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Kateclra z,ir angl ist ihLr Savrenteni errsleslii .lezili I \u -l-r'anslate into Scrbian:

FiloloSki lal<Liltet u Beo_qraciu

.jun 2009.

outside the u,inciorv altered. slttivly. to the derelict r-roltltern \\'astes iitr'ttobtrtir could nou'a1'lorcl to lanclscape: wils it tnre that the Irrglish hacl li,-utsacliccl lhc-ir riches lor ttitl cctttttt'ics" hed spent lilic loLcis. aud u'ere non'bankrLrpt- living in the ruins ol-their own past grarldiose ercesses? l)elhups it ivas so. Fear constrained her. fhe spirit hacl gone out of the coLltltr\'. or so its hostile crilics claimed: clenLrnciations thuncierecl 1r'ont Uganc-la. fl'ont Russian exiles. SIre did not resllect theirjudgnrents. but she hacl to listen to thenr. The cor-urtr'\' \\ias srt)u'itts olcl. I-ilie Itelsclf-. The scars on thu'hillsides \\'erc the u,r'iulilcs rorrnci her'n eves: irrcnror at-rle. LIou'cor-rlcl one Iearrr to grori, olcl'? -l'hc North o1'lltr,tlancl. in itsclf. h'ightc-nec1 her. Shc \\,ils.l Sor,rthclircr'. blought up in Ilitrttpshirc. l'hcse ;rclsl"rcctives alarnred her. She had triccl to lovc thenr lbr Anthonl,'s salie. but hel'ttet'r'e ri,its fr.tilinll lrer'. etrbinq a\\ra)'.'[he train macle its u,av throLrgh a blaclier-recl cLrtting: the shcc;' skrnc sliccs on citlrer side' of hc'r u,ept black. danl<- perpctual tcars. 'l-o thc right. stood a stralttue strartticcl tel'l'r'tcL' ol houses. oclclll, elevated" in t]tc nriclcllc ol- r.ror.r,ltet'e. \\/ho coulcl have brrilt sLrch hunran habitations'l
scenet'1' Mar',rarc-t I)r'abble: T'lte lcc ;trga

Iteu's thal North I(orea hltcl calliccl oLrt a sccoircl undr'l'groLrncl nrrclcur test" on l\4av u,hrrt it clainrecl u,as its llrst. ancl that it cleatecl ir biuger b:nrg this 1in-tc. tlt'cti'suifi irtLcnrational conclenrnation. Thc [-]nitecl Nations SccLrritr CoLrncil slteedill, cottclct-t''cl the nLrclcitl cl'fi'ontcr'),.Even China. a sultltosecl tiiencl of thc rosuc rcqinte.-joincd in. l.lnabashccl. the lblces o1'Iiinr .long Il. Nolth l(orea's ocldball clictator'. subseqLrentll, lirecl ol'f a hattcllirl ttl'short-t'itnsc rrissile's 1br sood ureasr,rre.'l-hcse llreu,orl<s tbllori,the laLrncir in April of rl tht'cc--stttgc rockct ()\er.lapan and the Pacillc. tJntil that ltoint- it u'as still possiLrle to argue that itlct'easitrulr ltclliselcnt r]rctoric tl'onr ]\ill I(inr's reginrc u,as,itrsl his uav ol'carching the altenliorr oi'l)t'csiclettt Ilallrcli Otranta's ttcrv acln-rii'ristration.'l'ltc pat'iah statc hacl lon! saici it t,antccl an uitlr tirc- Llnited Statcs that gualarrtcecl its scclrritr'. Iltrt cnuuuc-ntcnt u,ith the oLrtsicle i.r'orlcl ntiu lortlis ncal the Lrclttont of its priolitic-s.


l-ith. ttcallr thrcc lcals alier

'On nrr,rslrroont cloucl tu,o"- 7Ic lit'ttrtottri.:'1. N4ar 28th 2()09

F-iloloilii thkultet



Savrenreni erlglesl<i .iezili IV Paper I '[rartslatiorl liom l]n-elish into Serbiarl l-irne: i hoLrr 20 rnirlr-rtes

april 2009.

a scttleti in E,nglanci" I r.nanasecl to fbrget thtrt I hacl ever beetl in l-latntlersrl-rith' co,r-rrrrist. ancl cheerlirllv sLrpportecl tl-re conservative Party caltlpaigtl irlto tl-re ritUals of Ila'cls-o, experience oi' campaignins \vas au invalr-rable initiation trot to fbr-eet to exercise their BLitishness. I *,as deliverins't.r,l.trl r-rrging olci laclies

f)1, rhe tinrc

clenrocratic right. ''\\,e" \\'ott that election. I retllained au ardent For art least a cor,rple ol'\,ears afler tlrst no[ the last of rn1' r.o'alist ancl a true-blue Conservative" in u,hat rvas rleither the aware of tt"i-v orvn flcltletless tlot spectacular political U-tunrs ( by then 1 u,as sLrfflciently to leanl t. be irrclipecl ts fbrnraliz-e nrerrtrc-rship of an,v organization). it rvas clisapllointing grelvolder' althorrgh the ''u'ait and that one clitln't necessarill'bccot]]c ettrt'u'iser as one If Yott scc"',.licr,- as arl,ocatecl bv mv fiithci- flnallt,begarl to shou' distinct tlclVatrtagcs' llC\t t0 Catch lIe on lll\ stoocl "u aitipg alcl seeirlg" lolrg etlclitgh. )1otl were botrrlcl rd\ ()luti0rl.

tra G o

1 c1

su'o rt hv'

C' I t e



l'\ t r

rt t' b e t' t' i e's

irl a Iilrssia irrcl z\nrerica iravc pleclgccl to siash their nucleat'stockpiles (i20 srttlltllit. l'resitietlts oblttlla gr.r)riir(ii)r-calii.,, i.lgrccnlcr-lt in l-onclon ,,,', tl,. cvc ol-the

ir-r relations that courlcl irlclilcle lurtl l\4cclrctlev issrrecl ar statenrc:rrt pruniising a'-tiesh stiirt'' Whitc llouse otllcials tr legllll' birlcling artlls reclltctiott treatl' by; tlie encl of the l'ear' tlo tll6rc thatr q'arheads q'as likclt' to be reclutcecl inclicatecl t|at the tttttlf'rer of nuclear .tr1 oll issues rzrnging 1l'orll thc $'ar 1.500 cach.'l'he litUr-page statentent pleclged co-operatiolt o1'llcials in z\lgha*isttir.r to reining in Iran's,rr.lcur. atttbititltts. [ltlrvever. White'llotrsc to site rtlissile clei'ence sYstetl'ts itl saicl th,r thc *ren clisagreecl on liur.r'ran rights" US plans S.trth osscLilr' aastrr, r:Lr*lpc l{Lrssia's i,vasiori o1'the Gcorgian territor' .f recoverv ecot-ttltt'tic lllatr Meart$,liilc. (jurclon []ruwn's Itopes ol'securing a c,ontltrehctlsive oincd fbrces at a Au-seltr Mcrlicl.f hi1 a clarrscroLrs hitch. Prcsiclent Srrrliozl,anrl chancellor lor a tlctr itltcrtratitltlal l-onclo, t. *,.nr that thcr,uoulcl riot sign Lrp r:nless their call -.ll.a*ciaI irrchitectLrrs'' \\,as nrct. J'hc cla,r, r,;as ,larrccl [rr protests irl thc Citl' 91- Liltltlotl' slllashecl their rvar' i\ithorrqh lcars ol'a nrass riot lailecl to nraterialise" nrasliecl anarchists ir"rto a brattclt ol- [{oval l]arlk tll'Scotlarlcl' "ltLtssia zttlcl Attlerica llleclge to slash rruclcar sl-ocklliles'' - Tlte Tine's' April 2nd 2009


FilolclSki fakLr ltet Lr lleosrtrdu Srr renrerri eneleslii .iczili. IV -l'ranslation Paper I tl-ont English into Serbian I-irrrc. I lrttrrr'10 rriirrutcs


\\ere lllolllents in the early rnonring. iifier the ntild excitcllu-ltt gt'cla1,n. *,ith i'oltclolt alreaclv heacling rtoisily lbr rvork. and his crcative tunr6il frnllly su'rotherecl b1, exhattstiotr- \'ltctl CliVe stotld ll'ortt tlie piano ancl shuffled to t6e clt)ory,uv to t6sr gut t6c stLttlio lights- ttl.tcl Iotllicd bacli at the rich, bear-rtitirl chaos that srrrroLrnc,lccl his toils. ancl had orlce lllorc a pilssin-u tltoLrght. the n.iinuscLrle fl'agnrcnt ot- a sirsl'ricigl that he l,oLrlcl t'tot hitvc shareil li'ith a sillgle person in thc r.r,orlcl. rioulcl not even have comnritteci to his .ioLrrnal attcl u'hose l.'e1'riorcl he shapeci in his nrincl rvith rcluctancc; the thoLrsht ri,as. clLrite sirllplr'- tllat it ntight uot be going too far to sal,that he \\urs ... a p.erir-rs. he sourlclecl it gLriltill'oll ilis inuer ear. he u'oulcl r-rot let the u,orcJ reach his lips. lt *,as a te,, that hacl sLrl't-erecl lionl irrflationan,over-rrse" bLrt surely therc rvus a ccr.t,i. le'cl ofachievctlretlt. a qolcl stanclarcl" that u,as non-negotiablc. bel,oncl nrcrc o1-rinion. llrn Mc[:u an. 1lttt.ytarclcrnt
viclecl. releasccl on the intenrct. shous tu,o shriei<ine teellaqcl's lllnrinq the slreeckrnreter ol'their car as thev loar throLrgh a irrrrncl at 2601<ph 1160*ph). Altlr.rrgh the a1'rpeiira,cc ol'the lllrn ea,retl tlre b.y,5 cri1nir:rl charses. at least thet'ciicl tlot critsh. In a curious nranner'. the vicleo n-rirrors Monlcncgro s present firte. Alier tltree t'cars of brealincclt .qrorvth" the' econonrv is rapicllv slgrr ipi rlori,r.r. It has ,.t citlite c|ashed--bLrt thc aliershocks coLrlcl still be nast\,.'l'ire capital. I,Jcigorica. has bee, expalltlill-u lirst in t'ccct't[ \'ci]rs. Irlats artcl ol'llccs havc sltroulcrl all rotrn6 tirc citt,'s ccls.c,s ticVclollcrs llLrsh u ith cltslt lioll szrles ol'i,illas ur-rcl apartntents orr tltc coiist to I{ussia, itll"cstors hitvc;lortt'cci t[re ltroceecls ir-rto nen,prollcl't\,. I]Lrt in thc pust ierr,pt.,rrtlts.,s t5c lltttllber o1'loreigncl's ittvestittg in coastlrl propertv has drie-cl r',p" ,1i has tlrc cash. I)o*,rr b,, thc ctlilsl thin-us are as bacl or worse. Plannecl devclopnrents. nlanv airlcrl lrt rierh ltLrssians" llitVe bect] scaleti bacl<. thotrgh ihe govenrnent holtes to lLrre Grrlf Ar.aLr irtyestors tg tal<cthcir'placc.


A Rl-.(ll-.N'l'Morltettegritt

"Not clrrite a crilsh''. Tlte l:c,onotrti.s.t..lartrrrrrr, 8th 2009


lakur ltcrt r-t []eogracllr

Savretnet.ii engleski .iez'il<


oktobar 1008.

'lranslatiotl tl'otl.t Elrglisli itlto Serbian I'aper 1 -['inte: t hottt 20 r-tlinr"rtes

she tolcl t-ne - social evc'llts' cocktail It u'as she rvfio art'ansed thirlgs tbr Richard' u'as a bachelor' -i-hcn shc slitl that she parties ancl clipner,

rr, clelighte-cI rhat Iiicharcl l-ri-rd Y0r-rng girl lilie l-r]e.'fhel'e'cl rr..n

rl,ith tr tlice tlllirllr,deciclecl to settle clorrt-t. lrrlcl u.ol-rple of close things - sollle.llt'eYiOLts n'ol-tletr itl relati.rl ttr (This u'as ho$' \\/iniii"a tt"tous spoke ol entanglenrents. or Snares' or t-tlerelr'lilie ;rieces oIguullly ll.icflalci- eutatrgletrepts. like uets, ot'u'ebs' rlright get caulghl or'1, \t)Llr shoe b)' lett l-r'ing aroutlcl otl the gro,-,,-"1' tllat -Vor-r string ,ot Lirirt ri'tttttct"t tiicl 1'rn,',., ti.,ese e.ta,',gre're,ts,ristarie.) r.r_rcliirv tticharcr hac-l cscaPeJ -r-her e .ased irlier .i, irr crr.r,cs. saicr \\i i,ir.ccl- 10ri c'i,s hcr ch,sc aricr his clotSirg tor'- his ca'c[Lrlll'arrangetl ^ot 'iln. ancl i hacl a,-, in.,agc ot'lLichard. *,hisli.l '.ice. pack of ba'irli fcrltaies c.,rsecl iriicr.hirll' h*ir rlishcvcllccl. ilecitg irt ;rartic ,.'t.,ii.-o i,rirgi.e r{ ru'rrri'q' r'r Ilut l coLrltl ,.t tr.ti"ri i, sr-rch on i,",,g.. r co,klri'.t inraginc hrrtr,l,'.:il;;]r,"" l-,,,,rring. ol evcn L',.i,-rg all'aicl' I cotrlclrr't


,n tbLth - b..oust he,ir^,rr


lbrrrer *,i|e fbr pr-rrcrLr.i.u p.esicle,ti,l ltorllll is,otr-rir-r!. Iil<.e a 'ircricti'e ceciria. u,ho lc,1i Strrliozr, 1.r'arclthc' uri-lu- \\l1s .lr sLrclcre, reaprlcarallCc ()r1 stage .f his trotrl'rl':rl c'r l.'...i.' *'hctr he tlloLrght that rur* surprisc lirr thu' j0" r,r,iis cliYorcccl 1l-onr thc pt'csldc-trt llrsi 'rc,r.h hatr becn \r.ittcn out oI thc tlr.ann. clccilia. Ct,elltS orgatliscr. [lltt dtlcs tltli October to ll-}arr\,llicharc] Attias. lt N,ltlroccltn-bot.t-l that pronlptccl.her', shortll t'1^t]' l,n:,.:"prtt'rtlitrtt' scer-Ir to hi.rVe oVCrconre the bitterness tll' "Sarliu" t'l bcillg a haraokc-obscssecl cgotist irlcallllblc accLlsc thc llr'lleractiye to tirlrt thr-llc-\vspaper last *'eeli shc sttggcrstccl tr.ue lo'e. lr-r,r'r ir-ttcr',,'ic'*,rl'itll a S*'iss u'as 1tl blatllc tlis .,1'tcnrpcr and ii rr-ltlllcss strciil(' l,rrcnch prcsiclcnt- \\,ho is kuo$,r-r lbr grrrliclirlg o1'u'orlcl tirr ,,ctri,g hcr hLrsblrprl sucliccl iiortt,organii'n* 1,,fcstigiotls u'it' l]*rcc's batl "ruptl',,'.'-[.hc *iri.gness or. Slr-li.zr," *,h. hacr ,*r*isccl icacrer.s. pcrsrlrlal crlcls hlrs iccl t. eirt'ieltttrt'es .lrl *,u's ol-t'c 1r,,J,.,.., Ltsc ltresicierrtial clotrt tilr l(ing l-tluris' oihinr in thc l;rcnch llress lis il lattercla,v '.C]cciliarctLllllst()l)LlllCtLlrCSltrliilz'rSl)()lllI') .... e,,,.r-,,-z 'fltc .\trttclttt"l-ima's -Scplcrrlbcr I 1' 1008



ltet r-r Beograclur Savrerleni errqlesl(i jez_ik lV


septc-ntbal" 2008.

Paper I 'l'ranslatior-r front English into Serbiarr I-inle: I hour 20 ntir-rutes

We ltrveci to sit irt uorlir.r.rcn's lrc(Ltne^ smoll, boozers irr u'hich a cirinl< cost onl), a' pellce and tto ol-ie \\'e kneu, ever tLrrnecl up. These places rr er.c- staf fecl by surll' rYaitresses irr peep-toe can\/as boots, boroscrne. clesignecl to prevent Varicose veins artcl qLrite possiblv the Lrgliest tootu,ear on earth. Thev were I.nandatorY fbr u'orkers in state-ou'ned shops ancl hostelries. One ol tl-relvaitre'sses u'ctutlcl evc'ntuallr/ corre up to Lrs. clutching an enonnoLrs leathcr r'i':rllet ancl dodging hancls. stretched oLrt fiom surrouncling tables. u,hich u,ere berlt orl pirtchirtg her. She'd s:i\/ sorrething along the lines ol"What'S lbr i,ou tu'o lovcbirds'l' in a voicc coarse fionr cigarette snroke. Peter ancl l u,ere usually in the rriclc'lle ol- a conversation aboLrt u,orlci politics. I saicl I hacl no interLlsL i, politics bltt I lttvecl ar-eLring r,r,ith l-iirn ancl rvolrlcl olten aciopt a positior-r u,lrich I thoLrsht nliqht in[r-rriate hinr. sicling u,ith sorlre crerzecl br-rnch ol'pltiorralists ri,6o blou't.t a f.:i,r peoltle up. sinrplf in orcler to get hinr goirru. ArgLrirrg u,ith l)eter irl the tttitltlle ol'a sn'roll, kc(ttntr allr,avs nranagecl to sccr.)r increcliblr. glatllortlus lo ltte. lle alriavs gave cach argLlnrent his best shot anrl ri'oulcl ne\/cr uivc u1-r irntil I conccclccl tlte point.

Vesnit CoIclsri orlht'..

C hento lty,I SI

rtrtr berri es

'loLtristtl ltiis bcconre thc stealth inclustn' o1'the global era. -l'his pr.oblcnr qocs lilr bcrorlcl a veteriin trat,eler''s contplaitrt that things arerl't tlte n,a),they Lrsecl to be. or atllto\/attcc at sharinq the i:if}-el Tou,er or the Ta.j Mahal n,ith thoLrsancls oi' other photo-snappirte tolrrists loLrdlv asliing rluestior-rs ir-r langLrages tlre Iocals clotl't t"tllclet'stattcl. What's liappening toclal, is of anclther rlasnituclc. 'l'he places ite ltlve are ralticllv clisappeilrir.r-u. Global tourisnr toclar,is not onlr,a nnjoritltlLtstt'\'_- it's rttttlting sirort of a planet-thrc:atcnir-i-u pIague. lt's polluting land atlcl sca. clcstl'or it'tQ tr,ilcllile ancl natullrl habitat ancl clepletirrs cper'_q.r itpcl patural resoLlrces. Ft'ollr Asia to Afiica. look-alilie resorts ancl spas arc rcpl:rcing ancl unciernlitlill-u local cLtltltre. ancl the international cluest lilr r,acltipr.i l.iglses is lbrcing Iocal resicletrts oLtt o1'their homes. It's rise to olllcill cerrLrpti.l. -uiving ncarlth inctlLritics arlcl hecclless conrllctition. it"s cvctr coptpibLrtipg t9 hulr1r.t riehts violations. especiallr thror-rqh the scor-rrsc ol'scr tr-rLrr.isr.n.
Eliz-abcth lle:clicr:

"l)on't (lo 'l-herc".

IYrt.s'hington Pos'I. ALrsLrst 3 lst 200|i

FiloloSki laliultet Lt Beogr.aclu Savrenrr-n i en_ql esh i ezii tv .i

Paper I 'franslation fi.onr l}rqlish into Serbian 'l-inte:



hoLrr 20 ntinutes

th.t [r;;; i, a gr.oup as rve clid. thesc'clLiicii l'litt'cs ol'at1t'action cor-rlcl tlare arid clie in u,rio,-,.,.r,. lea'irg behircl tlletll tertdenrL'ss. Lrntullillecl cLrr.iositt,. a slightly r,r,ry arrcl pot r_rppleasa,t,ai, of. loss:..a1d.1 thoLrght that perhaps it \i,as abore oil tt.,., tenclcr pl.tin ol. Lrnlirjflllecl possibiiities that boutlcl Lrs' ilecar-rse I u,as penlanentlv cont-usecl. clissatisfleci. tortlletltcci b-f inadeclr-tac:)'- cirivcn bv rvanting tor,,ard.s eVer-),kincl of inrpossible 1u1ure. the atritucle ot'niincl clescriircd bv ,.ioler.antly anrusecl eyes". at'av tllc ]lLIt it ir'.ts Pultl irha. rln,.,a,,,r,u,r*,.,r.'l.,aai ,,ir,Lrscci \\,as year.s r,\.es'- alrcl AS \\'e u'cnt into trre roonr. r ri,as nonderinq ittr,;,-., 1,'nrriur.'iu,,irill, ltossessccl -rtlutlt coLtld conceivabil,bc as Ltnhalt1t1, ",.,,. Lrncl tor.n.rcittccl as I rr,ils: ancl il'i1 r'r'rts tt'Lte tllat I hacl. Iike hini "nnrr-rsecl cycs" - ,.,hat on coLrlcl that nt e a n'.)
Doris I_cssing: 'l-hc Cttlcicn Noteborrli

\Vc- l,alj<ed up to tirc roont througlt the hot sLrnligltt. thc clust u,arnt anc.l ll'asrart r-rncle. or-r. shocs. IIis a.* ,r,,,r-u.o,.,n,i ;;r.;;r;t.o*,, I *,.s ,rr-asecr to have it there lbr other reasons than that willi rvas u,atchins. I re ,rer-,iber leelirg the irttir,atc pressLlrLr o1'his,r', and thinl<irg

i. rlll.gillalisecl- omriscir,ractcrisecl cliiratc clrirrgc scicrrcc,raclc a'ailable to the gelteral pLrblic". The conflrnlrtion ol'political irter.lcr-e,cc is r irltiicatioll tilr"lallles llansctt. Nrsa's chicl'clirrat. ,.i.,riirt arcl .rc .f the- to stlitt.tcl thc ltllt'tll oVct' sl.bal tt'alnring._clainrs or'political clallr irrg sLri.luccrl u'hctl Illnsen saicl Itc- hacl bccn blocliccj fl.<tnt taking par-l in a Nlrtirinril Prrbiic lladio intct-r,ie-u iit l)eccntbcr. 2005.

tire inspcctol generar. r-eTorts that fionr l]:'1.-1r.dns' ,.-,1 ,,.,,,,., 200-1 Lrrtir eari' 200(r Nasa's cc'lrtral public allhirs otilcc harcilecr global *o,.,,-,i,.,g ir *,av that "t'eclucc'ii'

l'olitic.l ltlT,itltees ltllrectl b-r the IlLrslr atlmiristratio, irt. seri()1. lltlsititirls r'itlliil N,rrslt's.,,, Irclr.lquarte actccl t. pla-r, cl.*, clistor.t ilccotlllts gi'ctl to thc'llLlbiic of'the reiearch's frrclinss of its scientists., slobai tr''.r',ing. a, .fJlciar irvr-stigatior.r iras c.r.rcr,crecr. fi.,e spa'."c-;:;.,r'.'.,,;';,r?ill,l.,

rrate .epo'ts's*,a'c-cr


por it

t, ( i t t t r.t r i t,t \\/eclncsclar .lrritc -l 20()g


ics' "

FiloloSl<i lakLrltet



Savlenreni engleslii .iez-ik IV Paper I Translation tl'onr iinglish into Serbian l-inrc-: I hor-rr 20 nrinutes

april 2008.

An hour ago hc hacl f-elt the tr-rg ol dron'siness. but non, he pleclged hinrsell'to stav au,alic. Stlrving arvake seernecl a portion ol u,hat rvls crltectecl
ot'hint. part o1'1he neu'role he had r-u-rdertal<en a lbri'hor,rrs earlier. standing in ll't,lrt trl'lt ntlrt'r il,'e e (rntntissirrttet'. I'[e n'as r husband nou,. and his chattering. l'retlirl Dorrie" no lonser a girltiiencl br-rt a vvif-e. \\,as slipping clorvn sideu,avs against his anr. her thce dant;r ancl sealed shut rvith sleep. Iror her sal<e hc- n'or-rld sta)'illcrt. IIe u'or-rlti Iieelr guarcl o\er her. cllat'inq himself as straight as possible in Iiis scul rl'ilhor:t clisttrrbing hcr slccping boclr,. IIc''cl clanrp his.iarv lirnrlv shut in a husbancllilie irar," patient" ancl lieclt his cvcs steadv in the darlt. ['Ie n,ould do this in orcler tt'r iree|l panic irt a distancc. All that r,rrzrs requirecl of hinr \\/ls to ot-ttstarc tl-rc intage in the {loating blacl< glass of the rvindon,. that shorn. bcn,ilderccl stritnqer u,hosc prolrlc. fbr all its rau' boyishness. rcnrincled hinr. alalnringlr'. o{-'' o1'

C'alol Shields: l,Lrri't".s l)trr'l\'

I:or' \ e i.u's lr()\\'. thc rlcath pcnultr hirs bccrt Ircld up lt\ a tnltt'lier ot' cpli!.lrtcprlcrrt. distipt,rrishing thc crrltiyatccl statcs tIut brp it lioin tlrc [rrLrtislt oncs that still aclnrirristcr it. B-v this lneusure. the ri,orlcl is beconring a nrLrch nrolc rishleoLts place. u,ith li-s of 197 nations r.rou,ir.r the cLrltii,atccl carnp" trlr il'onr 105 a ilecacle ago u,hen pillars of'\\lestern civiliz-ation lilie Canacla and Ilritain slill enrploycci tltc cleath penaltl . lvlole srrrltrising ntcrlbcrs are bannint:, the ptrnishnrent ever)'Ironlh: thc lattcst
convells inclrrclc Albania^ Rll,'ancla ancl Uzbeliistarr-ancl nonc olthen-r \\itrs prei,ictusll l<rrou,n as a llaragorr ol respect tbr inclividLral lif-e. Nou' thev have bcen saltttcd bv IrLrrnan-r'iqhts Sr'()ulls lilic Anrncstl lnternalional fbr-cliscarding thc Ltltinrtte tttol ol' ol'1 rcial letribLrlion. IJLrt tlrc Ionger this list becoincs- thc nrore clLrbiotrs is its Ltsc as a rardsticli. ol'soe ictal trdr,anccntcnt. lLn,ancla has corne a lorrg uav sincc tltc gcnttcitic that took 800.00() livcs iu tlre 1990s. )'ct extra.iLrdicial liillings br st,re rnnre nI sce ut'itv lirlccs incleased in 1007. according to the U.S. Statc Dcpartlncltt. "ll l-ethal Dictators Bttn thc Dcath Penaltr', \\llro Carcs'1". NI-\\1S\\/ Apr 11. l(l(tlJ lssLtr,'

FilotoSki takultet u Beogradu Savrenreni engleslti iezili J\r


.januar 2008.

franslzrticln fl'onr English into Serbian 1 hour 20 nrinntes

IIe char-rlfeLrred Violet around. once to a s-vr"nposiunr in \\/inchester. and on the u'av slre grilled him abclut his ir-rterest in nrillenarian cr-rlts. \\/hat part clid
fhmine clr social chansc'have in provicling fblloners? Ancl u,ith their ar-rtiSenritisnr ancl atlacli.s on the Chr-n'ch aud the rnerchants. coulcln't the lur()\c-urL'nts be scen as an c'allr, lilnl of socialisnr o1- tlte Russizr-t 11,pe? And then. also provocativel\,. u,^sr-)'t nuclear ivar the modern etluirralent tci the Apocirlr'pse of the Ilook o1' ILevelation. and u,ere u'e not alu,a),s boirncl b1, t'xrr histon'ancl our guiltv traturcs to dreanr olour annihilation? L{c ansterecl nervousll,. conscioris that his intcllectLral mettle n,as be ir-tg tcstecl. l-le said he believccl the clif-ierer-rce bctu,een then zrncl no\\, \vils more inrportant than the siniilaritr,. [t rvas the differcnce betrvecr-r. on the onc hilncl. a lrrrirl and absLrlc'l ftntasv devised by a post-lron Age mvstic, thcn cnrbellishcd br his credulous nrcc]ierral ecluirzalents. ancl. on thc'other" thc: rationirl ltal ol-a possiblc and terril\ ing errc'r'rt it rvas in our po\\'er to 1-llcrrent.

lan N4clln'itn: Ori ('ltc.sil


safL' lesson 1o (lra\\' is thut the battlc lbr thc \\rhitc Iiorisc is ;.rn inurilr t'lrriil af flir. |1.1,s1-11111 i11o is Lrp iu thc air. 'l'hut is rrot.l rrst bccrrrrse this is thc' nrost opcrr clcction in Anrerica since 1928 (thc- last tinrc that no inctrnrbent prcsirlc-trt or vice-presiclcnt urs in tlrc race). -fhe_t'arc cleslrerate lbr "changc": rvith \()Lnrs pcolrle clving in llacl ancl the BLrsh aclrrinistration tr global b-r,rt'u,',, lbl'callotrs incompetencc. htrgc nLu.nbers of Arnericarrs have long believe'cl thc'ir countr\i is on the \vrong track. It is a nreastrre olhorv lar Mr Obarla has conre that lrc is tlre pcrsorr uhcr
has secrnccl closesl (albcit

'lhc rinlv

(llintou's- his appcal rcsts on an attractive optinrisnr. IIe calls hinrscll' a ''hopenr()ngcr : lte argrrcs tlrat changc cannot conre ilthe crlttnln is nrireci in the tllrl "llLrsh('lintorr" partisan politics. A clividecl. grlinrpv Anrerica's hopes clo scenr t() rcst tt,ith
\4r'Obarna - pr-rsr)nirble. conscnsus-seeking ancl capablc o1'clclivcring orator'\'o1-sonre brilliance" in ilefeat as rvell as victorr,.


a 1'et'clavs) to satisf_r'ing this neetl. Niorc tlran Mrs

Anrclica's Illeclion

- Up in the Air".

Tltc llt:ctrtorrii.r'/..[anLran i0th 2008


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