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Fought in the name of Amun - Referred to Amun-Re as his father => Karnak Stela of Ahmose Offerings - Dedicated splendid gifts, crediting him for military victories => Karnak Stela of Ahmose -> dishes + bowls of gold/silver, ebony harp, offerings tables of gold, sphinxes of silver jars of pink granite, filled with ointment, Buildings - Additions to temple in honour of Amun, in return for victories => Temple at Karnak + Luxor -> Added columns, roof, floor from cedar of Lebanon, limestone features

Buildings - Erected beautiful monuments at Karnak rd -> Alabaster shrine on 3 pylon => Biography of Ineni: for his father Amun a great gate of 20 cubits of fine limestone of Aya Other religious contributions: - built/repaired temples + chapels at Abydos, El Kab, Elephatine Island - mud-brick shrine at Deir el-Bahri = Hathor - added a chapel to temple of Osiris = in honour of father Ahmose - additions to temple in Sinai

Offerings - Dedicated tribute from campaign in Naharin Buildings - Temple at Karnak => Biography of Ineni inscription -> great door of Asiatic copper inlaid with gold - named Amun mighty in wealth -> 2 20m granite obelisks, for Sed festival -> monumental pylons (Lichtheim) Glorified his father, crediting him for making Egypt the superior of every land


Instigated the importance of Amun

Credited Amun with his succession +kingship -> referred to as his father => exterior wall at Karnak - describes occasion when via an oracle, Amun-Re chose Thutmose as future king Credited A for military successes + growth of empire => fought in the name of Amun his father his father Amun strengthened his arms (Amenemhab) Credited Amun for military successes through dedications using the resulting wealth: Offerings numerous gifts to Karnak (feasts, wealth, lands, slaves) -> lands + monuments => Karnak Inscription, yr 15 of reign (While still in co-regency) gave lands, 2800 stat to be fields of divine offering presented to him very many monuments many chambers wrought with electrum and black copper -> Feasts + Offerings from the Conquests Established a feast of victory for his father Amun - 5 day celebration for the overthrowing of the wretched Retjenu + widening the borders of Egypt in the yr23 (Breasted) th => Temple of Karnak, 6 pylon (inscribed on back of south half) - extensive lists of feasts + offerings dedicated

In the name of Amun, put down a rebellion in Nubia yr 1 Buildings => Temple at Karnak -> 2 obelisks -> 2 colossal statues

Associated Amun with her kingship - referred to him as her father => Divine birth scenes (Djeser-Djeseru) Attributed her conception and accession to Amun => Relief on Obelisk - Amun crowning Trading expedition to Punt => Punt reliefs, South half of middle colonnade (Djeser) - honoured Amun by obeying his oracle and glorified him - dedicated products to Amun at Karnak -> wealth, power, influence of his cult and priesthood (Offerings) Appointed members of Amun priesthood to her government => Hapusoneb Buildings Large-scale building projects => Additions to Temple of Karnak -> increased Temple estates Festivals - honoured Amun => Festival of Opet (route) + Valley (revived) (innovation - oracles)

-> From Megiddo: 3 cities (Yanoan, Nuges, Herenkeru) + slaves + cattle => Karnak Temple Hall of Annals relief - obelisks - furniture - cedar flag staves tipped with electrum - exquisite vessels + ornaments Buildings - Additions to Karnak Temple -> increased Temple estates => Temple of Amun at Karnak Karnak Building Stela => Temple of Ptah at Karnak (resting shrine for Amuns barque) - gave Karnak sole rights to tribute from Upper Retjenu Festivals - Increased number of festivals in honour of Amun

Begins moving away from Amun + promoting the sun god Amun - credit for successful strategy, yr 9 Palestine

Moves away from Amun

Amun - Dedicate SP tribute - BUT dedic less monuments to A than predecessors

Move away from Amun: Piety in the provinces Piety to other gods - Re-Horakhty - Horemakhet (Sphinx cult)

Religious Developments -> Promoted sun cult at Heliopolis attributed accession to throne as father -> Dream Stela, between paws great sphinx Giza - dream he promised white crown + red crown upon the throne if he cleared the sand away from sphinx (embodiment of the sun-god, in its many forms) - Historicity: Breasted folk tale written later date based on incident involving him, prob hunted freq in vicinity -> First mention of Aten as god Reference to new universal aspect of sun

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