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The Future Electricity Business

The transition of the electricity business into the

competitive market will result in change as significant
as that brought about by the PC or the deregulation of
telecommunications, and with it opportunities for new
products, services, and technologies, particularly to
support an increase in distributed generation.

Vikram S. Budhraja

Vikram S. Budhraja is President of

Edison International’s Edison
T he electricity industry, histori-
cally a regulated, vertically
integrated business with central-
gies to make the future electric sys-
tem more efficient, reliable, lower
cost, decentralized, and smart.
Technology Solutions unit, Irwindale,
CA, which he started in 1998 as a ized planning and decision mak- In the electricity business’ his-
nonregulated technology company to ing, is entering a new chapter in tory so far, economies of scale have
develop, commercialize, and invest in which new emerging technologies led to larger power plants located
new technologies and start-up for distributed generation, energy long distances from customers,
companies. Previously, he spent 20 storage, controls, communica- with a system of transmission lines
years at Southern California Edison,
tions, and energy management built to connect these power plants
ultimately serving as a Senior Vice
President and head of Edison’s Power
offer the potential for customers to and customers. What started out to
Grid Business Unit and Research and manage their energy use and pro- be a point-to-point system con-
Technology Development. He led cesses on an integrated basis. The necting a power plant to a load
California’s effort to create the future electric power business will center ultimately evolved to a net-
Independent System Operator and be shaped by customers and how work of interconnections. The elec-
Power Exchange for California’s they choose to manage their energy tric power grid is often referred to
competitive electricity market. Prior to
bill. Customers’ need for inte- as the largest and most complex
joining Edison in 1977, he spent six
years in the energy and environmental grated, cost-effective, timely, and synchronized machine, one con-
consulting field. reliable solutions opens up signifi- sisting of power plants, transmis-
cant investment and business sion lines, substations, and distri-
opportunities for new products, bution lines all operating in perfect
services, and emerging technolo- coordination to meet customer

54 © 1999, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/99/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(99)00078-0 The Electricity Journal
needs for electricity. This regu- vertically integrated, regulated nications, and network manage-
lated, vertically integrated struc- system to a competitive market ment. And while the primary func-
ture has enabled central planning structure. tion of the distribution system—
and economic dispatch of the The electricity industry’s result- connecting customers to the utility
power system to bring the maxi- ing change is perhaps as signifi- grid—will remain unchanged,
mum benefit to the maximum cant and startling as that brought there will be new requirements on
number of people. about by the personal computer the distribution system to integrate
The regulated structure and the and deregulation of the telecom- distributed technologies and cus-
need for local self-sufficiency and munications industry in the last 20 tomer micro grids. Generation
reliability led to substantial invest- years. The development of distrib- power plants are as likely to be
ments in an infrastructure which, uted technologies and the prolifer- located at customer sites as at util-
at best, was utilized half the time— ation of the Internet, communica- ity or central-station sites. Cus-
the average to peak load ratio is tion networks, and silicon and tomers may choose to create micro
approximately 56 percent and, grids that are locally self-sufficient
with the traditional reserve margin and may or may not be connected
for contingencies, the average utili- to the utility grid. The characteris-
zation drops well below 50 per- tics of the distribution grid are
cent. As the needs of the economy
The key element is to likely to change from a “one-way”
changed and technology collect information and system in which power flows from
advanced, the industry moved process it to enable utility central-station power plants
from meeting a basic need for elec- to customers, to a “two-way” sys-
tricity to satisfying the multiple management and tem in which power may flow in
objectives of energy efficiency, reli- integration with either direction. Hence, the focus
ability, customer choice, market will increasingly shift to integra-
competition, fuel diversity, tech-
customer processes. tion of a portfolio of distributed
nology choice, and environmental technologies. The opening of the
protection. It became more and electricity business to competition
more difficult to maintain the ver- also opens new markets and busi-
tically integrated and regulated digital control technologies is start- ness opportunities for new
structure in which the risk of cen- ing to similarly transform the entrants. The changing electricity
tral decisions was passed on to electric network. business and new competitive
customers who felt disconnected The electricity business has been business segments are summa-
from those decisions. The transfor- viewed as having three building rized in Figure 1.
mation from isolated power sys- blocks—generation, transmission, The key element in the new mar-
tems to an integrated network and distribution. Almost all invest- ket and resulting business oppor-
enabled widespread movement of ments in these three sectors histori- tunities is to collect information—
power and undermined the ratio- cally have been made by utilities, for example, prices, loads, and
nale for continued vertical integra- but now these investments have usage patterns—and process it to
tion. Global competition, disparity begun to be made by customers or enable management and integra-
between average prices estab- new entrants under a competitive tion with customer processes. The
lished by regulation and lower- market model. With the high- advent of the Internet and low-cost
cost options from new technolo- voltage transmission system largely communications technologies pro-
gies, and customers’ push to built, the business focus will shift vides the basic enabling platform
obtain customized energy services to efficient utilization of that infra- for many of these new business
at low cost all have contributed to structure through investments in opportunities which will shape the
the policy consensus to shift from a grid automation control, commu- future electricity business.

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energy markets in which utilities
traditionally operated. At the
wholesale level, the primary
product was trading of energy,
which was viewed as a commod-
ity whose price was essentially
tied to the production costs of
power plants. These wholesale
prices averaged between $10 and
$30 per MWh. Customers, on the
other hand, saw retail prices in the
range of $60 to $100, and in some
cases as much as $150. That price
differential continues to be large,
and will likely drive entrepre-
neurs to bundle the commodity
with value-added services and
meet customers’ needs at the
retail level so they can gain the
Figure 1 maximum share of the customers’
energy dollar. The wholesale mar-
ket is commoditized with signifi-
I. The New Market Drivers Energy service companies (Escos)
cant producer competition, while
are setting up retail marketing
The advent of a competitive elec- the retail market focus is to pro-
functions to provide new products
tricity market shifts decision vide value-added high-margin
and services to customers where
drivers from utilities to markets and service offerings.
no such function existed before.
customers. The industry is disag-
gregating into a production side
consisting of power plants, a mar-
Increased transactions and use of
the grid in ways not envisioned by
A nother significant driver in the
competitive market is cus-
tomers’ exposure to real-time
ket side consisting of energy historic design have stressed the prices. During the summer of 1998,
trading and retail marketing, current system of planning and prices in the Midwest peaked at
ISOs to manage and dispatch the operation. Customer preferences $7,500 per MWh—300 times the
grid in real time, and utilities to and market competition, instead of average. This price volatility did
manage the transmission and dis- central planning and dispatch, are not translate into changed con-
tribution (T&D) wires infrastruc- shaping the power system. The sumption patterns at the cus-
ture. Disaggregation and unbun- new market structure opens the tomer level because the price sig-
dling has led to the creation of door for application of distributed nals are not visible to customers
markets for a range of energy technologies and market innova- in real time. As the market
products—including day-ahead, tions to meet the needs of cus- matures and technology enables
hour-ahead, and real-time tomers for reliability, efficiency, customers both to be exposed to
energy, as well as such ancillary cost competitiveness, and new this price volatility and to have
services as spinning reserves, products and services. the ability to manage their con-
standby reserves, regulation, and
voltage support—where previ-
ously there was essentially one
T he economic drivers in the
competitive electricity mar-
kets are substantially different
sumption to reduce their cost,
one can expect wider application
of real-time customer energy
product and one market. than those in the wholesale management systems.

56 © 1999, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/99/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(99)00078-0 The Electricity Journal
II. New Products and Services Internet-based energy manage- aggregation, and minimizing
to Serve Customer Choice ment systems, which simulta- energy costs in response to real-
neously lower energy cost and time price signals.
Customers who make decisions
improve lighting service. The
relating to electricity is a new expe-
introduction of micro-turbines in
rience. Historically, customers III. Distributed Technology
sizes below 100 kW has encour-
have had to deal with a local utility Solutions
aged customers to consider these
that provided one service, one
small power plants at their facility Distributed technologies substi-
price, and one product. With cus-
as an option to reduce operating tute the economies of mass manu-
tomer choice comes the ability to
costs and improving reliability. facturing for economies of scale,
make decisions, and customers
Energy storage technologies rang- and capitalize on the advances in
will make decisions that serve
ing from superconductors to materials, semiconductors, power
their needs at minimum cost. In
power-electronics-based systems electronics, controls, and commu-
thinking about new products and nications. Distributed technolo-
services, it is important to start gies for electric energy generation,
from the customer and under- storage, grid management, reliabil-
stand what that customer really ity, and data communications pro-
wants and needs: competitive Initial offerings are vide the building blocks to meet
pricing, high-quality service, high technology-based customer needs for reliability and
reliability and power quality market efficiency. Distributed tech-
(“perfect power”), transparent
and over time are
nologies can defer or eliminate the
integration (“solutions not tech- likely to be bundled need for construction of new T&D
nologies”), and risk management into value-added lines and upgrades, and offer such
and price hedging. valuable features as local reliability
These are complex issues and the services. and power quality, emergency and
initial reaction of customers is to backup power, and cost manage-
shy away from the piecemeal deci- ment ability, using peak shaving
sions and complexity. However, and energy management strate-
unbundling and disaggregation that provide short-duration stor- gies. Given their many unique fea-
opens the door to innovative and age capability are being consid- tures, distributed technologies are
entrepreneurial offerings that pro- ered by customers to improve expected to have as profound an
vide value-added services to meet power quality and reliability at effect on the electricity business as
customer needs. their facilities. the introduction of the PC had on

C ustomers’ ability to choose a

range of energy services is
relatively new, but already there
These early entries into what is
expected to be a vibrant and com-
petitive electricity market environ-
the mainframe-based information
technology business. Economies of
scale are being replaced by econo-
are many examples of services that ment, provide glimpses of the mies of mass manufacturing. For
have benefited customers. Escos future electricity business. As can example, the cost of manufactur-
have been able to work with gro- be expected, the initial offerings ing and deploying a micro-turbine
cery stores to provide aggregated tend to be technology-based and is expected to be in the range of
billing and remotely monitor and over time are likely to be bundled $400 per kW and can be installed
manage energy consumption to into value-added services that in days, compared to large central
reduce costs. Lighting manage- address a range of customer generating plants and infrastruc-
ment companies are offering to ret- energy needs, including lighting ture, which cost $600 to $1,500 per
rofit customer facilities with effi- management, backup supply, kW and require years to construct.
cient lighting and state-of-the-art equipment monitoring, demand Other distributed generation tech-

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nologies such as fuel cells and fuel mainframes and PCs, it is impor- flexibility (it can be where the
cell/micro-turbine hybrids, in tant to understand the distinc- power needs to be), the economies
development and demonstration tions between distributed power of mass manufacturing, and a
have the potential not only of plants and central power plants, reduction in transportation needs.
delivering small-size modular and between distributed micro Self-contained micro grids could
designs but also efficiencies that grids and utility transmission be interconnected with existing
match or beat central-station systems. Central-station power distribution systems. Figure 2
combined-cycle power plants. plants are large and expensive, summarizes the attributes of dis-
Distributed technologies open require a lot of infrastructure tributed and central-station tech-
new business opportunities to such as transmission and fuel nologies, and their potential to
meet customer needs for electric- delivery systems, and cannot be transform the electricity business.
ity, reliability, and efficiency. This where the load is, resulting in low The potential for applying
trend will reshape the electricity utilization and losses. economies of mass manufactur-
business by bringing solutions to
customers. Investment focus shifts
from utilities to customers, solu-
L ike PCs, distributed generation
technologies are small.
Micro-turbines come in kilowatt
ing and reducing the cost of dis-
tributed technologies is substan-
tial. Moore’s Law has governed
tions are customized, and energy sizes rather than megawatts. Fuel the economics in the semiconduc-
use and management get inte- cells are 40 to 60 percent efficient. tor industry, positing a doubling
grated with customer processes. Integration of these two emerging in capacity and halving in cost
These new businesses will comple- technologies allows the creation every two years. While the eco-
ment the utility T&D grids and of a hybrid power plant, which is nomics of the semiconductor
central-station power plants, not nearly emission free. The target industry are unlikely to be
necessarily replace them. efficiency of 60 percent is almost directly transferable to the elec-
Before the competitive market twice that of the current stock of tric power industry, there are
started, electricity was thought of central-station power plants. some interesting parallels.
as an undifferentiated product. Other advantages include low The electric system which histor-
Customers choice of differentiated equipment cost, reliability, siting ically has been dominated by
solutions relied on centrally
planned solutions. Greater reliabil-
ity meant increasing reserve mar-
gins by adding expensive new
power plants and parallel or
redundant transmission lines that
were costly and that increased reli-
ability costs for all customers,
whether they needed it or not. Dis-
tributed technologies provide
choices in the new competitive
market that can be tailored to spe-
cific customer needs—reliability
may mean a micro-turbine
installed at a customer site, elec-
tronic filters and capacitors cor-
recting voltage dips and sags, and
protecting customer equipment.
In drawing an analogy between Figure 2

58 © 1999, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/99/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(99)00078-0 The Electricity Journal
mechanical systems—mechanical an average age of 30 to 40 years. As The transmission grid is de-
switches, large rotating machin- the industry transitions to a com- signed to meet customer needs
ery—is being siliconized and digi- petitive market structure, the during peak load conditions
tized. Power electronics, semicon- demands on this grid for greater while allowing for contingencies
ductor technologies, and real-time reliability, efficiency, and real-time and equipment outages. The in-
control and communication sys- management can be expected to dustry practice is to use an N-1 or
tems are replacing slow acting, increase. The commercialization of N-2 design criteria; that is, with-
bulky, and expensive mechanical new and emerging technologies stand the loss of one major com-
systems. A substantial portion of will facilitate this transformation. ponent (N-1) or two major com-
the value added is in the power Conventional power plants have ponents and still serve customers.
electronics interface between the an operating efficiency of approxi- Given the industry peak to aver-
power plant and the electric grid. mately 20 to 30 percent. To capture age load ratio of 56 percent, an
As the volumes ramp up, the cost maximum efficiency, utilities built N-1 design results in utilization
of at least the power electronics larger and larger power plants to of transmission at 28 percent;
portion of the electric system will the point of diminishing returns. under an N-2 design, the utiliza-
start to resemble the economics Distributed generation technolo- tion drops to 14 percent.
of the semiconductor industry,
driving per-unit cost down.
Distributed technologies provide
gies offer the potential to achieve 60
percent efficiency in small-size
power plants. These distributed
C ompetitive industries enjoy
utilization rates of 90 percent
to get maximum value from the
a customer solution, a market solu- generation power plants lend them- invested dollar. This has not been
tion, and a grid solution. That flex- selves to application of mass manu- the experience in the electric utility
ibility combined with high efficien- facturing techniques such that the industry because the design crite-
cies and practically zero emissions per-unit cost comes down as the rion was to serve the customer at
will lead to a major transformation manufacturing volumes go up. all times, with costs averaged over
of the electricity business. Distrib-
uted technologies are likely to meet
a portion of customer needs for
ancillary services, managing price
volatility, local reliability, power
quality, congestion management,
and grid upgrades.

A new technology with better

performance does not auto-
matically translate into business or
commercial success. The technol-
ogy must offer solutions and pro-
vide seamless integration. Distrib-
uted technologies are beginning to
demonstrate these attributes.

IV. The Future Electric Power

Grid: Integrating Distributed
The existing stock of power
plants and transmission lines has Spinning reserves are traditionally 7 percent.

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all customers. The abilities to store defined as power plants below 5 communications and intelligence
electricity or to transmit a price MW the load served by distrib- gathering on a real-time basis to
signal to customers were not possi- uted generation technologies substantially improve the perfor-
ble. The advent of storage technol- drops below 2 percent. Commer- mance of the grid and transform it
ogies such as batteries, flywheels, cialization of distributed genera- from today’s static dumb grid to a
superconducting materials, and tion, storage, and control and smart switched network. In addi-
ultra-capacitors; control and com- communications technologies, tion, distributed technologies at
munications technologies to trans- along with the customer need for customer facilities and customer
mit real-time prices and allow cus- high-quality power at all times, is micro grids integrated with smart
tomers to manage their energy likely to lead to a substantial utility grids have the potential to
consumption at minimum cost; and increase in the deployment of make the electric system more reli-
smart appliances that respond to distributed generation to as able, efficient, and smart, as sum-
price signals; all point to substantial much as 15 or 20 percent of the marized in Figure 3.
increase in utilization of the electric total over the next 20 years.
power grid, perhaps doubling the
utilization rate of the current infra-
structure. New information sys-
T oday’s electric grid is some-
times described as a dumb,
underutilized grid—dumb
V. Challenges to Integrating
Distributed Technologies
tems that give customers the abil- because it is designed to serve the Many studies indicate that the
ity to receive a real-time price customer load under the most advances in distributed technolo-
signal and manage their con- adverse loading conditions in the gies and the move to competitive
sumption in response to prices absence of real-time intelligence markets are likely to result in
change a fundamental business and control capabilities. With the increasing market penetration of
premise: that customer demand is evolution of the electric power distributed technologies. Inte-
fixed and the power system must grid to a network not unlike a tele- grating distributed technologies
be planned to meet this demand. communications network, we have such that they contribute 15 to 20
The ability to vary demand opens the potential to deploy the control percent of the total power is a
up a degree of freedom that will
present new business opportuni-
ties to manage and integrate elec-
tricity consumption and cus-
tomer uses of electricity.
Traditionally, power systems
have operated with spinning
reserves of 7 percent and average
losses of 7 percent. With better con-
trol and communications and
management of customer loads,
reserves and losses can be reduced,
resulting in lower costs.

D istributed generation tech-

nologies currently serve a
small percentage of customer
loads. If distributed generation is
defined as power plants below 25
MW, the number is below 5 per-
cent. If distributed generation is Figure 3

60 © 1999, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/99/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(99)00078-0 The Electricity Journal
considerable challenge. With 20 are several future scenarios that the attention of utility managers
percent of U.S. power plant could emerge: has been on the regulatory frame-
capacity equal to about 150,000 • Deployment of distributed work and the need to restructure
MW, this is equal to 150 large- technologies at customer facilities utility assets to transition to the
scale 1,000 MW power plants or • Deployment of distributed emerging competitive market
as many as 1.5 million distributed technologies at utility substations structure. However, as customers
generation power plants of 100 for integration with the utility grid start to manage their total energy
kW each. Distributed generation • Creation of stand-alone micro bill, the business opportunities for
technologies are coming to mar- grids isolated from the utility and new products, new services, and
ket in even smaller sizes, as with self-sufficient in meeting local new technologies are significant.
Allied-Signal’s 75 kW micro- power requirements Entrepreneurial start-ups are
turbine, Capstone’s 30 kW • Micro grids interconnected addressing these market needs. As
micro-turbine, Plug Power’s 7kW with utility grids, with the ability we have seen in the computer
fuel cell, and 2 to 10 kW standard world and in a deregulated tele-
photovoltaic systems. Whether communications industry, new
the actual number of new power technology start-up companies
plants integrated into the electric
As customers start have become those industries’
power grid turns out to be 150 or to manage their growth engines, and it is interest-
1,500 or 15,000 or 150,000 or 1.5 energy bill, business ing to speculate on which market
million is hard to predict; it will segments and companies will
require addressing the following opportunities for become the growth engines of the
significant issues: new products, services, electric industry.
• Standard interconnections,
• Standard tariffs,
• Protocols for integration with
and technologies are
C onnecting large numbers of
little power plants will
require standard interconnections,
grid operations, standard protection schemes, sen-
• Control communications and sors, meters, and real-time intelli-
dispatch protocols for seamless gence gathering and control capa-
and reliable operation, and to trade power in either direction bility. In some ways this is no
• Communication interfaces depending on customer and sys- different than the routers and net-
between the generating power tem conditions works business that has been
plants, customer loads, and These scenarios have significant among the high-growth segments
utility grids. implications for the size and vol- of the computer industry. The
ume of distributed technologies Internet and intranet architectures
that would be required to achieve of the computer industry are simi-
VI. Future Scenarios for
20 percent penetration. It is likely lar to the interconnected grid and
Integrating Distributed
that the future will be some hybrid customer micro grids of the future
of these four scenarios. electric industry. Many new mar-
The introduction of distributed ket segments are emerging in the
technologies into the power grid is electric industry. Companies that
VII. Business Implications
likely to be an evolutionary pro- can serve customers with new
cess. These distributed technolo- Industry transformation to a products, services, and technolo-
gies cover a wide range including future electricity supply that is reli- gies will not only help define the
generation, storage, power system able, efficient, and smart has sig- future electricity business, but
controls, communication systems, nificant business and investment may find a huge market opportu-
metering and measurement. There implications. Currently, much of nity in front of them. j

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