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The Nature of Theatre

Theatre is an art form that is universal Occurs in all parts of all history -Egyptian -Greek -Roman -Middle Ages -Modern Day Part of all cultures Part of all societies that contain art Part of our everyday lives We have rituals in our society that occur everyday that are theatrical Religion Celebrations Storytelling Religion Can be extremely theatrical Repeated actions retelling stories/beliefs Heightening action with: -Music -Decoration Ambiance like incense/candles -Actions of leader -Dress of participants Celebrations Parties Birthday, retirement, housewarming Festivals Oktoberfest Golden Keg tapping Circleville Pumpkin Fest Entire town shuts down -Costumes heritage conveyed / Halloween -Music -Dancing -Speeches given /Dialogue

Storytelling Fairy Tales, Myths, & Legends Stimulate the Imagination Teach Lessons Teach the Young about their Culture Instill a sense of Self-worth Jokes The Parts of a Theatrical Event Performers At least 1 Audience At least 1 A Story/Dramatic Action Message to the story A place to perform Elements that can be added to enhance event Scenery setting Props Lighting Costumes Sound Theatre is a part of our society because it is a form of entertainment Why we choose to be entertained? -Stimulation of senses -Stimulates our imagination or our ability to pretend Interaction with other humans -Provides interaction with others / cultures / ideas -Group activities shared experiences -Developing bonds between others with shared experience / discussion of experience How do we choose to be entertained? Where we hear a story we experience catharsis Purging of Emotions We feel emotion for the characters -Laughter / happiness -Crying / anxiety / fear Excitement Unpredictability not knowing outcome of events

Public event present with others to share emotion/excitement Levels of Dramatic Action -Intellectual -Emotional -Physical -Spiritual We are attracted to the idea of storytelling Sharing ideas learning of events -Reading to childrens -Adults the stories are more sophisticated THEATRE IS ALWAYS CHANGING Unlike other art forms it will constantly morph It takes place in the present/right now It is a live art form unlike other media -Sculpture -Paintings -Novels -TV/Movies Update time periods, characters, themes Different each time the play is done -Each night different audience -Each Production -Different production companies Professional/Broadway/Off-Broadway Academic School supported Community LAX Comm. Performance is always given by someone different Actors Directors Designers Script is changed or concept is different Updated plays Shakespeare R & J Bas Lurhman Greek Roman

Audience changes Adult Kids High school / college Las Vegas/NYC This effects the performance An Actor will react to the audience and vice versa Like all art theatre is an Imitation of Life It shows us what it means to be human It shows us real life situations/emotions Stereotypes Theatre uses stereotypes to break down facades and prejudices Caricatures 3-Dimensional Human Beings Our response reveals something about ourselves Current issues Arabian Nights History - Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it Greek-Trojan Wars Diary of Anne Frank Vietnam war Reflect how society felt at the time Shows values, beliefs, morals, and attitudes of society Reaction by playwright as to how society feels How will we react in hindsight It makes us ask questions as an observers: Who Are We? Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going In Life? WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN How we react to certain Ideas and Concepts Tells us something about ourselves Tells us about Society

The Collaborative Art What is a collaborative art? A collective understanding of the needs of each element of the show A willingness to work collectively on a production for a coherent design How does this work? Directors concept: Defines two environments 1. Defines physical space: Time, place & style 2. Emotional: Mood & Theme Ex: Hamlet Traditional Globe theatre or R & J in present Designs that support that concept 1) Set design 2) Lighting design 3) Costume design 4) Sound design 5) Special effects Problems that are possible in this collaboration EGO compromise and share ideas Designs that don't support the dir. concept Directors that change their concept Why do we do Theatre? 1) Provide public event 2) Attract attention to people and issues 3) Provide emotional catharsis 4) Stimulate and shape creative imagination 5) Change or reinforce attitudes 6) Reflect and interpret contemporary life 7) Express social concerns and celebrate social achievements 8) Demonstrate artistic achievement 9) Validate a sense of personal identity and worth 10) Perpetuate and enrich Theatre 11) Teach

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