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2011 Cassini Scientist for a day essay contest

Tired of living on the same planet from centauries, lets choose a new planet amongst the nine planets. Saturn, Planet having 62 moons, which is about 1,429,400,00km away from sun. It would be a very good change to live in a cool place whose temperature is below as -285F and where we can enjoy 62 moons instead of only one. Saturn is best known for its system of planetary rings, which makes it the most visually remarkable object in the solar system. The rings extend from 6,630 km to 120,700 km above Saturn's equator, average approximately 20 meters in thickness and are composed of 93% water ice and 7% amorphous carbon. The interior of Saturn is probably composed of a core of iron, nickel, silicon and oxygen compounds surrounded by a deep layer of metallic hydrogen. These elements are also present on Earth. Further investigation about Saturn can help us bring to extract these elements from Saturn when they will be scared on earth. Saturns one orbital period lasts for 29 years; it means that if we are going to compare it with the timing on earth then 1 year on Saturn is equivalent to 29 years on Earth. Saturn is the most distant of the five planets easily visible to the naked eye, the other four being Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. It was the last planet known to early astronomers until Uranus was discovered in 1781. Saturn appears to the naked eye in the night sky as a bright, yellowish point of light. This gives a magical look. Imagine if earth comes to its end and we travel in spacecraft to Saturn, how amazing feeling it would give when we pass through the ice rings. Human eye can see Saturn from naked eye and it is 10 times large then earth. It would solve all over population issues when we have bigger planet to live on.

The weather would be so pleasant there as wind speed on Saturn can reach 1,800km/h.We all would be blowing along the wind. Saturn is the only planet in the Solar system that is less dense than water (about 30% less). The internal structure of rocky core surrounded by hydrogen and helium is similar to the composition of earth. It is so big that earth could fit into it 755 times. Gathering knowledge about Saturn would be very beneficial. Many important investigations are still missing such as any living creature living there. If we discover it then we will be able to have planet ties as just as we have country ties on earth and in the same way they will come for our help and aid whenever we suffer from disasters and recessions. I believe that at least having friendly ties with anyone of the planet is very essential as earth is suffering from severe global warming. Saturn would be suitable as its composition matches earths. I believe cassini spacecraft should make an immediate visit to Saturn.

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