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What a Progressive Actually Believes

Since they won't tell you, I will. And Ill rebut it, just for kicks. Progressive Idea
I know better than you do what you should and should not do. + You are not the boss of me. Safety is more important than freedom.

Conservative Response
I know what is best for me and my family more than any government agency ever will. And I am not the boss of you. Freedom carries a high price, including personal responsibility to achieve and risk of failure. The results are veriable and worth it. Everyone should have equal freedom, so their outcome reects their personal effort. Freedom should be impinged the minimal amount necessary to protect the innocent. Government should only be involved when there is a tangible, veriable risk; in ways that can be shown and agreed to have a signicantly lower negative impact; and only to the minimal degree necessary. The rewards of excellence justify all failures along the way. A person who doesnt risk leads a diminished life. Stupid should hurt, until it is driven out of the national psyche.

I should be free to do whatever I want. (You also are free to do whatever I want.)

The smallest, most absurdly low level of bodily risk should be avoided, even if the cost is absurdly high and the benets are negligible or indiscernible. Avoiding risk of failure is more important than achieving excellence. There should be no consequences for my favorite behaviors

It's OK to forcibly remove property from any other Personal property rights are at the core of day to person so long as it is given to someone who has day freedom, and less than they do Government is there to force equal outcomes for all citizens, even if it means a lower level of freedom, success or wealth for most people, including the lower class. It is unfair for anyone to excel, because having a better outcome is inherently unfair. The purpose of government is to protect individual liberty from foreign attacks, criminals, oppressors, and overbearing and overtaxing governments. Individual liberty is what allows people to move to a higher class. It is unjust to reward low achievers and punish high achievers. Not to mention that over time this will produce more of the former and less of the latter. Fair means having the same rules for all, not an equal score at the end of the game. Thats called pointless. America is the world leader in creating and protecting personal freedom and a better life for all of humanity.

America is inherently guilty and should be punished (except for progressives).

What a Progressive Actually Believes

Since they won't tell you, I will. And Ill rebut it, just for kicks.

Arts and entertainment are more important than industry and science, except when science can be used to support progressive goals. In a debate it is more important to discredit your opponent than to disprove his ideas, because you often can't do the latter but you can always do the former. The goal is to protect your conclusions. The purpose of news media is to persuade the general population to become more progressive. Those who don't follow this rule should be punished. If the market rewards them, the government should step in. Sexual pleasure is the highest level of existence, and the state should do nothing to inhibit it. Its the governments job to take care of everyone. The fundamental unit of humanity is the community (meaning, the government of the community). A family is any group of people (including animals) that decides to call itself a family, and the government should recognize it with full benets. Conservatives are small minded bigots who want to impose mediaeval Christian rules on everyone else and return to pre-civil war plantation rules.

Industry and science do more to improve quality of life than 90% of current popular arts and entertainment, which are caustic to a healthy life. In a debate it is important to discredit bad facts, faulty logic, and erroneous conclusions, even in your own position. The person delivering any of the above is comparatively irrelevant. The goal is to attain truth and apply it in real life. The purpose of news media is to report unbiased facts which allow the public to educate themselves and become better citizens and voters. Editorializing must be clearly labeled as such. Generosity and mercy are the highest level of existence, and the state can do nothing to generate these principles. Its everyones job to take care of themselves, and have enough left over to be generous. The fundamental unit of humanity is the family.

A family is ideally a father and mother committed to raising children until they become healthy adults. The government has a vested interest in promoting this ideal above all others. Conservatives want to protect the individual liberties enshrined in (though not created by) the Constitution, for all Americans.

What a Progressive Actually Believes

Since they won't tell you, I will. And Ill rebut it, just for kicks.

Progressives brought about the end of slavery and the civil rights movement.

Slavery was ended by the pervasive Christian sentiment in England and the Northern U.S., the blood of thousands of predominantly Christian young men, and the Republican party. The civil rights movement was promoted by the Republicans and mainly opposed by the Democrats of the south. An unborn baby is alive, human, and innocent, just as you were before you were born. There is never a case where it is acceptable to end an innocent human life for mere convenience, even if it might grow up to be a progressive. The purpose of eduction is to produce rational thinkers who can challenge assumptions, discover facts, and synthesize valid conclusions, which can then be applied to life. Alternate viewpoints based on facts will eventually become accepted. All races, genders and cultures have strengths and weaknesses which can be scientically quantied. Awareness of the differences is not the same as hatred. Any individual can capitalize on their strengths and overcome their weaknesses to succeed in any area. No one should ever tolerate anything destructive to another human. That is merciless. Tolerance is not a virtue: correction with love is a virtue. Progressives must have a strong centralized federal government for force their radical ideas on an unwilling population. They would be happy to have 5 Supreme Court justices impose their ideals on the whole nation. Conservatism centers on the Bill of Rights, which places individual liberty above government intervention. That government which governs least, governs best. Fossil fuels are the safest and most efcient form of energy available today. There are enough resources available for the next 100 years at least. All green options cost more and produce 3 more negative consequences, while driving up prices and enriching terrorist sponsor nations.

Abortion is a human right. No people were harmed in the making of this abortion.

The purpose of education is to produce progressives. Without years of daily indoctrination people will tend to be conservative, creative, free thinking and independent. Alternate viewpoints must be punished. Prejudice and racism are the same thing. No amount of factual evidence can justify the supposition of any difference between races, genders or cultures. Oh, and minorities need special help to succeed. Everyone must show tolerance for every kind of behavior (except conservatism). Progressives defend the little guy, conservatives want to set up a ruling elite.

Green energy is the wave of today

What a Progressive Actually Believes

Since they won't tell you, I will. And Ill rebut it, just for kicks.

Islam is a religion of peace. Christianity is a sponsor of state terrorism.

Islam has never spread except through bloody conquest and subjugation. It is a central doctrine. Christianity depends on individual willing assent as its means of propagation. It is a central doctrine. All military responses of Christian nations against Islam have been reactions to jihadi attacks. The disproportionate number of minorities in prison reects the aftermath of the destruction of the family brought on by government subsidized promiscuity and fatherlessness. The number one statistical marker of a prison inmate is the lack of a loving father. This leads to much higher crime rates in young men. Your gender is based entirely on your DNA: the X or Y chromosome. And how can a trait which prevents propagation be passed on by propagation? Conservatives hate having children indoctrinated in sexual behavior of any kind before they are of age. They dont hate or fear anyone because of their private sexual behavior, but believe that children should aspire to ideals, not aberrant behavior. Capitalism is inherently freedom. People produce more than they need, and trade their excess for other goods or services. The excess is invested in risky endeavors in hopes of achieving excellence in a new eld. In this way everyone benets, as evidenced by the rise of western middle class in the last 2 centuries. Socialism can only be created by force at the expense of personal liberty. A ruling elite has power over the individuals actions and possessions. This is commonly known as tyranny. No ruling elite can respond as quickly or efciently to complex needs as a free market. The historic result of socialism is that is kills freedom, wealth, and people, generally in that order.

The disproportionate number of minorities in prison reects institutionalized racism.

Gender identity is a choice, while homosexuality is genetic.

Conservatives hate and fear homosexuals.

Capitalism is inherently evil. Wealthy fat cats have all the money and power, and use it to control the masses and keep them in poverty.

Socialism is inherently good. Wise rulers decide how much people get to keep so that everyone gets to share in the wealth.

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