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Supreme Court Nominating Commission
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September 7, 2011
Chief Justice Michael L. Bender, ex-officio Chair
101 W. COlfax Ave., Suite 800
Denver, CO 80202
RE: Brian Boatright
Dear Justice Bender and Commission Members;
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It gives me great pleasure to be able to write on behalf of Brian Boatright. I have known Judge Boatright
for over seventeen years. I first got to know him while I was serving as the elected District Attorney for
the First Judicial District and Mr. Boatright was a deputy District Attorney. I found him to not only be an
extremely competent attorney but a trusted and valued employee. I think what impressed me more than
his legal scholarship was his honesty and forthrightness. He was the office example of integrity. When I
examine the attributes that would be required of one on the Colorado Supreme Court, integrity would be
at the top of my list. Mr. Boatright treated everyone with dignity and respect. I never saw him use his
position except in an even-handed and fair manner. His judgment was impeccable and was sought out
by many others in the office.
Mr. Boatright was then selected as a district court judge and I have had the opportunity to appear before
him in my capacity as a criminal defense attorney. I have seen the very same honesty and integrity that I
just described. He is hardworking, dedicated and admired as a judge. His reputation is beyond reproach.
I have also served on the Judicial Performance Committee for the First Judicial District and know that
Judge Boatright is extremely well respected by prosecutors, defense attorneys and court staff. He would
bring to the Supreme Court those same attributes. I have also had the opportunity to observe his legal
analysis of difficult issues. He approaches those issues with a scholarship that is beyond what most
attorneys possess. He researches issues, analyzes them well and is always fair and articulate in his
written and oral communications of his opinions and rulings.
While I could go on about all the valuable skills and talents that Mr. Boatright possesses, I think it would
be more beneficial to simply state that Judge Boatright possesses the demeanor, skills, commitment and
personality to be an exceptional member of Colorado's highest court. He would never do anything except
bring honor and respect to that body. I recommend Brian Boatright without hesitation or reservation.
Thank you for the oppo vide my input and recommendation of this talented and amazing man.

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