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Instructor: Cassandra R. Gray

Classroom: Room 430, Crowley County High School

Telephone/Fax: 719-267-3582/3585


I. Course Description
Physics is an exploratory course, where you can find answers to complex
questions. By learning to ask yourself questions, you can create a visualization
of the problem. This course is designed to prepare students for college physics.
We will use an algebraic mathematical approach to explain natural phenomena.
In addition, this course will include an intense hands-on approach to learning
and problem-solving.

II. Course Objectives and Expectations:

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
a. Demonstrate an understanding of terminology.
b. Display understanding of everyday phenomena in scientific terms and by
using scientific principles.
c. Describe and design complex lab exercises
d. Use mathematics to describe natural phenomena
e. Free thought and free inquiry are highly encouraged in this and all science
environments. Students shall be taught how to think rather than what to

III. Materials:
The student will need
a. Writing utensils – pencils and black or blue ink pen
b. Loose leaf notebook paper or a ringed binder
c. Graph paper is recommended
d. Scientific calculators
e. Students are highly encouraged to keep a digital, interactive notebook
f. Flash drives are recommended

IV. Homework and Testing/Quizzes

Tests will be divided between digital and hardcopy versions. All mathematical
computation questions will need to be submitted on lined or graph paper. Tests
will be composed of five (5) elements: matching, modified true/false, multiple-
multiple choice, completion, fill-in-the-blank and essay. Not all tests will contain
all elements. If extra credit questions appear, all other questions must be
attempted before extra credit questions will be applied towards the grade. Tests
WILL NOT be curved.
Students can expect homework. Late homework assignments will not be
accepted after one (1) week has passed since original due date.
Quizzes will occasionally be given – without prior warning!

V. Research Papers/Projects
Students can expect to be assigned a group project and individual research
paper. This will be discussed at length later in the school year. You will receive
separate handouts.

VI. Laboratory:
A principle portion of science education is based on a hands-on approach.
During the course of the year students will be engaged in various laboratory
explorations. Students will be required to keep a laboratory notebook. Laboratory
contract will be dispersed later.

VII. Classroom Conduct:

All teachers, students and property will be treated with dignity and respect.
Academic fraud WILL NOT be tolerated. These activities include cheating and
plagiarism. In the event a student is caught committing academic fraud, all
parties involved will receive zeroes plus detentions.
Upon entering the classroom, students are expected to sit in their assigned seats
and begin assigned bell work.
Discipline issues will be dealt with according to the student handbook.

VIII. Additional Information:

The only way to learn physics is to practice physics. Student grades will be
based on the percentage of points earned. It is very difficult to do well in
physics is you do not attend class. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to
turn missed work in the day you return. Do not ask for extra credit

Every student has the opportunity to earn a good final course grade as a result of
his/her own work and determination!!!

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