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ELDAR WARRIOR PATH Eldar strike forces are made of professional, very well equipped and usually psychically

coordinated warriors. Such forces, while relatively few in number (30 50 at most), are nightmare to oppose. All eldar armour are lightweight and psychoreactive (reshape themselves as wearer moves), and as such do not interfere with running, acrobatics, etc. their armour also have vacuum & life support as standard. Always full suits. Ammunition of eldar guns is either miniaturized or energy based with superior cells, so rarely eldar need to replace clips and can shoot full auto with abandon. Guardians Kinda citizen militia of Guardsmen level quality. Wear mesh and carry shurican catapults. (Some older sources describe them wearing carapace or even power armour instead and armed with lasguns). Sometimes are equipped with plasma grenades. One per squad heavy weapon on antigrav platform. Variants include: shurican cannon ( HMG heavy bolter with greater dmg and lesser range) Scatter laser ( imperial multilaser with greater rof) Missile launcher ( imperial, with plasma and Krak missiles, amount of miniaturized warheads stoered in ammo pod (6-10?) makes reloading a rare thing) Bright Lance ( lasscannon) Starcannon (kinda plasma autocannon) Tactically form reserve / support roles, hold objectives, etc. the thick of it is normally left for Aspects. Storm guardians As above, but with shurican pistol and monosword / chainsword. (some sources describe some of them using hotshoted laspistols, power swords, power fits, and pairs of pistols). 1-2 per squad has flamer or meltagun. Warlocks Warrior Psikers leading Guardians and forming generals bodyguard. Wear Rune armour that acts as psi shield amplifier, in effect granting warlock personal forcefield like protection. Armed with shurican pistol and wichblade (forceweapon) or Singing spear (throwable forceweapon that returns pulled back by telekinesis) Psi powers (usually one of them): Buffing friends, Blasting foes at close range and Concealing friends from sight. Wraith guards A god damn undead robots with reality tearing guns. How cool is that huh?! Jokes aside wraith guards are robotic bodies animated by dead eldars soul (inserted soulstone). Their use requires painful act of tearing eldar in question from relative bliss of craftworlds infinity circuit (dead peoples internet) and is considered desperate measure. Usually souls of warriors are used, so wraith guards show good combat expertise. On the back side they view world using warp and sometime get confused and disoriented. Robotic bodies stand about 3m tall, have armour of a space marine and can absorb great amount of damage before being disabled. Their standard armament is Wraith cannon - short ranged gun that tears miniature warphole near/inside target. The warphole exists for one turn, just enough to suck the target or at least a good chunk of it into the warp. Armour does not

help, obviously. Single fire mode only. Robotic bodies are also very strong, certainly stronger than marine, and use that in close combat (buoze strike). Wrath guards are usually led by warlock Spiritseer, trained at guiding them to battle. Aspect warriors: Aspect warriors are equal to storm troopers (according to other sources space marines) in training. They fight in trance like state that allows them to disengage from all the slaughter they commence and avoid crying about all the killing and death and horror. Led by Exarchs, their peers that became stuck in this war trance and cant lead normal lives. Exarchs train extensively, teach others their aspects art of war and care for wargear. Exarchs are very skilled, use heavier versions of armour and cooler equip. Fire Dragons When in doubt, use melta, Melta solves everything Or so fire dragons probably think. So they all have meltaguns. What a gracefully subtle tactic, isnt it? Their armour protects as carapace, with extra protection vs heat so they can walk right over their molten targets. Fire Dragons exarchs carry long barreled (and longer ranged) meltaguns or heavy flamers. Warp spider The teleporting ones. Can teleport in quick succession, use it for hit and run tactics port in > shoot > port out. Their guns, web spinners, shoot mass of twisting monomolecular strands that are sure death for unarmoured opponents and peril to armoured ones that get hit by enough strands to get entangled and cut themselves as they struggle against the strands. (some sources describe web spinners working like flamers, saturating area with strands, other claim it fires blobs of monostrands full auto stile). Their armour protects as power armor, with monostrand repelling outer layer. Warpjump generator backpack is extremely heavily armoured and probably contains gravitic weight compensator. Warp spider exarchs carry 2 web spinners mounted on servo arms and 2 powerblades on their arms. Striking scorpions Stealth / Assault specs. Armed with uzturbintu chainsword, shurican pistols and Mandiblasters helm mounted close range laser dischargers. Their armour protects as power armor and is usually camo colored. Striking scorpions exarchs carry pincer shaped power fists, paired chainswords, or two handed chainsword. Howling banshees Shock / Assault specs. Their armour protects as carapace. Armed with shurican pistol and power sword. Banshee masks helmets incorporate psi amplifiers that make their battle cries literally stunning / paralyzing (for few turns). Mostly / entirely females. Acrobatics. Howling banshees exarchs use power glaves or paired powerswors, as well as thrown blade Triskele with power field and grav motor for increased range and return capability. Dire avengers Were described in creatures anathema. Their armour protects as carapace. Armed with advanced (longer range, improved optics) shurican catapult. According to some reports these catapults have

shoot like there is no tomorrow mode in which their capacious clips are emptied in several turns. This mode is said to be used before disengaging. Dire avengers exarchs carry either 2 shurican catapults (now thats a gangsta stile) or power weapon and weak group force field generator. Dark rippers Another big gun solves all aspect. Dark rippers each carry missile launcher, (reports differ, ones say their ML are similar to guardians ML in operations, other state ripper launchers fire bursts / auto fire of small armor piercing explosive missiles, perfectly suited for killing marines). Their armour protects as power armor and incorporates stabilization/ recoil compensation systems and extensive targeting systems. Dark rippers exarchs carry either bigger caliber missile launcher or Tempest launcher firing cluster of semi guided armor piecing minimissiles (report claims can fire using ballistic trajectory) Swooping hawks Fliers, antigrav generator + wings for maneuvering (or just for show perhaps). Armed with hellgun analogs, plasma and high wire grenades. Specialized leg mounted grenade packs allow performing bombing runs on enemies below. Are said to be skilled enough to clamper highwire grenade to a side of speeding skimmer. Their armour protect as mesh. Swooping hawks exarchs carry even more powerful lasguns.

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