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730 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 12, No.

2, May 1997

Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration For Operation Cost

Qin Zhou Dariush Shirmohammadi W.-H. Edwin Liu

Consultant Shir Consultants Pacific Gas and Electric Company
San Francisco, California San Ramon, California San Francisco, California

Abstract - This paper describes a new feeder 0 Application to real-time operation environment.
reconfiguration algorithm for the purpose of reducing the 0 Consideration of all operating constraints, such as
operating cost in the real-time operation environment. The limit on the number of switching operations.
methodology developed is a heuristic based approach. It Reduction of operating cost over a specified time
emphasizes on minimizing the cost of operation over a period, which includes ensuring that a specific set of
specified time period rather than a fixed operating point. switching operations that reduce losses at a fixed
The practical operating concerns of feeder reconfiguration operating point will not raise losses at a later time.
and the coordination with other distribution automation 0 Consideration of the cost of switching operations and
applications are also addressed. The developed algorithm the sequence of implementing switching operations.
has been implemented as a production grade software. 0 Consideration of protection requirements.
Test results on PG&E distribution feeders show that the 0 Coordination with other distribution automation
performance of this software is efficient and robust. functions.

Keywords: distribution automation, feeder reconfiguration, The algorithm presented in this paper focuses on providing
cost reduction, optimization, heuristic rules. an operation decision support tool. It focuses on
minimizing the cost of operation over a specified time
I. INTRODUCTION period rather than simply reducing losses for a fixed
operating point. The practical operating concerns of feeder
Feeder reconfiguration entails altering the topological reconfiguration and the coordination with other distribution
structure of distribution feeders by changing the opedclose automation applications are also addressed in the paper.
status of the switches in these feeders under both normal We developed a production grade software, named
and abnormal operating conditions. The benefits of feeder FlRECON, based on the algorithm presented in this paper
reconfiguration include restoring power to outaged and have implemented it for use with PG&E distribution
portion(s) of a feeder in a timely manner whch improves systems.
the value of service to customers by reducing average
outage time, relieving of overloads on feeders by s h f i n g In the following we first present a brief description of the
load in real-time to adjacent feeders which could defer state-of-the-art feeder reconfiguration techniques for loss
capital expansion projects, and reducing resistive line reduction.
losses which could reduce the operating cost of a
distribution system. In this paper we present a II. STATE-OF-THE-ART
reconfiguration algorithm for reducing the operating cost of
distribution systems. Feeder reconfiguration for loss reduction entails finding a
series of opedclose switchmg operations to reduce the
In recent years, considerable research has been conducted resistive losses in primary distribution feeders. There have
in the area of loss minimization [l]. Most of these been many papers written in this area. They can be
algorithms are developed for reducing the feeder resistive classified into the following categories:
losses and they are basically planning tools. The following 0 Composite heuristics and optimization methods: A
important issues have not been fully addressed in the well known method in this category was proposed by
previously published literature: Merlin and Back [2] and later modified by
Shirmohammadi and Hong_[3].. It ~ uses branch-and-
bound optimization technique along with practical
96 SM 512-4 PWRS A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE
Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering heuristics to find near optimum configuration for a
Society for presentation at the 1996 IEEHPES Summer Meeting, July 28
- August 1, 1996, 1996, in Denver, Colorado. Manuscript submitted
January 2, 1996; made available for printing May 17, 1996.
. distribution system.
Heuristic based methods: The heuristic based
attempt to find the optimum switching operations one
pair at a time. Each pair of opedclose switching
operations reduces certain amount of resistive losses.
These methods use empirical formulas to assess the
loss reduction associated with each switching operation
and introduce the rules to reduce the number of

0885-8950/97/$10.00 0 1996 IEEE

73 1

candidate switching operations. A good example is the AC : cost change due to an opedclose switching
algorithm developed by Civanlar and Grainger [4]. operation ($)
They use two well founded heuristic rules to select each ckwh( t ): cost of energy ($/kwh) for time t
switching operation; 1) loss reduction can only be T: time period defined by the operator during which
attained if there is a s i m i c a n t voltage difference no further switching operations will be carried out
across an open switch, 2) loss reduction will be (hour)
achieved if loads on the higher voltage drop side of the AP( t ): loss change (kw) for time t
open switch are transferred to the other side. An CSo: operating cost of closing an open switch ($)
empirical formula is used to evaluate the loss change CS, : operating cost of opening a closed switch ($)
due to a pair of switching operations without running a
k l l power flow. Thus, the search process is very fast
The discrete version of (1) is:
and efficient. N
,4rtificial intelligence (AI) based methods: In recent AC = - 2 C j k W h h p j - (CS, + CS,) (2)
years the AI techniques such as artificial neural
inetworks (ANN), genetic algorithms (GA) and expert Herej means the j t h time interval.
systems have been used to determine the distribution According to reference [4] the loss change, A P ( t ) , due to
system reconfiguration [5], [6], and [7]. The ANN is a an opedclose switching operation can be estimated as,
potential candidate for on-line applications because of
iits fast computational performance. The major
drawback is that it requires substantial amount of
accurate data for training and the training has to be D set of nodes that are disconnected from one feeder
(conducted for each distribution network and the and connected to another feeder
;subsequent changes in the network must be accounted Rloop sum of the resistance in the path of the loop
€or, The GA methods can provide the solution which formed when the normally open switch is closed
is independent from the initial system configuration 4 nodal current injection of ith node
lbut the computation speed is too slow to apply to large m starting node number of normally open switch
!distribution systems. Expert system based approaches n end node number of normally open switch
'basically work similar to the heuristic based methods. E, component of resistive node voltage drop at node
Although there have been extensive research work on the E, component of resistive node voltage drop at node n
issue: of loss minimization, it is still a rare practice to w.1, *, 1.1
operate switches in real-time purely for reducing network real part, complex conjugate, and magnitude
resistive losses. This is because many important real-time operators, respectively
operation considerations, described earlier, are not fully
addressed by any of the family of methods described above. The resistive node voltage drop is obtained as,
E=RI (4)
In order to account for all considerations necessary for real- Where,
time operating environment, we made the following choices E is the vector of resistive node voltage drops
in thLe development of cost reduction algorithm: I is the vector of nodal current injections
Only consider the operation of remote-controlled R is the real part of node impedance matrix
Consider all the relevant operating constraints such as Thus, the loss change at any time intemal j, A P j , will be,
limit on the number of switching operations. (5)
Aim for minimizing the cost of system operation over a
time period rather than minimizing resistive losses for where AT is the length of time interval. By substituting
a fixed operating point. ( 5 ) into (2) we can calculate the cost change due to an
0 Verm the solution by a real-time relay coordination opedclose switching operation for the time period T.
program to ensure proper protection for the new
configuration. Overall Cost Reduction Algorithm:
The framework of cost reduction module consists of the
III. METHODOLOGY following steps. In a distribution feeder system consisting
many normally closed and normally open switches:
Cost reduction due to an operdclose switching operation for 1. Check the limit on the number of switching operations
the time period T can be calculated as, for each switch. If the number of switching operations
of switch k carried out in the last H hours (where H is
AC = -jc"(t)AP(t)dt-(CSo
0 +CS,) (1) specified by the operator) has reached the limit of

switching operations for that switch discard this switch If ACm"r I0, ignore this open switch k
from further consideration.
2. Perform some topology processing: Repeat above steps for all normally open switches
0 I d e n m normally closed switches "correlated" to to narrow down the selection of normally open
each normally open switch (here "correlated" switch candidates. All remaining normally open
means that those closed switches are in the loop(s) switches are candidates for closing. If all normally
formed by closing a normally open switch). open switches are eliminated at this stage, then go
0 Determine the capacity margin of each normally to step 7.
open switch. For each open switch candidate, eliminate
3. Select one candidate opedclose switching operation. undesirable closed switches from consideration:
The selection of opedclose switching operation For each normally open switch candidate k
involves four steps: identified in step 3a:
a) Identlfy normally open switch candidates for
0 Divide the time period T into N equivalent
then ignore the closed switches on the nth
intervals AT and run power flow for each
node side of switch k.
interval based on the load forecast
0 For each normally open switch k and each
time interval j Q=1,2, ..., N), calculate resistive then ignore the closed switches on the mth
node voltage drops EA and E,' based on (4). node side of switch k.
(See Appendix B for heuristic rules applied for the
0 Sum resistive node voltage drops of open
above elimination.) The remaining closed
switch k over these N intervals as follows:
switches will be the candidates for opening when
we close normally open switch k.
Identlfy and rank all remaining opedclose options
in reducing value of AC: For all available
opedclose switching options consisting of the
combinations of all candidates of open switches
then ignore this normally open switch k from identifed in 3a and their correlated candidates oi
further consideration. E, is the tolerance closed switches identlfied in 3b:
defined by operator. (See Appendix B for Calculate loss reduction for each time
heuristic rules applied for the above
interval via (5);
Calculate cost reduction AC over the entire
Evaluate maximum possible cost saving for
time period T via (2);
each remaining normally open switch Rank all open/close options in reducing value
candidate: The approximate maximum loss
of AC.
reduction corresponding to switch k in time
If all AC values of these opedclose switching
interval j could be derived from (5) whch is
options are negative, then there is no more cost
(see Appendix A for derivation):
reduction and go to step 7.
Select the opedclose switching option with
maximum cost reduction:
"loop Select the opedclose switching option with
The minimum switching cost of open switch k maximum cost reduction from the list
and its correlated closed switch is: identlfied in 3c:
CSo, + MinCSc (7) AC"" = max(AC,,AC?, ..., AC,, ...) (9)
CSek is the switching cost of the normally 0 Check for capacity constraints violations: For
open switch k and MinCSc is the minimum the selected opedclose switching option, if the
switching cost of those closed switches which total load being transferred is bigger than the
are in the loop formed by closing the normally capacity margin of the selected open switch,
open switch k. Substituting (6) and (7) into then discard this switching option and select
(2), the maximum cost reduction the switching option with next highest cost
corresponding to this normally open switch k
= -CcjhhAPjm"k - (CSOt+ hfincs,) (8) 4.
. reduction.
If no switch option is available, go to step 7.
Run power flow for new system configuration tocheck
i for operating constraints violation for every time

interval. If operating constraints violations exist, go to cost reduction 24.89 !$
step 6.
5 . Check the limit on the total number of switching Selected opedclose operation No. 2:
operations. Mathematically they can be shown as, loss reduction 110.57 kwh
CLrLm? cost reduction 6.85 $
C L the total number of switching operations. Selected opedclose operation No. 3 :
No opcdclose option can reduce the system operation
Lm the limit of the overall number of switching
cost ! !
If the answer is yes, then no more switching operation Final optimal solution:
is allowed, go to step 7; otherwise go to step 2. total loss reduction : 446.75 kwh
6. Discard the selected switching option and go to step 3d total cost reduction : 3 1.74 $
to pick up the opedclose switching option
corresponding to the next highest cost reduction. The test results show that,
7. Optimal solution achieved. The total cost reduction of Cost reduction can be achieved by two pairs of
next T hours after completing all switching operations
switching operations and no more switching pair can
reduce the cost any further.
N 0 The total loss reduction is 446.75 kwh after conducting
ACtotal = - C C J h h P J
- csk
k EM
the switching operations recommended by the cost
Where, reduction program. The total loss reduction is 8.66%
M: Set of switches whose status should be altered which is significant.
CS, : cost of operating switch k
0 The cost reduction value for this test system is only
$31.74 for the 24 hours period. However, the size of
: loss reduction for time interval j (it is the
test feeders are relatively small. Considering that there
difference between the resistive losses of new are around three thousand feeders in PG&E
system configuration after completing all distribution systems, the total cost reduction by
switching operations and the losses of original conducting the feeder reconfiguration could be
system configuration. It is calculated by significant.
running power flow for each time interval j.) 0 The developed algorithm is computationally efficient.
T, N and cihh are defined as before. For the test system above, it took less than 15 seconds
on a SUN SPARClO workstation to find the solution.
This elapsed time includes the I/O time, solution
N.NUMERICAL RESULTS search and repeatedly running power flow for all the
24 hours after implementing each pair of switching
The cost reduction algorithm presented here was used to
develop production grade FRECON program which was
successfully tested on many PG&E’s distribution systems.
The following is only one example of the test results.

Sequence of Implementing the Switching Operations

The test system consists of two 12kv feeders with 920 line
After cost reduction program determines the optimal
sec1:ions and 55 switches, which can be operated for the cost
solution, which is a set of opedclose switching operations,
reduction purpose, with peak load of 4.85MVA over a 24
it is necessary to find a sequence for implementing the
houw period. The cost reduction algorithm picks up the
switching operations. This is necessary since at any
opedclose switching pairs one by one based on the
intermediate step of switching implementation we must
heuristic rules described in section 111. The limit of overall
guarantee that there are no major operating constraints
number of switching operations is 6 over the 24 hour time
violations. The answer is definitely not trivial. We have
period. The cost reduction values were evaluated based on
developed an algorithm to deal with this problem. The
the assumption that the cost of energy is $0.08 per kilowatt
objective of this algorithm is to find the sequence of
hour and the cost of performing switching operation is
switching operations for implementing the optimal solution
$1.00 per switching operation (remember that only remote-
of cost reduction program. The principles we used for
controlled switches are considered here). The test results
developing this algorithm are:
of running the cost reduction program for this 2 feeder
0 Always close an open switch first then open a closed
systems are shown as follows:
switch to ensure continued service during the
implementation of switching operations.
Selected opedclose operation No. 1:
loss reduction 336.18 kwh

0 The open switch that is to be closed next should create The following are the major steps in the coordination of
the lowest possible loop current (should have the cost reduction program with relay coordination program
lowest voltage difference across its terminals). This [lo]:
will ensure minimum disturbance during the switching P1. Send the following data to relay coordination program:
operations sequence. 0 List of recommended switchmg operations.
0 Since no temporary outages are allowed during the 0 Power flow outputs of the recommended new
reconfiguration, the final sequence of switchmg system configuration.
operations may be a subset of operations determined in P2. Request from the relay coordination program whether
the original optimal solution. Also the cost of the recommended switching operations are acceptable
operating bypass switches, if there are any, must be from protection point of view:
accounted for. Thus, the final cost reduction value 0 If the recommended switching operations are
after implementing the sequence of switching acceptable, the cost reduction program has
operations may be less than the expected one from the achieved the final solution and it shall pass the
original optimal solution. results to operator for his action.
If the recommended switching operations are not
The following are the major steps of the algorithm for acceptable, the cost reduction program should
implementing the switching operations: discard the selected solution and start a new
s1. Input the selected switching operations as determined solution iteration at the next time interval.
by the cost reduction algorithm.
s2. Select an openklose switch pair based on the following VL CONCLUSIONS
0 The switch to be closed should result in lowest A new feeder reconfiguration algorithm for cost reduction
possible loop current; has been developed and tested as part of the distribution
0 The switch to be opened should create no automation systems in PG&E. It provides an operating
operating constraints violations. decision support tool for the real-time operation
s3. Simulate the switch closing for the selected switch pair environment but could also be used as a planning tool. Its
and check for constraints violations. There are two function is to find a series of opedclose switching
kinds of constraints that should be specifically checked, operations to reduce the resistive losses in primary
distribution feeders and hence reduce the cost of system
0 Overloads in the loop formed by the switch operation. The methodology used for cost reduction is
closing; heuristic. The algorithm emphasizes timely finding of the
0 Load break capability of the switch that should be solution with as small a number of switching operations as
opened. possible. Most practical operating concerns for changing
s4. Identify the bypass switch candidates if constraints the configuration of the feeder as well as coordination with
violations exist in step S3. other distribution automation applications such as relay
s5. Select the bypass switch if selected closed switch coordination are also addressed. The test results show that
cannot be opened due to the lack of load break the performance of the developed algorithm is efficient and
capability. The selected bypass switch must be able to robust.
0 relieve the constraints violations generated in step
0 ensure no new constraints violations are generated The authors would like to thank Dr. Carol Cheng and Mr.
due to the switching operations of the bypass Ken Lau of PG&E for their useful comments in the
switch. development and implementation of t h s software package.
S6. Go to step S2 to select next switch pair or finish the PG&E’s R&D department funded the development of the
sequence search. The sequence search will be proposed algorithms and the FRECON software program.
terminated if
0 all selected switching operations as determined by
the cost reduction algorithm have been accounted
for, or; R.J. S d i , M.M.A. Salama, A.Y. Chakani, “A survey of the
0 no switching operations can be further considered state of the art in distribution system reconfiguration for
because of the constraints violations. system loss reduction,” Electric Power Systems Research 3 1
(1994), pp. 61-70.
Protection Considerations A. Merlin, H. Back, “Search for a Minimal-Loss Operating
From system protection point of view the viability of new Tree Configuration for an Urban Power Dishbution
network configuration recommended by cost reduction System,” Proc. ofPSCC. Cambridge 1975, Paper 1.2/6.
program must be verified to assure that the new D. Shirmohammadi, H. Wayne Hong, “Reconfiguration of
configuration can be fully protected by the relay devices. electric distribution networks for resistive losses reduction,”
IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, April 1989, pp. 1402-
1498. Appendix A Derivation of Equation (6)
[4] S. Civanlar, J.J. Grainger, H. Yin, S.S. Lee, “Distribution In equation (9,assume E l i is a continuous real variable, and
feeder reconfiguration for loss reduction,” IEEE Trans.
E n ,Em are real numbers, we have,
Power Delivery, 3 (1988), pp. 1217-1223.
[5] K. Kim, Y. KO and K. H. Hung, “Artificial neural network
based feeder reconfiguration for loss reduction in distribution
systems,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 8 (1993) 1356-1366.
[6] K. Nara, T. Satoh and M. Kitagawa, “Distribution system
Take the derivative of AP with respect to Ii and let it equal to
loss minimum re-configuration by genetic algorithm,” proc. zero, then
3rd Symp. Expert systems application to Power System
(ESAPS).Tokyo and Kobe, Japan, 1991, pp. 724-730. XIi = -_E, _
i d
[7] T. Taylor and D. Lubkeman, “Implementation of heuristic Rim,
search strategies for distribution feeder reconfiguration,” Substitute (A2)into (Al), the maximum loss change of AP is:
IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 5 (1990) 239-246.
[SI Mesut E. Baran, F. F. Wu, ‘Wetwork reconfguralion in (A31
distribution systems for loss reduction and load balancing,”
IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 4 (1989) 1401-1407. Rk“
[9] J.C. Wang, H. D. Chiang, G. R. Darling, “ An efficient which is equation (6).
algorithm for real-time network reconfiguration in large scale
unbalanced distribution systems,” PICA 1995, pp. 510-516. Appendix B
[lo] FSoudi and J. Yee,“How distribution automation and According to reference [3], loss change, h P ( t ) , due to an
protection systems can complement each other,” proceeding opedclose switching operation can be calculated as,
of the 21st annual western protective relay conference,
Spokane, WA, Oct. 1994.
Based on this equation, heuristic rules may be developed for
Qin Zhou (M’92) received his B.S. and M.S. in Electrical
selecting most suitable switching operations. For example, two
Engineering from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China in 1983
heuristic rules can be applied for identifyingnormally open switch
and 1986 respectively, his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from
candidates and eliminating undesired closed switches from
the Iowa State University in 1992. Between 1986 and 1989, he
consideration for each open switch candidate. These two heuristic
work.ed as a lecturer in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
rules are:
Tsinjghua University. Since 1992 he works as a consultant at If for an open switch candidate E, and En are close to each
Pacilic Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). Qin Zhou is a
other at all time intervals in the time period T, then any
member of the Tau Beta Pi Honor Society.
opedclose switching operation associated with this open
switch may not result in a significant loss reduction due to
Dariush Shirmohammadi (SM89) is the principal consultant
the domination of the second item of equation (Bl). Thus,
and founder of Shir Consultants. He received his B.Sc. in
we can remove this normally open switch from further
Eleciincal Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in
1975’and M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the
The loss reduction can be obtained only by transferring loads
University of Toronto in 1978 and 1982 respectively. Between
from the side of the normally open switch with higher
1977‘and 1979, he worked in Hydro Quebec Institute of Research
resistive node voltage drop to the side of the switch with
(IREQ) on the subject of external insulation. Between 1982 and
lower resistive node voltage drop because only in this case
1985, he worked in Ontario Hydro on the development and
the change in losses could be negative. Thus, we do not need
implementation of the EMTP. Between 1985 and 1995 he
to consider those closed switches on the side of open switch
worked in the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) where
with lower resistive node voltage drop.
his last position was the Director of Energy Systems Automation
group responsible for developing and implementing distribution
automation technologies. Dariush is a registered Professional
Engineer in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

Wemi-hsiung Edwin Liu (SM’94) received his B.S. degree from

National Taiwan University in 1981. He received his M.S. degree
in 1’384 and Ph.D. degree in 1987 both from the University of
California, Berkeley, in Electrical Engineering and Computer
Scieinces. From 1987 to 1991, he worked for Empros Systems
International. He has been with PG&E since July 1991 where he
is responsible for several R&D projects. Dr. Liu also taught
graduate courses in San Francisco State University.

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