received Christ on
August 16, 1979 and consecrated her life
on the 17th of the same month. Matilde
studied in Argentina for three years as
well. Together we served in Mexico with
Word of Life for several years. Now God
has brought us to Honduras to continue
with the Great Commission of reaching
the youth of Honduras with the gospel
of Jesus Christ.
I am Daniel Romano, and I was born
in Argentina. At the age of 9 I received
Christ as my personal Savior. When I
was 18 years old, I attended a Word of
Life camp in Argentina where I made the
decision to give my life to the service of
the Lord. There I also met my wife. She
also was born in Argentina. At 19 years
old she recognized she was a sinner and
that her sin separated her from God, and
she received Him as her personal Savior.
In the year 2000, she attended the Word
of Life camp, also in Argentina, for the
rst time. During the campre service,
she consecrated her life to the Lord. We
were married on the 12th of December
in 2004 and fteen days later traveled to
Honduras to become part of the Word of
Life Honduras team, where we are serv-
ing full time. Ana Nohem and little Re-
beca arrived in our lives to join us in this
beautiful ministry.
We are a family that by the grace of
God is working in the missionary eld
responding to a call to devote our lives
to announce that we have been saved,
by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God gave
us, after working for years in the secu-
lar world, the opportunity to study as a
family at the Word of Life Bible Institute
in Argentina, which prepared us to be
workers after the example of Christ. We
are now serving in Honduras in the Word
of Life ministry reaching youth with the
gospel of Jesus Christ.
Romans 12v
Hector and Matty Romero Daniel and Mara Romano Abner and Jenny Flores
Missionary Staff
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
are white for the harvest. John 4:35b
October 2011
At the age of 16, I met Christ as my Savior. I began to attend church and to serve in the
adolescent and youth ministry; God gave me the gift to be able to study medicine but I
knew I needed to prepare myself to serve Him with excellence.
Anita met Christ at 8 years of age; she was attending church and serving in the childrens
and youth ministry.
It was in the year 2005 that God united our lives in love, and from Bolivia He took us to Ar-
gentia to the Word of Life Bible Institute. For 3 years we studied His Word and understood
His love for people and this conrmed our call to serve Him as missionaries.
In the year 2008, God challenged us to see the needs of other countries and put a special
love in our hearts for Honduras and its people.
It is our prayer to carry the light to the lost and be faithful to our Lord who counted us worthy to participate in His work.
I was born in the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras; from the time I was little I attended
church with my parents and brothers and sisters. At the age of 8 years old, I received
Christ as my personal Savior. In the year 2000 I went to a Word of Life camp where I was
challenged and consecrated my life to Christ, committing myself to serve Him. From then
on I began to work with Word of Life ministry. God was putting in me the desire to know
more about Him.
He gave me the opportunity to go study at the Word of Life Bible Institute in Argentina
with my wife Xiomara. She received Christ at the age of 19 years old after hearing for the
rst time about His forgiveness and love. She also consecrated her life to Christ at a Word
of Life camp.
God placed in both of us the desire to prepare ourselves in the knowledge of His Word. We married, and one month later traveled to
Argentina. It was beautiful to be able to set apart these years of our lives to begin to know God more personally. In this time, He con-
rmed the call to serve Him full time as missionaries in this country. We are happy to be able to be used of God for His work.
Samuel and Xiomara Sierra
Percy and Ana Roca
Missionary Staff
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
are white for the harvest. John 4:35b
October 2011
My name is Rubn Daro Matute, I was born in a Christian home, but it wasnt until I was
twelve that I received Jesus as my personal Savior in my Sunday school class. Even though
I was somewhat active in church, I started making bad decisions and hurting others by
living a double lifestyle. Living that type of life remained the same until I attended my
rst Word of Life Camp here in 2003. It was during that week that I was confronted with
Gods Word. I dedicated my life and I began to see Gods hand move in my life in a special
way. The Lord allowed me to serve as a Word of life Bible Club leader in my church. I
was discipled and God began to use me with the teens in my local church. My wife Keila,
received Christ as her Savior when she was only eight years old. In 2005, we got married
and began to serve as collaborators with Word of Life. We then were challenged to take a
step of faith to receive our bible training at the Word of Life Bible Institute in Argentina. We made the decision of leaving everything
behind and allow God to work in us. God provided everything we needed and it was during the years we spent at the Bible Institute
where we began to know God in a more intimate way. After 3 years, God conrmed and pressed upon our hearts the desire to come
back to Honduras and be part of the Word of Life Honduras staff with the objective of reaching the youth of Honduras with the Gospel!
Together with our baby boy Josue, we serve God knowing that He desires to use us in a special way. Our prayer is that during this new
stage of the ministry, that God may use our talents and gifts to serve in all of the areas that are needed. We thank God that He has given
us the opportunity to collaborate in many areas. We are praying for God to continue to use us in His work.
Dario and Keyla Matute
Dennis Ruiz
My name is Roberto Ruiz and I am twenty-eight years old. I was born in a broken home and
only raised by my mother. I have never met my father and I still do not even know his name.
My mother passed away to Gods presence days after accepting Christ as her personal Sav-
ior. Her death was caused by a terminal illness she had. Our maternal grandmother raised
both my younger sister and me. God used a friend of my mother to allow us to attend a
church that would be the instrument used for us to come to Christ. In 1992 I decided to ac-
cept Christ as my Savior, convinced that that was the most important decision I could ever
make and the one that ultimately changed my life and my eternal destination. I grew up
in church, but I didnt allow great things to occur in my life. It wasnt until I was invited to
attend a Word of Life camp, that I began to understand that greater things God wanted to
accomplish in my life. At the campre meeting, I was lead by the Lord to dedicate my life to
Him. I told Him that night; I was willing to be an instrument for His glory. God gave me the
opportunity some time later, to serve as a bible club leader with the teens of my church. I then was challenged by the director of Word
of Life to pray about going to the Word of Life Bible Institute in Argentina. The provision of God was evident and I saw myself travel-
ing to Argentina with the goal of receiving the training necessary to reach Honduras for Christ. I am now serving here in Honduras in
evangelism, involved with the bible club ministry and everything that needs to be done to glorify Gods name. My sole desire is to be
an instrument to reach Honduras for Christ!
Missionary Staff
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
are white for the harvest. John 4:35b
October 2011
I was born and I grew up in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. I attended a church near my house,
there I heard for the rst time I heard the Gospel! I heard about the love of Jesus for the
rst time. It was not easy for me to assimilate all of this about Jesus. At 9 years old, I rec-
ognized my situation as a lost sinner. I prayed asking Jesus to clean me of my sins and be
my personal Savior. From this time, my life changed. Jesus lled all the emptiness that was
in my heart. I learned to forgive and to love.
At 16 years of age, thanks to the preaching of my pastor, I realized that I was not doing
anything for God; in this moment I prayed to God and asked His forgiveness. I made the
decision to give all of my life to Him, and the only thing I desired was to seek to please Him
and serve Him with all my heart.
In 1999, missionary directors from Word of Life arrived at my church and began a Bible club program. I was impressed by the dedica-
tion and the very personal form in which they worked. This really grabbed my attention, and little by little I began to be involved with
In 2000 God touched my heart, placing there a strong desire to serve Him full time. I also understood that to serve Him full time, I
needed to know more and nd some way to obtain training.
With this goal, I enrolled in the Word of Life Bible Institute in Argentina. I nished three years there, and it was a beautiful time of
learning to know the God of the Bible.
I returned from the Bible Institute with a heart for missionary work and was accepted as part of the Word of Life Honduras team.
I thank God for all His sustaining blessings, and for the strength to trust that He will complete His work in me.
My desire is to honor His name and bring glory to His person as long as I live.
Katy Castillo
Verounica Lourenzo
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I grew up in a Christian family and always attended
church. At the age of 11 years I accepted Christ as my personal Savior. My life passed nor-
mally, serving in the church, until at a Word of Life camp I dedicated my life to God. While
I was studying in college, God called me to study His Word. After I graduated college I at-
tended the Word of Life Bible Institute in Argentina, where I studied for three years. At the
end of my time there, I visited Honduras. God touched my heart to serve Him in this coun-
try, and by His grace I have been working full time since the year 2003. I am thankful to God
for giving me the opportunity to serve in His work.
Missionary Staff
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
are white for the harvest. John 4:35b
October 2011
I was born in a Christian home, in the country of Bolivia, and at the age of 12 years I had
to leave my home to be able to work and help my family economically. At 22 years old, I
decided to go to Argentia with the desire to excel and reach my personal and work goals.
I was far from my home, and I thought that I was a mature girl and that everything was
ne if I was religious, inuenced by traditional religion. But I got involved with people
that were negative inuences on me, and I realized the emptiness that existed in my life.
I looked for God through a church, and I realized that my sin separated me from God and
that religion is not what gives me a relationship with Him. In the year 2000 I received
Christ in my heart as my personal Savior. From that moment I began to be involved in the
service of the church and received a discipleship that helped me grow.
In a campre service I decided to go to the Word of Life Bible Institute to prepare myself to serve in the work of God. In the year 2005
God gave me the opportunity, and I was there for 3 beautiful years.
In that place God challenged me to serve Him full time in missionary work and placed in my heart the call to come to this beautiful
country. By His grace and mercy I am here with the desire to reach people with the gospel of Christ. Ephesians 3:20
I am a Honduran and was raised in a Christian home that led me to continually listen to all
the stories of the Bible, but it was until I was seven years old in an evangelistic campaign
when I understood my need for a Savior and received Christ into my heart. Even though
I attended church growing up, my Christian life was one that lacked true commitment to
Christ. It was until I attended my rst Word of Life camp that I understood the need of
dedicating my entire life to what God wanted to do through me. It was after making that
decision of living for Christ that I began to participate in different activities of Word of
Life, collaborating with the team. God gave me the privilege of studying His Word at The
Word of Life Bible Institute in Argentina, after nishing college. It was there where I was
challenged to serve God full time and be an instrument to reach many people with the
gospel. I am grateful to God for all of the things he has allowed me to live and it is my desire as a missionary to honor and glorify His
Dina Condori
Aryani Lanez
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
God has used tremendously our variety of ministries to inuence others and to impact the lives of thousands. We
have seen Gods hands upon our ministry in every goal we have set before us during these 13 years.
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
With a beautiful property that God has given us Word of Life staff is accomplishing greater things for Gods glory.
God has allowed us to have two camp seasons. Through 9 weeks of camp every year more
than 1400 youth are touched throughout this ministry.
With our great staff we can offer a dynamic program and with the preaching and teach-
ing of the Word of God thousands are being transformed by the Hand of God
Presently 35 Churches are running our Bible club program; with them we are able to
train leaders, motivate churches and motivate young people to live a life of commitment
to Christ. Over 1700 people are being touched by this ministry through the Bible club
program. We believe that though this program we will impact the generation to come.
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
Word of Life Honduras is exited to reach others though our musicals, Born again for
a living Hope, Martyrs Torch, Honduras our beloved Country and the Childrens
We believe that this is a great opportunity to share the true message of the love of Christ.
Honduras is a country with tremendous opportunities to preach the gospel. We have
been witnesses to the power of the gospel transforming lives.
The Word of Life Honduras leadership center is an important
instrument in Gods hands to raise a new generation of great men and women of God.
Through this training center our missionary staff is having the tremendous opportunity
of inuencing young people through the teaching of the Word of God and through per-
sonal discipleship.
Training Center
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
Our students are living on campus for 7 months (July-January). We have started with 15 students this year. They are in-
volved in activities that Word of Life has scheduled; they also are involved in visiting Bible clubs and taking part in preach-
ing to thousands during a week of evangelism in different cities of Honduras.
We believe that this leadership center will be key in raising up a new generation of missionaries to reach the youth of Hon-
duras with the Gospel in the future.
We thank God for other kinds of ministries like, Pastors conference, Youth conference,
Womens conference, enriching lives, and sports ministry. Through all these kinds of
ministries we are going to reach the goals we have set before us to preach the gospel.
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
Word of Life Honduras is blessed with a beautiful 27 acre camp property that is been used for Gods glory. In only a
short period of time God provided WOL Honduras with su cient funds to build facilities that will not only impact
this generation for God, but will do so for many more to come. God is using the WOL staff to reach thousands of
campers through this wonderful facility..
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
Is our desire to keep growing in every direction in our ministry; that is why we believe that God has brought a great
staff from different places to set up greater goals every year for our ministry. It has been by Gods Grace that we have
great facilities, but we believe that Hondurans deserve even better things every year. That is why we feel the need
to add more to our camp. We would like you to pray that God may provide the funds to accomplish each and every
project that we have.
remodeling area
1,937 square feet
968 square feet
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
Carpet and lights
$ 2,500.00
$ 1,700.00
This miniature golf project is in its rst stage.
We are hoping to be able to put in carpet and
lights. Later we are praying to be able to put
in greenery around the site.
In every camping season, especially those
designed for the children, we have seen the
necessity to develop games for entertainment.
This rope game is one of the projects for
which we are praying.
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
Floor Plan
remodeling area
Total in Us$
1,937 square feet
968 square feet
ceiling tile
$ 900.00
$ 79,000.00
In the dining area there are places without
a drop ceiling, which is vital to avoid the
entrance of unwanted insects and animals.
Every year we have a greater inux of young
people in our camping season and this bless-
ing has created the need to increase the size
of our dining room by 80%. In addition we
need to build a reception area for the campers.
Impacting lives today
and will continue doing
so in the future!
Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the
elJs, thct they cre white jor the hcrvest. }ohn 4:3Sb
October 2011
$ 3,500.00
$ 1,350.00
Side walk
This year the property has been affected by
the constant rain that we have had this sea-
son. The deciencies of our current facilities
have become evident as roads have been
damaged and buildings ooded. Our proposal
is to build a system of pipes and ditches to
improve what we have now, which has not
been su cient during the rainy season.
This year we nished this house for a
missionary family on the property. We need
to create a stone pathway in order to be able
to access the house.
If you want to take part in one of these projects, or support one of our missionaries ($30 per month)
please let us know by sending an e-mail to

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