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if Statements

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Three program structures: Sequence
Statements in the given order

Condition statement (branching)

Chooses between two (or more) sequences depending on some condition
if <condition exists>{ <do P> } else { <do Q> }

Iteration statement (looping)

repetitively execute a given sequence
while <condition exists>{ <do P> }

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Structured programming
Any program can be written as a sequence of three basic program structures!!! 1. sequences, 2. conditionals, 3. and iterations

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The fundamental if-else Statement

Choose between two alternative actions depending on a test (on the values of variables).
Syntax if (Expression) Action1 else Action2 If Expression is true then true execute Action1 otherwise execute Action2 Action1 Example if(v == 0) cout << "v is 0"; else cout << "v is not 0"; Expression false


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Its common in everyday life

if <it's sunny>{ <go to beach with sun block> } else{ <go to beach with umbrella> }

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Example: Finding the Big One

int main() { int value1; int value2; int larger; cout << "Enter two integers: "; cin >> value1 >> value2; if(value1 > value2) larger = value1; else larger = value2; cout << "Larger of inputs is: " << larger << endl; return 0; }

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Example: Absolute Value (1st )

// program to read number & print its absolute value #include <iostream.h> int main(){ int value; int absvalue; cout << "Enter integer: "; cin >> value; if(value < 0) absvalue = -value; else absvalue = value; cout << "The absolute value is " << absvalue << endl; return 0; }

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When the action is more than one statement

Put multiple action statements within braces
if <it's raining>{ <take umbrella> <wear raincoat> } else { <take sunbathing stuff> }

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Example: Absolute Value (2nd)

// program to read number & print its absolute value #include <iostream.h> int main(){ int value; int absvalue; // absolute value cout << "Enter integer: "; cin >> value; if (value < 0) { absvalue = -value; cout << "The input value is positive and its absolute value is " << absvalue << endl; } else { absvalue = value; cout << "The input value is negative and its absolute value is " << absvalue << endl; } return 0; }

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How to create an expression for a test?

An expression for a test (a boolean expression) has one of the two values: true or false.

Using relational operators Using boolean (logical) operators

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Using Relational Operators

Relational operators are used to compare two values Math C++ Plain English = == equals [example: if(a==b) ]
[ (a=b) means put the value of b into a ]

< >

< <= > >= !=

less than less than or equal to greater than greater than or equal to not equal to

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Relational Expressions
numberOfStudents < 200 10 > 20 20 * j == 10 + i

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Using Boolean (logical) operators

Boolean operators can be used to form more complex conditional expressions

Logical AND operator Logical OR operator Logical NOT operator (x>5) && (x<10) (x>10) || (x<5) !(x>5)

&& || !



& and | are also operators

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A Boolean Type

C++ contains a type (new!!!) named bool which can have one of two values

true false

(corresponds to non-zero value) (corresponds to zero value)

Example logical expressions bool P = true; bool Q = false; bool R = true; bool S = P && Q; bool T = !Q || R; bool U = !(R && !Q);

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Operator Precedence
Which comes first? ( ) / >= != =


* + <= ==

% >

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Summary of Operator Precedence

Precedence of operators (from highest to lowest)

arithmetic relational


Parentheses Unary operators Multiplicative operators Additive operators Relational ordering Relational equality Logical and Logical or Assignment

( ) ! * / % + < <= >= > == != && || =

Slide 17


5 != 6 || 7 <= 3 (5 !=6) || (7 <= 3)

5 * 15 + 4 == 13 && 12 < 19 || !false == 5 < 24

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Boolean expressions

Arithmetic expression: use arithmetic operators +,,*,/, to produce a number as the final result Boolean expression: use relational operators <,>, ==, and boolean operators AND (&&), OR (||), NOT (!) to produce one of the two values true (1) and false (0) as the final result

New type: bool, true, false Old versions of C++, simulated boolean type by int with 0/1 Example: bool cond; cond = true; cond = (x>y);


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Alternative ways of writing choice statements

If statement Nested if If-else-if statement Switch statement

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The if Statement
if(Expression) Action Expression

If the Expression is true then execute Action Action is either a single statement or a group of statements within braces Example: absolute value
if(value < 0) value = -value;




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Example: Absolute Value (3rd )

// program to read number & print its absolute value #include <iostream.h> int main(){ int value; cout << "Enter integer: "; cin >> value; if(value < 0) value = -value; cout << "The absolute value is " << value << endl; return 0; }

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Example: Sorting Two Numbers

int value1; int value2; int temp; cout << "Enter two integers: "; cin >> value1 >> value2; if(value1 > value2){ temp = value1; value1 = value2; value2 = temp; } cout << "The input in sorted order: " << value1 << " " << value2 << endl;

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Nested if Statements

Nested means that one complete statement is inside another

if <condition 1 exists>{ <do A> if <condition 2 exists>{ <do B> if <condition 3 exists>{ <do C> } <do D> } <do E> } <do F: sleep>

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Nested if Statements

if <it's Monday>{ if <it's 9:00 am>{ if <it's raining>{ <bring umbrella> } <go to COMP 104> } <call your friends> }

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if-else-if Statements
if <condition 1 exists>{ <do Q> } else if <condition 2 exists>{ <do R> } else if <condition 3 exists>{ <do S> } else{ <do T> }


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if <Mon, Wed AM>{ <goto ICSM121> } else if <Tues, Thurs AM>{ <goto MTHS001> } else if <1PM or 7PM>{ <eat> } else{ <sleep> }

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Often we want to perform a particular action depending on the value of an expression Two ways to do this

if-else-if statement

statements glued together

switch statement

advanced construct

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switch Statement
An alternative way of writing nested if-else-if statements for multiple choice.
switch (Expression) { case constant_1: action1; break; case constant_2: action2; break; case constant_n: actionN; break; default: actionDefault } if Exp==constant_1 { action1; } else if Exp==constant_2 { action2; } else if { } else{ actionDefault }

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Example using if-else-if:

if(score >= 90) cout << "Grade = A" else if(score >= 80) cout << "Grade = B" else if(score >= 70) cout << "Grade = C" else if(score >= 60) cout << "Grade = D" else cout << "Grade = F" << endl; << endl; << endl; << endl; << endl;

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Example using switch:

switch(int(score)/10){ case 10: case 9: cout << break; case 8: cout << break; case 7: cout << break; case 6: cout << break; default: cout << } Logical OR "Grade = A" << endl; "Grade = B" << endl; "Grade = C" << endl; "Grade = D" << endl; "Grade = F" << endl;

This version is much easier to understand!

Another example:
int left; int right; char oper; cout << "Enter simple expression: "; cin >> left >> oper >> right; cout << left << " " << oper << " " << right << " = "; switch (oper) { case '+' : cout << left + right << endl; break; case '-' : cout << left - right << endl; break; case '*' : cout << left * right << endl; break; case '/' : cout << left / right << endl; break; default: cout << "Illegal operation" << endl; }

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Dangling Else Problem

Problem: Nested if statements can seem ambiguous in their meaning. What is the value of c after the following is executed?
int a=-1, b=1, c=1; if(a>0) if(b>0) c = 2; else c = 3;

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C++ groups a dangling else with the most recent if. The following indentation shows how C++ would group this example (answer: c=1).
int a=-1, b=1, c=1; if(a>0) if(b>0) c = 2; else // dangling else grouped to nearest if c = 3;

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Use extra brackets { } to clarify the intended meaning, even if not necessary.
int a=-1, b=1, c=1; if(a>0){ if(b>0) c = 2; else // parenthesis avoid dangling else c = 3; }

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Summary on condition statement

The fundamental If-else statement if, nested if, if-else-if, switch Bool type and boolean expression for a test true/false relational operators (==, <, ) logical operators (&&, ||, !) Full table of operator precedence (c++ technicality)

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