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June - Words and Questions

JUNE THREAD - updated everyday

Make sure to do all words and questions from April/May thread - am

not posting words that had appeared in April/May and are already
posted in the April/May thread

1. Glib - Marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often

suggests or stems from insincerity, superficiality, or deceitfulness.
2. Gregarious - Seeking and enjoying the company of others;
3. Altruistic - Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness
4. Exacting - Making severe demands; rigorous; requiring great
care, effort, or attention
5. Ensue - To follow as a consequence or result
6. Infirm - Not strong or stable; shaky; irresolute; feeble
7. Noxious - Harmful to the mind or morals; corrupting; injurious to
8. Ensnare - To gain control of or an advantage over by or as if by
9. Remiss - Exhibiting carelessness or slackness
10. Vivacious - Full of animation and spirit
11. Dire - Warning of or having dreadful or terrible consequences;
12. Cron - A time unit equal to 1000000 years; used in reference to
evolutionary processes
13. Votary - One zealously devoted to a religion
14. Reek - To have or give off a foul odor; to smoke, steam, or fume;
to be pervaded by something unpleasant
15. Germane - Related to the matter at hand; appropriate
16. Nocturnal - Of, relating to, or occurring in the night
17. Obfuscate - To render indistinct or dim; darken; to make so
confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand
18. Discern - To perceive or recognize as being different or distinct;
19. Inconspicuous - Not readily noticeable
20. Croon - To sing softly or in a humming way
21. Accrue - Accumulate or increase; increasing by addition of
growth, often financial
22. Imprudence - A lack of caution in practical affairs
23. Indelible - Indestructible
24. Quisling - A traitor who serves as the puppet of the enemy
occupying his or her country
25. Termagant - A person, traditionally a woman, who persistently
nags or criticizes
26. Wilt - Sag, fail; to become limp or flaccid
27. Bromide - A tiresome person; a bore; a commonplace remark or
notion; a platitude
28. Proscribe - To denounce or condemn; to prohibit; forbid.
29. Haughtiness - Overbearing pride evidenced by a superior
manner toward inferiors; scornfully and condescendingly proud
30. Evanescent - Vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor
31. Fetid - Having an offensive odor; foul, rancid
32. Pariah - A social outcast; an untouchable
33. Tort - Law. damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully,
negligently, or in circumstances involving strict liability, but not
involving breach
34. Surly - bad tempered; unfriendly
35. Culpable - Deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil,
improper, or injurious
36. Motley - Having elements of great variety or incongruity;
37. Coterie - A small, often select group of persons who associate
with one another frequently
38. Protuberance - Something, such as a bulge, knob, or swelling,
that protrudes. The condition of being protuberant
39. Perspicuity - The quality of being perspicuous; clearness and
40. Succinct - Characterized by clear, precise expression in few
words; concise and terse
41. Digress- To turn aside, especially from the main subject in
writing or speaking; stray
42. Aphorism - A brief statement of a principle; a tersely phrased
statement of a truth or opinion; an adage
43. Eulogy - A laudatory speech or written tribute, especially one
praising someone who has died; high praise or commendation
44. Fallacious - Tending to mislead; deceptive
45. Solemn - Deeply earnest, serious, and sober; gloomy; somber;
performed with full ceremony; invoking the force of religion; sacred
46. Dissention - Difference of opinion; disagreement
47. Suture - The fine thread or other material used surgically to close
a wound or join tissues; a seam used in surgery; thread of catgut or
silk or wire used by surgeons to stitch tissues together; join with a
suture, as of a wound in surgery
48. Sangfroid - A stable, calm state of the emotions
49. Humdrum - Lacking variety or excitement; dull; boring , dull;
monotonous talk or routine.
50. Untenable - Incapable of being defended or justified
51. Inexpungeable - Not capable of being expunged
52. Expunged - To erase or strike out
53. Obliterate - To do away with completely so as to leave no trace
54. Happenstance - An unexpected random event
55. Charisma - The power or quality of attracting
56. Bore - One that is wearingly dull, repetitive, or tedious
57. Muster - To assemble, prepare, or put into operation, as for war
or a similar emergency; a number of persons who have come or been
gathered together
58. Crew - A group of people organized for a particular purpose;
serve as a crew member on
59. Cord - To pile (wood) in cords; a line made of twisted fibers or
60. Polymorphous - Having, or assuming, a variety of forms,
characters, or styles
61. Incontrovertible - Impossible to dispute; unquestionable
62. Pulchritude - Great physical beauty and appeal
63. Flounder - To make clumsy attempts to move or regain one's
64. Nugatory - Of little or no importance; trifling. having no force;
65. Hull - Dry outer covering of a fruit or seed or nut; the frame or
body of ship
66. Succinct - Marked by or consisting of few words that are
carefully chosen; brief, to the point; briefly giving the gist of
67. Diazepam - A tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve
anxiety and relax muscles; acts by enhancing the inhibitory actions
of the neurotransmitter GABA
68. Sagitta - A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Aquila
and Vulpecula
69. Amity - Peaceful relations, as between nations; friendship
70. Decimate - To destroy or kill a large part of (a group)
71. Fecund - Capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful.
Marked by intellectual productivity
72. Tawdry - Gaudy and cheap in nature or appearance; cheap,
73. Marrow - The most central and material part; the choicest or
most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
74. Cognizant - Fully informed; conscious
75. Fiasco - A complete failure
76. Folly - A lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight; an act
or instance of foolishness: regretted the follies of his youth
77. Forage - Food for domestic animals; fodder. The act of looking or
searching for food or provisions
78. Quart - A unit of volume or capacity in the US Customary
System, used in liquid measure, equal to / 4 gallon or 32 ounces
79. Shuck - A husk, pod, or shell, as of a pea, hickory nut, or ear of
corn. The shell of an oyster or clam
80. Green - Lacking training or experience
81. Furrow - A long shallow trench in the ground; make wrinkled or
a deep wrinkle in the skin, as on the forehead
82. Trite - Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or
repetition; hackneyed
83. Suture - The process of joining two surfaces or edges together
along a line by or as if by sewing
84. Furor - A general commotion; public disorder or uproar. Violent
anger; frenzy; a fashion adopted enthusiastically by the public; a
85. Castigate - To inflict severe punishment on; to criticize severely
86. Pique - A state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or
indignity; a feeling of wounded pride
87. Sanctimonious - Excessively or hypocritically pious; feigning
piety or righteousness; of or practicing hypocrisy
88. Evacuant - Of, relating to, or tending to eliminate; tending to
cleanse or purge, especially causing evacuation of the bowels
89. Striate - Marked with striae; striped, grooved, or ridged; to mark
with a line or band, as of different color or texture
90. Legerdemain - A show of skill or deceitful cleverness; the use of
skillful tricks and deceptions to produce entertainingly baffling
91. Overture- An instrumental composition intended especially as an
introduction to an extended work, such as an opera or oratorio
92. Opera - A theatrical presentation in which a dramatic
performance is set to music; the score of such a work
93. Chasten - To castigate for the purpose of improving; to correct
using punishment or suffering
94. Hirsute - Covered with hair; having a hairy covering
95. Chortle - To laugh quietly; a snorting, joyful laugh or chuckle
96. Topical - Of or belonging to a particular location or place; local;
currently of interest; contemporary
97. Perfunctory - Hasty and without attention to detail; not
98. Terrestrial - Earthly
99. Livestock - Domestic animals, such as cattle or horses, raised for
home use or for profit, especially on a farm
100. Gall - The quality or state of feeling bitter; the state or quality of
being impudent or arrogantly self-confident; to trouble the nerves or
peace of mind of, especially by repeated vexations; nerve, brashness;
upset, irritate
101. Frisky - Playful
102. Quatrain - A stanza or poem of four lines
103. Hubris - Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance
104. Kudos - Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement
105. Exodus - A departure from a place or country, especially of
many people; act of leaving
106. Vulgaris - Being of the usual type; common
107. Frill - Something costly and unnecessary
108. Superficiality - Trivial; insignificant
109. Void - An empty space
110. Swath - A path or strip; the space created by the swing of a
scythe or the cut of a mowing machine
111. Haughty - Scornfully and condescendingly proud; arrogant
112. Vaporous - Extravagantly fanciful; high-flown; so light and
insubstantial as to resemble air or a thin film
113. Saga - Epic tale, long story; a long detailed report
114. Sagittal - Of or relating to the suture uniting the two parietal
bones of the skull;
115. Eyesore - Something, such as a distressed building, that is
unpleasant or offensive to view
116. Vim - Ebullient vitality and energy; an imaginative lively style
117. Formulaic - Being of no special quality or type
118. Budge - To move very slightly; overformal; pompous
119. Superfluity - Overabundance; excess
120. Pelf - Wealth or riches, especially when dishonestly acquired
121. Impecunious - Lacking money; penniless
122. Confinement - Imprisonment; restriction
123. Rostrum - A stage or raised platform for public speaking
124. Denude - To divest of covering; make bare
125. Stultify - Deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or
worthless; cause to appear foolish; prove to be of unsound mind or
demonstrate someone's incompetence
126. Faradic - Of, relating to, or using an intermittent asymmetrical
alternating electric current produced by an induction coil
127. Martinet - A strict disciplinarian, especially in the armed forces;
one who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules
128. Vulgar - Common, general; rude, offensive
129. Aesthetic - Showing good taste
130. Cistern - A receptacle for holding water or other liquid,
especially a tank for catching and storing rainwater
131. Wanton - Careless; cruel, malicious
132. Grovel - To support slavishly every opinion or suggestion of a
superior; to behave in a servile or demeaning manner
133. Shoal - A shallow part of a body of water: shallow; measuring
little from bottom to top or surface
134. Sylvan - Relating to or characteristic of woods or forest regions;
abounding in trees; wooded

1) refridgerator:food
2) fan:cable
3) schedule:time
4) splurge:money
5) peripheral:edge
6) church:state - Ans must be B
C.time:minutes player
7) needle : sew - Ans must be D
C.picture :color
8) tag:identity
9) car:wheel
10) careless:punctual
11) theatre:play
12) pariah:ostracize
13) vindicated:blame
14) culpable:condemnation
15) coterie:intimates
16) schedule:time
17) bulge:protuberance
18) resignation:office
19) attentive:officious - Ans must be refine:snobbish
20) barrage: explosives - Ans must be B
A.cacophony :sound
B.deluge:rain is the answer
21) ruffle:shirt - Ans must be B
22) ineradicable:eliminate
23) vaccinate:disease
24) untenable:defend
25) charisma:bore
26) muster:crew
27) incontrovertible:dispute
28) carefree:responsibilities
29) beckon:hand
30) matter:hardness
31) arrogant:defer
32) experience:green
33) date:calender
34) overture:opera
35) striate:grooved
36) magician:legerdemain
37) chasten:humbled
38) knot:solve
39) chortle:glee
40) perfunctory:depth
41) topical:currency
42) fence:livestock
43) terrestrial:earth
44) lock:secure
45) frilll:superfluity
47) vivid:intensify
48) infinite:measure
49) judge:laws
50) pelf:impecunious
51) cell:confinement
52) cistern:liquids


1. The primary goal of technological advancement should be to

increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time
2. The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise
hidden ideas and impulses of a society.
3. To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the
highest ethical and moral standards.
4. Governments should focus more on solving the immediate
problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated
problems of the future
5. While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other
areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of
competition, a society can better prepare its young people for
leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation
6. Both parents and communities must be involved in the local
schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of
professional educators
7. Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as
fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in
which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such
languages from becoming extinct
8. It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all
the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician
9. In any profession—business, politics, education, government—
those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to
success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership
10. In any given field, the leading voices come from people who are
motivated not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions
and ideas that differ from those held by the majority
11. For the growth of professions and academic fields imagination is
more important than knowledge
11. The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and
interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by
observing the appearance and behavior of its people
12. Some educational systems emphasize the development of
student's capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students
would benefit more from an education that also taught them to
explore their own emotions


1. In a study of reading habits of Leeville citizens conducted by the

University of Leeville, most respondents said they preferred literary
classics as reading material. However, a follow-up study conducted
by the same researchers found that the type of book most frequently
checked out of each of the public libraries in Leeville was the
mystery novel. Therefore, it can be concluded that the respondents
in the first study had misrepresented their reading habits.

2. The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Clearview

"In the next mayoral election, residents of Clearview should vote for
Ann Green, who is a member of the Good Earth Coalition, rather
than for Frank Braun, a member of the Clearview town council,
because the current members are not protecting our environment.
For example, during the past year the number of factories in
Clearview has doubled, air pollution levels have increased, and the
local hospital has treated 25 percent more patients with respiratory
illnesses. If we elect Ann Green, the environmental problems in
Clearview will certainly be solved."

3. The following appeared as an editorial in a wildlife

journal."Arctic deer live on islands in Canada's arctic region. They
search for food by moving over ice from island to island during the
course of a year. Their habitat is limited to areas warm enough to
sustain the plants on which they feed, and cold enough, at least some
of the year, for the ice to cover the sea separating the islands,
allowing the deer to travel over it. Unfortunately, according to
reports from local hunters, the deer populations are declining. Since
these reports coincide with recent global warming trends that have
caused the sea ice to melt, we can conclude that the decline in arctic
deer populations is the result of deer being unable to follow their
age-old migration patterns across the frozen sea."

4. The following appeared as an editorial in a local newspaper.

"In order to attract visitors to Central Plaza downtown and to
return the plaza to its former glory, the city should prohibit
skateboarding there and instead allow skateboarders to use an area
in Monroe Park. At Central Plaza, skateboard users are about the
only people one sees now, and litter and defaced property have
made the plaza unattractive. In a recent survey of downtown
merchants, the majority supported a prohibition on skateboarding
in the plaza. Clearly, banning skateboarding in Central Plaza will
make the area a place where people can congregate for fun or for

5. As people grow older, an enzyme known as PEP increasingly

breaks down the neuropeptide chemicals involved in learning and
memory. But now, researchers have found compounds that prevent
PEP from breaking neuropeptides apart. In tests, these compounds
almost completely restored lost memory in rats. The use of these
compounds should be extended to students who have poor memory
and difficulty in concentrating — and therefore serious problems in
school performance. Science finally has a solution for problems
neither parents nor teachers could solve.

6. The following is a memorandum from the sales director to the

president of the Healthy-and-Good food company.
"A recent study indicates that Venadial, a new margarine currently
produced only in the country of Alta, actually reduces cholesterol
levels. Derived from the resin of pine trees, Venadial works by
activating a metabolic response that is not yet well understood.
However, cholesterol levels fell ten to fifteen percent among
participants in the study who consumed Venadial daily, and the risk
of heart attack by one-third. In addition, the new margarine is so
popular that stores in Alta are unable to keep it on their shelves.
Therefore, if our company obtains the exclusive right to sell
Venadial internationally, our profits are sure to increase
substantially within a very short time."

7. Recent study shows that people living on the continent of North

America suffer 9 times more chronic fatigue and 31 times more
chronic depression than do people living on the continent of Asia.
Interestingly, Asians, on average, eat 20 grams of soy per day,
whereas North Americans eat virtually none. It turns out that soy
contains phytochemicals called isoflavones, which have been found
to possess disease-preventing properties. Thus, North Americans
should consider eating soy on a regular basis as a way of preventing
fatigue and depression.

8. Due to the declining profits we have to reduce the operating

expenses of the ten rental vedio stores we have. We have to not
increase the profits because we are famous for special bargains. By
reducing the operating a good idea. Last month our vedio-
store in downtown have reduced the working time to 6:pm rather
than 9:pm which is our usual time. It ha also reduced the inventory
by excluding the stock two years from now. So, we have to do the
same..for all the rental stores

9. The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing

Company to the company's president.
"In recent years, Liber has unfortunately moved away from its
original mission: to publish the works of regional small-town
authors instead of those of big-city authors. Just last year, 90
percent of the novels we published were written by authors who
maintain a residence in a big city. Although this change must have
been intended to increase profits, it has obviously backfired, because
Liber is now in serious financial trouble. The only way to address
this problem is to return to our original mission. If we return to
publishing only the works of regional small-town authors, our
financial troubles will soon be resolved"

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